Search Master document in advanced find

2015-06-30 Thread Scott Kostyshak
I find the term Master document in the Settings tab of Advanced Find,
to be an unintuitive name. The tooltip does, however, clarify things.

To me, Master document implies that only the master document is
searched, not the children.

I have trouble thinking of a short name to suggest as an alternative.
I suggest Master and included documents or Master and child

Note that the width of the widget should not increase much, because
there is already the lengthy Preserve first case on replace.

Any thoughts?


Search "Master document" in advanced find

2015-06-30 Thread Scott Kostyshak
I find the term "Master document" in the Settings tab of Advanced Find,
to be an unintuitive name. The tooltip does, however, clarify things.

To me, "Master document" implies that only the master document is
searched, not the children.

I have trouble thinking of a short name to suggest as an alternative.
I suggest "Master and included documents" or "Master and child

Note that the width of the widget should not increase much, because
there is already the lengthy "Preserve first case on replace".

Any thoughts?
