Re: Query based stemming

2005-01-07 Thread Jim Lynch
From what I've read, if you want to have a choice, the easiest way is 
to index the documents twice. Once with stemming on and once with it off 
placing the results in two different indexes.  Then at query time, 
select which index you want to use based on whether you want stemming on 
or off.

Peter Kim wrote:
I'm new to Lucene, so I apologize if this issue has been discussed
before (I'm sure it has), but I had a hard time finding an answer using
google. (Maybe this would be a good candidate for the FAQ!) :)
Is it possible to enable stem queries on a per-query basis? It doesn't
seem to be possible since the stem tokenizing is done during the
indexing process. Are people basically stuck with having all their
queries stemmed or none at all?
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Re: Query based stemming

2005-01-07 Thread Chris Hostetter

: Is it possible to enable stem queries on a per-query basis? It doesn't
: seem to be possible since the stem tokenizing is done during the
: indexing process. Are people basically stuck with having all their
: queries stemmed or none at all?

:  From what I've read, if you want to have a choice, the easiest way is
: to index the documents twice. Once with stemming on and once with it off
: placing the results in two different indexes.  Then at query time,
: select which index you want to use based on whether you want stemming on
: or off.

As I understand it, the intented place to impliment Stemming is in an
Analyzer Filter (not to be confused with a search Filter).  Since you can
can specify an Analyzer when you call addDocument, you don't have to
acctually have two seperate indexes, you could just have all the docs in
one index - and use a search Filter to indicate which docs to look at.

Alternately: the Analyzer's tokenStream method is given the fieldName
being analyzed, so you could write an Analyzer with a set of rules
telling it to only apply your Stemming filter to certain fields, and
then instead of having twice as many documents, you can just index your
text in two seperate fields (which should be a little easier, then
seperate docs because you are only duplicating the fields where stemming
is relevant)  Then at search time you don't have to filter anything, just
search the field that's applicable to your current desire (stemmed or

Lastely: Allthough it's tricky to get correct, there's no law saying you
have to use the same Analyzer when you query as when you index.  You could
index your documents using an Analyzer that does no stemming, and then at
search time (if you want stemming) use an Analyzer that does reverse
stemming to expand your query terms out to all the possible variants.

(NOTE: I've never acctaully tried this, but i think the theory is sound).


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