RE: New issue on Log4J initialization

2003-08-09 Thread Jacob Kjome
Yikes.  I'd change your classpath to be no more than a single period.  Set 
the classpath as needed in scripts.  That way, you won't force libraries 
that aren't needed or collide with other libraries on every app you run.

Just to be clear.  Are you running Tomcat or Websphere?  I can't tell you 
what the behavior in Websphere will be.  Tomcat should definitely work for 
logging, though.

BTW, what does your app consist of?  Does it use Struts or anything else 
requiring commons-logging?  That's the most evil invention to come out of 
the Apache project.  In my experience, it just messes up everything.  If 
this is an issue with commons-logging, you'll have to take it up with them.

BTW, I will be leaving for a mini vacation shortly, so someone else is 
probably going to have to take the reins on this one if you require more help.

good luck!


At 11:11 AM 8/8/2003 -0400, you wrote:
Actually that is the message I am getting (I just abbreviated it a bit).

In my application the log4j.jar file does not exist in the common/lib
directory of Tomcat.  This file only exists in the web-inf/lib directory of
my application.
Could this be attributed to my environmental settings:
.;E:\Program Files\IBM\WebSphere MQ\Java\lib\providerutil.jar;
E:\Program Files\IBM\WebSphere MQ\Java\lib\;
E:\Program Files\IBM\WebSphere MQ\Java\lib\ldap.jar;
E:\Program Files\IBM\WebSphere MQ\Java\lib\jta.jar;
E:\Program Files\IBM\WebSphere MQ\Java\lib\jndi.jar;
E:\Program Files\IBM\WebSphere MQ\Java\lib\jms.jar;
E:\Program Files\IBM\WebSphere MQ\Java\lib\connector.jar;
E:\Program Files\IBM\WebSphere MQ\Java\lib\fscontext.jar;
E:\Program Files\IBM\WebSphere MQ\Java\lib\;
E:\Tomcat 4.1\common\lib\servlet.jar;
E:\Tomcat 4.1\bin\bootstrap.jar;
Thanks for hanging in there.



-Original Message-
From: Jacob Kjome [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Friday, August 08, 2003 10:57 AM
To: Log4J Users List
There doesn't appear to be anything wrong with your log4j.xml (except that
you should use level rather than priority, but that isn't the issue
Note that the error you've mentioned in previous emails is not an issue
Log4j: WARN No appenders could be found for logger
(org.apache.commons.digester.Digester.sax).  Please initialize the log4j
system properly.
I'd bet that goes away if you remove log4j.jar from
CATALINA_HOME/common/lib (please test this out).  Having log4j.jar in
WEB-INF/lib of your application provides for a separate logging environment
since it is in a distinct classloader.
I'm at a loss as to why you are not seeing debug message?  You are running
code that does logger.debug(), right?
Anyone else have a clue what is happening here?


At 09:49 AM 8/8/2003 -0400, you wrote:
Can anyone see anything wrong with this log4j.xml file?  For some reason I
cannot get lof4j to initialize and it's driving me crazy.  I am sure it is
something I am doing wrong but I can't seem to locate the problem.

The error message I am getting is:

No appenders could be found for logger.  Please initialize the log4j system
properly .

Here is the log4j file:

?xml version=1.0 encoding=UTF-8 ?
!DOCTYPE log4j:configuration SYSTEM log4j.dtd
!-- For Ant build --
!-- order of elements: renderer*, appender*, (category | ...) , root --

 appender name=LF5 class=org.apache.log4j.lf5.LF5Appender
 param name=MaxNumberOfRecords value=1000/

 appender name=file class=org.apache.log4j.RollingFileAppender
 param name=file value=build.log/
 param name=maxBackupIndex value=3/
 param name=maxFileSize value=100KB/
 layout class=org.apache.log4j.TTCCLayout/

 !-- if using this in ant, be sure the java mail libraries are
 appender name=mail
 param name=Threshold value=debug/
 param name=SMTPHost
 param name=bufferSize value=1/
 param name=to value=[EMAIL PROTECTED]/
 param name=from value=[EMAIL PROTECTED]/
 param name=subject value=Ant test/
 layout class=org.apache.log4j.HTMLLayout/

 appender name=STDOUT class=org.apache.log4j.ConsoleAppender
 layout class=org.apache.log4j.PatternLayout
 param name=ConversionPattern value=[%t] %C{2} (%F:%L) -

 priority value=debug /
 appender-ref ref=STDOUT /
 appender-ref ref=file/
!-- appender-ref ref=mail/ --
!-- appender-ref ref=LF5/ --


Thank you for your help.

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picking up wrong properties file

2003-08-09 Thread Guido Casper
Hi all,

I have a 3rd-party servlet for which I don't have the source code but which
I need to configure for logging via WEB-INF/classes/

However  my changes (and all the are not picked up
(everything is logged on the console with a different layout pattern) and if
I delete, log4j does not even complain.

I copied the complete Tomcat installation (4.1.18 on Linux) to a different
box and it works. I have no indication what is different. Same JDK
(1.4.1_01), same CLASSPATH and everything else is the same. I know something
must be different, I just can't find out what that is.

I could write a small servlet filter, if there only is a way to tell where
the webapp gets its log4j configuration from.

Any idea is greatly appreciated.


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New issue on Log4J initialization

2003-08-09 Thread Farrell, Timothy
Can anyone see anything wrong with this log4j.xml file?  For some reason I
cannot get lof4j to initialize and it's driving me crazy.  I am sure it is
something I am doing wrong but I can't seem to locate the problem.

The error message I am getting is:

No appenders could be found for logger.  Please initialize the log4j system
properly .

Here is the log4j file:

?xml version=1.0 encoding=UTF-8 ?
!DOCTYPE log4j:configuration SYSTEM log4j.dtd
!-- For Ant build --
!-- order of elements: renderer*, appender*, (category | ...) , root --

appender name=LF5 class=org.apache.log4j.lf5.LF5Appender
param name=MaxNumberOfRecords value=1000/ 
appender name=file class=org.apache.log4j.RollingFileAppender
param name=file value=build.log/
param name=maxBackupIndex value=3/
param name=maxFileSize value=100KB/
layout class=org.apache.log4j.TTCCLayout/

!-- if using this in ant, be sure the java mail libraries are avaiable
appender name=mail
param name=Threshold value=debug/
param name=SMTPHost
param name=bufferSize value=1/
param name=to value=[EMAIL PROTECTED]/
param name=from value=[EMAIL PROTECTED]/
param name=subject value=Ant test/
layout class=org.apache.log4j.HTMLLayout/
appender name=STDOUT class=org.apache.log4j.ConsoleAppender
layout class=org.apache.log4j.PatternLayout
param name=ConversionPattern value=[%t] %C{2} (%F:%L) -

priority value=debug /
appender-ref ref=STDOUT /
appender-ref ref=file/
   !-- appender-ref ref=mail/ --
   !-- appender-ref ref=LF5/ --


Thank you for your help.

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Re: Re: Separate configs for different webapps

2003-08-09 Thread
hi ,all: 
   how can I send my questions to all of you ? Could you tell me ? Thanks~~ 

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