Re: LyX and DTP

2001-12-13 Thread robin

Very good tips - thanks, Kat!


Kathryn Andersen wrote:

Folks may remember a while back that I posted my experiences trying to
use LyX to create my fanzine.  Well, I've finally gotten around to
putting that up on the web.  The URL is

Kathryn Andersen
Nothing at all really - a bit like your property when Vila's around -
   suddenly it's somewhere else.
   -- Roj Blake, describing teleportation
   (Blake's 7: Cygnus Alpha [A3])

figure: rotation origin

2001-12-13 Thread kretzschmar matthieu


I didn't find anything on the archive about my problem.
I want to put 2 pictures side to side in a float. Usually, all my
figures must be rotated by 90 degrees and it works very well.

But this time, one of my 2 figures (it is not important which one)
must be rotated by -90 degrees or 270 degrees. I write it in the
rotate field,and then I have it in the
good orientation, on the good side of my float, but too much down. It
appears good in the Lyx file, but not in the dvi (or ps) one.

here is the GOOD result for two +90 deg. figure:

|  |||
|  |||

here is the BAD result with one -90 deg. figure (the right one):

|  |   
|  |   
|  |
|  |


I tried to resolve that by:


instead of


but it doesn't work..

Thanks for help, and sorry for the english...


Re: glossary

2001-12-13 Thread Niklas Werner

Hi All!

lots of stuff to sort
Try this: (assuming a UN*X system)

# cat yourindexfile | uniq | sort -f  yoursortedindexfile

this should get you a sorted (ignoring case: leave out the -f switch to 
preserve case) and double-free list.

Have fun*


Issues / Questions about customization ...

2001-12-13 Thread cmasters

Greetings all,

Firstly, thank you to those posters that helped me in tracking down and
resolving the problems I experienced with helvitca font and spacing options
in Lyx. It turned out that my default installation was not the standard
default that others have/had experienced.

That said, I am still having issues with customizing Lyx to operate in the
manner that I need it to. I thought that maybe some background may halp to
explain what and why I am desiring global changes in my use of Lyx.

-- begin background

I run a small at-home business providing typing / and layout services in
Fredericton, NB. The vast majority of interested / prospective clients are
students at the two universities here. As such, as must be able to provide
them with exactly their needs in order to attract and maintain them as

The students are required (near universally) to submit papers and reports in
any of three formats:

1. APA style article
2. MLA style article / essay
3. General essay -- little internal formatting, although a cover page and
reference page are often required.

In addition, there are some conventions that, I believe, are unique to the
university environment; some also seem to be unique to the current likes /
dislikes or students and professors. They are:

1. For both APA and MLA articles, many professors ~insist~ that each page
include a right justified header, that includes an abbreviated title of the
paper (in smaller font than the body).

2. Also for both APA and MLA papers, the convention is that a cover page
precede the first numbered page of the paper. This page includes that title,
date, author(s), course, professor, and (in the case of publication
submission) school / program of study.

3. Finally, by some twist of fate, the times and courier fonts have gone
out of style. Again, the majority of my clients ~insist~ on the use of
Helvetica - 12 pt. It's lines considered cleaner and often easier to read
than the default (here referred to as newspaper) fonts of times and courier.

I am only myslef, becoming familiar with the concept of font families and
classes and don't feel that I need to explain an inability to give my
clients what they desire, due to difficulty in getting Lyx to provide it.

-- end of background

I have sampled all the templates that are provided in my Lyx distribution.
However, I seem to have problems with them.

1. Many of them -- aapaper, revtex, revtex4, aastex -- don't work as
expected when viewing dvi output. They ~all~ have a number of errors dealing
with Latex commands / variables imbedded in the initial style. As this is
(once again) an issue of having to learn Latex (which I'm directly told
should be unnecessay -- User's Guide), I can't even adust the bare content
that is in them in order to preview the layout. A viscous cirle ensues.

2. As the majority of my clients prefer Helvetica, I would like ~this font~
to be considered the default: in all cases, for all environments, in all
chosen templates. I looked at the lyxrc and made a copy to my home
directory, but can find no place in which to make a global change. Changing
'font_encoding default' to 'font_encoding helvetica' resulted in an
error from lyx while it was loading.

3. As I am unable to preview any template (other than book and letter
variations), I am also unable to determine whether any of the templates
offered include my header requirement for APA and MLA papers.

So, I ~am willing~ to make the necessary changes to templates and learn the
Latex that is required to get the job done, BUT I would like to be able to
use the templated ~already provided~ if that is all possible.

Does someone have specific (as in this worked for me ... look to man,
website, etc.) guidelines for accomplishing:

1. Universal change to Helvetica font as default.
2. Mathods to modify (and save locally) templates as provided by Lyx.

I am not asking to have my hand held, I have read the Introduction and
User's Guide, and have skimmed the Advanced Usage (which seems directed at
technical writing). I am willing to invest the hours to get Lyx customized
to my needs. I decided on Lyx after long association with other programs
available. All suffered from crashing on large documents, requiring ~far~
too many mouse or keyboard commands, or hitting return 12 times to get 12
empty lines. I don't want Lyx to do my thinking, I just want it to think
about things that I shouldn't have to in every document.

Many thanks to those that can help,

C-Cose Masters

Re: Issues / Questions about customization ...

2001-12-13 Thread Rod Pinna

To set helvetica to be the default font, I believe the instruction is


Put that in the preamble, and it should work.

All a template is is a Lyx file, in the directory

So open one that looks about right, put the above line in the preamble,
and save it with a different name. That should work. BTW, to save
something in the /usr/share/... directories, you'll need to be logged in
as a superuser.

Alternatively, just save a .lyx file somewhere handy.

As for the header problem, have a read of the documentation for
fancyhdr.sty. It has some examples where the heading is set to be equal to
the chapter name. It also tells you how to use the section name etc.

To use an abbreviated title, it would be easier just to type it in, using
fancyhdr. If you don't have the documentation, you might need to install
another debian package.


On Thu, 13 Dec 2001, cmasters wrote:

 Greetings all,
 Firstly, thank you to those posters that helped me in tracking down and
 resolving the problems I experienced with helvitca font and spacing options
 in Lyx. It turned out that my default installation was not the standard
 default that others have/had experienced.
 That said, I am still having issues with customizing Lyx to operate in the
 manner that I need it to. I thought that maybe some background may halp to
 explain what and why I am desiring global changes in my use of Lyx.
 -- begin background
 I run a small at-home business providing typing / and layout services in
 Fredericton, NB. The vast majority of interested / prospective clients are
 students at the two universities here. As such, as must be able to provide
 them with exactly their needs in order to attract and maintain them as
 The students are required (near universally) to submit papers and reports in
 any of three formats:
 1. APA style article
 2. MLA style article / essay
 3. General essay -- little internal formatting, although a cover page and
 reference page are often required.
 In addition, there are some conventions that, I believe, are unique to the
 university environment; some also seem to be unique to the current likes /
 dislikes or students and professors. They are:
 1. For both APA and MLA articles, many professors ~insist~ that each page
 include a right justified header, that includes an abbreviated title of the
 paper (in smaller font than the body).
 2. Also for both APA and MLA papers, the convention is that a cover page
 precede the first numbered page of the paper. This page includes that title,
 date, author(s), course, professor, and (in the case of publication
 submission) school / program of study.
 3. Finally, by some twist of fate, the times and courier fonts have gone
 out of style. Again, the majority of my clients ~insist~ on the use of
 Helvetica - 12 pt. It's lines considered cleaner and often easier to read
 than the default (here referred to as newspaper) fonts of times and courier.
 I am only myslef, becoming familiar with the concept of font families and
 classes and don't feel that I need to explain an inability to give my
 clients what they desire, due to difficulty in getting Lyx to provide it.
 -- end of background
 I have sampled all the templates that are provided in my Lyx distribution.
 However, I seem to have problems with them.
 1. Many of them -- aapaper, revtex, revtex4, aastex -- don't work as
 expected when viewing dvi output. They ~all~ have a number of errors dealing
 with Latex commands / variables imbedded in the initial style. As this is
 (once again) an issue of having to learn Latex (which I'm directly told
 should be unnecessay -- User's Guide), I can't even adust the bare content
 that is in them in order to preview the layout. A viscous cirle ensues.
 2. As the majority of my clients prefer Helvetica, I would like ~this font~
 to be considered the default: in all cases, for all environments, in all
 chosen templates. I looked at the lyxrc and made a copy to my home
 directory, but can find no place in which to make a global change. Changing
 'font_encoding default' to 'font_encoding helvetica' resulted in an
 error from lyx while it was loading.
 3. As I am unable to preview any template (other than book and letter
 variations), I am also unable to determine whether any of the templates
 offered include my header requirement for APA and MLA papers.
 So, I ~am willing~ to make the necessary changes to templates and learn the
 Latex that is required to get the job done, BUT I would like to be able to
 use the templated ~already provided~ if that is all possible.
 Does someone have specific (as in this worked for me ... look to man,
 website, etc.) guidelines for accomplishing:
 1. Universal change to Helvetica font as default.
 2. Mathods to modify (and save locally) templates as provided by Lyx.
 I am not asking to have my hand held, I have read the Introduction and

Re: Issues / Questions about customization ...

2001-12-13 Thread cmasters

Greetings Rod,

Talk about fast service  whew

I've already saved copies of all the templates in my home directory and make
the changes you advised. I'll let you know how it works.

BTW - I've also dicovered the existence of a Latexconfig file that seems to
be generated each time Latex is changed. It allowed me to see which
templates, files etc. had been installed. It would appear that at least some
of the templates I referred to aren't installed in my tex directory.

Thanks again for your very valuable help.


Re: Issues / Questions about customization ...

2001-12-13 Thread Guenter Milde

On Thu, 13 Dec 2001 08:14:37 -0400 wrote cmasters [EMAIL PROTECTED]:

 I have sampled all the templates that are provided in my Lyx distribution.
 However, I seem to have problems with them.
 1. Many of them -- aapaper, revtex, revtex4, aastex -- don't work as
 expected when viewing dvi output. They ~all~ have a number of errors dealing
 with Latex commands / variables imbedded in the initial style. 

I'm afraid, help can only be given for concrete problems here.

 As this is
 (once again) an issue of having to learn Latex (which I'm directly told
 should be unnecessay -- User's Guide), I can't even adust the bare content
 that is in them in order to preview the layout. A viscous cirle ensues.

Well, the Users Guide migth be too enthusiastic. You will not need to know
LaTeX for the straightforward use of standard layouts. However, when you
want to create of modify the layout, I suppose you will not be able without
at least basic knowledge of it. Rather, changing/designing a layout is
advanced LaTeX stuff. (So, if you still want to make a buissnes out of using
LyX/LaTeX you might have to become an expert.)

On the other hand, many universities have a LaTeX template/style/class file
that does the layout they require. If you could get such a thing, half the
work is done. The rest is getting LyX to work with it (which is advanced LyX
stuff, but not as difficult as the LaTeX part.)

Finally, once you have the styles for all your clients needs, working with
lyx will be a charme :-)

 3. As I am unable to preview any template (other than book and letter
 variations), I am also unable to determine whether any of the templates
 offered include my header requirement for APA and MLA papers.

 So, I ~am willing~ to make the necessary changes to templates and learn the
 Latex that is required to get the job done, BUT I would like to be able to
 use the templated ~already provided~ if that is all possible.

Some of the templates are for rather special classes that don't come with
the standard TeX distributions.

But, rather than checking the templates, you should check the classes (as
most of them dont have a special template).

To check the available classes, open/create a normal document
and then change the document-class to one of the many choices under

 2. Methods to modify (and save locally) templates as provided by Lyx.

Tip: save to your home: ~/.lyx/layouts.
 also: you can save any file as a template, so to have your
 helvetica-template, open a new file, set the font-family to helvet
 (in the LayoutDocument menu) and save as
 ~/.lyx/layouts/article-helvetica.lyx, say.


Re: figure: rotation origin

2001-12-13 Thread Herbert Voss

kretzschmar matthieu wrote:

 |  |   
 |  |   
 |  |
 |  |
 I tried to resolve that by:
 instead of
 but it doesn't work..

try \raisebox{additional height}{\rotatebox{-90}}



Re: Issues / Questions about customization ...

2001-12-13 Thread cmasters

Greetings Guenter,

On 13-12-01, Guenter Milde wrote:
 On Thu, 13 Dec 2001 08:14:37 -0400 wrote cmasters [EMAIL PROTECTED]:
  I have sampled all the templates that are provided in my Lyx distribution.
  However, I seem to have problems with them.
  1. Many of them -- aapaper, revtex, revtex4, aastex -- don't work as
  expected when viewing dvi output. They ~all~ have a number of errors dealing
  with Latex commands / variables imbedded in the initial style. 
 I'm afraid, help can only be given for concrete problems here.
I realize this. I also found the LatexConfig generated file and confirmed
that at least some of the templates to which I referred had not been

  As this is
  (once again) an issue of having to learn Latex (which I'm directly told
  should be unnecessay -- User's Guide), I can't even adust the bare content
  that is in them in order to preview the layout. A viscous cirle ensues.
 Well, the Users Guide migth be too enthusiastic. You will not need to know
 LaTeX for the straightforward use of standard layouts. However, when you
 want to create of modify the layout, I suppose you will not be able without
 at least basic knowledge of it. Rather, changing/designing a layout is
 advanced LaTeX stuff. (So, if you still want to make a buissnes out of using
 LyX/LaTeX you might have to become an expert.)

I'm beginning to realize that learning Latex is now a requirement in my
case. I do wish the User's Guide would be a tad more honest about that
possibility though.
 On the other hand, many universities have a LaTeX template/style/class file
 that does the layout they require. If you could get such a thing, half the
 work is done. The rest is getting LyX to work with it (which is advanced LyX
 stuff, but not as difficult as the LaTeX part.)
--- begin dry humour ---
Not sure about your locale, but here in Canada, we suffer from a top-heavy
bureaucratic university system. In order for the university administration
to provide these resources to the students (their sole purpose for
existence), they would have to redistribute funds for themselves. It's been
my experience that many universities here are more interested in research
and associated government funding than actually educating and producing
productive future leaders.

Hence, the common response is Use MSWord ... it's suitable.. Therefore no
need to have readily available templates for the lowly student.
--- end dry humour

 Finally, once you have the styles for all your clients needs, working with
 lyx will be a charme :-)
'tis true. I'm already charmed by the recent changes I've made. 
  3. As I am unable to preview any template (other than book and letter
  variations), I am also unable to determine whether any of the templates
  offered include my header requirement for APA and MLA papers.
  So, I ~am willing~ to make the necessary changes to templates and learn the
  Latex that is required to get the job done, BUT I would like to be able to
  use the templated ~already provided~ if that is all possible.
 Some of the templates are for rather special classes that don't come with
 the standard TeX distributions.
 But, rather than checking the templates, you should check the classes (as
 most of them dont have a special template).
Useful advice!!! I've found that manipulating the classes is ~much~ easier
than trying to change the defaults within the templates. Thank you.

 To check the available classes, open/create a normal document
 and then change the document-class to one of the many choices under
  2. Methods to modify (and save locally) templates as provided by Lyx.
 Tip: save to your home: ~/.lyx/layouts.
  also: you can save any file as a template, so to have your
  helvetica-template, open a new file, set the font-family to helvet
  (in the LayoutDocument menu) and save as
  ~/.lyx/layouts/article-helvetica.lyx, say.
I've copied both the templates and examples files to my home directory
(with appropriate ownership changes) and am finding modifying to be much
less painful now.

Thank you for your sage advice.

C-Cose Masters

LyX table question

2001-12-13 Thread Laurent Duperval


I want to create a table with two colomsn, that will look something like

Some string   * An enum item
- a sub item
- another sub item

  * Another enum item
- its sub item
- s'more

Another string* An enum item
- a sub item
- another sub item

  * Another enum item
- its sub item
- s'more


Look like the table environment can't do that for me. What are my other options?



Laurent Duperval mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

Je sens comme un torrent créateur déferler sur la plaine aride de ma
  -Léonard le génie

No images preview in LyX 1.1.6-8mdk and pdf 1.3 instead of 1.2

2001-12-13 Thread Raymond Ouellette

I'm using LyX since 15 months, what a great tool!
I have two questions.

1- I recently upgraded to Mandrake Linux 8.1 which includes LyX 1.1.6fix3 (July 24th). 
Almost everything is fine and Ghostscript 6.51 works OK too. DVI, PDF, XDVI, 
everything work except that LyX can't preview any images whether they are black and 
white, level of grey or color. I can preview any images in the DVI or Postscript 
preview but not directly inside LyX as before.

I tried to replace LyX 1.1.6-8mdk with's 1.1.6fix3 (even if it is suposed to 
be the same version) but the behavior stays the same. Am I alone with this problem?

2- How can I produced 1.3 pdf instead pf the default 1.2 from whithin LyX?

Thank's for your time, I really appreciate this list that I read everyday.



Édité et transmis sous Linux!

Re: No images preview in LyX 1.1.6-8mdk and pdf 1.3 instead of 1.2

2001-12-13 Thread John Levon

On Thu, Dec 13, 2001 at 08:02:35PM -0500, Raymond Ouellette wrote:

 1- I recently upgraded to Mandrake Linux 8.1 which includes LyX 1.1.6fix3
 (July 24th). Almost everything is fine and Ghostscript 6.51 works OK too.
 DVI, PDF, XDVI, everything work except that LyX can't preview any images
 whether they are black and white, level of grey or color. I can preview any
 images in the DVI or Postscript preview but not directly inside LyX as

This is a ghostscript bug. Complain to Mandrake (feel free to complain loudly too -
my detailed bug report was ignored).


Of all manifestations of power, restraint impresses the most.
- Thucydides


2001-12-13 Thread Paul Tremblay

Herbert Voss had a very good page on using endnotes with the
endnote package.  However, when I went to have another look at
it, and download the page for future use, I got the 404 message,
stating that the page could not be found.  

Is there any way to see this page again? 

On a similar note, I've noticed that many of Ctan's links don't
work.  For example, when I tried to download the footnote
package, I was told that the server could not find the package.
(The actual page should be

I was also sent to a the miscallaneous directory when I tried to
download the endnotes package.



*Paul Tremblay *

Re: LyX table question

2001-12-13 Thread Herbert Voss

Laurent Duperval wrote:

 I want to create a table with two colomsn, that will look something like
 Some string   * An enum item
 - a sub item
 - another sub item

mark the right tablecell as a minipage and insert the code with ERT

\item * An enum item
 \item - a sub item
 \item - another sub item



Re: endnotes

2001-12-13 Thread Herbert Voss

Paul Tremblay wrote:

 Herbert Voss had a very good page on using endnotes with the
 endnote package.  However, when I went to have another look at
 it, and download the page for future use, I got the 404 message,
 stating that the page could not be found.  
 Is there any way to see this page again? 

the address changed:

 On a similar note, I've noticed that many of Ctan's links don't
 work.  For example, when I tried to download the footnote
 package, I was told that the server could not find the package.

please, be more specific. I've not the time to test all CTAN links.

 (The actual page should be

I corrected the endnote link



Re: LyX and DTP

2001-12-13 Thread robin

Very good tips - thanks, Kat!


Kathryn Andersen wrote:

Folks may remember a while back that I posted my experiences trying to
use LyX to create my fanzine.  Well, I've finally gotten around to
putting that up on the web.  The URL is

Kathryn Andersen
Nothing at all really - a bit like your property when Vila's around -
   suddenly it's somewhere else.
   -- Roj Blake, describing teleportation
   (Blake's 7: Cygnus Alpha [A3])

figure: rotation origin

2001-12-13 Thread kretzschmar matthieu


I didn't find anything on the archive about my problem.
I want to put 2 pictures side to side in a float. Usually, all my
figures must be rotated by 90 degrees and it works very well.

But this time, one of my 2 figures (it is not important which one)
must be rotated by -90 degrees or 270 degrees. I write it in the
rotate field,and then I have it in the
good orientation, on the good side of my float, but too much down. It
appears good in the Lyx file, but not in the dvi (or ps) one.

here is the GOOD result for two +90 deg. figure:

|  |||
|  |||

here is the BAD result with one -90 deg. figure (the right one):

|  |   
|  |   
|  |
|  |


I tried to resolve that by:


instead of


but it doesn't work..

Thanks for help, and sorry for the english...


Re: glossary

2001-12-13 Thread Niklas Werner

Hi All!

lots of stuff to sort
Try this: (assuming a UN*X system)

# cat yourindexfile | uniq | sort -f  yoursortedindexfile

this should get you a sorted (ignoring case: leave out the -f switch to 
preserve case) and double-free list.

Have fun*


Issues / Questions about customization ...

2001-12-13 Thread cmasters

Greetings all,

Firstly, thank you to those posters that helped me in tracking down and
resolving the problems I experienced with helvitca font and spacing options
in Lyx. It turned out that my default installation was not the standard
default that others have/had experienced.

That said, I am still having issues with customizing Lyx to operate in the
manner that I need it to. I thought that maybe some background may halp to
explain what and why I am desiring global changes in my use of Lyx.

-- begin background

I run a small at-home business providing typing / and layout services in
Fredericton, NB. The vast majority of interested / prospective clients are
students at the two universities here. As such, as must be able to provide
them with exactly their needs in order to attract and maintain them as

The students are required (near universally) to submit papers and reports in
any of three formats:

1. APA style article
2. MLA style article / essay
3. General essay -- little internal formatting, although a cover page and
reference page are often required.

In addition, there are some conventions that, I believe, are unique to the
university environment; some also seem to be unique to the current likes /
dislikes or students and professors. They are:

1. For both APA and MLA articles, many professors ~insist~ that each page
include a right justified header, that includes an abbreviated title of the
paper (in smaller font than the body).

2. Also for both APA and MLA papers, the convention is that a cover page
precede the first numbered page of the paper. This page includes that title,
date, author(s), course, professor, and (in the case of publication
submission) school / program of study.

3. Finally, by some twist of fate, the times and courier fonts have gone
out of style. Again, the majority of my clients ~insist~ on the use of
Helvetica - 12 pt. It's lines considered cleaner and often easier to read
than the default (here referred to as newspaper) fonts of times and courier.

I am only myslef, becoming familiar with the concept of font families and
classes and don't feel that I need to explain an inability to give my
clients what they desire, due to difficulty in getting Lyx to provide it.

-- end of background

I have sampled all the templates that are provided in my Lyx distribution.
However, I seem to have problems with them.

1. Many of them -- aapaper, revtex, revtex4, aastex -- don't work as
expected when viewing dvi output. They ~all~ have a number of errors dealing
with Latex commands / variables imbedded in the initial style. As this is
(once again) an issue of having to learn Latex (which I'm directly told
should be unnecessay -- User's Guide), I can't even adust the bare content
that is in them in order to preview the layout. A viscous cirle ensues.

2. As the majority of my clients prefer Helvetica, I would like ~this font~
to be considered the default: in all cases, for all environments, in all
chosen templates. I looked at the lyxrc and made a copy to my home
directory, but can find no place in which to make a global change. Changing
'font_encoding default' to 'font_encoding helvetica' resulted in an
error from lyx while it was loading.

3. As I am unable to preview any template (other than book and letter
variations), I am also unable to determine whether any of the templates
offered include my header requirement for APA and MLA papers.

So, I ~am willing~ to make the necessary changes to templates and learn the
Latex that is required to get the job done, BUT I would like to be able to
use the templated ~already provided~ if that is all possible.

Does someone have specific (as in this worked for me ... look to man,
website, etc.) guidelines for accomplishing:

1. Universal change to Helvetica font as default.
2. Mathods to modify (and save locally) templates as provided by Lyx.

I am not asking to have my hand held, I have read the Introduction and
User's Guide, and have skimmed the Advanced Usage (which seems directed at
technical writing). I am willing to invest the hours to get Lyx customized
to my needs. I decided on Lyx after long association with other programs
available. All suffered from crashing on large documents, requiring ~far~
too many mouse or keyboard commands, or hitting return 12 times to get 12
empty lines. I don't want Lyx to do my thinking, I just want it to think
about things that I shouldn't have to in every document.

Many thanks to those that can help,

C-Cose Masters

Re: Issues / Questions about customization ...

2001-12-13 Thread Rod Pinna

To set helvetica to be the default font, I believe the instruction is


Put that in the preamble, and it should work.

All a template is is a Lyx file, in the directory

So open one that looks about right, put the above line in the preamble,
and save it with a different name. That should work. BTW, to save
something in the /usr/share/... directories, you'll need to be logged in
as a superuser.

Alternatively, just save a .lyx file somewhere handy.

As for the header problem, have a read of the documentation for
fancyhdr.sty. It has some examples where the heading is set to be equal to
the chapter name. It also tells you how to use the section name etc.

To use an abbreviated title, it would be easier just to type it in, using
fancyhdr. If you don't have the documentation, you might need to install
another debian package.


On Thu, 13 Dec 2001, cmasters wrote:

 Greetings all,
 Firstly, thank you to those posters that helped me in tracking down and
 resolving the problems I experienced with helvitca font and spacing options
 in Lyx. It turned out that my default installation was not the standard
 default that others have/had experienced.
 That said, I am still having issues with customizing Lyx to operate in the
 manner that I need it to. I thought that maybe some background may halp to
 explain what and why I am desiring global changes in my use of Lyx.
 -- begin background
 I run a small at-home business providing typing / and layout services in
 Fredericton, NB. The vast majority of interested / prospective clients are
 students at the two universities here. As such, as must be able to provide
 them with exactly their needs in order to attract and maintain them as
 The students are required (near universally) to submit papers and reports in
 any of three formats:
 1. APA style article
 2. MLA style article / essay
 3. General essay -- little internal formatting, although a cover page and
 reference page are often required.
 In addition, there are some conventions that, I believe, are unique to the
 university environment; some also seem to be unique to the current likes /
 dislikes or students and professors. They are:
 1. For both APA and MLA articles, many professors ~insist~ that each page
 include a right justified header, that includes an abbreviated title of the
 paper (in smaller font than the body).
 2. Also for both APA and MLA papers, the convention is that a cover page
 precede the first numbered page of the paper. This page includes that title,
 date, author(s), course, professor, and (in the case of publication
 submission) school / program of study.
 3. Finally, by some twist of fate, the times and courier fonts have gone
 out of style. Again, the majority of my clients ~insist~ on the use of
 Helvetica - 12 pt. It's lines considered cleaner and often easier to read
 than the default (here referred to as newspaper) fonts of times and courier.
 I am only myslef, becoming familiar with the concept of font families and
 classes and don't feel that I need to explain an inability to give my
 clients what they desire, due to difficulty in getting Lyx to provide it.
 -- end of background
 I have sampled all the templates that are provided in my Lyx distribution.
 However, I seem to have problems with them.
 1. Many of them -- aapaper, revtex, revtex4, aastex -- don't work as
 expected when viewing dvi output. They ~all~ have a number of errors dealing
 with Latex commands / variables imbedded in the initial style. As this is
 (once again) an issue of having to learn Latex (which I'm directly told
 should be unnecessay -- User's Guide), I can't even adust the bare content
 that is in them in order to preview the layout. A viscous cirle ensues.
 2. As the majority of my clients prefer Helvetica, I would like ~this font~
 to be considered the default: in all cases, for all environments, in all
 chosen templates. I looked at the lyxrc and made a copy to my home
 directory, but can find no place in which to make a global change. Changing
 'font_encoding default' to 'font_encoding helvetica' resulted in an
 error from lyx while it was loading.
 3. As I am unable to preview any template (other than book and letter
 variations), I am also unable to determine whether any of the templates
 offered include my header requirement for APA and MLA papers.
 So, I ~am willing~ to make the necessary changes to templates and learn the
 Latex that is required to get the job done, BUT I would like to be able to
 use the templated ~already provided~ if that is all possible.
 Does someone have specific (as in this worked for me ... look to man,
 website, etc.) guidelines for accomplishing:
 1. Universal change to Helvetica font as default.
 2. Mathods to modify (and save locally) templates as provided by Lyx.
 I am not asking to have my hand held, I have read the Introduction and

Re: Issues / Questions about customization ...

2001-12-13 Thread cmasters

Greetings Rod,

Talk about fast service  whew

I've already saved copies of all the templates in my home directory and make
the changes you advised. I'll let you know how it works.

BTW - I've also dicovered the existence of a Latexconfig file that seems to
be generated each time Latex is changed. It allowed me to see which
templates, files etc. had been installed. It would appear that at least some
of the templates I referred to aren't installed in my tex directory.

Thanks again for your very valuable help.


Re: Issues / Questions about customization ...

2001-12-13 Thread Guenter Milde

On Thu, 13 Dec 2001 08:14:37 -0400 wrote cmasters [EMAIL PROTECTED]:

 I have sampled all the templates that are provided in my Lyx distribution.
 However, I seem to have problems with them.
 1. Many of them -- aapaper, revtex, revtex4, aastex -- don't work as
 expected when viewing dvi output. They ~all~ have a number of errors dealing
 with Latex commands / variables imbedded in the initial style. 

I'm afraid, help can only be given for concrete problems here.

 As this is
 (once again) an issue of having to learn Latex (which I'm directly told
 should be unnecessay -- User's Guide), I can't even adust the bare content
 that is in them in order to preview the layout. A viscous cirle ensues.

Well, the Users Guide migth be too enthusiastic. You will not need to know
LaTeX for the straightforward use of standard layouts. However, when you
want to create of modify the layout, I suppose you will not be able without
at least basic knowledge of it. Rather, changing/designing a layout is
advanced LaTeX stuff. (So, if you still want to make a buissnes out of using
LyX/LaTeX you might have to become an expert.)

On the other hand, many universities have a LaTeX template/style/class file
that does the layout they require. If you could get such a thing, half the
work is done. The rest is getting LyX to work with it (which is advanced LyX
stuff, but not as difficult as the LaTeX part.)

Finally, once you have the styles for all your clients needs, working with
lyx will be a charme :-)

 3. As I am unable to preview any template (other than book and letter
 variations), I am also unable to determine whether any of the templates
 offered include my header requirement for APA and MLA papers.

 So, I ~am willing~ to make the necessary changes to templates and learn the
 Latex that is required to get the job done, BUT I would like to be able to
 use the templated ~already provided~ if that is all possible.

Some of the templates are for rather special classes that don't come with
the standard TeX distributions.

But, rather than checking the templates, you should check the classes (as
most of them dont have a special template).

To check the available classes, open/create a normal document
and then change the document-class to one of the many choices under

 2. Methods to modify (and save locally) templates as provided by Lyx.

Tip: save to your home: ~/.lyx/layouts.
 also: you can save any file as a template, so to have your
 helvetica-template, open a new file, set the font-family to helvet
 (in the LayoutDocument menu) and save as
 ~/.lyx/layouts/article-helvetica.lyx, say.


Re: figure: rotation origin

2001-12-13 Thread Herbert Voss

kretzschmar matthieu wrote:

 |  |   
 |  |   
 |  |
 |  |
 I tried to resolve that by:
 instead of
 but it doesn't work..

try \raisebox{additional height}{\rotatebox{-90}}



Re: Issues / Questions about customization ...

2001-12-13 Thread cmasters

Greetings Guenter,

On 13-12-01, Guenter Milde wrote:
 On Thu, 13 Dec 2001 08:14:37 -0400 wrote cmasters [EMAIL PROTECTED]:
  I have sampled all the templates that are provided in my Lyx distribution.
  However, I seem to have problems with them.
  1. Many of them -- aapaper, revtex, revtex4, aastex -- don't work as
  expected when viewing dvi output. They ~all~ have a number of errors dealing
  with Latex commands / variables imbedded in the initial style. 
 I'm afraid, help can only be given for concrete problems here.
I realize this. I also found the LatexConfig generated file and confirmed
that at least some of the templates to which I referred had not been

  As this is
  (once again) an issue of having to learn Latex (which I'm directly told
  should be unnecessay -- User's Guide), I can't even adust the bare content
  that is in them in order to preview the layout. A viscous cirle ensues.
 Well, the Users Guide migth be too enthusiastic. You will not need to know
 LaTeX for the straightforward use of standard layouts. However, when you
 want to create of modify the layout, I suppose you will not be able without
 at least basic knowledge of it. Rather, changing/designing a layout is
 advanced LaTeX stuff. (So, if you still want to make a buissnes out of using
 LyX/LaTeX you might have to become an expert.)

I'm beginning to realize that learning Latex is now a requirement in my
case. I do wish the User's Guide would be a tad more honest about that
possibility though.
 On the other hand, many universities have a LaTeX template/style/class file
 that does the layout they require. If you could get such a thing, half the
 work is done. The rest is getting LyX to work with it (which is advanced LyX
 stuff, but not as difficult as the LaTeX part.)
--- begin dry humour ---
Not sure about your locale, but here in Canada, we suffer from a top-heavy
bureaucratic university system. In order for the university administration
to provide these resources to the students (their sole purpose for
existence), they would have to redistribute funds for themselves. It's been
my experience that many universities here are more interested in research
and associated government funding than actually educating and producing
productive future leaders.

Hence, the common response is Use MSWord ... it's suitable.. Therefore no
need to have readily available templates for the lowly student.
--- end dry humour

 Finally, once you have the styles for all your clients needs, working with
 lyx will be a charme :-)
'tis true. I'm already charmed by the recent changes I've made. 
  3. As I am unable to preview any template (other than book and letter
  variations), I am also unable to determine whether any of the templates
  offered include my header requirement for APA and MLA papers.
  So, I ~am willing~ to make the necessary changes to templates and learn the
  Latex that is required to get the job done, BUT I would like to be able to
  use the templated ~already provided~ if that is all possible.
 Some of the templates are for rather special classes that don't come with
 the standard TeX distributions.
 But, rather than checking the templates, you should check the classes (as
 most of them dont have a special template).
Useful advice!!! I've found that manipulating the classes is ~much~ easier
than trying to change the defaults within the templates. Thank you.

 To check the available classes, open/create a normal document
 and then change the document-class to one of the many choices under
  2. Methods to modify (and save locally) templates as provided by Lyx.
 Tip: save to your home: ~/.lyx/layouts.
  also: you can save any file as a template, so to have your
  helvetica-template, open a new file, set the font-family to helvet
  (in the LayoutDocument menu) and save as
  ~/.lyx/layouts/article-helvetica.lyx, say.
I've copied both the templates and examples files to my home directory
(with appropriate ownership changes) and am finding modifying to be much
less painful now.

Thank you for your sage advice.

C-Cose Masters

LyX table question

2001-12-13 Thread Laurent Duperval


I want to create a table with two colomsn, that will look something like

Some string   * An enum item
- a sub item
- another sub item

  * Another enum item
- its sub item
- s'more

Another string* An enum item
- a sub item
- another sub item

  * Another enum item
- its sub item
- s'more


Look like the table environment can't do that for me. What are my other options?



Laurent Duperval mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

Je sens comme un torrent créateur déferler sur la plaine aride de ma
  -Léonard le génie

No images preview in LyX 1.1.6-8mdk and pdf 1.3 instead of 1.2

2001-12-13 Thread Raymond Ouellette

I'm using LyX since 15 months, what a great tool!
I have two questions.

1- I recently upgraded to Mandrake Linux 8.1 which includes LyX 1.1.6fix3 (July 24th). 
Almost everything is fine and Ghostscript 6.51 works OK too. DVI, PDF, XDVI, 
everything work except that LyX can't preview any images whether they are black and 
white, level of grey or color. I can preview any images in the DVI or Postscript 
preview but not directly inside LyX as before.

I tried to replace LyX 1.1.6-8mdk with's 1.1.6fix3 (even if it is suposed to 
be the same version) but the behavior stays the same. Am I alone with this problem?

2- How can I produced 1.3 pdf instead pf the default 1.2 from whithin LyX?

Thank's for your time, I really appreciate this list that I read everyday.



Édité et transmis sous Linux!

Re: No images preview in LyX 1.1.6-8mdk and pdf 1.3 instead of 1.2

2001-12-13 Thread John Levon

On Thu, Dec 13, 2001 at 08:02:35PM -0500, Raymond Ouellette wrote:

 1- I recently upgraded to Mandrake Linux 8.1 which includes LyX 1.1.6fix3
 (July 24th). Almost everything is fine and Ghostscript 6.51 works OK too.
 DVI, PDF, XDVI, everything work except that LyX can't preview any images
 whether they are black and white, level of grey or color. I can preview any
 images in the DVI or Postscript preview but not directly inside LyX as

This is a ghostscript bug. Complain to Mandrake (feel free to complain loudly too -
my detailed bug report was ignored).


Of all manifestations of power, restraint impresses the most.
- Thucydides


2001-12-13 Thread Paul Tremblay

Herbert Voss had a very good page on using endnotes with the
endnote package.  However, when I went to have another look at
it, and download the page for future use, I got the 404 message,
stating that the page could not be found.  

Is there any way to see this page again? 

On a similar note, I've noticed that many of Ctan's links don't
work.  For example, when I tried to download the footnote
package, I was told that the server could not find the package.
(The actual page should be

I was also sent to a the miscallaneous directory when I tried to
download the endnotes package.



*Paul Tremblay *

Re: LyX table question

2001-12-13 Thread Herbert Voss

Laurent Duperval wrote:

 I want to create a table with two colomsn, that will look something like
 Some string   * An enum item
 - a sub item
 - another sub item

mark the right tablecell as a minipage and insert the code with ERT

\item * An enum item
 \item - a sub item
 \item - another sub item



Re: endnotes

2001-12-13 Thread Herbert Voss

Paul Tremblay wrote:

 Herbert Voss had a very good page on using endnotes with the
 endnote package.  However, when I went to have another look at
 it, and download the page for future use, I got the 404 message,
 stating that the page could not be found.  
 Is there any way to see this page again? 

the address changed:

 On a similar note, I've noticed that many of Ctan's links don't
 work.  For example, when I tried to download the footnote
 package, I was told that the server could not find the package.

please, be more specific. I've not the time to test all CTAN links.

 (The actual page should be

I corrected the endnote link



Re: LyX and DTP

2001-12-13 Thread robin

Very good tips - thanks, Kat!


Kathryn Andersen wrote:

>Folks may remember a while back that I posted my experiences trying to
>use LyX to create my fanzine.  Well, I've finally gotten around to
>putting that up on the web.  The URL is 
>Kathryn Andersen
>"Nothing at all really - a bit like your property when Vila's around -
>   suddenly it's somewhere else."
>   -- Roj Blake, describing teleportation
>   (Blake's 7: Cygnus Alpha [A3])

figure: rotation origin

2001-12-13 Thread kretzschmar matthieu


I didn't find anything on the archive about my problem.
I want to put 2 pictures side to side in a float. Usually, all my
figures must be rotated by 90 degrees and it works very well.

But this time, one of my 2 figures (it is not important which one)
must be rotated by -90 degrees or 270 degrees. I write it in the
"rotate" field,and then I have it in the
good orientation, on the good side of my float, but too much down. It
appears good in the Lyx file, but not in the dvi (or ps) one.

here is the GOOD result for two "+90 deg." figure:

|  |||
|  |||

here is the BAD result with one "-90 deg." figure (the right one):

|  |   
|  |   
|  |
|  |


I tried to resolve that by:


instead of


but it doesn't work..

Thanks for help, and sorry for the english...


Re: glossary

2001-12-13 Thread Niklas Werner

Hi All!

lots of stuff to sort
Try this: (assuming a UN*X system)

#> cat yourindexfile | uniq | sort -f > yoursortedindexfile

this should get you a sorted (ignoring case: leave out the -f switch to 
preserve case) and double-free list.

Have fun*


Issues / Questions about customization ...

2001-12-13 Thread cmasters

Greetings all,

Firstly, thank you to those posters that helped me in tracking down and
resolving the problems I experienced with helvitca font and spacing options
in Lyx. It turned out that my "default" installation was not the standard
default that others have/had experienced.

That said, I am still having issues with customizing Lyx to operate in the
manner that I need it to. I thought that maybe some background may halp to
explain what and why I am desiring "global" changes in my use of Lyx.

-- begin background

I run a small at-home business providing typing / and layout services in
Fredericton, NB. The vast majority of interested / prospective clients are
students at the two universities here. As such, as must be able to provide
them with exactly their needs in order to attract and maintain them as

The students are required (near universally) to submit papers and reports in
any of three formats:

1. APA style article
2. MLA style article / essay
3. General essay -- little internal formatting, although a "cover" page and
reference page are often required.

In addition, there are some conventions that, I believe, are unique to the
university environment; some also seem to be unique to the current likes /
dislikes or students and professors. They are:

1. For both APA and MLA articles, many professors ~insist~ that each page
include a right justified header, that includes an abbreviated title of the
paper (in smaller font than the body).

2. Also for both APA and MLA papers, the convention is that a "cover page"
precede the first numbered page of the paper. This page includes that title,
date, author(s), course, professor, and (in the case of publication
submission) school / program of study.

3. Finally, by some twist of fate, the "times" and "courier" fonts have gone
out of style. Again, the majority of my clients ~insist~ on the use of
Helvetica - 12 pt. It's lines considered cleaner and often easier to read
than the default (here referred to as "newspaper") fonts of times and courier.

I am only myslef, becoming familiar with the concept of font families and
classes and don't feel that I need to explain an inability to give my
clients what they desire, due to difficulty in getting Lyx to provide it.

-- end of background

I have sampled all the templates that are provided in my Lyx distribution.
However, I seem to have problems with them.

1. Many of them -- aapaper, revtex, revtex4, aastex -- don't work as
expected when viewing dvi output. They ~all~ have a number of errors dealing
with Latex commands / variables imbedded in the initial style. As this is
(once again) an issue of having to learn Latex (which I'm directly told
should be unnecessay -- User's Guide), I can't even adust the bare content
that is in them in order to preview the layout. A viscous cirle ensues.

2. As the majority of my clients prefer Helvetica, I would like ~this font~
to be considered the default: in all cases, for all environments, in all
chosen templates. I looked at the lyxrc and made a copy to my home
directory, but can find no place in which to make a global change. Changing
'font_encoding "default"' to 'font_encoding "helvetica"' resulted in an
error from lyx while it was loading.

3. As I am unable to preview any template (other than book and letter
variations), I am also unable to determine whether any of the templates
offered include my header requirement for APA and MLA papers.

So, I ~am willing~ to make the necessary changes to templates and learn the
Latex that is required to get the job done, BUT I would like to be able to
use the templated ~already provided~ if that is all possible.

Does someone have specific (as in "this worked for me ... look to ) guidelines for accomplishing:

1. Universal change to Helvetica font as "default".
2. Mathods to modify (and save locally) templates as provided by Lyx.

I am not asking to have my hand held, I have read the Introduction and
User's Guide, and have skimmed the Advanced Usage (which seems directed at
technical writing). I am willing to invest the hours to get Lyx customized
to my needs. I decided on Lyx after long association with "other" programs
available. All suffered from crashing on large documents, requiring ~far~
too many mouse or keyboard commands, or hitting  12 times to get 12
empty lines. I don't want Lyx to do my thinking, I just want it to think
about things that I shouldn't have to in every document.

Many thanks to those that can help,

C-Cose Masters

Re: Issues / Questions about customization ...

2001-12-13 Thread Rod Pinna

To set helvetica to be the default font, I believe the instruction is


Put that in the preamble, and it should work.

All a template is is a Lyx file, in the directory

So open one that looks about right, put the above line in the preamble,
and save it with a different name. That should work. BTW, to save
something in the /usr/share/... directories, you'll need to be logged in
as a superuser.

Alternatively, just save a .lyx file somewhere handy.

As for the header problem, have a read of the documentation for
fancyhdr.sty. It has some examples where the heading is set to be equal to
the chapter name. It also tells you how to use the section name etc.

To use an abbreviated title, it would be easier just to type it in, using
fancyhdr. If you don't have the documentation, you might need to install
another debian package.


On Thu, 13 Dec 2001, cmasters wrote:

> Greetings all,
> Firstly, thank you to those posters that helped me in tracking down and
> resolving the problems I experienced with helvitca font and spacing options
> in Lyx. It turned out that my "default" installation was not the standard
> default that others have/had experienced.
> That said, I am still having issues with customizing Lyx to operate in the
> manner that I need it to. I thought that maybe some background may halp to
> explain what and why I am desiring "global" changes in my use of Lyx.
> -- begin background
> I run a small at-home business providing typing / and layout services in
> Fredericton, NB. The vast majority of interested / prospective clients are
> students at the two universities here. As such, as must be able to provide
> them with exactly their needs in order to attract and maintain them as
> clients.
> The students are required (near universally) to submit papers and reports in
> any of three formats:
> 1. APA style article
> 2. MLA style article / essay
> 3. General essay -- little internal formatting, although a "cover" page and
> reference page are often required.
> In addition, there are some conventions that, I believe, are unique to the
> university environment; some also seem to be unique to the current likes /
> dislikes or students and professors. They are:
> 1. For both APA and MLA articles, many professors ~insist~ that each page
> include a right justified header, that includes an abbreviated title of the
> paper (in smaller font than the body).
> 2. Also for both APA and MLA papers, the convention is that a "cover page"
> precede the first numbered page of the paper. This page includes that title,
> date, author(s), course, professor, and (in the case of publication
> submission) school / program of study.
> 3. Finally, by some twist of fate, the "times" and "courier" fonts have gone
> out of style. Again, the majority of my clients ~insist~ on the use of
> Helvetica - 12 pt. It's lines considered cleaner and often easier to read
> than the default (here referred to as "newspaper") fonts of times and courier.
> I am only myslef, becoming familiar with the concept of font families and
> classes and don't feel that I need to explain an inability to give my
> clients what they desire, due to difficulty in getting Lyx to provide it.
> -- end of background
> I have sampled all the templates that are provided in my Lyx distribution.
> However, I seem to have problems with them.
> 1. Many of them -- aapaper, revtex, revtex4, aastex -- don't work as
> expected when viewing dvi output. They ~all~ have a number of errors dealing
> with Latex commands / variables imbedded in the initial style. As this is
> (once again) an issue of having to learn Latex (which I'm directly told
> should be unnecessay -- User's Guide), I can't even adust the bare content
> that is in them in order to preview the layout. A viscous cirle ensues.
> 2. As the majority of my clients prefer Helvetica, I would like ~this font~
> to be considered the default: in all cases, for all environments, in all
> chosen templates. I looked at the lyxrc and made a copy to my home
> directory, but can find no place in which to make a global change. Changing
> 'font_encoding "default"' to 'font_encoding "helvetica"' resulted in an
> error from lyx while it was loading.
> 3. As I am unable to preview any template (other than book and letter
> variations), I am also unable to determine whether any of the templates
> offered include my header requirement for APA and MLA papers.
> So, I ~am willing~ to make the necessary changes to templates and learn the
> Latex that is required to get the job done, BUT I would like to be able to
> use the templated ~already provided~ if that is all possible.
> Does someone have specific (as in "this worked for me ... look to  website, etc.>) guidelines for accomplishing:
> 1. Universal change to Helvetica font as "default".
> 2. Mathods to modify (and save locally) 

Re: Issues / Questions about customization ...

2001-12-13 Thread cmasters

Greetings Rod,

Talk about fast service  whew

I've already saved copies of all the templates in my home directory and make
the changes you advised. I'll let you know how it works.

BTW - I've also dicovered the existence of a Latexconfig file that seems to
be generated each time Latex is changed. It allowed me to see which
templates, files etc. had been installed. It would appear that at least some
of the templates I referred to aren't installed in my tex directory.

Thanks again for your very valuable help.


Re: Issues / Questions about customization ...

2001-12-13 Thread Guenter Milde

On Thu, 13 Dec 2001 08:14:37 -0400 wrote cmasters <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:

> I have sampled all the templates that are provided in my Lyx distribution.
> However, I seem to have problems with them.
> 1. Many of them -- aapaper, revtex, revtex4, aastex -- don't work as
> expected when viewing dvi output. They ~all~ have a number of errors dealing
> with Latex commands / variables imbedded in the initial style. 

I'm afraid, help can only be given for concrete problems here.

> As this is
> (once again) an issue of having to learn Latex (which I'm directly told
> should be unnecessay -- User's Guide), I can't even adust the bare content
> that is in them in order to preview the layout. A viscous cirle ensues.

Well, the Users Guide migth be too enthusiastic. You will not need to know
LaTeX for the straightforward use of standard layouts. However, when you
want to create of modify the layout, I suppose you will not be able without
at least basic knowledge of it. Rather, changing/designing a layout is
advanced LaTeX stuff. (So, if you still want to make a buissnes out of using
LyX/LaTeX you might have to become an expert.)

On the other hand, many universities have a LaTeX template/style/class file
that does the layout they require. If you could get such a thing, half the
work is done. The rest is getting LyX to work with it (which is advanced LyX
stuff, but not as difficult as the LaTeX part.)

Finally, once you have the styles for all your clients needs, working with
lyx will be a charme :-)

> 3. As I am unable to preview any template (other than book and letter
> variations), I am also unable to determine whether any of the templates
> offered include my header requirement for APA and MLA papers.
> So, I ~am willing~ to make the necessary changes to templates and learn the
> Latex that is required to get the job done, BUT I would like to be able to
> use the templated ~already provided~ if that is all possible.

Some of the templates are for rather special classes that don't come with
the standard TeX distributions.

But, rather than checking the templates, you should check the "classes" (as
most of them dont have a special template).

To check the available classes, open/create a "normal" document
and then change the document-class to one of the many choices under

> 2. Methods to modify (and save locally) templates as provided by Lyx.

Tip: save to your home: ~/.lyx/layouts.
 also: you can save any file as a template, so to have your
 "helvetica-template", open a new file, set the font-family to helvet
 (in the Layout>Document menu) and save as
 ~/.lyx/layouts/article-helvetica.lyx, say.


Re: figure: rotation origin

2001-12-13 Thread Herbert Voss

kretzschmar matthieu wrote:

> |  |   
> |  |   
> |__|
> |  |
> |  |
> |__|
> ---
> I tried to resolve that by:
> \rotatebox[origin=c]{-90}
> instead of
> \rotatebox{-90}
> but it doesn't work..

try \raisebox{additional height}{\rotatebox{-90}}



Re: Issues / Questions about customization ...

2001-12-13 Thread cmasters

Greetings Guenter,

On 13-12-01, Guenter Milde wrote:
> On Thu, 13 Dec 2001 08:14:37 -0400 wrote cmasters <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> > I have sampled all the templates that are provided in my Lyx distribution.
> > However, I seem to have problems with them.
> > 
> > 1. Many of them -- aapaper, revtex, revtex4, aastex -- don't work as
> > expected when viewing dvi output. They ~all~ have a number of errors dealing
> > with Latex commands / variables imbedded in the initial style. 
> I'm afraid, help can only be given for concrete problems here.
I realize this. I also found the LatexConfig generated file and confirmed
that at least some of the templates to which I referred had not been

> > As this is
> > (once again) an issue of having to learn Latex (which I'm directly told
> > should be unnecessay -- User's Guide), I can't even adust the bare content
> > that is in them in order to preview the layout. A viscous cirle ensues.
> Well, the Users Guide migth be too enthusiastic. You will not need to know
> LaTeX for the straightforward use of standard layouts. However, when you
> want to create of modify the layout, I suppose you will not be able without
> at least basic knowledge of it. Rather, changing/designing a layout is
> advanced LaTeX stuff. (So, if you still want to make a buissnes out of using
> LyX/LaTeX you might have to become an expert.)

I'm beginning to realize that learning Latex is now a requirement in my
case. I do wish the User's Guide would be a tad more honest about that
possibility though.
> On the other hand, many universities have a LaTeX template/style/class file
> that does the layout they require. If you could get such a thing, half the
> work is done. The rest is getting LyX to work with it (which is advanced LyX
> stuff, but not as difficult as the LaTeX part.)
--- begin dry humour ---
Not sure about your locale, but here in Canada, we suffer from a top-heavy
bureaucratic university system. In order for the university administration
to provide these resources to the students (their sole purpose for
existence), they would have to redistribute funds for themselves. It's been
my experience that many universities here are more interested in "research"
and associated government funding than actually educating and producing
productive future leaders.

Hence, the common response is "Use MSWord ... it's suitable.". Therefore no
need to have readily available templates for the lowly student.
--- end dry humour

> Finally, once you have the styles for all your clients needs, working with
> lyx will be a charme :-)
'tis true. I'm already charmed by the recent changes I've made. 
> > 3. As I am unable to preview any template (other than book and letter
> > variations), I am also unable to determine whether any of the templates
> > offered include my header requirement for APA and MLA papers.
> >
> > So, I ~am willing~ to make the necessary changes to templates and learn the
> > Latex that is required to get the job done, BUT I would like to be able to
> > use the templated ~already provided~ if that is all possible.
> Some of the templates are for rather special classes that don't come with
> the standard TeX distributions.
> But, rather than checking the templates, you should check the "classes" (as
> most of them dont have a special template).
Useful advice!!! I've found that manipulating the classes is ~much~ easier
than trying to change the defaults within the templates. Thank you.

> To check the available classes, open/create a "normal" document
> and then change the document-class to one of the many choices under
> >Layout>Document>Class.
> > 2. Methods to modify (and save locally) templates as provided by Lyx.
> Tip: save to your home: ~/.lyx/layouts.
>  also: you can save any file as a template, so to have your
>  "helvetica-template", open a new file, set the font-family to helvet
>  (in the Layout>Document menu) and save as
>  ~/.lyx/layouts/article-helvetica.lyx, say.
I've copied both the "templates" and "examples" files to my home directory
(with appropriate ownership changes) and am finding modifying to be much
less painful now.

Thank you for your sage advice.

> GM
> --
C-Cose Masters

LyX table question

2001-12-13 Thread Laurent Duperval


I want to create a table with two colomsn, that will look something like

Some string   * An enum item
- a sub item
- another sub item

  * Another enum item
- its sub item
- s'more

Another string* An enum item
- a sub item
- another sub item

  * Another enum item
- its sub item
- s'more


Look like the table environment can't do that for me. What are my other options?



Laurent Duperval 

Je sens comme un torrent créateur déferler sur la plaine aride de ma
  -Léonard le génie

No images preview in LyX 1.1.6-8mdk and pdf 1.3 instead of 1.2

2001-12-13 Thread Raymond Ouellette

I'm using LyX since 15 months, what a great tool!
I have two questions.

1- I recently upgraded to Mandrake Linux 8.1 which includes LyX 1.1.6fix3 (July 24th). 
Almost everything is fine and Ghostscript 6.51 works OK too. DVI, PDF, XDVI, 
everything work except that LyX can't preview any images whether they are black and 
white, level of grey or color. I can preview any images in the DVI or Postscript 
preview but not directly inside LyX as before.

I tried to replace LyX 1.1.6-8mdk with's 1.1.6fix3 (even if it is suposed to 
be the same version) but the behavior stays the same. Am I alone with this "problem"?

2- How can I produced 1.3 pdf instead pf the default 1.2 from whithin LyX?

Thank's for your time, I really appreciate this list that I read everyday.



Édité et transmis sous Linux!

Re: No images preview in LyX 1.1.6-8mdk and pdf 1.3 instead of 1.2

2001-12-13 Thread John Levon

On Thu, Dec 13, 2001 at 08:02:35PM -0500, Raymond Ouellette wrote:

> 1- I recently upgraded to Mandrake Linux 8.1 which includes LyX 1.1.6fix3
> (July 24th). Almost everything is fine and Ghostscript 6.51 works OK too.
> DVI, PDF, XDVI, everything work except that LyX can't preview any images
> whether they are black and white, level of grey or color. I can preview any
> images in the DVI or Postscript preview but not directly inside LyX as
> before.

This is a ghostscript bug. Complain to Mandrake (feel free to complain loudly too -
my detailed bug report was ignored).


"Of all manifestations of power, restraint impresses the most."
- Thucydides


2001-12-13 Thread Paul Tremblay

Herbert Voss had a very good page on using endnotes with the
endnote package.  However, when I went to have another look at
it, and download the page for future use, I got the 404 message,
stating that the page could not be found.  

Is there any way to see this page again? 

On a similar note, I've noticed that many of Ctan's links don't
work.  For example, when I tried to download the footnote
package, I was told that the server could not find the package.
(The actual page should be

I was also sent to a the miscallaneous directory when I tried to
download the endnotes package.



*Paul Tremblay *

Re: LyX table question

2001-12-13 Thread Herbert Voss

Laurent Duperval wrote:

> Hi,
> I want to create a table with two colomsn, that will look something like
> this:
> Some string   * An enum item
> - a sub item
> - another sub item

mark the right tablecell as a minipage and insert the code with ERT

\item * An enum item
 \item - a sub item
 \item - another sub item



Re: endnotes

2001-12-13 Thread Herbert Voss

Paul Tremblay wrote:

> Herbert Voss had a very good page on using endnotes with the
> endnote package.  However, when I went to have another look at
> it, and download the page for future use, I got the 404 message,
> stating that the page could not be found.  
> Is there any way to see this page again? 

the address changed:

> On a similar note, I've noticed that many of Ctan's links don't
> work.  For example, when I tried to download the footnote
> package, I was told that the server could not find the package.

please, be more specific. I've not the time to test all CTAN links.

> (The actual page should be

I corrected the endnote link

