Re: LyX 2.4.0, Release Candidate 1

2024-01-15 Thread Christopher Menzel
On Jan 15, 2024, at 2:40 PM, Richard Kimberly Heck  wrote:
> The LyX team is happy (and relieved) to announce the publication of the first 
> 'release candidate' for the long awaited 2.4.0. 

Just compiled it under Linux and was very happy to see that y’all fixed the 
chonky (specifically, overly wide) toolbars you’d get under beta5 when you 
affixed them to the left edge of the window! They're svelte now, just as they 
are under MacOS.


lyx-devel mailing list

Icon "padding"

2023-08-26 Thread Christopher Menzel
LyX folk:

There is a significant difference in the "padding" around the icons in 
2.4.0-beta3 compared to 2.3.7. The difference is particularly stark when 
comparing 2.3.7 under MacOS 

 and 2.4.0-beta3 under Linux 

 (although there is still a pronounced difference between the MacOS versions); 
click the preceding links for screenshots — in both cases the icon size is set 
to "Normal". To my eye, there is way too much padding in the beta, and the 
2.3.7 MacOS version gets it about right and I can't help but think that most 
folks would agree, at least with regard to the excessiveness of the padding in 
the beta. Is this something that might be addressed before the public release?


Chris Menzel

lyx-devel mailing list

Alt/Option key question

2023-03-30 Thread Christopher Menzel
Gentle LyX folk:

I use the Emacs UI for LyX, which means the Option key (or Alt key, for PC 
users) gets a good workout — e.g., Opt-D deletes word-forward, Opt-F moves the 
cursor forward by word, etc. (In the standard LyX UI, those keys bring up the 
File and Document menus, respectively, so I disable that behavior with a custom file.) My issue is this. If I just depress the Option key and 
release it without having hit another key, it steals the cursor — it’s 
apparently waiting for an F or a D or one of the other keys (which I’ve 
deactivated) that bring up a menu — and I have to depress the Option key and 
let it up again to get the cursor back. This is a bit irritating: I often find 
myself depressing the Option key absent-mindedly when I’m thinking and it’s 
annoying to start typing and have nothing happen. Thus my question: Is there a 
way to prevent this, so that depressing/releasing the Option key simply has no 
effect on the cursor? Any thoughts appreciated.


Chris Menzel

lyx-devel mailing list

Re: About upgrading to MacOS 13

2022-12-07 Thread Christopher Menzel
Hi Daniel,

I have used LyX under Ventura and did find that it crashed regularly. 
Since the version on is still only compiled for Intel, perhaps Rosetta 
is the problem.

And just to note, in case it is helpful: if you are familiar with Linux and 
have, or don’t mind purchasing, a Parallels 18 subscription, LyX 
(together with the Okular PDF viewer) is wonderfully snappy and stable running 
in a Linux VM under Ventura.


On Dec 7, 2022, at 2:08 PM, Daniel CLEMENT via lyx-users 
> ...
> I conclude that there is a risk, however little, that something _can_ go 
> wrong.
> Since I cannot afford to break anything for the next months, I think I’ll 
> play it safe and delay the upgrade. 
> I need to learn MacOS better first. (Marcus: I didn’t even know that the 
> downgrade relied on Time Machine…)
> In the meantime, there’s a couple of very minor annoyances that I cannot 
> solve alone; I’ll ask about them in another thread.
> BR - Daniel

lyx-devel mailing list

Compile fail

2022-09-01 Thread Christopher Menzel
LyX folk:

I’ve successfully compiled LyX from sources under Linux but my attempts to do 
so under MacOS for my M1 Macs (since I don’t want to use Rosetta 2). I 
installed QT5 using homebrew and I’m using what seem to me to be the right 
flags for the configure script, viz.,

  % ./configure --enable-qt5 --with-version-suffix=-2.3 --with-x=no 

but I keep getting the following error:

> checking for Qt library name... failed

> configure: error: cannot compile a simple Qt executable. Check you have the 
> right $QTDIR.

I’ve tried adding both “bin” and “lib” to the QT5 path but to no avail. I can’t 
afford to spend a ton of time on this but if there is something easy and 
obvious I’m missing that might solve the problem I’d appreciate hearing about 

Chris Menzel

lyx-devel mailing list

Re: Missing lyxeditor.cmd?

2019-08-22 Thread Christopher Menzel
On 22 Aug 2019, at 10:39 AM, Richard Kimberly Heck  wrote:
> On 8/22/19 10:48 AM, Chris Menzel wrote:
>> Gentle LyX folk,
>> I have installed LyX 2.3.3 on a Dell XPS laptop and, Lo, the installation's 
>> bin directory appears to be missing lyxeditor.cmd, which is of course 
>> crucial for inverse search. Is this an oversight? Or is it now in some other 
>> directory?
> We don't distribute this file.

Huh. Unlike the macOS version, apparently. Why the difference with the Windows 

> According to this page of the wiki:
> it's something you need to create yourself.

The need to create lyxeditor.cmd is only mentioned in the section on Okular for 
Windows. That one needs to create it oneself is as far as I can see not 
mentioned in the section on configuring SumatraPDF, which is the PDF viewer I'm 
using. Might the Keepers of the Wiki consider mentioning the need to create 
this script right at the top of the section on SumatraPDF.

Thanks for the info!


Re: Bug in 2.2.2 for Mac

2016-10-16 Thread Christopher Menzel
Everything appears to be back to normal! Thanks!


On 16 Oct 2016, at 8:13 AM, Stephan Witt <> wrote:
> Am 16.10.2016 um 00:43 schrieb Christopher Menzel < 
> <>>:
>> Sorry, I should have been clearer about that. The submenus are rendered 
>> inaccessible. Also, Open Recent is greyed out. But other stuff, like my user 
>> defined key bindings still work.
>> -chris
>> On Oct 15, 2016, at 6:19 PM, Richard Heck <> wrote:
>>> On 10/15/2016 04:38 PM, Christopher Menzel wrote:
>>>> On 15 Oct 2016, at 4:31 PM, Christopher Menzel <> 
>>>> wrote:
>>>>> Howdy LyX developers,
>>>>> There appears to be a bug in 2.2.2 for Mac (LyX-2.2.2+qt5-x86_64-cocoa). 
>>>>> The triangles in the top-level dropdown menus that lead to submenus all 
>>>>> appear to be missing. See attached screenshot.
>>> Are the menus themselves accessible? Or does the lack of triangles cause 
>>> them to be inaccessible?
> I did a new build with Qt 5.6.2 and made a disk image with it and put it here:
> <>
> <>
> Sorry, I did my tests with shortcuts only and didn’t notice the broken menu.
> And I’m not sure what caused the problem - I’ll investigate it later.
> Now it works for me. Christopher, please try this build and tell us how it 
> works
> for you, thanks.
> Regards,
> Stephan

Re: Bug in 2.2.2 for Mac

2016-10-15 Thread Christopher Menzel
Sorry, I should have been clearer about that. The submenus are rendered 
inaccessible. Also, Open Recent is greyed out. But other stuff, like my user 
defined key bindings still work.


> On Oct 15, 2016, at 6:19 PM, Richard Heck <> wrote:
> On 10/15/2016 04:38 PM, Christopher Menzel wrote:
>>> On 15 Oct 2016, at 4:31 PM, Christopher Menzel <> 
>>> wrote:
>>> Howdy LyX developers,
>>> There appears to be a bug in 2.2.2 for Mac (LyX-2.2.2+qt5-x86_64-cocoa). 
>>> The triangles in the top-level dropdown menus that lead to submenus all 
>>> appear to be missing. See attached screenshot.
> Are the menus themselves accessible? Or does the lack of triangles cause them 
> to be inaccessible?
> Richard

Re: Bug in 2.2.2 for Mac

2016-10-15 Thread Christopher Menzel
Oops, very sorry about that enormous screen shot! I don't know what I was 
thinking. Here's a vastly smaller jpeg of the dropdown menu.


> On 15 Oct 2016, at 4:31 PM, Christopher Menzel <> wrote:
> Howdy LyX developers,
> There appears to be a bug in 2.2.2 for Mac (LyX-2.2.2+qt5-x86_64-cocoa). The 
> triangles in the top-level dropdown menus that lead to submenus all appear to 
> be missing. See attached screenshot.
> Thanks!
> -chris

Re: [ANNOUNCE] LyX 2.2.2 Released

2016-10-15 Thread Christopher Menzel
> Public release of LyX version 2.2.2
> ===
> We are proud to announce the release of LyX 2.2.2. This is the 
> secondmaintenance release in the 2.2.x series

I've said it before but it bears regular repeating: thanks (again) Richard and 
the whole LyX development team for this wonderful, incredibly useful piece of 
software. It is an absolute joy to use, and a marvel of collaborative, open 
source software design and engineering.


Christopher Menzel
Professor of Philosophy
Texas A University

Lower case mathcal

2015-11-24 Thread Christopher Menzel
Dear LyX folk,

Quick question — what would it take to get display support for lower case 
calligraphic letters, which you can get in your rendered PDF via a package like 
BOONDOX-cal. Currently, typing lower case letters inside a \mathcal tag in math 
mode generates a seemingly random selection of symbols. Even just being able to 
see ordinary lower case letters, even if not calligraphic, would be preferable. 
A reasonably good workaround here is to use instant preview mode, but that's 
still less than ideal.

Just wondering; this is obviously not a major problem but it would be cool if 
there was a reasonably easy fix.

Chris Menzel

ps: LyX 2.2alpha with its support for retina displays is amazingly great! Many 
thanks to Stephan Witt and the other developers for their talent and their 
commitment this truly wonderful and extraordinarily useful software.

Re: Does LyX work with MBP Retina screen?

2015-10-17 Thread Christopher Menzel
Bummer! I remember this being a Qt problem years ago that was fixed and now 
appears to be have been reintroduced. Any possibility the OS X binaries for LyX 
2.2 (when it's ready) can be created with an older version that doesn't have 
this problem? And if you can make the version you created with Qt 4.8 available 
I'd appreciate it!


On 17 Oct 2015, at 11:31 AM, Stephan Witt <> wrote:
> Am 16.10.2015 um 22:49 schrieb Christopher Menzel <>:
>> Greetings Stephan,
>> One issue: the “Do not swap Apple and Control keys” checkbox does not seem 
>> to have any effect — whether it’s checked or unchecked, my Control keys — I 
>> map CapsLock to Ctrl as well — behave as if they are Apple Command keys and 
>> the Apple Command key behaves as if it’s the Control key.
> Hi Chris,
> yes, indeed. I didn't notice this until now. I have to check for the details 
> again, but it looks like a problem with Qt5 introduced with version 5.4 :( - 
> (See I don't have 
> 5.3 at hand but with 4.8 it works again.
> Stephan
>> For those of us who have Emacs keybindings hardwired into our fingers, this 
>> is unfortunate. (And I guess it’s a problem even if you use the CUI 
>> bindings, since you have to use Ctrl-x/c/v for cut/copy/paste). For me, 
>> however, it is not a dealbreaker. I use the CapsLock key pretty much 
>> exclusively as my Control key (since I learned Emacs back in the days when 
>> Control was next to the A key as God intended). Hence, I can simply map the 
>> actual Control key on the bottom of the OS X keyboard to Command (so that it 
>> works as it should ordinarily when LyX itself switches the Apple and Control 
>> keys) and use that instead of my CapsLock key when I'm using LyX. Not the 
>> worst solution — the inconvenience and awkwardness of reaching for the Apple 
>> Control key are more than counterbalanced by LyX in its full retina glory. 
>> Hopefully the problem will be fixed before long and I’ll be able to go back 
>> to my remapped CapsLock key full-time.
>> Best,
>> -chris

Re: Retina support

2015-01-09 Thread Christopher Menzel
Having installed LyX on a 5k iMac I can report that, even without retina 
support, LyX screen fonts still look quite good, especially if you crank 
the resolution up a notch from the default 2560x1440 to the next fixed 
option of 2880x1620 (ironic quotes because the number of actual pixels 
per resolution point at 2560x1440 is 4 to 1, making for incredibly 
sharp text). Sitting a reasonable distance from the screen and using 
Minion Pro as the screen font (major props to Kieran Healy there 
is virtually no perception of the slight fuzziness and pixelation 
visible at very close range.


Christopher Menzel
December 26, 2014 at 5:45 PM
LyX folk:

I have a couple of questions concerning LyX on the new 5k iMac.

1. Stephan Witt had noted some time ago that Retina support was in 
development for LyX. Does anyone have a reasonable sense of the ETA 
for such support in an OS X binary?

2. Despite some screen font blurriness up close, I find LyX to be 
quite usable on my rMBP. My thought is that the appearance should be 
pretty much the same on the iMac given that iMac's pixel density is 
almost identical to the rMBP — indeed, the latter's is slightly higher 
(226 vs 216 ppi). Does that reasoning seem correct? Has anyone 
confirmed/disconfirmed this empirically?

Any info or other comments appreciated.


Re: Retina support

2015-01-09 Thread Christopher Menzel
Having installed LyX on a 5k iMac I can report that, even without retina 
support, LyX screen fonts still look quite good, especially if you crank 
the resolution up a notch from the default "2560x1440" to the next fixed 
option of "2880x1620" (ironic quotes because the number of actual pixels 
per resolution point at "2560x1440" is 4 to 1, making for incredibly 
sharp text). Sitting a reasonable distance from the screen and using 
Minion Pro as the screen font (major props to Kieran Healy 
<>) there 
is virtually no perception of the slight fuzziness and pixelation 
visible at very close range.


Christopher Menzel <>
December 26, 2014 at 5:45 PM
LyX folk:

I have a couple of questions concerning LyX on the new 5k iMac.

1. Stephan Witt had noted some time ago that Retina support was in 
development for LyX. Does anyone have a reasonable sense of the ETA 
for such support in an OS X binary?

2. Despite some screen font blurriness up close, I find LyX to be 
quite usable on my rMBP. My thought is that the appearance should be 
pretty much the same on the iMac given that iMac's pixel density is 
almost identical to the rMBP — indeed, the latter's is slightly higher 
(226 vs 216 ppi). Does that reasoning seem correct? Has anyone 
confirmed/disconfirmed this empirically?

Any info or other comments appreciated.


Retina support

2014-12-26 Thread Christopher Menzel

LyX folk:

I have a couple of questions concerning LyX on the new 5k iMac.

1. Stephan Witt had noted some time ago that Retina support was in 
development for LyX. Does anyone have a reasonable sense of the ETA for 
such support in an OS X binary?

2. Despite some screen font blurriness up close, I find LyX to be quite 
usable on my rMBP. My thought is that the appearance should be pretty 
much the same on the iMac given that iMac's pixel density is almost 
identical to the rMBP — indeed, the latter's is slightly higher (226 vs 
216 ppi). Does that reasoning seem correct? Has anyone 
confirmed/disconfirmed this empirically?

Any info or other comments appreciated.


Retina support

2014-12-26 Thread Christopher Menzel

LyX folk:

I have a couple of questions concerning LyX on the new 5k iMac.

1. Stephan Witt had noted some time ago that Retina support was in 
development for LyX. Does anyone have a reasonable sense of the ETA for 
such support in an OS X binary?

2. Despite some screen font blurriness up close, I find LyX to be quite 
usable on my rMBP. My thought is that the appearance should be pretty 
much the same on the iMac given that iMac's pixel density is almost 
identical to the rMBP — indeed, the latter's is slightly higher (226 vs 
216 ppi). Does that reasoning seem correct? Has anyone 
confirmed/disconfirmed this empirically?

Any info or other comments appreciated.


Re: Yosemite problems...

2014-11-12 Thread Christopher Menzel
I've been having this problem with embedded PDFs as well since at least 
2.1.1. (As with Murat, they do render successfully if I start LyX from 
the CL.)


Murat Yildizoglu wrote:

I have updated by MacBook to Yosemite and LyX to the last version 
( This solves the problem of only being able to reconfigure 
LyX after having launched it from the command line.
But I have now another problem, the figures in PDF format are not 
loaded in LyX. It says that it cannot convert them to a loadable 
format. I have both ImageMagick and GhostScript installed via MacPorts 
(that I have also updated), and, when I launch LyX from the terminal, 
it can convert the graphics and show them on the screen.

Is this an unsolvable problem, or can we do something for getting back 
the functionality of LyX?

An aside, in case you are worrying about this: I have checked that 
KnitR files compile without any problem.

Any idea about the solution?

Best regards,


Re: Yosemite problems...

2014-11-12 Thread Christopher Menzel
I've been having this problem with embedded PDFs as well since at least 
2.1.1. (As with Murat, they do render successfully if I start LyX from 
the CL.)


Murat Yildizoglu wrote:

I have updated by MacBook to Yosemite and LyX to the last version 
( This solves the problem of only being able to reconfigure 
LyX after having launched it from the command line.
But I have now another problem, the figures in PDF format are not 
loaded in LyX. It says that it cannot convert them to a loadable 
format. I have both ImageMagick and GhostScript installed via MacPorts 
(that I have also updated), and, when I launch LyX from the terminal, 
it can convert the graphics and show them on the screen.

Is this an unsolvable problem, or can we do something for getting back 
the functionality of LyX?

An aside, in case you are worrying about this: I have checked that 
KnitR files compile without any problem.

Any idea about the solution?

Best regards,


Re: [ANNOUNCE] LyX Released

2014-10-31 Thread Christopher Menzel
I did a clean network install of Mountain Lion on a 2013 iMac last 
night, upgraded immediately to Yosemite, and then installed MacTeX 2014 
and LyX first thing. After starting LyX from the GUI I still got 
the previewing bug where none of my .cls files could be found during the 
compile. As in earlier versions, I had to start LyX from the command 
line and reconfigure to fix the problem. Starting LyX from with the GUI 
now works normally.

No such problems with an installation of on an established 
install of Yosemite on a rMBP (on which I'd done the command line trick 
with an earlier version).

Chris Menzel

Hal Kierstead wrote:

Many thanks---it is working great.


On Oct 30, 2014, at 9:20 AM, Richard  wrote:

Public release of LyX version

We are proud to announce the release of LyX

This is an emergency release for OSX only. It resolves problems that affect
LyX on OSX 10.10 (Yosemite) and, indeed, any program that depends upon the
passing of environment variables to sub-processes. Only users of OSX 10.10
should upgrade to this version.

Re: [ANNOUNCE] LyX Released

2014-10-31 Thread Christopher Menzel
I did a clean network install of Mountain Lion on a 2013 iMac last 
night, upgraded immediately to Yosemite, and then installed MacTeX 2014 
and LyX first thing. After starting LyX from the GUI I still got 
the previewing bug where none of my .cls files could be found during the 
compile. As in earlier versions, I had to start LyX from the command 
line and reconfigure to fix the problem. Starting LyX from with the GUI 
now works normally.

No such problems with an installation of on an established 
install of Yosemite on a rMBP (on which I'd done the command line trick 
with an earlier version).

Chris Menzel

Hal Kierstead wrote:

Many thanks---it is working great.


On Oct 30, 2014, at 9:20 AM, Richard Heck  wrote:

Public release of LyX version

We are proud to announce the release of LyX

This is an emergency release for OSX only. It resolves problems that affect
LyX on OSX 10.10 (Yosemite) and, indeed, any program that depends upon the
passing of environment variables to sub-processes. Only users of OSX 10.10
should upgrade to this version.

Re: ANNOUNCE: LyX version 2.0.0 (beta 2)

2010-12-07 Thread Christopher Menzel
On Dec 7, 2010, at 6:56 PM, Murat Yildizoglu wrote:
 I have installed the Beta2 in Mac OSX. It just works out of the box. 
 I have also read in detail the WhatsNew page and the additions are really 
 impressive (I love many of them: Sweave support, inline spell-check, native 
 spell checker on OSX,  thesaurus, TikZ preview support...

Yes indeed, and if I might add to the list here: it is just, well, FREAKING 
AWESOME to have both forward and inverse search with Skim. Having robust 
support for both was basically the one feature that had kept me going back to 
Emacs/auctex. It is beautifully implemented in 2.0beta2; the searches are 
lightening fast and incredibly accurate.

 Thank you very much to all!

Indeed, a thousand thanks!  LyX is just amazing — and amazingly useful — 
software.  I am just in awe of what the developers have accomplished.

Chris Menzel

Re: ANNOUNCE: LyX version 2.0.0 (beta 2)

2010-12-07 Thread Christopher Menzel
On Dec 7, 2010, at 6:56 PM, Murat Yildizoglu wrote:
> I have installed the Beta2 in Mac OSX. It just works out of the box. 
> Magnificent!
> I have also read in detail the WhatsNew page and the additions are really 
> impressive (I love many of them: Sweave support, inline spell-check, native 
> spell checker on OSX,  thesaurus, TikZ preview support...

Yes indeed, and if I might add to the list here: it is just, well, FREAKING 
AWESOME to have both forward and inverse search with Skim. Having robust 
support for both was basically the one feature that had kept me going back to 
Emacs/auctex. It is beautifully implemented in 2.0beta2; the searches are 
lightening fast and incredibly accurate.

> Thank you very much to all!

Indeed, a thousand thanks!  LyX is just amazing — and amazingly useful — 
software.  I am just in awe of what the developers have accomplished.

Chris Menzel

Re: LyX 2.0beta1 crashes if Xref inserted into eqnarray

2010-12-06 Thread Christopher Menzel
On Dec 6, 2010, at 11:46 AM, John McCabe-Dansted wrote:
 On Mon, Dec 6, 2010 at 7:37 AM, Christopher Menzel wrote:
 LyX 2.0beta1 (dated 10 Nov) crashes consistently when I try to insert a 
 cross reference to a labeled lemma, theorem or corollary into a cell of an 
 eqnarray. If I try to copy and paste a cross-ref to the relevant 
 lemma/thm/corollary from outside the eqnarray into the cell, the text of the 
 label appears in the cell as if I've simply typed it in -- e.g., 
 [cor:tau-kappa].  I'm running OS X 10.6.5 on a Macbook Air.
 I can reproduce, but not on the latest SVN. I guess this has been fixed in 

Just updated svn and compiled and, indeed, the problem is fixed! (Next time 
I'll try doing that first...*blush*)  Cheers to the LyX developers! :-)


Re: LyX 2.0beta1 crashes if Xref inserted into eqnarray

2010-12-06 Thread Christopher Menzel
On Dec 6, 2010, at 11:46 AM, John McCabe-Dansted wrote:
> On Mon, Dec 6, 2010 at 7:37 AM, Christopher Menzel <> wrote:
>> LyX 2.0beta1 (dated 10 Nov) crashes consistently when I try to insert a 
>> cross reference to a labeled lemma, theorem or corollary into a cell of an 
>> eqnarray. If I try to copy and paste a cross-ref to the relevant 
>> lemma/thm/corollary from outside the eqnarray into the cell, the text of the 
>> label appears in the cell as if I've simply typed it in -- e.g., 
>> "[cor:tau-kappa]".  I'm running OS X 10.6.5 on a Macbook Air.
> I can reproduce, but not on the latest SVN. I guess this has been "fixed in 
> trunk"?

Just updated svn and compiled and, indeed, the problem is fixed! (Next time 
I'll try doing that first...*blush*)  Cheers to the LyX developers! :-)


LyX 2.0beta1 crashes if Xref inserted into eqnarray

2010-12-05 Thread Christopher Menzel
Howdy developers,

LyX 2.0beta1 (dated 10 Nov) crashes consistently when I try to insert a cross 
reference to a labeled lemma, theorem or corollary into a cell of an eqnarray. 
If I try to copy and paste a cross-ref to the relevant lemma/thm/corollary from 
outside the eqnarray into the cell, the text of the label appears in the cell 
as if I've simply typed it in -- e.g., [cor:tau-kappa].  I'm running OS X 
10.6.5 on a Macbook Air. 

Chris Menzel

LyX 2.0beta1 crashes if Xref inserted into eqnarray

2010-12-05 Thread Christopher Menzel
Howdy developers,

LyX 2.0beta1 (dated 10 Nov) crashes consistently when I try to insert a cross 
reference to a labeled lemma, theorem or corollary into a cell of an eqnarray. 
If I try to copy and paste a cross-ref to the relevant lemma/thm/corollary from 
outside the eqnarray into the cell, the text of the label appears in the cell 
as if I've simply typed it in -- e.g., "[cor:tau-kappa]".  I'm running OS X 
10.6.5 on a Macbook Air. 

Chris Menzel

Re: Compile failure

2007-11-04 Thread Christopher Menzel

On Nov 4, 2007, at 9:18 PM, Bennett Helm wrote:

I'm also using Qt-4.3.1; I don't know if that would make a  
difference. I'll try compiling Qt-4.3.2 to see what happens.

Qt-4.3.2 works fine for me.

One question: did you set LDFLAGS?

Yup.  As per the instructions in INSTALL.MacOSX, I used:

export LDFLAGS=-framework Carbon -framework OpenGL -framework AGL - 
framework QuickTime -framework Cocoa

As a last resort, try: make clean ... reconfigure ... make. Does  
that help?

Done that already.  Twice.  Even rebuilt Qt.  :-(

BTW, the link on to the LyX developers  
mailing list on the LyX site is broken ( 
).  Where is the main page for the mailing list?



Re: Compile failure

2007-11-04 Thread Christopher Menzel

On Nov 4, 2007, at 9:18 PM, Bennett Helm wrote:

I'm also using Qt-4.3.1; I don't know if that would make a  
difference. I'll try compiling Qt-4.3.2 to see what happens.

Qt-4.3.2 works fine for me.

One question: did you set LDFLAGS?

Yup.  As per the instructions in INSTALL.MacOSX, I used:

export LDFLAGS="-framework Carbon -framework OpenGL -framework AGL - 
framework QuickTime -framework Cocoa"

As a last resort, try: make clean ... reconfigure ... make. Does  
that help?

Done that already.  Twice.  Even rebuilt Qt.  :-(

BTW, the link on to the LyX developers  
mailing list on the LyX site is broken ( 
).  Where is the main page for the mailing list?

