ParallellMultiSearcher Vs. One big Index

2005-01-18 Thread Ryan Aslett
Okay, so Im trying to find the sweet spot on how many index segments I
should have.

I have 47 million records of contact data (Name + Address). I used 7
machines to build indexes that resulted in the following spread of
individual indexes:

46919250 Total Records
(The faster machines built the bigger indexes)
I also joined all these indexes together into one large 47 million
record index, and ran my query pounder against both data sets, one using
the ParallellMultiSearcher for the multi indexes, and one using a normal
IndexSearcher against the large index.
What I found was that for queries with one term (First Name), the large
index beat the multiple indexes hands down (280 Queries/per second vs
170 Q/s).
But for queries with multiple terms (Address), the multiple indexes beat
out the Large index. (26 Q/s vs 16 Q/s)
Btw, Im running these on a 2 proc box with 16GB of ram.

So what Im trying to determine Is if there is some equations out there
that can help me find the sweet spot for splitting my indexes. Most
queries are going to be multi-term, and clearly the big O of the single
term search appears to be log n. (I verified with 470 million records..
The single term search returns at 140 qps, consistent with what I
believe about search algorithms).  The equation that Im missing is the
big O for the union of the result sets that match particular terms.  Im
assuming (havent looked at the source yet) that lucene finds all the
documents that match the first term, and all the documents that match
each subsequent term, and then finds the union between all the sets. Is
this correct?  Anybody have any ideas on how to iron out an equation for


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Re: ParallellMultiSearcher Vs. One big Index

2005-01-18 Thread Doug Cutting
Ryan Aslett wrote:
What I found was that for queries with one term (First Name), the large
index beat the multiple indexes hands down (280 Queries/per second vs
170 Q/s).
But for queries with multiple terms (Address), the multiple indexes beat
out the Large index. (26 Q/s vs 16 Q/s)
Btw, Im running these on a 2 proc box with 16GB of ram.
So what Im trying to determine Is if there is some equations out there
that can help me find the sweet spot for splitting my indexes.
What appears to be the bottleneck, CPU or i/o?  Is your test system 
multi-threaded?  I.e., is it attempting to execute many queries in 
parallel?  If you're CPU-bound then a single index should be fastest. 
Are you using compound format?  If you're i/o-bound, the non-compound 
format may be somewhat faster, as it permits more parallel i/o.  Is the 
index data on multiple drives?  If you're i/o bound then it should be 
faster to use multiple drives.  To permit even more parallel i/o over 
multiple drives you might consider using a pool of IndexReaders.  That 
way, with, e.g., striped data, each could be simultaneously reading 
different portions of the same file.

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