LuceneRAR is now working on two containers, verified: The J2EE 1.4 RI and
Orion. Websphere testing is underway, with JBoss to follow.

LuceneRAR is a resource adapter for Lucene, allowing J2EE components to
look up an entry in a JNDI tree, using that reference to add and search
for documents. It's much like RemoteSearcher would be, except using JNDI
semantics for communication instead of RMI, which is a little more elegant
in a J2EE environment (where JNDI communication is very common).

LuceneRAR was created to allow J2EE components to legitimately use the
filesystem indexes (for speed) while not violating J2EE's suggestion to
not rely on filesystem access. It also allows distributed access to the
index (as remote servers would simply establish a JNDI connection to the
LuceneRAR home.)

Please take a look at it, if you're interested; the feature set isn't
complete, but it's workable. There's a sample application that allows
creation, searches, and statistical data about the search included in the

Any comments are welcomed.

Joseph B. Ottinger                   
IT Consultant                                    [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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