Re: on macOS new user experience likely to be frustrating

2020-02-14 Thread Dr Eberhard Lisse
I have none of these problems but then I have been using LyX on a daily 
basis since 1998 (v0.12) (on Linux at first but since 2005 on the Mac 
in a busy Obstetrics and Gynecology practice) 

And, I have installed 4 systems recently which all work out of the 

Here is what I have tested today:

MacOs 10.15.3

I don't install TeXLive 2019, not even MacTeX-2019, but BasicTeX
straight off of

At update time I run

tlmgr list --only-installed \
   | gawk '{gsub(/:/, ""); print $2}' \
   > ~/Downloads/texlive.$(date +%Y-%m-%d).installed.txt 

from the command line (which requires the GNU awk (homebrew) but you can
of course sed this) before the update and when done

tlmgr install $(cat ~/Downloads/texlive.$(date +%Y-%m-%d).installed.txt)

to make my additions survive.

After installation of LyX, I (re-)run Tool->Reconfigure which is 
probably unnecessary.

I change the default PDF format in

Document->Settings->Formats->Output Format->Default Output Format 


PDF (LuaTeX)

which results in a change in the document to something like

\default_output_format pdf5

and of course 

perl -i -p -e 's/(\\default_output_format)\W*(\w*)\W*$/$1 pdf5\n/g' 

or even

find ~/ -name '*.lyx' \
-exec perl -i -p -e 's/(\\default_output_format)\W*\w*\W*$/$1 
pdf5\n/g' \ ';'

will do that for all files

As I like to use Skim for all PDFs on the Mac I just open one with 


and select 

Open With

Change All...

and have to do nothing within LyX.

If you like to use Preview for some and Skim for LyX PDFs, select

LyX-> Preferences -> File Handling -> ~File Formats -> Viewer -> Custom

and add something like

open -a skim $$i

As far as SyncTeX is concerned

is helpful, look for "displayline' which in my LyX is one of the pull 
down options anyway.

I change in

Document->Settings->Formats->Synchronize with output 

the pulldown to


which should be the default (but doesn't seem to be), save the LyX file,
preview (CMD-R) and it works.

In Skim in

Preferences->Sync->PDF-TeX Sync support:->Preset

I choose




works in reverse.

Just a small note at the end, if you are looking for an "experience",
buy commercial software.  This is Open Source being maintained by very
helpful, responsive and competent volunteer developers (in their spare

If you find that the Wiki is incorrect, feel free to contribute by
submitting changes or even amending accordingly.

Personally I find posts under initials (anonymous) only, extremely
annoying, especially when asking for help, even if an anonymous email
address is being used for de-spamming purposes, which is quite in order.
(That said, I hope that Thunderbird does indeed display my name in the
From line :-)-O)

greetings, el

On 12/02/2020 17:22, mn wrote:
> LyX, macOS 12
> This is just a new user to LyX perspective: bad.
> Newly setup system:
> 1. install macOS
> 2. install TeXlive2019
> 3. install LyX
> 4. install Skim
> 5. read some docs for configuration
> (as written previously: trying to read UserGuide.pdf will not work in
> this setup…)
> - Changing default PDF output in
>   Preferences > Output > General
>   to 'Skim' results in pdflatex output being displayed in X11/xpdf
>  (As
>  Preferences >  File Handling > File Formats > Viewers (PDF(pdflatex))
>  is indeed set per default to 'xpdf')
> - trying to enable synctex support as per wiki is impossible
> — **none** of the options under
>  Preferences > File Handling > Converters
>  enables any 'OK' or 'Apply' buttons. They always remain greyed out, no
> changes can be saved.
>  (says:
>> Enter Tools > Preferences > File Handling > Export programs [not existing]
>> Click "LaTeX (pdflatex) > PDF (pdflatex)" in the list. In the "Export
> program" box, it now says pdflatex $$i. Instead, put pdflatex
> -synctex=-1 $$i there.
>> Click Modify to the right of the list, then Apply. [Bug: 'nothing to
> click']
> Aim is to use LyX and Skim with synctex.
> Result is a not working as expected system, plus a bug?
> New install experience on macOS hampered by bugs, inaccessible and
> confusing & outdated documentation (within bundle, on official wiki).

If you want to email me, replace nospam with el

lyx-devel mailing list

Re: on macOS new user experience likely to be frustrating

2020-02-13 Thread mn
On 13.02.20 14:34, Stephan Witt wrote:

> That’s a too long post and I cannot comment in detail, sorry.
> I’m trying to give you some help though. I feel some responsibility
> for the whole thing to get it working on Mac as good as possible.
> But I’m not good with documentation and I didn’t wrote it.

Certainly not blaming you or anyone in particular.
More 'the situation'.

> One thing we should consider: inter-process-communication
> is a security risk per se and therefore a complicated matter.
> Apple changes from time to time the playground we’re acting on.
> And LyX isn’t available on Mac only. We have to use generic solutions
> here. The work to find alternate solutions for Mac only is not done.
> And I’d like to point out one constraint: LyX shouldn’t need an installer
> to get it working. It should be a self contained bundle.

Full agreement on the installer. That LyX and Skim (at least) should
work seamlessly and without much setup for this should still remain a
goal though.

> Now I’ll try to demonstrate how forward search works for me:
> It cannot work with the bundled documentation. You have to
> modify the document properties and this is not allowed.

*That* seems to be the crucial thing I started to overlook in testing
back and forth.
At one point I switched to do the testing on bundled docs, since
Reverse search did work with bundled docs
(probably see below for why),
only forward did not!

> 1. In Preferences > Output > General > PDF I entered
> /Applications/ $$n $$o $$t

And on that one, a specific path to the Skim executable that's different
does work as well, as long as it exists, and is given in full.
(No need at that point for a symlink in /Applications for Skim.)

> 2. In Preferences > File Handling > File Formats I change the setting
> for Format pdf2 „PDF (pdflatex)“ - what I’m using normally - of the Viewer
> to Custom and enter „open -a Skim“ as text input.

My current setting:
Shortname: pdf2
Viewer: Custom > open -a 'full/path/to/'

the shorter version "open -a ''" works as well.

> 3. In Document > Settings > Formats I check "Synchronize with output“ for
> the current document I want to use with forward search.

That is strange.
As reverse works currently also with bundled docs, this looks to me like
it's unneeded for reverse?
Once I save an editable document it also works without checking that box
for forward.
But I do have now:
'pdflatex $$i -synctex=1 $$i' in Prefs > FileHandling > Converters
LaTeX (pdflatex) -> PDF (pdflatex)

How does that option – as taken from LyX-wiki – correspond to the
toolbar button? Button is ineffectual with that option now 'hardcoded'?
(Meaning that wiki info is outdated, or is that the toolbar button
should check for that option in settings?)

I conclude that -synctex=1 should be removed from my settings and marked
as deprecated in wiki?

> 4. To start forward search use the Navigate > Forward Search menu item
> This works for me on my system.

Reverse and forward work here now too. Many thanks.

> Because of the security checks of MacOS 10.12 and newer it’s required
> to confirm the operation first and probably this is
> the reason for the delay of some seconds from the action in LyX til
> in Skim. I couldn’t find a workaround for this yet. (In case you’ve
denied the
> security question I don’t know how to change this if this is
persistent now.)

Which operation/security question to confirm exactly?

As far as I understand, on 10.12 there is just a quarantine ('downloaded
from…') for newly downloaded stuff like Skim and LyX.
It depends on flags slapped on by the system on download into extended
attributes, and then perpetually propagated from there if you move that
file around.

I remove those routinely before I install any non AppStore
programs/trusted free/opensource  programs.

If you mean that, I didn't see them. (The unnerving Catalina stuff I
avoided so far)

> To get reverse search working you may choose the builtin LyX in Skim.
> That uses the defaults of Skim. As you’ve learned it assumes the
> is installed in /Applications and the bundle having the script
> lyxeditor in Contents/MacOS. You have to choose custom and enter the
> path to your bundle if it isn’t in /Applications. E.g.
> /Users/mn/Applications/

Did I get this right:
With the symlink in place, the Skim builtin works.
Without the symlink in place, the 'Custom > full path/to/lyxeditor'
works (and is needed).

> As documented in SyncTeX wiki you may change the arguments to:
> "%file" %line; /usr/bin/osascript -e 'tell application "LyX" to activate'

> to get LyX frontmost on 

Re: on macOS new user experience likely to be frustrating

2020-02-13 Thread Stephan Witt
Am 13.02.2020 um 13:30 schrieb mn :
> On 13.02.20 09:57, Jürgen Spitzmüller wrote:
>> Am Donnerstag, den 13.02.2020, 09:42 +0100 schrieb mn:
>>> Problem is reverse search works, now, but neither intuitively by
>>> looking
>>> through the application, nor by reading the fricking manuals (of
>>> which
>>> UserGuide will not display, whether compiled by yourself (as Pavel
>>> points out to be itself problematic on some Linux version) or
>>> downloaded) coming with LyX, nor with the wiki documentation on the
>>> web.
>> So someone who has a Mac (this excludes me) and can verify the correct
>> settings needs to update these places.
>> This could also be you, mn.
> I know, but that's easier said than done successfully.
> As of now, I only see minimal chances of properly updating
> Additional.lyx with small modifications.
> First I need feedback on my findings regarding Mac setup:
> 1. Can someone confirm this experience?
> 2. If: What is my fault in misunderstanding what's written?
> 3. As: Is 'forward search' *really* not working with Skim?
>   (it looks as if it should, and I just failed somehow, but maybe it's
> just bug-broken in recent versions?)
> 4. What are actual bugs (those should not need documentation, as in
> workarounds, but need fixing?)
> 5. etc.
> *How should* these be fixed?
> In Additional.lyx I see that the pre-conditional of filesystem location
> and 'exact name'/'symbolic link' needs either addition to the
> documentation; or by far
> much better yet: LyX should be made to work regardless of location! I
> guess I prefer but cannot force the latter? This can be written into
> manual now, but should be removed again, preferably in the near future?
> As the logical path in menus of either Tools>Preferences or
> AppMenu>Preferences is a general difference between LyX/Mac and other
> platforms, should all such occurrences be tackled? (Guessing there to be
> a few.)
> The critique of the passage containing 'automatic':
> who wrote that, what's the rationale behind it, how did that come to be
> and evolve? All I don't know, can't retrace now. In what way did it make
> sense? Or does it make sense even now, and I just don't get it?
> For reverse-search I'd have a preliminary idea on how to improve docs,
> based on my current experience, which may be flawed. For forward search,
> without feedback, I have no idea on how to start to do anything.
> The Preferences workflow, in my opinion/taste, with currently: type
> parameter, *then* 'modify', then 'apply'/'save' needs redesign, more
> than documentation. Should that be left as is, or documented to
> accommodate the complicated evolution of things? Seems again that
> re-design of the dialogue would be the proper way?
> How should that be redesigned? The actual coders on these parts haven't
> said anything, yet.
> Second, it seems very ill-advised to start working on huge chunks of
> documentation, only to get them rejected or proven wrong. I don't want
> to waste my time and yours yet again, as with retina-AppIcons; parsimony
> on installed filesizes; or flaws with UserGuide contents preventing
> display on certain systems, but demonstrating suboptimal includes on all
> systems.
> Small bits, with a feedback-loop on them: that I might/can do. For the
> rest I need more help.
> To reiterate:
> - Reverse search works for me, but with deviations from documentation.
> - Forward search does not work for me, regardless of any documentation.
> Neither LyX-docs, LyX-wiki, nor things like the first search engine hits
> on this, like:
> Users as helpless as me would appreciate not only better documentation
> of a too complicated workflow, but a streamlined and working workflow
> within LyX to begin with.
> If the above is confirmed, and/but that a redesign isn't interesting,
> wanted, or possible, at least short-term, I could suggest
> improvements/updates to documentation for reverse search in Additional.lyx.
> (That is:
> If the docs-team could either refrain from using file-format
> corresponding to 'latest git' for 'change tracking', or accept a diff
> from file-format current stable, or someone provides a working binary
> corresponding to latest-git…)
> For forward search I just have no idea…

That’s a too long post and I cannot comment in detail, sorry.
I’m trying to give you some help though. I feel some responsibility
for the whole thing to get it working on Mac as good as possible.
But I’m not good with documentation and I didn’t wrote it.

One thing we should consider: 

Re: on macOS new user experience likely to be frustrating

2020-02-13 Thread mn
On 13.02.20 09:57, Jürgen Spitzmüller wrote:
> Am Donnerstag, den 13.02.2020, 09:42 +0100 schrieb mn:
>> Problem is reverse search works, now, but neither intuitively by
>> looking
>> through the application, nor by reading the fricking manuals (of
>> which
>> UserGuide will not display, whether compiled by yourself (as Pavel
>> points out to be itself problematic on some Linux version) or
>> downloaded) coming with LyX, nor with the wiki documentation on the
>> web.
> So someone who has a Mac (this excludes me) and can verify the correct
> settings needs to update these places.
> This could also be you, mn.

I know, but that's easier said than done successfully.

As of now, I only see minimal chances of properly updating
Additional.lyx with small modifications.

First I need feedback on my findings regarding Mac setup:

1. Can someone confirm this experience?
2. If: What is my fault in misunderstanding what's written?
3. As: Is 'forward search' *really* not working with Skim?
   (it looks as if it should, and I just failed somehow, but maybe it's
just bug-broken in recent versions?)
4. What are actual bugs (those should not need documentation, as in
workarounds, but need fixing?)
5. etc.

*How should* these be fixed?

In Additional.lyx I see that the pre-conditional of filesystem location
and 'exact name'/'symbolic link' needs either addition to the
documentation; or by far
much better yet: LyX should be made to work regardless of location! I
guess I prefer but cannot force the latter? This can be written into
manual now, but should be removed again, preferably in the near future?

As the logical path in menus of either Tools>Preferences or
AppMenu>Preferences is a general difference between LyX/Mac and other
platforms, should all such occurrences be tackled? (Guessing there to be
a few.)

The critique of the passage containing 'automatic':
who wrote that, what's the rationale behind it, how did that come to be
and evolve? All I don't know, can't retrace now. In what way did it make
sense? Or does it make sense even now, and I just don't get it?

For reverse-search I'd have a preliminary idea on how to improve docs,
based on my current experience, which may be flawed. For forward search,
without feedback, I have no idea on how to start to do anything.

The Preferences workflow, in my opinion/taste, with currently: type
parameter, *then* 'modify', then 'apply'/'save' needs redesign, more
than documentation. Should that be left as is, or documented to
accommodate the complicated evolution of things? Seems again that
re-design of the dialogue would be the proper way?
How should that be redesigned? The actual coders on these parts haven't
said anything, yet.

Second, it seems very ill-advised to start working on huge chunks of
documentation, only to get them rejected or proven wrong. I don't want
to waste my time and yours yet again, as with retina-AppIcons; parsimony
on installed filesizes; or flaws with UserGuide contents preventing
display on certain systems, but demonstrating suboptimal includes on all

Small bits, with a feedback-loop on them: that I might/can do. For the
rest I need more help.

To reiterate:

- Reverse search works for me, but with deviations from documentation.

- Forward search does not work for me, regardless of any documentation.

Neither LyX-docs, LyX-wiki, nor things like the first search engine hits
on this, like:

Users as helpless as me would appreciate not only better documentation
of a too complicated workflow, but a streamlined and working workflow
within LyX to begin with.

If the above is confirmed, and/but that a redesign isn't interesting,
wanted, or possible, at least short-term, I could suggest
improvements/updates to documentation for reverse search in Additional.lyx.

(That is:
If the docs-team could either refrain from using file-format
corresponding to 'latest git' for 'change tracking', or accept a diff
from file-format current stable, or someone provides a working binary
corresponding to latest-git…)

For forward search I just have no idea…

lyx-devel mailing list

Re: on macOS new user experience likely to be frustrating

2020-02-13 Thread Stephan Witt
Am 13.02.2020 um 09:57 schrieb Jürgen Spitzmüller :
> Am Donnerstag, den 13.02.2020, 09:42 +0100 schrieb mn:
>> Problem is reverse search works, now, but neither intuitively by
>> looking
>> through the application, nor by reading the fricking manuals (of
>> which
>> UserGuide will not display, whether compiled by yourself (as Pavel
>> points out to be itself problematic on some Linux version) or
>> downloaded) coming with LyX, nor with the wiki documentation on the
>> web.
> So someone who has a Mac (this excludes me) and can verify the correct
> settings needs to update these places.
> This could also be you, mn.

I agree.


> Jürgen
> -- 
> lyx-devel mailing list

lyx-devel mailing list

Re: on macOS new user experience likely to be frustrating

2020-02-13 Thread Jürgen Spitzmüller
Am Donnerstag, den 13.02.2020, 09:42 +0100 schrieb mn:
> Problem is reverse search works, now, but neither intuitively by
> looking
> through the application, nor by reading the fricking manuals (of
> which
> UserGuide will not display, whether compiled by yourself (as Pavel
> points out to be itself problematic on some Linux version) or
> downloaded) coming with LyX, nor with the wiki documentation on the
> web.

So someone who has a Mac (this excludes me) and can verify the correct
settings needs to update these places.

This could also be you, mn.


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lyx-devel mailing list

Re: on macOS new user experience likely to be frustrating

2020-02-13 Thread mn
On 12.02.20 23:51, Stephan Witt wrote:

> Sorry, now I think it is „Forward Search“ what is configured here.
> The „Reverse Search“ operation is the jump from PDF-Viewer to LyX-document.
> This has to be configured in Skim to get it right.

Thx. Not quite what I was intending.

[On my setup, I can do reverse search, (jump from passage in PDF to LyX)
but not forward search.]

The following is the longer form of
'how I have to assume a novice user on Mac experiences the situation.'
That is quite suboptimal, to say the least.

The thing is that three different documentation places tell you three
different things, none being uptodate and complete, but all quite hard
to find initially and then a bit disorganised internally.

Goal is to use LyX on a Mac with Skim for reverse and forward search.

Problem is reverse search works, now, but neither intuitively by looking
through the application, nor by reading the fricking manuals (of which
UserGuide will not display, whether compiled by yourself (as Pavel
points out to be itself problematic on some Linux version) or
downloaded) coming with LyX, nor with the wiki documentation on the web.

Problem is further that eventually you can achieve reverse search with
Skim, but not forward search.

The main documentation to look for, or to find if you Google for the
problem are:

- wiki LyX/Mac (2017-09-15)
- wiki LyX/Synctex  (2020-02-07)
- Additional Features.LyX

Problem is that they are all lacking, in a 'workflow' that is very
unlike any standard Mac workflow or HIG behaviour for preferences and

1. LyX needs to be (un-renamed) *directly* under /Applications, or a
symlink called *exactly* in that place.

When I set up a Mac I try to place all non-Apple stuff into a
subdirectory for easier backup/migration etc. That works for all
non-Apple/AppStore applications. Almost that is, but those who really
demand this special place tell you upfront when you launch them that
they need to be directly under /Applications, some even offer you to
relocate themselves there. On some setups /Users/Alice/Applications is
also a viable and often found alternative.

This requirement is not found in the official documentation!

When testing alpha/beta or self-compiled versions, it is very
inconvenient to have just one '' available at that place so that
you then more or less have to run the unstable version or constantly
switch symlinks?

1.1 Therefore: what's the holdup to LyX recognising its own relative
position on the FS to make synctex work regardless of which version you
run from where under whatever name?

1.2 This sine-qua-non condition is mentioned on wiki/synctex, but
neither in LyX/Mac nor in Additional features!

2. Assuming Additional.lyx is the most recent and watched document:

The recommendations and instructions for Skim seem outdated.

Additional says:

2.1 (5.6.1) Automatic setup

Doing that seems to achieve nothing for users on macOS, since Preview is
the default PDF viewer and cannot handle any synctex stuff. What the
user gets to know here is that either a Document-pref-dialog has to be
searched and clicked or a Toolbar button clicked for the 'automatic'
aspect of synctex.
The 'automatic' seems a misnomer at that point, as the expectation for
'automatic' is: first no button to be clicked at all, second, if you
have to enable 'automatic' then the rest is *really* automatic, no
additional clicking and fiddling. But obviously the hunt continues…

The next 2 paragraphs are then thoroughly confusing:

- It lumps together DVI and PDF instructions
- It suggests for PDF to enter a parameter that is perhaps not needed in
the first place ('-synctex=1 $$i'; I see no difference whether it is
there or not. Reverse search works on my setup without?), without
telling you how to handle that part of the preferences dialog,
- - that seems to behave differently than standard macOS pref-dialogs
and the rest of the LyX-preferences
- you have to find the pane/section, then scroll through a long list,
then all buttons for action are greyed out.
- It is very counter-intuitive to first type in the changed parameter,
then go back up to click 'modify' (before you typed that button being
greyed out as well), and only then become able to click 'Apply'/'Save'.

That frankly doesn't make any sense to me: if you want to change a field
below and have to click 'modify' *before* anything could be entered,
hmkay. But the line wanted is already editable, just as in other panes
in Prefrences. And why that extra step in the first place? Suggestion:
either grey out entry in the lines with parameters or just get rid of
> Enter open -a $$i to the viewer setting in Preferences->File
Handling->File formats->PDF (pdflatex), and then in
Skim->Preferences->Sync choose custom preset and enter command

On to 5.6.3: In Skim 1.5.6 (and earlier) there *is* a LyX-preset
preconfigured. It just says 'LyX' and has the 

Re: on macOS new user experience likely to be frustrating

2020-02-12 Thread Stephan Witt
Am 12.02.2020 um 19:51 schrieb Stephan Witt :
> Am 12.02.2020 um 16:22 schrieb mn :
>> LyX, macOS 12
>> This is just a new user to LyX perspective: bad.
>> Newly setup system:
>> 1. install macOS
>> 2. install TeXlive2019
>> 3. install LyX
>> 4. install Skim
>> 5. read some docs for configuration
>> (as written previously: trying to read UserGuide.pdf will not work in
>> this setup…)
>> - Changing default PDF output in
>> Preferences > Output > General
> This is used to configure „Reverse Search“ when using Skim as default viewer.

Sorry, now I think it is „Forward Search“ what is configured here.
The „Reverse Search“ operation is the jump from PDF-Viewer to LyX-document.
This has to be configured in Skim to get it right.


lyx-devel mailing list

Re: on macOS new user experience likely to be frustrating

2020-02-12 Thread Stephan Witt
Am 12.02.2020 um 16:22 schrieb mn :
> LyX, macOS 12
> This is just a new user to LyX perspective: bad.
> Newly setup system:
> 1. install macOS
> 2. install TeXlive2019
> 3. install LyX
> 4. install Skim
> 5. read some docs for configuration
> (as written previously: trying to read UserGuide.pdf will not work in
> this setup…)
> - Changing default PDF output in
>  Preferences > Output > General

This is used to configure „Reverse Search“ when using Skim as default viewer.
To configure Skim as default viewer you change the viewer for PDF(pdflatex)
to „open -a Skim“ or more explicit to „open -a $$i“ after choosing
„Custom“ in „Preferences >  File Handling > File Formats“.

>  to 'Skim' results in pdflatex output being displayed in X11/xpdf
> (As
> Preferences >  File Handling > File Formats > Viewers (PDF(pdflatex))
> is indeed set per default to 'xpdf‘)

The LyX configure utility checks for the existence of the xpdf viewer
and you get it probably because of having homebrew utilities in PATH.

After changing it manually to e.g. Skim or „None“ (Auto) you’ll get or as you like. That’s the price you have to pay
for having xpdf installed.

> - trying to enable synctex support as per wiki is impossible

You have to use as PDF-Output in „Preferences > Output > General“:

/Applications/ $$n $$o $$t

as written in the wiki IMHO.

> — **none** of the options under
> Preferences > File Handling > Converters

I don’t know were to find that info, but you have to
1. change the converter entry text fields
2. click modify to enable the Ok and Apply button
3. click Ok or Apply

That’s how it works for me.


> enables any 'OK' or 'Apply' buttons. They always remain greyed out, no
> changes can be saved.
>  (says:
>> Enter Tools > Preferences > File Handling > Export programs [not existing]
>> Click "LaTeX (pdflatex) > PDF (pdflatex)" in the list. In the "Export
> program" box, it now says pdflatex $$i. Instead, put pdflatex
> -synctex=-1 $$i there.
>> Click Modify to the right of the list, then Apply. [Bug: 'nothing to
> click']
> Aim is to use LyX and Skim with synctex.
> Result is a not working as expected system, plus a bug?
> New install experience on macOS hampered by bugs, inaccessible and
> confusing & outdated documentation (within bundle, on official wiki).
> -- 
> lyx-devel mailing list

lyx-devel mailing list

Re: on macOS new user experience likely to be frustrating

2020-02-12 Thread Pavel Sanda
On Wed, Feb 12, 2020 at 04:22:12PM +0100, mn wrote:
> - trying to enable synctex support as per wiki is impossible
> ??? **none** of the options under
>  Preferences > File Handling > Converters
>  enables any 'OK' or 'Apply' buttons. They always remain greyed out, no
> changes can be saved.

Did you try to hit the button 'Modify'? Ok/Apply should enable only after that.

lyx-devel mailing list

on macOS new user experience likely to be frustrating

2020-02-12 Thread mn
LyX, macOS 12

This is just a new user to LyX perspective: bad.

Newly setup system:

1. install macOS
2. install TeXlive2019
3. install LyX
4. install Skim
5. read some docs for configuration

(as written previously: trying to read UserGuide.pdf will not work in
this setup…)

- Changing default PDF output in

  Preferences > Output > General

  to 'Skim' results in pdflatex output being displayed in X11/xpdf

 Preferences >  File Handling > File Formats > Viewers (PDF(pdflatex))
 is indeed set per default to 'xpdf')

- trying to enable synctex support as per wiki is impossible

— **none** of the options under

 Preferences > File Handling > Converters

 enables any 'OK' or 'Apply' buttons. They always remain greyed out, no
changes can be saved.  (says:
> Enter Tools > Preferences > File Handling > Export programs [not existing]
> Click "LaTeX (pdflatex) > PDF (pdflatex)" in the list. In the "Export
program" box, it now says pdflatex $$i. Instead, put pdflatex
-synctex=-1 $$i there.
> Click Modify to the right of the list, then Apply. [Bug: 'nothing to

Aim is to use LyX and Skim with synctex.
Result is a not working as expected system, plus a bug?

New install experience on macOS hampered by bugs, inaccessible and
confusing & outdated documentation (within bundle, on official wiki).

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