Re: GUI independence and XTL

2000-02-29 Thread Jean-Marc Lasgouttes

 "Lars" == Lars Gullik Bjønnes [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

Lars Dekel Tsur [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes: | On Mon, Feb 28, 2000
Lars at 02:21:12PM +0100, Jean-Marc Lasgouttes wrote: |  
Lars "Lars" == Lars Gullik Bjønnes [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes: |  | 
Lars Lars Or we can just sort it... this will slow things down a
Lars tiny bit, |  Lars but you will never be able you measure that.
Lars (manually) |  |  With an assertion, we are always sure that
Lars manual sorting will be |  done. This is linear time, and only
Lars for debug builds. |  |  JMarc | | Why not use hashing? You
Lars also get faster search time. | In any case, why isn't the STL
Lars being used? (map/hash_map containers)

Lars Perhaps because the standard C++ library dioes not have hashed
Lars containers? (that is an sgi extension (among others))

Lars As for faster search times, these tables are som small that I
Lars don't think it would have made a difference anyway.

And the table would have to be constructed at initialisation, whereas
it is static now.


Re: A couple of bugs in 1.1.4

2000-02-29 Thread Jean-Marc Lasgouttes

 "Reuben" == Reuben Thomas [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

Reuben 2. In letter style, the "Send_To" address has extra line
Reuben spacing inherited from the layout file. This is
Reuben bizarre, as there's certainly no extra spacing in the output.
Reuben I've just copied to my ~/.lyx/layouts/ directory
Reuben and deleted the line that adds extra spacing to the
Reuben Send_To_Address layout, and it works fine.

Thanks, I did that in cvs too.


Re: Layout title internationalization questions

2000-02-29 Thread Jean-Marc Lasgouttes

 "Pauli" == Pauli Virtanen [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

Pauli I've been wondering how (and if) LyX will implement textclass
Pauli internationalization (or just translating those on-screen
Pauli labels such as 'Part #' associated with report class part, and
Pauli the items in the paragraph style dropdown box). It should be
Pauli done in such manner, that on-screen labels would match those in
Pauli output.

Pauli I know this isn't a very critical matter, and there are lots of
Pauli more important ones, but it would look better if this would be
Pauli done.

Yes, this is something that should be done.

Pauli Other choice would be collecting the language specific labels
Pauli into one file, (so there would be files like english_labels,
Pauli finnish_labels...), but that'd lead to problems because for
Pauli example article and report have different labels on same
Pauli styles.

This is indeed the way to go. Article and report do not have different
names for different things. For example, 'References' in article is
defined by \refname, and 'Bibliography' in report is defined by
\bibname. So we can do exactly the same. The question is who will do
it ;)


Re: Spacing of greek letters in lyx-1.1.4

2000-02-29 Thread Jean-Marc Lasgouttes

 "Karl" == Karl JH Millar [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

Karl The spacing of greek letters in equations is messed up in 1.1.4,
Karl with extra space on each side. I haven't noticed this on
Karl previous versions, or on other characters, but it makes my
Karl equations ugly and 50% longer.

Lars, could you have a look at this? It seems the painter (or is it
something else) has problems with the symbol font.



2000-02-29 Thread Jose Abilio Oliveira Matos

On Mon, Feb 21, 2000 at 08:07:42PM +, Paul Evans wrote:

 Paul Evans
 onetime doc contributor. I may take a look at docbook issues soon!

  I will be waiting ;)

Re: reLyX

2000-02-29 Thread Amir Karger

On Tue, Feb 29, 2000 at 04:39:08PM +0100, Michael Creel wrote:
Rather than modify reLyX, maybe the best solution would to create a
document that explains this sort thing so that people would know how to
modify their TeX documents before applying reLyX. I only found my
solution after a lot of trial and error, and was about to give up.

That's a great idea. It could also include some of the more popular reLyX
bugs and lacking features, like:

- macros like "\newcommand{\endl}{\end{list}}" will break
- a_b_c and $\bf foo$ don't work

I don't really know whether this sort of thing would best belong in the
reLyX man page, the current reLyX BUGS page, or the reLyX section of the
User's Guide (which is currently very small). The last seems like the place
most likely to be read by people who have a problem.  The bad news, as I
mentioned before, is that I'm in thesis mode, so I'm not going to do it. 



2000-02-29 Thread Jean-Marc Lasgouttes

 "Paul" == Paul Evans [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

Paul Prompted by the discussion about trade marks the other day I
Paul looked at what domains have been registered. Someone appears to
Paul be sitting on but was then free.

Paul I have registered it through a cheap system (uk2net). There is a
Paul web pointer to my web space which in turn has a page showing the
Paul main Lyx address. For the moment we have to put up with a banner
Paul from the registering organisation.

Thanks very much for doing that. This seems to be needed these days. I
guess the banners are a consequence of the cheapness of the system.

Paul I will make the address available in any way that is helpful to
Paul the wider Lyx community; registration is covered for two years.
Paul In the short term I can change the diversion to point directly
Paul to the page if Lars or others agree.

I think this would be a very good idea. Lars?


Re: reLyX

2000-02-29 Thread Jean-Marc Lasgouttes

 "Amir" == Amir Karger [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

Amir On Tue, Feb 29, 2000 at 04:39:08PM +0100, Michael Creel wrote:
  Rather than modify reLyX, maybe the best solution would to create
 a document that explains this sort thing so that people would know
 how to modify their TeX documents before applying reLyX. I only
 found my solution after a lot of trial and error, and was about to
 give up.

Amir That's a great idea. It could also include some of the more
Amir popular reLyX bugs and lacking features, like:

Amir - macros like "\newcommand{\endl}{\end{list}}" will break

Amir - a_b_c and $\bf foo$ don't work

Is a_b_c really supposed to work? I thought not.


Re: recreated close shop

2000-02-29 Thread Jean-Marc Lasgouttes

 "Shawn" == Shawn Koons [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

Shawn Okay, here goes. I've recreated the problem while lyx was
Shawn running in gdb and here is the output for each time I have
Shawn created it:

I have not been able to recreate it either. Maybe could you send a
short ascii file and precise instructions to get to the crash.

Another thing: egcs 1.1.2 (which is presumably your compiler) has
optimization bugs. Does recmpiling without optimization help?


Re: reLyX

2000-02-29 Thread Andre Poenitz

 reLyX man page, the current reLyX BUGS page, or the reLyX section of the
 User's Guide (which is currently very small). The last seems like the place
 most likely to be read by people who have a problem.  The bad news, as I

I think, the man page is a better place. That's the place where I'd look
for this kind of information...


It'll take a long time to eat 63.000 peanuts.
André Pönitz . [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: LyX aborted

2000-02-29 Thread Jean-Marc Lasgouttes

 "Alastair" == Alastair Farrugia [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

Alastair Hi, I tried to "View Postcript" on a file today and LyX just
Alastair aborted. However, when I exported the file as LaTeX and used
Alastair LaTeX, I had no problems. I'm therefore attaching two copies
Alastair of the file:- the first attachment is a version that worked
Alastair OK, the second attachment is the file that caused LyX to
Alastair abort.

By aborted, you mean that there were latex errors, right? You should
probably avoid all the forced spaces and line-breaks in your file.
What are they good for, anyway. I advise you to read the tutorial,
which explains a bit the LyX way of typesetting.


Re: reLyX

2000-02-29 Thread Amir Karger

On Tue, Feb 29, 2000 at 06:08:07PM +0100, Jean-Marc Lasgouttes wrote:
  "Amir" == Amir Karger [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
 Then the man page should be turned into a manual, or better be
 included in Extended.lyx in some form... 

We had talked about doing that. In fact, I even made some efforts to create
a pod2lyx converter and generated a reLyX.lyx document out of the man page.
For reasons I don't remember (folks with lots of time on their hands can
check the mail archives from August '99.) we never included the .lyx doc in
the docs or in Extended.lyx. I believe someone (Mike?) was talking about
rewriting the docs for importing - I suppose the reLyX stuff could go
wherever that does.

 But of course, you do not
 have time for that (no, do not insist, you do not). 

You folks are being so supportive! Although it seems like I spend all my
time these days writing emails about how I don't have any time. The thesis
isn't getting much longer...

 It would be great if somebody could step up to replace Amir as reLyX
 maintainer, since many small or large bugs have been accumulating. 

No kidding! (BTW, I think there are a couple very minor fixes sitting
around that I never checked in.) I wouldn't hold my breath, Jean-Marc. I've
been asking for help on reLyX for about two years now, but - while I've
gotten tons of useful bug reports  feature requests for which I think
people (especially JMarc) - I've never gotten any patches more than a few
lines, and I've never gotten help for longer than it took to implement one
feature. I apologize if my complaints sound bitter. I think I got
overenthusiastic about the open source paradigm and forgot that:

- reLyX is a tiny piece of a not-terribly-widely-used program (compared to,
  say, Apache :)
- reLyX basically works so there's not a great need to add things. The
  amount of work required to get into the code may be greater than the
  reward you'd get out of it. (I would claim that you could work on a piece
  of reLyX without understanding the whole thing, but I"m not sure people
  would believe me)
- the intersection of people who use LyX and know LaTeX and Perl seems to be
  rather small

It's too bad though. I barely touched the code in 1999, but I felt like if I
had just one person collaborating I would've been much more motivated to do
so. At this point, due to the thesis, I would have to be an emeritus
collaborator, though. (I have no idea what sort of time I'll have after the
thesis, when I'm planning on entering the Real World (for some definitions
of the Real World, most of which have little to do with MTV.))

 BTW: would it be easy for reLyX to ignore the \protect inserted by LyX?

I don't know. How can reLyX tell that it's a \protect that LyX put in, and
not one that the coder put in?


Re: reLyX

2000-02-29 Thread Amir Karger

On Tue, Feb 29, 2000 at 05:16:26PM +0100, Jean-Marc Lasgouttes wrote:
  "Amir" == Amir Karger [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
 Amir That's a great idea. It could also include some of the more
 Amir popular reLyX bugs and lacking features, like:
 Amir - macros like "\newcommand{\endl}{\end{list}}" will break
 Amir - a_b_c and $\bf foo$ don't work
 Is a_b_c really supposed to work? I thought not.


I just tried it, and you're right, I get a "Double subscript" error. And
yet, I must have put that bug into BUGS for a reason! Could it be that older
forms of latex don't mind it? It may be something slightly different than
a_b_c, but I definitely remember dealing with a file someone had sent me
with something closely related to that. Hm...


Re: reLyX

2000-02-29 Thread Kayvan A. Sylvan

 I'm not really working on reLyX at all. Unfortunately, noone else is either,
 even though there are a number of bugs to be fixed and new features that
 could be added. (In fact, I think this Scientific Workplace bug or a similar
 one has been mentioned before.) I'm forwarding this to the lyx list on the
 off chance someone wants to work on it, but I suspect you're out of luck.


Can you give me a pointer to a set of reLyX fixes?

I can probably whack out some of the changes/improvements in my meager
supply of spare time.

Kayvan A. Sylvan   | Proud husband of  | Father to my kids:
Sylvan Associates, Inc.| Laura Isabella Sylvan | Katherine Yelena | Reach your goals now! | Robin Gregory

Annoying lyx-1.1.5cvs display bug

2000-02-29 Thread Kayvan A. Sylvan

Starting LyX, File-Open a document in another directory with embedded
encapsulated postscript files. LyX tries to display them, but the images
are stuck at a blank box and the "[rendering...]" string displays forever.

If you invoke lyx like "lyx /path/to/file.lyx" then the images
display correctly.

Hopefully some of you know where to look to fix this.

Kayvan A. Sylvan   | Proud husband of  | Father to my kids:
Sylvan Associates, Inc.| Laura Isabella Sylvan | Katherine Yelena | Reach your goals now! | Robin Gregory

Re: GUI independence and XTL

2000-02-29 Thread Dekel Tsur

On Tue, Feb 29, 2000 at 12:58:20AM +0100, Lars Gullik Bjnnes wrote:
 |  Lars Or we can just sort it... this will slow things down a tiny bit,
 |  Lars but you will never be able you measure that. (manually)
 |  With an assertion, we are always sure that manual sorting will be
 |  done. This is linear time, and only for debug builds.
 | Why not use hashing? You also get faster search time.
 | In any case, why isn't the STL being used? (map/hash_map containers)
 Perhaps because  the standard C++ library dioes not have hashed
 (that is an sgi extension (among others))

You can still use map containers which automatically sort the tokens
(with a small(?) penalty for initialization) 
But maybe it not worth it to mess up a code that works...

 As for faster search times, these tables are som small that I don't
 think it would have made a difference anyway.

The table of lyxrc tokens contains ~100 entries which is not that small,
but you are correct: the difference should be small (at least for parsing the
lyxrc/layout files).

However, the real problem lies on parsing .lyx files at Buffer::readLyXformat2
which is done using if-else statements (... else if (token == "\\emph") ... )
This is very inefficient!

Re: GUI independence and XTL

2000-02-29 Thread Jean-Marc Lasgouttes

 "Dekel" == Dekel Tsur [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

Dekel However, the real problem lies on parsing .lyx files at
Dekel Buffer::readLyXformat2 which is done using if-else statements
Dekel (... else if (token == "\\emph") ... ) This is very
Dekel inefficient!

Yes, this code should use LyxLex correctly.


Re: reLyX

2000-02-29 Thread mressler

On Tue, 29 Feb 2000, Amir Karger wrote:
 For reasons I don't remember (folks with lots of time on their hands can
 check the mail archives from August '99.) we never included the .lyx doc in
 the docs or in Extended.lyx. I believe someone (Mike?) was talking about
 rewriting the docs for importing - I suppose the reLyX stuff could go
 wherever that does.

Actually I was going to start on _Exporting_, but you are right -
importing should be added too. Maybe as a first whack I'll hand convert
the man page into LyX and patch it into Extended. We'll see where it goes
from there. 


Re: Annoying lyx-1.1.5cvs display bug

2000-02-29 Thread Garst R. Reese

"Kayvan A. Sylvan" wrote:
 Starting LyX, File-Open a document in another directory with embedded
 encapsulated postscript files. LyX tries to display them, but the images
 are stuck at a blank box and the "[rendering...]" string displays forever.
 If you invoke lyx like "lyx /path/to/file.lyx" then the images
 display correctly.
 Hopefully some of you know where to look to fix this.
 Kayvan A. Sylvan   | Proud husband of  | Father to my kids:
 Sylvan Associates, Inc.| Laura Isabella Sylvan | Katherine Yelena | Reach your goals now! | Robin Gregory

FWIW, I see the same behaviour with a large file in 1.1.4fix1
ps shows several gs thingys running, usually 3. The file has about 20
.eps photos.
I just tried it with the full path as above, and all were displayed.

Re: LyX Development News

2000-02-29 Thread Allan Rae

On Thu, 24 Feb 2000, Allan Rae wrote:

Hot topics in this weeks LDN:
   + Kayvan and Jacek's RPMs

   + double-space?
didn't go in

   + GUI-independence (dialogs, libsigc++ + XTL) hopefully reduce the
   number of "What's happening? Are you ever going to do anything?
 I reckon XForms sucks and you should use blah-tk instead" 

   + Insets?  What's happening with the inset family (ERT, text etc.)
next issue?

 We still need someone to gather together the threads of discussion about
 mini-projects like citations (natbib, harvard etc. support), pdflatex,
 layout file extensions and any number of other areas so we can have a
 mini-project page and maybe snare us some new talent.

Included a call for a volunteer.

+ XForms-0.89 -- don't use it.


This is now all committed to the www-users repository.
LDN is in the new news subdirectory.  Todays LDN is only available in that
repository because I can't force the update of the web site myself.
I have no idea if it will even work as I don't have php3 or a web server I
can play with locally.  I'll probably come back in to Uni later tonight
(in about 4hrs) and attempt to clean up any mess provided someone who is
able to update the web site does so or Lars lets me join the wwwusers
group so I can do updates myself.

Todays LDN is as complete as its going to get apart from fixes for bugs in
what I wrote.  

Allan. (ARRae)

Re: reLyX

2000-02-29 Thread Andre Poenitz

 I don't know. How can reLyX tell that it's a \protect that LyX put in, and
 not one that the coder put in?

Urmh... would the following work?

Put \def\lyxprotect{\protect} in the preamble and use '\lyxprotect' for
the 'helpers'. reLyX could then ignore \lyxprotect and copy \protect...


It'll take a long time to eat 63.000 peanuts.
André Pönitz . [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: GUI independence and XTL

2000-02-29 Thread Jean-Marc Lasgouttes

> "Lars" == Lars Gullik Bjønnes <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

Lars> Dekel Tsur <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes: | On Mon, Feb 28, 2000
Lars> at 02:21:12PM +0100, Jean-Marc Lasgouttes wrote: | > >
Lars> "Lars" == Lars Gullik Bjønnes <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes: | > | >
Lars> Lars> Or we can just sort it... this will slow things down a
Lars> tiny bit, | > Lars> but you will never be able you measure that.
Lars> (manually) | > | > With an assertion, we are always sure that
Lars> manual sorting will be | > done. This is linear time, and only
Lars> for debug builds. | > | > JMarc | | Why not use hashing? You
Lars> also get faster search time. | In any case, why isn't the STL
Lars> being used? (map/hash_map containers)

Lars> Perhaps because the standard C++ library dioes not have hashed
Lars> containers? (that is an sgi extension (among others))

Lars> As for faster search times, these tables are som small that I
Lars> don't think it would have made a difference anyway.

And the table would have to be constructed at initialisation, whereas
it is static now.


Re: A couple of bugs in 1.1.4

2000-02-29 Thread Jean-Marc Lasgouttes

> "Reuben" == Reuben Thomas <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

Reuben> 2. In letter style, the "Send_To" address has extra line
Reuben> spacing inherited from the layout file. This is
Reuben> bizarre, as there's certainly no extra spacing in the output.
Reuben> I've just copied to my ~/.lyx/layouts/ directory
Reuben> and deleted the line that adds extra spacing to the
Reuben> Send_To_Address layout, and it works fine.

Thanks, I did that in cvs too.


Re: Layout title internationalization questions

2000-02-29 Thread Jean-Marc Lasgouttes

> "Pauli" == Pauli Virtanen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

Pauli> I've been wondering how (and if) LyX will implement textclass
Pauli> internationalization (or just translating those on-screen
Pauli> labels such as 'Part #' associated with report class part, and
Pauli> the items in the paragraph style dropdown box). It should be
Pauli> done in such manner, that on-screen labels would match those in
Pauli> output.

Pauli> I know this isn't a very critical matter, and there are lots of
Pauli> more important ones, but it would look better if this would be
Pauli> done.

Yes, this is something that should be done.

Pauli> Other choice would be collecting the language specific labels
Pauli> into one file, (so there would be files like english_labels,
Pauli> finnish_labels...), but that'd lead to problems because for
Pauli> example article and report have different labels on same
Pauli> styles.

This is indeed the way to go. Article and report do not have different
names for different things. For example, 'References' in article is
defined by \refname, and 'Bibliography' in report is defined by
\bibname. So we can do exactly the same. The question is who will do
it ;)


Re: Spacing of greek letters in lyx-1.1.4

2000-02-29 Thread Jean-Marc Lasgouttes

> "Karl" == Karl JH Millar <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

Karl> The spacing of greek letters in equations is messed up in 1.1.4,
Karl> with extra space on each side. I haven't noticed this on
Karl> previous versions, or on other characters, but it makes my
Karl> equations ugly and 50% longer.

Lars, could you have a look at this? It seems the painter (or is it
something else) has problems with the symbol font.



2000-02-29 Thread Jose Abilio Oliveira Matos

On Mon, Feb 21, 2000 at 08:07:42PM +, Paul Evans wrote:

> Regards
> Paul
> --
> Paul Evans
> onetime doc contributor. I may take a look at docbook issues soon!

  I will be waiting ;)

Re: reLyX

2000-02-29 Thread Amir Karger

On Tue, Feb 29, 2000 at 04:39:08PM +0100, Michael Creel wrote:
>Rather than modify reLyX, maybe the best solution would to create a
>document that explains this sort thing so that people would know how to
>modify their TeX documents before applying reLyX. I only found my
>solution after a lot of trial and error, and was about to give up.

That's a great idea. It could also include some of the more popular reLyX
bugs and lacking features, like:

- macros like "\newcommand{\endl}{\end{list}}" will break
- a_b_c and $\bf foo$ don't work

I don't really know whether this sort of thing would best belong in the
reLyX man page, the current reLyX BUGS page, or the reLyX section of the
User's Guide (which is currently very small). The last seems like the place
most likely to be read by people who have a problem.  The bad news, as I
mentioned before, is that I'm in thesis mode, so I'm not going to do it. 



2000-02-29 Thread Jean-Marc Lasgouttes

> "Paul" == Paul Evans <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

Paul> Prompted by the discussion about trade marks the other day I
Paul> looked at what domains have been registered. Someone appears to
Paul> be sitting on but was then free.

Paul> I have registered it through a cheap system (uk2net). There is a
Paul> web pointer to my web space which in turn has a page showing the
Paul> main Lyx address. For the moment we have to put up with a banner
Paul> from the registering organisation.

Thanks very much for doing that. This seems to be needed these days. I
guess the banners are a consequence of the cheapness of the system.

Paul> I will make the address available in any way that is helpful to
Paul> the wider Lyx community; registration is covered for two years.
Paul> In the short term I can change the diversion to point directly
Paul> to the page if Lars or others agree.

I think this would be a very good idea. Lars?


Re: reLyX

2000-02-29 Thread Jean-Marc Lasgouttes

> "Amir" == Amir Karger <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

Amir> On Tue, Feb 29, 2000 at 04:39:08PM +0100, Michael Creel wrote:
>>  Rather than modify reLyX, maybe the best solution would to create
>> a document that explains this sort thing so that people would know
>> how to modify their TeX documents before applying reLyX. I only
>> found my solution after a lot of trial and error, and was about to
>> give up.

Amir> That's a great idea. It could also include some of the more
Amir> popular reLyX bugs and lacking features, like:

Amir> - macros like "\newcommand{\endl}{\end{list}}" will break

Amir> - a_b_c and $\bf foo$ don't work

Is a_b_c really supposed to work? I thought not.


Re: recreated close shop

2000-02-29 Thread Jean-Marc Lasgouttes

> "Shawn" == Shawn Koons <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

Shawn> Okay, here goes. I've recreated the problem while lyx was
Shawn> running in gdb and here is the output for each time I have
Shawn> created it:

I have not been able to recreate it either. Maybe could you send a
short ascii file and precise instructions to get to the crash.

Another thing: egcs 1.1.2 (which is presumably your compiler) has
optimization bugs. Does recmpiling without optimization help?


Re: reLyX

2000-02-29 Thread Andre Poenitz

> reLyX man page, the current reLyX BUGS page, or the reLyX section of the
> User's Guide (which is currently very small). The last seems like the place
> most likely to be read by people who have a problem.  The bad news, as I

I think, the man page is a better place. That's the place where I'd look
for this kind of information...


It'll take a long time to eat 63.000 peanuts.
André Pönitz . [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: LyX aborted

2000-02-29 Thread Jean-Marc Lasgouttes

> "Alastair" == Alastair Farrugia <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

Alastair> Hi, I tried to "View Postcript" on a file today and LyX just
Alastair> aborted. However, when I exported the file as LaTeX and used
Alastair> LaTeX, I had no problems. I'm therefore attaching two copies
Alastair> of the file:- the first attachment is a version that worked
Alastair> OK, the second attachment is the file that caused LyX to
Alastair> abort.

By aborted, you mean that there were latex errors, right? You should
probably avoid all the forced spaces and line-breaks in your file.
What are they good for, anyway. I advise you to read the tutorial,
which explains a bit the LyX way of typesetting.


Re: reLyX

2000-02-29 Thread Amir Karger

On Tue, Feb 29, 2000 at 06:08:07PM +0100, Jean-Marc Lasgouttes wrote:
> > "Amir" == Amir Karger <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> Then the man page should be turned into a manual, or better be
> included in Extended.lyx in some form... 

We had talked about doing that. In fact, I even made some efforts to create
a pod2lyx converter and generated a reLyX.lyx document out of the man page.
For reasons I don't remember (folks with lots of time on their hands can
check the mail archives from August '99.) we never included the .lyx doc in
the docs or in Extended.lyx. I believe someone (Mike?) was talking about
rewriting the docs for importing - I suppose the reLyX stuff could go
wherever that does.

> But of course, you do not
> have time for that (no, do not insist, you do not). 

You folks are being so supportive! Although it seems like I spend all my
time these days writing emails about how I don't have any time. The thesis
isn't getting much longer...

> It would be great if somebody could step up to replace Amir as reLyX
> maintainer, since many small or large bugs have been accumulating. 

No kidding! (BTW, I think there are a couple very minor fixes sitting
around that I never checked in.) I wouldn't hold my breath, Jean-Marc. I've
been asking for help on reLyX for about two years now, but - while I've
gotten tons of useful bug reports & feature requests for which I think
people (especially JMarc) - I've never gotten any patches more than a few
lines, and I've never gotten help for longer than it took to implement one
feature. I apologize if my complaints sound bitter. I think I got
overenthusiastic about the open source paradigm and forgot that:

- reLyX is a tiny piece of a not-terribly-widely-used program (compared to,
  say, Apache :)
- reLyX basically works so there's not a great need to add things. The
  amount of work required to get into the code may be greater than the
  reward you'd get out of it. (I would claim that you could work on a piece
  of reLyX without understanding the whole thing, but I"m not sure people
  would believe me)
- the intersection of people who use LyX and know LaTeX and Perl seems to be
  rather small

It's too bad though. I barely touched the code in 1999, but I felt like if I
had just one person collaborating I would've been much more motivated to do
so. At this point, due to the thesis, I would have to be an emeritus
collaborator, though. (I have no idea what sort of time I'll have after the
thesis, when I'm planning on entering the Real World (for some definitions
of the Real World, most of which have little to do with MTV.))

> BTW: would it be easy for reLyX to ignore the \protect inserted by LyX?

I don't know. How can reLyX tell that it's a \protect that LyX put in, and
not one that the coder put in?


Re: reLyX

2000-02-29 Thread Amir Karger

On Tue, Feb 29, 2000 at 05:16:26PM +0100, Jean-Marc Lasgouttes wrote:
> > "Amir" == Amir Karger <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> Amir> That's a great idea. It could also include some of the more
> Amir> popular reLyX bugs and lacking features, like:
> Amir> - macros like "\newcommand{\endl}{\end{list}}" will break
> Amir> - a_b_c and $\bf foo$ don't work
> Is a_b_c really supposed to work? I thought not.


I just tried it, and you're right, I get a "Double subscript" error. And
yet, I must have put that bug into BUGS for a reason! Could it be that older
forms of latex don't mind it? It may be something slightly different than
a_b_c, but I definitely remember dealing with a file someone had sent me
with something closely related to that. Hm...


Re: reLyX

2000-02-29 Thread Kayvan A. Sylvan

> I'm not really working on reLyX at all. Unfortunately, noone else is either,
> even though there are a number of bugs to be fixed and new features that
> could be added. (In fact, I think this Scientific Workplace bug or a similar
> one has been mentioned before.) I'm forwarding this to the lyx list on the
> off chance someone wants to work on it, but I suspect you're out of luck.


Can you give me a pointer to a set of reLyX fixes?

I can probably whack out some of the changes/improvements in my meager
supply of spare time.

Kayvan A. Sylvan   | Proud husband of  | Father to my kids:
Sylvan Associates, Inc.| Laura Isabella Sylvan | Katherine Yelena | Reach your goals now! | Robin Gregory

Annoying lyx-1.1.5cvs display bug

2000-02-29 Thread Kayvan A. Sylvan

Starting LyX, File->Open a document in another directory with embedded
encapsulated postscript files. LyX tries to display them, but the images
are stuck at a blank box and the "[rendering...]" string displays forever.

If you invoke lyx like "lyx /path/to/file.lyx" then the images
display correctly.

Hopefully some of you know where to look to fix this.

Kayvan A. Sylvan   | Proud husband of  | Father to my kids:
Sylvan Associates, Inc.| Laura Isabella Sylvan | Katherine Yelena | Reach your goals now! | Robin Gregory

Re: GUI independence and XTL

2000-02-29 Thread Dekel Tsur

On Tue, Feb 29, 2000 at 12:58:20AM +0100, Lars Gullik Bjnnes wrote:
> | > Lars> Or we can just sort it... this will slow things down a tiny bit,
> | > Lars> but you will never be able you measure that. (manually)
> | > 
> | > With an assertion, we are always sure that manual sorting will be
> | > done. This is linear time, and only for debug builds.
> | Why not use hashing? You also get faster search time.
> | In any case, why isn't the STL being used? (map/hash_map containers)
> Perhaps because  the standard C++ library dioes not have hashed
> containers?
> (that is an sgi extension (among others))

You can still use map containers which automatically sort the tokens
(with a small(?) penalty for initialization) 
But maybe it not worth it to mess up a code that works...

> As for faster search times, these tables are som small that I don't
> think it would have made a difference anyway.

The table of lyxrc tokens contains ~100 entries which is not that small,
but you are correct: the difference should be small (at least for parsing the
lyxrc/layout files).

However, the real problem lies on parsing .lyx files at Buffer::readLyXformat2
which is done using if-else statements (... else if (token == "\\emph") ... )
This is very inefficient!

Re: GUI independence and XTL

2000-02-29 Thread Jean-Marc Lasgouttes

> "Dekel" == Dekel Tsur <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

Dekel> However, the real problem lies on parsing .lyx files at
Dekel> Buffer::readLyXformat2 which is done using if-else statements
Dekel> (... else if (token == "\\emph") ... ) This is very
Dekel> inefficient!

Yes, this code should use LyxLex correctly.


Re: reLyX

2000-02-29 Thread mressler

On Tue, 29 Feb 2000, Amir Karger wrote:
> For reasons I don't remember (folks with lots of time on their hands can
> check the mail archives from August '99.) we never included the .lyx doc in
> the docs or in Extended.lyx. I believe someone (Mike?) was talking about
> rewriting the docs for importing - I suppose the reLyX stuff could go
> wherever that does.

Actually I was going to start on _Exporting_, but you are right -
importing should be added too. Maybe as a first whack I'll hand convert
the man page into LyX and patch it into Extended. We'll see where it goes
from there. 


Re: Annoying lyx-1.1.5cvs display bug

2000-02-29 Thread Garst R. Reese

"Kayvan A. Sylvan" wrote:
> Starting LyX, File->Open a document in another directory with embedded
> encapsulated postscript files. LyX tries to display them, but the images
> are stuck at a blank box and the "[rendering...]" string displays forever.
> If you invoke lyx like "lyx /path/to/file.lyx" then the images
> display correctly.
> Hopefully some of you know where to look to fix this.
> --
> Kayvan A. Sylvan   | Proud husband of  | Father to my kids:
> Sylvan Associates, Inc.| Laura Isabella Sylvan | Katherine Yelena
> | Reach your goals now! | Robin Gregory

FWIW, I see the same behaviour with a large file in 1.1.4fix1
ps shows several gs thingys running, usually 3. The file has about 20
.eps photos.
I just tried it with the full path as above, and all were displayed.

Re: LyX Development News

2000-02-29 Thread Allan Rae

On Thu, 24 Feb 2000, Allan Rae wrote:

Hot topics in this weeks LDN:
>   + Kayvan and Jacek's RPMs

>   + double-space?
didn't go in

>   + GUI-independence (dialogs, libsigc++ + XTL) hopefully reduce the
>   number of "What's happening? Are you ever going to do anything?
> I reckon XForms sucks and you should use blah-tk instead" 

>   + Insets?  What's happening with the inset family (ERT, text etc.)
next issue?

> We still need someone to gather together the threads of discussion about
> mini-projects like citations (natbib, harvard etc. support), pdflatex,
> layout file extensions and any number of other areas so we can have a
> mini-project page and maybe snare us some new talent.

Included a call for a volunteer.

+ XForms-0.89 -- don't use it.


This is now all committed to the www-users repository.
LDN is in the new news subdirectory.  Todays LDN is only available in that
repository because I can't force the update of the web site myself.
I have no idea if it will even work as I don't have php3 or a web server I
can play with locally.  I'll probably come back in to Uni later tonight
(in about 4hrs) and attempt to clean up any mess provided someone who is
able to update the web site does so or Lars lets me join the wwwusers
group so I can do updates myself.

Todays LDN is as complete as its going to get apart from fixes for bugs in
what I wrote.  

Allan. (ARRae)

Re: reLyX

2000-02-29 Thread Andre Poenitz

> I don't know. How can reLyX tell that it's a \protect that LyX put in, and
> not one that the coder put in?

Urmh... would the following work?

Put \def\lyxprotect{\protect} in the preamble and use '\lyxprotect' for
the 'helpers'. reLyX could then ignore \lyxprotect and copy \protect...


It'll take a long time to eat 63.000 peanuts.
André Pönitz . [EMAIL PROTECTED]