Bug with 2.3.8->2.4

2023-01-27 Thread Herbert Voss

In a document of 2.3 I see:

|\begin_inset Graphics
    filename 3-42.jpg
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Reading the file with 2.4 on macOS I see:

\begin_inset Graphics
    filename /private/tmp/3-42.jpg
    lyxscale 15
    width 15text%
    rotateOrigin center
    special height=20.0theight%


which is converted to LaTeX as


which is wrong!


Version 2.4.0-beta2 (11. Dezember 2022)

Qt-Version (Laufzeit): 6.4.1 (Plattform: cocoa)

Qt-Version (bei Erstellung): 6.4.1

OS-Version (bei Erstellung): macOS 13.1

Python-Aufruf: python3 -tt
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 petal movement rhythm as shown in figure 
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 and the motor cells shrinking and swelling leads to the closing and opening of 
the flowers 
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Re: de Additional.lyx roundtrip lyx2lyx failing

2023-01-27 Thread Scott Kostyshak
On Fri, Jan 27, 2023 at 07:34:12AM +0100, Jürgen Spitzmüller wrote:
> Am Donnerstag, dem 26.01.2023 um 23:17 -0500 schrieb Scott Kostyshak:
> > Anything to be fixed here, or best to ignore the tests?
> Ignore it for now. de/Additional and Additional are still under
> construction.

Sounds good, thanks!


Description: PGP signature
lyx-devel mailing list

Re: LyX 2.4.0-beta2; zoom slider

2023-01-27 Thread Daniel

On 2023-01-27 07:30, Jürgen Spitzmüller wrote:

Am Mittwoch, dem 25.01.2023 um 19:26 +0100 schrieb Daniel:

Anyway, for system default, there is a solutions that seem compatible
with your position:

Set the system default to 100% (and even better make the system
so that it matches the actual size of the font). There was a
about this on the list if I remember correctly.

100% is way too low on all Linux system I have used. This is not a good

Ah, that was poor explanation on my side. I meant: whatever LyX 
considers the correct system default, say 150% on macOS, make that show 
up as 100%.

Anyway, I also think the scaling factor alternative is better since it 
can satisfy more needs (for people who use a different default zoom).


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