On Wed, Oct 18, 2023 at 02:05:51AM +0000, Isaac Oscar Gariano wrote:

So sorry about that, I should really have looked at the issue tracker. But yes, it will probably break lots of pre-existing documents. So I've uploaded a new version of my patch that is backwards compatible. I've added a checkbox at the bottom of Document Settings -> Math Options to always use \newcommandx. The checkbox defaults to off, so it's an opt in feature. Alternatively, I could modify the lyx2lyx system so that files from an older format version have it off by default, but new versions have it on by default (which is probably what it should be).

I've attached three example lyx files that try and redefine the \section command; the only difference between def.lyx and new.lyx is whether the checkbox is checked or not; renew.lyx shows how to suecesfully do the redefinition.

Please, attach patch and examples to the bug tracker (https://www.lyx.org/trac/ticket/11185) so that they won't be forgotten.

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