Re: LyX 1.2.0 won't link

2002-06-21 Thread Niklas Werner

Hi There!

 frontends/.libs/libfrontends.a(FormError.o): In function
 FormError.o(.text+0x204): undefined reference to `ControlInsetInsetError,
 basic_stringchar, string_char_traitschar,
 __default_alloc_templatetrue, 0  ::params(void)'
 collect2: ld returned 1 exit status

 Here's my configuration (as reported by configure):
   Host type:  i686-pc-linux-gnu
   Special build flags:included-libsigc use-pspell
   C   Compiler:   gcc
   C   Compiler flags: -O3 -march=i686 -mcpu=i686
   C++ Compiler:   g++ (2.95.3)
   C++ Compiler flags: -O3 -march=i686 -mcpu=i686
   Linker flags:   
   Frontend:   xforms
 libXpm version:   4.11
 libforms version: 0.88.1
   LyX binary dir: /usr/bin
   LyX files dir:  /usr/share/lyx

This is easy to solve, once you know it
compile with CXXFLAGS=-O -whatever-else-you-want

somehow the code is broken as to give above error when optimising more 
than -O ;-(

Have fun*


Re: LyX 1.2.0 won't link

2002-06-21 Thread Lars Gullik Bjønnes

Niklas Werner [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

| This is easy to solve, once you know it
| compile with CXXFLAGS=-O -whatever-else-you-want

| somehow the code is broken as to give above error when optimising more
| than -O ;-(

More likely the compiler than the code...


lyx1.2 and pool_size

2002-06-21 Thread Beaubert

Hi all,

I have a pb with lyx1.2 and the size of the pool_size. 
In texmf.cnf I have set pool_size=75 which work well with lyx1.1.6 but 
now with 1.2 version the Tex capacity exceed  but the file is the same

Any Idea?

When I change the pool_size valu must I also make a texhash after?


Re: lyx1.2 and pool_size

2002-06-21 Thread John Levon

On Fri, Jun 21, 2002 at 12:22:04PM +0200, Beaubert wrote:

 I have a pb with lyx1.2 and the size of the pool_size. 
 In texmf.cnf I have set pool_size=75 which work well with lyx1.1.6 but 
 now with 1.2 version the Tex capacity exceed  but the file is the same

This usually means that the file was not imported quite right into 1.2.0

If you can send the original 1.1.6 document somebody can help you fix it
up, and/or we can fix the import bug


If a thing is not diminished by being shared, it is not rightly owned if
 it is only owned  not shared.
- St. Augustine

Re: equations over multiple lines

2002-06-21 Thread Milos Komarcevic

Insert - Maths - AMS ***

 features which I assumed would let me do the same thing, (except with
nice gui) but when I used it, it said command-disabled

how do I enable it, or isn't it finished yet??

I can do all the available AMS math environments from the menu
Insert - Math - AMS *align*... (on RHL 7.3 and Win32/Cygwin)
Do you have the amsmath Latex package? You maybe need to run
configure so LyX can pick it up?

I prefer the output of AMS multline, but you have to resort to ERT for
that (this would be a nice addition for future LyX releases!).


Milos Komarcevic

Subject: problems compiling lyx-1.2.0 (Unsatisfied symbols)

2002-06-21 Thread Jost Martin


Olli Grewe reported on 13.6.2002 about problems compiling lyx 1.2.0.

I've got the same problem on HPUX 10.20 using gcc 2.95.2.

Compilation went smoothly, but the link-step failed with the same bunch of missing 
symbols. (But the output of the list of symbols differs somewhat in the order)

My output from the link step is included below.

I tried to track this one down. So I tried to find ControlInsetInsetCommand, 
InsetCommandParams::inset(void) const(code).

I used the following command for this:
/usr/bin/nm $i | /pd/gcc/bin/c++filt | grep -F 
(Meaning I used the HP nm (I didn't find a gnu one with gcc) and the
unmangling-filter from gcc. [Sorry, I normally use the HP tools])

I came up with:

= ./src/frontends/controllers: =
-- ./src/frontends/controllers/ControlBibitem.o --
ControlInsetInsetCommand, InsetCommandParams::inset(void) const|  |undef 
|code   |

-- ./src/frontends/controllers/ControlBibtex.o --
ControlInsetInsetCommand, InsetCommandParams::inset(void) const|  |undef 
|code   |

-- ./src/frontends/controllers/ControlCommand.o --
ControlInsetInsetCommand, InsetCommandParams::inset(void) const| 
0|static|entry  |$CODE$

= ./src/frontends/.libs: =

-- ./src/frontends/.libs/libfrontends.a --
ControlInsetInsetCommand, InsetCommandParams::inset(void) const|  |undef 
|code   |
ControlInsetInsetCommand, InsetCommandParams::inset(void) const|  |undef 
|code   |
ControlInsetInsetCommand, InsetCommandParams::inset(void) const| 
0|static|entry  |$CODE$

Ok, so this symbol is used in ControlBibitem.o and ControlBibtex.o. 
It is defined in ControlCommand.o. This all is included in libfrontends.a And surely 
enough, lyx get linked against this lib.
I tried to change the '//libxy.a' to '-L -lxy', moved the offending 
-lfrontends to the end of the link line and finally added a second -lfrontend.

This all didn't change anything. So now I'm at the end of my wits...
Note that g++ uses HP ld as linker , as can be seen from the error message:
/usr/ccs/bin/ld: Unsatisfied symbols:

Please contact me, if you need further details.
And please CC: a copy of answers to me - I'm not subscribed to the list.



link line and output: (From the original makefile)

/bin/sh ../libtool --mode=link g++  -march=1.1  -L/pd/glibs/lib/ -o lyx  BufferView.o 
BufferView2.o BufferView_pimpl.o Bullet.o Chktex.o ColorHandler.o CutAndPaste.o 
DepTable.o FloatList.o Floating.o FontInfo.o FontLoader.o FuncStatus.o LColor.o 
LaTeX.o LaTeXFeatures.o LyXAction.o LyXView.o MenuBackend.o Painter.o PainterBase.o 
ParagraphParameters.o Spacing.o TextCache.o Thesaurus.o ToolbarDefaults.o WorkArea.o 
XFormsView.o box.o buffer.o bufferlist.o bufferparams.o bufferview_funcs.o chset.o 
converter.o debug.o encoding.o exporter.o font.o gettext.o importer.o intl.o 
iterators.o kbmap.o kbsequence.o language.o lastfiles.o lengthcommon.o lyx_cb.o 
lyx_gui.o lyx_main.o lyx_sty.o lyxcursor.o lyxfont.o lyxfind.o lyxfunc.o 
lyxgluelength.o lyxlayout.o lyxlength.o lyxlex.o lyxlex_pimpl.o lyxlookup.o lyxrc.o 
lyxrow.o lyxserver.o lyxtextclass.o lyxtextclasslist.o lyxvc.o main.o minibuffer.o 
paragraph.o paragraph_pimpl.o screen.o sp_spell.o tabular.o tabular-old.o 
tabular_funcs.o tex-ac!
cent.o tex-strings.o texrow.o text.o text2.o tracer.o trans.o trans_mgr.o undo.o 
undo_funcs.o undostack.o vc-backend.o version.o vspace.o mathed/ 
insets/ frontends/ graphics/ 
support/ `../sigc++/sigc-config --libs-names | sed -e 's/-lsigc//'` 
../sigc++/ ../intl/libintl.a   -lSM -lICE -liberty -lc -lm   
-L/usr/lib/X11R6 -lX11
g++ -march=1.1 -o lyx BufferView.o BufferView2.o BufferView_pimpl.o Bullet.o Chktex.o 
ColorHandler.o CutAndPaste.o DepTable.o FloatList.o Floating.o FontInfo.o FontLoader.o 
FuncStatus.o LColor.o LaTeX.o LaTeXFeatures.o LyXAction.o LyXView.o MenuBackend.o 
Painter.o PainterBase.o ParagraphParameters.o Spacing.o TextCache.o Thesaurus.o 
ToolbarDefaults.o WorkArea.o XFormsView.o box.o buffer.o bufferlist.o bufferparams.o 
bufferview_funcs.o chset.o converter.o debug.o encoding.o exporter.o font.o gettext.o 
importer.o intl.o iterators.o kbmap.o kbsequence.o language.o lastfiles.o 
lengthcommon.o lyx_cb.o lyx_gui.o lyx_main.o lyx_sty.o lyxcursor.o lyxfont.o lyxfind.o 
lyxfunc.o lyxgluelength.o lyxlayout.o lyxlength.o lyxlex.o lyxlex_pimpl.o lyxlookup.o 
lyxrc.o lyxrow.o lyxserver.o lyxtextclass.o lyxtextclasslist.o lyxvc.o main.o 
minibuffer.o paragraph.o paragraph_pimpl.o screen.o sp_spell.o tabular.o tabular-old.o 
tabular_funcs.o tex-accent.o tex-strings.o texrow.o text.o text2.o tracer!
.o trans.o trans_mgr.o undo.o undo_funcs.o undostack.o vc-backend.o version.o vspace.o 
 -L/pd/glibs/lib/ mathed/.libs/libmathed.a insets/.libs/libinsets.a 
frontends/.libs/libfrontends.a -lforms -lXpm graphics/.libs/libgraphics.a 

Re: lyx1.2 and pool_size

2002-06-21 Thread Beaubert

John Levon wrote:

 On Fri, Jun 21, 2002 at 12:22:04PM +0200, Beaubert wrote:
 I have a pb with lyx1.2 and the size of the pool_size.
 In texmf.cnf I have set pool_size=75 which work well with lyx1.1.6
 now with 1.2 version the Tex capacity exceed  but the file is the same
 This usually means that the file was not imported quite right into 1.2.0
 If you can send the original 1.1.6 document somebody can help you fix it
 up, and/or we can fix the import bug
Here it is, but not that there are include files which are not includ in 
this mail.

Thank's for your help

#LyX 1.1 created this file. For more info see
\lyxformat 218
\textclass these
\options openright
\language frenchb
\inputencoding latin1
\fontscheme default
\graphics default
\float_placement !htbp
\paperfontsize 11
\spacing onehalf 
\papersize a4paper
\paperpackage a4
\use_geometry 1
\use_amsmath 0
\paperorientation portrait
\secnumdepth 4
\tocdepth 4
\paragraph_separation skip
\defskip bigskip
\quotes_language french
\quotes_times 2
\papercolumns 1
\papersides 2
\paperpagestyle fancy

\layout Title

\layout Author

François Beaubert
\layout Standard

\begin_inset LatexCommand \tableofcontents{}


\layout Standard

\begin_inset LatexCommand \listoffigures{}


\layout Standard

\begin_inset LatexCommand \listoftables{}


\layout Standard

\begin_inset Include \include{nomenclature.lyx}


\layout Standard

\latex latex 

\layout Standard

\begin_inset Include \include{introduction.lyx}


\layout Standard

\begin_inset Include \include{jets_plans.lyx}


\layout Standard

\begin_inset Include \include{note_sgs.lyx}


\layout Standard

\begin_inset Include \include{methode_numerique.lyx}


\layout Standard

\begin_inset Include \include{resultats.lyx}


\layout Standard

\latex latex 

addcontentsline{toc}{chapter}{Conclusions et perspectives}
\layout Standard

\begin_inset Include \include{conclusion.lyx}


\layout Standard

\begin_inset LatexCommand \BibTeX[acm]{biblio}


\layout Standard

\latex latex 

\latex default 

\begin_inset Include \include{formules_derivations.lyx}


\begin_inset Include \include{formules_interpolations.lyx}


\begin_inset Include \include{calcul_derivees.lyx}


\begin_inset Include \include{resolution_eq_poisson.lyx}


\begin_inset Include \include{analyse_spectrale.lyx}



Re: problem with xfig import

2002-06-21 Thread Helge Hafting

Osvaldo Fornaro wrote:
 Hi, lyxers
 I have a problem to import xfig files with  lyx 1.2.0. The error message is
 that file.eps is not found, so i think that the filter for import is not well
 defined. fig2dev exist in my system and works (and 1.1.6. worked ok).

Xfig works fine with the external inset - it even lets
you edit the image from lyx.

There is a small problem, 1.2.0 as distributed uses the package
graphichs instead of the correct graphicx when using
the external xfig inset.  That gives latex errors unless
something else happens to use graphicx.

\usepackage{graphicx} in the preamble is the simple
solution.  The permanent fix, which seems to get into 1.2.1
is to edit the file external_templates and change

Requirement graphics
Requirement graphicx

wherever you find it.

Helge Hafting

Re: lyx1.2 and pool_size

2002-06-21 Thread Herbert Voss

Beaubert wrote:

 John Levon wrote:
On Fri, Jun 21, 2002 at 12:22:04PM +0200, Beaubert wrote:

I have a pb with lyx1.2 and the size of the pool_size.
In texmf.cnf I have set pool_size=75 which work well with lyx1.1.6
now with 1.2 version the Tex capacity exceed  but the file is the same

This usually means that the file was not imported quite right into 1.2.0

If you can send the original 1.1.6 document somebody can help you fix it
up, and/or we can fix the import bug


 Here it is, but not that there are include files which are not includ in 
 this mail.

no problem here with 1.2.0

export the file to LaTeX and run it by hand

latex myfile

and have a look at the errormessages.



web archive at marc

2002-06-21 Thread Mate Wierdl

OK, so I made sure the appropriate messages are going to this new 
web archive, and I see the devel, doc  and users list's messages appearing.

But the announce and fr lists have not appeared yet.

Also, I tarred up the archives for each list, and put them on the
web so that marc's maintainer should populate the web archive shortly.
He has not responded to my mesage yet, though.


Create a new file with File open

2002-06-21 Thread Matt Brennan

As I recal, in v.1.1, you were able to create a new file by typing its
name in the File-Open... popup.  Now in v. 1.2 this is no longer
possible.  Hopefully, it should be easy to carry this feature forward to



 Environmental Fluid Mechanics Lab, Rm. 524K
 Civil  Environmental Engineering   ph#: 650/725.5948
 Stanford University [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Stanford, CA 94305-4020

What is IMHO much better in 1.1.6 fix 4 than in 1.2.0

2002-06-21 Thread Heiko Schrder

Hi to all,

IMHO the version 1.1.6 fix 4 has some important advantages the version 1.2.0 
does not have. These things are:

a.) 1.1.6 fix 4: Leaving Mathed inserts a space (very important).
1.2.0: You have to insert a space maually after leaving Mathed.

b.) 1.1.6 fix 4: Minibuffer shows shotcuts in Mathed.
1.2.0: Minibuffer does not work after *Mathematics* was opened.

c.) 1.1.6 fix 4: ALT-M F (example!) inserts a fraction and stays in Mathed
1.2.0: ALT-M F (example) inserts the pattern of a fraction but leaves Mathed 
(very uncomfortable)

d.) 1.1.6 fix 4: TeX commands can be inserted in the text and you can use 
Mathed within the TeX-surrounding (but after leaving Mathed you have to enter 
TeX-surrounding again, but it works).
1.2.0: The TeX surrounding opens a special window where you cannot use Mathed. 
So if you want to use a \newtheorem where you have to open a TeX surrounding, 
you have to insert mathematical formulas in real LaTeX. (*very* important and 
*very* critical).

e.) 1.1.6 fix 4: EPS is supported very well.
1.2.0: The filter *.eps  is missing when you want to insert an image (not very 

Although 1.2.0 has a *lot* more features than 1.1.6 fix 4 it is less 
comfortable because of the things mentioned in b.) and d.)  You have to 
insert mathematical formulas as you have to do it in Emacs or any other 
editor. Since Emacs is much is much better as far as the editing features are 
concerned (and that is not the problem!) the necessity to prefer LyX has 
become much smaller since you have to learn the mathematical LaTeX commands 
when using the TeX surrounding.

Greetings Heiko Schroeder

Heiko Schröder
Ahrensburg, Germany

Re: What is IMHO much better in 1.1.6 fix 4 than in 1.2.0

2002-06-21 Thread Ling Li

LyX 1.2.0 can not work with floats (figure or table, ...) included in a
paragraph with \emph on. For example, it will translate into LaTeX code
\emph{  \begin{table} ...\end{table} ...}
which can not compile.

While in LyX 1.1.6fix4, LyX will correctly shift the mode:
\emph{  }\begin{table} ...\end{table}\emph{ ...}

On Tue, 18 Jun 2002, Heiko [iso-8859-15] Schröder wrote:

 Hi to all,

 IMHO the version 1.1.6 fix 4 has some important advantages the version 1.2.0
 does not have. These things are:

 a.) 1.1.6 fix 4: Leaving Mathed inserts a space (very important).
 1.2.0: You have to insert a space maually after leaving Mathed.

 b.) 1.1.6 fix 4: Minibuffer shows shotcuts in Mathed.
 1.2.0: Minibuffer does not work after *Mathematics* was opened.

 c.) 1.1.6 fix 4: ALT-M F (example!) inserts a fraction and stays in Mathed
 1.2.0: ALT-M F (example) inserts the pattern of a fraction but leaves Mathed
 (very uncomfortable)

 d.) 1.1.6 fix 4: TeX commands can be inserted in the text and you can use
 Mathed within the TeX-surrounding (but after leaving Mathed you have to enter
 TeX-surrounding again, but it works).
 1.2.0: The TeX surrounding opens a special window where you cannot use Mathed.
 So if you want to use a \newtheorem where you have to open a TeX surrounding,
 you have to insert mathematical formulas in real LaTeX. (*very* important and
 *very* critical).

 e.) 1.1.6 fix 4: EPS is supported very well.
 1.2.0: The filter *.eps  is missing when you want to insert an image (not very

 Although 1.2.0 has a *lot* more features than 1.1.6 fix 4 it is less
 comfortable because of the things mentioned in b.) and d.)  You have to
 insert mathematical formulas as you have to do it in Emacs or any other
 editor. Since Emacs is much is much better as far as the editing features are
 concerned (and that is not the problem!) the necessity to prefer LyX has
 become much smaller since you have to learn the mathematical LaTeX commands
 when using the TeX surrounding.

 Greetings Heiko Schroeder

 Heiko Schröder
 Ahrensburg, Germany

Re: why does it need

2002-06-21 Thread Ling Li

In one computer with RH 7.2, I used the rpm package for RH 7.3 together
with xforms-0.89, i.e.,

rpm -U xforms-0.89-1.i386.rpm lyx-1.2.0-1rh73-xforms089.i386.rpm

and it works.

On Wed, 12 Jun 2002, Matt Brennan wrote:


 I had a similar porblem.  I just created a soft link which points to the
 more recent version, i.e. as root

 ln -s /usr/lib/

 The first file name should be whatever libstdc++ you have installed.

 Then when I ran rpm to install with the --nodeps option so that rpm
 wouldn't check the RPM database.


 On Wed, 12 Jun 2002, belahcene abdelkader wrote:

  I 've installed the lyx 1.1.6 without problem in
  redhat 7.2.
  When I tryed to install the  lyx-1.2.0-1.i386.rpm  the
  following  message is outed
  This library refers to and older version of redhat (
  6.x). I tried to install this library , but there is
  incompatibility with other lib which are newer!!!
  How to fix the problem.
  thanks a lot
  Do You Yahoo!?
  Yahoo! - Official partner of 2002 FIFA World Cup


  Environmental Fluid Mechanics Lab - Suite 524K
  Dept. of Civil  Environmental Engineering
  Stanford University[EMAIL PROTECTED]
  Stanford, CA 94305-4020ph#: 650/725.5948

Re: LyX 1.2.0 won't link

2002-06-21 Thread Niklas Werner

Hi There!

 frontends/.libs/libfrontends.a(FormError.o): In function
 FormError.o(.text+0x204): undefined reference to `ControlInsetInsetError,
 basic_stringchar, string_char_traitschar,
 __default_alloc_templatetrue, 0  ::params(void)'
 collect2: ld returned 1 exit status

 Here's my configuration (as reported by configure):
   Host type:  i686-pc-linux-gnu
   Special build flags:included-libsigc use-pspell
   C   Compiler:   gcc
   C   Compiler flags: -O3 -march=i686 -mcpu=i686
   C++ Compiler:   g++ (2.95.3)
   C++ Compiler flags: -O3 -march=i686 -mcpu=i686
   Linker flags:   
   Frontend:   xforms
 libXpm version:   4.11
 libforms version: 0.88.1
   LyX binary dir: /usr/bin
   LyX files dir:  /usr/share/lyx

This is easy to solve, once you know it
compile with CXXFLAGS=-O -whatever-else-you-want

somehow the code is broken as to give above error when optimising more 
than -O ;-(

Have fun*


Re: LyX 1.2.0 won't link

2002-06-21 Thread Lars Gullik Bjønnes

Niklas Werner [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

| This is easy to solve, once you know it
| compile with CXXFLAGS=-O -whatever-else-you-want

| somehow the code is broken as to give above error when optimising more
| than -O ;-(

More likely the compiler than the code...


lyx1.2 and pool_size

2002-06-21 Thread Beaubert

Hi all,

I have a pb with lyx1.2 and the size of the pool_size. 
In texmf.cnf I have set pool_size=75 which work well with lyx1.1.6 but 
now with 1.2 version the Tex capacity exceed  but the file is the same

Any Idea?

When I change the pool_size valu must I also make a texhash after?


Re: lyx1.2 and pool_size

2002-06-21 Thread John Levon

On Fri, Jun 21, 2002 at 12:22:04PM +0200, Beaubert wrote:

 I have a pb with lyx1.2 and the size of the pool_size. 
 In texmf.cnf I have set pool_size=75 which work well with lyx1.1.6 but 
 now with 1.2 version the Tex capacity exceed  but the file is the same

This usually means that the file was not imported quite right into 1.2.0

If you can send the original 1.1.6 document somebody can help you fix it
up, and/or we can fix the import bug


If a thing is not diminished by being shared, it is not rightly owned if
 it is only owned  not shared.
- St. Augustine

Re: equations over multiple lines

2002-06-21 Thread Milos Komarcevic

Insert - Maths - AMS ***

 features which I assumed would let me do the same thing, (except with
nice gui) but when I used it, it said command-disabled

how do I enable it, or isn't it finished yet??

I can do all the available AMS math environments from the menu
Insert - Math - AMS *align*... (on RHL 7.3 and Win32/Cygwin)
Do you have the amsmath Latex package? You maybe need to run
configure so LyX can pick it up?

I prefer the output of AMS multline, but you have to resort to ERT for
that (this would be a nice addition for future LyX releases!).


Milos Komarcevic

Subject: problems compiling lyx-1.2.0 (Unsatisfied symbols)

2002-06-21 Thread Jost Martin


Olli Grewe reported on 13.6.2002 about problems compiling lyx 1.2.0.

I've got the same problem on HPUX 10.20 using gcc 2.95.2.

Compilation went smoothly, but the link-step failed with the same bunch of missing 
symbols. (But the output of the list of symbols differs somewhat in the order)

My output from the link step is included below.

I tried to track this one down. So I tried to find ControlInsetInsetCommand, 
InsetCommandParams::inset(void) const(code).

I used the following command for this:
/usr/bin/nm $i | /pd/gcc/bin/c++filt | grep -F 
(Meaning I used the HP nm (I didn't find a gnu one with gcc) and the
unmangling-filter from gcc. [Sorry, I normally use the HP tools])

I came up with:

= ./src/frontends/controllers: =
-- ./src/frontends/controllers/ControlBibitem.o --
ControlInsetInsetCommand, InsetCommandParams::inset(void) const|  |undef 
|code   |

-- ./src/frontends/controllers/ControlBibtex.o --
ControlInsetInsetCommand, InsetCommandParams::inset(void) const|  |undef 
|code   |

-- ./src/frontends/controllers/ControlCommand.o --
ControlInsetInsetCommand, InsetCommandParams::inset(void) const| 
0|static|entry  |$CODE$

= ./src/frontends/.libs: =

-- ./src/frontends/.libs/libfrontends.a --
ControlInsetInsetCommand, InsetCommandParams::inset(void) const|  |undef 
|code   |
ControlInsetInsetCommand, InsetCommandParams::inset(void) const|  |undef 
|code   |
ControlInsetInsetCommand, InsetCommandParams::inset(void) const| 
0|static|entry  |$CODE$

Ok, so this symbol is used in ControlBibitem.o and ControlBibtex.o. 
It is defined in ControlCommand.o. This all is included in libfrontends.a And surely 
enough, lyx get linked against this lib.
I tried to change the '//libxy.a' to '-L -lxy', moved the offending 
-lfrontends to the end of the link line and finally added a second -lfrontend.

This all didn't change anything. So now I'm at the end of my wits...
Note that g++ uses HP ld as linker , as can be seen from the error message:
/usr/ccs/bin/ld: Unsatisfied symbols:

Please contact me, if you need further details.
And please CC: a copy of answers to me - I'm not subscribed to the list.



link line and output: (From the original makefile)

/bin/sh ../libtool --mode=link g++  -march=1.1  -L/pd/glibs/lib/ -o lyx  BufferView.o 
BufferView2.o BufferView_pimpl.o Bullet.o Chktex.o ColorHandler.o CutAndPaste.o 
DepTable.o FloatList.o Floating.o FontInfo.o FontLoader.o FuncStatus.o LColor.o 
LaTeX.o LaTeXFeatures.o LyXAction.o LyXView.o MenuBackend.o Painter.o PainterBase.o 
ParagraphParameters.o Spacing.o TextCache.o Thesaurus.o ToolbarDefaults.o WorkArea.o 
XFormsView.o box.o buffer.o bufferlist.o bufferparams.o bufferview_funcs.o chset.o 
converter.o debug.o encoding.o exporter.o font.o gettext.o importer.o intl.o 
iterators.o kbmap.o kbsequence.o language.o lastfiles.o lengthcommon.o lyx_cb.o 
lyx_gui.o lyx_main.o lyx_sty.o lyxcursor.o lyxfont.o lyxfind.o lyxfunc.o 
lyxgluelength.o lyxlayout.o lyxlength.o lyxlex.o lyxlex_pimpl.o lyxlookup.o lyxrc.o 
lyxrow.o lyxserver.o lyxtextclass.o lyxtextclasslist.o lyxvc.o main.o minibuffer.o 
paragraph.o paragraph_pimpl.o screen.o sp_spell.o tabular.o tabular-old.o 
tabular_funcs.o tex-ac!
cent.o tex-strings.o texrow.o text.o text2.o tracer.o trans.o trans_mgr.o undo.o 
undo_funcs.o undostack.o vc-backend.o version.o vspace.o mathed/ 
insets/ frontends/ graphics/ 
support/ `../sigc++/sigc-config --libs-names | sed -e 's/-lsigc//'` 
../sigc++/ ../intl/libintl.a   -lSM -lICE -liberty -lc -lm   
-L/usr/lib/X11R6 -lX11
g++ -march=1.1 -o lyx BufferView.o BufferView2.o BufferView_pimpl.o Bullet.o Chktex.o 
ColorHandler.o CutAndPaste.o DepTable.o FloatList.o Floating.o FontInfo.o FontLoader.o 
FuncStatus.o LColor.o LaTeX.o LaTeXFeatures.o LyXAction.o LyXView.o MenuBackend.o 
Painter.o PainterBase.o ParagraphParameters.o Spacing.o TextCache.o Thesaurus.o 
ToolbarDefaults.o WorkArea.o XFormsView.o box.o buffer.o bufferlist.o bufferparams.o 
bufferview_funcs.o chset.o converter.o debug.o encoding.o exporter.o font.o gettext.o 
importer.o intl.o iterators.o kbmap.o kbsequence.o language.o lastfiles.o 
lengthcommon.o lyx_cb.o lyx_gui.o lyx_main.o lyx_sty.o lyxcursor.o lyxfont.o lyxfind.o 
lyxfunc.o lyxgluelength.o lyxlayout.o lyxlength.o lyxlex.o lyxlex_pimpl.o lyxlookup.o 
lyxrc.o lyxrow.o lyxserver.o lyxtextclass.o lyxtextclasslist.o lyxvc.o main.o 
minibuffer.o paragraph.o paragraph_pimpl.o screen.o sp_spell.o tabular.o tabular-old.o 
tabular_funcs.o tex-accent.o tex-strings.o texrow.o text.o text2.o tracer!
.o trans.o trans_mgr.o undo.o undo_funcs.o undostack.o vc-backend.o version.o vspace.o 
 -L/pd/glibs/lib/ mathed/.libs/libmathed.a insets/.libs/libinsets.a 
frontends/.libs/libfrontends.a -lforms -lXpm graphics/.libs/libgraphics.a 

Re: lyx1.2 and pool_size

2002-06-21 Thread Beaubert

John Levon wrote:

 On Fri, Jun 21, 2002 at 12:22:04PM +0200, Beaubert wrote:
 I have a pb with lyx1.2 and the size of the pool_size.
 In texmf.cnf I have set pool_size=75 which work well with lyx1.1.6
 now with 1.2 version the Tex capacity exceed  but the file is the same
 This usually means that the file was not imported quite right into 1.2.0
 If you can send the original 1.1.6 document somebody can help you fix it
 up, and/or we can fix the import bug
Here it is, but not that there are include files which are not includ in 
this mail.

Thank's for your help

#LyX 1.1 created this file. For more info see
\lyxformat 218
\textclass these
\options openright
\language frenchb
\inputencoding latin1
\fontscheme default
\graphics default
\float_placement !htbp
\paperfontsize 11
\spacing onehalf 
\papersize a4paper
\paperpackage a4
\use_geometry 1
\use_amsmath 0
\paperorientation portrait
\secnumdepth 4
\tocdepth 4
\paragraph_separation skip
\defskip bigskip
\quotes_language french
\quotes_times 2
\papercolumns 1
\papersides 2
\paperpagestyle fancy

\layout Title

\layout Author

François Beaubert
\layout Standard

\begin_inset LatexCommand \tableofcontents{}


\layout Standard

\begin_inset LatexCommand \listoffigures{}


\layout Standard

\begin_inset LatexCommand \listoftables{}


\layout Standard

\begin_inset Include \include{nomenclature.lyx}


\layout Standard

\latex latex 

\layout Standard

\begin_inset Include \include{introduction.lyx}


\layout Standard

\begin_inset Include \include{jets_plans.lyx}


\layout Standard

\begin_inset Include \include{note_sgs.lyx}


\layout Standard

\begin_inset Include \include{methode_numerique.lyx}


\layout Standard

\begin_inset Include \include{resultats.lyx}


\layout Standard

\latex latex 

addcontentsline{toc}{chapter}{Conclusions et perspectives}
\layout Standard

\begin_inset Include \include{conclusion.lyx}


\layout Standard

\begin_inset LatexCommand \BibTeX[acm]{biblio}


\layout Standard

\latex latex 

\latex default 

\begin_inset Include \include{formules_derivations.lyx}


\begin_inset Include \include{formules_interpolations.lyx}


\begin_inset Include \include{calcul_derivees.lyx}


\begin_inset Include \include{resolution_eq_poisson.lyx}


\begin_inset Include \include{analyse_spectrale.lyx}



Re: problem with xfig import

2002-06-21 Thread Helge Hafting

Osvaldo Fornaro wrote:
 Hi, lyxers
 I have a problem to import xfig files with  lyx 1.2.0. The error message is
 that file.eps is not found, so i think that the filter for import is not well
 defined. fig2dev exist in my system and works (and 1.1.6. worked ok).

Xfig works fine with the external inset - it even lets
you edit the image from lyx.

There is a small problem, 1.2.0 as distributed uses the package
graphichs instead of the correct graphicx when using
the external xfig inset.  That gives latex errors unless
something else happens to use graphicx.

\usepackage{graphicx} in the preamble is the simple
solution.  The permanent fix, which seems to get into 1.2.1
is to edit the file external_templates and change

Requirement graphics
Requirement graphicx

wherever you find it.

Helge Hafting

Re: lyx1.2 and pool_size

2002-06-21 Thread Herbert Voss

Beaubert wrote:

 John Levon wrote:
On Fri, Jun 21, 2002 at 12:22:04PM +0200, Beaubert wrote:

I have a pb with lyx1.2 and the size of the pool_size.
In texmf.cnf I have set pool_size=75 which work well with lyx1.1.6
now with 1.2 version the Tex capacity exceed  but the file is the same

This usually means that the file was not imported quite right into 1.2.0

If you can send the original 1.1.6 document somebody can help you fix it
up, and/or we can fix the import bug


 Here it is, but not that there are include files which are not includ in 
 this mail.

no problem here with 1.2.0

export the file to LaTeX and run it by hand

latex myfile

and have a look at the errormessages.



web archive at marc

2002-06-21 Thread Mate Wierdl

OK, so I made sure the appropriate messages are going to this new 
web archive, and I see the devel, doc  and users list's messages appearing.

But the announce and fr lists have not appeared yet.

Also, I tarred up the archives for each list, and put them on the
web so that marc's maintainer should populate the web archive shortly.
He has not responded to my mesage yet, though.


Create a new file with File open

2002-06-21 Thread Matt Brennan

As I recal, in v.1.1, you were able to create a new file by typing its
name in the File-Open... popup.  Now in v. 1.2 this is no longer
possible.  Hopefully, it should be easy to carry this feature forward to



 Environmental Fluid Mechanics Lab, Rm. 524K
 Civil  Environmental Engineering   ph#: 650/725.5948
 Stanford University [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Stanford, CA 94305-4020

What is IMHO much better in 1.1.6 fix 4 than in 1.2.0

2002-06-21 Thread Heiko Schrder

Hi to all,

IMHO the version 1.1.6 fix 4 has some important advantages the version 1.2.0 
does not have. These things are:

a.) 1.1.6 fix 4: Leaving Mathed inserts a space (very important).
1.2.0: You have to insert a space maually after leaving Mathed.

b.) 1.1.6 fix 4: Minibuffer shows shotcuts in Mathed.
1.2.0: Minibuffer does not work after *Mathematics* was opened.

c.) 1.1.6 fix 4: ALT-M F (example!) inserts a fraction and stays in Mathed
1.2.0: ALT-M F (example) inserts the pattern of a fraction but leaves Mathed 
(very uncomfortable)

d.) 1.1.6 fix 4: TeX commands can be inserted in the text and you can use 
Mathed within the TeX-surrounding (but after leaving Mathed you have to enter 
TeX-surrounding again, but it works).
1.2.0: The TeX surrounding opens a special window where you cannot use Mathed. 
So if you want to use a \newtheorem where you have to open a TeX surrounding, 
you have to insert mathematical formulas in real LaTeX. (*very* important and 
*very* critical).

e.) 1.1.6 fix 4: EPS is supported very well.
1.2.0: The filter *.eps  is missing when you want to insert an image (not very 

Although 1.2.0 has a *lot* more features than 1.1.6 fix 4 it is less 
comfortable because of the things mentioned in b.) and d.)  You have to 
insert mathematical formulas as you have to do it in Emacs or any other 
editor. Since Emacs is much is much better as far as the editing features are 
concerned (and that is not the problem!) the necessity to prefer LyX has 
become much smaller since you have to learn the mathematical LaTeX commands 
when using the TeX surrounding.

Greetings Heiko Schroeder

Heiko Schröder
Ahrensburg, Germany

Re: What is IMHO much better in 1.1.6 fix 4 than in 1.2.0

2002-06-21 Thread Ling Li

LyX 1.2.0 can not work with floats (figure or table, ...) included in a
paragraph with \emph on. For example, it will translate into LaTeX code
\emph{  \begin{table} ...\end{table} ...}
which can not compile.

While in LyX 1.1.6fix4, LyX will correctly shift the mode:
\emph{  }\begin{table} ...\end{table}\emph{ ...}

On Tue, 18 Jun 2002, Heiko [iso-8859-15] Schröder wrote:

 Hi to all,

 IMHO the version 1.1.6 fix 4 has some important advantages the version 1.2.0
 does not have. These things are:

 a.) 1.1.6 fix 4: Leaving Mathed inserts a space (very important).
 1.2.0: You have to insert a space maually after leaving Mathed.

 b.) 1.1.6 fix 4: Minibuffer shows shotcuts in Mathed.
 1.2.0: Minibuffer does not work after *Mathematics* was opened.

 c.) 1.1.6 fix 4: ALT-M F (example!) inserts a fraction and stays in Mathed
 1.2.0: ALT-M F (example) inserts the pattern of a fraction but leaves Mathed
 (very uncomfortable)

 d.) 1.1.6 fix 4: TeX commands can be inserted in the text and you can use
 Mathed within the TeX-surrounding (but after leaving Mathed you have to enter
 TeX-surrounding again, but it works).
 1.2.0: The TeX surrounding opens a special window where you cannot use Mathed.
 So if you want to use a \newtheorem where you have to open a TeX surrounding,
 you have to insert mathematical formulas in real LaTeX. (*very* important and
 *very* critical).

 e.) 1.1.6 fix 4: EPS is supported very well.
 1.2.0: The filter *.eps  is missing when you want to insert an image (not very

 Although 1.2.0 has a *lot* more features than 1.1.6 fix 4 it is less
 comfortable because of the things mentioned in b.) and d.)  You have to
 insert mathematical formulas as you have to do it in Emacs or any other
 editor. Since Emacs is much is much better as far as the editing features are
 concerned (and that is not the problem!) the necessity to prefer LyX has
 become much smaller since you have to learn the mathematical LaTeX commands
 when using the TeX surrounding.

 Greetings Heiko Schroeder

 Heiko Schröder
 Ahrensburg, Germany

Re: why does it need

2002-06-21 Thread Ling Li

In one computer with RH 7.2, I used the rpm package for RH 7.3 together
with xforms-0.89, i.e.,

rpm -U xforms-0.89-1.i386.rpm lyx-1.2.0-1rh73-xforms089.i386.rpm

and it works.

On Wed, 12 Jun 2002, Matt Brennan wrote:


 I had a similar porblem.  I just created a soft link which points to the
 more recent version, i.e. as root

 ln -s /usr/lib/

 The first file name should be whatever libstdc++ you have installed.

 Then when I ran rpm to install with the --nodeps option so that rpm
 wouldn't check the RPM database.


 On Wed, 12 Jun 2002, belahcene abdelkader wrote:

  I 've installed the lyx 1.1.6 without problem in
  redhat 7.2.
  When I tryed to install the  lyx-1.2.0-1.i386.rpm  the
  following  message is outed
  This library refers to and older version of redhat (
  6.x). I tried to install this library , but there is
  incompatibility with other lib which are newer!!!
  How to fix the problem.
  thanks a lot
  Do You Yahoo!?
  Yahoo! - Official partner of 2002 FIFA World Cup


  Environmental Fluid Mechanics Lab - Suite 524K
  Dept. of Civil  Environmental Engineering
  Stanford University[EMAIL PROTECTED]
  Stanford, CA 94305-4020ph#: 650/725.5948

Re: LyX 1.2.0 won't link

2002-06-21 Thread Niklas Werner

Hi There!

> frontends/.libs/libfrontends.a(FormError.o): In function
> `FormError::update(void)':
> FormError.o(.text+0x204): undefined reference to `ControlInset basic_string __default_alloc_template > >::params(void)'
> collect2: ld returned 1 exit status

> Here's my configuration (as reported by configure):
> Configuration
>   Host type:  i686-pc-linux-gnu
>   Special build flags:included-libsigc use-pspell
>   C   Compiler:   gcc
>   C   Compiler flags: -O3 -march=i686 -mcpu=i686
>   C++ Compiler:   g++ (2.95.3)
>   C++ Compiler flags: -O3 -march=i686 -mcpu=i686
>   Linker flags:   
>   Frontend:   xforms
> libXpm version:   4.11
> libforms version: 0.88.1
>   LyX binary dir: /usr/bin
>   LyX files dir:  /usr/share/lyx

This is easy to solve, once you know it
compile with CXXFLAGS=-O -whatever-else-you-want

somehow the code is broken as to give above error when optimising more 
than -O ;-(

Have fun*


Re: LyX 1.2.0 won't link

2002-06-21 Thread Lars Gullik Bjønnes

Niklas Werner <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

| This is easy to solve, once you know it
| compile with CXXFLAGS=-O -whatever-else-you-want
| somehow the code is broken as to give above error when optimising more
| than -O ;-(

More likely the compiler than the code...


lyx1.2 and pool_size

2002-06-21 Thread Beaubert

Hi all,

I have a pb with lyx1.2 and the size of the pool_size. 
In texmf.cnf I have set pool_size=75 which work well with lyx1.1.6 but 
now with 1.2 version the Tex capacity exceed  but the file is the same

Any Idea?

When I change the pool_size valu must I also make a texhash after?


Re: lyx1.2 and pool_size

2002-06-21 Thread John Levon

On Fri, Jun 21, 2002 at 12:22:04PM +0200, Beaubert wrote:

> I have a pb with lyx1.2 and the size of the pool_size. 
> In texmf.cnf I have set pool_size=75 which work well with lyx1.1.6 but 
> now with 1.2 version the Tex capacity exceed  but the file is the same

This usually means that the file was not imported quite right into 1.2.0

If you can send the original 1.1.6 document somebody can help you fix it
up, and/or we can fix the import bug


"If a thing is not diminished by being shared, it is not rightly owned if
 it is only owned & not shared."
- St. Augustine

Re: equations over multiple lines

2002-06-21 Thread Milos Komarcevic

>Insert -> Maths -> AMS ***
> features which I assumed would let me do the same thing, (except with
>nice gui) but when I used it, it said "command-disabled"
>how do I enable it, or isn't it finished yet??

I can do all the available AMS math environments from the menu
"Insert -> Math -> AMS *align*"... (on RHL 7.3 and Win32/Cygwin)
Do you have the amsmath Latex package? You maybe need to run
configure so LyX can pick it up?

I prefer the output of AMS multline, but you have to resort to ERT for
that (this would be a nice addition for future LyX releases!).


Milos Komarcevic

Subject: problems compiling lyx-1.2.0 (Unsatisfied symbols)

2002-06-21 Thread Jost Martin


Olli Grewe reported on 13.6.2002 about problems compiling lyx 1.2.0.

I've got the same problem on HPUX 10.20 using gcc 2.95.2.

Compilation went smoothly, but the link-step failed with the same bunch of missing 
symbols. (But the output of the list of symbols differs somewhat in the order)

My output from the link step is included below.

I tried to track this one down. So I tried to find "ControlInset::inset(void) const(code)".

I used the following command for this:
/usr/bin/nm $i | /pd/gcc/bin/c++filt | grep -F 
(Meaning I used the HP nm (I didn't find a gnu one with gcc) and the
unmangling-filter from gcc. [Sorry, I normally use the HP tools])

I came up with:

= ./src/frontends/controllers: =
-- ./src/frontends/controllers/ControlBibitem.o --
ControlInset::inset(void) const|  |undef 
|code   |

-- ./src/frontends/controllers/ControlBibtex.o --
ControlInset::inset(void) const|  |undef 
|code   |

-- ./src/frontends/controllers/ControlCommand.o --
ControlInset::inset(void) const| 
0|static|entry  |$CODE$

= ./src/frontends/.libs: =

-- ./src/frontends/.libs/libfrontends.a --
ControlInset::inset(void) const|  |undef 
|code   |
ControlInset::inset(void) const|  |undef 
|code   |
ControlInset::inset(void) const| 
0|static|entry  |$CODE$

Ok, so this symbol is used in ControlBibitem.o and ControlBibtex.o. 
It is defined in ControlCommand.o. This all is included in libfrontends.a And surely 
enough, lyx get linked against this lib.
I tried to change the '//libxy.a' to '-L -lxy', moved the offending 
-lfrontends to the end of the link line and finally added a second -lfrontend.

This all didn't change anything. So now I'm at the end of my wits...
Note that g++ uses HP ld as linker , as can be seen from the error message:
"/usr/ccs/bin/ld: Unsatisfied symbols:"

Please contact me, if you need further details.
And please CC: a copy of answers to me - I'm not subscribed to the list.



link line and output: (From the original makefile)

/bin/sh ../libtool --mode=link g++  -march=1.1  -L/pd/glibs/lib/ -o lyx  BufferView.o 
BufferView2.o BufferView_pimpl.o Bullet.o Chktex.o ColorHandler.o CutAndPaste.o 
DepTable.o FloatList.o Floating.o FontInfo.o FontLoader.o FuncStatus.o LColor.o 
LaTeX.o LaTeXFeatures.o LyXAction.o LyXView.o MenuBackend.o Painter.o PainterBase.o 
ParagraphParameters.o Spacing.o TextCache.o Thesaurus.o ToolbarDefaults.o WorkArea.o 
XFormsView.o box.o buffer.o bufferlist.o bufferparams.o bufferview_funcs.o chset.o 
converter.o debug.o encoding.o exporter.o font.o gettext.o importer.o intl.o 
iterators.o kbmap.o kbsequence.o language.o lastfiles.o lengthcommon.o lyx_cb.o 
lyx_gui.o lyx_main.o lyx_sty.o lyxcursor.o lyxfont.o lyxfind.o lyxfunc.o 
lyxgluelength.o lyxlayout.o lyxlength.o lyxlex.o lyxlex_pimpl.o lyxlookup.o lyxrc.o 
lyxrow.o lyxserver.o lyxtextclass.o lyxtextclasslist.o lyxvc.o main.o minibuffer.o 
paragraph.o paragraph_pimpl.o screen.o sp_spell.o tabular.o tabular-old.o 
tabular_funcs.o tex-ac!
cent.o tex-strings.o texrow.o text.o text2.o tracer.o trans.o trans_mgr.o undo.o 
undo_funcs.o undostack.o vc-backend.o version.o vspace.o mathed/ 
insets/ frontends/ graphics/ 
support/ `../sigc++/sigc-config --libs-names | sed -e 's/-lsigc//'` 
../sigc++/ ../intl/libintl.a   -lSM -lICE -liberty -lc -lm   
-L/usr/lib/X11R6 -lX11
g++ -march=1.1 -o lyx BufferView.o BufferView2.o BufferView_pimpl.o Bullet.o Chktex.o 
ColorHandler.o CutAndPaste.o DepTable.o FloatList.o Floating.o FontInfo.o FontLoader.o 
FuncStatus.o LColor.o LaTeX.o LaTeXFeatures.o LyXAction.o LyXView.o MenuBackend.o 
Painter.o PainterBase.o ParagraphParameters.o Spacing.o TextCache.o Thesaurus.o 
ToolbarDefaults.o WorkArea.o XFormsView.o box.o buffer.o bufferlist.o bufferparams.o 
bufferview_funcs.o chset.o converter.o debug.o encoding.o exporter.o font.o gettext.o 
importer.o intl.o iterators.o kbmap.o kbsequence.o language.o lastfiles.o 
lengthcommon.o lyx_cb.o lyx_gui.o lyx_main.o lyx_sty.o lyxcursor.o lyxfont.o lyxfind.o 
lyxfunc.o lyxgluelength.o lyxlayout.o lyxlength.o lyxlex.o lyxlex_pimpl.o lyxlookup.o 
lyxrc.o lyxrow.o lyxserver.o lyxtextclass.o lyxtextclasslist.o lyxvc.o main.o 
minibuffer.o paragraph.o paragraph_pimpl.o screen.o sp_spell.o tabular.o tabular-old.o 
tabular_funcs.o tex-accent.o tex-strings.o texrow.o text.o text2.o tracer!
.o trans.o trans_mgr.o undo.o undo_funcs.o undostack.o vc-backend.o version.o vspace.o 
 -L/pd/glibs/lib/ mathed/.libs/libmathed.a insets/.libs/libinsets.a 
frontends/.libs/libfrontends.a -lforms -lXpm 

Re: lyx1.2 and pool_size

2002-06-21 Thread Beaubert

John Levon wrote:

> On Fri, Jun 21, 2002 at 12:22:04PM +0200, Beaubert wrote:
>> I have a pb with lyx1.2 and the size of the pool_size.
>> In texmf.cnf I have set pool_size=75 which work well with lyx1.1.6
>> but
>> now with 1.2 version the Tex capacity exceed  but the file is the same
> This usually means that the file was not imported quite right into 1.2.0
> If you can send the original 1.1.6 document somebody can help you fix it
> up, and/or we can fix the import bug
> regards
> john
Here it is, but not that there are include files which are not includ in 
this mail.

Thank's for your help

#LyX 1.1 created this file. For more info see
\lyxformat 218
\textclass these
\options openright
\language frenchb
\inputencoding latin1
\fontscheme default
\graphics default
\float_placement !htbp
\paperfontsize 11
\spacing onehalf 
\papersize a4paper
\paperpackage a4
\use_geometry 1
\use_amsmath 0
\paperorientation portrait
\secnumdepth 4
\tocdepth 4
\paragraph_separation skip
\defskip bigskip
\quotes_language french
\quotes_times 2
\papercolumns 1
\papersides 2
\paperpagestyle fancy

\layout Title

\layout Author

François Beaubert
\layout Standard

\begin_inset LatexCommand \tableofcontents{}


\layout Standard

\begin_inset LatexCommand \listoffigures{}


\layout Standard

\begin_inset LatexCommand \listoftables{}


\layout Standard

\begin_inset Include \include{nomenclature.lyx}


\layout Standard

\latex latex 

\layout Standard

\begin_inset Include \include{introduction.lyx}


\layout Standard

\begin_inset Include \include{jets_plans.lyx}


\layout Standard

\begin_inset Include \include{note_sgs.lyx}


\layout Standard

\begin_inset Include \include{methode_numerique.lyx}


\layout Standard

\begin_inset Include \include{resultats.lyx}


\layout Standard

\latex latex 

addcontentsline{toc}{chapter}{Conclusions et perspectives}
\layout Standard

\begin_inset Include \include{conclusion.lyx}


\layout Standard

\begin_inset LatexCommand \BibTeX[acm]{biblio}


\layout Standard

\latex latex 

\latex default 

\begin_inset Include \include{formules_derivations.lyx}


\begin_inset Include \include{formules_interpolations.lyx}


\begin_inset Include \include{calcul_derivees.lyx}


\begin_inset Include \include{resolution_eq_poisson.lyx}


\begin_inset Include \include{analyse_spectrale.lyx}



Re: problem with xfig import

2002-06-21 Thread Helge Hafting

Osvaldo Fornaro wrote:
> Hi, lyxers
> I have a problem to import xfig files with  lyx 1.2.0. The error message is
> that file.eps is not found, so i think that the filter for import is not well
> defined. fig2dev exist in my system and works (and 1.1.6. worked ok).

Xfig works fine with the external inset - it even lets
you edit the image from lyx.

There is a small problem, 1.2.0 as distributed uses the package
"graphichs" instead of the correct "graphicx" when using
the external xfig inset.  That gives latex errors unless
something else happens to use graphicx.

\usepackage{graphicx} in the preamble is the simple
solution.  The permanent fix, which seems to get into 1.2.1
is to edit the file external_templates and change

Requirement "graphics"
Requirement "graphicx"

wherever you find it.

Helge Hafting

Re: lyx1.2 and pool_size

2002-06-21 Thread Herbert Voss

Beaubert wrote:

> John Levon wrote:
>>On Fri, Jun 21, 2002 at 12:22:04PM +0200, Beaubert wrote:
>>>I have a pb with lyx1.2 and the size of the pool_size.
>>>In texmf.cnf I have set pool_size=75 which work well with lyx1.1.6
>>>now with 1.2 version the Tex capacity exceed  but the file is the same
>>This usually means that the file was not imported quite right into 1.2.0
>>If you can send the original 1.1.6 document somebody can help you fix it
>>up, and/or we can fix the import bug
> Here it is, but not that there are include files which are not includ in 
> this mail.

no problem here with 1.2.0

export the file to LaTeX and run it by hand

latex myfile

and have a look at the errormessages.



web archive at marc

2002-06-21 Thread Mate Wierdl

OK, so I made sure the appropriate messages are going to this new 
web archive, and I see the devel, doc  and users list's messages appearing.

But the announce and fr lists have not appeared yet.

Also, I tarred up the archives for each list, and put them on the
web so that marc's maintainer should populate the web archive shortly.
He has not responded to my mesage yet, though.


Create a new file with "File open"

2002-06-21 Thread Matt Brennan

As I recal, in v.1.1, you were able to create a new file by typing its
name in the File->Open... popup.  Now in v. 1.2 this is no longer
possible.  Hopefully, it should be easy to carry this feature forward to



 Environmental Fluid Mechanics Lab, Rm. 524K
 Civil & Environmental Engineering   ph#: 650/725.5948
 Stanford University [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Stanford, CA 94305-4020

What is IMHO much better in 1.1.6 fix 4 than in 1.2.0

2002-06-21 Thread Heiko Schröder

Hi to all,

IMHO the version 1.1.6 fix 4 has some important advantages the version 1.2.0 
does not have. These things are:

a.) 1.1.6 fix 4: Leaving Mathed inserts a space (very important).
1.2.0: You have to insert a space maually after leaving Mathed.

b.) 1.1.6 fix 4: Minibuffer shows shotcuts in Mathed.
1.2.0: Minibuffer does not work after *Mathematics* was opened.

c.) 1.1.6 fix 4: ALT-M F (example!) inserts a fraction and stays in Mathed
1.2.0: ALT-M F (example) inserts the pattern of a fraction but leaves Mathed 
(very uncomfortable)

d.) 1.1.6 fix 4: TeX commands can be inserted in the text and you can use 
Mathed within the TeX-surrounding (but after leaving Mathed you have to enter 
TeX-surrounding again, but it works).
1.2.0: The TeX surrounding opens a special window where you cannot use Mathed. 
So if you want to use a \newtheorem where you have to open a TeX surrounding, 
you have to insert mathematical formulas in real LaTeX. (*very* important and 
*very* critical).

e.) 1.1.6 fix 4: EPS is supported very well.
1.2.0: The filter *.eps  is missing when you want to insert an image (not very 

Although 1.2.0 has a *lot* more features than 1.1.6 fix 4 it is less 
comfortable because of the things mentioned in b.) and d.)  You have to 
insert mathematical formulas as you have to do it in Emacs or any other 
editor. Since Emacs is much is much better as far as the editing features are 
concerned (and that is not the problem!) the necessity to prefer LyX has 
become much smaller since you have to learn the mathematical LaTeX commands 
when using the TeX surrounding.

Greetings Heiko Schroeder

Heiko Schröder
Ahrensburg, Germany

Re: What is IMHO much better in 1.1.6 fix 4 than in 1.2.0

2002-06-21 Thread Ling Li

LyX 1.2.0 can not work with floats (figure or table, ...) included in a
paragraph with \emph on. For example, it will translate into LaTeX code
\emph{  \begin{table} ...\end{table} ...}
which can not compile.

While in LyX 1.1.6fix4, LyX will correctly shift the mode:
\emph{  }\begin{table} ...\end{table}\emph{ ...}

On Tue, 18 Jun 2002, Heiko [iso-8859-15] Schröder wrote:

> Hi to all,
> IMHO the version 1.1.6 fix 4 has some important advantages the version 1.2.0
> does not have. These things are:
> a.) 1.1.6 fix 4: Leaving Mathed inserts a space (very important).
> 1.2.0: You have to insert a space maually after leaving Mathed.
> b.) 1.1.6 fix 4: Minibuffer shows shotcuts in Mathed.
> 1.2.0: Minibuffer does not work after *Mathematics* was opened.
> c.) 1.1.6 fix 4: ALT-M F (example!) inserts a fraction and stays in Mathed
> 1.2.0: ALT-M F (example) inserts the pattern of a fraction but leaves Mathed
> (very uncomfortable)
> d.) 1.1.6 fix 4: TeX commands can be inserted in the text and you can use
> Mathed within the TeX-surrounding (but after leaving Mathed you have to enter
> TeX-surrounding again, but it works).
> 1.2.0: The TeX surrounding opens a special window where you cannot use Mathed.
> So if you want to use a \newtheorem where you have to open a TeX surrounding,
> you have to insert mathematical formulas in real LaTeX. (*very* important and
> *very* critical).
> e.) 1.1.6 fix 4: EPS is supported very well.
> 1.2.0: The filter *.eps  is missing when you want to insert an image (not very
> important)
> Although 1.2.0 has a *lot* more features than 1.1.6 fix 4 it is less
> comfortable because of the things mentioned in b.) and d.)  You have to
> insert mathematical formulas as you have to do it in Emacs or any other
> editor. Since Emacs is much is much better as far as the editing features are
> concerned (and that is not the problem!) the necessity to prefer LyX has
> become much smaller since you have to learn the mathematical LaTeX commands
> when using the TeX surrounding.
> Greetings Heiko Schroeder
> --
> Heiko Schröder
> Ahrensburg, Germany

Re: why does it need

2002-06-21 Thread Ling Li

In one computer with RH 7.2, I used the rpm package for RH 7.3 together
with xforms-0.89, i.e.,

rpm -U xforms-0.89-1.i386.rpm lyx-1.2.0-1rh73-xforms089.i386.rpm

and it works.

On Wed, 12 Jun 2002, Matt Brennan wrote:

> Addelkader,
> I had a similar porblem.  I just created a soft link which points to the
> more recent version, i.e. as root
> ln -s /usr/lib/
> /usr/lib/
> The first file name should be whatever libstdc++ you have installed.
> Then when I ran rpm to install with the --nodeps option so that rpm
> wouldn't check the RPM database.
> mb
> On Wed, 12 Jun 2002, belahcene abdelkader wrote:
> > hi,
> >
> > I 've installed the lyx 1.1.6 without problem in
> > redhat 7.2.
> > When I tryed to install the  lyx-1.2.0-1.i386.rpm  the
> > following  message is outed
> >
> >
> > This library refers to and older version of redhat (
> > 6.x). I tried to install this library , but there is
> > incompatibility with other lib which are newer!!!
> > How to fix the problem.
> >
> > thanks a lot
> > abdelkader
> >
> > =
> >
> >
> > __
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>  Environmental Fluid Mechanics Lab - Suite 524K
>  Dept. of Civil & Environmental Engineering
>  Stanford University[EMAIL PROTECTED]
>  Stanford, CA 94305-4020ph#: 650/725.5948