Adding Fields to Document (with same name)

2005-02-01 Thread TheRanger

what happens when I add two fields with the same name to one Document?

Document doc = new Document();
doc.add(Field.Text("bla", "this is my first text"));
doc.add(Field.Text("bla", "this is my second text"));

Will the second text overwrite the first, because only one field can be held
with the same name in one document?

Will the first and the second text be merged, when I search in the field bla
(e.g. with query "bla:text") ?

I am working on XML indexing and did not get an error when having repeated
XML fields. Now I am wondering...


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Exchange Scoring algorithm

2004-02-22 Thread TheRanger
Hello group,

how can I exchange the existing scoring (the way the score is calculated
using TF/IDF, term boost, etc) with my own score. I know there is a way to
overwrite the Similariy class. However I am missing a good example. Could somebody
provide a good example which would show how to exchange the existing
DefaultSimilarity with MySimilarity. I think this would be necessary to implement
common Relevance Feedback algorthms. Did somebody do that and can give me some

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Define own Query / Document Scoring - How?

2004-01-22 Thread TheRanger

we all know the formular of how Lucene is weighting documents. Does Lucene
also weigthen the query?

How can this formular be exchanged with another formular? Is it possible to
do Standard_Rocchio by calculating a new weight for each term in a new query
becased on the documents retrieved (based on their terms weights)?

Can somebody give me a hint of how this could work? Maybe a short code


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Indexing of deep structured XML

2004-01-16 Thread TheRanger
Hello all,

it is obviously possible to index the follwoing XML structure in Lucene:


by mapping all the xml tags (name, street, postcode and city) it to the
documents (address) fields directly. However is it also possible to map these?



Here we have a hierarchy in area (niceplace) which I want to preserve.
Suppose that the meaning of niceplace in an area is different from the niceplace
in the first xml structure (closer specified). I want to preserve this. 

Is there a way to index with Lucene means? If not, are there any attempt of
people doing this or does somebody have ideas how this could be solved?


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