[lldb-dev] Antwort: Re: LLDB fails to load C++ Plugin (sharedlib) - error: this file does not represent a loadable dylib

2018-06-11 Thread Bewoayia Kebianyor via lldb-dev

Thanks to Ted, Pavel and Greg for your reply with suggestion on how to resolve 
the issue. Greg's comment below help me to resolve the issue. 

>I am guessing that maybe your libModel_LLDB_Debugger.so shared
>library can't find all the dependencies it requires when being
>loaded. Try making a small a.out file that links against this library
>and try to run your a.out program. See if you see any errors when the
>a.out tries to launch.

While I already had an executable linking to the library, I didnot call 
functions referencing to Clang and XML parsing from the 
libModel_LLDB_Debugger.so. I simple called a function to print out the size of 
a map container I have within my lib. Which worked fine. Based on Greg's 
comment, I then extended this to call more functions which does the XML parsing 
and AST Parsing, then linking failed with error: undefined reference to 
`typeinfo for clang::ASTConsumer'. I searched on google and found out that this 
error has to do with the fact that LLVM and Clang are compiled with -fno-rtti 
by default and I am not explicitly setting the compile flag -fno-rtti in my 
project. I then added this to the "ASTConsumer derived class" in my project and 
it resolved the issue. 

Thanks once more. 

Thanks and Regards,


Dipl.- Ing. Bewoayia Kebianyor
Researcher - Hardware/Software Design Methodology Group

OFFIS e.V. - Institut für Informatik
FuE Bereich Verkehr | R Division Transportation
Escherweg 2 - 26121 Oldenburg - Germany
Phone/Fax.: +49 441 9722 237/-278
E-Mail: bewoayia.kebian...@offis.de
URL: http://www.offis.de

-Greg Clayton  schrieb: -

>An: Bewoayia Kebianyor 
>Von: Greg Clayton 
>Datum: 08.06.2018 18:30
>Kopie: lldb-dev@lists.llvm.org
>Betreff: Re: [lldb-dev] LLDB fails to load C++ Plugin (sharedlib) -
>error: this file does not represent a loadable dylib
>Comments inlined below.
>On Jun 8, 2018, at 2:52 AM, Bewoayia Kebianyor via lldb-dev
> wrote:
>Hello Everyone,
> I started looking into the LLDB with the intention of adding custom
>commands for my SW debugging purpose. For a better Understanding let
>me explain what I intend to do. I have an source file generated
>automatically from a Model with certain anotations added as comments
>in the code. This code will would be compiled and in error cases
>debugged. When debugging I may have to set breakpoints at certain
>statements in the code based on the anotations incerted by the code
>generator. This is done by specifying the source file and the line
>number. I Use CLANG to get the line number and source file for the
>Did you know we have the ability to set breakpoints using source
>regular expression?
>(lldb) breakpoint set --source-pattern-regexp "// breakpoint [0-9]+"
>--file /path/to/foo.cpp
>This will use a regular expression to search the source file for the
>regular expression you specify and have one breakpoint that has
>multiple locations.
> I would like to have custom commands for this and internally map the
>to already existing commands  e.g. "breakpoint set -f -l". I found
>some examples for python, and for c++ I only found the example
>"lldb/examples/plugins/commands/fooplugin.cpp" for writing C++ plugin
>(dynLib) shipped with the LLDB source. In this example adding a new
>commands was straight forward and in the DoExecute function, I call
>the interpreter to handle a breakpoint command. I intend to use C++
>rather than Python.
>Do you even need this custom command given what I said above?
> This works fine for a simple shared lib (Simple modification of the
>Example provided in LLDB. In Do execute call interpreter to handle a
>breakpoint command). However if I add other C++ sources which does
>XML parsing, CLANG RecursiveASTVisitor etc to the Library, creating
>the shared library with eclipse is sucessful. I can link the created
>library to an application and it works well. However when I load this
>in lldb with the command ==> plugin load
> "/home/bkebianyor/eclipse-workspace/Model_LLDB_Debugger/Debug/libMod
>el_LLDB_Debugger.so", I get the error message: "error: this file does
>not represent a loadable dylib".
> #Loading the shared lib that is linked just to the liblldb.so -
> (lldb) 
> (lldb) plugin load
> /home/bkebianyor/eclipse-workspace/DynLib/Debug/libDynLib.so
> (lldb)
> #Loading the shared lib that is linked just to the liblldb.so +
>libxerces-c-3.2.so - FAILS
> (lldb) plugin load
> "/home/bkebianyor/eclipse-workspace/Model_LLDB_Debugger/Debug/libMod
> error: this file does not represent a loadable dylib
> I have searched for this error on google, but could not find out ho

[lldb-dev] LLDB fails to load C++ Plugin (sharedlib) - error: this file does not represent a loadable dylib

2018-06-08 Thread Bewoayia Kebianyor via lldb-dev
Hello Everyone,

I started looking into the LLDB with the intention of adding custom 
commands for my SW debugging purpose. For a better Understanding let me 
explain what I intend to do. I have an source file generated automatically 
from a Model with certain anotations added as comments in the code. This 
code will would be compiled and in error cases debugged. When debugging I 
may have to set breakpoints at certain statements in the code based on the 
anotations incerted by the code generator. This is done by specifying the 
source file and the line number. I Use CLANG to get the line number and 
source file for the comments. 

I would like to have custom commands for this and internally map the to 
already existing commands  e.g. "breakpoint set -f -l". I found some 
examples for python, and for c++ I only found the example 
"lldb/examples/plugins/commands/fooplugin.cpp" for writing C++ plugin 
(dynLib) shipped with the LLDB source. In this example adding a new 
commands was straight forward and in the DoExecute function, I call the 
interpreter to handle a breakpoint command. I intend to use C++ rather 
than Python.

This works fine for a simple shared lib (Simple modification of the 
Example provided in LLDB. In Do execute call interpreter to handle a 
breakpoint command). However if I add other C++ sources which does XML 
parsing, CLANG RecursiveASTVisitor etc to the Library, creating the shared 
library with eclipse is sucessful. I can link the created library to an 
application and it works well. However when I load this in lldb with the 
command ==> plugin load 
I get the error message: "error: this file does not represent a loadable 

#Loading the shared lib that is linked just to the liblldb.so - SUCESSFUL
(lldb) plugin load 

#Loading the shared lib that is linked just to the liblldb.so + 
libxerces-c-3.2.so - FAILS

(lldb) plugin load 
error: this file does not represent a loadable dylib

I have searched for this error on google, but could not find out how to 
resolve this error. Most answers pointed to a mismatch of the lldb version 
in the shared lib to be loaded and that linked to lldb, but that is not my 
case. I am using lldb-5.0.2 and LLVM/CLANG 5.0.2 toolcahin on Linux 
16.04.1-Ubuntu and Eclipse IDE. LLVM was built with SHARED_LIBS set to ON.

Would be grateful for an answer.

Thanks and Regards,


Dipl.- Ing. Bewoayia Kebianyor
Researcher - Hardware/Software Design Methodology Group

OFFIS e.V. - Institut für Informatik
FuE Bereich Verkehr | R Division Transportation
Escherweg 2 - 26121 Oldenburg - Germany
Phone/Fax.: +49 441 9722 237/-278
E-Mail: bewoayia.kebian...@offis.de
URL: http://www.offis.de

Registergericht: Amtsgericht Oldenburg VR 1956
Vorstand: Prof. Dr.-Ing. Wolfgang H. Nebel (Vorsitzender), Prof. Dr. 
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