Hi, John:

What’s your responses to this issue and my proposal then?

We need your guidances.

Aijun Wang
China Telecom

> On Sep 20, 2023, at 17:22, Aijun Wang <wangai...@tsinghua.org.cn> wrote:
> Hi, Acee, John:
> My proposal to solve the issue is that we can discuss the merge possibility 
> for the contents and author list of WG document at the IETF 118 on-site 
> meeting.
> I think you (also LSR experts within the list) can't deny draft-ppsenk was 
> inspired by our draft. 
> It's unfair to ignore the adoption call of 
> https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/draft-wang-lsr-prefix-unreachable-annoucement/,
> Detail replies are inline below. 
> Best Regards
> Aijun Wang
> China Telecom
> -----邮件原件-----
> 发件人: lsr-boun...@ietf.org [mailto:lsr-boun...@ietf.org] 代表 Acee Lindem
> 发送时间: 2023年9月16日 1:16
> 收件人: Aijun Wang <wangai...@tsinghua.org.cn>
> 抄送: John Scudder <jgs=40juniper....@dmarc.ietf.org>; Christian Hopps 
> <cho...@chopps.org>; lsr <lsr@ietf.org>; 
> draft-ppsenak-lsr-igp-ureach-prefix-annou...@ietf.org; tom petch 
> <ie...@btconnect.com>
> 主题: Re: [Lsr] 【Request AD Step In】 Working Group Adoption of "IGP Unreachable 
> Prefix Announcement" - draft-ppsenak-lsr-igp-ureach-prefix-announce-04
> Aijun, John, 
> Technical comments as WG member: 
> See inline. 
>> On Sep 15, 2023, at 3:08 AM, Aijun Wang <wangai...@tsinghua.org.cn> wrote:
>> Hi,John:
>> Thanks in advance for your review for the discussion within the mail list.
>> Normally, the WG adoption call decisions will be coordinated between the 
>> Chairs. That’s the reason that I sort the judgement directly from the AD.
>> If the previous results represents only Acee’s preference, we would like to 
>> ask Chris to review also all the discussions and expect Chris to solve my 
>> concerns that Acee didn’t convince me. 
>> The IETF community should respect the initiative idea and adoption decision 
>> should be made based on the facts.
>> Hi, Chris:
>> I have asked Acee the following questions 
>> (https://mailarchive.ietf.org/arch/msg/lsr/Oegys8UjFbc4R1Fw4o8mnZmEJ08/ )and 
>> would like to hear your feedback:
>>> For the adoption call or merge efforts, I think the WG should consider the 
>>> following facts:
>>> 1)     Which draft is the first to provide the use cases? 
> Given that the WG agreed to solve a specific use case, this is irrelevant. 
> [WAJ] The specific use case is also first provided by 
> https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/draft-wang-lsr-prefix-unreachable-annoucement/
>>> 2)     Which draft is the first to propose explicit signaling for 
>>> unreachable information?
> Since the mechanism in your draft use an assumption about the value of 
> prefix-originator, one could argue that it is not strictly explicit. 
> [WAJ] The meaning of newly defined special value of prefix-originator is 
> similar as the meaning of the newly defined flag. 
> However, the first to provide backward-compatible notification focused on the 
> short-lived notification use case was the WG document. 
> [WAJ] I think you have noticed that there was one big conversion from the 
> first version of draft-ppsenk(implicit signaling only) to its latest 
> version(including explicit signaling also). The reason for the conversion is 
> that we insisted that the explicit signaling was the direction.
>>> 3)     Which draft is the first to propose short lived notification?
> I believe Robert Raszuk was the first to bring up the use case on the LSR 
> list - well before it was included in any draft.  
> [WAJ] Would you or Robert Raszuk like to provide the link within the LSR list 
> to prove the above imagination? 
>>> 4)     Which explicit signaling mechanism is simpler?
> The draft which the WG rallied behind is much cleaner and based on the WG 
> request for explicit unreachable flags. As I mentioned before, it is 
> backward-compatible. Your document also requires a capabilities advertisement 
> and different behavior depending on whether or not all routers in the area 
> support the mechanism (section 5). The WG document is clearly simpler. 
> [WAJ]There is already field to carry such information, it is redundancy to 
> define the flag again. And, the most important thing is that using the 
> existing field can provide the uniform explicit signaling methods for all the 
> IGP protocols, we needn't find different places to set and parse the flags in 
> different protocol. Which is simpler?
> The reason that we keep capabilities advertisement, as I explained in 
> https://mailarchive.ietf.org/arch/msg/lsr/E6Pg6kDppFfrPWJ0h03XivUHB48/ in 
> detail, is that we want to fade out the usage of LSInfinity in future. We 
> should keep and put forward the deployment of such mechanism in simple format 
> or direction, don't make the network operation more complex.
>>> 5)     Which draft provides more mechanisms to cover more scenarios?
> While you purport to support multiple use cases, they conflict with one 
> another. For example, the use cases which require a change in OSPF 
> advertisement by the other ABR(s) would require knowledge as long as the 
> prefix is unreachable. You also have section 7 which is relevant to 
> persistent notification and not the short-lived notification agreed upon by 
> the WG. 
> [WAJ] It is not enough to consider only the sender mechanism and doesn't 
> consider its usage in more complex situations. Even in partition scenario, 
> the advertisement of PUAM message need not last forever.  And, which 
> sentences in section 7 is relevant to persistent notification?
> Aijun - now that I have answered your questions again, I have one for you 
> that you have never answered. 
> Why have you rejected attempts to merge the drafts unless they adopted your 
> mechanisms???  Why wouldn’t you join the WG draft which has adapted to the 
> feedback on the LSR llst and garnered the WG support???  
> [WAJ] It's reasonable that initiator lead the merge work----we have put 
> forward such work THREE years earlier than draft-ppsenk. I have express the 
> merge proposal at 
> https://mailarchive.ietf.org/arch/msg/lsr/E6Pg6kDppFfrPWJ0h03XivUHB48/, but 
> it is rejected.
> Since your draft claims to support many use cases, you could still attempt to 
> bring it forward as well. However, this should be independent of the WG 
> document. 
> [WAJ] It is impracticable. The solution to the scenarios are coupled with the 
> notification mechanism. We should consider them together.
> Thanks,
> Acee
>>> The base document should be selected based on the answers of the above 
>>> questions. 
>> John can also refer the above questions when reviewing the past discussions 
>> within the list.
>> Aijun Wang
>> China Telecom
>>>> On Sep 15, 2023, at 04:02, John Scudder <jgs=40juniper....@dmarc.ietf.org> 
>>>> wrote:
>>> Tom is right of course, and thank you for pointing it out. (The 
>>> specific section in RFC 2026 to look at is 6.5.1.)
>>> In the meantime, I’ll review the mailing list discussion. However, the most 
>>> desirable outcome would be to settle things at the WG level without further 
>>> escalation.
>>> —John
>>>> On Sep 14, 2023, at 12:25 PM, tom petch <ie...@btconnect.com> wrote:
>>>> From: Lsr <lsr-boun...@ietf.org> on behalf of Aijun Wang 
>>>> <wangai...@tsinghua.org.cn>
>>>> Sent: 14 September 2023 11:38
>>>> Hi, Acee:
>>>> I admire your efforts for the LSR WG, but for the adoption call of this 
>>>> draft, you have not convinced me, although I gave you large amount of 
>>>> solid facts.
>>>> Then, it's time to let our AD to step in, to make the non-biased 
>>>> judgement, based on our discussions along the adoption call.
>>>> <tp>
>>>> I think that what you have in mind is an appeal, as per RFC2026.
>>>> The first stage therein is to involve the Chairs, and while Acee is one, 
>>>> he is not the only one.
>>>> Have you involved the other Chair, on or off list? That would seem to me 
>>>> to be next step.
>>>> Tom Petch
>>>> We request the WG document be based on the 
>>>> https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/draft-wang-lsr-prefix-unreachable-annoucement/__;!!NEt6yMaO-gk!FBaOZ68azDC2Puoe7BZVn9qBD-T-BvvJIoPE539Fz7ZmoBeBkYkjEH4eFsk7HxvaaacJE5KWnyE3KA$
>>>>  , because it is the first document to initiate the use case, provide the 
>>>> explicit signaling mechanism, and cover more scenarios.
>>>> It’s unreasonable to adopt the follower solution and ignore the initiator. 
>>>> We started and lead the discussions THREE years earlier than the current 
>>>> proposal.
>>>> Aijun Wang
>>>> China Telecom
>>>>> On Sep 8, 2023, at 23:16, Acee Lindem <acee.i...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>>>> The WG adoption call has completed and there is more than sufficient 
>>>>> support for adoption.
>>>>> What’s more, vendors are implementing and operators are planning of 
>>>>> deploying the extensions.
>>>>> Please republish the draft as 
>>>>> draft-ietf-lsr-igp-ureach-prefix-announce-00.
>>>>> A couple of WG members, while acknowledging the use case, thought that it 
>>>>> would be better satisfied outside of the IGPs.
>>>>> In fact, they both offered other viable alternatives. However, with 
>>>>> the overwhelming support and commitment to implementation and 
>>>>> deployment, we are going forward with WG adoption of this document. As 
>>>>> the Co-Chair managing the adoption, I don’t see this optional mechanism 
>>>>> as fundamentally changing the IGPs.
>>>>> There was also quite vehement opposition from the authors of 
>>>>> draft-wang-lsr-prefix-unreachable-annoucement. This draft purports 
>>>>> to support the same use case as well as others (the archives can be 
>>>>> consulted for the discussion). Further discussion of this other 
>>>>> draft and the use cases it addresses should be in the context of 
>>>>> draft-wang-lsr-prefix-unreachable-annoucement
>>>>> and not the WG draft.
>>>>> Thanks,
>>>>> Acee
>>>>>> On Aug 23, 2023, at 3:58 PM, Acee Lindem <acee.i...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>>>>> LSR Working Group,
>>>>>> This begins the working group adoption call for “IGP Unreachable Prefix 
>>>>>> Announcement” - draft-ppsenak-lsr-igp-unreach-prefix-announce-04.
>>>>>> Please indicate your support or objection on this list prior to 
>>>>>> September 7th, 2023.
>>>>>> Thanks,
>>>>>> Acee
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