Search speed

2004-11-01 Thread Jeff Munson
I'm looking for tips on speeding up searches since I am a relatively new
user of Lucene.  

I've created a single index with 4.5 million documents.  The index has
about 22 fields and one of those fields is the contents of the body tag
which can range from 5K to 35K.  When I create the field (named
contents) that houses the contents of the body tag, the field is
stored, indexed, and tokenized.  The term position vectors are not

Single word searches return pretty fast, but when I try phrases,
searching seems to slow considerably.  When constructing the query I am
using the standard query object where analyzer is the StandardAnalyzer:

Code Example:
Query objQuery = QueryParser.parse(sSearchString, contents, analyzer);

For example, the following query,  contents:Zanesville, it returns over
163,000 hits in 78 milliseconds.  

However, if I use this query, contents:all parts including picture tube
guaranteed, it returns hits in 2890 millseconds.  Other phrases take
longer as well.  

My question is, are there any indexing tips (storing term vectors?) or
query tips that I can use to speed up the searching of phrases?

Thanks in advance for any tips.

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MultiSearcher object question

2004-10-19 Thread Jeff Munson
I've just indexed over 600,000 documents (index size = 12GB) and have a
simple servlet to search the index.  I am using the MultiSearcher object
(I will add more indexes in the future) in a servlet to test searching.
I have noticed that the instantiation of my MulitSearcher object is
taking about 5 seconds.  As a solution, I have created the MultiSearcher
object and stored it in the Application context so I create it once and
access it subsequent times.  

My question is, is this a recommended practice?  If I have 1000 users
concurrently searching, will this approach cause problems?  What do
others do in web applications using the MultiSearcher object? 

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Indexing Strategy for 20 million documents

2004-10-08 Thread Jeff Munson
I am a new user of Lucene.  I am looking to index over 20 million
documents (and a lot more someday) and am looking for ideas on the best
indexing/search strategy.  

Which will optimize the Lucene search, one index or multiple indexes?
Do I create multiple indexes and merge them all together?  Or do I
create multiple indexes and search on the multiple indexes?  

Any helpful ideas would be appreciated!

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