Re: Deleted citations in CT mode

2024-01-24 Thread Udicoudco
On Wed, Jan 24, 2024 at 11:20 PM Pavel Sanda  wrote:
> Do you see any other trick than manually breaking the citation inset into
> several ones?

You can use lua-ul (requires LuaTeX) instead of ulem,
as suggested in
See the attached file.


Description: application/lyx
lyx-devel mailing list

Re: Deleted citations in CT mode

2024-01-24 Thread Pavel Sanda
On Wed, Jan 24, 2024 at 08:00:21PM +0100, Enrico Forestieri wrote:
> Yes, otherwise you don't get any output. Activate show changes in the output
> and try to compile the attached...

Ok, bad luck - I see that ulem explicitly says in manual that when using \sout 
the only way how to protect multiple citations is to put them inside mbox.

Do you see any other trick than manually breaking the citation inset into
several ones?

lyx-devel mailing list

Re: Deleted citations in CT mode

2024-01-24 Thread Enrico Forestieri

On Wed, Jan 24, 2024 at 05:20:42PM +0100, Pavel Sanda wrote:


we typeset deleted citations in CT mode as
\lyxdeleted{author1}{date}{text text \mbox{\citep{paper1,...,paper9}} text text}

The \mbox makes the whole chunk paper1,...,paper9 unbreakable and the output is
generally very awful (lot of lines running completely through the margins).
Do we need really need the mbox to be there for citations?

Yes, otherwise you don't get any output. Activate show changes in the 
output and try to compile the attached...

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lyx-devel mailing list

Deleted citations in CT mode

2024-01-24 Thread Pavel Sanda

we typeset deleted citations in CT mode as 
\lyxdeleted{author1}{date}{text text \mbox{\citep{paper1,...,paper9}} text text}

The \mbox makes the whole chunk paper1,...,paper9 unbreakable and the output is
generally very awful (lot of lines running completely through the margins).
Do we need really need the mbox to be there for citations?

lyx-devel mailing list

Re: 2.4.0~RC1 hangs on macOS

2024-01-24 Thread Dr Eberhard Lisse
An alias is only evaluated by the shell, so you could always either

   ln -fs /opt/local/bin/python3 /usr/local/bin/python3
   ln -fs /opt/local/bin/python3 /usr/local/bin/python

and see if that works.

There is a way of setting environment variables like PATH with launchctl
so that Apps can find it but I don't know if that works for aliases.

And of course you can use the full path of python in the converters


On 2024-01-24 09:48 , wrote:
> Thanks, el.
> Getting rid of macports for homebrew is not an option for me.
> In my profile file, I have this:
> alias python=/opt/local/bin/python3
> which is macports. Does LyX see this? This alias points to Python 3.9.18. 
> There is a utility to switch to other versions.
> I already have the command line tools installed, with Python 3.9.6 at 
> /usr/bin/phython3.
> I just now tried switching to this line in my profile file:
> alias python=/usr/bin/python3
> with the same result.
> Remember that LyX 2.3.7 works fine.
> Jerry

lyx-devel mailing list

Re: 2.4.0~RC1 hangs on macOS

2024-01-24 Thread José Matos
On Wed, 2024-01-24 at 00:48 -0700, wrote:
> Thanks, el.
> Getting rid of macports for homebrew is not an option for me.
> In my profile file, I have this:
> alias python=/opt/local/bin/python3
> which is macports. Does LyX see this? This alias points to Python
> 3.9.18. There is a utility to switch to other versions.
> I already have the command line tools installed, with Python 3.9.6 at
> /usr/bin/phython3.
> I just now tried switching to this line in my profile file:
> alias python=/usr/bin/python3
> with the same result.
> Remember that LyX 2.3.7 works fine.
> Jerry

LyX tells what is the version used in Help->About LyX.

Of course that the issue is that if it hangs before you can not see

Honestly I would be quite surprised if problems comes to be python
since reconfigure runs.

The issue is why do you get the loop.

One idea here is to output the Python version to the reconfigure

That is quite easy, since we already inside Python.

The only thing that looks a bit strange is:
+checking for "lilypond"...  yes
+  found LilyPond, but could not extract version number.
checking for a LilyPond book (LaTeX) -> LaTeX converter...
+checking for "lilypond-book"...  yes
  File "/Applications/", line 12
SyntaxError: invalid syntax

This is a shell script that only goes in Mac distribution and the
reconfigure code seems to try to run it as Python?

José Abílio
lyx-devel mailing list