JDK 9 Developer Preview is now available on java.net

2017-04-07 Thread Rory O'Donnell

Hi Nick,

 *JDK 9 Developer Preview is now available on java.net [1]

Developer Preview milestone: - A reasonably stable build suitable for 
broad testing by the developer community is available.

JDK 9 Builds 163 and higher include all planned features.

*Attention annotation processing users and authors - * Request for 
feedback on annotation processing API changes made in JDK 9.

As has been done previously during Java SE 7 and Java SE 8, the JSR 269 
annotation processing API is undergoing a maintenance review (MR) as 
part of Java SE 9. Details of the changes in JDK 9 Early Access build 
163 & build 164 available here [2]

Please report experiences running processors under JDK 9 and feedback on 
the API changes to the compiler-dev mailing list.
(If you haven’t already subscribed to that list then please do so first, 
otherwise your message will be discarded as spam.)

Rgds, Rory

[1] https://jdk9.java.net/download/

Rgds,Rory O'Donnell
Quality Engineering Manager

JDK 9 EA Build 162 is available on java.net

2017-03-24 Thread Rory O'Donnell

Hi Nick,

*JDK 9 Early Access* b162 <https://jdk9.java.net/download/>  is 
available on java.net, summary of  changes are listed here 

There is one fix for a bug reported by Open Source projects since the 
last availability email  :

 * b161 - JDK 8176265 Method overload resolution on a covariant base
   type doesn't work in 9

Other change that maybe of interest:

 * b162 - JDK 8176503 security-libs Disable SHA-1 TLS Server Certificates

*Better tools for adjusting to strong encapsulation -* please read Mark 
Reinhold's email on this topic [1]

* *Quality Outreach Report for March 2017 *is available [2], many thanks 
for your continued support

and welcome to the new projects!

***Schedule - **JDK 9 Rampdown Phase 2*: Proposal accepted [3].
The overall goal of this process is to ensure that we fix just the bugs 
that must be fixed in order to ensure a successful release.

Oracle's JRE and JDK Cryptographic Roadmap has been updated since last 
availability email [4]


[1] http://mail.openjdk.java.net/pipermail/jigsaw-dev/2017-March/011763.html

[3] http://mail.openjdk.java.net/pipermail/jdk9-dev/2017-March/005689.html
[4] https://www.java.com/en/jre-jdk-cryptoroadmap.html

Rgds,Rory O'Donnell
Quality Engineering Manager
Oracle EMEA , Dublin, Ireland

JDK 9 EA Build 159 and JDK 8u152 is available on java.net

2017-03-03 Thread Rory O'Donnell

Hi Nick,

*JDK 8u152 **Early Access b01 <https://jdk8.java.net/download.html> *is 
available on java.net

*JDK 9 Early Access* b159 <https://jdk9.java.net/download/>  is 
available on java.net, summary of  changes are listed here 

There have been a number of fixes to bugs reported by Open Source 
projects since the last availability email  :

 * b159 - JDK-8175261 : Per-protocol cache setting not working for JAR
 * b158 - JDK-8173028 : Incorrect processing of supplementary-plane
   characters in text fields
 * b158 - JDK-8172967 : [macosx] Exception while working with layout
   for text containing unmappable character
 * b158 - JDK-8173804 : javadoc throws UnsupportedOperationException:
   should not happen
 * b157 - JDK-8174073 : NPE caused by @link reference to class
 * b156 - JDK-8172726 : ForkJoin common pool retains a reference to the
   thread context class loader

The following changeset is included in jdk-9+158:

If you have a user-defined Policy implementation that grants 
FilePermission on ${user.dir}/-, reading a file in the current directory 
using its base name will fail.  Still the same solution: Ensure that the 
path used in permission granting has the same style as the one how you 
access the file.

Setting -Djdk.security.filePermCompat=true will take you back to the 
jdk-9+140 behavior.
Setting -Djdk.io.permissionsUseCanonicalPath=true will take you back to 
the jdk8 behavior.

Feedback is welcome on jdk9-...@openjdk.java.net

Other areas of interest

 * JDK 9 Developer Guide [1]
 * JDK 9 Migration Guide [2]
 * JDK Cryptographic Roadmap [3]

Finaly, Dalibor and I gave a presentation at FOSDEM the video is 
available here [*4*]


[1] http://docs.oracle.com/javase/9/javase-docs.htm

[3] https://www.java.com/en/jre-jdk-cryptoroadmap.html
[4] https://fosdem.org/2017/schedule/event/outreach/

Rgds,Rory O'Donnell
Quality Engineering Manager
Oracle EMEA , Dublin, Ireland

JDK 9 EA Build 155 is available on java.net

2017-02-03 Thread Rory O'Donnell

Hi Nick,

*JDK 9 Early Access* b155 <https://jdk9.java.net/download/>  is 
available on java.net

There have been a number of fixes to bugs reported by Open Source 
projects since the last availability email  :

 * b155 - JDK-8167273 : Calendar.getDisplayNames inconsistent with
 * b154 - JDK-8157611 : field visiblePackages is null for the unnamed
   module producing NPE when accessed
 * b153 - JDK-8163449 : Allow per protocol setting for URLConnection
 * b152 - JDK-8172158 : Annotation processor not run with -source <= 8

Dalibor and I are presenting at FOSDEM this weekend, we would love to 
meet you there!

 * JDK 9 Outreach - The Awesome Parts


Rgds,Rory O'Donnell
Quality Engineering Manager
Oracle EMEA , Dublin, Ireland

JDK 9 EA Build 151 is available on java.net

2017-01-10 Thread Rory O'Donnell

Hi Nick,

Best wishes for the New Year.

Dalibor and I will be at FOSDEM '17, Brussels 4 & 5 February. Let us 
know if you will be there, hopefully we can meet up !

*JDK 9 Early Access* b151 <https://jdk9.java.net/download/>  is 
available on java.net

There have been a number of fixes to bugs reported by Open Source 
projects since the last availability email  :

 * JDK-8171377 : Add sun.misc.Unsafe::invokeCleaner
 * JDK-8075793 : Source incompatibility for inference using -source 7
 * JDK-8087303  : LSSerializer pretty print does not work anymore
 * JDK-8167143 :CLDR timezone parsing does not work for all locales

Other changes that maybe of interest:

 * JDK-8066474 : Remove the lib/$ARCH directory from Linux and Solaris
 * JDK-8170428 : Move src.zip to JDK/lib/src.zip

*JEPs intergrated:*

 * JEP 295 <http://openjdk.java.net/jeps/295>: Ahead-of-Time
   Compilation has been integrated in b150.

*Schedule - Milestones since last availability email *

 * *Feature Extension Complete 22nd of December 2016*
 * *Rampdown Started 5th of January 2017
 o Phases in which increasing levels of scrutiny are applied to
   incoming changes.
 o In phase 1, only P1-P3 bugs can be fixed. In phase 2 only
   showstopper bugs can be fixed.


Rgds,Rory O'Donnell
Quality Engineering Manager
Oracle EMEA , Dublin, Ireland

JDK 9 b148 including a refresh of the module system is available on java.net

2016-12-09 Thread Rory O'Donnell

Hi Nick,

JDK 9 build b148 <https://jdk9.java.net/download/> includes an important 
Refresh of the module system [1] , summary of changes are listed here 

*This refresh includes a disruptive change that is important to understand.

*For those that have been trying out modules with regular JDK 9 builds 
then be aware that `requires public` changes to `requires transitive`. 
In addition, the binary representation of the module declaration 
(module-info.class) has changed so that you need to recompile any 
modules that were compiled with previous JDK 9 builds.

As things stand today in JDK 9 then you use setAccessible to break into 
non-public elements of any type in exported packages. However, it cannot 
be used to break into any type in non-exported package. The current 
specified behavior was a compromise for the initial integration of the 
module system. It is of course not very satisfactory, hence the 
#AwkwardStrongEncapsulation issue [2] on the JSR 376 issues list. With 
the updated proposal in the JSR, this refresh changes setAccessible 
further so that it cannot be used to break into non-public types, or 
non-public elements of public types, in exported packages. Code that 
uses setAccessible to hack into the private constructor of 
java.lang.invoke.MethodHandles.Lookup will be disappointed for example.

This change will expose hacks in many existing libraries and tools. As a 
workaround then a new command line option `--add-opens` can be used to 
open specific packages for "deep reflection". For example, a really 
popular build tool fails with this refresh because it uses setAccessible 
+ core reflection to hack into a private field of an unmodifiable 
collection so that it can mutate it, facepalm! This code will continue 
to work as before when run with `--add-opens 
java.base/java.util=ALL-UNNAMED` to open the package java.util in module 
java.base to "all unnamed modules" (think class path).

*Any help reporting issues to popular tools and libraries would be 
appreciated. *

A debugging aid that is useful to identify issues is to run with 
-Dsun.reflect.debugModuleAccessChecks=true to get a stack trace when 
setAccessible fails, this is particularly useful when code swallows 
exceptions without any logging.



Rgds,Rory O'Donnell
Quality Engineering Manager
Oracle EMEA , Dublin, Ireland

JDK 9 & JDK 9 with Project Jigsaw b144 are available on java.net

2016-11-14 Thread Rory O'Donnell

Hi Nick,

Early Access b144 <https://jdk9.java.net/jigsaw/> (#5709) for JDK 9 with 
Project Jigsaw is available on java.net, summary of changes are listed 

Early Access b144 <https://jdk9.java.net/download/> for JDK 9 is 
available on java.net, summary of  changes are listed here 

There have been a number of fixes to bugs reported by Open Source 
projects since the last availability email  :

 * JDK-8156149 : Blurry rendering on Windows 7 at 125% screen setting
 * JDK-8167431 : tools javac takes too long time to resolve interface
 * JDK-8062810 : infrastructure Examine src.zip in JDK image and decide
   if source classes should be organized by module

*Proposal* - latest update

 *b142 of JDK 9 with project Jigsaw has the initial implementation
   of open modules and open packages as detailed in the recent proposal
   for #ReflectiveAccessToNonExportedTypes [1]


Adapted from JEP 277 [2]

 * A static analysis tool jdeprscan has been provided that scans a jar
   file (or some other aggregation of class files) for uses of
   deprecated API elements.


 * The proposed JDK 9 schedule has been adopted and posted on the Open
   JDK 9 Project Page [3]



[2] http://openjdk.java.net/jeps/277
[3] http://openjdk.java.net/projects/jdk9/

Rgds,Rory O'Donnell
Quality Engineering Manager
Oracle EMEA , Dublin, Ireland

Early Access builds for JDK 8u122 b02 , JDK 9 & JDK 9 with Project Jigsaw b140 are available on java.net

2016-10-22 Thread Rory O'Donnell

Hi Nick,

Early Access b02 <https://jdk8.java.net/download.html> for JDK 8u122 is 
available , summary of changes are listed here. 

Early Access b140 <https://jdk9.java.net/jigsaw/> (#5625) for JDK 9 with 
Project Jigsaw is available on java.net, summary of changes are listed 

Early Access b140 <https://jdk9.java.net/download/> for JDK 9 is 
available on java.net, summary of  changes are listed here 

A couple of items to point out with regard to b140:

1. A fix for Cyclic interface initialization causes JVM crash is
   included in b140
2. We are requesting feedback on a change that went into  JDK 9 b140

   The java.io.FilePermission class was changed to remove pathname
   canonicalization from its creation,
   along  with a system property to revert the behavior back to way it
   worked in the previous JDK release.
   We do this mainly for performance enhancement so that there is no
   need to consult the file system every
   time a FilePermisson is created. If you use a security manager and
   file permissions then you should read
   the details as described on the jdk9 mailing list [1]

   Feedback is requested via core-libs-...@openjdk.java.net

The new GA date of JDK 9 has been updated on the JDK 9 Project page [2], 
further details in Mark Reinhold's email [3].


[1] http://mail.openjdk.java.net/pipermail/jdk9-dev/2016-October/005062.html
[2] http://openjdk.java.net/projects/jdk9/


Rgds,Rory O'Donnell
Quality Engineering Manager
Oracle EMEA, Dublin,Ireland

Early Access builds of JDK 8u122 b01 & JDK 9 EA b138 are available.

2016-10-07 Thread Rory O'Donnell

Hi Nick,

Early Access b01 <https://jdk8.java.net/download.html> for JDK 8u122 is 
available on java.net.

Early Access b138 <https://jdk9.java.net/download/> for JDK 9 is 
available on java.net, summary of  changes are listed here 

Early Access b138 <https://jdk9.java.net/jigsaw/> (#5561) for JDK 9 with 
Project Jigsaw is available on java.net, summary of  changes are listed 

There have been a number of fixes to bugs reported by Open Source 
projects since the last availability email  :

 * 8038348 - b137 - Instance field load is replaced by wrong data Phi
 * 8041480 - b137 - ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException when JTable contains
   certain string
 * 8145542 - b137 - The case failed automatically and thrown
   java.lang.ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException exception.
 * 8151725 - b137  - [macosx] ArrayIndexOOB exception when displaying
   Devanagari text in JEditorPane

There are two proposals requesting feedback via mailing lists :

 - More proposals for open JPMS issues [1]

 * One proposal to call out is #AwkwardStrongEncapsulation as this
   proposes to change setAccessible(true) so that it can't be used to
   break into non-public types/members in exported packages. This is a
   non-issue when using setAccessible to get access to non-public
   types/members of classes on the class path but will be an issue for
   code that uses this method to break into JDK-internals. We would
   appreciate as much help as possible testing these builds. If
   InaccessibleObjectException is thrown then examine the stack trace
   (run with -Dsun.reflect.debugModuleAccessChecks=true to uncover
   failed access attempts in code that shallows exceptions). If it
   looks like a library is attempting to access a non-public method or
   field of a platform class and make sure to *submit a bug in the
   issue tracker for the library.*

 - Proposal to Reorganize source classes in src.zip by modules [2]

 * This proposal might have a compatibility impact on IDEs or other
   tools that look in src.zip
 * Feedback via the jigsaw-dev mailing list

Other points of interest:

 * JavaOne Presentations
 o Recorded Presentations
 * JDK 9 Schedule change proposal
 o for proposed schedule proposal see [3]



Rgds,Rory O'Donnell
Quality Engineering Manager
Oracle EMEA , Dublin, Ireland

Early Access build 136 for JDK 9 & JDK 9 with Project Jigsaw are available on java.net

2016-09-20 Thread Rory O'Donnell

Hi Nick,

Early Access b136 <https://jdk9.java.net/download/> for JDK 9 is 
available on java.net, summary of  changes are listed here 
Early Access b136 <https://jdk9.java.net/jigsaw/> (#5506) for JDK 9 with 
Project Jigsaw is available on java.net, summary of  changes are listed 

There have been a number of fixes to bugs reported by Open Source 
projects since the last availability email  :

 * 8165723 - b136 - core-libs JarFile::isMultiRelease() method returns
   false when it should return true
 * 8165116 - b136 - xml redirect function is not allowed even with

NOTE:-  Build 135 included a fix for JDK-8161016 which *has introduced a 
behavioral change to HttpURLConnection, more info:*

The behavior of HttpURLConnection when using a ProxySelector has been 
modified with this JDK release. Currently, HttpURLConnection.connect() 
call would fallback to a DIRECT connection attempt if the configured 
proxy/proxies failed to make a connection. This release introduces a 
change whereby no DIRECT connection will be attempted in such a 
scenario. Instead, the HttpURLConnection.connect() method will fail and 
throw an IOException which occurred from the last proxy tested. This 
behavior now matches with the HTTP connections made by popular web 
browsers. But this change will bring compatibility issues for the 
applications expecting a DIRECT connection when a proxy server is down 
or when wrong proxies are provided.


JDK 9 Outreach Survey*

In order to encourage and receive additional feedback from developers 
testing their applications with JDK 9,
the OpenJDK Quality Outreach effort has put together a very brief survey 
about your experiences with JDK 9 so far.

It is available at***https://www.surveymonkey.de/r/JDK9EA*

We would love to hear feedback from you!


Rgds,Rory O'Donnell
Quality Engineering Manager
Oracle EMEA , Dublin, Ireland

Early Access builds of JDK 9 b134 are available on java.net

2016-09-05 Thread Rory O'Donnell

Hi Nick,

Early Access b134 <https://jdk9.java.net/download/> for JDK 9 is 
available on java.net, summary of  changes are listed here 

 There have been a number of fixes , since the last availability email 
, to bugs reported by Open Source projects :

 * 8156841sun.security.pkcs11.SunPKCS11 poller thread retains a
   strong reference to the context class loader
 * 8146961   Fix PermGen memory leaks caused by static final Exceptions
 * 8163353   NPE in ConcurrentHashMap.removeAll()
 * 8160328   ClassCastException: sun.awt.image.BufImgSurfaceData cannot
   be cast to sun.java2d.xr.XRSurfaceData after xrandr change output

Secondly, there are a number of interesting items to bring to our attention

 * JDK 9 Rampdown Phase 1: Process proposal [1]
 * The Java team has published the “Oracle JRE and JDK Cryptographic
   Roadmap” [2] java.com/cryptoroadmap <http://java.com/cryptoroadmap>
 * The Quality Report for September 2016 is now available [3], thank
   you for your continued support!

Highlights from the Quality Report for September :

 * 21 new Open Source projects have joined the Outreach program
 * Projects filed 35 new issues in the JDK Bug System, this is almost
   double the number of bugs in the previous six months!
 * Continuing to provide excellent feedback via the OpenJDK dev mailing

Thank you!


[1] http://mail.openjdk.java.net/pipermail/jdk9-dev/2016-August/004777.html
[2] java.com/cryptoroadmap <http://java.com/cryptoroadmap>

Rgds,Rory O'Donnell
Quality Engineering Manager
Oracle EMEA , Dublin, Ireland

Early Access builds of JDK 8u112 b04, JDK 9 b130 are available on java.net

2016-08-08 Thread Rory O'Donnell

Hi Nick,

Early Access b130 <https://jdk9.java.net/download/> for JDK 9 is 
available on java.net, summary of  changes are listed here 

Early Access b129 <https://jdk9.java.net/jigsaw/> (#5332) for JDK 9 with 
Project Jigsaw is available on java.net, summary of changes are listed 

Early Access b04 <https://jdk8.java.net/download.html> for JDK 8u112 is 
available on java.net, summary of  changes are listed here 


Rgds,Rory O'Donnell
Quality Engineering Manager
Oracle EMEA , Dublin, Ireland

Early Access builds of JDK 8u112 b03, JDK 9 b128 are available on java.net

2016-07-22 Thread Rory O'Donnell

Hi Nick,

Early Access b128 <https://jdk9.java.net/download/> for JDK 9 is 
available on java.net, summary of  changes are listed here 

Early Access b127 <https://jdk9.java.net/jigsaw/> (#5304) for JDK 9 with 
Project Jigsaw is available on java.net, summary of changes are listed 

Early Access b03 <https://jdk8.java.net/download.html> for JDK 8u112 is 
available on java.net, summary of  changes are listed here 

Alan Bateman posted new EA builds contain initial implementation of 
current proposals , more info [0]

   The jigsaw/jake forest has been updated with an initial
   implementation of the proposals that Mark brought to the
   jpms-spec-experts mailing list last week. For those that don't build
   from source then the EA build/downloads [1] has also been refreshed.


[0] http://mail.openjdk.java.net/pipermail/jigsaw-dev/2016-July/008467.html
[1] https://jdk9.java.net/jigsaw/

Rgds,Rory O'Donnell
Quality Engineering Manager
Oracle EMEA , Dublin, Ireland

Early Access builds of JDK 8u112 b01, JDK 9 b124 are available on java.net

2016-06-27 Thread Rory O'Donnell

Hi Nick,

Early Access b124 <https://jdk9.java.net/download/> for JDK 9 is 
available on java.net, summary of  changes are listed here 

Early Access b123 <https://jdk9.java.net/jigsaw/> (#5178) for JDK 9 with 
Project Jigsaw is available on java.net, summary of  changes are listed 

Early Access b01 <https://jdk8.java.net/download.html> for JDK 8u112 is 
available on java.net.

Update to JEP 261 : Module System - email from Mark Reinhold [1]

- The special ALL-DEFAULT module name, which represents the default set 
of root modules for use with the -addmods option [2];
- A more thorough explanation of how the built-in class loaders have 
changed, how built-in modules are assigned to each loader,

   and how these loaders work together to load classes [3]; and
- The reason why Java EE-related modules are no longer resolved by 
default [4].
- There are various other minor corrections and clarifications, as can 
be seen in the detailed diff [5].



Rgds,Rory O'Donnell
Quality Engineering Manager
Oracle EMEA, Dublin,Ireland

Early Access builds of JDK 9 b120 & JDK 9 with Project Jigsaw b120 (#5074) are available on java.net

2016-05-30 Thread Rory O'Donnell

Hi Nick,

Early Access b120 <https://jdk9.java.net/download/> for JDK 9 is 
available on java.net, summary of  changes are listed here 

Early Access b120 <https://jdk9.java.net/jigsaw/> (#5074) for JDK 9 with 
Project Jigsaw is available on java.net.

JDK 9 Build 120 has over *400 *bug fixes, hotspot fixes making a 
significant contribution.

In addition , this build implements JEP 289: Deprecate the Applet API [1]

Notable changes since the is last announcement email - in JDK 9 b119 the 
big change
was moving the class file version from 52.0 to 53.0, see [2] for more 


[1] JEP 289: Deprecate the Applet API <http://openjdk.java.net/jeps/289>
[2] http://mail.openjdk.java.net/pipermail/jdk9-dev/2016-January/003507.html

Rgds,Rory O'Donnell
Quality Engineering Manager
Oracle EMEA, Dublin,Ireland

Early Access builds of JDK 9 b118 & JDK 9 with Project Jigsaw, b118 (#4987) are available on java.net

2016-05-18 Thread Rory O'Donnell

Hi Nick,

Early Access b118 <https://jdk9.java.net/download/> for JDK 9 is 
available on java.net, summary of  changes are listed here 

Early Access b118 <https://jdk9.java.net/jigsaw/> (#4913) for JDK 9 with 
Project Jigsaw is available on java.net.

JDK 9 Build 118 includes a refresh of the module system.

There are several changes in this update, JDK 9 b118 has the updated 
policy for root modules described
in JEP 261 [1]. This means that java.corba and the 6 EE modules aren't 
resolved by default and so it will
look "as if" the types in these modules have been removed. More info on 
the JDK 9 dev mailing list [2].

A change that went into JDK 9 b102 is worth mentioning:
JDK9: Remove stopThread RuntimePermission  from the default java.policy 
In previous releases, untrusted
code had the "stopThread" RuntimePermission granted by default. This 
permission allows untrusted code
to call Thread.stop(), initiating an asynchronous ThreadDeath Error, on 
threads in the same thread group.
Having a ThreadDeath Error thrown asynchronously is not something that 
trusted code should be expected

to handle gracefully. The permission is no longer granted by default.


[1] http://openjdk.java.net/jeps/261
[2] http://mail.openjdk.java.net/pipermail/jdk9-dev/2016-May/004309.html

Rgds,Rory O'Donnell
Quality Engineering Manager
Oracle EMEA, Dublin,Ireland

Early Access builds of JDK 9 b116 & JDK 9 with Project Jigsaw b115 (#4909) are available on java.net

2016-04-29 Thread Rory O'Donnell

Hi Nick,

Early Access b116 <https://jdk9.java.net/download/> for JDK 9 is 
available on java.net, summary of  changes are listed here 

Early Access b115 <https://jdk9.java.net/jigsaw/> (#4909) for JDK 9 with 
Project Jigsaw is available on java.net.

Recent changes:

 * in b114
 o Replace
   With platform independent alternatives in java.awt
 * in b115
 o As per JEP 260, all non-Critical types/members should be moved
   out of
   sun/reflect and placed into a non-exported package. Only
   critical APIs
   should remain in sun.reflect.

We are very interested in hearing your experiences in testing any Early 
Access builds. Have you have begun testing against
JDK 9 and or JDK 9 with Project Jigsaw EA builds, have you uncovered 
showstopper issues that you would like to discuss?
We would really like to hear your findings so far, either reply to me or 
via the mailing lists [1], [2].


[1] http://mail.openjdk.java.net/pipermail/jigsaw-dev/
[2] http://mail.openjdk.java.net/pipermail/jdk9-dev/

Rgds,Rory O'Donnell
Quality Engineering Manager
Oracle EMEA, Dublin,Ireland

Early Access builds of JDK 9 b113 & JDK 9 with Project Jigsaw b113 (#4848) are available on java.net

2016-04-15 Thread Rory O'Donnell

Hi Nick,

Early Access b113 <https://jdk9.java.net/download/> for JDK 9 is 
available on java.net, summary of  changes are listed here 

Early Access b113 <https://jdk9.java.net/jigsaw/> (#4664) for JDK 9 with 
Project Jigsaw is available on java.net.

 * The important change in this build is that root modules when
   compiling code in the unnamed module, or when running and the main
   class is loaded from the class path, do not include the EE modules.
   More on this in JEP 261.
 * The other change in this build is that the -Xpatch option is now
   aligned with what we have documented in JEP 261, support for the old
   form has been removed.

We are very interested in hearing your experiences in testing any Early 
Access builds. Have you have begun testing against
JDK 9 and or JDK 9 with Project Jigsaw EA builds, have you uncovered 
showstopper issues that you would like to discuss?
We would really like to hear your findings so far, either reply to me or 
via the mailing lists [1], [2].


[1] http://mail.openjdk.java.net/pipermail/jigsaw-dev/
[2] http://mail.openjdk.java.net/pipermail/jdk9-dev/

Rgds,Rory O'Donnell
Quality Engineering Manager
Oracle EMEA, Dublin,Ireland

Project Jigsaw: The module system was integrated into JDK 9 and is now available for testing in early-access, build 111.

2016-03-31 Thread Rory O'Donnell

Hi Nick,

Project Jigsaw <http://openjdk.java.net/projects/jigsaw/> is an enormous 
effort, encompassing six JEPs 
<http://openjdk.java.net/projects/jigsaw/#jeps> implemented by dozens of 
engineers over many years.
So far we’ve defined a modular structure for the JDK (JEP 200 
<http://openjdk.java.net/jeps/200>), reorganized the source code 
according to that structure
(JEP 201 <http://openjdk.java.net/jeps/201>), and restructured the JDK 
and JRE run-time images to support modules (JEP 220 
<http://openjdk.java.net/jeps/220>). The last major component,
the module system itself (JSR 376 
<http://openjdk.java.net/projects/jigsaw/spec/> and JEP 261 
<http://openjdk.java.net/jeps/261>), was integrated into JDK 9 earlier 
this week and is now available for testing

in early-access build 111 - here. <http://jdk9.java.net/download>

More information on Mark Reinhold's blog [1]

Rgds, Rory

Project Jigsaw <http://openjdk.java.net/projects/jigsaw/> is an enormous 
effort, encompassing six JEPs 
<http://openjdk.java.net/projects/jigsaw/#jeps> implemented by dozens of 
engineers over many years. So far we’ve defined a modular structure for 
the JDK (JEP 200 <http://openjdk.java.net/jeps/200>), reorganized the 
source code according to that structure (JEP 201 
<http://openjdk.java.net/jeps/201>), and restructured the JDK and JRE 
run-time images to support modules (JEP 220 
<http://openjdk.java.net/jeps/220>). The last major component, the 
module system itself (JSR 376 
<http://openjdk.java.net/projects/jigsaw/spec/> and JEP 261 
<http://openjdk.java.net/jeps/261>), was integrated into JDK 9 
<http://openjdk.java.net/projects/jdk9> earlier this week and is now 
available for testing in early-access build 111 

[1] http://mreinhold.org/blog/jigsaw-module-system
Project Jigsaw <http://openjdk.java.net/projects/jigsaw/> is an enormous 
effort, encompassing six JEPs 
<http://openjdk.java.net/projects/jigsaw/#jeps> implemented by dozens of 
engineers over many years. So far we’ve defined a modular structure for 
the JDK (JEP 200 <http://openjdk.java.net/jeps/200>), reorganized the 
source code according to that structure (JEP 201 
<http://openjdk.java.net/jeps/201>), and restructured the JDK and JRE 
run-time images to support modules (JEP 220 
<http://openjdk.java.net/jeps/220>). The last major component, the 
module system itself (JSR 376 
<http://openjdk.java.net/projects/jigsaw/spec/> and JEP 261 
<http://openjdk.java.net/jeps/261>), was integrated into JDK 9 
<http://openjdk.java.net/projects/jdk9> earlier this week and is now 
available for testing in early-access build 111 
Project Jigsaw <http://openjdk.java.net/projects/jigsaw/> is an enormous 
effort, encompassing six JEPs 
<http://openjdk.java.net/projects/jigsaw/#jeps> implemented by dozens of 
engineers over many years. So far we’ve defined a modular structure for 
the JDK (JEP 200 <http://openjdk.java.net/jeps/200>), reorganized the 
source code according to that structure (JEP 201 
<http://openjdk.java.net/jeps/201>), and restructured the JDK and JRE 
run-time images to support modules (JEP 220 
<http://openjdk.java.net/jeps/220>). The last major component, the 
module system itself (JSR 376 
<http://openjdk.java.net/projects/jigsaw/spec/> and JEP 261 
<http://openjdk.java.net/jeps/261>), was integrated into JDK 9 
<http://openjdk.java.net/projects/jdk9> earlier this week and is now 
available for testing in early-access build 111 

Rgds,Rory O'Donnell
Quality Engineering Manager
Oracle EMEA, Dublin,Ireland

Early Access builds of JDK 9 b110 & JDK 9 with Project Jigsaw b110 (#4664) are available on java.net

2016-03-19 Thread Rory O'Donnell

Hi Nick,

Early Access b110 <https://jdk9.java.net/download/> for JDK 9 is 
available on java.net, summary of  changes are listed here 
Among other fixes , the following changes are also included from builds 
108 to 110

 o removal of the OS X-specific com.apple.concurrent package
 o update to the JAX-WS RI integration to latest version
 o disabling of Diffie-Hellman keys smaller than 1024 bits

Early Access b110 <https://jdk9.java.net/jigsaw/> (#4664) for JDK 9 with 
Project Jigsaw is available on java.net.
We expect this will be the last EA build before we integrate into JDK 9. 
This means that this

EA build is essentially what will be jdk-9+111 next week.

As always, please help out by trying out existing code and libraries to 
see what works and
doesn't work. We have a detailed list of compatibility issues listed in 
JEP 261 [2].

Also feedback and questions from those that trying the EA build to 
modularize existing
code would be appreciated. We also want to know what works and doesn't 
work here [3]


[1] https://jdk9.java.net/jigsaw/
[2] http://openjdk.java.net/jeps/261
[3] http://mail.openjdk.java.net/pipermail/jigsaw-dev/

Rgds,Rory O'Donnell
Quality Engineering Manager
Oracle EMEA, Dublin,Ireland

Early Access builds of JDK 9 b107 & JDK 9 with Project Jigsaw b106 (#4540) are available on java.net

2016-03-01 Thread Rory O'Donnell

Hi Nick,

Early Access b107 <https://jdk9.java.net/download/> for JDK 9 is 
available on java.net, summary of  changes are listed here 

Among other fixes , the following are also included:

 * Update class file version to 53 for JDK-9,  more info here
 * Add support for ES6 collections , more info here

Early Access b106 <https://jdk9.java.net/jigsaw/> (#4540) for JDK 9 with 
Project Jigsaw is available on java.net.

The March 2016 Quality Outreach Report is posted on here, 
thanks again to those who

found & logged bugs against Early Access builds.


Rgds,Rory O'Donnell
Quality Engineering Manager
Oracle EMEA , Dublin, Ireland

Early Access builds of JDK 8u76 b04, JDK 9 & JDK 9 with Project Jigsaw b104 are available on java.net

2016-02-08 Thread Rory O'Donnell

Hi Nick,

Early Access b04 <https://jdk8.java.net/download.html> for JDK 8u76 is 
available on java.net, summary of  changes are listed here 

Early Access b104 <https://jdk9.java.net/download/> for JDK 9 is 
available on java.net, summary of  changes are listed here 

JEP 280: Indify String Concatenation [0]

This JEP proposed to change the static |String|-concatenation bytecode 
sequence generated by |javac| to use |invokedynamic| calls to JDK 
library functions. This will enable future optimizations of |String| 
concatenation without requiring further changes to the bytecode emitted 
by |javac|.

Early Access b104 <https://jdk9.java.net/jigsaw/> for JDK 9 with Project 
Jigsaw is available on java.net.

Great to meet so many of you at FOSDEM this year,  videos of some of the 
presentations are available [1]


[0] http://openjdk.java.net/jeps/280
[1] http://video.fosdem.org/2016/h1301

Rgds,Rory O'Donnell
Quality Engineering Manager
Oracle EMEA , Dublin, Ireland

Early Access builds of JDK 8u76 b02, JDK 9 build b100 & build b99 for JDK 9 with Project Jigsaw are available on java.net

2016-01-15 Thread Rory O'Donnell

Hi Nick,

Early Access b02 <https://jdk8.java.net/download.html> for JDK 8u76 is 
available on java.net, summary of  changes are listed here 

Early Access b100 <https://jdk9.java.net/download/> for JDK 9 is 
available on java.net, summary of  changes are listed here 

Early Access b99 <https://jdk9.java.net/jigsaw/> for JDK 9 with Project 
Jigsaw is available on java.net, summary of changes are listed here 
<http://download.java.net/jigsaw/archive/99/binaries/jdk-9+99.html> .

Dalibor and I will be at FOSDEM '16, Brussels 30 & 31 January, link to 
our presentation here. 

Let us know if you will be there, hopefully we can meet up !


Rgds,Rory O'Donnell
Quality Engineering Manager
Oracle EMEA , Dublin, Ireland

Early Access builds b99 for JDK 9 & build b96 for JDK 9 with Project Jigsaw are available on java.net

2015-12-29 Thread Rory O'Donnell

Hi Nick,

Early Access b99 <https://jdk9.java.net/download/> for JDK 9 is 
available on java.net, summary of  changes are listed here 

Early Access b96 <https://jdk9.java.net/jigsaw/> for JDK 9 with Project 
Jigsaw is available on java.net, summary of changes are listed here 
<http://download.java.net/jigsaw/archive/96/binaries/jdk-9+96.html> .

We have reached a milestone of 100 bugs logged by Open Source projects , 
thank you for your continued

support in testing Early Access builds based on various OpenJDK Projects.

Best wishes for the New Year, hope to catch up with you at FOSDEM in 


Rgds,Rory O'Donnell
Quality Engineering Manager
Oracle EMEA, Dublin,Ireland

Early-access build b95 of JDK 9 is available for download

2015-12-07 Thread Rory O'Donnell

Hi Nick,

Early-access builds of JDK 9 with Project Verona [0] in b95 are 
available for download here <https://jdk9.java.net/download>.

The goal of this Project is to implement the new JDK version string as 
described in JEP-223 <http://openjdk.java.net/jeps/223> [1].
The new version-string scheme is designed to easily distinguish major, 
minor, and security-update releases.
For more information please see Iris Clark's email [2] , also see 
Dalibor Topic's blog on this topic [3].

Please send usage questions, feedback and experience reports to the 
verona-dev <http://mail.openjdk.java.net/mailman/listinfo/verona-dev> 
mailing list.

Note: If you haven’t already subscribed to that mailing list then please 
do so first, otherwise

your message will be discarded as spam.


[0] http://openjdk.java.net/projects/verona/
[1] http://openjdk.java.net/jeps/223

[3] https://blogs.oracle.com/java-platform-group/entry/a_new_jdk_9_version

Rgds,Rory O'Donnell
Quality Engineering Manager
Oracle EMEA , Dublin, Ireland

Early Access b93 is available for JDK 9 on java.net

2015-11-27 Thread Rory O'Donnell

Hi Nick,

Since my last message about JDK 9 build b88, a number of new JEPs have 
been integrated into JDK 9 b93
available here <https://jdk9.java.net/download/>. I'd like to point you 
to a few that are now available for testing in this JDK 9 Early Access 

JEP 254: Compact Strings (http://openjdk.java.net/jeps/254)

This JEP adopts a more space-efficient internal representation for strings.

We propose to change the internal representation of the String class 
from a UTF-16 char array to a byte array plus an encoding-flag field. 
The new String class will store characters encoded either as 
ISO-8859-1/Latin-1 (one byte per character), or as UTF-16 (two bytes per 
character), based upon the contents of the string. The encoding flag 
will indicate which encoding is used.

JEP 165: Compiler Control (http://openjdk.java.net/jeps/165)

This JEP proposes an improved way to control the JVM compilers. It 
enables runtime manageable, method dependent compiler flags. (Immutable 
for the duration of a compilation.)

Method-context dependent control of the compilation process is a 
powerful tool for writing small contained JVM compiler tests that can be 
run without restarting the entire JVM. It is also very useful for 
creating workarounds for bugs in the JVM compilers.

JEP 243: Java-Level JVM Compiler Interface 

This JEP instruments the data flows within the JVM which are used by the 
JIT compiler to allow Java code to observe, query, and affect the JVM's 
compilation process and its associated metadata.

JEP 268: XML Catalog API (http://openjdk.java.net/jeps/268)

This JEP develops a standard XML Catalog API that supports the OASIS XML 
Catalogs standard, v1.1. The API will define catalog and 
catalog-resolver abstractions which can be used with the JAXP processors 
that accept resolvers.

Existing libraries or applications that use the internal API will need 
to migrate to the new API in order to take advantage of the new features.

Rgds, Rory

Rgds,Rory O'Donnell
Quality Engineering Manager
Oracle EMEA , Dublin, Ireland

Early Access builds for JDK 8u72 b05 , JDK 9 b88 and JDK 9 with Project Jigsaw build b86 are available on java.net

2015-10-30 Thread Rory O'Donnell

Hi Nick,

Early Access build for JDK 8u72 b05 <http://jdk8.java.net/download.html> 
is available on java.net, summary of changes are listed here. 

Early Access build for JDK 9 b88 <https://jdk9.java.net/download/> is 
available on java.net, summary of  changes are listed here 

Early Access build for JDK 9 with Project Jigsaw b86 
<https://jdk9.java.net/jigsaw/> is available on java.net.

Changes for JDK 9 with Project Jigsaw b86 : -

 *   New options for the jdeps tool: -genmoduleinfo to generate draft
   module-info.java files, and -ct to do a compile-time analysis of
   references (i.e., follow all references leaving all classes in each
   referenced JAR file) rather than the default run-time analysis
   (which only follows references leaving referenced classes).
 *   jlink no longer does service binding by default.
 * Class::getPackage fixed to return null for array types, primitives,
   and void (bug reported by Chris Newland).
 * Improved messages in IllegalAccessExceptions thrown by core reflection.
 * java -verbose now works with -Xpatch .
 * The special token ALL-SYSTEM can be used with the -addmods option to
   add all system modules.
 * New methods Module::{addUses,canUse}, which are dynamic equivalents
   of service-use clauses in module declarations.

Rgds, Rory

Rgds,Rory O'Donnell
Quality Engineering Manager
Oracle EMEA , Dublin, Ireland

Early Access build 83 for JDK 9 and JDK 9 with Project Jigsaw are available for download.

2015-10-09 Thread Rory O'Donnell

Hi Nick,

JDK 9 with Project Jigsaw Early Access build b83 is available for 
download at jdk9.java.net/jigsaw <http://jdk9.java.net/jigsaw>.

Notable changes:

 * The -Xoverride option has been extended and renamed to -Xpatch, and
   the -XaddReads option has been restored [1] (changesets
   04dd0430530e, 095fc622bf01).
 * ClassLoader::getPackage now works as it did previously, walking the
   class-loader hierarchy in order to find Package objects, which
   enables NetBeans to start up [2] (5805781b9370).
 * Class::getResource will now return a URL to a resource in a module,
   when invoked from code within that module (0fbe4c72638a).
 * The big module-summary table has been improved, and will now be
   posted with each build [3] (e922b207c170).

JDK 9 Early Access build b83 is available for download 
<https://jdk9.java.net/download/> , summary of  changes are listed here 

 * Request for G1 GC Feedback at wiki -
 * This wiki-page aims to outline the basic JVM parameters switching to
   G1GC, and how you can help collecting data comparing the G1GC and
   Parallel GC.

Rgds, Rory


Rgds,Rory O'Donnell
Quality Engineering Manager
Oracle EMEA , Dublin, Ireland

Project Jigsaw: Early-Access Builds available on jdk9.java.net/jigsaw

2015-09-09 Thread Rory O'Donnell

Hi Nick,

Early-access builds of JDK 9 with Project Jigsaw are available for 
download at jdk9.java.net/jigsaw <http://jdk9.java.net/jigsaw>.

The EA builds contain the latest prototype implementation of JSR 376 
<http://openjdk.java.net/projects/jigsaw/spec>, the Java Platform Module 
as well as that of the JDK-specific APIs and tools described in JEP 261 

If you'd like to try out the EA builds, by far the most helpful things 
you can do are:


   Try to run existing applications, without change, on these builds to
   see whether the module system, or the modularization of the
   platform, breaks your code or identifies code that depends upon
   JDK-internal APIs or other unspecified aspects of the platform.


   Experiment with the module system itself, perhaps by following the
   quick start guide
   <http://openjdk.java.net/projects/jigsaw/quick-start>, and start
   thinking about how to migrate existing libraries and application
   components to modules. We hope to publish some specific migration
   tips shortly.

Please send usage questions and experience reports to the jigsaw-dev 
<http://mail.openjdk.java.net/mailman/listinfo/jigsaw-dev> list. 
Specific suggestions about the design of the module system should be 
sent to the JSR 376 Expert Group's comments list 

For more information please seen Mark Reinhold's mail [1]



Rgds,Rory O'Donnell
Quality Engineering Manager
Oracle EMEA , Dublin, Ireland

Early Access builds for JDK 8u66 b02 and JDK 9 b78 are available on java.net

2015-08-28 Thread Rory O'Donnell

Hi Nick,

Early Access build for JDK 8u66 b02 http://jdk8.java.net/download.html 
is available on java.net, summary of changes are listed here. 

Early Access build for JDK 9 b78 https://jdk9.java.net/download/ is 
available on java.net, summary of  changes are listed here 

With respect to ongoing JDK 9 development, I'd like to draw your 
attention to the following requests to provide

feedback on the relevant mailing lists.

*OpenJDK JarSigner API*
JDK 9 is more restricted on calling sun.* public methods but we know 
there are users calling
sun.security.tools.jarsigner.Main to sign jar files.  A new API is 
this very purpose in OpenJDK.
Feedback on this API should be provided on the security-dev 
http://mail.openjdk.java.net/mailman/listinfo/security-dev mailing list.

*RFC JEP: NIST SP 800-90A SecureRandom implementations : *Feedback on 
this draft 
JEP should be provided
on the security-dev 
http://mail.openjdk.java.net/mailman/listinfo/security-dev mailing list.

* *Public API for internal Swing classes*
According to the JEP 200: The Modular JDK 
http://openjdk.java.net/jeps/200 we expect that classes from internal 
packages (like sun.swing) will not be
accessible. If you are using the internal Swing API and it is not 
possible to replace it by public API, please provide
feedback on the swing-dev 
http://mail.openjdk.java.net/mailman/listinfo/swing-dev mailing list.

If you haven’t already subscribed to a list then please do so first,  
otherwise your message will be discarded as spam.

Finally, videos of presentations from the JVM Language Summit have been 
published at :

Rgds, Rory

Rgds,Rory O'Donnell
Quality Engineering Manager
Oracle EMEA , Dublin, Ireland

Early Access builds for JDK 8u60 b26 and JDK 9 b75 are available on java.net

2015-08-05 Thread Rory O'Donnell

Hi Nick,

Early Access build for JDK 8u60 b26 http://jdk8.java.net/download.html 
is available on java.net, summary of changes are listed here. 
As we enter the later phases of development for JDK 8u60, please log any 
show stoppers as soon as possible.

Early Access build for JDK 9 b75 https://jdk9.java.net/download/ is 
available on java.net, summary of  changes are listed here 

With respect to ongoing JDK 9 development, there are two new Candidate 
JEPs I'd like to draw your attention to.

Firstly, Mark Reinhold has put forward JEP 260: Encapsulate Most 
Internal APIs to make most of the JDK's internal APIs inaccessible by 
default but leave a few critical, widely-used internal APIs accessible, 
until supported replacements exist for all or most of their functionality.

You can find the JEP here: http://openjdk.java.net/jeps/260 - and an 
introductory e-mail and discussion thread on the OpenJDK jigsaw-dev 
mailing list, starting at 
http://mail.openjdk.java.net/pipermail/jigsaw-dev/2015-August/004433.html . 
If you would like to provide additional feedback, please join the 
jigsaw-dev mailing list, and contribute to the discussion there.

Secondly, Mandy Chung has put forward JEP 259: Stack-Walking API to 
define an efficient standard API for stack walking that allows easy 
filtering of, and lazy access to, the information in stack traces. You 
can find the JEP here: http://openjdk.java.net/jeps/259 .

If you would like to provide feedback on JEP 259, please join the 
OpenJDK core-libs-dev mailing list and contribute to the discussion there.

Finally, we are looking for feedback via a survey on Java Style 
Guidelines Please see here for more details.


Rgds, Rory

Rgds,Rory O'Donnell
Quality Engineering Manager
Oracle EMEA , Dublin, Ireland

Early Access builds for JDK 8u60 b24 and JDK 9 b72 are available on java.net

2015-07-17 Thread Rory O'Donnell

Hi Nick,

Early Access build for JDK 8u60 b24 http://jdk8.java.net/download.html 
is available on java.net, summary of changes are listed here. 
As we enter the later phases of development for JDK 8u60, please log any 
show stoppers as soon as possible.

Early Access build for JDK 9 b72 https://jdk9.java.net/download/ is 
available on java.net, summary of  changes are listed here 
Note: b72 includes 8081708 
http://bugs.sun.com/bugdatabase/view_bug.do?bug_id=8081607 - Change 
default GC for server configurations to G1

As described in JEP 248 http://openjdk.java.net/jeps/248, switching to 
a low-pause collector in JDK 9 such as G1 should provide a better
overall experience, for most users, than a throughput-oriented collector 
such as the Parallel GC, which is

currently the default.

A call for feedback and data points 
regarding this change went out on the hotspot-dev 
http://mail.openjdk.java.net/mailman/listinfo/hotspot-dev mailing 
list, where

such input should be provided.


Rgds,Rory O'Donnell
Quality Engineering Manager
Oracle EMEA , Dublin, Ireland

Early Access builds for JDK 8u60 b21 and JDK 9 b70 are available on java.net

2015-07-03 Thread Rory O'Donnell

Hi Nick,

Early Access build for JDK 8u60 b21 http://jdk8.java.net/download.html 
is available on java.net, summary of changes are listed here. 
As we enter the later phases of development for JDK 8u60, please log any 
show stoppers as soon as possible.

Early Access build for JDK 9 b70 https://jdk9.java.net/download/ is 
available on java.net, summary of  changes are listed here 

The JDK 9 schedule of record is available on the JDK 9 Project page: 

At https://wiki.openjdk.java.net/display/Adoption/JDK+9+Outreach you can 
find a (preliminary) list of other
changes that might affect your project's code in JDK 9, and other things 
to consider when testing with JDK 9.
I'd be curious to know if there is anything on that list you'd consider 
to have an effect on your project.

Please keep in mind that as JEPs and others changes are integrated into 
(or out of) JDK 9, the list will change

over time.


Rgds,Rory O'Donnell
Quality Engineering Manager
Oracle EMEA , Dublin, Ireland

Early Access builds for JDK 9 b66 and JDK 8u60 b18 are available on java.net

2015-06-05 Thread Rory O'Donnell

Hi Nick,

Early Access build for JDK 8u60 b18 http://jdk8.java.net/download.html 
is available on java.net, summary of changes are listed here. 
As we enter the later phases of development for JDK 8u60, please log any 
show stoppers as soon as possible.

Early Access build for JDK 9 b66 https://jdk9.java.net/download/ is 
available on java.net, summary of  changes are listed here 

The JDK 9 schedule of record is available on the JDK 9 Project page: 

At https://wiki.openjdk.java.net/display/Adoption/JDK+9+Outreach you can 
find a (preliminary) list of other
changes that might affect your project's code in JDK 9, and other things 
to consider when testing with JDK 9.
I'd be curious to know if there is anything on that list you'd consider 
to have an effect on your project.

Please keep in mind that as JEPs and others changes are integrated into 
(or out of) JDK 9, the list will change

over time.


Rgds,Rory O'Donnell
Quality Engineering Manager
Oracle EMEA , Dublin, Ireland

Early Access builds for JDK 9 b64 and JDK 8u60 b15 are available on java.net

2015-05-19 Thread Rory O'Donnell

Hi Nick,

Early Access build for JDK 9 b64 https://jdk9.java.net/download/ is 
available on java.net, summary of  changes are listed here 
The JDK 9 schedule of record is available on the JDK 9 Project page: 

Early Access build for JDK 8u60 b15 http://jdk8.java.net/download.html 
is available on java.net, summary of changes are listed here. 
Note with 8077220 in 8u60 b12 , we are disabling the RC4 cipher suite by 

As we enter the later phases of development for JDK 8u60, please log any 
show stoppers as soon as possible.


Rgds,Rory O'Donnell
Quality Engineering Manager
Oracle EMEA , Dublin, Ireland

Early Access builds for JDK 9 b60 and JDK 8u60 b12 are available on java.net

2015-04-24 Thread Rory O'Donnell

Hi Nick,

Early Access build for JDK 9 b60 https://jdk9.java.net/download/ 
available on java.net, summary of  changes are listed here 

Early Access build for JDK 8u60 b12 http://jdk8.java.net/download.html 
is available on java.net, summary of changes are listed here. 


Rgds,Rory O'Donnell
Quality Engineering Manager
Oracle EMEA , Dublin, Ireland

Early Access builds for JDK 9 b55 and JDK 8u60 b08 are available on java.net

2015-03-31 Thread Rory O'Donnell

Hi Nick,

Early Access build for JDK 9 b55 https://jdk9.java.net/download/ 
available on java.net, summary of  changes are listed here 

Early Access build for JDK 8u60 b08 http://jdk8.java.net/download.html 
is available on java.net, summary of changes are listed here. 


Rgds,Rory O'Donnell
Quality Engineering Manager
Oracle EMEA , Dublin, Ireland

Early Access builds for JDK 9 b53 and JDK 8u60 b05 are available on java.net

2015-03-10 Thread Rory O'Donnell

Hi Nick,

Early Access build for JDK 9 b53 https://jdk9.java.net/download/ 
available on java.net, summary of  changes are listed here 

Early Access build for JDK 8u60 b05 http://jdk8.java.net/download.html 
is available on java.net, summary of changes are listed here. 

I'd also like to use this opportunity to point you to JEP 238: 
Multi-Version JAR Files [0],

which is currently a Candidate JEP for JDK 9.

It's goal is to extend the JAR file format to allow multiple, JDK 
release-specific versions of class
files to coexist in a single file. An additional goal is to backport the 
run-time changes to
JDK 8u60, thereby enabling JDK 8 to consume multi-version JARs. For a 
detailed discussion,

please see the corresponding thread on the core-libs-dev mailing list. [1]

Please keep in mind that a JEP in the Candidate state is merely an idea 
worthy of consideration
by JDK Release Projects and related efforts; there is no commitment that 
it will be delivered in

any particular release.

Comments, questions, and suggestions are welcome on the corelibs-dev 
mailing list. (If you
haven’t already subscribed to that list then please do so first, 
otherwise your message will be

discarded as spam.)


[0] http://openjdk.java.net/jeps/238

Rgds,Rory O'Donnell
Quality Engineering Manager
Oracle EMEA , Dublin, Ireland

Early Access builds for JDK 9 b51 are available on java.net

2015-02-27 Thread Rory O'Donnell

Hi Nick,

Early Access build for JDK 9 b51 https://jdk9.java.net/download/ 
available on java.net, summary of  changes are listed here 

I'd also like to use this opportunity to point you to JEP 238: 
Multi-Version JAR Files [0],

which is currently a Candidate JEP for JDK 9.

It's goal is to extend the JAR file format to allow multiple, JDK 
release-specific versions of class
files to coexist in a single file. An additional goal is to backport the 
run-time changes to
JDK 8u60, thereby enabling JDK 8 to consume multi-version JARs. For a 
detailed discussion,

please see the corresponding thread on the core-libs-dev mailing list. [1]

Please keep in mind that a JEP in the Candidate state is merely an idea 
worthy of consideration
by JDK Release Projects and related efforts; there is no commitment that 
it will be delivered in

any particular release.

Comments, questions, and suggestions are welcome on the corelibs-dev 
mailing list. (If you
haven’t already subscribed to that list then please do so first, 
otherwise your message will be

discarded as spam.)


[0] http://openjdk.java.net/jeps/238

Rgds,Rory O'Donnell
Quality Engineering Manager
Oracle EMEA , Dublin, Ireland

Early Access builds for JDK 9 b48, JDK 8u40 b23 JDK 7u80 b05 are available on java.net

2015-02-06 Thread Rory O'Donnell

Hi Nick,

Now that JDK 9 Early Access build images are modular [1], there is a fresh
Early Access build for JDK 9 b48 https://jdk9.java.net/download/ 
available on java.net.
The summary of  changes are listed here 

In addition, there are new Early Access builds for the ongoing update 

The Early Access build for JDK 8u40 b23 
http://jdk8.java.net/download.html is available on java.net, with the
summary of changes listed here. 

Finally, the Early Access build for JDK 7u80 b05 
https://jdk7.java.net/download.htmlis available on java.net,
with the summary of changes listed here. 

As we enter the later phases of development for JDK 7u80  JDK 8u40,
please log any show stoppers as soon as possible.


[1] http://mreinhold.org/blog/jigsaw-modular-images

Rgds,Rory O'Donnell
Quality Engineering Manager
Oracle EMEA , Dublin, Ireland

Early Access builds for JDK 9 b45, JDK 8u40 b21 JDK 7u80 b04 are available on java.net

2015-01-16 Thread Rory O'Donnell

Hi Nick,

Now that JDK 9 Early Access build images are modular [1], there is a fresh
Early Access build for JDK 9 b45 https://jdk9.java.net/download/ 
available on java.net.
The summary of  changes are listed here 

In addition, there are new Early Access builds for the ongoing update 

The Early Access build for JDK 8u40 b21 
http://jdk8.java.net/download.html is available on java.net, with the
summary of changes listed here. 

Finally, the Early Access build for JDK 7u80 b04 
https://jdk7.java.net/download.htmlis available on java.net,
with the summary of changes listed here. 

As we enter the later phases of development for JDK 7u80  JDK 8u40,
please log any show stoppers as soon as possible.


[1] http://mreinhold.org/blog/jigsaw-modular-images

Rgds,Rory O'Donnell
Quality Engineering Manager
Oracle EMEA , Dublin, Ireland

Early Access builds for JDK 9 b42, JDK 8 b18 JDK 7 b03 are available on java.net

2014-12-16 Thread Rory O'Donnell

Hi Nick,

Now that JDK 9 Early Access build images are modular [1], there is a fresh
Early Access build for JDK 9 b42 https://jdk9.java.net/download/ 
available on java.net. The summary of
changes are listed here 

In addition, there are new Early Access builds for the ongoing update 

The Early Access build for JDK 8u40 b18 
http://jdk8.java.net/download.html is available on java.net, with the
summary of changes listed here. 

Finally, the Early Access build for JDK 7u80 b03 
https://jdk7.java.net/download.htmlis available on java.net,
with the summary of changes listed here. 

As we enter the later phases of development for JDK 7u80  JDK 8u40,
please log any show stoppers as soon as possible.


[1] http://mreinhold.org/blog/jigsaw-modular-images

Rgds,Rory O'Donnell
Quality Engineering Manager
Oracle EMEA , Dublin, Ireland

JDK 9 images are now modular with JDK 9 Early Access build 41

2014-12-09 Thread Rory O'Donnell

Hi Nick,

The initial changesets for JEP 220: Modular Run-Time Images [1] are 

with JDK 9 early-access build 41 [2].

To summarize (please see the JEP for details):

- The jre subdirectory is no longer present in JDK images.

- The user-editable configuration files in the lib subdirectory
   have been moved to the new conf directory.

- The endorsed-standards override mechanism has been removed.

- The extension mechanism has been removed.

- rt.jar, tools.jar, and dt.jar have been removed.

- A new URI scheme for naming stored modules, classes, and resources
   has been defined.

- For tools that previously accessed rt.jar directly, a built-in NIO
   file-system provider has been defined to provide access to the 

   and resource files within a run-time image.

More details are available at Mark Reinhold's latest blog entry [3]

Rgds, Rory

[1] http://openjdk.java.net/jeps/220
[2] https://jdk9.java.net/download/
[3] http://mreinhold.org/blog/jigsaw-modular-images

Rgds,Rory O'Donnell
Quality Engineering Manager
Oracle EMEA , Dublin, Ireland

To unsubscribe, e-mail: log4j-dev-unsubscr...@logging.apache.org
For additional commands, e-mail: log4j-dev-h...@logging.apache.org

Jigsaw early-access builds updated (JDK 9 build 40)

2014-11-24 Thread Rory O'Donnell

Hi Nick,

JDK 9 Early Access with Project Jigsaw build b40 is available for 
download at :


The goal of Project Jigsaw [2] is to design and implement a standard module
system for the Java SE Platform, and to apply that system to the 
Platform itself

and to the JDK.

The main change in this build is that it includes the jrt: file-system 

so it now implements all of the changes described in JEP 220.

Please refer to Project Jigsaw's updated project pages [2]  [4] and Mark
Reinhold's update [5] for further details.

We are very interested in your experiences testing this build. Comments,
questions, and suggestions are welcome on the jigsaw-dev 
http://mail.openjdk.java.net/mailman/listinfo/jigsaw-dev mailing list or

through bug reports via bugs.java.com http://bugs.java.com/.

Note: If you haven't already subscribed to that mailing list then please do
so first, otherwise your message will be discarded as spam.

Rgds, Rory

[1] https://jdk9.java.net/jigsaw/
[2] http://openjdk.java.net/projects/jigsaw/
[3] http://openjdk.java.net/jeps/220
[4] http://openjdk.java.net/projects/jigsaw/ea

Rgds,Rory O'Donnell
Quality Engineering Manager
Oracle EMEA , Dublin, Ireland

Jigsaw early-access builds updated (build 38)

2014-11-17 Thread Rory O'Donnell

Hi Nick,

JDK 9 Early Access with Project Jigsaw build b38 is available on 
java.net [1]

The goal of Project Jigsaw [2] is to design and implement a standard module
system for the Java SE Platform, and to apply that system to the 
Platform itself

and to the JDK.

The early-access builds implement the changes described in JEP 220 [3] . 
jrt file-system provider is not yet implemented.  As of build 38, the 

mechanism has been removed.

Please refer to Project Jigsaw's updated project pages [2]  [4] and 
Mark Reinhold's

update [5] for further details.

We are very interested in your experiences testing this build. Comments, 
and suggestions are welcome on the jigsaw-dev 
http://mail.openjdk.java.net/mailman/listinfo/jigsaw-dev mailing list 
or through bug reports

via bugs.java.com http://bugs.java.com/.

Note: If you haven't already subscribed to that mailing list then please 
do so first,

otherwise your message will be discarded as spam.

Rgds, Rory

[1] https://jdk9.java.net/jigsaw/
[2] http://openjdk.java.net/projects/jigsaw/
[3] http://openjdk.java.net/jeps/220
[4] http://openjdk.java.net/projects/jigsaw/ea

Rgds,Rory O'Donnell
Quality Engineering Manager
Oracle EMEA , Dublin, Ireland

JDK 9 Early Access with Project Jigsaw build b36 is available on java.net

2014-11-03 Thread Rory O'Donnell Oracle, Dublin Ireland

Hi Nick,

JDK 9 Early Access with Project Jigsaw build b36 is available on 
java.net [1]

The goal of Project Jigsaw [2] is to design and implement a standard 
module system for the Java SE Platform,

and to apply that system to the Platform itself and to the JDK.

As described in JEP 220 [3], this build provides a new runtime image 
structure. For example, this new runtime

image does not install an rt.jar file or a tools.jar file.

Please refer to Project Jigsaw's updated project pages [2]  [4] and 
Mark Reinhold's announcement email [5]

for further details.

We are very interested in your experiences testing this build. Comments, 
questions, and suggestions are
welcome on the jigsaw-dev mailing list or else submit bug reports via 

Note: If you haven’t already subscribed to that mailing list then please 
do so first, otherwise

your message will be discarded as spam.

[1] https://jdk9.java.net/jigsaw/
[2] http://openjdk.java.net/projects/jigsaw/
[3] http://openjdk.java.net/jeps/220
[4] http://openjdk.java.net/projects/jigsaw/ea

Rgds,Rory O'Donnell
Quality Engineering Manager
Oracle EMEA , Dublin, Ireland

To unsubscribe, e-mail: log4j-dev-unsubscr...@logging.apache.org
For additional commands, e-mail: log4j-dev-h...@logging.apache.org

Early Access builds for JDK 9 b35 and JDK 8u40 b10 are available on java.net

2014-10-21 Thread Rory O'Donnell

Hi Nick,

Early Access build for JDK 9 b35 https://jdk9.java.net/download/ is 
available on java.net, summary of changes are listed here 

Early Access build for JDK 8u40 b10 http://jdk8.java.net/download.html 
is available on java.net, summary of changes are listed here. 


Rgds,Rory O'Donnell
Quality Engineering Manager
Oracle EMEA , Dublin, Ireland

Early Access builds for JDK 9 b33 and JDK 8u40 b09 are available on java.net

2014-10-09 Thread Rory O'Donnell Oracle, Dublin Ireland

Hi Nick,

Early Access build for JDK 9 b33 https://jdk9.java.net/download/ is 
available on java.net, summary of changes are listed here 

Early Access build for JDK 8u40 b09 http://jdk8.java.net/download.html 
is available on java.net, summary of changes are listed here. 


Rgds,Rory O'Donnell
Quality Engineering Manager
Oracle EMEA , Dublin, Ireland

Early Access builds for JDK 9 b32 and JDK 8u40 b07 are available on java.net

2014-09-30 Thread Rory O'Donnell Oracle, Dublin Ireland

Hi Nick,

Early Access build for JDK 9 b32 https://jdk9.java.net/download/  is 
available on java.net, summary of changes are listed here 

Early Access build for JDK 8u40 b07 http://jdk8.java.net/download.html 
is available on java.net, summary of changes are listed here. 


Rgds,Rory O'Donnell
Quality Engineering Manager
Oracle EMEA , Dublin, Ireland

Early Access builds for JDK 9 b31 and JDK 8u40 b06 are available on java.net

2014-09-22 Thread Rory O'Donnell Oracle, Dublin Ireland

Hi Nick,

Early Access build for JDK 9 b31 https://jdk9.java.net/download/  is 
available on java.net, summary of changes are listed here 

Early Access build for JDK 8u40 b06 http://jdk8.java.net/download.html 
is available on java.net, summary of changes are listed here. 


Rgds,Rory O'Donnell
Quality Engineering Manager
Oracle EMEA , Dublin, Ireland

Re: Early Access builds for JDK 9 b31 and JDK 8u40 b06 are available on java.net

2014-09-22 Thread Rory O'Donnell Oracle, Dublin Ireland

Hi Nick,

We would really like to list your project along with your name as 
contact on the wiki at [0],

is that something you would be interested in  ?


[0] https://wiki.openjdk.java.net/display/Adoption/Quality+Out+Reach

On 22/09/2014 08:41, Rory O'Donnell Oracle, Dublin Ireland wrote:

Hi Nick,

Early Access build for JDK 9 b31 https://jdk9.java.net/download/  is 
available on java.net, summary of changes are listed here 

Early Access build for JDK 8u40 b06 
http://jdk8.java.net/download.html is available on java.net, summary 
of changes are listed here. 

Rgds,Rory O'Donnell
Quality Engineering Manager
Oracle EMEA , Dublin, Ireland

Rgds,Rory O'Donnell
Quality Engineering Manager
Oracle EMEA , Dublin, Ireland

Re: Analysis of apache-maven-3.2.3's dependency on JDK-Internal APIs

2014-09-15 Thread Rory O'Donnell Oracle, Dublin Ireland


Can I point you to the following paragraphs below.

For anything where your migration path is unclear, I would appreciate 
comments on the JDK-internal API usage patterns in the attached jdeps 
report, in particular comments elaborating on the rationale for them 
either to me or on this list.

Finding suitable replacements for unsupported interfaces is not always 
straightforward, which is why I am reaching out to you early in the JDK 
9 development cycle so you can give feedback about new APIs that may be 
needed to facilitate this exercise.

Please feel free to send me your comments, explanations etc on why you 
are using JDK-internal APIs ?


P.S. I haven't gotten round to running the tool on log4j yet.

On 15/09/2014 12:52, Gary Gregory wrote:
Sad, isn't it? Like going to the Dr. and he tells you you've got 
something he can't help you with!


On Mon, Sep 15, 2014 at 7:33 AM, Ralph Goers rgo...@apache.org 
mailto:rgo...@apache.org wrote:

Yes, but if you follow the link you will notice that there is
still no replacement.

Sent from my iPad

 On Sep 15, 2014, at 3:55 AM, Gary Gregory
garydgreg...@gmail.com mailto:garydgreg...@gmail.com wrote:

 This is of interest to use and our call stack query hacks, isn't kt?


  Original message 
 From: Rory O'Donnell Oracle, Dublin Ireland
 Date:09/15/2014 06:17 (GMT-05:00)
 To: stephen.alan.conno...@gmail.com
 Cc: Maven Developers List ,Balchandra Vaidya ,Dalibor Topic
 Subject: Re: Analysis of apache-maven-3.2.3's dependency on
JDK-Internal APIs

 Hi Stephen,

 One more time, hope this is ok.


   JDK Internal API Usage Report for apache-maven-3.2.3

 The OpenJDK Quality Outreach campaign has run a compatibility
report to
 identify usage of JDK-internal APIs. Usage of these JDK-internal
 could pose compatibility issues, as the Java team explained in 1996

 We have created this report to help you identify which
JDK-internal APIs
 your project uses, what to use instead, and where those changes
 go. Making these changes will improve your compatibility, and in
 cases give better performance.

 Migrating away from the JDK-internal APIs now will give your team
 adequate time for testing before the release of JDK 9. If you
are unable
 to migrate away from an internal API, please provide us with an
 explanation below to help us understand it better. As a reminder,
 supported APIs are determined by the OpenJDK's Java Community
 and not by Oracle.

 This report was generated by jdeps

 through static analysis of artifacts: it does not identify any
usage of
 those APIs through reflection or dynamic bytecode. You may also run
 jdeps on your own

 if you would prefer.

 Summary of the analysis of the jar files within apache-maven-3.2.3:

   * Numer of jar files depending on JDK-internal APIs: 1
   * Internal APIs that have known replacements: 0
   * Internal APIs that your team should migrate away: 1

       APIs that have known replacements

 ID Replace Usage of With Inside

       JDK-internal APIs without supported replacements:

 ID Internal APIs (do not use) Used by
 1 sun.misc.Unsafe

   * lib/guava-14.0.1.jar


       Identify External Replacements

 You should use a separate third-party library that performs this

 ID Internal API (grouped by package) Used By Identify External

 On 15/09/2014 10:22, Stephen Connolly wrote:
  I think the mailing list stripped the attachment
  On Monday, 15 September 2014, Rory O'Donnell Oracle, Dublin
  rory.odonn...@oracle.com mailto:rory.odonn...@oracle.com wrote:
  Hi Robert,Kristian,
  As part of the preparations for JDK 9, Oracle's engineers
have been
  analyzing open source projects like yours to understand usage.
  One area of concern involves identifying compatibility
problems, such as
  reliance on JDK-internal APIs.
  Our engineers have already prepared guidance on migrating
some of the more
  common usage patterns of JDK-internal APIs to supported
public interfaces.
  The list is on the OpenJDK wiki [0], along with instructions
on how to run
  the jdeps

Early Access builds for JDK 9 b29 and JDK 8u40 b05 are available on java.net

2014-09-12 Thread Rory O'Donnell Oracle, Dublin Ireland

Hi Nick,

Early Access build for JDK 9 b29 https://jdk9.java.net/download/  is 
available on java.net, summary of changes are listed here 

Early Access build for JDK 8u40 b05 http://jdk8.java.net/download.html 
is available on java.net, summary of changes are listed here. 


Rgds,Rory O'Donnell
Quality Engineering Manager
Oracle EMEA , Dublin, Ireland

Early Access builds for JDK 9 b28 and JDK 8u40 b04 are available on java.net

2014-09-05 Thread Rory O'Donnell Oracle, Dublin Ireland

Hi Nick,

Early Access build for JDK 9 b28 https://jdk9.java.net/download/  is 
available on java.net, summary of changes are listed here 

Early Access build for JDK 8u40 b04 http://jdk8.java.net/download.html 
is available on java.net, summary of changes are listed here. 


Rgds,Rory O'Donnell
Quality Engineering Manager
Oracle EMEA , Dublin, Ireland

Early Access build for JDK 8u40 build 02 is available on java.net

2014-08-26 Thread Rory O'Donnell Oracle, Dublin Ireland

Hi Nick,

Early Access build for JDK 8u40 build 02 
http://jdk8.java.net/download.html is available on java.net.

Summary of changes in JDK 8u40 build 02 are listed here. 

Early Access Build Test Results 


Rgds,Rory O'Donnell
Quality Engineering Manager
Oracle EMEA , Dublin, Ireland

Early Access build for JDK 9 b27 is available on java.net

2014-08-22 Thread Rory O'Donnell Oracle, Dublin Ireland

Hi Nick,

Early Access build for JDK 9 b27 https://jdk9.java.net/download/  is 
available on java.net, summary of changes here 

I'd also like to use this opportunity to point you to ongoing work in 
OpenJDK on Project Jigsaw.

- JDK 9's source code is now modular: 

- Mark Reinhold's post providing some context is available on his 
blog: http://mreinhold.org/blog/jigsaw-phase-two

- The first two Project Jigsaw JEPs have been posted at 
http://openjdk.java.net/jeps/200  http://openjdk.java.net/jeps/201 .

You can also track the progress on the JEPs in the JDK Bug System now - 
the corresponding JBS issue for JEP 201 is 
https://bugs.openjdk.java.net/browse/JDK-8051619 , for example.

Comments, questions, and suggestions are welcome on the jigsaw-dev 
mailing list. (If you haven’t already subscribed to that list then 
please do so first, otherwise your message will be discarded as spam.)


Rgds,Rory O'Donnell
Quality Engineering Manager
Oracle EMEA , Dublin, Ireland

Early Access build for JDK 9 b26 is available on java.net

2014-08-12 Thread Rory O'Donnell Oracle, Dublin Ireland

Hi Nick,

Early Access build for JDK 9 b26 https://jdk9.java.net/download/  is 
available on java.net.

Summary of changes 
in JDK 9 Build 26

Early Access Build Test Results 

Rgds, Rory

Rgds,Rory O'Donnell
Quality Engineering Manager
Oracle EMEA , Dublin, Ireland

Early Access builds for JDK 9 b24, JDK 8u20 b23 are available on java.net

2014-07-29 Thread Rory O'Donnell Oracle, Dublin Ireland

Hi Nick,

Early Access builds for JDK 9 b24 https://jdk9.java.net/download/  and 
JDK 8u20 b23 https://jdk8.java.net/download.html  are available on 

As we enter the later phases of development for JDK 8u20 , please log 
any show

stoppers as soon as possible.

Rgds, Rory

Rgds,Rory O'Donnell
Quality Engineering Manager
Oracle EMEA , Dublin, Ireland

Early Access builds for JDK 9 b21, JDK 8u20 b21 are available on java.net

2014-07-04 Thread Rory O'Donnell Oracle, Dublin Ireland

Hi Nick,

Early Access builds for JDK 9 b21 https://jdk9.java.net/download/  and 
JDK 8u20 b21 https://jdk8.java.net/download.html  are available on 

As we enter the later phases of development for JDK 8u20 , please log 
any show

stoppers as soon as possible.

Rgds, Rory

Rgds,Rory O'Donnell
Quality Engineering Manager
Oracle EMEA , Dublin, Ireland

Early Access builds for JDK 9 b19, JDK 8u20 b20 are available on java.net

2014-06-27 Thread Rory O'Donnell Oracle, Dublin Ireland

Hi Nick,

Early Access builds for JDK 9 b19 https://jdk9.java.net/download/  and 
JDK 8u20 b20 https://jdk8.java.net/download.html  are available on 

As we enter the later phases of development for JDK 8u20 , please log 
any show

stoppers as soon as possible.

Rgds, Rory

Rgds,Rory O'Donnell
Quality Engineering Manager
Oracle EMEA , Dublin, Ireland

Early Access builds for JDK 9 b16, JDK 8u20 b17 are available on java.net

2014-06-09 Thread Rory O'Donnell

Hi Nick,

Early Access builds for JDK 9 b16 https://jdk9.java.net/download/  and 
JDK 8u20 b17 https://jdk8.java.net/download.html  are available on 

As we enter the later phases of development for JDK 8u20 , please log 
any show

stoppers as soon as possible.

Rgds, Rory

Rgds,Rory O'Donnell
Quality Engineering Manager
Oracle EMEA , Dublin, Ireland

Re: Early Access builds for JDK 9 b13, JDK 8u20 b15 and JDK 7u60 b15 are available on java.net

2014-05-26 Thread Rory O'Donnell Oracle, Dublin ireland

Hi Matt,

Thanks for the update, are you testing all JDKs  ?

Rgds, Rory
On 05/23/14 10:33 PM, Matt Sicker wrote:

Our project (log4j) built fine and tests still passed.

On 23 May 2014 03:05, Rory O'Donnell Oracle, Dublin Ireland 
rory.odonn...@oracle.com mailto:rory.odonn...@oracle.com wrote:

Hi Nick,

Early Access builds for JDK 9 b13
https://jdk9.java.net/download/, JDK 8u20 b15
https://jdk8.java.net/download.html and JDK 7u60 b15
https://jdk7.java.net/download.html are available on java.net

As we enter the later phases of development for JDK 7u60  JDK
8u20 , please log any show
stoppers as soon as possible.

Rgds, Rory

Rgds,Rory O'Donnell

Quality Engineering Manager
Oracle EMEA , Dublin, Ireland

Matt Sicker boa...@gmail.com mailto:boa...@gmail.com

Rory O'Donnell

Senior Quality Engineering Manager
Java Platform Group
Oracle EMEA , Block P5,
East Point Business Park, Dublin 3
Phone: +353 (0)1 8033887

Early Access builds for JDK 9 b13, JDK 8u20 b15 and JDK 7u60 b15 are available on java.net

2014-05-23 Thread Rory O'Donnell Oracle, Dublin Ireland

Hi Nick,

Early Access builds for JDK 9 b13 https://jdk9.java.net/download/, JDK 
8u20 b15 https://jdk8.java.net/download.html and JDK 7u60 b15 
https://jdk7.java.net/download.html are available on java.net.

As we enter the later phases of development for JDK 7u60  JDK 8u20 , 
please log any show

stoppers as soon as possible.

Rgds, Rory

Rgds,Rory O'Donnell
Quality Engineering Manager
Oracle EMEA , Dublin, Ireland

Early Access builds for JDK 9 b11, JDK 8u20 b13 and JDK 7u60 b15 are available on java.net

2014-05-10 Thread Rory O'Donnell Oracle, Dublin Ireland

Hi Nick,

Early Access builds for JDK 9 b11 https://jdk9.java.net/download/, JDK 
8u20 b13 https://jdk8.java.net/download.html and JDK 7u60 b15 
https://jdk7.java.net/download.html are available on java.net.

As we enter the later phases of development for JDK 7u60  JDK 8u20 , 
please log any show

stoppers as soon as possible.

Rgds, Rory

Rgds,Rory O'Donnell
Quality Engineering Manager
Oracle EMEA , Dublin, Ireland

Early Access builds for JDK 9 b09, JDK 8u20 b10 and JDK 7U60 b15 are available on java.net

2014-04-25 Thread Rory O'Donnell Oracle, Dublin Ireland

Hi Nick,

Early Access builds for JDK 9 b09 https://jdk9.java.net/download/, JDK 
8u20 b10 https://jdk8.java.net/download.html and JDK 7U60 b15 
https://jdk7.java.net/download.html are available on java.net.

As we enter the later phases of development for JDK 7u60  JDK 8u20 , 
please log any show

stoppers as soon as possible.

Rgds, Rory

Rgds,Rory O'Donnell
Quality Engineering Manager
Oracle EMEA , Dublin, Ireland

JDK 9 build 06 is available on java.net

2014-04-08 Thread Rory O'Donnell Oracle, Dublin Ireland

Hi Nick,

JDK 9 Build 06 Early Access Build is now available for download 
https://jdk9.java.net/download  test.

Rgds, Rory

Rgds,Rory O'Donnell
Quality Engineering Manager
Oracle EMEA , Dublin, Ireland

JDK 8 Update 20 build 05 JDK 7 Update 60 build 10 are available on java.net

2014-03-19 Thread Rory O'Donnell Oracle, Dublin Ireland

Hi Nick,

Mark Reinhold announced yesterday JDK 8: General Availability here 

http://mreinhold.org/blog/jdk8-gaJDK 8 u20 Build 05 Early Access Build 
is now available for download http://jdk8.java.net/download.html  test.
JDK 7 u60 Build 10 Early Access Build is also available for download 
https://jdk7.java.net/download.html test.

Rgds, Rory

Rgds,Rory O'Donnell
Quality Engineering Manager
Oracle EMEA , Dublin, Ireland

Re: JDK 8 : Third Release Candidate - Build 132 is available on java.net

2014-03-07 Thread Rory O'Donnell Oracle, Dublin Ireland

Glad to hear it.

Thank you, Rory
On 07/03/2014 05:31, Matt Sicker wrote:

All unit tests are passing with this build.

On 6 March 2014 12:05, Rory O'Donnell Oracle, Dublin Ireland 
rory.odonn...@oracle.com mailto:rory.odonn...@oracle.com wrote:

Hi Nick,

JDK 8 Third Release Candidate , Build 132 is now available for
download http://jdk8.java.net/download.html  test.
Please log all show stopper issues as soon as possible.


Rgds,Rory O'Donnell

Quality Engineering Manager
Oracle EMEA , Dublin, Ireland

Matt Sicker boa...@gmail.com mailto:boa...@gmail.com

Rgds,Rory O'Donnell
Quality Engineering Manager
Oracle EMEA , Dublin, Ireland

JDK 8 : Third Release Candidate - Build 132 is available on java.net

2014-03-06 Thread Rory O'Donnell Oracle, Dublin Ireland

Hi Nick,

JDK 8 Third Release Candidate , Build 132 is now available for download 
http://jdk8.java.net/download.html  test.

Please log all show stopper issues as soon as possible.


Rgds,Rory O'Donnell
Quality Engineering Manager
Oracle EMEA , Dublin, Ireland

JDK 8 : Second Release Candidate - Build 129 is available on java.net

2014-02-13 Thread Rory O'Donnell Oracle, Dublin Ireland

Hi Nick,

JDK 8 Second Release Candidate , Build 129 is now available for download 
http://jdk8.java.net/download.html  test.

Please log all show stopper issues as soon as possible.

Thanks for your support, Rory

Rgds,Rory O'Donnell
Quality Engineering Manager
Oracle EMEA , Dublin, Ireland

JDK 8 Build 128 is available on java.net

2014-02-04 Thread Rory O'Donnell Oracle, Dublin Ireland

Hi Nick,

JDK 8 Build b128 Early Access Build is now available for download 
http://jdk8.java.net/download.html  test.

Please log all show stopper issues as soon as possible.

I would encourage you to read another interesting blog by Eric Costlow 
 JDK 8 using TLS 1.2 as default 
. This first occurred in build 122, please do let me

know if you uncover any issues.

Thanks for your support, Rory

Rgds,Rory O'Donnell
Quality Engineering Manager
Oracle EMEA , Dublin, Ireland

JDK 8 Build 126 JDK 7 Update 60 build 04 are available on java.net

2014-01-31 Thread Rory O'Donnell Oracle, Dublin Ireland

Hi Nick,

JDK 8 Build b126 Early Access Build is now available for download 
http://jdk8.java.net/download.html  test.
JDK 7u60 b04 Early Access Build is also available for download 
https://jdk7.java.net/download.html test.

Please log all show stopper issues as soon as possible.

Thanks for your support, Rory

Rgds,Rory O'Donnell
Quality Engineering Manager
Oracle EMEA , Dublin, Ireland

Testing Log4J against JDK 8 EA builds

2014-01-24 Thread Rory O'Donnell Oracle, Dublin Ireland


I am from the OpenJDK Quality Group at Oracle.  I am working with Open 
Source projects
that are testing JDK 8 Early Access builds (either those published by 
Oracle https://jdk8.java.net/download.html, or their own)

and I would like to encourage more of it to happen.

I am looking for a contact person who is interested in working with me , 
sharing your test
experiences and any issues uncovered by testing  Log4J with JDK 8 EA 
builds. I expect

this will be of benefit to both communities.

We are now very late in the release cycle of JDK 8 , issues found late 
may be postponed to

an Update Release.

Rgds,  Rory

Rgds,Rory O'Donnell
Quality Engineering Manager
Oracle EMEA , Dublin, Ireland

Re: Testing Log4J against JDK 8 EA builds

2014-01-24 Thread Rory O'Donnell Oracle, Dublin Ireland

Hi Nick,

Thanks for the reply, glad to hear things are going well.

If you are at FOSDEM this year, please let me know.

On 24/01/2014 17:32, Nick Williams wrote:


We have been actively testing Log4j with JDK 8 since about March 2013. 
The only problem we found so far was the removal of 
sun.reflect.Reflection#getCallerClass(int), which spurred months of 
discussions, disagreements, and proposed fixes. Ultimately, the change 
was reverted and has been postponed until JDK 9 to give the community 
time to come up with a public API to replace it.

If you have any other questions, let me know.



On Jan 24, 2014, at 3:18 AM, Rory O'Donnell Oracle, Dublin Ireland wrote:


I am from the OpenJDK Quality Group at Oracle.  I am working with 
Open Source projects
that are testing JDK 8 Early Access builds (either those published by 
Oracle https://jdk8.java.net/download.html, or their own)

and I would like to encourage more of it to happen.

I am looking for a contact person who is interested in working with 
me , sharing your test
experiences and any issues uncovered by testing  Log4J with JDK 8 EA 
builds. I expect

this will be of benefit to both communities.

We are now very late in the release cycle of JDK 8 , issues found 
late may be postponed to

an Update Release.

Rgds,  Rory
Rgds,Rory O'Donnell
Quality Engineering Manager
Oracle EMEA , Dublin, Ireland

Rgds,Rory O'Donnell
Quality Engineering Manager
Oracle EMEA , Dublin, Ireland