Ideally, parallel tests should use their own LoggerContext. But for the 
ClassLoaderContextSelector (the default) this would require that each
test have its own ClassLoader. In reality it would be better to create a 
ContextSelect for the framework you are using that keys off of 
something unique for each test to have its own ContextSelector.

I know nothing about a Spock testing framework so I can’t really 
advise you there.


> On Apr 13, 2022, at 5:46 PM, Björn Kautler <> wrote:
> Hi
> I'm currently using ListAppender from log4j2-core-test, to test that
> the logging of the project does what it should do.
> For that I configured a ListAppender in the log4j2 config file that is
> used for the tests.
> In a custom global Spock extension (the test framework I use), I
> retrieve the appender
> using ListAppender.getListAppender and call clear() on it before an
> iteration starts,
> so I only get the logs written during that test and it also does not
> overflow the RAM.
> Now my problem is, that I'd like to enable parallel execution of the
> tests which is new in Spock 2.x.
> But the ListAppender naturally does not like that, as it is the same
> for the whole JVM.
> I looked into the LoggerContextRule whether I find something useful there,
> but - please correct me if I'm wrong - as far as I have seen it also
> is not capable of parallel execution
> as it uses system properties and static state, so parallel tests would
> also overwrite each other I guess.
> Is there something that could be used that better supports parallel execution?
> Would maybe a ThreadLocalListAppender help that has thread local
> fields for events, messages, and data?
> Or something else that is available?
> Regards
> Björn
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