Dear Lustre Community,

Due to the ongoing pandemic, LAD will be a virtual event this year.
The usual social event and dev' summit are canceled... But admissions are free of charge! \o/

For this year's edition of LAD, we plan to broadcast 2h of pre-recorded presentations, twice a day at 8AM and 4PM UTC (same content both times), from October 13 to October 15.

CEA will set up a short-lived chat platform so that attendees may ask questions during the broadcasts, and also after them.

Speakers will be expected to attend at least one of their presentation's broadcast, to answer live questions. They will also be expected to asynchronously answer questions from the other broadcast.

As usual, presentations will be uploaded on youtube (shortly) after the event.

We hope the time slots we picked will prove acceptable to everyone.
Please let us know if we missed anything obvious.

*@speaker-candidates*, please submit a summary of your presentation on easychair <> for review /before/ September 13. Further information on the submission and review process is available here <>.

*@attendees*, registration will open as the agenda gets published, on September 21.


We would like to thank OpenSFS and EOFS for their help.

Cheers, stay safe,

lustre-discuss mailing list

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