I talked to one of the maintainers of NLucene and he said that he was
planning on releasing a 1.2 version (not beta apparently) in two months.
That was back in June and I haven't heard or seen anything since then so I
cant really say if it is still being actively developed.  Sounds like you
are doing the same thing I am doing which is adding functionality that you
need on your own.  I've also added a few things to NLucene like multifield
queries and the default boolean operator setting.


> Hi all,
> http://sourceforge.net/projects/nlucene/ has a version numbered 1.2b2.
> Does anyone know if this source is still being maintained to be closer to
the java developments ?
> Was this an external project to Apache Jakarta ?
> I (we) have just successfully released a search engine using a c#
implmentation of Lucene.  Code had to be brought up to date in line with
recent java builds, and enhanced with additional features (eg field sorting,
term position score factoring, etc).
> Any other c# users who would like to see NLucene kept in line with the
java version ?
> Maybe I'm just being lazy with having to maintain my own version of Lucene
> Surely there are others out there who are c# users and follow the mailing
lists (I remember a Brian somewhere !) but seldom post.
> Brendon

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