Re: [lldb-dev] [llvm-dev] Mailing List Status Update

2021-06-23 Thread Philip Reames via lldb-dev

On 6/21/21 12:53 PM, Chris Lattner wrote:
On Jun 9, 2021, at 10:50 AM, Philip Reames via llvm-dev>> wrote:

Specific to the dev lists, I'm very hesitant about moving from 
mailing lists to discourse.  Why?

Well, the first and most basic is I'm worried about having core 
infrastructure out of our own control. For all their problems, 
mailing lists are widely supported, there are many 
vendors/contractors available. For discourse, as far as I can tell, 
there's one vendor. It's very much a take it or leave it situation.  
The ability to preserve discussion archives through a transition away 
from discourse someday concerns me.  I regularly and routinely need 
to dig back through llvm-dev threads which are years old.  I've also 
recently had some severely negative customer experiences with other 
tools (most recently discord), and the thought of having my 
employability and ability to contribute to open source tied to my 
ability to get a response from customer service teams at some third 
party vendor I have no leverage with, bluntly, scares me.

Second, I feel that we've overstated the difficulty of maintaining 
mailing lists.  I have to acknowledge that I have little first hand 
experience administering mailman, so maybe I'm way off here.

Hi Philip,

Hi Chris,

First, despite the similar names, Discord is very different than 
Discourse.  Here I’m only commenting about Discourse, I have no 
opinion about Discord.
I'm aware, thank you.  I'm sorry that my wording seems to have caused 
confusion on this point.

In this case, I think we need to highly weight the opinions of the 
people actively mainlining the existing systems.  It has become clear 
that the priority isn’t “control our own lists”, it is “make sure they 
stay up” and “get LLVM people out of maintaining them”.

The ongoing load of maintaining these lists (including moderation) and 
of dealing with the security issues that keep coming up are carried by 
several individuals, not by the entire community.  I’m concerned about 
those individuals, but I’m also more broadly concerned about *any* 
individuals being solely responsible for LLVM infra.  Effectively 
every case we’ve had where an individual has driving LLVM infra turns 
out to be a problem.  LLVM as a project isn’t good at running web 
scale infra, but we highly depend on it.

It seems clear to me that we should outsource this to a proven vendor.
I agree with everything you said up to here.  The goals make sense, and 
I fully support them.

Your concerns about discourse seem very similar to the discussion 
about moving to Github (being a single vendor who was once much 
smaller than Microsoft).  I think your concerns are best addressed by 
having the IWG propose an answer to “what is our plan if 
Discourse-the-company goes sideways?"

This is where I disagree.  The key point for me is that mailman3 exists 
and there are commercial vendors who specialize in exactly what we 
need.  I don't object at all to having a proven vendor.  I just don't 
see discourse as being the obvious choice.

Now, as I said in my first email, you don't actually need to convince me 
here.  If the move is made to discourse, I will follow.  At the end of 
the day, a decision does need to be made, and I'm willing to defer to 
those putting in the work.


lldb-dev mailing list

Re: [lldb-dev] [llvm-dev] Mailing List Status Update

2021-06-09 Thread Philip Reames via lldb-dev
I have concerns about this proposal.  Those concerns aren't necessarily 
unaddressable, but I do want to share them.  My concerns fall into two 
broad categories.

The first category is the process one.  My understanding when the LLVM 
foundation was established was that the role of the foundation and the 
board was to support the community, not to make major decisions for the 
community.  I understand there is a degree of pragmatism we have to 
accept - e.g. sometimes the situation forces our hand, and we need to 
act, even if in a sub-optimal way - but this runs dangerously close to 
the edge of the board dictating the solution to the community.  I do 
want to acknowledge that I truly do thing everyone on the board is 
acting in good faith here.  I'm not so much worried about the intentions 
of anyone involved so much as the appearance and precedent this sets.

The second category is the proposed migration itself.  I'll start by 
saying that the restriction in the proposal text to the *-dev lists 
(explicitly excluding the *commits lists) does soften my concerns 
substantially, but I'm left wondering about the long term plan for the 
commit lists.  As has come up in recent threads around phabricator, I 
feel the commit lists play a critical role in our development practice 
and, almost more importantly, *culture* which is hard to replicate.   
I'm a bit worried that this proposal if accepted will be the camel 
getting his nose under the tent as it were.

Specific to the dev lists, I'm very hesitant about moving from mailing 
lists to discourse.  Why?

Well, the first and most basic is I'm worried about having core 
infrastructure out of our own control.  For all their problems, mailing 
lists are widely supported, there are many vendors/contractors 
available.  For discourse, as far as I can tell, there's one vendor.  
It's very much a take it or leave it situation.  The ability to preserve 
discussion archives through a transition away from discourse someday 
concerns me.  I regularly and routinely need to dig back through 
llvm-dev threads which are years old.  I've also recently had some 
severely negative customer experiences with other tools (most recently 
discord), and the thought of having my employability and ability to 
contribute to open source tied to my ability to get a response from 
customer service teams at some third party vendor I have no leverage 
with, bluntly, scares me.

Second, I feel that we've overstated the difficulty of maintaining 
mailing lists.  I have to acknowledge that I have little first hand 
experience administering mailman, so maybe I'm way off here.  However, 
there are multiple commercial vendors which provide mailman hosting.  
TBH, this seems like a case where the foundation should simply pay for 
commercial hosting and migration support to mailman3.  It may be this is 
a lot more expensive in practice than I'm imagining, but this feels like 
it should be our default answer and that anything else (i.e. discourse) 
should require major evidence of benefit over that default to be considered.

Third, I'm worried that there are culture elements very tied up in our 
current usage of the mailing lists.  As some specific examples, consider 
each of the following:

 * Discourse does not allow private responses via email.  You have to
   use their web interface.  I spent a lot of time replying privately
   to other contributors.  I'm worried that, in practice, the extra
   step will cause me to follow up less, and miss even more responses. 
   I'm particularly concerned about the impact for new contributors. 
   (Existing contributors, I probably have an email address for already.)
 * Discourses does not allow cross posts (or at least, it's not clear
   how to do so).  At least a couple times a year, we have design
   discussions which cross between sub-projects.  This can be addressed
   with a process change, but it needs some discussion before the
   migration happens.

It's not that we can't adjust our processes to the limitations of 
discourse; we clearly can.  My concern is all of the subtle things we 
loose along the way.

Now that I've finished up, let me explicitly state that I don't intend 
my comments here to be blocking.  I don't think this is a good idea, or 
at least needs further expansion before acceptance, but I'm also not in 
place where I can really invest in providing a realistic alternative.  
At the end of the day, pragmatism does require that we give discretion 
to the folks actually investing their own time, and energy to keep the 
community running.


On 6/1/21 1:50 PM, Tom Stellard via llvm-dev wrote:


We recently[1] ran into some issues with the mailing lists that caused
us to disable automatic approval of subscriptions.  Over the past few
months, the LLVM Foundation Board of Directors have been investigating
solutions to this issue and are recommending that the project move its
discussion forum from mailman to Discourse[2]