[Lldb-commits] [PATCH] D76806: Remove m_last_file_sp from SourceManager

2020-04-20 Thread Pavel Labath via Phabricator via lldb-commits
This revision was automatically updated to reflect the committed changes.
Closed by commit rG865996ddf626: [lldb] Remove m_last_file_sp from 
SourceManager (authored by emrekultursay, committed by labath).

Changed prior to commit:

  rG LLVM Github Monorepo




Index: lldb/test/API/commands/settings/use_source_cache/main.cpp
--- /dev/null
+++ lldb/test/API/commands/settings/use_source_cache/main.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,616 @@
+// This file should be large enough that LLDB decides to load it
+// using memory mapping. See:
+//   ⁠llvm/lib/Support/MemoryBuffer.cp:shouldUseMmap()
+int calc(int x0, int x1, int x2);
+int main(int argc, char const *argv[]) {
+  fprintf(stderr, "Hello, world => %d\n", calc(0, 1, 2));
+  return 0;
+// The name of this function is used in tests to set breakpoints by name.
+int calc(int x0, int x1, int x2) {
+  int x3 = x2 * x1 + x0;
+  int x4 = x3 * x2 + x1;
+  int x5 = x4 * x3 + x2;
+  int x6 = x5 * x4 + x3;
+  int x7 = x6 * x5 + x4;
+  int x8 = x7 * x6 + x5;
+  int x9 = x8 * x7 + x6;
+  int x10 = x9 * x8 + x7;
+  int x11 = x10 * x9 + x8;
+  int x12 = x11 * x10 + x9;
+  int x13 = x12 * x11 + x10;
+  int x14 = x13 * x12 + x11;
+  int x15 = x14 * x13 + x12;
+  int x16 = x15 * x14 + x13;
+  int x17 = x16 * x15 + x14;
+  int x18 = x17 * x16 + x15;
+  int x19 = x18 * x17 + x16;
+  int x20 = x19 * x18 + x17;
+  int x21 = x20 * x19 + x18;
+  int x22 = x21 * x20 + x19;
+  int x23 = x22 * x21 + x20;
+  int x24 = x23 * x22 + x21;
+  int x25 = x24 * x23 + x22;
+  int x26 = x25 * x24 + x23;
+  int x27 = x26 * x25 + x24;
+  int x28 = x27 * x26 + x25;
+  int x29 = x28 * x27 + x26;
+  int x30 = x29 * x28 + x27;
+  int x31 = x30 * x29 + x28;
+  int x32 = x31 * x30 + x29;
+  int x33 = x32 * x31 + x30;
+  int x34 = x33 * x32 + x31;
+  int x35 = x34 * x33 + x32;
+  int x36 = x35 * x34 + x33;
+  int x37 = x36 * x35 + x34;
+  int x38 = x37 * x36 + x35;
+  int x39 = x38 * x37 + x36;
+  int x40 = x39 * x38 + x37;
+  int x41 = x40 * x39 + x38;
+  int x42 = x41 * x40 + x39;
+  int x43 = x42 * x41 + x40;
+  int x44 = x43 * x42 + x41;
+  int x45 = x44 * x43 + x42;
+  int x46 = x45 * x44 + x43;
+  int x47 = x46 * x45 + x44;
+  int x48 = x47 * x46 + x45;
+  int x49 = x48 * x47 + x46;
+  int x50 = x49 * x48 + x47;
+  int x51 = x50 * x49 + x48;
+  int x52 = x51 * x50 + x49;
+  int x53 = x52 * x51 + x50;
+  int x54 = x53 * x52 + x51;
+  int x55 = x54 * x53 + x52;
+  int x56 = x55 * x54 + x53;
+  int x57 = x56 * x55 + x54;
+  int x58 = x57 * x56 + x55;
+  int x59 = x58 * x57 + x56;
+  int x60 = x59 * x58 + x57;
+  int x61 = x60 * x59 + x58;
+  int x62 = x61 * x60 + x59;
+  int x63 = x62 * x61 + x60;
+  int x64 = x63 * x62 + x61;
+  int x65 = x64 * x63 + x62;
+  int x66 = x65 * x64 + x63;
+  int x67 = x66 * x65 + x64;
+  int x68 = x67 * x66 + x65;
+  int x69 = x68 * x67 + x66;
+  int x70 = x69 * x68 + x67;
+  int x71 = x70 * x69 + x68;
+  int x72 = x71 * x70 + x69;
+  int x73 = x72 * x71 + x70;
+  int x74 = x73 * x72 + x71;
+  int x75 = x74 * x73 + x72;
+  int x76 = x75 * x74 + x73;
+  int x77 = x76 * x75 + x74;
+  int x78 = x77 * x76 + x75;
+  int x79 = x78 * x77 + x76;
+  int x80 = x79 * x78 + x77;
+  int x81 = x80 * x79 + x78;
+  int x82 = x81 * x80 + x79;
+  int x83 = x82 * x81 + x80;
+  int x84 = x83 * x82 + x81;
+  int x85 = x84 * x83 + x82;
+  int x86 = x85 * x84 + x83;
+  int x87 = x86 * x85 + x84;
+  int x88 = x87 * x86 + x85;
+  int x89 = x88 * x87 + x86;
+  int x90 = x89 * x88 + x87;
+  int x91 = x90 * x89 + x88;
+  int x92 = x91 * x90 + x89;
+  int x93 = x92 * x91 + x90;
+  int x94 = x93 * x92 + x91;
+  int x95 = x94 * x93 + x92;
+  int x96 = x95 * x94 + x93;
+  int x97 = x96 * x95 + x94;
+  int x98 = x97 * x96 + x95;
+  int x99 = x98 * x97 + x96;
+  int x100 = x99 * x98 + x97;
+  int x101 = x100 * x99 + x98;
+  int x102 = x101 * x100 + x99;
+  int x103 = x102 * x101 + x100;
+  int x104 = x103 * x102 + x101;
+  int x105 = x104 * x103 + x102;
+  int x106 = x105 * x104 + x103;
+  int x107 = x106 * x105 + x104;
+  int x108 = x107 * x106 + x105;
+  int x109 = x108 * x107 + x106;
+  int x110 = x109 * x108 + x107;
+  int x111 = x110 * x109 + x108;
+  int x112 = x111 * x110 + x109;
+  int x113 = x112 * x111 + x110;
+  int x114 = x113 * x112 + x111;
+  int x115 = x114 * x113 + x112;
+  int x116 = x115 * x114 + x113;
+  int x117 = x116 * x115 + x114;
+  int x118 = x117 * x116 + x115;
+  int x119 = x118 * x117 + x116;
+  int x120 = x119 * x118 + x117;
+  int x121 = x120 * x119 + x118;
+  int x122 = 

[Lldb-commits] [PATCH] D76806: Remove m_last_file_sp from SourceManager

2020-04-20 Thread Pavel Labath via Phabricator via lldb-commits
labath accepted this revision.
labath added a comment.
This revision is now accepted and ready to land.

In D76806#1973035 , @emrekultursay 

> Thanks for noticing the test breakages Pavel.  I fixed the bug, and verified 
> that the tests you mentioned pass. PTAL.

Everything looks fine now. Thanks for fixing that (it would be nice to mention 
what the bug was so one doesn't have to dig through the patch history to figure 
it out). I'm going to commit this shortly.

  rG LLVM Github Monorepo



lldb-commits mailing list

[Lldb-commits] [PATCH] D76806: Remove m_last_file_sp from SourceManager

2020-04-09 Thread Emre Kultursay via Phabricator via lldb-commits
emrekultursay added a comment.

Thanks for noticing the test breakages Pavel.  I fixed the bug, and verified 
that the tests you mentioned pass. PTAL.

  rG LLVM Github Monorepo



lldb-commits mailing list

[Lldb-commits] [PATCH] D76806: Remove m_last_file_sp from SourceManager

2020-04-09 Thread Emre Kultursay via Phabricator via lldb-commits
emrekultursay updated this revision to Diff 256416.
emrekultursay added a comment.

Fix broken tests.

  rG LLVM Github Monorepo




Index: lldb/test/API/commands/settings/use_source_cache/main.cpp
--- /dev/null
+++ lldb/test/API/commands/settings/use_source_cache/main.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,619 @@
+// This file should be large enough that LLDB decides to load it
+// using memory mapping. See:
+//   ⁠llvm/lib/Support/MemoryBuffer.cp:shouldUseMmap()
+int calc(int x0, int x1, int x2);
+main(int argc, char const *argv[])
+  fprintf(stderr, "Hello, world => %d\n", calc(0, 1, 2));
+  return 0;
+// The name of this function is used in tests to set breakpoints by name.
+int calc(int x0, int x1, int x2) {
+  int x3 = x2 * x1 + x0;
+  int x4 = x3 * x2 + x1;
+  int x5 = x4 * x3 + x2;
+  int x6 = x5 * x4 + x3;
+  int x7 = x6 * x5 + x4;
+  int x8 = x7 * x6 + x5;
+  int x9 = x8 * x7 + x6;
+  int x10 = x9 * x8 + x7;
+  int x11 = x10 * x9 + x8;
+  int x12 = x11 * x10 + x9;
+  int x13 = x12 * x11 + x10;
+  int x14 = x13 * x12 + x11;
+  int x15 = x14 * x13 + x12;
+  int x16 = x15 * x14 + x13;
+  int x17 = x16 * x15 + x14;
+  int x18 = x17 * x16 + x15;
+  int x19 = x18 * x17 + x16;
+  int x20 = x19 * x18 + x17;  
+  int x21 = x20 * x19 + x18;
+  int x22 = x21 * x20 + x19;
+  int x23 = x22 * x21 + x20;
+  int x24 = x23 * x22 + x21;
+  int x25 = x24 * x23 + x22;
+  int x26 = x25 * x24 + x23;
+  int x27 = x26 * x25 + x24;
+  int x28 = x27 * x26 + x25;
+  int x29 = x28 * x27 + x26;
+  int x30 = x29 * x28 + x27;
+  int x31 = x30 * x29 + x28;
+  int x32 = x31 * x30 + x29;
+  int x33 = x32 * x31 + x30;
+  int x34 = x33 * x32 + x31;
+  int x35 = x34 * x33 + x32;
+  int x36 = x35 * x34 + x33;
+  int x37 = x36 * x35 + x34;
+  int x38 = x37 * x36 + x35;
+  int x39 = x38 * x37 + x36;
+  int x40 = x39 * x38 + x37;
+  int x41 = x40 * x39 + x38;
+  int x42 = x41 * x40 + x39;
+  int x43 = x42 * x41 + x40;
+  int x44 = x43 * x42 + x41;
+  int x45 = x44 * x43 + x42;
+  int x46 = x45 * x44 + x43;
+  int x47 = x46 * x45 + x44;
+  int x48 = x47 * x46 + x45;
+  int x49 = x48 * x47 + x46;
+  int x50 = x49 * x48 + x47;
+  int x51 = x50 * x49 + x48;
+  int x52 = x51 * x50 + x49;
+  int x53 = x52 * x51 + x50;
+  int x54 = x53 * x52 + x51;
+  int x55 = x54 * x53 + x52;
+  int x56 = x55 * x54 + x53;
+  int x57 = x56 * x55 + x54;
+  int x58 = x57 * x56 + x55;
+  int x59 = x58 * x57 + x56;
+  int x60 = x59 * x58 + x57;
+  int x61 = x60 * x59 + x58;
+  int x62 = x61 * x60 + x59;
+  int x63 = x62 * x61 + x60;
+  int x64 = x63 * x62 + x61;
+  int x65 = x64 * x63 + x62;
+  int x66 = x65 * x64 + x63;
+  int x67 = x66 * x65 + x64;
+  int x68 = x67 * x66 + x65;
+  int x69 = x68 * x67 + x66;
+  int x70 = x69 * x68 + x67;
+  int x71 = x70 * x69 + x68;
+  int x72 = x71 * x70 + x69;
+  int x73 = x72 * x71 + x70;
+  int x74 = x73 * x72 + x71;
+  int x75 = x74 * x73 + x72;
+  int x76 = x75 * x74 + x73;
+  int x77 = x76 * x75 + x74;
+  int x78 = x77 * x76 + x75;
+  int x79 = x78 * x77 + x76;
+  int x80 = x79 * x78 + x77;
+  int x81 = x80 * x79 + x78;
+  int x82 = x81 * x80 + x79;
+  int x83 = x82 * x81 + x80;
+  int x84 = x83 * x82 + x81;
+  int x85 = x84 * x83 + x82;
+  int x86 = x85 * x84 + x83;
+  int x87 = x86 * x85 + x84;
+  int x88 = x87 * x86 + x85;
+  int x89 = x88 * x87 + x86;
+  int x90 = x89 * x88 + x87;
+  int x91 = x90 * x89 + x88;
+  int x92 = x91 * x90 + x89;
+  int x93 = x92 * x91 + x90;
+  int x94 = x93 * x92 + x91;
+  int x95 = x94 * x93 + x92;
+  int x96 = x95 * x94 + x93;
+  int x97 = x96 * x95 + x94;
+  int x98 = x97 * x96 + x95;
+  int x99 = x98 * x97 + x96;
+  int x100 = x99 * x98 + x97;
+  int x101 = x100 * x99 + x98;
+  int x102 = x101 * x100 + x99;
+  int x103 = x102 * x101 + x100;
+  int x104 = x103 * x102 + x101;
+  int x105 = x104 * x103 + x102;
+  int x106 = x105 * x104 + x103;
+  int x107 = x106 * x105 + x104;
+  int x108 = x107 * x106 + x105;
+  int x109 = x108 * x107 + x106;
+  int x110 = x109 * x108 + x107;
+  int x111 = x110 * x109 + x108;
+  int x112 = x111 * x110 + x109;
+  int x113 = x112 * x111 + x110;
+  int x114 = x113 * x112 + x111;
+  int x115 = x114 * x113 + x112;
+  int x116 = x115 * x114 + x113;
+  int x117 = x116 * x115 + x114;
+  int x118 = x117 * x116 + x115;
+  int x119 = x118 * x117 + x116;
+  int x120 = x119 * x118 + x117;
+  int x121 = x120 * x119 + x118;
+  int x122 = x121 * x120 + x119;
+  int x123 = x122 * x121 + x120;
+  int x124 = x123 * x122 + x121;
+  int x125 = x124 * x123 + x122;
+  int x126 = x125 * x124 + x123;
+  int x127 = x126 * 

[Lldb-commits] [PATCH] D76806: Remove m_last_file_sp from SourceManager

2020-04-09 Thread Pavel Labath via Phabricator via lldb-commits
labath requested changes to this revision.
labath added a comment.
This revision now requires changes to proceed.

I am afraid that the last patch in this series introduces a bunch of failures 
for me. The failures appear to be more-or-less consistent, but the impacted 
tests seem pretty random:

  lldb-api :: 
  lldb-api :: 
  lldb-api :: commands/watchpoints/hello_watchlocation/TestWatchLocation.py
  lldb-api :: commands/watchpoints/hello_watchpoint/TestMyFirstWatchpoint.py
  lldb-api :: commands/watchpoints/watchpoint_commands/TestWatchpointCommands.py
  lldb-api :: 
  lldb-api :: 
  lldb-api :: 
  lldb-api :: 
  lldb-api :: 
  lldb-api :: 
  lldb-api :: 
  lldb-api :: 
  lldb-api :: 
  lldb-api :: 
  lldb-api :: 
  lldb-api :: 
  lldb-api :: 
  lldb-api :: 
  lldb-api :: 
  lldb-api :: 
  lldb-api :: 
  lldb-api :: functionalities/plugins/python_os_plugin/TestPythonOSPlugin.py
  lldb-api :: functionalities/signal/handle-abrt/TestHandleAbort.py
  lldb-api :: functionalities/type_completion/TestTypeCompletion.py
  lldb-api :: lang/c/register_variables/TestRegisterVariables.py
  lldb-api :: lang/cpp/class_types/TestClassTypes.py
  lldb-api :: python_api/sbvalue_persist/TestSBValuePersist.py
  lldb-shell :: Driver/TestSingleQuote.test
  lldb-shell :: Settings/TestFrameFormatMangling.test

Reverting the last patch makes the problem go away, but I am not sure the 
problem is really there. Given that this series exposes a bunch of previously 
completely unused code, it could be that the problem is completely elsewhere.

Anyway, this needs to be redone somehow.

  rG LLVM Github Monorepo



lldb-commits mailing list

[Lldb-commits] [PATCH] D76806: Remove m_last_file_sp from SourceManager

2020-04-08 Thread Emre Kultursay via Phabricator via lldb-commits
emrekultursay added a comment.

I don't have commit access, can someone with access commit all three approved 
CLs in this stack?

  rG LLVM Github Monorepo



lldb-commits mailing list

[Lldb-commits] [PATCH] D76806: Remove m_last_file_sp from SourceManager

2020-04-01 Thread Emre Kultursay via Phabricator via lldb-commits
emrekultursay updated this revision to Diff 254292.
emrekultursay added a comment.

Fix missing use of GetLastFile

  rG LLVM Github Monorepo




Index: lldb/test/API/commands/settings/use_source_cache/main.cpp
--- /dev/null
+++ lldb/test/API/commands/settings/use_source_cache/main.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,619 @@
+// This file should be large enough that LLDB decides to load it
+// using memory mapping. See:
+//   ⁠llvm/lib/Support/MemoryBuffer.cp:shouldUseMmap()
+int calc(int x0, int x1, int x2);
+main(int argc, char const *argv[])
+  fprintf(stderr, "Hello, world => %d\n", calc(0, 1, 2));
+  return 0;
+// The name of this function is used in tests to set breakpoints by name.
+int calc(int x0, int x1, int x2) {
+  int x3 = x2 * x1 + x0;
+  int x4 = x3 * x2 + x1;
+  int x5 = x4 * x3 + x2;
+  int x6 = x5 * x4 + x3;
+  int x7 = x6 * x5 + x4;
+  int x8 = x7 * x6 + x5;
+  int x9 = x8 * x7 + x6;
+  int x10 = x9 * x8 + x7;
+  int x11 = x10 * x9 + x8;
+  int x12 = x11 * x10 + x9;
+  int x13 = x12 * x11 + x10;
+  int x14 = x13 * x12 + x11;
+  int x15 = x14 * x13 + x12;
+  int x16 = x15 * x14 + x13;
+  int x17 = x16 * x15 + x14;
+  int x18 = x17 * x16 + x15;
+  int x19 = x18 * x17 + x16;
+  int x20 = x19 * x18 + x17;  
+  int x21 = x20 * x19 + x18;
+  int x22 = x21 * x20 + x19;
+  int x23 = x22 * x21 + x20;
+  int x24 = x23 * x22 + x21;
+  int x25 = x24 * x23 + x22;
+  int x26 = x25 * x24 + x23;
+  int x27 = x26 * x25 + x24;
+  int x28 = x27 * x26 + x25;
+  int x29 = x28 * x27 + x26;
+  int x30 = x29 * x28 + x27;
+  int x31 = x30 * x29 + x28;
+  int x32 = x31 * x30 + x29;
+  int x33 = x32 * x31 + x30;
+  int x34 = x33 * x32 + x31;
+  int x35 = x34 * x33 + x32;
+  int x36 = x35 * x34 + x33;
+  int x37 = x36 * x35 + x34;
+  int x38 = x37 * x36 + x35;
+  int x39 = x38 * x37 + x36;
+  int x40 = x39 * x38 + x37;
+  int x41 = x40 * x39 + x38;
+  int x42 = x41 * x40 + x39;
+  int x43 = x42 * x41 + x40;
+  int x44 = x43 * x42 + x41;
+  int x45 = x44 * x43 + x42;
+  int x46 = x45 * x44 + x43;
+  int x47 = x46 * x45 + x44;
+  int x48 = x47 * x46 + x45;
+  int x49 = x48 * x47 + x46;
+  int x50 = x49 * x48 + x47;
+  int x51 = x50 * x49 + x48;
+  int x52 = x51 * x50 + x49;
+  int x53 = x52 * x51 + x50;
+  int x54 = x53 * x52 + x51;
+  int x55 = x54 * x53 + x52;
+  int x56 = x55 * x54 + x53;
+  int x57 = x56 * x55 + x54;
+  int x58 = x57 * x56 + x55;
+  int x59 = x58 * x57 + x56;
+  int x60 = x59 * x58 + x57;
+  int x61 = x60 * x59 + x58;
+  int x62 = x61 * x60 + x59;
+  int x63 = x62 * x61 + x60;
+  int x64 = x63 * x62 + x61;
+  int x65 = x64 * x63 + x62;
+  int x66 = x65 * x64 + x63;
+  int x67 = x66 * x65 + x64;
+  int x68 = x67 * x66 + x65;
+  int x69 = x68 * x67 + x66;
+  int x70 = x69 * x68 + x67;
+  int x71 = x70 * x69 + x68;
+  int x72 = x71 * x70 + x69;
+  int x73 = x72 * x71 + x70;
+  int x74 = x73 * x72 + x71;
+  int x75 = x74 * x73 + x72;
+  int x76 = x75 * x74 + x73;
+  int x77 = x76 * x75 + x74;
+  int x78 = x77 * x76 + x75;
+  int x79 = x78 * x77 + x76;
+  int x80 = x79 * x78 + x77;
+  int x81 = x80 * x79 + x78;
+  int x82 = x81 * x80 + x79;
+  int x83 = x82 * x81 + x80;
+  int x84 = x83 * x82 + x81;
+  int x85 = x84 * x83 + x82;
+  int x86 = x85 * x84 + x83;
+  int x87 = x86 * x85 + x84;
+  int x88 = x87 * x86 + x85;
+  int x89 = x88 * x87 + x86;
+  int x90 = x89 * x88 + x87;
+  int x91 = x90 * x89 + x88;
+  int x92 = x91 * x90 + x89;
+  int x93 = x92 * x91 + x90;
+  int x94 = x93 * x92 + x91;
+  int x95 = x94 * x93 + x92;
+  int x96 = x95 * x94 + x93;
+  int x97 = x96 * x95 + x94;
+  int x98 = x97 * x96 + x95;
+  int x99 = x98 * x97 + x96;
+  int x100 = x99 * x98 + x97;
+  int x101 = x100 * x99 + x98;
+  int x102 = x101 * x100 + x99;
+  int x103 = x102 * x101 + x100;
+  int x104 = x103 * x102 + x101;
+  int x105 = x104 * x103 + x102;
+  int x106 = x105 * x104 + x103;
+  int x107 = x106 * x105 + x104;
+  int x108 = x107 * x106 + x105;
+  int x109 = x108 * x107 + x106;
+  int x110 = x109 * x108 + x107;
+  int x111 = x110 * x109 + x108;
+  int x112 = x111 * x110 + x109;
+  int x113 = x112 * x111 + x110;
+  int x114 = x113 * x112 + x111;
+  int x115 = x114 * x113 + x112;
+  int x116 = x115 * x114 + x113;
+  int x117 = x116 * x115 + x114;
+  int x118 = x117 * x116 + x115;
+  int x119 = x118 * x117 + x116;
+  int x120 = x119 * x118 + x117;
+  int x121 = x120 * x119 + x118;
+  int x122 = x121 * x120 + x119;
+  int x123 = x122 * x121 + x120;
+  int x124 = x123 * x122 + x121;
+  int x125 = x124 * x123 + x122;
+  int x126 = x125 * x124 + x123;
+  int 

[Lldb-commits] [PATCH] D76806: Remove m_last_file_sp from SourceManager

2020-04-01 Thread Jim Ingham via Phabricator via lldb-commits
jingham accepted this revision.
jingham added a comment.

There was one missing use of GetLastFile (as opposed to doing it by hand.)

Getting the default file is not used in any performance critical way that I'm 
aware of.  It's mostly used for "break set -l" with no "-f" and list with no 
arguments and commands of that sort.  So the extra lookup to get the FileSP 
from the source manager instead of caching it directly should not cause 
problems.  And if you asked not to cache, you've already decided to pay the 
cost for that.

LGTM with that trivial fix.

Comment at: lldb/source/Core/SourceManager.cpp:175-176
-  if (m_last_file_sp.get()) {
+  FileSP last_file_sp(GetFile(m_last_file_spec));
+  if (last_file_sp.get()) {
 const uint32_t end_line = start_line + count - 1;

labath wrote:
> `if(FileSP last_file_sp = GetLastFile())`
Doesn't look like this got converted to GetLastFile.

  rG LLVM Github Monorepo



lldb-commits mailing list

[Lldb-commits] [PATCH] D76806: Remove m_last_file_sp from SourceManager

2020-04-01 Thread Emre Kultursay via Phabricator via lldb-commits
emrekultursay updated this revision to Diff 254241.
emrekultursay marked an inline comment as done.
emrekultursay added a comment.

use assertGreater instead of assertTrue(x>y)

  rG LLVM Github Monorepo




Index: lldb/test/API/commands/settings/use_source_cache/main.cpp
--- /dev/null
+++ lldb/test/API/commands/settings/use_source_cache/main.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,619 @@
+// This file should be large enough that LLDB decides to load it
+// using memory mapping. See:
+//   ⁠llvm/lib/Support/MemoryBuffer.cp:shouldUseMmap()
+int calc(int x0, int x1, int x2);
+main(int argc, char const *argv[])
+  fprintf(stderr, "Hello, world => %d\n", calc(0, 1, 2));
+  return 0;
+// The name of this function is used in tests to set breakpoints by name.
+int calc(int x0, int x1, int x2) {
+  int x3 = x2 * x1 + x0;
+  int x4 = x3 * x2 + x1;
+  int x5 = x4 * x3 + x2;
+  int x6 = x5 * x4 + x3;
+  int x7 = x6 * x5 + x4;
+  int x8 = x7 * x6 + x5;
+  int x9 = x8 * x7 + x6;
+  int x10 = x9 * x8 + x7;
+  int x11 = x10 * x9 + x8;
+  int x12 = x11 * x10 + x9;
+  int x13 = x12 * x11 + x10;
+  int x14 = x13 * x12 + x11;
+  int x15 = x14 * x13 + x12;
+  int x16 = x15 * x14 + x13;
+  int x17 = x16 * x15 + x14;
+  int x18 = x17 * x16 + x15;
+  int x19 = x18 * x17 + x16;
+  int x20 = x19 * x18 + x17;  
+  int x21 = x20 * x19 + x18;
+  int x22 = x21 * x20 + x19;
+  int x23 = x22 * x21 + x20;
+  int x24 = x23 * x22 + x21;
+  int x25 = x24 * x23 + x22;
+  int x26 = x25 * x24 + x23;
+  int x27 = x26 * x25 + x24;
+  int x28 = x27 * x26 + x25;
+  int x29 = x28 * x27 + x26;
+  int x30 = x29 * x28 + x27;
+  int x31 = x30 * x29 + x28;
+  int x32 = x31 * x30 + x29;
+  int x33 = x32 * x31 + x30;
+  int x34 = x33 * x32 + x31;
+  int x35 = x34 * x33 + x32;
+  int x36 = x35 * x34 + x33;
+  int x37 = x36 * x35 + x34;
+  int x38 = x37 * x36 + x35;
+  int x39 = x38 * x37 + x36;
+  int x40 = x39 * x38 + x37;
+  int x41 = x40 * x39 + x38;
+  int x42 = x41 * x40 + x39;
+  int x43 = x42 * x41 + x40;
+  int x44 = x43 * x42 + x41;
+  int x45 = x44 * x43 + x42;
+  int x46 = x45 * x44 + x43;
+  int x47 = x46 * x45 + x44;
+  int x48 = x47 * x46 + x45;
+  int x49 = x48 * x47 + x46;
+  int x50 = x49 * x48 + x47;
+  int x51 = x50 * x49 + x48;
+  int x52 = x51 * x50 + x49;
+  int x53 = x52 * x51 + x50;
+  int x54 = x53 * x52 + x51;
+  int x55 = x54 * x53 + x52;
+  int x56 = x55 * x54 + x53;
+  int x57 = x56 * x55 + x54;
+  int x58 = x57 * x56 + x55;
+  int x59 = x58 * x57 + x56;
+  int x60 = x59 * x58 + x57;
+  int x61 = x60 * x59 + x58;
+  int x62 = x61 * x60 + x59;
+  int x63 = x62 * x61 + x60;
+  int x64 = x63 * x62 + x61;
+  int x65 = x64 * x63 + x62;
+  int x66 = x65 * x64 + x63;
+  int x67 = x66 * x65 + x64;
+  int x68 = x67 * x66 + x65;
+  int x69 = x68 * x67 + x66;
+  int x70 = x69 * x68 + x67;
+  int x71 = x70 * x69 + x68;
+  int x72 = x71 * x70 + x69;
+  int x73 = x72 * x71 + x70;
+  int x74 = x73 * x72 + x71;
+  int x75 = x74 * x73 + x72;
+  int x76 = x75 * x74 + x73;
+  int x77 = x76 * x75 + x74;
+  int x78 = x77 * x76 + x75;
+  int x79 = x78 * x77 + x76;
+  int x80 = x79 * x78 + x77;
+  int x81 = x80 * x79 + x78;
+  int x82 = x81 * x80 + x79;
+  int x83 = x82 * x81 + x80;
+  int x84 = x83 * x82 + x81;
+  int x85 = x84 * x83 + x82;
+  int x86 = x85 * x84 + x83;
+  int x87 = x86 * x85 + x84;
+  int x88 = x87 * x86 + x85;
+  int x89 = x88 * x87 + x86;
+  int x90 = x89 * x88 + x87;
+  int x91 = x90 * x89 + x88;
+  int x92 = x91 * x90 + x89;
+  int x93 = x92 * x91 + x90;
+  int x94 = x93 * x92 + x91;
+  int x95 = x94 * x93 + x92;
+  int x96 = x95 * x94 + x93;
+  int x97 = x96 * x95 + x94;
+  int x98 = x97 * x96 + x95;
+  int x99 = x98 * x97 + x96;
+  int x100 = x99 * x98 + x97;
+  int x101 = x100 * x99 + x98;
+  int x102 = x101 * x100 + x99;
+  int x103 = x102 * x101 + x100;
+  int x104 = x103 * x102 + x101;
+  int x105 = x104 * x103 + x102;
+  int x106 = x105 * x104 + x103;
+  int x107 = x106 * x105 + x104;
+  int x108 = x107 * x106 + x105;
+  int x109 = x108 * x107 + x106;
+  int x110 = x109 * x108 + x107;
+  int x111 = x110 * x109 + x108;
+  int x112 = x111 * x110 + x109;
+  int x113 = x112 * x111 + x110;
+  int x114 = x113 * x112 + x111;
+  int x115 = x114 * x113 + x112;
+  int x116 = x115 * x114 + x113;
+  int x117 = x116 * x115 + x114;
+  int x118 = x117 * x116 + x115;
+  int x119 = x118 * x117 + x116;
+  int x120 = x119 * x118 + x117;
+  int x121 = x120 * x119 + x118;
+  int x122 = x121 * x120 + x119;
+  int x123 = x122 * x121 + x120;
+  int x124 = x123 * x122 + x121;
+  int x125 = 

[Lldb-commits] [PATCH] D76806: Remove m_last_file_sp from SourceManager

2020-04-01 Thread Pavel Labath via Phabricator via lldb-commits
labath accepted this revision.
labath added a comment.
This revision is now accepted and ready to land.

I think this is fine now. Jim, do you have any more thoughts on this patchset?

Comment at: 
+# Make sure source file is bigger than 16K to trigger memory mapping
+self.assertTrue(os.stat(src).st_size > (4*4096))


  rG LLVM Github Monorepo



lldb-commits mailing list

[Lldb-commits] [PATCH] D76806: Remove m_last_file_sp from SourceManager

2020-03-30 Thread Emre Kultursay via Phabricator via lldb-commits
emrekultursay updated this revision to Diff 253651.
emrekultursay added a comment.

Fix formatting.

  rG LLVM Github Monorepo




Index: lldb/test/API/commands/settings/use_source_cache/main.cpp
--- /dev/null
+++ lldb/test/API/commands/settings/use_source_cache/main.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,619 @@
+// This file should be large enough that LLDB decides to load it
+// using memory mapping. See:
+//   ⁠llvm/lib/Support/MemoryBuffer.cp:shouldUseMmap()
+int calc(int x0, int x1, int x2);
+main(int argc, char const *argv[])
+  fprintf(stderr, "Hello, world => %d\n", calc(0, 1, 2));
+  return 0;
+// The name of this function is used in tests to set breakpoints by name.
+int calc(int x0, int x1, int x2) {
+  int x3 = x2 * x1 + x0;
+  int x4 = x3 * x2 + x1;
+  int x5 = x4 * x3 + x2;
+  int x6 = x5 * x4 + x3;
+  int x7 = x6 * x5 + x4;
+  int x8 = x7 * x6 + x5;
+  int x9 = x8 * x7 + x6;
+  int x10 = x9 * x8 + x7;
+  int x11 = x10 * x9 + x8;
+  int x12 = x11 * x10 + x9;
+  int x13 = x12 * x11 + x10;
+  int x14 = x13 * x12 + x11;
+  int x15 = x14 * x13 + x12;
+  int x16 = x15 * x14 + x13;
+  int x17 = x16 * x15 + x14;
+  int x18 = x17 * x16 + x15;
+  int x19 = x18 * x17 + x16;
+  int x20 = x19 * x18 + x17;  
+  int x21 = x20 * x19 + x18;
+  int x22 = x21 * x20 + x19;
+  int x23 = x22 * x21 + x20;
+  int x24 = x23 * x22 + x21;
+  int x25 = x24 * x23 + x22;
+  int x26 = x25 * x24 + x23;
+  int x27 = x26 * x25 + x24;
+  int x28 = x27 * x26 + x25;
+  int x29 = x28 * x27 + x26;
+  int x30 = x29 * x28 + x27;
+  int x31 = x30 * x29 + x28;
+  int x32 = x31 * x30 + x29;
+  int x33 = x32 * x31 + x30;
+  int x34 = x33 * x32 + x31;
+  int x35 = x34 * x33 + x32;
+  int x36 = x35 * x34 + x33;
+  int x37 = x36 * x35 + x34;
+  int x38 = x37 * x36 + x35;
+  int x39 = x38 * x37 + x36;
+  int x40 = x39 * x38 + x37;
+  int x41 = x40 * x39 + x38;
+  int x42 = x41 * x40 + x39;
+  int x43 = x42 * x41 + x40;
+  int x44 = x43 * x42 + x41;
+  int x45 = x44 * x43 + x42;
+  int x46 = x45 * x44 + x43;
+  int x47 = x46 * x45 + x44;
+  int x48 = x47 * x46 + x45;
+  int x49 = x48 * x47 + x46;
+  int x50 = x49 * x48 + x47;
+  int x51 = x50 * x49 + x48;
+  int x52 = x51 * x50 + x49;
+  int x53 = x52 * x51 + x50;
+  int x54 = x53 * x52 + x51;
+  int x55 = x54 * x53 + x52;
+  int x56 = x55 * x54 + x53;
+  int x57 = x56 * x55 + x54;
+  int x58 = x57 * x56 + x55;
+  int x59 = x58 * x57 + x56;
+  int x60 = x59 * x58 + x57;
+  int x61 = x60 * x59 + x58;
+  int x62 = x61 * x60 + x59;
+  int x63 = x62 * x61 + x60;
+  int x64 = x63 * x62 + x61;
+  int x65 = x64 * x63 + x62;
+  int x66 = x65 * x64 + x63;
+  int x67 = x66 * x65 + x64;
+  int x68 = x67 * x66 + x65;
+  int x69 = x68 * x67 + x66;
+  int x70 = x69 * x68 + x67;
+  int x71 = x70 * x69 + x68;
+  int x72 = x71 * x70 + x69;
+  int x73 = x72 * x71 + x70;
+  int x74 = x73 * x72 + x71;
+  int x75 = x74 * x73 + x72;
+  int x76 = x75 * x74 + x73;
+  int x77 = x76 * x75 + x74;
+  int x78 = x77 * x76 + x75;
+  int x79 = x78 * x77 + x76;
+  int x80 = x79 * x78 + x77;
+  int x81 = x80 * x79 + x78;
+  int x82 = x81 * x80 + x79;
+  int x83 = x82 * x81 + x80;
+  int x84 = x83 * x82 + x81;
+  int x85 = x84 * x83 + x82;
+  int x86 = x85 * x84 + x83;
+  int x87 = x86 * x85 + x84;
+  int x88 = x87 * x86 + x85;
+  int x89 = x88 * x87 + x86;
+  int x90 = x89 * x88 + x87;
+  int x91 = x90 * x89 + x88;
+  int x92 = x91 * x90 + x89;
+  int x93 = x92 * x91 + x90;
+  int x94 = x93 * x92 + x91;
+  int x95 = x94 * x93 + x92;
+  int x96 = x95 * x94 + x93;
+  int x97 = x96 * x95 + x94;
+  int x98 = x97 * x96 + x95;
+  int x99 = x98 * x97 + x96;
+  int x100 = x99 * x98 + x97;
+  int x101 = x100 * x99 + x98;
+  int x102 = x101 * x100 + x99;
+  int x103 = x102 * x101 + x100;
+  int x104 = x103 * x102 + x101;
+  int x105 = x104 * x103 + x102;
+  int x106 = x105 * x104 + x103;
+  int x107 = x106 * x105 + x104;
+  int x108 = x107 * x106 + x105;
+  int x109 = x108 * x107 + x106;
+  int x110 = x109 * x108 + x107;
+  int x111 = x110 * x109 + x108;
+  int x112 = x111 * x110 + x109;
+  int x113 = x112 * x111 + x110;
+  int x114 = x113 * x112 + x111;
+  int x115 = x114 * x113 + x112;
+  int x116 = x115 * x114 + x113;
+  int x117 = x116 * x115 + x114;
+  int x118 = x117 * x116 + x115;
+  int x119 = x118 * x117 + x116;
+  int x120 = x119 * x118 + x117;
+  int x121 = x120 * x119 + x118;
+  int x122 = x121 * x120 + x119;
+  int x123 = x122 * x121 + x120;
+  int x124 = x123 * x122 + x121;
+  int x125 = x124 * x123 + x122;
+  int x126 = x125 * x124 + x123;
+  int x127 = x126 * 

[Lldb-commits] [PATCH] D76806: Remove m_last_file_sp from SourceManager

2020-03-30 Thread Emre Kultursay via Phabricator via lldb-commits
emrekultursay updated this revision to Diff 253648.
emrekultursay marked 6 inline comments as done.
emrekultursay added a comment.

PTAL. Applied suggested changes, thanks for the review!

  rG LLVM Github Monorepo




Index: lldb/test/API/commands/settings/use_source_cache/main.cpp
--- /dev/null
+++ lldb/test/API/commands/settings/use_source_cache/main.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,619 @@
+// This file should be large enough that LLDB decides to load it
+// using memory mapping. See:
+//   ⁠llvm/lib/Support/MemoryBuffer.cp:shouldUseMmap()
+int calc(int x0, int x1, int x2);
+main(int argc, char const *argv[])
+  fprintf(stderr, "Hello, world => %d\n", calc(0, 1, 2));
+  return 0;
+// The name of this function is used in tests to set breakpoints by name.
+int calc(int x0, int x1, int x2) {
+  int x3 = x2 * x1 + x0;
+  int x4 = x3 * x2 + x1;
+  int x5 = x4 * x3 + x2;
+  int x6 = x5 * x4 + x3;
+  int x7 = x6 * x5 + x4;
+  int x8 = x7 * x6 + x5;
+  int x9 = x8 * x7 + x6;
+  int x10 = x9 * x8 + x7;
+  int x11 = x10 * x9 + x8;
+  int x12 = x11 * x10 + x9;
+  int x13 = x12 * x11 + x10;
+  int x14 = x13 * x12 + x11;
+  int x15 = x14 * x13 + x12;
+  int x16 = x15 * x14 + x13;
+  int x17 = x16 * x15 + x14;
+  int x18 = x17 * x16 + x15;
+  int x19 = x18 * x17 + x16;
+  int x20 = x19 * x18 + x17;  
+  int x21 = x20 * x19 + x18;
+  int x22 = x21 * x20 + x19;
+  int x23 = x22 * x21 + x20;
+  int x24 = x23 * x22 + x21;
+  int x25 = x24 * x23 + x22;
+  int x26 = x25 * x24 + x23;
+  int x27 = x26 * x25 + x24;
+  int x28 = x27 * x26 + x25;
+  int x29 = x28 * x27 + x26;
+  int x30 = x29 * x28 + x27;
+  int x31 = x30 * x29 + x28;
+  int x32 = x31 * x30 + x29;
+  int x33 = x32 * x31 + x30;
+  int x34 = x33 * x32 + x31;
+  int x35 = x34 * x33 + x32;
+  int x36 = x35 * x34 + x33;
+  int x37 = x36 * x35 + x34;
+  int x38 = x37 * x36 + x35;
+  int x39 = x38 * x37 + x36;
+  int x40 = x39 * x38 + x37;
+  int x41 = x40 * x39 + x38;
+  int x42 = x41 * x40 + x39;
+  int x43 = x42 * x41 + x40;
+  int x44 = x43 * x42 + x41;
+  int x45 = x44 * x43 + x42;
+  int x46 = x45 * x44 + x43;
+  int x47 = x46 * x45 + x44;
+  int x48 = x47 * x46 + x45;
+  int x49 = x48 * x47 + x46;
+  int x50 = x49 * x48 + x47;
+  int x51 = x50 * x49 + x48;
+  int x52 = x51 * x50 + x49;
+  int x53 = x52 * x51 + x50;
+  int x54 = x53 * x52 + x51;
+  int x55 = x54 * x53 + x52;
+  int x56 = x55 * x54 + x53;
+  int x57 = x56 * x55 + x54;
+  int x58 = x57 * x56 + x55;
+  int x59 = x58 * x57 + x56;
+  int x60 = x59 * x58 + x57;
+  int x61 = x60 * x59 + x58;
+  int x62 = x61 * x60 + x59;
+  int x63 = x62 * x61 + x60;
+  int x64 = x63 * x62 + x61;
+  int x65 = x64 * x63 + x62;
+  int x66 = x65 * x64 + x63;
+  int x67 = x66 * x65 + x64;
+  int x68 = x67 * x66 + x65;
+  int x69 = x68 * x67 + x66;
+  int x70 = x69 * x68 + x67;
+  int x71 = x70 * x69 + x68;
+  int x72 = x71 * x70 + x69;
+  int x73 = x72 * x71 + x70;
+  int x74 = x73 * x72 + x71;
+  int x75 = x74 * x73 + x72;
+  int x76 = x75 * x74 + x73;
+  int x77 = x76 * x75 + x74;
+  int x78 = x77 * x76 + x75;
+  int x79 = x78 * x77 + x76;
+  int x80 = x79 * x78 + x77;
+  int x81 = x80 * x79 + x78;
+  int x82 = x81 * x80 + x79;
+  int x83 = x82 * x81 + x80;
+  int x84 = x83 * x82 + x81;
+  int x85 = x84 * x83 + x82;
+  int x86 = x85 * x84 + x83;
+  int x87 = x86 * x85 + x84;
+  int x88 = x87 * x86 + x85;
+  int x89 = x88 * x87 + x86;
+  int x90 = x89 * x88 + x87;
+  int x91 = x90 * x89 + x88;
+  int x92 = x91 * x90 + x89;
+  int x93 = x92 * x91 + x90;
+  int x94 = x93 * x92 + x91;
+  int x95 = x94 * x93 + x92;
+  int x96 = x95 * x94 + x93;
+  int x97 = x96 * x95 + x94;
+  int x98 = x97 * x96 + x95;
+  int x99 = x98 * x97 + x96;
+  int x100 = x99 * x98 + x97;
+  int x101 = x100 * x99 + x98;
+  int x102 = x101 * x100 + x99;
+  int x103 = x102 * x101 + x100;
+  int x104 = x103 * x102 + x101;
+  int x105 = x104 * x103 + x102;
+  int x106 = x105 * x104 + x103;
+  int x107 = x106 * x105 + x104;
+  int x108 = x107 * x106 + x105;
+  int x109 = x108 * x107 + x106;
+  int x110 = x109 * x108 + x107;
+  int x111 = x110 * x109 + x108;
+  int x112 = x111 * x110 + x109;
+  int x113 = x112 * x111 + x110;
+  int x114 = x113 * x112 + x111;
+  int x115 = x114 * x113 + x112;
+  int x116 = x115 * x114 + x113;
+  int x117 = x116 * x115 + x114;
+  int x118 = x117 * x116 + x115;
+  int x119 = x118 * x117 + x116;
+  int x120 = x119 * x118 + x117;
+  int x121 = x120 * x119 + x118;
+  int x122 = x121 * x120 + x119;
+  int x123 = x122 * x121 + x120;
+  int x124 = x123 * x122 + x121;

[Lldb-commits] [PATCH] D76806: Remove m_last_file_sp from SourceManager

2020-03-30 Thread Pavel Labath via Phabricator via lldb-commits
labath added inline comments.

Comment at: 
+def test_set_use_source_cache_false(self):

Could you remove this decorator? The test is not extremely interesting on 
non-windows hosts, but the flow should still work, so there's no harm in 
testing it.

Comment at: 
+def test_set_use_source_cache_true(self):

technically, this should be `hostoslist=no_match(...)`

Comment at: 
+exe = self.getBuildArtifact("a.out")
+self.runCmd("file " + exe, CURRENT_EXECUTABLE_SET)
+# Enable/Disable source cache
+"settings set use-source-cache " +

All of this could be done via a single `lldbutil.run_to_source_breakpoint` call 
(that's a fairly new thing, so it's possible the test you based this on is not 
using it yet).

Comment at: 
+# Get paths for source files: header.h, header2.h
+src_file = self.getSourcePath("header.h")

Please avoid modifying the source tree. You can take a look at 
`test/API/source-manager/Makefile` to see how to build binaries with sources in 
the build tree.

Comment at: 
+if is_cache_enabled and is_file_removed:
+raise Exception("Source cache is enabled, but delete file 

if is_cache_enabled:
(and similarly for the other case).

Comment at: lldb/test/API/commands/settings/use_source_cache/header.h:1
+// This file should be large enough that LLDB decides to load it
+// using memory mapping. See:

Does this need to be in a separate file? Could you just put it into main.cpp ?

  rG LLVM Github Monorepo



lldb-commits mailing list

[Lldb-commits] [PATCH] D76806: Remove m_last_file_sp from SourceManager

2020-03-27 Thread Emre Kultursay via Phabricator via lldb-commits
emrekultursay added a comment.


  rG LLVM Github Monorepo



lldb-commits mailing list

[Lldb-commits] [PATCH] D76806: Remove m_last_file_sp from SourceManager

2020-03-27 Thread Emre Kultursay via Phabricator via lldb-commits
emrekultursay updated this revision to Diff 253260.
emrekultursay added a comment.

Cleanup the Python test to make it a bit more readable

  rG LLVM Github Monorepo




Index: lldb/test/API/commands/settings/use_source_cache/main.cpp
--- /dev/null
+++ lldb/test/API/commands/settings/use_source_cache/main.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+#include "header.h"
+main(int argc, char const *argv[])
+  fprintf(stderr, "Hello, world => %d\n", calc(0, 1, 2));
+  return 0;
Index: lldb/test/API/commands/settings/use_source_cache/header.h
--- /dev/null
+++ lldb/test/API/commands/settings/use_source_cache/header.h
@@ -0,0 +1,607 @@
+// This file should be large enough that LLDB decides to load it
+// using memory mapping. See:
+//   ⁠llvm/lib/Support/MemoryBuffer.cp:shouldUseMmap()
+// The name of this function is used in tests to set breakpoints by name.
+int calc(int x0, int x1, int x2) {
+  int x3 = x2 * x1 + x0;
+  int x4 = x3 * x2 + x1;
+  int x5 = x4 * x3 + x2;
+  int x6 = x5 * x4 + x3;
+  int x7 = x6 * x5 + x4;
+  int x8 = x7 * x6 + x5;
+  int x9 = x8 * x7 + x6;
+  int x10 = x9 * x8 + x7;
+  int x11 = x10 * x9 + x8;
+  int x12 = x11 * x10 + x9;
+  int x13 = x12 * x11 + x10;
+  int x14 = x13 * x12 + x11;
+  int x15 = x14 * x13 + x12;
+  int x16 = x15 * x14 + x13;
+  int x17 = x16 * x15 + x14;
+  int x18 = x17 * x16 + x15;
+  int x19 = x18 * x17 + x16;
+  int x20 = x19 * x18 + x17;  
+  int x21 = x20 * x19 + x18;
+  int x22 = x21 * x20 + x19;
+  int x23 = x22 * x21 + x20;
+  int x24 = x23 * x22 + x21;
+  int x25 = x24 * x23 + x22;
+  int x26 = x25 * x24 + x23;
+  int x27 = x26 * x25 + x24;
+  int x28 = x27 * x26 + x25;
+  int x29 = x28 * x27 + x26;
+  int x30 = x29 * x28 + x27;
+  int x31 = x30 * x29 + x28;
+  int x32 = x31 * x30 + x29;
+  int x33 = x32 * x31 + x30;
+  int x34 = x33 * x32 + x31;
+  int x35 = x34 * x33 + x32;
+  int x36 = x35 * x34 + x33;
+  int x37 = x36 * x35 + x34;
+  int x38 = x37 * x36 + x35;
+  int x39 = x38 * x37 + x36;
+  int x40 = x39 * x38 + x37;
+  int x41 = x40 * x39 + x38;
+  int x42 = x41 * x40 + x39;
+  int x43 = x42 * x41 + x40;
+  int x44 = x43 * x42 + x41;
+  int x45 = x44 * x43 + x42;
+  int x46 = x45 * x44 + x43;
+  int x47 = x46 * x45 + x44;
+  int x48 = x47 * x46 + x45;
+  int x49 = x48 * x47 + x46;
+  int x50 = x49 * x48 + x47;
+  int x51 = x50 * x49 + x48;
+  int x52 = x51 * x50 + x49;
+  int x53 = x52 * x51 + x50;
+  int x54 = x53 * x52 + x51;
+  int x55 = x54 * x53 + x52;
+  int x56 = x55 * x54 + x53;
+  int x57 = x56 * x55 + x54;
+  int x58 = x57 * x56 + x55;
+  int x59 = x58 * x57 + x56;
+  int x60 = x59 * x58 + x57;
+  int x61 = x60 * x59 + x58;
+  int x62 = x61 * x60 + x59;
+  int x63 = x62 * x61 + x60;
+  int x64 = x63 * x62 + x61;
+  int x65 = x64 * x63 + x62;
+  int x66 = x65 * x64 + x63;
+  int x67 = x66 * x65 + x64;
+  int x68 = x67 * x66 + x65;
+  int x69 = x68 * x67 + x66;
+  int x70 = x69 * x68 + x67;
+  int x71 = x70 * x69 + x68;
+  int x72 = x71 * x70 + x69;
+  int x73 = x72 * x71 + x70;
+  int x74 = x73 * x72 + x71;
+  int x75 = x74 * x73 + x72;
+  int x76 = x75 * x74 + x73;
+  int x77 = x76 * x75 + x74;
+  int x78 = x77 * x76 + x75;
+  int x79 = x78 * x77 + x76;
+  int x80 = x79 * x78 + x77;
+  int x81 = x80 * x79 + x78;
+  int x82 = x81 * x80 + x79;
+  int x83 = x82 * x81 + x80;
+  int x84 = x83 * x82 + x81;
+  int x85 = x84 * x83 + x82;
+  int x86 = x85 * x84 + x83;
+  int x87 = x86 * x85 + x84;
+  int x88 = x87 * x86 + x85;
+  int x89 = x88 * x87 + x86;
+  int x90 = x89 * x88 + x87;
+  int x91 = x90 * x89 + x88;
+  int x92 = x91 * x90 + x89;
+  int x93 = x92 * x91 + x90;
+  int x94 = x93 * x92 + x91;
+  int x95 = x94 * x93 + x92;
+  int x96 = x95 * x94 + x93;
+  int x97 = x96 * x95 + x94;
+  int x98 = x97 * x96 + x95;
+  int x99 = x98 * x97 + x96;
+  int x100 = x99 * x98 + x97;
+  int x101 = x100 * x99 + x98;
+  int x102 = x101 * x100 + x99;
+  int x103 = x102 * x101 + x100;
+  int x104 = x103 * x102 + x101;
+  int x105 = x104 * x103 + x102;
+  int x106 = x105 * x104 + x103;
+  int x107 = x106 * x105 + x104;
+  int x108 = x107 * x106 + x105;
+  int x109 = x108 * x107 + x106;
+  int x110 = x109 * x108 + x107;
+  int x111 = x110 * x109 + x108;
+  int x112 = x111 * x110 + x109;
+  int x113 = x112 * x111 + x110;
+  int x114 = x113 * x112 + x111;
+  int x115 = x114 * x113 + x112;
+  int x116 = x115 * x114 + x113;
+  int x117 = x116 * x115 + x114;
+  int x118 = x117 * 

[Lldb-commits] [PATCH] D76806: Remove m_last_file_sp from SourceManager

2020-03-27 Thread Emre Kultursay via Phabricator via lldb-commits
emrekultursay updated this revision to Diff 253254.
emrekultursay added a comment.

Added test that verifies end-to-end impact of
"setting set use_source_cache false" on Windows.

  rG LLVM Github Monorepo




Index: lldb/test/API/commands/settings/use_source_cache/main.cpp
--- /dev/null
+++ lldb/test/API/commands/settings/use_source_cache/main.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
+#include "header.h"
+main(int argc, char const *argv[])
+  //for (int j=0;;j++) {
+int j = 0;
+fprintf(stderr, "Hello, world (%d) => %d\n", j, calc(j, j+1, j+2));
+  //}
+  return 0;
Index: lldb/test/API/commands/settings/use_source_cache/header.h
--- /dev/null
+++ lldb/test/API/commands/settings/use_source_cache/header.h
@@ -0,0 +1,1006 @@
+// This file should be large enough that LLDB decides to load it using memory mapping.
+// See: ⁠llvm/lib/Support/MemoryBuffer.cp:shouldUseMmap()
+// The name of this function is used in tests to set breakpoints by name.
+int calc(int x0, int x1, int x2) {
+  int x3 = x2 * x1 + x0;
+  int x4 = x3 * x2 + x1;
+  int x5 = x4 * x3 + x2;
+  int x6 = x5 * x4 + x3;
+  int x7 = x6 * x5 + x4;
+  int x8 = x7 * x6 + x5;
+  int x9 = x8 * x7 + x6;
+  int x10 = x9 * x8 + x7;
+  int x11 = x10 * x9 + x8;
+  int x12 = x11 * x10 + x9;
+  int x13 = x12 * x11 + x10;
+  int x14 = x13 * x12 + x11;
+  int x15 = x14 * x13 + x12;
+  int x16 = x15 * x14 + x13;
+  int x17 = x16 * x15 + x14;
+  int x18 = x17 * x16 + x15;
+  int x19 = x18 * x17 + x16;
+  int x20 = x19 * x18 + x17;  
+  int x21 = x20 * x19 + x18;
+  int x22 = x21 * x20 + x19;
+  int x23 = x22 * x21 + x20;
+  int x24 = x23 * x22 + x21;
+  int x25 = x24 * x23 + x22;
+  int x26 = x25 * x24 + x23;
+  int x27 = x26 * x25 + x24;
+  int x28 = x27 * x26 + x25;
+  int x29 = x28 * x27 + x26;
+  int x30 = x29 * x28 + x27;
+  int x31 = x30 * x29 + x28;
+  int x32 = x31 * x30 + x29;
+  int x33 = x32 * x31 + x30;
+  int x34 = x33 * x32 + x31;
+  int x35 = x34 * x33 + x32;
+  int x36 = x35 * x34 + x33;
+  int x37 = x36 * x35 + x34;
+  int x38 = x37 * x36 + x35;
+  int x39 = x38 * x37 + x36;
+  int x40 = x39 * x38 + x37;
+  int x41 = x40 * x39 + x38;
+  int x42 = x41 * x40 + x39;
+  int x43 = x42 * x41 + x40;
+  int x44 = x43 * x42 + x41;
+  int x45 = x44 * x43 + x42;
+  int x46 = x45 * x44 + x43;
+  int x47 = x46 * x45 + x44;
+  int x48 = x47 * x46 + x45;
+  int x49 = x48 * x47 + x46;
+  int x50 = x49 * x48 + x47;
+  int x51 = x50 * x49 + x48;
+  int x52 = x51 * x50 + x49;
+  int x53 = x52 * x51 + x50;
+  int x54 = x53 * x52 + x51;
+  int x55 = x54 * x53 + x52;
+  int x56 = x55 * x54 + x53;
+  int x57 = x56 * x55 + x54;
+  int x58 = x57 * x56 + x55;
+  int x59 = x58 * x57 + x56;
+  int x60 = x59 * x58 + x57;
+  int x61 = x60 * x59 + x58;
+  int x62 = x61 * x60 + x59;
+  int x63 = x62 * x61 + x60;
+  int x64 = x63 * x62 + x61;
+  int x65 = x64 * x63 + x62;
+  int x66 = x65 * x64 + x63;
+  int x67 = x66 * x65 + x64;
+  int x68 = x67 * x66 + x65;
+  int x69 = x68 * x67 + x66;
+  int x70 = x69 * x68 + x67;
+  int x71 = x70 * x69 + x68;
+  int x72 = x71 * x70 + x69;
+  int x73 = x72 * x71 + x70;
+  int x74 = x73 * x72 + x71;
+  int x75 = x74 * x73 + x72;
+  int x76 = x75 * x74 + x73;
+  int x77 = x76 * x75 + x74;
+  int x78 = x77 * x76 + x75;
+  int x79 = x78 * x77 + x76;
+  int x80 = x79 * x78 + x77;
+  int x81 = x80 * x79 + x78;
+  int x82 = x81 * x80 + x79;
+  int x83 = x82 * x81 + x80;
+  int x84 = x83 * x82 + x81;
+  int x85 = x84 * x83 + x82;
+  int x86 = x85 * x84 + x83;
+  int x87 = x86 * x85 + x84;
+  int x88 = x87 * x86 + x85;
+  int x89 = x88 * x87 + x86;
+  int x90 = x89 * x88 + x87;
+  int x91 = x90 * x89 + x88;
+  int x92 = x91 * x90 + x89;
+  int x93 = x92 * x91 + x90;
+  int x94 = x93 * x92 + x91;
+  int x95 = x94 * x93 + x92;
+  int x96 = x95 * x94 + x93;
+  int x97 = x96 * x95 + x94;
+  int x98 = x97 * x96 + x95;
+  int x99 = x98 * x97 + x96;
+  int x100 = x99 * x98 + x97;
+  int x101 = x100 * x99 + x98;
+  int x102 = x101 * x100 + x99;
+  int x103 = x102 * x101 + x100;
+  int x104 = x103 * x102 + x101;
+  int x105 = x104 * x103 + x102;
+  int x106 = x105 * x104 + x103;
+  int x107 = x106 * x105 + x104;
+  int x108 = x107 * x106 + x105;
+  int x109 = x108 * x107 + x106;
+  int x110 = x109 * x108 + x107;
+  int x111 = x110 * x109 + x108;
+  int x112 = x111 * x110 + x109;
+  int x113 = x112 * x111 + x110;
+  int x114 = x113 * x112 

[Lldb-commits] [PATCH] D76806: Remove m_last_file_sp from SourceManager

2020-03-26 Thread Emre Kultursay via Phabricator via lldb-commits
emrekultursay updated this revision to Diff 252888.
emrekultursay added a comment.

Applied suggestions from labath@

  rG LLVM Github Monorepo




Index: lldb/source/Core/SourceManager.cpp
--- lldb/source/Core/SourceManager.cpp
+++ lldb/source/Core/SourceManager.cpp
@@ -52,27 +52,21 @@
 // SourceManager constructor
 SourceManager::SourceManager(const TargetSP _sp)
-: m_last_file_sp(), m_last_line(0), m_last_count(0), m_default_set(false),
+: m_last_line(0), m_last_count(0), m_default_set(false),
   m_debugger_wp(target_sp->GetDebugger().shared_from_this()) {}
 SourceManager::SourceManager(const DebuggerSP _sp)
-: m_last_file_sp(), m_last_line(0), m_last_count(0), m_default_set(false),
-  m_target_wp(), m_debugger_wp(debugger_sp) {}
+: m_last_line(0), m_last_count(0), m_default_set(false), m_target_wp(),
+  m_debugger_wp(debugger_sp) {}
 // Destructor
 SourceManager::~SourceManager() {}
 SourceManager::FileSP SourceManager::GetFile(const FileSpec _spec) {
-  bool same_as_previous =
-  m_last_file_sp &&
-  FileSpec::Match(file_spec, m_last_file_sp->GetFileSpec());
   DebuggerSP debugger_sp(m_debugger_wp.lock());
   FileSP file_sp;
-  if (same_as_previous)
-file_sp = m_last_file_sp;
-  else if (debugger_sp && debugger_sp->GetUseSourceCache())
+  if (debugger_sp && debugger_sp->GetUseSourceCache())
 file_sp = debugger_sp->GetSourceFileCache().FindSourceFile(file_spec);
   TargetSP target_sp(m_target_wp.lock());
@@ -178,10 +172,10 @@
   m_last_line = start_line;
   m_last_count = count;
-  if (m_last_file_sp.get()) {
+  if (FileSP last_file_sp = GetFile(m_last_file_spec)) {
 const uint32_t end_line = start_line + count - 1;
 for (uint32_t line = start_line; line <= end_line; ++line) {
-  if (!m_last_file_sp->LineIsValid(line)) {
+  if (!last_file_sp->LineIsValid(line)) {
 m_last_line = UINT32_MAX;
@@ -219,12 +213,12 @@
 columnToHighlight = column - 1;
   size_t this_line_size =
-  m_last_file_sp->DisplaySourceLines(line, columnToHighlight, 0, 0, s);
+  last_file_sp->DisplaySourceLines(line, columnToHighlight, 0, 0, s);
   if (column != 0 && line == curr_line &&
   should_show_stop_column_with_caret(debugger_sp)) {
 // Display caret cursor.
 std::string src_line;
-m_last_file_sp->GetLine(line, src_line);
+last_file_sp->GetLine(line, src_line);
 // Insert a space for every non-tab character in the source line.
 for (size_t i = 0; i + 1 < column && i < src_line.length(); ++i)
@@ -255,10 +249,11 @@
 start_line = 1;
-  if (m_last_file_sp.get() != file_sp.get()) {
+  FileSP last_file_sp(GetLastFile());
+  if (last_file_sp.get() != file_sp.get()) {
 if (line == 0)
   m_last_line = 0;
-m_last_file_sp = file_sp;
+m_last_file_spec = file_spec;
   return DisplaySourceLinesWithLineNumbersUsingLastFile(
   start_line, count, line, column, current_line_cstr, s, bp_locs);
@@ -268,14 +263,15 @@
 Stream *s, uint32_t count, bool reverse, const SymbolContextList *bp_locs) {
   // If we get called before anybody has set a default file and line, then try
   // to figure it out here.
-  const bool have_default_file_line = m_last_file_sp && m_last_line > 0;
+  FileSP last_file_sp(GetLastFile());
+  const bool have_default_file_line = last_file_sp && m_last_line > 0;
   if (!m_default_set) {
 FileSpec tmp_spec;
 uint32_t tmp_line;
 GetDefaultFileAndLine(tmp_spec, tmp_line);
-  if (m_last_file_sp) {
+  if (last_file_sp) {
 if (m_last_line == UINT32_MAX)
   return 0;
@@ -310,22 +306,21 @@
 bool SourceManager::SetDefaultFileAndLine(const FileSpec _spec,
   uint32_t line) {
-  FileSP old_file_sp = m_last_file_sp;
-  m_last_file_sp = GetFile(file_spec);
   m_default_set = true;
-  if (m_last_file_sp) {
+  FileSP file_sp(GetFile(file_spec));
+  if (file_sp) {
 m_last_line = line;
+m_last_file_spec = file_spec;
 return true;
   } else {
-m_last_file_sp = old_file_sp;
 return false;
 bool SourceManager::GetDefaultFileAndLine(FileSpec _spec, uint32_t ) {
-  if (m_last_file_sp) {
-file_spec = m_last_file_sp->GetFileSpec();
+  if (FileSP last_file_sp = GetLastFile()) {
+file_spec = last_file_sp->GetFileSpec();
 line = m_last_line;
 return true;
   } else if (!m_default_set) {
@@ -355,7 +350,7 @@
 .CalculateSymbolContextLineEntry(line_entry)) {
   SetDefaultFileAndLine(line_entry.file, line_entry.line);

[Lldb-commits] [PATCH] D76806: Remove m_last_file_sp from SourceManager

2020-03-26 Thread Emre Kultursay via Phabricator via lldb-commits
emrekultursay marked 3 inline comments as done.
emrekultursay added a comment.

In D76806#1943062 , @labath wrote:

> It's not clear to me what is the user-visible effect of this. It sounds like 
> there should be one, but I don't know what it is...

If LLDB will cache FileSP shared pointers, there should be only one place for 
caching, and it's the Source File Cache, which can be enabled/disabled by the 
User-facing effect of this change can be found in bug: llvm.org/PR45310

  rG LLVM Github Monorepo



lldb-commits mailing list

[Lldb-commits] [PATCH] D76806: Remove m_last_file_sp from SourceManager

2020-03-26 Thread Pavel Labath via Phabricator via lldb-commits
labath added reviewers: labath, jingham.
labath added a comment.

It's not clear to me what is the user-visible effect of this. It sounds like 
there should be one, but I don't know what it is...

Comment at: lldb/source/Core/SourceManager.cpp:175-176
-  if (m_last_file_sp.get()) {
+  FileSP last_file_sp(GetFile(m_last_file_spec));
+  if (last_file_sp.get()) {
 const uint32_t end_line = start_line + count - 1;

`if(FileSP last_file_sp = GetLastFile())`

Comment at: lldb/source/Core/SourceManager.cpp:253
-  if (m_last_file_sp.get() != file_sp.get()) {
+  FileSP last_file_sp(GetFile(m_last_file_spec));
+  if (last_file_sp.get() != file_sp.get()) {

Use `GetLastFile`, since we already have it.

Comment at: lldb/source/Core/SourceManager.cpp:267
   // to figure it out here.
-  const bool have_default_file_line = m_last_file_sp && m_last_line > 0;
+  FileSP last_file_sp(GetFile(m_last_file_spec));
+  const bool have_default_file_line = last_file_sp && m_last_line > 0;

same here

  rG LLVM Github Monorepo



lldb-commits mailing list

[Lldb-commits] [PATCH] D76806: Remove m_last_file_sp from SourceManager

2020-03-25 Thread Emre Kultursay via Phabricator via lldb-commits
emrekultursay created this revision.
Herald added a project: LLDB.
Herald added a subscriber: lldb-commits.

...and replace it with m_last_file_spec instead.

When Source Cache is enabled, the value stored in m_last_file_sp is
already in the Source Cache, and caching it again in SourceManager
brings no extra benefit. All we need is to "remember" the last used
file, and FileSpec can serve the same purpose.

When Source Cache is disabled, the user explicitly requested no caching
of source files, and therefore, m_last_file_sp should NOT be used.

Depends on D76805 .

  rG LLVM Github Monorepo



Index: lldb/source/Core/SourceManager.cpp
--- lldb/source/Core/SourceManager.cpp
+++ lldb/source/Core/SourceManager.cpp
@@ -52,27 +52,21 @@
 // SourceManager constructor
 SourceManager::SourceManager(const TargetSP _sp)
-: m_last_file_sp(), m_last_line(0), m_last_count(0), m_default_set(false),
+: m_last_line(0), m_last_count(0), m_default_set(false),
   m_debugger_wp(target_sp->GetDebugger().shared_from_this()) {}
 SourceManager::SourceManager(const DebuggerSP _sp)
-: m_last_file_sp(), m_last_line(0), m_last_count(0), m_default_set(false),
+: m_last_line(0), m_last_count(0), m_default_set(false),
   m_target_wp(), m_debugger_wp(debugger_sp) {}
 // Destructor
 SourceManager::~SourceManager() {}
 SourceManager::FileSP SourceManager::GetFile(const FileSpec _spec) {
-  bool same_as_previous =
-  m_last_file_sp &&
-  FileSpec::Match(file_spec, m_last_file_sp->GetFileSpec());
   DebuggerSP debugger_sp(m_debugger_wp.lock());
   FileSP file_sp;
-  if (same_as_previous)
-file_sp = m_last_file_sp;
-  else if (debugger_sp && debugger_sp->GetUseSourceCache())
+  if (debugger_sp && debugger_sp->GetUseSourceCache())
 file_sp = debugger_sp->GetSourceFileCache().FindSourceFile(file_spec);
   TargetSP target_sp(m_target_wp.lock());
@@ -178,10 +172,11 @@
   m_last_line = start_line;
   m_last_count = count;
-  if (m_last_file_sp.get()) {
+  FileSP last_file_sp(GetFile(m_last_file_spec));
+  if (last_file_sp.get()) {
 const uint32_t end_line = start_line + count - 1;
 for (uint32_t line = start_line; line <= end_line; ++line) {
-  if (!m_last_file_sp->LineIsValid(line)) {
+  if (!last_file_sp->LineIsValid(line)) {
 m_last_line = UINT32_MAX;
@@ -219,12 +214,12 @@
 columnToHighlight = column - 1;
   size_t this_line_size =
-  m_last_file_sp->DisplaySourceLines(line, columnToHighlight, 0, 0, s);
+  last_file_sp->DisplaySourceLines(line, columnToHighlight, 0, 0, s);
   if (column != 0 && line == curr_line &&
   should_show_stop_column_with_caret(debugger_sp)) {
 // Display caret cursor.
 std::string src_line;
-m_last_file_sp->GetLine(line, src_line);
+last_file_sp->GetLine(line, src_line);
 // Insert a space for every non-tab character in the source line.
 for (size_t i = 0; i + 1 < column && i < src_line.length(); ++i)
@@ -255,10 +250,11 @@
 start_line = 1;
-  if (m_last_file_sp.get() != file_sp.get()) {
+  FileSP last_file_sp(GetFile(m_last_file_spec));
+  if (last_file_sp.get() != file_sp.get()) {
 if (line == 0)
   m_last_line = 0;
-m_last_file_sp = file_sp;
+m_last_file_spec = file_spec;
   return DisplaySourceLinesWithLineNumbersUsingLastFile(
   start_line, count, line, column, current_line_cstr, s, bp_locs);
@@ -268,14 +264,15 @@
 Stream *s, uint32_t count, bool reverse, const SymbolContextList *bp_locs) {
   // If we get called before anybody has set a default file and line, then try
   // to figure it out here.
-  const bool have_default_file_line = m_last_file_sp && m_last_line > 0;
+  FileSP last_file_sp(GetFile(m_last_file_spec));
+  const bool have_default_file_line = last_file_sp && m_last_line > 0;
   if (!m_default_set) {
 FileSpec tmp_spec;
 uint32_t tmp_line;
 GetDefaultFileAndLine(tmp_spec, tmp_line);
-  if (m_last_file_sp) {
+  if (last_file_sp) {
 if (m_last_line == UINT32_MAX)
   return 0;
@@ -310,22 +307,22 @@
 bool SourceManager::SetDefaultFileAndLine(const FileSpec _spec,
   uint32_t line) {
-  FileSP old_file_sp = m_last_file_sp;
-  m_last_file_sp = GetFile(file_spec);
   m_default_set = true;
-  if (m_last_file_sp) {
+  FileSP file_sp(GetFile(file_spec));
+  if (file_sp) {
 m_last_line = line;
+m_last_file_spec = file_spec;
 return true;
   } else {
-m_last_file_sp = old_file_sp;
 return false;
 bool SourceManager::GetDefaultFileAndLine(FileSpec _spec, uint32_t ) {
-  if (m_last_file_sp) {