Another crasher

2001-12-06 Thread John Levon

importing ther attached tex file and clicking on a an array cell in lyx crashes - bad 
GC ...


"Faced with the prospect of rereading this book, I would rather have 
 my brains ripped out by a plastic fork."
- Charles Cooper on "Business at the Speed of Thought" 

Description: TeX document

RE: Another crasher !

2001-12-05 Thread Juergen Vigna

On 05-Dec-2001 John Levon wrote:
> open the attached, and follow the instructions.

Fixed (empty-para-thing ;)!

Dr. Jürgen VignaE-Mail:  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Italienallee 13/N   Tel/Fax: +39-0471-450260 / +39-0471-450253
I-39100 Bozen   Web:

You know it's going to be a bad day when you want to put on the clothes
you wore home from the party and there aren't any.

Another crasher !!

2001-12-04 Thread John Levon

Juergen, bug #451283 is definitely not fixed. Just follow
the instructions in the attached file.

Can you ask people to verify before actually closing a bug at sourceforge
please ?


"Faced with the prospect of rereading this book, I would rather have 
 my brains ripped out by a plastic fork."
- Charles Cooper on "Business at the Speed of Thought" 

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Enough messing around opening/inlining these ERTs easily causes drawing
 problems, and eventually crashes.
 Bug #451283
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\begin_inset Float figure
placement htbp
wide false
collapsed false

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\begin_inset ERT
status Collapsed

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fbox{I'm a minipage}

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\added_space_bottom 0.3cm 

\begin_inset ERT
status Collapsed

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fbox{me too}

\layout Caption

a test

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Here's herbert's method :
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Position cursor before the second ERT inset.
 (close the inset if it opens again).
\layout Standard

press backspace.
 open the second inset.

Another crasher !

2001-12-04 Thread John Levon

open the attached, and follow the instructions.


"Faced with the prospect of rereading this book, I would rather have 
 my brains ripped out by a plastic fork."
- Charles Cooper on "Business at the Speed of Thought" 

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 to leave the cursor on an empty line.
 then press down -> crash.