Re: Re: Re: multiple files

2001-10-09 Thread Guenter Milde

On Mon, 8 Oct 2001 04:26:53 -0400 wrote Dave Chapeskie [EMAIL PROTECTED]:

 On Mon, Oct 08, 2001 at 09:34:38AM +0200, Guenter Milde wrote:
  On Sat, 6 Oct 2001 18:27:34 -0400 wrote Dave Chapeskie [EMAIL PROTECTED]:
  If I understood right, no absolute paths are used but only relative.
 Then I misinterpreted:
 On Sat, Oct 06, 2001 at 07:17:24PM +0200, Dekel Tsur wrote:
  Where PATH is the path to the directory of the master file e.g
  /home/me/thesis and then put \setpath{chap1} in latex mode before

I am sorry, I understood wrong (i.e. I missed the Where PATH is the path to
the directory of the master file ... part of Dekels message.)

I just tried with relative pathnames but came to the conclusion that this
will not work when compiling in a temporary directory. (i.e. the
alternatives would be a directory of symlinks or turn off the use of a
temporary directory for compiling (uncheck Edit|Options|Input|temp-dir)


Re: Creating an URL

2001-10-09 Thread Joerg Hau

  I would like to have a link as HTML link (as above) upon export
  to HTML, but on the other hand the URL should be _printed_ when
  the document is converted to DVI/PS/PDF/... In other words:
  HTML should give
  a href=http://x.y.zMy Link/a
  DVI/PS should give
  My Link (http://x.y.z)
  (or a similar format)
  I'm sure that it can be done (in fact, I was expecting LyX to do
  that with Insert-URL), but how?

 Put the following in the preamble:

 \latex{\renewcommand{\htmladdnormallink}[2]{#1 (\url{#2})}}

... wonderful, it works like a charm! 

Thanks a lot -- !!

- Joerg

joerg.hau(at) * Lausanne, Switzerland
All standard disclaimers apply.

side-by-side minipages

2001-10-09 Thread Jim Osborn

I need to group some bits of text into little clumps,
each clump is two or three lines, and I need the clumps
to be placed two or three to a line.  Per the example
at the top of pg 106 of Lamport's LaTeX 2nd ed, I thought
putting each clump in its own minipage should do the job.

But LyX always seems to want to move each minipage down
the page, rather than putting them side-by-side.  I've
spaced each minipage with just enough length for its
respective text, and there's plenty of width on the paper.

I can get side-by-side placement if I enclose a group of
paragraphs in a single minipage and use a multicols environment
within that minipage, but then I can't specify the widths
of the clumps of text, and multicol wants to spread
them out too much, wants to equalize the column widths.

How can I get something like this?

  aaa   bbb

   ccc  dddeee
C  DD  

(LyX 1.1.5fix1)


Re: side-by-side minipages

2001-10-09 Thread Dave Chapeskie

On Sun, Oct 07, 2001 at 05:44:23PM -0700, Jim Osborn wrote:
 How can I get something like this?
   aaa   bbb
 AA   BB
ccc  dddeee
 C  DD  

Disclaimer:  I'm no LaTeX expert and I've found mini-pages annoying in LyX.

Assuming you want aaa and AA to be different paragraphs try
something like this:

aaa minipage,   width~30, centered
A   minipage,   width~30
bbb minipage, new-minipage, width~70, centered
B   minipage,   width~70
ccc minipage, new-minipage, width~20, centered
C   minipage,   width~20
ddd minipage, new-minipage, width~30, centered
D   minipage,   width~30
eee minipage, new-minipage, width~50, centered
E   minipage,   width~50

I found the easiest way to get separation between the AAA BBB and the
ccc ddd eee lines was to stick a non-minipage paragraph with a single
non-breaking space it it.  It's a hack but it worked for me, it also
makes sure ccc starts on a new line in case you muck with the widths
and width(aaa)+width(bbb)  100%.

If aaa and A are to be one paragraph it should be even easier,
just use Ctrl+Enter for line breaks.

See the attached LyX file.

Dave Chapeskie
OpenPGP Key KeyId: 3D2B6B34

#LyX 1.1 created this file. For more info see
\lyxformat 218
\textclass article
\language english
\inputencoding auto
\fontscheme default
\graphics default
\paperfontsize default
\spacing single 
\papersize Default
\paperpackage a4
\use_geometry 0
\use_amsmath 0
\paperorientation portrait
\secnumdepth 3
\tocdepth 3
\paragraph_separation indent
\defskip medskip
\quotes_language english
\quotes_times 2
\papercolumns 1
\papersides 1
\paperpagestyle default

\layout Standard
\align center \pextra_type 2 \pextra_alignment 0 \pextra_widthp 30

\layout Standard
\pextra_type 2 \pextra_alignment 0 \pextra_widthp 30

\layout Standard
\align center \pextra_type 2 \pextra_alignment 0 \pextra_start_minipage 1 
\pextra_widthp 70

\layout Standard
\pextra_type 2 \pextra_alignment 0 \pextra_widthp 70

\layout Standard

\SpecialChar ~

\layout Standard
\align center \pextra_type 2 \pextra_alignment 0 \pextra_start_minipage 1 
\pextra_widthp 20

\layout Standard
\pextra_type 2 \pextra_alignment 0 \pextra_widthp 20

\layout Standard
\align center \pextra_type 2 \pextra_alignment 0 \pextra_start_minipage 1 
\pextra_widthp 30

\layout Standard
\pextra_type 2 \pextra_alignment 0 \pextra_widthp 30

\layout Standard
\align center \pextra_type 2 \pextra_alignment 0 \pextra_start_minipage 1 
\pextra_widthp 50

\layout Standard
\pextra_type 2 \pextra_alignment 0 \pextra_widthp 50


Logo/header on letters?

2001-10-09 Thread Ragnar Beer


I tried writing letters using koma-script and I like the output a 
lot! The only thing I'd need to add would be a custom header (e.g. 
EPS) on each page containing a logo, contact-address and a footer 
containing bank account info. Is it e.g. possible to define an EPS 
that is put in the background of each page?


insert superscript

2001-10-09 Thread Nicolas SABOURET


In lyx1.1.6fix3, there is a bug when one inserts a superscript using not
the ^ key but insert/special character/superscript : the superscript
is inserted BEFORE the current character position.

LIMSI-CNRS, BP133, 91403 Orsay, France

Saving in Mathed?

2001-10-09 Thread Matej Cepl


I am now writing my assignement for a Math class (so I am mostly in
Mathed all the time) and it seems to me annoying, that whenever I save a
document (via Ctrl-S), LyX leaves MathEd. Can I do something about that
or it is an undocumented feature?

Have a nice day

Matej Cepl

138 Highland Ave. #10, Somerville, Ma 02143, (617) 623-1488
The politician attempts to remedy the evil by increasing the very
thing that caused the evil in the first place: legal plunder.
-- Frederick Bastiat

Re: insert superscript

2001-10-09 Thread Herbert Voss

Nicolas SABOURET wrote:
 In lyx1.1.6fix3, there is a bug when one inserts a superscript using not
 the ^ key but insert/special character/superscript : the superscript
 is inserted BEFORE the current character position.

it's inserted exactly at the cursor position. between two
characters it belongs to the left one, which seems to be ok.

lyx1.1.6 fix3



Re: include lyx document in algorithm float

2001-10-09 Thread Herbert Voss

Myriam Abramson wrote:
 I would like to keep my algorithms in separate lyx documents to include
 into algorithm floats but though I don't get an error, nothing shows
 up when printing. What could be the problem?

are the includefiles in the same directory of the maindoc?



Re: Float placement

2001-10-09 Thread Herbert Voss

Clodoaldo Carvalho wrote:
 I'm having a hard time trying to place a xfig generated figure in my
 text. I put the !htbp command at float placement window but the figure
 appears alone and there's still some free space left at the same page.
 The figure contains some LaTeX formula and was exported as a .eps file.
 I'm also using psfrag in the preamble. Any help would be appreciated.

have a look at



cm fonts

2001-10-09 Thread Herbert Voss

maybe that this is intersting for someone ...


 CM-Super font package
 version 0.1 (September 18, 2001)

Copyright (c) 2001 Vladimir Volovich [EMAIL PROTECTED].
See the file PUBLIC (Aladdin Free Public License) for license
As a special exception, permission is granted to include these font
programs in a Postscript or PDF file that consists of a document that
contains text to be displayed or printed using these fonts, regardless
of the conditions or license applying to the document itself.

The CM-super package contains type1 fonts converted from METAFONT
fonts and covers entire EC/TC and LH fonts (Computer Modern font
families). All european and cyrillic writings are covered. Each Type1
font program contains ALL glyphs from the following encodings: T1,
TS1, T2A, T2B, T2C, X2, and also Adobe StandardEncoding (582 glyphs
per non-SC font and 465 glyphs per SC font), and could be reencoded to
any of these encodings using standard dvips or pdftex facilities (the
corresponding support files are also included).

I.e., these type1 fonts could be used as an immediate replacement for
LaTeX's EC, TC, and LH fonts to create Postscript and PDF documents
with vector fonts (i.e. no changes to your LaTeX documents are
required to use these fonts once you have them installed). You could
also prepare EPS or PDF illustrations in your favorite applications
with texts written using these fonts, and then include them in your
LaTeX documents. These fonts could be used not only in TeX-related
applications, but also as all other Type1 text fonts, e.g. in Windows
(and you will be able to typeset multilingual texts using them).

Font file names correspond to the scheme used in EC fonts, with the
first two letters sf (super font) instead of ec.

E.g., sfrm1000.pfb contains all glyphs from:
ecrm1000, tcrm1000, larm1000, lbrm1000, lcrm1000, rxrm1000.

Fonts were created with using textrace (based on autotrace and
Ghostscript), t1utils and a bunch of Perl scripts, and were optimized
and hinted using FontLab 3.1 provided by FontLab Ltd. The set of
UniqueID values was registered at Adobe.

It appears that careless approach to FontLab's optimisation and
auto-hinting facilities could lead to loss of quality of the original
font (some glyph shapes could be broken), so we used the most precise
optimisation, and hope that optimised and hinted fonts are indeed
better than original traced fonts (also, they are significantly
smaller in size). So far, we did not find any bugs in optimized fonts.

Note that a small number of (fortunately, rately used) fonts are not
included yet because of the bugs in EC font drivers which prevented
their generation. We plan to provide these missing fonts soon.
(Currently there are 376 Type1 font files here, of total 401.)

The CM-Super package could be freely downloaded from
(and soon from CTAN)
(see also for a list of mirrors)
The size of the entire package is about 54Mb.

To install this package in teTeX or TeX Live systems, copy all type1
fonts (*.pfb files) to .../texmf/fonts/type1/public/cm-super/
directory and install the MAP (*.map) and ENC (*.enc) files to their
usual place (e.g. under .../texms/dvips/cm-super/), and instruct dvips
and pdftex to use these MAP files (e.g. using the updmap script).
Do not forget to update the texmf filename database (run mktexlsr).

Although this package is provided AS IS, WITHOUT WARRANTY (as
explained in the file PUBLIC), we request your comments and bug
reports which should be sent to the email address given above.

Happy TeXing!


* provide AFM and INF files
* provide optimized but not hinted version (will be smaller)?
* include glyphs from TS1 encoding into SC fonts? (useful for non-TeX
* add glyphs from T2D encoding
* add all other glyphs from LH fonts
* full support for unicode cyrillic codepage
* include glyphs from cbgreek ec-like fonts
* add CM Concrete family

Re: insert superscript

2001-10-09 Thread Nicolas SABOURET

Herbert Voss wrote:
 Nicolas SABOURET wrote:
  In lyx1.1.6fix3, there is a bug when one inserts a superscript using not
  the ^ key but insert/special character/superscript : the superscript
  is inserted BEFORE the current character position.
 it's inserted exactly at the cursor position. between two
 characters it belongs to the left one, which seems to be ok.

Not when you are in math mode.
I'm sorry I forgot to precise that.

In math mode, if you insert a superscript using the 'insert special
character' menu, the cursor leaves math mode before inserting the
superscript. As a consequence, you insert the superscript *before* your
character (i.e. before your math inset).

Note that ^ works anyway.

LIMSI-CNRS, BP133, 91403 Orsay, France

Re: Saving in Mathed?

2001-10-09 Thread Andre Poenitz

On Mon, Oct 08, 2001 at 10:04:41PM -0400, Matej Cepl wrote:
 I am now writing my assignement for a Math class (so I am mostly in
 Mathed all the time) and it seems to me annoying, that whenever I save a
 document (via Ctrl-S), LyX leaves MathEd. Can I do something about that
 or it is an undocumented feature?

I think this is fixed in current CVS.

But there are certainly other reasons not to use it...


André Pönitz . [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Problem including a pstex-file into document - tried every possible solution in the manuals

2001-10-09 Thread Anders Grusell

NOTE: This mail is a copy of an older one I found on this list. Since I did 
not find any solution, and my problem is exactly the same, I took the liberty 
of posting it again.

Hi everyone, 

I am running LyX 1.1.6fix2 on Red Hat 6.2

I am trying to include a figure, which I saved in XFIG as two files: the
postscript, and the text part. According to the manual I only need to
import the text file as (INSERT-INCLUDE FILE with the use as include
option flag) I got an error.

   can't write on file '/mydirectory/test.aux
Please type another output filename

I didn't define an output file, it must have been LyX itself.

If I instead of the absolute file path just write test.pstext_t,  
everything seems ok at first, but only the caption shows up, not the figure. 

The I tried the following according to a footnote in the users manual

I added a line like


in the file /usr/lib/texmf/tex/latex/graphics/dvips.def. Then added
pstex to the extension:

 \def\Gin@extensions{eps, ps, pstex, eps.gz, ps.gz, eps=2EZ}

Unfortuantely it didn't solve my problem either.
Does anybody have an idea how to do this?

Anders G

Re: Can LyX do this?

2001-10-09 Thread Renaud MICHEL

Le Samedi 6 Octobre 2001 18:15, vous avez écrit :
 Hi Lyx experts,

 I am seriously considering installing Lyx on my Windows 2000 machine to
 replace Notabene and Pagemaker, provided Lyx can do some things I need done
 which NB and PM cannot seem to do:

 1. Brochures on legal size paper, landscape orientation, 8 snaking columns
 (4 on each side) with citations and footnotes at the bottom of each column,
 and headers above each column except the first one.

Size and orientation are no problem, columns can be done with LaTeX, for the 
citation and footnotes I don't know, perhaps some specific LaTeX package can 
do things like this

 2. Turabian style manual, with extensive modifications of spacing, type
 styles, notes format, etc., for self-publishing of books.

don't understand what you want.

 3. Mixed Greek, Hebrew, and English text in most of the above mentioned

Yes, this is possible (at least with LaTeX)

 4. Easy conversion of the above documents to PDF.

LyX can do pdf directly with pdftex or ps2pdf, pdftex is surely avaible on 
win2k, for ps2pdf I don't know.

 5. I want to be able to set up templates so that I can concentrate on
 writing instead of formatting.

Hey, this is exactly what LaTeX (and LyX) is for.

 Is all this possible with Lyx?

 Is there perhaps a pdf document created from Lyx that would illustrate some
 pages like or similar to those described above?

 6. Is MikTeX or fpTeX the best Win32 port of LaTeX?

 7. Will XFree86 allow me to cut and paste between Lyx and Win32
 programs? How does it compare to Starnet's XWin32 x-server?

Never tried XFree86 on a non-unix system, but I would be surprised if it was 

 Mais ici vous êtes sur Cybercâble, l'endroit où tout est
 possible, sauf le normal.
 -+- BP in NPC : Chez Cybercâble, c'est la grosse déconne...xion -+-


Re: Can LyX do this?

2001-10-09 Thread Jörg Haug

Am 08.10.01 12:40:40, schrieb Renaud MICHEL [EMAIL PROTECTED]:

Le Samedi 6 Octobre 2001 18:15, vous avez écrit :
 Hi Lyx experts,

 I am seriously considering installing Lyx on my Windows 2000 machine to
 replace Notabene and Pagemaker, provided Lyx can do some things I need done
 which NB and PM cannot seem to do:

 1. Brochures on legal size paper, landscape orientation, 8 snaking columns
 (4 on each side) with citations and footnotes at the bottom of each column,
 and headers above each column except the first one.

Size and orientation are no problem, columns can be done with LaTeX, for the 
citation and footnotes I don't know, perhaps some specific LaTeX package can 
do things like this

 2. Turabian style manual, with extensive modifications of spacing, type
 styles, notes format, etc., for self-publishing of books.

don't understand what you want.

 3. Mixed Greek, Hebrew, and English text in most of the above mentioned

Yes, this is possible (at least with LaTeX)

 4. Easy conversion of the above documents to PDF.

LyX can do pdf directly with pdftex or ps2pdf, pdftex is surely avaible on 
win2k, for ps2pdf I don't know.

 5. I want to be able to set up templates so that I can concentrate on
 writing instead of formatting.

Hey, this is exactly what LaTeX (and LyX) is for.

 Is all this possible with Lyx?

 Is there perhaps a pdf document created from Lyx that would illustrate some
 pages like or similar to those described above?

 6. Is MikTeX or fpTeX the best Win32 port of LaTeX?

 7. Will XFree86 allow me to cut and paste between Lyx and Win32
 programs? How does it compare to Starnet's XWin32 x-server?

Never tried XFree86 on a non-unix system, but I would be surprised if it was 

I installed cygwin/XFree86 last week. I think it is not possible but perhaps i have to 
change some settings. With 
XWIN32 you can copy text from a WIN32 application and past it with the middle mouse 
key in Lyx.


Re: Problem including a pstex-file into document - tried every possible solution in the manuals

2001-10-09 Thread Herbert Voss

Anders Grusell wrote:
 I am trying to include a figure, which I saved in XFIG as two files: the
 postscript, and the text part. According to the manual I only need to
 import the text file as (INSERT-INCLUDE FILE with the use as include
 option flag) I got an error.
can't write on file '/mydirectory/test.aux
 Please type another output filename
 I didn't define an output file, it must have been LyX itself.

are the files in the same than the one from the doc?



Bibliography neophyte

2001-10-09 Thread Kent Kostuk

I am working on my dissertation and assemblying my bibliography.   I
need a format similar to this.

Howard., R.  1960.  Dynamic Programming and Markov Processes.  M.I.T.
Press. Cambridge, MA.

I can not find a BibTex style that is close to that in my present set
up.  A harvard.sty looks close, but how do I install it?

I was able to track down a copy harvard.sty but where do I install it
and how do I get the system to recognize it?

Where can I find other bibtex .bst files?

I am still in the neophyte stage, but I am at least at the point where I
know enough to ask a question.


Kent Kostuk

LyX Package for Caldera Open LINUX 3.1

2001-10-09 Thread Hellmut Weber

I switched from RedHat 6.2 on a TOSHIBA TECRA 750 DVD
to Caldera Open LINUX 3.1 on a IBM Think Pad T22.

I'm using LyX for all my private documents for quite a while now
and am very satisfied (1.1.6pre1). So I would like to continue using it on my
new laptop.

Can anybody indicate a package for the most recent LyX
version for my new system?

Thanks a lot


And many thanks to the developpers for their great work!!! §;-)) 

Re: LyX Package for Caldera Open LINUX 3.1

2001-10-09 Thread Herbert Voss

Hellmut Weber wrote:
 I switched from RedHat 6.2 on a TOSHIBA TECRA 750 DVD
 to Caldera Open LINUX 3.1 on a IBM Think Pad T22.
 I'm using LyX for all my private documents for quite a while now
 and am very satisfied (1.1.6pre1). So I would like to continue using it on my
 new laptop.
 Can anybody indicate a package for the most recent LyX
 version for my new system?

you can get the latest rpm's from Kayvans site. upgrade to fix3
maybe a good idea.



Problems installing exam.cls from CTAN

2001-10-09 Thread Laurie Savage

I have copied exam.cls to the /usr/share/texmf/tex/latex/lyx directory,
run texhash, reconfigured and restarted Lyx. I cannot see a reference to
this class in the documentslayoutclass field.

There was no .sty or .layout file in the package. How do I fix this?

Laurie Savage

Science Dept. Orange High School, NSW

tel;fax:02 6361 3616
tel;home:02 6361 9959
tel;work:02 6362 3444
org:Orange High School;Science Dept
adr:;;Woodward Street;Orange;NSW;2800;Australia
email;internet:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
title:Earth Sciences
note:Database and Webpage design for small businesses and educators
fn:Laurie Savage

Re: Problems installing exam.cls from CTAN

2001-10-09 Thread Herbert Voss

Laurie Savage wrote:
 I have copied exam.cls to the /usr/share/texmf/tex/latex/lyx directory,
 run texhash, reconfigured and restarted Lyx. I cannot see a reference to
 this class in the documentslayoutclass field.
 There was no .sty or .layout file in the package. How do I fix this?

For special comments to lyx- and latex-layouts have a look at the lyx
documentation Customization, Chapter 6 Installing New Document Classes,
Layouts, and
Templates or go to the LyX-Onlinehelp.

you can try to copy the article.layout to exam.layout and changing the 
first lines.

than run reconfigure



Installing the exam.cls package

2001-10-09 Thread Laurie Savage

I have copied exam.cls (from CTAN) to my /usr/share/texmf/tex/latex/lyx 
directory, run texhash and Lyx reconfigure, restart and the new class 
does not appear in the Documents:Class field.

What next? I'm not sure how to set up a new .sty or .layout file

Laurie Savage
Earth Science @ Orange High School
Orange, NSW, Australia

Re: Die TeXnische Komödie - Vorschau

2001-10-09 Thread Paul Tremblay

On Sat, Oct 06, 2001 at 11:22:41AM +0200, Herbert Voss wrote:
 for the statistics: LyX in the Press


I asume that verwendungvereinung means something like device
used to input text. It states TeX. How did you know that it was
actually LyX? Just curious. 

So this page was made with LyX, right?

The layout of this page (the webpage) is very, very nice! I am
impressed. I didn't think LyX could do something like this. 

Thanks for the link.



*Paul Tremblay *

Re: Problems installing exam.cls from CTAN

2001-10-09 Thread Laurie Savage

Herbert Voss wrote:

 you can try to copy the article.layout to exam.layout and changing the 
 first lines.
 than run reconfigure

I've tried that with noluck. Here are the first few lines of exam.layout 
for your comment.

Laurie Savage
Earth Science @ Orange High School
Orange, NSW, Australia

Description: Binary data

Lyx error when insert postscript figure

2001-10-09 Thread Reuben D Budiardja

I am a somewhat new user to Lyx. Here is what I am trying to do. I have a 
postscript files that are generated by a program I wrote. The postscript 
containts only figure like boxes, and some text.

I tried to insert that figure in a Lyx for me to write report. I do Insert, 
Figure. The postscript figure renders OK, but when I tried to print (either 
to printer direcly or to a file), I always got errors (it sayd There are 
error in your document or something like that), and can't print.

I am pretty sure my postscript files are OK, because I can open them using 
something like ghostscript or ghostview. 

I tried also to do ps2ps to my postscript file, and then use the output to be 
included in Lyx. This attempts make Lyx renders OK, print without error, but 
only prints blank.

Any help on this? I could send the postscript files to see if someone can 
include it in one's Lyx. I use Lyx version 1.1.6 fix3 rpm, and Redhat Linux 

Thanks in advance.
Reuben D. Budiardja

Re: Die TeXnische Komödie - Vorschau

2001-10-09 Thread Allan Rae

On Sun, 7 Oct 2001, Paul Tremblay wrote:

 How did you know that it was actually LyX? Just curious.

If you look carefully you'll see that Herbert's name is on the page.
(Hint: Voss isn't always spelled Voss)

Allan. (ARRae)

Re: Problems installing exam.cls from CTAN

2001-10-09 Thread Laurie Savage

I have read chapter 6 for the fourth time and I think I've got it licked.

Thanks Herbert

Laurie Savage
Earth Science @ Orange High School
Orange, NSW, Australia

Re: Re: Re: multiple files

2001-10-09 Thread Guenter Milde

On Mon, 8 Oct 2001 04:26:53 -0400 wrote Dave Chapeskie [EMAIL PROTECTED]:

 On Mon, Oct 08, 2001 at 09:34:38AM +0200, Guenter Milde wrote:
  On Sat, 6 Oct 2001 18:27:34 -0400 wrote Dave Chapeskie [EMAIL PROTECTED]:
  If I understood right, no absolute paths are used but only relative.
 Then I misinterpreted:
 On Sat, Oct 06, 2001 at 07:17:24PM +0200, Dekel Tsur wrote:
  Where PATH is the path to the directory of the master file e.g
  /home/me/thesis and then put \setpath{chap1} in latex mode before

I am sorry, I understood wrong (i.e. I missed the Where PATH is the path to
the directory of the master file ... part of Dekels message.)

I just tried with relative pathnames but came to the conclusion that this
will not work when compiling in a temporary directory. (i.e. the
alternatives would be a directory of symlinks or turn off the use of a
temporary directory for compiling (uncheck Edit|Options|Input|temp-dir)


Re: Creating an URL

2001-10-09 Thread Joerg Hau

  I would like to have a link as HTML link (as above) upon export
  to HTML, but on the other hand the URL should be _printed_ when
  the document is converted to DVI/PS/PDF/... In other words:
  HTML should give
  a href=http://x.y.zMy Link/a
  DVI/PS should give
  My Link (http://x.y.z)
  (or a similar format)
  I'm sure that it can be done (in fact, I was expecting LyX to do
  that with Insert-URL), but how?

 Put the following in the preamble:

 \latex{\renewcommand{\htmladdnormallink}[2]{#1 (\url{#2})}}

... wonderful, it works like a charm! 

Thanks a lot -- !!

- Joerg

joerg.hau(at) * Lausanne, Switzerland
All standard disclaimers apply.

side-by-side minipages

2001-10-09 Thread Jim Osborn

I need to group some bits of text into little clumps,
each clump is two or three lines, and I need the clumps
to be placed two or three to a line.  Per the example
at the top of pg 106 of Lamport's LaTeX 2nd ed, I thought
putting each clump in its own minipage should do the job.

But LyX always seems to want to move each minipage down
the page, rather than putting them side-by-side.  I've
spaced each minipage with just enough length for its
respective text, and there's plenty of width on the paper.

I can get side-by-side placement if I enclose a group of
paragraphs in a single minipage and use a multicols environment
within that minipage, but then I can't specify the widths
of the clumps of text, and multicol wants to spread
them out too much, wants to equalize the column widths.

How can I get something like this?

  aaa   bbb

   ccc  dddeee
C  DD  

(LyX 1.1.5fix1)


Re: side-by-side minipages

2001-10-09 Thread Dave Chapeskie

On Sun, Oct 07, 2001 at 05:44:23PM -0700, Jim Osborn wrote:
 How can I get something like this?
   aaa   bbb
 AA   BB
ccc  dddeee
 C  DD  

Disclaimer:  I'm no LaTeX expert and I've found mini-pages annoying in LyX.

Assuming you want aaa and AA to be different paragraphs try
something like this:

aaa minipage,   width~30, centered
A   minipage,   width~30
bbb minipage, new-minipage, width~70, centered
B   minipage,   width~70
ccc minipage, new-minipage, width~20, centered
C   minipage,   width~20
ddd minipage, new-minipage, width~30, centered
D   minipage,   width~30
eee minipage, new-minipage, width~50, centered
E   minipage,   width~50

I found the easiest way to get separation between the AAA BBB and the
ccc ddd eee lines was to stick a non-minipage paragraph with a single
non-breaking space it it.  It's a hack but it worked for me, it also
makes sure ccc starts on a new line in case you muck with the widths
and width(aaa)+width(bbb)  100%.

If aaa and A are to be one paragraph it should be even easier,
just use Ctrl+Enter for line breaks.

See the attached LyX file.

Dave Chapeskie
OpenPGP Key KeyId: 3D2B6B34

#LyX 1.1 created this file. For more info see
\lyxformat 218
\textclass article
\language english
\inputencoding auto
\fontscheme default
\graphics default
\paperfontsize default
\spacing single 
\papersize Default
\paperpackage a4
\use_geometry 0
\use_amsmath 0
\paperorientation portrait
\secnumdepth 3
\tocdepth 3
\paragraph_separation indent
\defskip medskip
\quotes_language english
\quotes_times 2
\papercolumns 1
\papersides 1
\paperpagestyle default

\layout Standard
\align center \pextra_type 2 \pextra_alignment 0 \pextra_widthp 30

\layout Standard
\pextra_type 2 \pextra_alignment 0 \pextra_widthp 30

\layout Standard
\align center \pextra_type 2 \pextra_alignment 0 \pextra_start_minipage 1 
\pextra_widthp 70

\layout Standard
\pextra_type 2 \pextra_alignment 0 \pextra_widthp 70

\layout Standard

\SpecialChar ~

\layout Standard
\align center \pextra_type 2 \pextra_alignment 0 \pextra_start_minipage 1 
\pextra_widthp 20

\layout Standard
\pextra_type 2 \pextra_alignment 0 \pextra_widthp 20

\layout Standard
\align center \pextra_type 2 \pextra_alignment 0 \pextra_start_minipage 1 
\pextra_widthp 30

\layout Standard
\pextra_type 2 \pextra_alignment 0 \pextra_widthp 30

\layout Standard
\align center \pextra_type 2 \pextra_alignment 0 \pextra_start_minipage 1 
\pextra_widthp 50

\layout Standard
\pextra_type 2 \pextra_alignment 0 \pextra_widthp 50


Logo/header on letters?

2001-10-09 Thread Ragnar Beer


I tried writing letters using koma-script and I like the output a 
lot! The only thing I'd need to add would be a custom header (e.g. 
EPS) on each page containing a logo, contact-address and a footer 
containing bank account info. Is it e.g. possible to define an EPS 
that is put in the background of each page?


insert superscript

2001-10-09 Thread Nicolas SABOURET


In lyx1.1.6fix3, there is a bug when one inserts a superscript using not
the ^ key but insert/special character/superscript : the superscript
is inserted BEFORE the current character position.

LIMSI-CNRS, BP133, 91403 Orsay, France

Saving in Mathed?

2001-10-09 Thread Matej Cepl


I am now writing my assignement for a Math class (so I am mostly in
Mathed all the time) and it seems to me annoying, that whenever I save a
document (via Ctrl-S), LyX leaves MathEd. Can I do something about that
or it is an undocumented feature?

Have a nice day

Matej Cepl

138 Highland Ave. #10, Somerville, Ma 02143, (617) 623-1488
The politician attempts to remedy the evil by increasing the very
thing that caused the evil in the first place: legal plunder.
-- Frederick Bastiat

Re: insert superscript

2001-10-09 Thread Herbert Voss

Nicolas SABOURET wrote:
 In lyx1.1.6fix3, there is a bug when one inserts a superscript using not
 the ^ key but insert/special character/superscript : the superscript
 is inserted BEFORE the current character position.

it's inserted exactly at the cursor position. between two
characters it belongs to the left one, which seems to be ok.

lyx1.1.6 fix3



Re: include lyx document in algorithm float

2001-10-09 Thread Herbert Voss

Myriam Abramson wrote:
 I would like to keep my algorithms in separate lyx documents to include
 into algorithm floats but though I don't get an error, nothing shows
 up when printing. What could be the problem?

are the includefiles in the same directory of the maindoc?



Re: Float placement

2001-10-09 Thread Herbert Voss

Clodoaldo Carvalho wrote:
 I'm having a hard time trying to place a xfig generated figure in my
 text. I put the !htbp command at float placement window but the figure
 appears alone and there's still some free space left at the same page.
 The figure contains some LaTeX formula and was exported as a .eps file.
 I'm also using psfrag in the preamble. Any help would be appreciated.

have a look at



cm fonts

2001-10-09 Thread Herbert Voss

maybe that this is intersting for someone ...


 CM-Super font package
 version 0.1 (September 18, 2001)

Copyright (c) 2001 Vladimir Volovich [EMAIL PROTECTED].
See the file PUBLIC (Aladdin Free Public License) for license
As a special exception, permission is granted to include these font
programs in a Postscript or PDF file that consists of a document that
contains text to be displayed or printed using these fonts, regardless
of the conditions or license applying to the document itself.

The CM-super package contains type1 fonts converted from METAFONT
fonts and covers entire EC/TC and LH fonts (Computer Modern font
families). All european and cyrillic writings are covered. Each Type1
font program contains ALL glyphs from the following encodings: T1,
TS1, T2A, T2B, T2C, X2, and also Adobe StandardEncoding (582 glyphs
per non-SC font and 465 glyphs per SC font), and could be reencoded to
any of these encodings using standard dvips or pdftex facilities (the
corresponding support files are also included).

I.e., these type1 fonts could be used as an immediate replacement for
LaTeX's EC, TC, and LH fonts to create Postscript and PDF documents
with vector fonts (i.e. no changes to your LaTeX documents are
required to use these fonts once you have them installed). You could
also prepare EPS or PDF illustrations in your favorite applications
with texts written using these fonts, and then include them in your
LaTeX documents. These fonts could be used not only in TeX-related
applications, but also as all other Type1 text fonts, e.g. in Windows
(and you will be able to typeset multilingual texts using them).

Font file names correspond to the scheme used in EC fonts, with the
first two letters sf (super font) instead of ec.

E.g., sfrm1000.pfb contains all glyphs from:
ecrm1000, tcrm1000, larm1000, lbrm1000, lcrm1000, rxrm1000.

Fonts were created with using textrace (based on autotrace and
Ghostscript), t1utils and a bunch of Perl scripts, and were optimized
and hinted using FontLab 3.1 provided by FontLab Ltd. The set of
UniqueID values was registered at Adobe.

It appears that careless approach to FontLab's optimisation and
auto-hinting facilities could lead to loss of quality of the original
font (some glyph shapes could be broken), so we used the most precise
optimisation, and hope that optimised and hinted fonts are indeed
better than original traced fonts (also, they are significantly
smaller in size). So far, we did not find any bugs in optimized fonts.

Note that a small number of (fortunately, rately used) fonts are not
included yet because of the bugs in EC font drivers which prevented
their generation. We plan to provide these missing fonts soon.
(Currently there are 376 Type1 font files here, of total 401.)

The CM-Super package could be freely downloaded from
(and soon from CTAN)
(see also for a list of mirrors)
The size of the entire package is about 54Mb.

To install this package in teTeX or TeX Live systems, copy all type1
fonts (*.pfb files) to .../texmf/fonts/type1/public/cm-super/
directory and install the MAP (*.map) and ENC (*.enc) files to their
usual place (e.g. under .../texms/dvips/cm-super/), and instruct dvips
and pdftex to use these MAP files (e.g. using the updmap script).
Do not forget to update the texmf filename database (run mktexlsr).

Although this package is provided AS IS, WITHOUT WARRANTY (as
explained in the file PUBLIC), we request your comments and bug
reports which should be sent to the email address given above.

Happy TeXing!


* provide AFM and INF files
* provide optimized but not hinted version (will be smaller)?
* include glyphs from TS1 encoding into SC fonts? (useful for non-TeX
* add glyphs from T2D encoding
* add all other glyphs from LH fonts
* full support for unicode cyrillic codepage
* include glyphs from cbgreek ec-like fonts
* add CM Concrete family

Re: insert superscript

2001-10-09 Thread Nicolas SABOURET

Herbert Voss wrote:
 Nicolas SABOURET wrote:
  In lyx1.1.6fix3, there is a bug when one inserts a superscript using not
  the ^ key but insert/special character/superscript : the superscript
  is inserted BEFORE the current character position.
 it's inserted exactly at the cursor position. between two
 characters it belongs to the left one, which seems to be ok.

Not when you are in math mode.
I'm sorry I forgot to precise that.

In math mode, if you insert a superscript using the 'insert special
character' menu, the cursor leaves math mode before inserting the
superscript. As a consequence, you insert the superscript *before* your
character (i.e. before your math inset).

Note that ^ works anyway.

LIMSI-CNRS, BP133, 91403 Orsay, France

Re: Saving in Mathed?

2001-10-09 Thread Andre Poenitz

On Mon, Oct 08, 2001 at 10:04:41PM -0400, Matej Cepl wrote:
 I am now writing my assignement for a Math class (so I am mostly in
 Mathed all the time) and it seems to me annoying, that whenever I save a
 document (via Ctrl-S), LyX leaves MathEd. Can I do something about that
 or it is an undocumented feature?

I think this is fixed in current CVS.

But there are certainly other reasons not to use it...


André Pönitz . [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Problem including a pstex-file into document - tried every possible solution in the manuals

2001-10-09 Thread Anders Grusell

NOTE: This mail is a copy of an older one I found on this list. Since I did 
not find any solution, and my problem is exactly the same, I took the liberty 
of posting it again.

Hi everyone, 

I am running LyX 1.1.6fix2 on Red Hat 6.2

I am trying to include a figure, which I saved in XFIG as two files: the
postscript, and the text part. According to the manual I only need to
import the text file as (INSERT-INCLUDE FILE with the use as include
option flag) I got an error.

   can't write on file '/mydirectory/test.aux
Please type another output filename

I didn't define an output file, it must have been LyX itself.

If I instead of the absolute file path just write test.pstext_t,  
everything seems ok at first, but only the caption shows up, not the figure. 

The I tried the following according to a footnote in the users manual

I added a line like


in the file /usr/lib/texmf/tex/latex/graphics/dvips.def. Then added
pstex to the extension:

 \def\Gin@extensions{eps, ps, pstex, eps.gz, ps.gz, eps=2EZ}

Unfortuantely it didn't solve my problem either.
Does anybody have an idea how to do this?

Anders G

Re: Can LyX do this?

2001-10-09 Thread Renaud MICHEL

Le Samedi 6 Octobre 2001 18:15, vous avez écrit :
 Hi Lyx experts,

 I am seriously considering installing Lyx on my Windows 2000 machine to
 replace Notabene and Pagemaker, provided Lyx can do some things I need done
 which NB and PM cannot seem to do:

 1. Brochures on legal size paper, landscape orientation, 8 snaking columns
 (4 on each side) with citations and footnotes at the bottom of each column,
 and headers above each column except the first one.

Size and orientation are no problem, columns can be done with LaTeX, for the 
citation and footnotes I don't know, perhaps some specific LaTeX package can 
do things like this

 2. Turabian style manual, with extensive modifications of spacing, type
 styles, notes format, etc., for self-publishing of books.

don't understand what you want.

 3. Mixed Greek, Hebrew, and English text in most of the above mentioned

Yes, this is possible (at least with LaTeX)

 4. Easy conversion of the above documents to PDF.

LyX can do pdf directly with pdftex or ps2pdf, pdftex is surely avaible on 
win2k, for ps2pdf I don't know.

 5. I want to be able to set up templates so that I can concentrate on
 writing instead of formatting.

Hey, this is exactly what LaTeX (and LyX) is for.

 Is all this possible with Lyx?

 Is there perhaps a pdf document created from Lyx that would illustrate some
 pages like or similar to those described above?

 6. Is MikTeX or fpTeX the best Win32 port of LaTeX?

 7. Will XFree86 allow me to cut and paste between Lyx and Win32
 programs? How does it compare to Starnet's XWin32 x-server?

Never tried XFree86 on a non-unix system, but I would be surprised if it was 

 Mais ici vous êtes sur Cybercâble, l'endroit où tout est
 possible, sauf le normal.
 -+- BP in NPC : Chez Cybercâble, c'est la grosse déconne...xion -+-


Re: Can LyX do this?

2001-10-09 Thread Jörg Haug

Am 08.10.01 12:40:40, schrieb Renaud MICHEL [EMAIL PROTECTED]:

Le Samedi 6 Octobre 2001 18:15, vous avez écrit :
 Hi Lyx experts,

 I am seriously considering installing Lyx on my Windows 2000 machine to
 replace Notabene and Pagemaker, provided Lyx can do some things I need done
 which NB and PM cannot seem to do:

 1. Brochures on legal size paper, landscape orientation, 8 snaking columns
 (4 on each side) with citations and footnotes at the bottom of each column,
 and headers above each column except the first one.

Size and orientation are no problem, columns can be done with LaTeX, for the 
citation and footnotes I don't know, perhaps some specific LaTeX package can 
do things like this

 2. Turabian style manual, with extensive modifications of spacing, type
 styles, notes format, etc., for self-publishing of books.

don't understand what you want.

 3. Mixed Greek, Hebrew, and English text in most of the above mentioned

Yes, this is possible (at least with LaTeX)

 4. Easy conversion of the above documents to PDF.

LyX can do pdf directly with pdftex or ps2pdf, pdftex is surely avaible on 
win2k, for ps2pdf I don't know.

 5. I want to be able to set up templates so that I can concentrate on
 writing instead of formatting.

Hey, this is exactly what LaTeX (and LyX) is for.

 Is all this possible with Lyx?

 Is there perhaps a pdf document created from Lyx that would illustrate some
 pages like or similar to those described above?

 6. Is MikTeX or fpTeX the best Win32 port of LaTeX?

 7. Will XFree86 allow me to cut and paste between Lyx and Win32
 programs? How does it compare to Starnet's XWin32 x-server?

Never tried XFree86 on a non-unix system, but I would be surprised if it was 

I installed cygwin/XFree86 last week. I think it is not possible but perhaps i have to 
change some settings. With 
XWIN32 you can copy text from a WIN32 application and past it with the middle mouse 
key in Lyx.


Re: Problem including a pstex-file into document - tried every possible solution in the manuals

2001-10-09 Thread Herbert Voss

Anders Grusell wrote:
 I am trying to include a figure, which I saved in XFIG as two files: the
 postscript, and the text part. According to the manual I only need to
 import the text file as (INSERT-INCLUDE FILE with the use as include
 option flag) I got an error.
can't write on file '/mydirectory/test.aux
 Please type another output filename
 I didn't define an output file, it must have been LyX itself.

are the files in the same than the one from the doc?



Bibliography neophyte

2001-10-09 Thread Kent Kostuk

I am working on my dissertation and assemblying my bibliography.   I
need a format similar to this.

Howard., R.  1960.  Dynamic Programming and Markov Processes.  M.I.T.
Press. Cambridge, MA.

I can not find a BibTex style that is close to that in my present set
up.  A harvard.sty looks close, but how do I install it?

I was able to track down a copy harvard.sty but where do I install it
and how do I get the system to recognize it?

Where can I find other bibtex .bst files?

I am still in the neophyte stage, but I am at least at the point where I
know enough to ask a question.


Kent Kostuk

LyX Package for Caldera Open LINUX 3.1

2001-10-09 Thread Hellmut Weber

I switched from RedHat 6.2 on a TOSHIBA TECRA 750 DVD
to Caldera Open LINUX 3.1 on a IBM Think Pad T22.

I'm using LyX for all my private documents for quite a while now
and am very satisfied (1.1.6pre1). So I would like to continue using it on my
new laptop.

Can anybody indicate a package for the most recent LyX
version for my new system?

Thanks a lot


And many thanks to the developpers for their great work!!! §;-)) 

Re: LyX Package for Caldera Open LINUX 3.1

2001-10-09 Thread Herbert Voss

Hellmut Weber wrote:
 I switched from RedHat 6.2 on a TOSHIBA TECRA 750 DVD
 to Caldera Open LINUX 3.1 on a IBM Think Pad T22.
 I'm using LyX for all my private documents for quite a while now
 and am very satisfied (1.1.6pre1). So I would like to continue using it on my
 new laptop.
 Can anybody indicate a package for the most recent LyX
 version for my new system?

you can get the latest rpm's from Kayvans site. upgrade to fix3
maybe a good idea.



Problems installing exam.cls from CTAN

2001-10-09 Thread Laurie Savage

I have copied exam.cls to the /usr/share/texmf/tex/latex/lyx directory,
run texhash, reconfigured and restarted Lyx. I cannot see a reference to
this class in the documentslayoutclass field.

There was no .sty or .layout file in the package. How do I fix this?

Laurie Savage

Science Dept. Orange High School, NSW

tel;fax:02 6361 3616
tel;home:02 6361 9959
tel;work:02 6362 3444
org:Orange High School;Science Dept
adr:;;Woodward Street;Orange;NSW;2800;Australia
email;internet:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
title:Earth Sciences
note:Database and Webpage design for small businesses and educators
fn:Laurie Savage

Re: Problems installing exam.cls from CTAN

2001-10-09 Thread Herbert Voss

Laurie Savage wrote:
 I have copied exam.cls to the /usr/share/texmf/tex/latex/lyx directory,
 run texhash, reconfigured and restarted Lyx. I cannot see a reference to
 this class in the documentslayoutclass field.
 There was no .sty or .layout file in the package. How do I fix this?

For special comments to lyx- and latex-layouts have a look at the lyx
documentation Customization, Chapter 6 Installing New Document Classes,
Layouts, and
Templates or go to the LyX-Onlinehelp.

you can try to copy the article.layout to exam.layout and changing the 
first lines.

than run reconfigure



Installing the exam.cls package

2001-10-09 Thread Laurie Savage

I have copied exam.cls (from CTAN) to my /usr/share/texmf/tex/latex/lyx 
directory, run texhash and Lyx reconfigure, restart and the new class 
does not appear in the Documents:Class field.

What next? I'm not sure how to set up a new .sty or .layout file

Laurie Savage
Earth Science @ Orange High School
Orange, NSW, Australia

Re: Die TeXnische Komödie - Vorschau

2001-10-09 Thread Paul Tremblay

On Sat, Oct 06, 2001 at 11:22:41AM +0200, Herbert Voss wrote:
 for the statistics: LyX in the Press


I asume that verwendungvereinung means something like device
used to input text. It states TeX. How did you know that it was
actually LyX? Just curious. 

So this page was made with LyX, right?

The layout of this page (the webpage) is very, very nice! I am
impressed. I didn't think LyX could do something like this. 

Thanks for the link.



*Paul Tremblay *

Re: Problems installing exam.cls from CTAN

2001-10-09 Thread Laurie Savage

Herbert Voss wrote:

 you can try to copy the article.layout to exam.layout and changing the 
 first lines.
 than run reconfigure

I've tried that with noluck. Here are the first few lines of exam.layout 
for your comment.

Laurie Savage
Earth Science @ Orange High School
Orange, NSW, Australia

Description: Binary data

Lyx error when insert postscript figure

2001-10-09 Thread Reuben D Budiardja

I am a somewhat new user to Lyx. Here is what I am trying to do. I have a 
postscript files that are generated by a program I wrote. The postscript 
containts only figure like boxes, and some text.

I tried to insert that figure in a Lyx for me to write report. I do Insert, 
Figure. The postscript figure renders OK, but when I tried to print (either 
to printer direcly or to a file), I always got errors (it sayd There are 
error in your document or something like that), and can't print.

I am pretty sure my postscript files are OK, because I can open them using 
something like ghostscript or ghostview. 

I tried also to do ps2ps to my postscript file, and then use the output to be 
included in Lyx. This attempts make Lyx renders OK, print without error, but 
only prints blank.

Any help on this? I could send the postscript files to see if someone can 
include it in one's Lyx. I use Lyx version 1.1.6 fix3 rpm, and Redhat Linux 

Thanks in advance.
Reuben D. Budiardja

Re: Die TeXnische Komödie - Vorschau

2001-10-09 Thread Allan Rae

On Sun, 7 Oct 2001, Paul Tremblay wrote:

 How did you know that it was actually LyX? Just curious.

If you look carefully you'll see that Herbert's name is on the page.
(Hint: Voss isn't always spelled Voss)

Allan. (ARRae)

Re: Problems installing exam.cls from CTAN

2001-10-09 Thread Laurie Savage

I have read chapter 6 for the fourth time and I think I've got it licked.

Thanks Herbert

Laurie Savage
Earth Science @ Orange High School
Orange, NSW, Australia

Re: Re: Re: multiple files

2001-10-09 Thread Guenter Milde

On Mon, 8 Oct 2001 04:26:53 -0400 wrote Dave Chapeskie <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:

> On Mon, Oct 08, 2001 at 09:34:38AM +0200, Guenter Milde wrote:
> > On Sat, 6 Oct 2001 18:27:34 -0400 wrote Dave Chapeskie <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> > If I understood right, no absolute paths are used but only relative.
> Then I misinterpreted:
> On Sat, Oct 06, 2001 at 07:17:24PM +0200, Dekel Tsur wrote:
> >  \graphicspath{{PATH/#1//}}
> > }
> >
> > Where PATH is the path to the directory of the master file e.g
> > /home/me/thesis and then put \setpath{chap1} in latex mode before
>   ^^^

I am sorry, I understood wrong (i.e. I missed the "Where PATH is the path to
the directory of the master file ..." part of Dekels message.)

I just tried with relative pathnames but came to the conclusion that this
will not work when compiling in a temporary directory. (i.e. the
alternatives would be a directory of symlinks or turn off the use of a
temporary directory for compiling (uncheck Edit|Options|Input|temp-dir)


Re: Creating an URL

2001-10-09 Thread Joerg Hau

> > I would like to have a link as "HTML link" (as above) upon export
> > to HTML, but on the other hand the URL should be _printed_ when
> > the document is converted to DVI/PS/PDF/... In other words:
> >
> > HTML should give
> > http://x.y.z>My Link
> >
> > DVI/PS should give
> > My Link (http://x.y.z)
> >
> > (or a similar format)
> >
> > I'm sure that it can be done (in fact, I was expecting LyX to do
> > that with Insert->URL), but how?
> Put the following in the preamble:
> \usepackage{html}
> \usepackage{url}
> \latex{\renewcommand{\htmladdnormallink}[2]{#1 (\url{#2})}}

... wonderful, it works like a charm! 

Thanks a lot -- !!

- Joerg

joerg.hau(at) * Lausanne, Switzerland
"All standard disclaimers apply".

side-by-side minipages

2001-10-09 Thread Jim Osborn

I need to group some bits of text into little clumps,
each clump is two or three lines, and I need the clumps
to be placed two or three to a line.  Per the example
at the top of pg 106 of Lamport's LaTeX 2nd ed, I thought
putting each clump in its own minipage should do the job.

But LyX always seems to want to move each minipage down
the page, rather than putting them side-by-side.  I've
spaced each minipage with just enough length for its
respective text, and there's plenty of width on the paper.

I can get side-by-side placement if I enclose a group of
paragraphs in a single minipage and use a multicols environment
within that minipage, but then I can't specify the widths
of the clumps of text, and multicol wants to spread
them out too much, wants to equalize the column widths.

How can I get something like this?

  aaa   bbb

   ccc  dddeee
C  DD  

(LyX 1.1.5fix1)


Re: side-by-side minipages

2001-10-09 Thread Dave Chapeskie

On Sun, Oct 07, 2001 at 05:44:23PM -0700, Jim Osborn wrote:
> How can I get something like this?
>   aaa   bbb
> AA   BB
>ccc  dddeee
> C  DD  

Disclaimer:  I'm no LaTeX expert and I've found mini-pages annoying in LyX.

Assuming you want "aaa" and "AA" to be different paragraphs try
something like this:

aaa minipage,   width~30, centered
A   minipage,   width~30
bbb minipage, new-minipage, width~70, centered
B   minipage,   width~70
ccc minipage, new-minipage, width~20, centered
C   minipage,   width~20
ddd minipage, new-minipage, width~30, centered
D   minipage,   width~30
eee minipage, new-minipage, width~50, centered
E   minipage,   width~50

I found the easiest way to get separation between the "AAA BBB" and the
"ccc ddd eee" lines was to stick a non-minipage paragraph with a single
non-breaking space it it.  It's a hack but it worked for me, it also
makes sure "ccc" starts on a new line in case you muck with the widths
and width(aaa)+width(bbb) < 100%.

If "aaa" and "A" are to be one paragraph it should be even easier,
just use Ctrl+Enter for line breaks.

See the attached LyX file.

Dave Chapeskie
OpenPGP Key KeyId: 3D2B6B34

#LyX 1.1 created this file. For more info see
\lyxformat 218
\textclass article
\language english
\inputencoding auto
\fontscheme default
\graphics default
\paperfontsize default
\spacing single 
\papersize Default
\paperpackage a4
\use_geometry 0
\use_amsmath 0
\paperorientation portrait
\secnumdepth 3
\tocdepth 3
\paragraph_separation indent
\defskip medskip
\quotes_language english
\quotes_times 2
\papercolumns 1
\papersides 1
\paperpagestyle default

\layout Standard
\align center \pextra_type 2 \pextra_alignment 0 \pextra_widthp 30

\layout Standard
\pextra_type 2 \pextra_alignment 0 \pextra_widthp 30

\layout Standard
\align center \pextra_type 2 \pextra_alignment 0 \pextra_start_minipage 1 
\pextra_widthp 70

\layout Standard
\pextra_type 2 \pextra_alignment 0 \pextra_widthp 70

\layout Standard

\SpecialChar ~

\layout Standard
\align center \pextra_type 2 \pextra_alignment 0 \pextra_start_minipage 1 
\pextra_widthp 20

\layout Standard
\pextra_type 2 \pextra_alignment 0 \pextra_widthp 20

\layout Standard
\align center \pextra_type 2 \pextra_alignment 0 \pextra_start_minipage 1 
\pextra_widthp 30

\layout Standard
\pextra_type 2 \pextra_alignment 0 \pextra_widthp 30

\layout Standard
\align center \pextra_type 2 \pextra_alignment 0 \pextra_start_minipage 1 
\pextra_widthp 50

\layout Standard
\pextra_type 2 \pextra_alignment 0 \pextra_widthp 50


Logo/header on letters?

2001-10-09 Thread Ragnar Beer


I tried writing letters using koma-script and I like the output a 
lot! The only thing I'd need to add would be a custom header (e.g. 
EPS) on each page containing a logo, contact-address and a footer 
containing bank account info. Is it e.g. possible to define an EPS 
that is put in the background of each page?


insert superscript

2001-10-09 Thread Nicolas SABOURET


In lyx1.1.6fix3, there is a bug when one inserts a superscript using not
the "^" key but "insert/special character/superscript" : the superscript
is inserted BEFORE the current character position.

LIMSI-CNRS, BP133, 91403 Orsay, France

Saving in Mathed?

2001-10-09 Thread Matej Cepl


I am now writing my assignement for a Math class (so I am mostly in
Mathed all the time) and it seems to me annoying, that whenever I save a
document (via Ctrl-S), LyX leaves MathEd. Can I do something about that
or it is an undocumented feature?

Have a nice day

Matej Cepl

138 Highland Ave. #10, Somerville, Ma 02143, (617) 623-1488
The politician attempts to remedy the evil by increasing the very
thing that caused the evil in the first place: legal plunder.
-- Frederick Bastiat

Re: insert superscript

2001-10-09 Thread Herbert Voss

Nicolas SABOURET wrote:
> In lyx1.1.6fix3, there is a bug when one inserts a superscript using not
> the "^" key but "insert/special character/superscript" : the superscript
> is inserted BEFORE the current character position.

it's inserted exactly at the cursor position. between two
characters it belongs to the left one, which seems to be ok.

lyx1.1.6 fix3



Re: include lyx document in algorithm float

2001-10-09 Thread Herbert Voss

Myriam Abramson wrote:
> I would like to keep my algorithms in separate lyx documents to include
> into algorithm floats but though I don't get an error, nothing shows
> up when printing. What could be the problem?

are the includefiles in the same directory of the maindoc?



Re: Float placement

2001-10-09 Thread Herbert Voss

Clodoaldo Carvalho wrote:
> I'm having a hard time trying to place a xfig generated figure in my
> text. I put the "!htbp" command at float placement window but the figure
> appears alone and there's still some free space left at the same page.
> The figure contains some LaTeX formula and was exported as a .eps file.
> I'm also using psfrag in the preamble. Any help would be appreciated.

have a look at



cm fonts

2001-10-09 Thread Herbert Voss

maybe that this is intersting for someone ...


 CM-Super font package
 version 0.1 (September 18, 2001)

Copyright (c) 2001 Vladimir Volovich <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>.
See the file PUBLIC (Aladdin Free Public License) for license
As a special exception, permission is granted to include these font
programs in a Postscript or PDF file that consists of a document that
contains text to be displayed or printed using these fonts, regardless
of the conditions or license applying to the document itself.

The CM-super package contains type1 fonts converted from METAFONT
fonts and covers entire EC/TC and LH fonts (Computer Modern font
families). All european and cyrillic writings are covered. Each Type1
font program contains ALL glyphs from the following encodings: T1,
TS1, T2A, T2B, T2C, X2, and also Adobe StandardEncoding (582 glyphs
per non-SC font and 465 glyphs per SC font), and could be reencoded to
any of these encodings using standard dvips or pdftex facilities (the
corresponding support files are also included).

I.e., these type1 fonts could be used as an immediate replacement for
LaTeX's EC, TC, and LH fonts to create Postscript and PDF documents
with vector fonts (i.e. no changes to your LaTeX documents are
required to use these fonts once you have them installed). You could
also prepare EPS or PDF illustrations in your favorite applications
with texts written using these fonts, and then include them in your
LaTeX documents. These fonts could be used not only in TeX-related
applications, but also as all other Type1 text fonts, e.g. in Windows
(and you will be able to typeset multilingual texts using them).

Font file names correspond to the scheme used in EC fonts, with the
first two letters "sf" ("super font") instead of "ec".

E.g., sfrm1000.pfb contains all glyphs from:
ecrm1000, tcrm1000, larm1000, lbrm1000, lcrm1000, rxrm1000.

Fonts were created with using textrace (based on autotrace and
Ghostscript), t1utils and a bunch of Perl scripts, and were optimized
and hinted using FontLab 3.1 provided by FontLab Ltd. The set of
UniqueID values was registered at Adobe.

It appears that careless approach to FontLab's optimisation and
auto-hinting facilities could lead to loss of quality of the original
font (some glyph shapes could be broken), so we used the most precise
optimisation, and hope that optimised and hinted fonts are indeed
better than original traced fonts (also, they are significantly
smaller in size). So far, we did not find any bugs in optimized fonts.

Note that a small number of (fortunately, rately used) fonts are not
included yet because of the bugs in EC font drivers which prevented
their generation. We plan to provide these missing fonts soon.
(Currently there are 376 Type1 font files here, of total 401.)

The CM-Super package could be freely downloaded from
(and soon from CTAN)
(see also for a list of mirrors)
The size of the entire package is about 54Mb.

To install this package in teTeX or TeX Live systems, copy all type1
fonts (*.pfb files) to .../texmf/fonts/type1/public/cm-super/
directory and install the MAP (*.map) and ENC (*.enc) files to their
usual place (e.g. under .../texms/dvips/cm-super/), and instruct dvips
and pdftex to use these MAP files (e.g. using the "updmap" script).
Do not forget to update the texmf filename database (run mktexlsr).

Although this package is provided AS IS, WITHOUT WARRANTY (as
explained in the file PUBLIC), we request your comments and bug
reports which should be sent to the email address given above.

Happy TeXing!


* provide AFM and INF files
* provide optimized but not hinted version (will be smaller)?
* include glyphs from TS1 encoding into SC fonts? (useful for non-TeX
* add glyphs from T2D encoding
* add all other glyphs from LH fonts
* full support for unicode cyrillic codepage
* include glyphs from cbgreek ec-like fonts
* add CM Concrete family

Re: insert superscript

2001-10-09 Thread Nicolas SABOURET

Herbert Voss wrote:
> Nicolas SABOURET wrote:
> >
> > In lyx1.1.6fix3, there is a bug when one inserts a superscript using not
> > the "^" key but "insert/special character/superscript" : the superscript
> > is inserted BEFORE the current character position.
> it's inserted exactly at the cursor position. between two
> characters it belongs to the left one, which seems to be ok.

Not when you are in math mode.
I'm sorry I forgot to precise that.

In math mode, if you insert a superscript using the 'insert special
character' menu, the cursor leaves math mode before inserting the
superscript. As a consequence, you insert the superscript *before* your
character (i.e. before your math inset).

Note that "^" works anyway.

LIMSI-CNRS, BP133, 91403 Orsay, France

Re: Saving in Mathed?

2001-10-09 Thread Andre Poenitz

On Mon, Oct 08, 2001 at 10:04:41PM -0400, Matej Cepl wrote:
> I am now writing my assignement for a Math class (so I am mostly in
> Mathed all the time) and it seems to me annoying, that whenever I save a
> document (via Ctrl-S), LyX leaves MathEd. Can I do something about that
> or it is an undocumented feature?

I think this is fixed in current CVS.

But there are certainly other reasons not to use it...


André Pönitz . [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Problem including a pstex-file into document - tried every possible solution in the manuals

2001-10-09 Thread Anders Grusell

NOTE: This mail is a copy of an older one I found on this list. Since I did 
not find any solution, and my problem is exactly the same, I took the liberty 
of posting it again.

Hi everyone, 

I am running LyX 1.1.6fix2 on Red Hat 6.2

I am trying to include a figure, which I saved in XFIG as two files: the
postscript, and the text part. According to the manual I only need to
import the text file as (INSERT-INCLUDE FILE with the "use as include
option flag") I got an error.

   can't write on file '//test.aux
Please type another output filename

I didn't define an output file, it must have been LyX itself.

If I instead of the absolute file path just write "test.pstext_t",  
everything seems ok at first, but only the caption shows up, not the figure. 

The I tried the following according to a footnote in the users manual

I added a line like


in the file /usr/lib/texmf/tex/latex/graphics/dvips.def. Then added
"pstex" to the extension:

 \def\Gin@extensions{eps, ps, pstex, eps.gz, ps.gz, eps=2EZ}

Unfortuantely it didn't solve my problem either.
Does anybody have an idea how to do this?

Anders G

Re: Can LyX do this?

2001-10-09 Thread Renaud MICHEL

Le Samedi 6 Octobre 2001 18:15, vous avez écrit :
> Hi Lyx experts,
> I am seriously considering installing Lyx on my Windows 2000 machine to
> replace Notabene and Pagemaker, provided Lyx can do some things I need done
> which NB and PM cannot seem to do:
> 1. Brochures on legal size paper, landscape orientation, 8 snaking columns
> (4 on each side) with citations and footnotes at the bottom of each column,
> and headers above each column except the first one.

Size and orientation are no problem, columns can be done with LaTeX, for the 
citation and footnotes I don't know, perhaps some specific LaTeX package can 
do things like this

> 2. Turabian style manual, with extensive modifications of spacing, type
> styles, notes format, etc., for self-publishing of books.

don't understand what you want.

> 3. Mixed Greek, Hebrew, and English text in most of the above mentioned
> documents.

Yes, this is possible (at least with LaTeX)

> 4. Easy conversion of the above documents to PDF.

LyX can do pdf directly with pdftex or ps2pdf, pdftex is surely avaible on 
win2k, for ps2pdf I don't know.

> 5. I want to be able to set up templates so that I can concentrate on
> writing instead of formatting.

Hey, this is exactly what LaTeX (and LyX) is for.

> Is all this possible with Lyx?
> Is there perhaps a pdf document created from Lyx that would illustrate some
> pages like or similar to those described above?
> 6. Is MikTeX or fpTeX the best Win32 port of LaTeX?
> 7. Will XFree86 allow me to cut and paste between Lyx and Win32
> programs? How does it compare to Starnet's XWin32 x-server?

Never tried XFree86 on a non-unix system, but I would be surprised if it was 

 Mais ici vous êtes sur Cybercâble, l'endroit où tout est
 possible, sauf le normal.
 -+- BP in NPC : Chez Cybercâble, c'est la grosse déconne...xion -+-


Re: Can LyX do this?

2001-10-09 Thread Jörg Haug

Am 08.10.01 12:40:40, schrieb Renaud MICHEL <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:

>Le Samedi 6 Octobre 2001 18:15, vous avez écrit :
>> Hi Lyx experts,
>> I am seriously considering installing Lyx on my Windows 2000 machine to
>> replace Notabene and Pagemaker, provided Lyx can do some things I need done
>> which NB and PM cannot seem to do:
>> 1. Brochures on legal size paper, landscape orientation, 8 snaking columns
>> (4 on each side) with citations and footnotes at the bottom of each column,
>> and headers above each column except the first one.
>Size and orientation are no problem, columns can be done with LaTeX, for the 
>citation and footnotes I don't know, perhaps some specific LaTeX package can 
>do things like this
>> 2. Turabian style manual, with extensive modifications of spacing, type
>> styles, notes format, etc., for self-publishing of books.
>don't understand what you want.
>> 3. Mixed Greek, Hebrew, and English text in most of the above mentioned
>> documents.
>Yes, this is possible (at least with LaTeX)
>> 4. Easy conversion of the above documents to PDF.
>LyX can do pdf directly with pdftex or ps2pdf, pdftex is surely avaible on 
>win2k, for ps2pdf I don't know.
>> 5. I want to be able to set up templates so that I can concentrate on
>> writing instead of formatting.
>Hey, this is exactly what LaTeX (and LyX) is for.
>> Is all this possible with Lyx?
>> Is there perhaps a pdf document created from Lyx that would illustrate some
>> pages like or similar to those described above?
>> 6. Is MikTeX or fpTeX the best Win32 port of LaTeX?
>> 7. Will XFree86 allow me to cut and paste between Lyx and Win32
>> programs? How does it compare to Starnet's XWin32 x-server?
>Never tried XFree86 on a non-unix system, but I would be surprised if it was 
I installed cygwin/XFree86 last week. I think it is not possible but perhaps i have to 
change some settings. With 
XWIN32 you can copy text from a WIN32 application and past it with the middle mouse 
key in Lyx.


Re: Problem including a pstex-file into document - tried every possible solution in the manuals

2001-10-09 Thread Herbert Voss

Anders Grusell wrote:
> I am trying to include a figure, which I saved in XFIG as two files: the
> postscript, and the text part. According to the manual I only need to
> import the text file as (INSERT-INCLUDE FILE with the "use as include
> option flag") I got an error.
>can't write on file '//test.aux
> Please type another output filename
> I didn't define an output file, it must have been LyX itself.

are the files in the same than the one from the doc?



Bibliography neophyte

2001-10-09 Thread Kent Kostuk

I am working on my dissertation and assemblying my bibliography.   I
need a format similar to this.

Howard., R.  1960.  Dynamic Programming and Markov Processes.  M.I.T.
Press. Cambridge, MA.

I can not find a BibTex style that is close to that in my present set
up.  A harvard.sty looks close, but how do I install it?

I was able to track down a copy harvard.sty but where do I install it
and how do I get the system to recognize it?

Where can I find other bibtex .bst files?

I am still in the neophyte stage, but I am at least at the point where I
know enough to ask a question.


Kent Kostuk

LyX Package for Caldera Open LINUX 3.1

2001-10-09 Thread Hellmut Weber

I switched from RedHat 6.2 on a TOSHIBA TECRA 750 DVD
to Caldera Open LINUX 3.1 on a IBM Think Pad T22.

I'm using LyX for all my private documents for quite a while now
and am very satisfied (1.1.6pre1). So I would like to continue using it on my
new laptop.

Can anybody indicate a package for the most recent LyX
version for my new system?

Thanks a lot


And many thanks to the developpers for their great work!!! §;-)) 

Re: LyX Package for Caldera Open LINUX 3.1

2001-10-09 Thread Herbert Voss

Hellmut Weber wrote:
> I switched from RedHat 6.2 on a TOSHIBA TECRA 750 DVD
> to Caldera Open LINUX 3.1 on a IBM Think Pad T22.
> I'm using LyX for all my private documents for quite a while now
> and am very satisfied (1.1.6pre1). So I would like to continue using it on my
> new laptop.
> Can anybody indicate a package for the most recent LyX
> version for my new system?

you can get the latest rpm's from Kayvans site. upgrade to fix3
maybe a good idea.



Problems installing exam.cls from CTAN

2001-10-09 Thread Laurie Savage

I have copied exam.cls to the /usr/share/texmf/tex/latex/lyx directory,
run texhash, reconfigured and restarted Lyx. I cannot see a reference to
this class in the documents>layout>class field.

There was no .sty or .layout file in the package. How do I fix this?

Laurie Savage

Science Dept. Orange High School, NSW

tel;fax:02 6361 3616
tel;home:02 6361 9959
tel;work:02 6362 3444
org:Orange High School;Science Dept
adr:;;Woodward Street;Orange;NSW;2800;Australia
email;internet:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
title:Earth Sciences
note:Database and Webpage design for small businesses and educators
fn:Laurie Savage

Re: Problems installing exam.cls from CTAN

2001-10-09 Thread Herbert Voss

Laurie Savage wrote:
> I have copied exam.cls to the /usr/share/texmf/tex/latex/lyx directory,
> run texhash, reconfigured and restarted Lyx. I cannot see a reference to
> this class in the documents>layout>class field.
> There was no .sty or .layout file in the package. How do I fix this?

For special comments to lyx- and latex-layouts have a look at the lyx
documentation Customization, Chapter 6 Installing New Document Classes,
Layouts, and
Templates or go to the LyX-Onlinehelp.

you can try to copy the article.layout to exam.layout and changing the 
first lines.

than run reconfigure



Installing the exam.cls package

2001-10-09 Thread Laurie Savage

I have copied exam.cls (from CTAN) to my /usr/share/texmf/tex/latex/lyx 
directory, run texhash and Lyx reconfigure, restart and the new class 
does not appear in the Documents:Class field.

What next? I'm not sure how to set up a new .sty or .layout file

Laurie Savage
Earth Science @ Orange High School
Orange, NSW, Australia

Re: Die TeXnische Komödie - Vorschau

2001-10-09 Thread Paul Tremblay

On Sat, Oct 06, 2001 at 11:22:41AM +0200, Herbert Voss wrote:
> for the statistics: LyX in the Press
> Herbert


I asume that verwendungvereinung means something like "device
used to input text." It states TeX. How did you know that it was
actually LyX? Just curious. 

So this page was made with LyX, right?

The layout of this page (the webpage) is very, very nice! I am
impressed. I didn't think LyX could do something like this. 

Thanks for the link.



*Paul Tremblay *

Re: Problems installing exam.cls from CTAN

2001-10-09 Thread Laurie Savage

Herbert Voss wrote:

> you can try to copy the article.layout to exam.layout and changing the 
> first lines.
> than run reconfigure
> Herbert

I've tried that with noluck. Here are the first few lines of exam.layout 
for your comment.

Laurie Savage
Earth Science @ Orange High School
Orange, NSW, Australia

Description: Binary data

Lyx error when insert postscript figure

2001-10-09 Thread Reuben D Budiardja

I am a somewhat new user to Lyx. Here is what I am trying to do. I have a 
postscript files that are generated by a program I wrote. The postscript 
containts only figure like boxes, and some text.

I tried to insert that figure in a Lyx for me to write report. I do Insert, 
Figure. The postscript figure renders OK, but when I tried to print (either 
to printer direcly or to a file), I always got errors (it sayd "There are 
error in your document" or something like that), and can't print.

I am pretty sure my postscript files are OK, because I can open them using 
something like ghostscript or ghostview. 

I tried also to do ps2ps to my postscript file, and then use the output to be 
included in Lyx. This attempts make Lyx renders OK, print without error, but 
only prints blank.

Any help on this? I could send the postscript files to see if someone can 
include it in one's Lyx. I use Lyx version 1.1.6 fix3 rpm, and Redhat Linux 

Thanks in advance.
Reuben D. Budiardja

Re: Die TeXnische Komödie - Vorschau

2001-10-09 Thread Allan Rae

On Sun, 7 Oct 2001, Paul Tremblay wrote:

> How did you know that it was actually LyX? Just curious.

If you look carefully you'll see that Herbert's name is on the page.
(Hint: Voss isn't always spelled Voss)

Allan. (ARRae)

Re: Problems installing exam.cls from CTAN

2001-10-09 Thread Laurie Savage

I have read chapter 6 for the fourth time and I think I've got it licked.

Thanks Herbert

Laurie Savage
Earth Science @ Orange High School
Orange, NSW, Australia