[Logica-l] Final CfP [deadline extended]: 3rd Joint Workshop Linearity & TLLA [FLoC 2022]

2022-05-19 Por tôpico D. Ventura
*2022 Joint Workshop Linearity & TLLA*
Haifa, Israel
31 July - 1 August 2022
*FIRST Call for Papers*

https://easychair.org/cfp/tlla-linearity-2022*3rd Joint Workshop
Linearity & TLLA*

Seventh International Workshop on Linearity
Sixth International Workshop on Trends in Linear Logic and Applications
*Haifa, Israel, 31 July - 1 August 2022*
Affiliated with FSCD 2022 
(FLoC 2022 )

*Workshop will be held as a hybrid meeting (both **virtually** and
**in person**)*

Linearity has been a key feature in several lines of research in both
theoretical and practical approaches to computer science. On the
theoretical side there is much work stemming from linear logic dealing
with proof technology, complexity classes, and more recently quantum
computation. On the practical side, there is work on program analysis,
expressive operational semantics for programming languages, linear
programming languages, program transformation, update analysis and
efficient implementation techniques.

Linear logic is not only a theoretical tool to analyse the use of
resources in logic and computation. It is also a corpus of tools,
approaches, and methodologies (proof nets, exponential decomposition,
geometry of interaction, coherent spaces, relational models, etc.)
that were originally developed for the study of linear logic's syntax
and semantics and are nowadays applied in several other fields.

The aim of this Joint Linearity and TLLA workshop is to bring together
researchers who are currently working on linear logic and related
fields, to foster their interaction and provide a forum for presenting
new ideas and work in progress. We also hope to enable newcomers to
learn about current activities in this area. New results that make
central use of linearity, ranging from foundational work to
applications in any field, are welcome. Also welcome are more
exploratory presentations, which may examine open questions and raise
fundamental concerns about existing theories and practices.
*Topics of interest include*:
- theory of programming languages
- type systems
- verification
- models of computation:
 + categorical models
 + quantum and probabilistic models
 + biological and chemical models
- games and languages
- proof theory
- parallelism and concurrency
- linear logic methods in computer science
- implicit computational complexity
- sub-linear logics
- interaction-based systems
- categories and algebra
- connections with combinatorics
- functional analysis and operator algebras
- logic and philosophy
- linguistics

* *Submission deadline*: 20th May 2022 3rd* June 2022*
* *Author notification*: 17th June 2022* 24**th June 2022*
* *Contribution for Informal Proceedings*: 1st July 2022 *8th July 2022*

* *Workshop date*: *31st July - 1st August 2022*

Authors are invited to submit:
* an *extended abstract* (8 pages max) describing original ideas and results
not published nor submitted elsewhere,
* or a *5-page abstract* presenting relevant work that has been or will be
published elsewhere,
* or a *2-page description* of work in progress.
Preliminary proceedings will be available at the workshop.
Papers should be written in English, and submitted in PDF format using
the EPTCS style files. Submission is through the Easychair website:

After the workshop, authors of  extended abstracts will be invited to submit
a longer version of their work (typically a 15-pages paper) for publication
in EPTCS (TBC). These submissions will undergo a second round of refereeing.


+ Stephanie Balzer , Carnegie Mellon
+ Thomas Ehrhard , Université Paris Cité
+ Giulio Guerrieri , Huawei-Edinburgh Joint Lab
+ Koko Muroya , RIMS Kyoto

 - King's College London,
UK Marie Kerjean  - CNRS-University
Sorbonne Paris Nord, France Ugo Dal
Lago  - University of Bologna, Italy
Marina Lenisa
 - University of Udine, Italy
Guy McCusker
 - University of
Bath, UK Lê
Thành Dũng Nguyễn  - University of Rennes, France
Valeria de Paiva  -
Topos Institute, USA 

[Logica-l] [OUF] Morre o compositor grego Vangelis

2022-05-19 Por tôpico jean-yves beziau

Musica de Abertura do UNILOG'2022:


Lista acadêmica brasileira dos profissionais e estudantes da área de Lógica 

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[Logica-l] Update: Ph.D. scholarship: History of mathematics---Deadline for applying: June 6, 2022

2022-05-19 Por tôpico Gisele Secco
Dear colleagues,

Please find below, as well as in the attached documents, na updated call
for application for a Ph.D. scholarship in the history of mathematics.

The deadline to send your application to Karine Chemla and Patrick
Popescu-Pampu, who will serve as co-advisers, is *June 6th 2022** (*see
details below). Don't hesitate to get in touch with us and to circulate
this announcement broadly.

Please consult the new calendar in the documents here – in English

and in French

Moreover, the expected beginning of the contract is *October* *1st,* *2022*,
or shortly thereafter (and not September 1st, 2022, as previously

*Call for application for a full-time Ph.D. scholarship on the topic *

*Interactions* *between* *mathematics and the history of* *mathematics:*

*A historical approach based on the* *report by Alexander Brill* *&* *Max
Noether titled*

*Die Entwicklung der Theorie der algebraischen Functionen in älterer und
neuerer Zeit* *(1894)*

Project of the Mission for Transversal and Interdisciplinary Initiatives

*Interactions between mathematics and the history of mathematics*:

Historical approaches and present-day perspectives


Karine Chemla 
UMR 7219)

Patrick Popescu-Pampu  (Laboratory
Paul Painlevé UMR 8524)

The collaborative project “Interactions between mathematics and the history
of mathematics: Historical approaches and present-day perspectives”, in which
a collective composed of historians and philosophers of mathematics as well
as mathematicians takes part, calls for applications for a Ph.D.

*General aims of the collaborative project*

The report that Alexander Brill and Max Noether published in 1894 under the
title *Die Entwicklung der Theorie der algebraischen Functionen in älterer
und neuerer Zeit* (which can be downloaded from this link
the center of our project. This book remains of interest for present-day
mathematicians. It also constitutes a remarkably interesting document for
historians and philosophers of mathematics interested in the history of the
history of mathematics, and in particular in the history of mathematics
practiced by 19th century mathematicians. Their common goal is to
understand how these mathematicians’ mathematical work *stricto sensu* meshed
with their historical researches.

Brill and Noether’s text has close to 500 pages, and it is a difficult read.
This is why it has to be the object of a collective work, which will
constitute the natural environment for the PhD student’s work. The project
aims to bring together a group of historians and philosophers of
mathematics as well as mathematicians to work on an annotated English
translation as well as a historical, philosophical and mathematical
analysis of *Die Entwicklung der Theorie der algebraischen Functionen in
älterer und neuerer Zeit.* Our cooperation can help make available to
English readers an important work which, since its publication in 1894, has
become intellectually difficult to access and yet contains treasures for

*Die Entwicklung der Theorie der algebraischen Functionen in älterer und
neuerer Zeit* offers a historical approach to algebraic functions that is
remarkably broad. It was composed in a context in which the German
Mathematical Society (DMV: Deutsche Mathematiker-Vereinigung), founded in
1890, started the production of synthetic reports on different branches of
mathematics. Brill and Noether gave a genuinely deep historical treatment
of algebraic functions and their use in the study of algebraic curves and
abelian integrals—an ample generalization of elliptic integrals

What is the part played by the history of mathematics for these German
mathematicians who practice it extensively? First, how do they practice
history? How does the synthesis they aim at achieving require historical
reflection, and how does the latter underlie the practice of synthesis?
Finally, and most importantly, how does the historical work of these
mathematicians relate to their more purely mathematical research? These are
some of the key questions around which the collaborative project will
revolve. On the occasion of the work on Brill and Noether's report, the
members of the collective project will offer a historical reflection on the
impact that research on the history and philosophy of mathematics, on the
one hand, and mathematical research, on the other, have had on each other. *Die
Entwicklung der Theorie der algebraischen Functionen in älterer und neuerer
Zeit* by Brill and Noether 

Re: [Logica-l] Dutilh Novaes Wins Lakatos Award

2022-05-19 Por tôpico Maria Martinez-Ordaz
Parabéns, Catarina!



El jue, 19 may 2022 a las 11:58, Evandro L. Gomes ()

> Olá Catarina,
> Meus parabéns por esta tão grande conquista.
> É o coroamento de muitos anos de pesquisa e dedicação.
> Parabéns!
> Evandro.
> On Thu, May 19, 2022 at 12:13 PM Marcos Silva 
> wrote:
>> Parabéns para a Catarina!
>> https://dailynous.com/2022/05/19/dutilh-novaes-wins-lakatos-award/
>> Ela deu, há um pouco mais de um mês, uma excelente palestra sobre a sua
>> pesquisa atual em nosso evento do PPGFIL/UFPE.
>> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IGrei6zFwdk=5774s
>> Abraços,
>> Marcos
>> --
>> Marcos Silva (UFPE/CNPq)
>> Philosophy Department
>> Federal University of Pernambuco, Brazil
>> Director of Graduate Studies (PPGFIL/UFPE
>> )
>> Editor-in-chief Revista Perspectiva Filosófica
>> https://sites.google.com/view/marcossilvaphilosophy
>> "amar e mudar as coisas me interessa mais"
>> --
>> Lista acadêmica brasileira dos profissionais e estudantes da área de
>> Lógica 
>> ---
>> Você recebeu essa mensagem porque está inscrito no grupo "LOGICA-L" dos
>> Grupos do Google.
>> Para cancelar inscrição nesse grupo e parar de receber e-mails dele,
>> envie um e-mail para logica-l+unsubscr...@dimap.ufrn.br.
>> Para ver essa discussão na Web, acesse
>> https://groups.google.com/a/dimap.ufrn.br/d/msgid/logica-l/CAGZ3pz%2BHi%2BwYnGE3d4m1euhXJKUD%3DQm1P-OT%2BXZyUrvgWAtJ1Q%40mail.gmail.com
>> .
> --
> Lista acadêmica brasileira dos profissionais e estudantes da área de
> Lógica 
> ---
> Você recebeu essa mensagem porque está inscrito no grupo "LOGICA-L" dos
> Grupos do Google.
> Para cancelar inscrição nesse grupo e parar de receber e-mails dele, envie
> um e-mail para logica-l+unsubscr...@dimap.ufrn.br.
> Para ver essa discussão na Web, acesse
> https://groups.google.com/a/dimap.ufrn.br/d/msgid/logica-l/CANa0U%3Dq4WfsJk0YOg3BEt0gWKVMwkssvMQ9xR8mesNj8sBEUPw%40mail.gmail.com
> .

*María del Rosario Martínez-Ordaz*
Postdoctoral fellow
Federal University of Rio de Janeiro
Programa Nacional de Pós-Doutorado PNPD/CAPES

Lista acadêmica brasileira dos profissionais e estudantes da área de Lógica 

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e-mail para logica-l+unsubscr...@dimap.ufrn.br.
Para ver esta discussão na web, acesse 

Re: [Logica-l] Dutilh Novaes Wins Lakatos Award

2022-05-19 Por tôpico Evandro L. Gomes
Olá Catarina,

Meus parabéns por esta tão grande conquista.
É o coroamento de muitos anos de pesquisa e dedicação.



On Thu, May 19, 2022 at 12:13 PM Marcos Silva 

> Parabéns para a Catarina!
> https://dailynous.com/2022/05/19/dutilh-novaes-wins-lakatos-award/
> Ela deu, há um pouco mais de um mês, uma excelente palestra sobre a sua
> pesquisa atual em nosso evento do PPGFIL/UFPE.
> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IGrei6zFwdk=5774s
> Abraços,
> Marcos
> --
> Marcos Silva (UFPE/CNPq)
> Philosophy Department
> Federal University of Pernambuco, Brazil
> Director of Graduate Studies (PPGFIL/UFPE
> )
> Editor-in-chief Revista Perspectiva Filosófica
> https://sites.google.com/view/marcossilvaphilosophy
> "amar e mudar as coisas me interessa mais"
> --
> Lista acadêmica brasileira dos profissionais e estudantes da área de
> Lógica 
> ---
> Você recebeu essa mensagem porque está inscrito no grupo "LOGICA-L" dos
> Grupos do Google.
> Para cancelar inscrição nesse grupo e parar de receber e-mails dele, envie
> um e-mail para logica-l+unsubscr...@dimap.ufrn.br.
> Para ver essa discussão na Web, acesse
> https://groups.google.com/a/dimap.ufrn.br/d/msgid/logica-l/CAGZ3pz%2BHi%2BwYnGE3d4m1euhXJKUD%3DQm1P-OT%2BXZyUrvgWAtJ1Q%40mail.gmail.com
> .

Lista acadêmica brasileira dos profissionais e estudantes da área de Lógica 

Você está recebendo esta mensagem porque se inscreveu no grupo "LOGICA-L" dos 
Grupos do Google.
Para cancelar inscrição nesse grupo e parar de receber e-mails dele, envie um 
e-mail para logica-l+unsubscr...@dimap.ufrn.br.
Para ver esta discussão na web, acesse 

Re: [Logica-l] Dutilh Novaes Wins Lakatos Award

2022-05-19 Por tôpico Elaine Pimentel
Um beijão, Catarina!!! Super bacana e merecido!

On Thu, May 19, 2022 at 5:39 PM Walter Carnielli 

> Parabéns Catarina, tenho observado sua carreira desde há bastante tempo,
> realmente um feito!.
>  Um grande abraço,
> Walter
> Em qui., 19 de mai. de 2022 12:13, Marcos Silva 
> escreveu:
>> Parabéns para a Catarina!
>> https://dailynous.com/2022/05/19/dutilh-novaes-wins-lakatos-award/
>> Ela deu, há um pouco mais de um mês, uma excelente palestra sobre a sua
>> pesquisa atual em nosso evento do PPGFIL/UFPE.
>> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IGrei6zFwdk=5774s
>> Abraços,
>> Marcos
>> --
>> Marcos Silva (UFPE/CNPq)
>> Philosophy Department
>> Federal University of Pernambuco, Brazil
>> Director of Graduate Studies (PPGFIL/UFPE
>> )
>> Editor-in-chief Revista Perspectiva Filosófica
>> https://sites.google.com/view/marcossilvaphilosophy
>> "amar e mudar as coisas me interessa mais"
>> --
>> Lista acadêmica brasileira dos profissionais e estudantes da área de
>> Lógica 
>> ---
>> Você recebeu essa mensagem porque está inscrito no grupo "LOGICA-L" dos
>> Grupos do Google.
>> Para cancelar inscrição nesse grupo e parar de receber e-mails dele,
>> envie um e-mail para logica-l+unsubscr...@dimap.ufrn.br.
>> Para ver essa discussão na Web, acesse
>> https://groups.google.com/a/dimap.ufrn.br/d/msgid/logica-l/CAGZ3pz%2BHi%2BwYnGE3d4m1euhXJKUD%3DQm1P-OT%2BXZyUrvgWAtJ1Q%40mail.gmail.com
>> .
> --
> Lista acadêmica brasileira dos profissionais e estudantes da área de
> Lógica 
> ---
> Você recebeu essa mensagem porque está inscrito no grupo "LOGICA-L" dos
> Grupos do Google.
> Para cancelar inscrição nesse grupo e parar de receber e-mails dele, envie
> um e-mail para logica-l+unsubscr...@dimap.ufrn.br.
> Para ver essa discussão na Web, acesse
> https://groups.google.com/a/dimap.ufrn.br/d/msgid/logica-l/CAOrCsLc9J5JPWvr28efK4nOhQ27A4oS%3DeJhH-9LGMUt5%2BdZdEA%40mail.gmail.com
> .

Elaine Pimentel
Associate Professor in Programming Principles, Logic, and Verification
Department of Computer Science
University College London

Lista acadêmica brasileira dos profissionais e estudantes da área de Lógica 

Você está recebendo esta mensagem porque se inscreveu no grupo "LOGICA-L" dos 
Grupos do Google.
Para cancelar inscrição nesse grupo e parar de receber e-mails dele, envie um 
e-mail para logica-l+unsubscr...@dimap.ufrn.br.
Para ver esta discussão na web, acesse 

Re: [Logica-l] Dutilh Novaes Wins Lakatos Award

2022-05-19 Por tôpico Walter Carnielli
Parabéns Catarina, tenho observado sua carreira desde há bastante tempo,
realmente um feito!.

 Um grande abraço,


Em qui., 19 de mai. de 2022 12:13, Marcos Silva 

> Parabéns para a Catarina!
> https://dailynous.com/2022/05/19/dutilh-novaes-wins-lakatos-award/
> Ela deu, há um pouco mais de um mês, uma excelente palestra sobre a sua
> pesquisa atual em nosso evento do PPGFIL/UFPE.
> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IGrei6zFwdk=5774s
> Abraços,
> Marcos
> --
> Marcos Silva (UFPE/CNPq)
> Philosophy Department
> Federal University of Pernambuco, Brazil
> Director of Graduate Studies (PPGFIL/UFPE
> )
> Editor-in-chief Revista Perspectiva Filosófica
> https://sites.google.com/view/marcossilvaphilosophy
> "amar e mudar as coisas me interessa mais"
> --
> Lista acadêmica brasileira dos profissionais e estudantes da área de
> Lógica 
> ---
> Você recebeu essa mensagem porque está inscrito no grupo "LOGICA-L" dos
> Grupos do Google.
> Para cancelar inscrição nesse grupo e parar de receber e-mails dele, envie
> um e-mail para logica-l+unsubscr...@dimap.ufrn.br.
> Para ver essa discussão na Web, acesse
> https://groups.google.com/a/dimap.ufrn.br/d/msgid/logica-l/CAGZ3pz%2BHi%2BwYnGE3d4m1euhXJKUD%3DQm1P-OT%2BXZyUrvgWAtJ1Q%40mail.gmail.com
> .

Lista acadêmica brasileira dos profissionais e estudantes da área de Lógica 

Você está recebendo esta mensagem porque se inscreveu no grupo "LOGICA-L" dos 
Grupos do Google.
Para cancelar inscrição nesse grupo e parar de receber e-mails dele, envie um 
e-mail para logica-l+unsubscr...@dimap.ufrn.br.
Para ver esta discussão na web, acesse 

Re: [Logica-l] Dutilh Novaes Wins Lakatos Award

2022-05-19 Por tôpico Marcelo Finger
Parabéns para Catarina!

Muito bom, muito bonito e, tenho certeza, muito merecido!



On Thu, May 19, 2022 at 12:13 PM Marcos Silva 

> Parabéns para a Catarina!
> https://dailynous.com/2022/05/19/dutilh-novaes-wins-lakatos-award/
> Ela deu, há um pouco mais de um mês, uma excelente palestra sobre a sua
> pesquisa atual em nosso evento do PPGFIL/UFPE.
> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IGrei6zFwdk=5774s
> Abraços,
> Marcos
> --
> Marcos Silva (UFPE/CNPq)
> Philosophy Department
> Federal University of Pernambuco, Brazil
> Director of Graduate Studies (PPGFIL/UFPE
> )
> Editor-in-chief Revista Perspectiva Filosófica
> https://sites.google.com/view/marcossilvaphilosophy
> "amar e mudar as coisas me interessa mais"
> --
> Lista acadêmica brasileira dos profissionais e estudantes da área de
> Lógica 
> ---
> Você recebeu essa mensagem porque está inscrito no grupo "LOGICA-L" dos
> Grupos do Google.
> Para cancelar inscrição nesse grupo e parar de receber e-mails dele, envie
> um e-mail para logica-l+unsubscr...@dimap.ufrn.br.
> Para ver essa discussão na Web, acesse
> https://groups.google.com/a/dimap.ufrn.br/d/msgid/logica-l/CAGZ3pz%2BHi%2BwYnGE3d4m1euhXJKUD%3DQm1P-OT%2BXZyUrvgWAtJ1Q%40mail.gmail.com
> .

Marcelo Finger
 Departament of Computer Science, IME-USP
 ORCID: https://orcid.org/-0002-1391-1175
 ResearcherID: A-4670-2009

Instituto de Matemática e Estatística,

Universidade de São Paulo

Rua do Matão, 1010 - CEP 05508-090 - São Paulo, SP

Lista acadêmica brasileira dos profissionais e estudantes da área de Lógica 

Você está recebendo esta mensagem porque se inscreveu no grupo "LOGICA-L" dos 
Grupos do Google.
Para cancelar inscrição nesse grupo e parar de receber e-mails dele, envie um 
e-mail para logica-l+unsubscr...@dimap.ufrn.br.
Para ver esta discussão na web, acesse 

Re: [Logica-l] Dutilh Novaes Wins Lakatos Award

2022-05-19 Por tôpico Valeria de Paiva
Parabéns para a Catarina mesmo!! eu sabia da Royal Netherlands Academy of
Arts and Sciences,
mas nao sabia do premio Lakatos! Fantastico Catarina!!! ficamos todos muito
orgulhosos do seu trabalho!!
[]s, Valeria

On Thu, May 19, 2022 at 8:21 AM Joao Marcos  wrote:

> E ainda tem mais!  Catarina também foi eleita, recentemente, membro da
> Royal Netherlands Academy of Arts and Sciences:
> https://vu.nl/en/news/2022/roberta-croce-and-catarina-dutilh-novaes-elected-member-of-knaw
> https://knaw.nl/nl/actueel/nieuws/knaw-kiest-22-nieuwe-leden
> []s, Joao Marcos
> On Thu, May 19, 2022 at 12:13 PM Marcos Silva 
> wrote:
> >
> > Parabéns para a Catarina!
> >
> > https://dailynous.com/2022/05/19/dutilh-novaes-wins-lakatos-award/
> >
> > Ela deu, há um pouco mais de um mês, uma excelente palestra sobre a sua
> pesquisa atual em nosso evento do PPGFIL/UFPE.
> > https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IGrei6zFwdk=5774s
> >
> > Abraços,
> > Marcos
> >
> > --
> > Marcos Silva (UFPE/CNPq)
> > Philosophy Department
> > Federal University of Pernambuco, Brazil
> > Director of Graduate Studies (PPGFIL/UFPE)
> > Editor-in-chief Revista Perspectiva Filosófica
> > https://sites.google.com/view/marcossilvaphilosophy
> > "amar e mudar as coisas me interessa mais"
> >
> > --
> > Lista acadêmica brasileira dos profissionais e estudantes da área de
> Lógica 
> > ---
> > Você recebeu essa mensagem porque está inscrito no grupo "LOGICA-L" dos
> Grupos do Google.
> > Para cancelar inscrição nesse grupo e parar de receber e-mails dele,
> envie um e-mail para logica-l+unsubscr...@dimap.ufrn.br.
> > Para ver essa discussão na Web, acesse
> https://groups.google.com/a/dimap.ufrn.br/d/msgid/logica-l/CAGZ3pz%2BHi%2BwYnGE3d4m1euhXJKUD%3DQm1P-OT%2BXZyUrvgWAtJ1Q%40mail.gmail.com
> .
> --
> http://sequiturquodlibet.googlepages.com/
> --
> Lista acadêmica brasileira dos profissionais e estudantes da área de
> Lógica 
> ---
> Você está recebendo esta mensagem porque se inscreveu no grupo "LOGICA-L"
> dos Grupos do Google.
> Para cancelar inscrição nesse grupo e parar de receber e-mails dele, envie
> um e-mail para logica-l+unsubscr...@dimap.ufrn.br.
> Para ver esta discussão na web, acesse
> https://groups.google.com/a/dimap.ufrn.br/d/msgid/logica-l/CAO6j_Lhw_wk9D-pfzq%3D7AfGumb%2BGVmZsag3eWBgkfZmmga%3Dv%3DQ%40mail.gmail.com
> .

Lista acadêmica brasileira dos profissionais e estudantes da área de Lógica 

Você está recebendo esta mensagem porque se inscreveu no grupo "LOGICA-L" dos 
Grupos do Google.
Para cancelar inscrição nesse grupo e parar de receber e-mails dele, envie um 
e-mail para logica-l+unsubscr...@dimap.ufrn.br.
Para ver esta discussão na web, acesse 

Re: [Logica-l] Dutilh Novaes Wins Lakatos Award

2022-05-19 Por tôpico Joao Marcos
E ainda tem mais!  Catarina também foi eleita, recentemente, membro da
Royal Netherlands Academy of Arts and Sciences:

[]s, Joao Marcos

On Thu, May 19, 2022 at 12:13 PM Marcos Silva  wrote:
> Parabéns para a Catarina!
> https://dailynous.com/2022/05/19/dutilh-novaes-wins-lakatos-award/
> Ela deu, há um pouco mais de um mês, uma excelente palestra sobre a sua 
> pesquisa atual em nosso evento do PPGFIL/UFPE.
> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IGrei6zFwdk=5774s
> Abraços,
> Marcos
> --
> Marcos Silva (UFPE/CNPq)
> Philosophy Department
> Federal University of Pernambuco, Brazil
> Director of Graduate Studies (PPGFIL/UFPE)
> Editor-in-chief Revista Perspectiva Filosófica
> https://sites.google.com/view/marcossilvaphilosophy
> "amar e mudar as coisas me interessa mais"
> --
> Lista acadêmica brasileira dos profissionais e estudantes da área de Lógica 
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[Logica-l] Dutilh Novaes Wins Lakatos Award

2022-05-19 Por tôpico Marcos Silva
Parabéns para a Catarina!


Ela deu, há um pouco mais de um mês, uma excelente palestra sobre a sua
pesquisa atual em nosso evento do PPGFIL/UFPE.


Marcos Silva (UFPE/CNPq)
Philosophy Department
Federal University of Pernambuco, Brazil
Director of Graduate Studies (PPGFIL/UFPE
Editor-in-chief Revista Perspectiva Filosófica

"amar e mudar as coisas me interessa mais"

Lista acadêmica brasileira dos profissionais e estudantes da área de Lógica 

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2022-05-19 Por tôpico Joao Marcos
-- Forwarded message -

The Institute for Philosophical Research of the National Autonomous
University of Mexico (Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México, UNAM),
offers postdoctoral research fellowships.

Postdoctoral fellows are expected to:

- Carry out their research project and publish the results.

- Work full time on their research project.

- Participate in the academic activities of the Institute.

Postdoctoral fellows may also teach courses throughout their
fellowship year and supervise the work of undergraduate and graduate
students. Knowledge of Spanish is not required, but successful
non-Spanish speaking applicants will be expected to do their best to
learn the language during their stay. The Institute will promote a
gender-sensitive perspective in the evaluation of candidates.

The deadline for applications is June 13, 2022. Applications or
letters of recommendation sent after this date will not be accepted.
The fellowship begins on March 1st, 2023. The start date of the
fellowship is non-extendable.

Duration. One year (with possible renewal for a second year).

Grant. $32,000.00 MXN per month, tax free. According to the current
exchange rate this amounts to approximately $1,600.00 US dollars. The
fellowship includes health insurance (coverage includes partners and

Requirements. PhD obtained not longer than 5 years before the
beginning of the fellowship. The application may be considered if the
PhD has not yet been obtained, but it can be certified that there is a
precise date for the doctoral examination prior to the start of the
fellowship. To have at least one paper published or accepted for

Applicants must complete the following online form
and send the documents listed below in one email as separate PDF files
each clearly identified. Incomplete applications, and complete
applications sent through any other means (Interfolio, We Transfer,
etc.) other than email, will not be considered:

- Updated Curriculum Vitae including the following information:
applicant’s full name (as it appears in the birth certificate or
passport), home address, current job (if any), telephone contacts,
areas of specialization and of competence, university and date in
which the PhD degree was obtained (or is expected) and publications.

- Copy of two papers (do not send dissertations), at least one of
which must be published or accepted-for-publication.

- Research project (15 pages max., without references; 12 points Times
New Roman font, 1.5 line spacing). The research project must contain:
1) Abstract (one page); 2) Definition of the subject or problem; 3)
General and specific goals; 4) Methodology; 5) Presentation of the
main thesis or hypothesis; 6) List of products expected at the end of
the project (papers or book chapters) and 7) References.

- Workplan and timetable (suggested length: 1 page), including
specific dates for writing and conclusion of publications and specific
dates of attendance to academic events (colloquia, conferences,
workshops, etc.). An absence from the Institute of more than 45 days
may not be authorized during the fellowship period.

- Two letters of recommendation sent directly by the referees or the
placement officer at the home institution to the following email:

- Cover letter.

- Copy of the PhD diploma, or an official document certifying that the
oral of final examination has been passed, or an official document
that indicates the exact date when the doctoral defense/exam will take
place. In case the application is successful, the official document
certifying that the final examination has been passed will be needed
before the beginning of the fellowship.

- In a single document you must include an abstract of your PhD
dissertation (maximum length: one page) and a list of publications
deriving from it (either accepted, forthcoming or published). The
abstract must indicate the title of the thesis, the name of the
university where it was obtained, and name and university of your PhD
supervisor. Regarding the list, each publication must include an
abstract (max. ½ page).

All these documents must be sent to the following address: posdoc@gmail.com

For further questions please contact:

Dra. María Teresa Rodríguez González
Academic Secretary
Institute for Philosophical Research
National Autonomous University of Mexico
Tel: (52-55) 5622-7241

Lista acadêmica brasileira dos profissionais e estudantes da área de Lógica 

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Grupos do Google.
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e-mail para logica-l+unsubscr...@dimap.ufrn.br.
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