Re: copy and paste, under Wayland, and to and from an XTerm, was relating to dl audio and video

2020-08-30 Thread Russell Coker via luv-main
On Monday, 31 August 2020 8:14:57 AM AEST Brian May via luv-main wrote:
> Brian May  writes:
> > * Some text applications can have mouse support and "steal mouse" and do
> > 
> >   their own thing. For example, in vim sometimes I have to use shift
> >   click to mark or paste text. But now I try to reproduce this on demand
> >   and I can't ... go figure. Google says the config value is "set
> >   mouse=a"
> Oh, I found out why this is confusing me. Turns out if I ssh into a
> Debian account as root, by default I get mouse=a - so I have to use
> shift click everywhere, but with my own custom config I have mouse=

# cat /etc/vim/vimrc.local 
let g:skip_defaults_vim = 1

This is how I solved that problem.  Presumably any more specific mouse 
settings could go into that file instead and will apply when logged in as root 
or any other user.

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luv-main mailing list

Re: copy and paste, under Wayland, and to and from an XTerm, was relating to dl audio and video

2020-08-30 Thread Brian May via luv-main
Brian May  writes:

> * Some text applications can have mouse support and "steal mouse" and do
>   their own thing. For example, in vim sometimes I have to use shift
>   click to mark or paste text. But now I try to reproduce this on demand
>   and I can't ... go figure. Google says the config value is "set
>   mouse=a"

Oh, I found out why this is confusing me. Turns out if I ssh into a
Debian account as root, by default I get mouse=a - so I have to use
shift click everywhere, but with my own custom config I have mouse=
Brian May
luv-main mailing list

Re: copy and paste, under Wayland, and to and from an XTerm, was relating to dl audio and video

2020-08-30 Thread Brian May via luv-main
Mark Trickett via luv-main  writes:

> Many thanks for your excellent posts, I am learning more. However I
> have Debian 10, nominally up to date, and it has Wayland with Gnome as
> the desktop. I am finding it very frustrating that I cannot copy and
> paste to and from the XTerm window. I used to be able to do with
> earlier terminal emulation under the XWindows system. I used it to be
> able to copy text from a terminal into an email, and commands back
> from email, ensuring that I did not make typos. I do understand that
> there can be security issues if used without a measure of care and
> thoughtful, but it also has much merit when coping with some of the
> regular expressions that come up as examples in email and on web
> pages.

Are you sure this is a Wayland issue? There are a lot of issues that
constantly trick me with copy and paste under X. e.g.

* Clipboard vs primary.

* Copy text. Close source application. Open destination text. Past text.
  Text is gone because closing source application killed copy buffer.

* Some text applications can have mouse support and "steal mouse" and do
  their own thing. For example, in vim sometimes I have to use shift
  click to mark or paste text. But now I try to reproduce this on demand
  and I can't ... go figure. Google says the config value is "set

* Probably others I can't think of right now.

I don't know what happens with these under Wayland. But in short copy
and paste is complicated.

I have not used Wayland yet. But only because I have been lazy. But I
note that there is now a i3 tiling manager in Debian testing that looks
like it would be worth trying:

For a more complete list of window managers under Wayland see
Brian May
luv-main mailing list

Re: copy and paste, under Wayland, and to and from an XTerm, was relating to dl audio and video

2020-08-30 Thread Craig Sanders via luv-main
On Mon, Aug 31, 2020 at 01:22:32AM +1000, Russell Coker wrote:

> > curl URL | sudo bash
> If you trust someone who's written the daemon then trusting their install
> script is no more risk.

part of my point is that anyone who suggests using brawndo-installer to install
their code can not be trusted.  they clearly fail the competence test.

> > > Now you can modify all scripts to use runuser, but that's going to be a
> > > pain. systemd does all this for you.
> >
> > which is nice if you never need to do anything in a way that the systemd
> > devs didn't think or use themselves. or deliberately disallow. in that
> > situation, you're fucked.
> Which situations are you thinking of?

being able to manually change the exact order that particular daemons/services
are loaded.

> The "kill processes in user session when they logout" was a good feature
> for some use cases and it was annoying that last time I checked the Debian
> systemd maintainers had disabled it instead of leaving it as a configuration
> option.

actually it was a terrible anti-feature. one that has little reason to
exist, and certainly should never be enabled by default. are the systemd devs
completely ignorant of decades of normal *nix usage? they certainly act like
it sometimes.

anyone who needs or wants that kill-all-my-processes-when-i-logout
functionality can do it in their .bash_logout (or equivalent for whatever
shell they run).

for everyone else, it's an extremely unpleasant surprise to find that the
program they deliberately left running with nohup or screen or tmux or
whatever was killed when they logged out. nobody expects their processes to be
killed just because they logout. that's not how things are supposed to work.

> > > Also systemd allows blocking daemons from accessing /home and other
> > > security features.
> >
> > no, the kernel does that. systemd just makes use of kernel namespace
> > features. it's not alone in being able to do that - containerd and docker
> > and firejail and many other programs make use of namespaces.
> Yes, but systemd has a configuration option for it.

so do other programs that make use of namespaces.

systemd devs like to pretend that their baby is the only program capable of
doing certain things, when that's not even remotely true.

half the things they claim as wonderful features exclusive to systemd are
re-implementations of ideas from other programs. and most of the rest are
things that an init system has no business doing anyway.

> > I really don't get why systemd fans are so terrified of shell scripts.
> Because I've worked on so many shell scripts written by other people.

So have I. I've also had to fix several broken unit files. It's possible to
create shit with any tool.

The reason i mention it is because "shell scripts are bad" is a common reason
brought up to prove that systemd is great and why it's better than any other
init. to me, cretinous statements like that say a lot more about the person
saying it than about either systemd or shell scripts. or sysvinit. etc.

Also, IME, shell scripts are easier to understand and fix when required.
They're easier to modify, easier to temporarily enable/disable parts of them
when testing stuff, easier to add diagnostic code, and more. lots of things
are easier with shell scripts.

They're not scary at all. sh scripting is a useful tool. systemd devs are
doing everyone a great dis-service by teaching them that they're scary and

> > especially when systemd is so poorly documented. it's not as if systemd
> > unit files are paragons of clarity, or that there's any easy way to get an
> > overview of the dependency relationship between units.
> "systemd-analyze critical-chain" is very handy.

that tells you what happened during the current boot session. it doesn't tell
you what WILL happen during the next reboot.

AFAIK there's no way of listing which unit files will be loaded, or in what
order. e.g. definitive answers to questions like "will docker load before or
after zfs.mount?", not just "maybe. reboot and find out".

you can get that just by doing 'ls -l' of an /etc/rc[0-6].d/ directory.  The
Snn and Knn symlinks tell you the *exact* order that the scripts will run at
boot or shutdown time, and you can override the default with insserv and the
script's INIT INFO comments.

BTW, i used that example (of zfs.mount and docker) for a reason. My main
server runs docker configured to use zfs. Every reboot it's a gamble whether
docker will start before or after zfs.mount. If it starts after, it works
fine. That's what's supposed to happen.  If it starts after zfs.mount, it
breaks. and it creates and populates a fresh new /var/lib/docker directory,
which prevents my zfs docker dataset from being mounted (I have to manually
stop docker, and delete the directory before I can zfs mount /var/lib/docker
and restart docker).

this kind of shit is one of the reasons i'm reluctant to reboot my main server
if i can possibly 

Re: copy and paste, under Wayland, and to and from an XTerm, was relating to dl audio and video

2020-08-30 Thread Russell Coker via luv-main
On Sunday, 30 August 2020 11:13:55 PM AEST Craig Sanders via luv-main wrote:
> > What I like are the better security features.  One example is terminal
> > control.  If you have an init script that launches a daemon under a
> > different UID then if that daemon isn't started by runuser or something
> > similar then the daemon can push characters into the keyboard buffer of
> > the
> > shell.
> and if you're running a daemon or something that does that, then you've got
> greater problems to worry about - anything that could install a compromised
> daemon already has root access and doesn't need access to your keyboard
> buffer.

If you have a daemon that is written and maintained by honourable people who 
have made a mistake in their coding (which happens to all programmers) then a 
compromised instance of the daemon could spawn a child process that waits for 
the sysadmin to restart the daemon and then escalates that to root compromise.

> i'm not saying that this kind of separation is worthless, just that it's not
> enough by itself.

It's often not enough to be worth worrying about for one daemon when your 
whole system is like that.  But having it work correctly for the entire system 
is nice.

> To start with, don't install packages from untrusted repositories and NEVER
> use brawndo-installer, which is a favourite of idiot devs (usually python or
> ruby or nodejs devs, but not exclusively) and looks something like this:
> curl URL | sudo bash

If you trust someone who's written the daemon then trusting their install 
script is no more risk.

> > Now you can modify all scripts to use runuser, but that's going to be a
> > pain. systemd does all this for you.
> which is nice if you never need to do anything in a way that the systemd
> devs didn't think or use themselves. or deliberately disallow. in that
> situation, you're fucked.

Which situations are you thinking of?

The "kill processes in user session when they logout" was a good feature for 
some use cases and it was annoying that last time I checked the Debian systemd 
maintainers had disabled it instead of leaving it as a configuration option.
> > Also systemd allows blocking daemons from accessing /home and other
> > security features.
> no, the kernel does that. systemd just makes use of kernel namespace
> features. it's not alone in being able to do that - containerd and docker
> and firejail and many other programs make use of namespaces.

Yes, but systemd has a configuration option for it.

> > When it does those sorts of things they are in a standard format so you
> > can
> > grep service files to make sure that all daemons meet the security goals
> > that you have instead of having to read lots of shell scripts written by
> > different people for such things.
> I really don't get why systemd fans are so terrified of shell scripts.

Because I've worked on so many shell scripts written by other people.
> especially when systemd is so poorly documented. it's not as if systemd unit
> files are paragons of clarity, or that there's any easy way to get an
> overview of the dependency relationship between units.

"systemd-analyze critical-chain" is very handy.

My Main Blog
My Documents Blog

luv-main mailing list

Re: copy and paste, under Wayland, and to and from an XTerm, was relating to dl audio and video

2020-08-30 Thread Craig Sanders via luv-main
On Sun, Aug 30, 2020 at 09:25:08PM +1000, Russell Coker wrote:
> One feature of systemd is fast boot, unless it has an error and gets you 90
> second timeouts etc.

It can be (and often is) worse than just 90 seconds. I've had both bootups and
shutdowns delayed by 10s of minutes or longer while it retries and retries for
progressively longer times. it's really fucking annoying. and you can't even
hit Ctrl-C or something to force it to abort.

A few times i've let systemd try to shutdown or reboot for HOURS, just out
of curiousity to see if it will ever just give up on whatever's failing, and
reboot anyway.  AFAIK it would have gone on retrying forever if i hadn't
power-cycled it.

also, i don't reboot very often (on average, every two months or so. or even
less often - e.g while my desktop machines got kernel upgrades about a week
ago to 5.7.0-2-amd64 from debian sid, my main server/gateway box was last
rebooted 201 days ago and is still running 5.3.0-3-amd64). saving a few
seconds every year is hardly worth writing home about, and is more than offset
by how long it takes to shutdown or reboot (IME that's *always* slower under
systemd, usually by several minutes)

> What I like are the better security features.  One example is terminal
> control.  If you have an init script that launches a daemon under a
> different UID then if that daemon isn't started by runuser or something
> similar then the daemon can push characters into the keyboard buffer of the
> shell.

and if you're running a daemon or something that does that, then you've got
greater problems to worry about - anything that could install a compromised
daemon already has root access and doesn't need access to your keyboard

i'm not saying that this kind of separation is worthless, just that it's not
enough by itself.

To start with, don't install packages from untrusted repositories and NEVER
use brawndo-installer, which is a favourite of idiot devs (usually python or
ruby or nodejs devs, but not exclusively) and looks something like this:

curl URL | sudo bash

or as a function, highlighting all of its "features":

brawndo() {
   curl $1 | sudo /usr/bin/env bash

> ps axo pid,sess,comm|grep $$
> The above command shows processes in the same session group as your shell.

or you could use namespaces and lsns or pgrep --ns

> Now you can modify all scripts to use runuser, but that's going to be a pain.
> systemd does all this for you.

which is nice if you never need to do anything in a way that the systemd devs
didn't think or use themselves. or deliberately disallow. in that situation,
you're fucked.

> Also systemd allows blocking daemons from accessing /home and other security
> features.

no, the kernel does that. systemd just makes use of kernel namespace features.
it's not alone in being able to do that - containerd and docker and firejail
and many other programs make use of namespaces.

> When it does those sorts of things they are in a standard format so you can
> grep service files to make sure that all daemons meet the security goals
> that you have instead of having to read lots of shell scripts written by
> different people for such things.

I really don't get why systemd fans are so terrified of shell scripts.

especially when systemd is so poorly documented. it's not as if systemd unit
files are paragons of clarity, or that there's any easy way to get an overview
of the dependency relationship between units.


craig sanders 
luv-main mailing list

Re: copy and paste, under Wayland, and to and from an XTerm, was relating to dl audio and video

2020-08-30 Thread Craig Sanders via luv-main
On Sun, Aug 30, 2020 at 05:24:39PM +1000, Mark Trickett wrote:
> I did not choose Wayland, nor systemd, but that is now the Debian
> defaults. There are good reasons behind the changes, or at least I have seen
> some support that I will concur with on why Wayland over xwindows. However I
> do not find benefit in systemd,

most of my machines run systemd now. all but one, which just fails to boot at
all if i try to boot it with systemd rather than sysvinit. I'm not entirely
happy with that but i've given up fighting against it, i just don't have the
energy for that.

I don't actually mind systemd as an init system, i.e. starting and stopping
services - it's pretty good at that. it's all the other stuff (like ntp and
dns and cron) that it tries to do that pisses me off, especially since it does
such a shitty job of them.

I just disable as much of that systemd borg shit as I can and run the required
services as extra daemons, like ntpd for ntp and unbound for dns resolution
(I still use bind9 on a different IP address for serving my zones) and vixie

> the current install (Debian 10.5) is missing a piece of firmware, but I
> cannot read the message in time during boot, nor find it in the logs. I
> think it is for the network on the motherboard.

try something like 'journalctl -xe -b0', or 'dmesg | less'.  You may be able
to find the message you want by searching through that.

> From my reading of pages found by a google search, there is a choice by the
> development team based on (in)security of casual copy and paste. I thought
> that it was likely a configuration issue, but cannot find. I tried a number
> of teminals, but not a lot, to find one that appears to be reasonable. I
> still need to do more research, when life leaves the time from the real
> world.

that would be kind of fucked up if they've disabled copy-paste into terminals
or text editors entirely. so fucked up that that i can't believe anyone would
do that deliberately...there has to be some way to do it, or some way to
re-enable it.

off-by-default is merely annoying, but no big deal. off-forever would be

> I cannot make sense of a line of perl at this time,

perl's really not that hard. if you have some basic scripting capability
(or an ability to understand algorithms and flow control), and some passing
familiarity with shell scripts or sed or awk, then perl is easy.

it's nowhere near as difficult as some people like to make out.  and learning
some perl is at least as useful as learning sh and sed and awk put together.

just ignore all the dickheads who say bullshit like "perl is write-only" or
that it "looks like line-noise". they have no idea what they're talking about
- at best, they're just scared of the sight of regexps as operators - beware
the wild regexp, cage it in a function call or it'll get you.

> but there are some folks I will trust, such as you and Russel Coker. I do
> not expect you to be perfect, but that you do know more than I, and from
> what I have seen, not malicious. I do try to comprehend even your examples
> first, but have to trust that you do know that much more in the subject of
> concern.

oh. I didn't mean me. you can trust anything i say, i'm perfect and
never make a mistake.

btw, i have a nice bridge i'd like to sell you cheap.


craig sanders 
luv-main mailing list

Re: copy and paste, under Wayland, and to and from an XTerm, was relating to dl audio and video

2020-08-29 Thread Andrew Pam via luv-main
On 30/8/20 3:01 pm, Tim Connors via luv-main wrote:
> It theoretically is not safe to simple paste the selection into an editor
> before vetting it.  Through CSS and javascript, what you select in a
> browser and what ends up in the copy-paste buffer are frequently
> different.

I notice that XUbuntu 20.04 now has a paste preview window that shows up
any time you paste data containing at least one carriage return so you
can decide whether to permit the paste or block it.  Very useful!

--  Andrew Pam   Manager, Serious Cybernetics, Glass Wings
luv-main mailing list

Re: copy and paste, under Wayland, and to and from an XTerm, was relating to dl audio and video

2020-08-29 Thread Tim Connors via luv-main
On Sun, 30 Aug 2020, Craig Sanders wrote:

> On Tue, Aug 18, 2020 at 04:54:08PM +1000, Mark Trickett wrote:
> > I do understand that there can be security issues if used without a measure
> > of care and thoughtful, but it also has much merit when coping with some of
> > the regular expressions that come up as examples in email and on web pages.
> the "security issues" comes from blindly executing code/commands that you
> don't understand.
> treat everything as just an example that needs further research. never execute
> something posted by someone else(*) unless you know what it does and how and 
> why.

It theoretically is not safe to simple paste the selection into an editor
before vetting it.  Through CSS and javascript, what you select in a
browser and what ends up in the copy-paste buffer are frequently

That copy paste buffer may contain ANSI-escape sequences to exit your
editor and run a command directly.

Tim Connors
luv-main mailing list

Re: copy and paste, under Wayland, and to and from an XTerm, was relating to dl audio and video

2020-08-29 Thread Craig Sanders via luv-main
On Tue, Aug 18, 2020 at 04:54:08PM +1000, Mark Trickett wrote:
> Many thanks for your excellent posts, I am learning more. However I have
> Debian 10, nominally up to date, and it has Wayland with Gnome as the
> desktop. I am finding it very frustrating that I cannot copy and paste to
> and from the XTerm window.

Sorry, i don't use Wayland, have no idea what could be going wrong with this.

I can't see the point of Wayland.  TBH, it seems like the systemd of X - a
half-arsed crappy partial implementation of only the stuff that the devs
personally use because there's no way that anyone else could ever need
anything they don't use.

Also, CADT syndrome: never fix anything. toss out the old garbage, make way
for the shiny new garbage. Fixing bugs is boring. Reimplementing from scratch
every year or two is fun and exciting and it'll be perfect. For sure, this

> I used to be able to do with earlier terminal emulation under the XWindows
> system. I used it to be able to copy text from a terminal into an email, and
> commands back from email, ensuring that I did not make typos.

That's weird. i'd be surprised if Wayland was actually incapable of doing
something as basic as copy and paste between terminal windows, so it's
probably a bug or a configuration error.

Maybe try a different terminal instead of xterm.  There are dozens to
choose from. I mostly use roxterm (full-height apart from the space used by
xfce4-panel, full-width, approx 250x60 depending on font size - great for
viewing log files), but sometimes I use xfce4-terminal if i want a tall,
narrow window (80 or 132 x 60) to fit beside something else.

> I do understand that there can be security issues if used without a measure
> of care and thoughtful, but it also has much merit when coping with some of
> the regular expressions that come up as examples in email and on web pages.

the "security issues" comes from blindly executing code/commands that you
don't understand.

treat everything as just an example that needs further research. never execute
something posted by someone else(*) unless you know what it does and how and 

(*) ANYONE else. even if they're trustworthy and not malicious, they could be
wrong, they might have made a mistake.


craig sanders 
luv-main mailing list

copy and paste, under Wayland, and to and from an XTerm, was relating to dl audio and video

2020-08-18 Thread Mark Trickett via luv-main
Hello Craig,

Many thanks for your excellent posts, I am learning more. However I
have Debian 10, nominally up to date, and it has Wayland with Gnome as
the desktop. I am finding it very frustrating that I cannot copy and
paste to and from the XTerm window. I used to be able to do with
earlier terminal emulation under the XWindows system. I used it to be
able to copy text from a terminal into an email, and commands back
from email, ensuring that I did not make typos. I do understand that
there can be security issues if used without a measure of care and
thoughtful, but it also has much merit when coping with some of the
regular expressions that come up as examples in email and on web


Mark Trickett
luv-main mailing list