[Logica-l] Haskell Brooks Curry (1900-1982) em linha

2019-06-06 Por tôpico jean-yves beziau
A seguir uma mensagem que eu cicrculei recentemente em algumas listas de
Não vou traduzir porque acho que tudu mundo aqui  entenda  a lingua de Mr
Sou acrescento que quando era estudante estudei detalhamente alguns livros
do Curry, gostei bastante e me influenciou muito.
Minha impressão geral foi que ele era uma pessoa que estava indo até ao
fundo das  coisas.
O livro dele "Foundations of Mathematical Logic" é  bem interessante,
não é um livro sobre os fundamentos da matemática ! mas sobre os
fundamentos da lógica ...
O principal aluno do Curry foi Jonathan Seldin que eu convidei no
UNILOG'2013 no Rio de Janeiro.
Johann Makowsky me mandou um e-mail dizendo que o Hilbert foi o orientador
oficial do Curry, mas que de fato ele foi orientado por  Bernays,
não duvido disso mas  todavia é bom anotar que o Curry desenvolveu até o
extremo a posição formalisto do Hilbert em particular no livro dele
"Outlines of  a Formalist Philosophy of Mathematics" (1951)
The entry by Jonathan Seldin
"Haskell Brooks Curry (1900-1982)"
has been posted on the Internet Encyclopedia of Philosophy (IEP)

Curry was one of the most important logicians of the 20th century.
He did his PhD in Göttingen with Hilbert.
This PhD was written in German and has been recently published in a
bilingual edition:
"Foundations of Combinatory Logics (Grundlagen der kombinatorischen
Logik)", Haskell Curry
translated and presented by Fairouz Kamareddine and Jonathan Seldin
in the book series Logic PhDs

Curry is the originator of the expression "algebraic logic" that he used in
his book written in French
"Leçons de logique algébrique" (1952)
The introduction and the two first chapters of this book have been
translated in English by Jonathan Seldin and  published with a presentation
 entitled "Logical Algebras as formal systems: H.B.Curry's approach to
algebraic logic"
in the book "Universal Logic: An Anthology"

This book contains an interesting analysis of Gentzen's systems, following
"A Theory of Formal Deducibility" (1950)
and this was expanded in
"Foundations of Mathematical Logic" (1963)
As Seldin wrote: "He (Curry) gives the first published proof of the normal
form theorem for ordinary basic functionality. (A proof by Turing from 1941
was not published until 1980)"

The name of Haskell Curry is attached to
- the Curry-Howard isomorphism, a correspondence between proofs and programs
- Curry's paradox, a generalization of Russell's paradox, using only
- Haskell, a programming language
- Currying: the process of transforming a function that takes multiple
arguments in a tuple as its argument, into a function that takes just a
single argument and returns another function which accepts further
arguments, one by one, that the original function would receive in the rest
of that tuple

Seldin wrote in the IEP entry:
"He (Curry) was always willing to listen to anybody who wanted to talk to
him, to discuss their ideas, and to give whatever encouragement he could.
His office door was always open."
Kripke indeed told me that when he was a teenager he wrote to Curry and he
was the first to recognize the importance of his work on the semantics for
modal logic.

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[Logica-l] verificação formal da indemonstrabilidade de CH

2019-06-06 Por tôpico Joao Marcos
Contains a complete verification of the unprovability of the continuum
hypothesis from ZFC (done using Lean).


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Re: [Logica-l] Simone Weil / Conjunto Vazio

2019-06-06 Por tôpico Famadoria
Talvez te interessasse o artigo que acabo de escrever, « Selva selvaggia », 
sobre o teorema de Chaitin-Thorp. 

Sent from my iPhone

> On 5 Jun 2019, at 22:40, jean-yves beziau  wrote:
> Recente "Featured article" da  Internet Encyclopedia of Philosophy (IEP) 
> sobre Simone Weil 
> https://www.iep.utm.edu/
> irmã do matemático André Weil, o fundador de Bourbaki.
> Os dois tiveram muitas discussões sobre a matemática.
> Laurent Lafforgue (medalha fields) escreveu o interessante artigo:
> "Simone Weil et la mathématique"
> https://www.laurentlafforgue.org/textes/SimoneWeilMathematique.pdf
> Ele cita neste artigo o seguinte trecho da Simone Weil:
> "La mathématique n'est pas vulgarisable. Pourquoi? Justement à cause de la 
> part du hasard, de l'imprévu, qui fait qu'elle n’est pas une. Pas moyen 
> d'ouvrir quelques vastes avenues qu’on puisse parcourir du regard sans y 
> entrer – il faut entrer dedans."
> Escrevi, com desafiou a esta declaração da Simone Weil, o artigo: 
> "MANY 1 - A Transversal Imaginative Journey across the Realm of Mathematics", 
> http://www.jyb-logic.org/MANY1
> e acabei de escrever um outro continuando o desafio:
> "Nouvelles du Vide - Premier Episode"
> http://www.jyb-logic.org/EMPTY-SET
> -- 
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> https://groups.google.com/a/dimap.ufrn.br/d/msgid/logica-l/CAF2zFLDeq3m4Oj8LZ3fAVdMhdc2LPH2rafyMSFOdygNXY21Xkg%40mail.gmail.com.

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