[Logica-l] Dia Mundial da Lógica no Rio de Janeiro - Terceira Edição

2021-01-11 Por tôpico jean-yves beziau
14 de Janeiro  2021 18h30-21h00 on-line - 5 palestras

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[Logica-l] Logic World Day 2021 @ CLE

2021-01-11 Por tôpico Marcelo Esteban Coniglio
Prezados(as) colegas

No dia 14 de janeiro das 14 às 16:30 (horário de Brasília), celebrando
o Dia Mundial da Lógica, teremos uma série de palestras curtas
ministradas por pesquisadores vinculados ao Centro de Lógica,
Epistemologia e História da Ciência (CLE) da UNICAMP. Vários dos
pesquisadores vão descrever sua agenda de projetos futuros, o que pode
ser de interesse para estudantes que pretendem realizar uma
pós-graduação em Lógica.


14:00-14:10 Reception
14:10-14:30 Walter Carnielli (CLE-UNICAMP):  GTAL Research Agenda  for
2021: awakening from hibernation
14:30-14:50 Juliana Bueno-Soler (CLE-UNICAMP): Agenda  for 2021: my
research topics
14:50-15:10 Marcelo E. Coniglio (CLE-UNICAMP): Genuine Paracomplete Logics
15:10-15:40 Rodolfo Ertola (CLE-UNICAMP): A note on distributive
lattices in the nineteenth century
15:40-16:00 Itala D'Ottaviano (CLE-UNICAMP): GTAL Research Agenda  for
2021: continuing to work hard, in spite of the pandemic
16:00 Logic Cocktail: 45 years of Logic at CLE

Mais informações no link abaixo:


Aguardamos vocês!



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[Logica-l] Supergroup BLAST!

2021-01-11 Por tôpico Shay Logan
Dear Cheerful Logicians and Friends of Logic,

Welcome back! Happy new year!

The first Supergroup BLAST of 2021 lands, as it turns out, on the week of
World Logic Day. From the looks of it, this is being quite broadly
celebrated. I'll announce a few of the goings-on related to this that folks
have asked me to pass on. But if you're wondering whether there's a more
local celebration to attend, the answer is probably yes, and I highly
encourage you to check in with whoever you think might be organizing it. As
our part of the celebration, The Supergroup will be hosting a followup to
our Day of Inclusive Logic held over the summer. Details on this event are
included below, and will be advertised separately as well.

There are four events to announce this week. First, on Tuesday at 08:00
GMT-6, Ekaterina Koubychkina (CLE/Unicamp) is speaking in the Alophis
Seminar hosted by Università di Cagliari. The topic is Modal Translations
of Many-Valued Logics. Thursday, as mentioned, is World Logic Day, and
there are many many events to celebrate this. I will mention only two:
first, at 08:30 GMT-6, Hanoch Ben-Yami of Central European University is
hosting an event aimed at introducing the Quantified Argument Calculus.
Later on Thursday--from 11:00 GMT-6 until 1800 GMT-6--the Supergroup will
host our World Logic Day event. Finally, on Friday at 10:00 GMT-6, Fabio
Dal Conti Lampert will give the official supergroup talk of the week, on
Closure and Contingent Truths.

More info below, as usual. I hope to see many of you this week!

Supergroup Talk:

Speaker: Fabio Dal Conti Lampert

Title: Closure and Contingent Truths

Time and Date: Friday January 15, 10:00 GMT-6

*Link: *
*Meeting ID:* 916 2791 2542
*Passcode:* closure

Abstract: Despite some notorious defenders, most philosophers reject the
view that knowledge is closed under (metaphysical) entailment. The main
reason for this involves familiar and seemingly absurd consequences this
view has concerning necessary truths. I will go over arguments to the end
of showing that similar consequences follow with respect to contingent
truths: if one’s knowledge is closed under entailment, one can know any
true proposition whatsoever. In the end I will apply those arguments to
extant views in the philosophy of religion, views which take God to be less
than omniscient, and I will argue that such views must impose a further
restriction on divine knowledge according to which God’s knowledge fails to
be closed under entailment.

Talks by Member Groups:

*Alophis Seminar* (Università di Cagliari)

*Speaker:* Ekaterina Koubychkina (CLE/Unicamp)

*Title*: On modal translations of many-valued logics

*Time and Date*: Tuesday, January 12th 08:00 (GMT-6)

*Link: *

*Meeting ID*:  847 1486 7084

*Passcode*: 114114

*Abstract*: In this talk I will discuss some expressivity results for
many-valued and modal logics and survey some translations between these two
settings. In particular, two possible strategies for defining these
translations will be presented: the linear translations, i.e., translations
which preserve the length of the formula, and the exponential ones, which
do not preserve the structure of the translated formulas. After discussing
the advantages and the drawbacks of each strategy, I will introduce an
original exponential translation of each four-valued logic into minimal
modal logic, interpreted on neighbourhood semantics.


*Speaker: *Hanoch Ben-Yami

*Title: *Introduction to QUARC: The Quantified Argument Calculus

*Time and Date: *Thursday, January 14 08:30 (GMT-6)

*Link: *To register and obtain a link to the talk please write to
qu...@ceu.edu with the subject line 'Registration Quarc WLD'.

*Abstract: *
The Quantified Argument Calculus (Quarc) is a new logic system, developed
by Hanoch Ben-Yami (Central European University, Vienna) and other
philosophers and logicians. Its basic departure from Frege’s logic is in
its treatment of quantification: quantifiers are not sentential operators
but connect to one‑place predicates to form arguments – quantified
arguments – of other predicates. Quarc is closer to natural language in its
syntax and the inferences it validates than is the first-order Predicate
Calculus, while being at least as strong as the latter.

By now, Quarc has been shown to be sound and complete; to contain and
validate Aristotle’s logic; it separates quantification from existence,
shedding new light on logic’s ontological commitments, and lack thereof; it
has been extended to modality, invalidating its analogues of the Barcan
formulas; three-valued versions of it have been developed, capturing
presupposition failure; additional quantifiers have been incorporated in
it, such as ‘most’ and ‘more’; several Quarc proof systems have been
developed, including sequent calculi, and its metalogical properties

[Logica-l] Fwd: Online seminars series: "It's impossible! Contemporary and historical perspectives on the logic and epistemology of modality"

2021-01-11 Por tôpico Joao Marcos
-- Forwarded message -

Dear colleagues,

we are very pleased to announce a new series of online seminars that
will take place from January to June 2021, dedicated to the logic and
epistemology of impossibility, from a historical and contemporary

You may find a comprehensive calendar of the meetings at the bottom of
this email. The first speaker is Timothy Williamson (Oxford
University), who will talk about “Worlds and meaning”, based on parts
of his last book “Suppose and Tell”. The seminar will take place on
Monday, January 25th, from 3 to 4.30 pm (GMT+1).

At this first meeting, the discussion will be moderated by Vittorio
Morato (Università di Padova).

All seminars will take place on Microsoft Teams, hosted by the
University of Parma. Guests are invited to connect at 2.50 pm, as to
ensure the start of the seminar at 3 pm.

If you’d like to join us, please email the organizers at:
irene.bin...@unipr.it; sara.pa...@studenti.unipr.it, and we will share
the details and the link to access the seminar with you.

With best wishes,
Sara Papić

on behalf of the organizers: Lorenzo Azzano, Irene Binini,
Massimiliano Carrara, Giorgio Lando, Vittorio Morato, Sara Papić,
Andrea Strollo

25 January 2021, 3.00-4.30 pm - Timothy Williamson
22 February 2021, 3.00-4.30 pm - Amie Thomasson
22 March 2021, 3.00-4.30 pm - Graham Priest
17 May 2021, 3.00-4.30 pm Francesco Berto
14 June 2021, 3.00-4.30 pm Mikko Yrjönsuuri
TBD - Sara Uckelman

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[Logica-l] Fwd: Dia Mundial da Lógica e prémio Amílcar Sernadas

2021-01-11 Por tôpico Joao Marcos
-- Forwarded message -

Dia Mundial da Lógica e Prémio Amílcar Sernadas

O dia 14 de janeiro foi declarado pela UNESCO como o Dia Mundial da
Lógica. Este ano iremos celebrar este dia com uma apresentação dos
trabalhos dos vencedores da primeira edição do Prémio Amílcar
Sernadas. A correspondente sessão zoom realizar-se-à no dia 14 de
janeiro às 17h de Lisboa (GMT+00:00) na seguinte ligação:


Os artigos vencedores ex aequo da primeira edição do prémio Amílcar
Sernadas são:
  k-Provability in PA de Paulo Guilherme Santos e Reinhard Kahle
(ambos de Faculdade de Ciências e Tecnologia, Universidade Nova de
Lisboa) e
  An unexpected Boolean connective de Sérgio Marcelino (SQIG,
Instituto de Telecomunicações & Instituto Superior Técnico,
Universidade de Lisboa).

O prémio Amílcar Sernadas está incluído na iniciativa "A prize of
logic in every country" (http://www.uni-log.org/logic-prize-world).

World Day of Logic and Amílcar Sernadas Award

January 14th was declared by UNESCO as World Logic Day. This year we
will celebrate this day with a presentation of the works of the
winners of the first edition of the Amílcar Sernadas Prize.
The zoom session will start at 17h Lisbon time (GMT+00:00) in the
following link:


The winning articles ex aequo of the first edition of the Amílcar
Sernadas prize are:

k-Provability in PA by Paulo Guilherme Santos and Reinhard Kahle (both
from Faculty of Science and Technology, Universidade Nova de Lisboa)
An unexpected Boolean connective by Sérgio Marcelino (SQIG,
Telecommunications Institute & Instituto Superior Técnico, University
of Lisbon).

This prize is included in the initiative "A prize of logic in every
country" (http://www.uni-log.org/logic-prize-world).

Francisco Miguel Dionísio

Departamento de Matemática
Instituto Superior Técnico
Av. Rovisco Pais | 1049-001 Lisboa | Portugal

 tel: (+351) 218417143

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[Logica-l] Fwd: GSCL XXII: Graduate Student Conference in Logic, virtual, 20-21 Mar 2021

2021-01-11 Por tôpico Joao Marcos
-- Forwarded message -

The 22nd annual Graduate Student Conference in Logic
Date of GSCL XXII: March 20 & 21, 2021

Excited to announce that UIUC is (virtually) hosting the 22nd annual
Graduate Student Conference in Logic on March 20 & 21! Please spread the
word, and register if you plan to attend. See our website for details:


  Hosted virtually at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign The
GSCL is a two-day conference organized by and for mathematical logic
students in Master's and PhD programs.

  Call for abstracts! If you are a graduate student (Master's or PhD) in
mathematical logic and wish to speak at GSCL XXII, please include your
title and abstract in your registration form, and submit it by February
1st, 2021.


 Neer Bhardwaj
 Alexi Block Gorman
 Dakota Ihli
 Elliot Kaplan
 Mary Angelica Tursi
  Jenna Zomback

Contact gsclx...@gmail.com to get more information.

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[Logica-l] Concurso para Fundamentos da Computação - Chapecó / SC

2021-01-11 Por tôpico Newton Peron
Prezadas e prezados,

Divulgo aqui concurso para diversas áreas, dentre elas a de Fundamentos da
Computação. A vaga é de dedicação exclusiva na Universidade Federal da
Fronteira Sul (UFFS), *campus *Chapecó (SC). Talvez seja do interesse de
algumas pessoas desta lista:


Peço, por gentileza, que divulguem.



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[Logica-l] LFMTP 2021 - 1st call for papers

2021-01-11 Por tôpico Elaine Pimentel
   Call for papers
 Logical Frameworks and Meta-Languages: Theory and Practice
LFMTP 2021

Pittsburgh, USA, 16 July 2021
 Affiliated with CADE-28

Abstract submission deadline: 19 April 2021
Paper submission deadline: 26 April 2021

Logical frameworks and meta-languages form a common substrate for
representing, implementing and reasoning about a wide variety of
deductive systems of interest in logic and computer science. Their
design, implementation and their use in reasoning tasks, ranging from
the correctness of software to the properties of formal
systems, have been the focus of considerable research over the last two
decades. This workshop will bring together designers, implementors and
practitioners to discuss various aspects impinging on the structure and
utility of logical frameworks, including the treatment of variable
binding, inductive and co-inductive reasoning techniques and the
expressiveness and lucidity of the reasoning process.

LFMTP 2021 will provide researchers a forum to present state-of-the-art
techniques and discuss progress in areas such as the following:

* Encoding and reasoning about the meta-theory of programming languages,
  logical systems and related formally specified systems.

* Theoretical and practical issues concerning the treatment of variable
  binding, especially the representation of, and reasoning about,
  datatypes defined from binding signatures.

* Logical treatments of inductive and co-inductive definitions and
  associated reasoning techniques, including inductive types of higher
  dimension in homotopy type theory

* Graphical languages for building proofs, applications in geometry,
  equational reasoning and category theory.

* New theory contributions: canonical and substructural frameworks,
  contextual frameworks, proof-theoretic foundations supporting
  binders, functional programming over logical frameworks,
  homotopy and cubical type theory.

* Applications of logical frameworks: proof-carrying architectures, proof
  exchange and transformation, program refactoring, etc.

* Techniques for programming with binders in functional programming
  languages such as Haskell, OCaml or Agda, and logic programming
  languages such as lambda Prolog or Alpha-Prolog.

LFMTP 2021 will hold a special session in honour of Frank Pfenning.

Important Dates

Abstract submission deadline: Monday   April 19
Submission deadline:  Monday   April 26
Notification to authors: Monday   May 31
Final version due:Monday   June 14
Workshop date:   Friday   July  16


In addition to regular papers, we welcome/encourage the submission of
"work in progress" reports, in a broad sense. Those do not need to report
fully polished research results, but should be of interest for the
at large. Submitted papers should be in PDF, formatted using the EPTCS style
guidelines. The length is restricted to 15 pages for regular papers and
8 pages for "Work in Progress" papers.  Submission is via EasyChair:


A selection of the presented papers will be published online in the
Electronic Proceedings in Theoretical Computer Science (EPTCS).

Program Committee

* David Baelde (LSV, ENS Paris-Saclay & Inria Paris)
* Alberto Ciaffaglione (University of Udine)
* Claudio Sacerdoti Coen (University of Bologna)
* Marina Lenisa (Università degli Studi di Udine)
* Dennis Müller (Friedrich-Alexander-University)
* Michael Norrish (CSIRO)
* Elaine Pimentel (Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte) co-chair
* Ulrich Schöpp (fortiss GmbH)
* Kathrin Stark (Princeton University)
* Aaron Stump (The University of Iowa)
* Nora Szasz (Universidad ORT Uruguay)
* Enrico Tassi (Inria) co-chair
* Alwen Tiu (The Australian National University)
* Tjark Weber (Uppsala University)

Invited Speakers


Elaine Pimentel  - DMAT/UFRN

Address: Departamento de Matemática
Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte
Campus Universitário - Av. Senador Salgado Filho, s/nº
Lagoa Nova, CEP: 59.078-970 - Natal - RN

Phone: +55 84 3215-3820

Lattes: http://lattes.cnpq.br/3298246411086415

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