Re: Ubuntu - Logs out or Crashes

2024-03-09 Thread Craig Sanders via luv-main
Also, disable animations and other bling in your desktop. and apps to
(many have options to disable stuff like that). They might be pretty and
entertaining the first few times you see them, but they just waste resources
(like RAM and CPU power) doing stuff that isn't necessary.

If you're using KDE or Gnome, it may also be worth considering switching
to a lightweight desktop like xfce or lxde. This doesn't have to mean
switching distros - any mainstream (i.e. non-tiny) distro can run any
desktop environment, even if the default/recommended DE is one of the
heavy-weights. You can even have multiple DEs installed so you can choose
between them whenever you login.

Finally, if you're using a lot of snap packaged software, you may want to look
for .deb packages instead. snaps & flatpaks & the like are convenient but they
do use more RAM (because they have their own bundled copies of the libraries
they need which run in their own namespace rather than using the same shared
libs as the rest of the system - so if you're running multiple snap apps, you
end up having multiple copies of various libs in RAM at the same time)

e.g. steam is available as both a .deb package AND as a snap for ubuntu. the
.deb package will use less RAM.

Ubuntu have been heavily pushing snap packages for the last few years -
installing them in preference to any .deb packages that may also be available.
I recommend closely examining the programs you use and checking whether you
can save some RAM by using .deb packages for some of them instead. You may
have to search for third party .deb PPAs for some packages.

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Re: Ubuntu - Logs out or Crashes

2024-03-09 Thread Craig Sanders via luv-main
On Fri, Mar 08, 2024 at 03:31:38PM +1000, Piers Rowan wrote:
> On 8/3/24 10:52, Craig Sanders via luv-main wrote:
> > 16GB isn't a lot these days.  My guess is you're most likely running out
> > of RAM.  The best solution is to add more RAM to the system if possible.
> That is not possible with this model. The strange thing is that this

That's a shame.  Is the memory soldered in? if not, maybe there's a
third-party RAM kit that might fit?

Otherwise, do you have a desktop PC as well? Maybe you could offload some of
the workload to that, accessing it via ssh.

BTW, you can even tunnel X applications over ssh - I wouldn't want to use a
web browser or watch videos this way, but it should be fine for editing code
and probably for LibreOffice Writer & Calc too. I use ssh like this quite
often, in particular whenever I need to scan documentes with xsane because my
scanner is connected to my home server rather than my workstation machine.

Anyway, using ssh like this can work quite well if you're at the same location
(e.g. home) but can be inconvenient if you need to travel between multiple
locations (maybe a VPN could help, or at least static IP addresses).

As Sun used to say back in the 80s and 90s, "The Network is the
Computer". Using ssh like this (or it would have been rsh at the time) is
partly what they meant by that.  Obviously, the faster & lower latency the
network, the better - a wired 1Gbps or 2.5Gbps LAN would be better than
wireless but even wireless is fine if there's not too many other WLANs nearby
competing for bandwidth.

> behavior is recent. Running applications concurrently has never been an
> issue. Unless there is something bloaty about an update this issue should
> never happenbut.

Unless you've drastically changed what you're doing lately, this is probably
just the "natural evolution" of software over time.  Software tends to be
updated to do more stuff (to use a highly technical term), and doing more
stuff requires more resources - RAM in particular. Apps get bigger, and
the libraries they depend upon get bigger too. And software under rapid
development tends to oscillate between rapid growth spurts of new features and
experiments with little concern for optimisation followed by consolidation and
optimisation and bug fixes.

> What I noticed was that the system chewed away at the swap to the tune of
> 2GB (its Max).
> Iv'e increased the swap to 4GB:
> webgen@webgen-01:~$ sudo swapon -s
> Filename                Type        Size        Used Priority
> /swapfile   file        4194300 0        -2

I'd be inclined to increase that to at least 8GB if you have the disk space
available for it.  And watch it closely for a while, just to see how close
your system gets to filling it up.

Also watch to see if the swap usage fluctuates all the time (indicating stuff
is being constantly swapped in and out - it's possible that this may be why
you've used so much of the drive's rated write endurance in only a few years)
or whether it settles down and mostly stabilises after a while.

BTW, in another message you were talking about replacing the NVME drive. it's
worth mentioning that upgrading or replacing a drive doesn't have to require
a complete re-install.  You can just copy one drive to another (either a
bit-wise copy using dd or similar, or a file copy using e.g. rsync or tar or
cp -af), and optionally use gparted to adjust the size of your partition(s) if
necessary.  If your laptop doesn't have two NVME slots, you could back it up
to an external hard disk, e.g. using a bootable USB stick of Clonezilla, and
then restore it to the new NVME - this is probably the easiest way...even if
you have two NVME slots, Clonezilla is a convenient way to clone a system from
one drive to another.

If you're using UEFI to boot, it should just work because UEFI looks for the
FAT32 "EFI System" partition.

If you're using old-fashioned style MBR to boot then you'll probably need
to re-install the grub boot sector on the new disk - you can do that from
the clonezilla USB stick or some other "rescue" disk. you'll need to mount
your partition(s) into, e.g., /target then bind mount /proc, /sys, /dev under
/target, then "chroot /target" before running grub-install. then exit from the
chroot and unmount them.  Clonezilla may do this for you automatically when
you clone or backup & restore an entire drive...or it may not. Can't remember.

> I am currently running:
> - Terminal
> - GIMP

Terminal probably doesn't use that much RAM, unless you have it set to
keep tens of thousands of lines of backscroll buffer.  GIMP can use a lot,
depending on what you're doing with it - proportional to the size and
complexity of your artwork.

> - Visual Code

This is microsoft's code editor, right?  If so, it's probably bloatware -
MS aren't noted for efficient coding practices.  So, probably uses lots of
RAM. Dunno, I've never really been into using fancy GUI IDEs - vim + bash + a

Re: Ubuntu - Logs out or Crashes - Critical Warning: 0x04 - Am I in the market for a new SSD????

2024-03-09 Thread Piers via luv-main

On 9/3/24 17:26, Russell Coker wrote:

Changing to Mint won't make any real difference to the swap.  The applications
are about the same size on all systems.  You probably need to develop habits
of shutting down applications when you don't really need them.  Having
LibreOffice and GIMP running in the background all the time on a laptop isn't
going to work well.

I will look into the swap options.

My main "always on" programs are:

- Thunderbird

- Chrome [Pages, Google Docs, etc]

- Terminal

- Visual Code

The other programs were lit up to see if I could force things to swap 
out. I do open other things as needed but my usage hasn't changed for 
years and the behavior has been going on for months.



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