Re: image conversion tools

2003-09-11 Thread jorgen johansson
I'd love to be able to do that but I am so far not a C++ programmer. 
Mainly using fortran 95 for my research. I'm familiar with C syntax and 
know a little bit about object oriented languageas, but I have no 
experience in developing for large projects. I guess downloading Lyx 
sources and start learning from that is one way get started.

I'd thought I send in my observations on using the qt version because it 
 would be useful for other users and possibly for someone who can 
patch. I'd be glad to help in some testing, when time allows.


Angus Leeming wrote:
jorgen johansson wrote:

Hello again,

Sorry to bother you all. I conversion works both with windows native or
cygwin Imagemagick. I had to add an explicit converter in the
preferences, either to use the cygwin or the windows Imagemagick.
If not the qt 1.3.2 lyx was looking for the
/usr/local/share/lyx/scripts/ (which is cygwin
installation of lyx 1.3.1) directory. I would have guessed that the
native version of cygwin should have looke for C:\lyx\share\lyx\scripts\
since I installed the qt version in C:\lyx\. Why didn't it?

Because none of the developers uses Windows. If you want to step aboard and 
provide a patch, then you will be made most welcome.

lyx win32 hebrew R2L problem

2003-09-11 Thread Marossy Attila
I try to use LyX with hebrew support on Win2k english (as described at
It works well, but the Right-to-left support doesn't work. It does
displays hebrew letters, and the WORDS are displayed
correctly (right-to-left), but the letters inside the words appear in
reverse order. For example instead of FED CBA it
types DEF ABC, so the words are in the correct order, but the letters
inside the words are confused.
But after translating (dvi of pdf) everything is in the right place.
Maybe this is a bug in the windows port. I'm not sure.
Could anyone help me?

Image conversion and Lyx qt 1.3.2 win

2003-09-11 Thread Ben Liesfeld
Hello to all,

 Sorry to bother you all. I conversion works both with windows native or
 cygwin Imagemagick. I had to add an explicit converter in the 
 preferences, either to use the cygwin or the windows Imagemagick.
 If not the qt 1.3.2 lyx was looking for the 
 /usr/local/share/lyx/scripts/ (which is cygwin 
 installation of lyx 1.3.1) directory. I would have guessed that the 
 native version of cygwin should have looke for C:\lyx\share\lyx\scripts\
 since I installed the qt version in C:\lyx\. Why didn't it?
  I still don't get it. I have both the qt version and Henschel's
  cygwin version installed. I read in a few older posts in this
  mailing list that other people had similar problems.

  I started lyx qt 1.3.2 with -dbg graphics in a command line, opened
  a file and tried to display the eps file approxseries1.eps (which is
  a perfect eps file and can be displayed by gsview):


Setting debug level to graphics
Debugging `graphics' (Graphics conversion and loading)
Recognised Fileformat: ppm
Attempting to convert image file: C:/lyx/share/lyx/images/banner.ppm
with displayed filename: C:/lyx/share/lyx/images/banner.ppm
Recognised Fileformat: ppm

The file contains ppm format data.

The image loader can load the following directly:

Of these, LyX recognises the following formats:
bmp, pbm, pgm, png, ppm, xbm, xpm

No conversion needed (from == to)!
Loading image.
just Loaded.
pixmap isNull 0 xformed_pixmap_ isNull 0
Image loading succeeded.
params.scale   : 100
width  : 425
height : 290
pixmap isNull 0 xformed_pixmap_ isNull 0
Token: 'filename'
Token: 'width'
Token: '\end_inset'
Token: 'filename'
Token: 'width'
Token: '\end_inset'
Token: 'filename'
Token: 'width'
Token: '\end_inset'
Token: 'filename'
Token: 'width'
Token: '\end_inset'
Token: 'filename'
Token: 'width'
Token: '\end_inset'
Token: 'filename'
Token: 'width'
Token: '\end_inset'
Token: 'filename'
Token: 'width'
Token: '\end_inset'
Token: 'filename'
Token: 'width'
Token: '\end_inset'
Recognised Fileformat: eps
Attempting to convert image file: W:/Documents/umichpaper/comment-refere
with displayed filename: W:/Documents/umichpaper/comment-referee/approxs
Recognised Fileformat: eps

The file contains eps format data.
Unable to convert from eps to bmp
Unable to convert from eps to pbm
Unable to convert from eps to pgm
Unable to convert from eps to png
Unable to convert from eps to ppm
Unable to convert from eps to xbm
Unable to convert from eps to xpm
Converting it to ppm format.
Converter c-tor:
from_file:  W:/Documents/umichpaper/comment-referee/approxseries1.ep
to_file_base: C:/temp/lyx_tmpdir1956a04060/approxseries11956a04060
from_format:  eps
build_script ... ready (edgepath.empty())
No converter defined! I use
sh C:/lyx/share/lyx/scripts/ eps:W:/Documents/umichpape
r/comment-referee/approxseries1.eps ppm:C:/temp/lyx_tmpdir1956a04060/approxserie
AFPL Ghostscript 8.11 (2003-08-16)
Copyright (C) 2003 artofcode LLC, Benicia, CA.  All rights reserved.
This software comes with NO WARRANTY: see the file PUBLIC for details.
Error: /undefinedfilename in (files\\gs\\gs8.11\\bin\\gswin32c.exe)
Operand stack:

Execution stack:
   %interp_exit   .runexec2   --nostringval--   --nostringval--   --nostringval-
-   2   %stopped_push   --nostringval--   --nostringval--   --nostringval--   fa
lse   1   %stopped_push
Dictionary stack:
   --dict:1104/1123(ro)(G)--   --dict:0/20(G)--   --dict:69/200(L)--
Current allocation mode is local
Last OS error: No such file or directory
AFPL Ghostscript 8.11: Unrecoverable error, exit code 1
AFPL Ghostscript 8.11 (2003-08-16)
Copyright (C) 2003 artofcode LLC, Benicia, CA.  All rights reserved.
This software comes with NO WARRANTY: see the file PUBLIC for details.
Error: /undefinedfilename in (files\\gs\\gs8.11\\bin\\gswin32c.exe)
Operand stack:

Execution stack:
   %interp_exit   .runexec2   --nostringval--   --nostringval--   --nostringval-
-   2   %stopped_push   --nostringval--   --nostringval--   --nostringval--   fa
lse   1   %stopped_push
Dictionary stack:
   --dict:1104/1123(ro)(G)--   --dict:0/20(G)--   --dict:69/200(L)--
Current allocation mode is local
Last OS error: No such file or directory
AFPL Ghostscript 8.11: Unrecoverable error, exit code 1
c:\program files\imagemagick-5.5.7-q16\convert.exe: DPS library is not available
Image conversion succeeded.
Unable to find converted file!

  This log apparently shows that ImageMagick's convert.exe is invoked
  correctly and that convert.exe 

Re: Image conversion and Lyx qt 1.3.2 win

2003-09-11 Thread jorgen johansson

I am not sure if this is what you are looking for. It seems to me if Lyx 
does not find a defined converters for a certain image format it tries 
to use the For me this causes windows xp to pop up a 
dialog to specify the program to execute the shell script. To avoid 
using the script I added the following lines to the prefrences.
(located in system at D:\Documents and 

\converter eps ppm convert $$i $$o 
\converter jpg eps convert $$i $$o 
\converter png eps convert $$i $$o 
(I added them by using th lyx preferences dialog.)

The first line solves the problem of viewing eps figures inside lyx.
The others are necessary for viewing in lyx and converting from jpg and 
png figures to eps which is used by Latex to create the dvi file.

Now I have no problem with the qt version under win XP. ( Off Topic, 
except for some strange error related to reconfiguring from inside lyx 
since my system is on the D: but I put lyx on C:. Running the configure 
script from the command line solves the problem though.)

Hope the three lines above solves your problem.


Ben Liesfeld wrote:

Hello to all,

Sorry to bother you all. I conversion works both with windows native or
cygwin Imagemagick. I had to add an explicit converter in the 
preferences, either to use the cygwin or the windows Imagemagick.
If not the qt 1.3.2 lyx was looking for the 
/usr/local/share/lyx/scripts/ (which is cygwin 
installation of lyx 1.3.1) directory. I would have guessed that the 
native version of cygwin should have looke for C:\lyx\share\lyx\scripts\
since I installed the qt version in C:\lyx\. Why didn't it?
  I still don't get it. I have both the qt version and Henschel's
  cygwin version installed. I read in a few older posts in this
  mailing list that other people had similar problems.
  I started lyx qt 1.3.2 with -dbg graphics in a command line, opened
  a file and tried to display the eps file approxseries1.eps (which is
  a perfect eps file and can be displayed by gsview):

Setting debug level to graphics
Debugging `graphics' (Graphics conversion and loading)
Recognised Fileformat: ppm
Attempting to convert image file: C:/lyx/share/lyx/images/banner.ppm
with displayed filename: C:/lyx/share/lyx/images/banner.ppm
Recognised Fileformat: ppm
The file contains ppm format data.

The image loader can load the following directly:
Of these, LyX recognises the following formats:
bmp, pbm, pgm, png, ppm, xbm, xpm
No conversion needed (from == to)!
Loading image.
just Loaded.
pixmap isNull 0 xformed_pixmap_ isNull 0
Image loading succeeded.
params.scale   : 100
width  : 425
height : 290
pixmap isNull 0 xformed_pixmap_ isNull 0
Token: 'filename'
Token: 'width'
Token: '\end_inset'
Token: 'filename'
Token: 'width'
Token: '\end_inset'
Token: 'filename'
Token: 'width'
Token: '\end_inset'
Token: 'filename'
Token: 'width'
Token: '\end_inset'
Token: 'filename'
Token: 'width'
Token: '\end_inset'
Token: 'filename'
Token: 'width'
Token: '\end_inset'
Token: 'filename'
Token: 'width'
Token: '\end_inset'
Token: 'filename'
Token: 'width'
Token: '\end_inset'
Recognised Fileformat: eps
Attempting to convert image file: W:/Documents/umichpaper/comment-refere
with displayed filename: W:/Documents/umichpaper/comment-referee/approxs
Recognised Fileformat: eps
The file contains eps format data.
Unable to convert from eps to bmp
Unable to convert from eps to pbm
Unable to convert from eps to pgm
Unable to convert from eps to png
Unable to convert from eps to ppm
Unable to convert from eps to xbm
Unable to convert from eps to xpm
Converting it to ppm format.
Converter c-tor:
from_file:  W:/Documents/umichpaper/comment-referee/approxseries1.ep
to_file_base: C:/temp/lyx_tmpdir1956a04060/approxseries11956a04060
from_format:  eps
build_script ... ready (edgepath.empty())
No converter defined! I use
sh C:/lyx/share/lyx/scripts/ eps:W:/Documents/umichpape
r/comment-referee/approxseries1.eps ppm:C:/temp/lyx_tmpdir1956a04060/approxserie
AFPL Ghostscript 8.11 (2003-08-16)
Copyright (C) 2003 artofcode LLC, Benicia, CA.  All rights reserved.
This software comes with NO WARRANTY: see the file PUBLIC for details.
Error: /undefinedfilename in (files\\gs\\gs8.11\\bin\\gswin32c.exe)
Operand stack:
Execution stack:
   %interp_exit   .runexec2   --nostringval--   --nostringval--   --nostringval-
-   2   %stopped_push   --nostringval--   --nostringval--   --nostringval--   fa
lse   1   %stopped_push
Dictionary stack:

Math symbol question

2003-09-11 Thread Cláudio Geraldo Schön
Sorry to make this silly question, but I'm writing a paper containing
crystallographic notations using LyX and I need the symbol for parallel
planes or directions (//, i.e. two slash bars, but spaced closer than
normal), I already looked at the AMS-LaTeX documentation, but couldn't
find this symbol in the list of the million and one amsfont provide. Do
somebody know how to write this symbol in LyX?

Thanks in advance,
Cláudio Schön

PS. Two slash bars side-by-side don't look good.
Cláudio Geraldo Schön
Comp. Mat. Sci. Lab.
Dept. Metallurgical and Materials Engineering
Escola Politécnica da Universidade de São Paulo
Av. Prof. Mello Moraes, 2463
CEP 05508-900 São Paulo-SP Brazil

Tel.: +55-11-3091-5726 (new number!)
Fax : +55-11-3091-5243

Re: Image conversion and Lyx qt 1.3.2 win

2003-09-11 Thread Ben Liesfeld
Hi jorgen,

 I am not sure if this is what you are looking for. It seems to me if Lyx
 does not find a defined converters for a certain image format it tries
 to use the For me this causes windows xp to pop up a
 dialog to specify the program to execute the shell script. To avoid 
 using the script I added the following lines to the prefrences.
 (located in system at D:\Documents and 
 Settings\Administrator\.lyx\preferences) is apparently called in my setup. At least that's
what I think looking at the log. There's no pop up window asking me to
specify any program. It's executed (?) and calls convert.exe which calls
gswin32c.exe as it should be.
I cannot execute the command
convert test.eps test.ppm on the command line (same error as lyx
shows), that's why I thought it must be an ImageMagick problem.

 \converter eps ppm convert $$i $$o 
 \converter jpg eps convert $$i $$o 
 \converter png eps convert $$i $$o 

Adding these three lines doesn't solve the problem. The error message
remains the same. Again, convert.exe from ImageMagick is executed
which can't correctly cooperate with gswin32c.exe.

The lyx -dbg graphics command again shows


Setting debug level to graphics
Recognised Fileformat: eps
Attempting to convert image file: W:/Documents/umichpaper/comment-refere
with displayed filename: W:/Documents/umichpaper/comment-referee/approxs
Recognised Fileformat: eps

The file contains eps format data.
Unable to convert from eps to bmp
Unable to convert from eps to pbm
Unable to convert from eps to pgm
Unable to convert from eps to png
Converting it to ppm format.
Converter c-tor:
from_file:  W:/Documents/umichpaper/comment-referee/approxseries1.ep
to_file_base: C:/temp/lyx_tmpdir3596a04016/approxseries13596a04016
from_format:  eps
build_script ... ready!
Conversion script:

convert ${infile} ${outfile} ||
'rm' -f ${outfile}
exit 1

if [ ! -f ${outfile} ]; then
if [ -f ${outfile}.0 ]; then
'mv' -f ${outfile}.0 ${outfile}
'rm' -f ${outfile}.?
exit 1


'mv' -f ${fromfile} ${tofile} ||
'cp' -f ${fromfile} ${tofile} ||
exit 1
'rm' -f ${fromfile}

AFPL Ghostscript 8.11 (2003-08-16)
Copyright (C) 2003 artofcode LLC, Benicia, CA.  All rights reserved.
This software comes with NO WARRANTY: see the file PUBLIC for details.
Error: /undefinedfilename in (files\\gs\\gs8.11\\bin\\gswin32c.exe)
Operand stack:

Execution stack:
   %interp_exit   .runexec2   --nostringval--   --nostringval--   --nostringval-
-   2   %stopped_push   --nostringval--   --nostringval--   --nostringval--   fa
lse   1   %stopped_push
Dictionary stack:
   --dict:1104/1123(ro)(G)--   --dict:0/20(G)--   --dict:69/200(L)--
Current allocation mode is local
Last OS error: No such file or directory
AFPL Ghostscript 8.11: Unrecoverable error, exit code 1
AFPL Ghostscript 8.11 (2003-08-16)
Copyright (C) 2003 artofcode LLC, Benicia, CA.  All rights reserved.
This software comes with NO WARRANTY: see the file PUBLIC for details.
Error: /undefinedfilename in (files\\gs\\gs8.11\\bin\\gswin32c.exe)
Operand stack:

Execution stack:
   %interp_exit   .runexec2   --nostringval--   --nostringval--   --nostringval-
-   2   %stopped_push   --nostringval--   --nostringval--   --nostringval--   fa
lse   1   %stopped_push
Dictionary stack:
   --dict:1104/1123(ro)(G)--   --dict:0/20(G)--   --dict:69/200(L)--
Current allocation mode is local
Last OS error: No such file or directory
AFPL Ghostscript 8.11: Unrecoverable error, exit code 1
c:\program files\imagemagick-5.5.7-q16\convert.exe: DPS library is not available
Image conversion failed.
Unable to find converted file!


What I am puzzled about is that - even though I added the /converter
lines to preferences in C:\Documents and
Settings\[username]\.lyx\preferences - some shell script is invoked
(build_script ... ready!...).
A shell script can't be run under WinXP. But that can't explain why
ghostscript fails (only that some files are not copied to the right

 The first line solves the problem of viewing eps figures inside lyx.
 The others are necessary for viewing in lyx and converting from jpg and
 png figures to eps which is used by Latex to create the dvi file.
Never tried to use jpg and others. I just 

Re: Math symbol question

2003-09-11 Thread Christian Ridderström
On Thu, 11 Sep 2003, Cláudio Geraldo Schön wrote:

 Sorry to make this silly question, but I'm writing a paper containing
 crystallographic notations using LyX and I need the symbol for parallel
 planes or directions (//, i.e. two slash bars, but spaced closer than
 normal), I already looked at the AMS-LaTeX documentation, but couldn't
 find this symbol in the list of the million and one amsfont provide. Do
 somebody know how to write this symbol in LyX?

How about two slashes with 'negative space' between them in math-mode?
Or in text mode, two slashes with \hspace{-0.5em} in ERT in between them.


Christian Ridderström

Re: Math symbol question

2003-09-11 Thread Dekel Tsur
On Thu, Sep 11, 2003 at 03:02:24PM -0300, Cl?udio Geraldo Sch?n wrote:
 Sorry to make this silly question, but I'm writing a paper containing
 crystallographic notations using LyX and I need the symbol for parallel
 planes or directions (//, i.e. two slash bars, but spaced closer than
 normal), I already looked at the AMS-LaTeX documentation, but couldn't
 find this symbol in the list of the million and one amsfont provide. Do
 somebody know how to write this symbol in LyX?

Look at

Re: language and references

2003-09-11 Thread Dekel Tsur
On Thu, Sep 04, 2003 at 07:42:25PM +0200, David Jutier wrote:
 Is it possible to configure the language for the cross references from
 english to french, to have, as an exemple, figure 2.1 page suivante
 instead of figure 2.1 on the following page in the resulting document

This is done automatically if you you select French as the document language
If the languages list contains French and French (GUTenberg), select
the latter.

Re: Lyx only runs latex once

2003-09-11 Thread Dekel Tsur
On Fri, Sep 05, 2003 at 11:50:38AM +0100, Gareth Jenkins wrote:
 I having a problem generating my bibliography and tables of contents 
 from lyx 1.3.2 qt (on SuSE 8.2) as latex only appears to be called once.
 Eg. when I viewdvi, I get no bibliography file generated, just the tex 
 and aux files. If I then run bibtex manually and then latex twice, 
 everything works fine. Instead of running latex manually, I can also do 
 it from lyx but I still have to do it twice (viewdvi).

What is the output of lyx -e dvi -dbg depend yourfile.lyx ?

custom page size crops content

2003-09-11 Thread Jeremy C. Reed
In the past, I have used a book document class with a custom page size of
9  X 5.5.

But lately, when viewed with gv the document is cropped. (The right side
is missing a couple inches of text.)

I saw some postings at[EMAIL PROTECTED]/msg05891.html
from 1999, that seem to be related. But I am not sure.

I am using lyx 1.3.2 (QT3 libs). But I was also using an old lyx from over
a year ago with same results. (This is on NetBSD.)

I am guessing my issue is gs related.

I tried to see what dvi showed but when I use lyx to export to dvi, it
appears that the dvi document is letter size (and not my custom size).

I have gv-3.5.8nb3 (installed via NetBSD pkgsrc). gs is

Any ideas on how to fix this (or troubleshoot)?

Thank you,

   Jeremy C. Reed

Centering a figure in a float

2003-09-11 Thread Rich Shepard
  I have inserted figures in a book by first inserting a figure-float then
placing the graphic inside this. In both cases (so far only two figures
inserted), I have the scale set at 50% for each, but they show up in the
pdflatex output along the left side of the body area of the page. The
caption is centered along the bottom.

  How do I center the graphic, too?



Dr. Richard B. Shepard, President

   Applied Ecosystem Services, Inc. (TM)
2404 SW 22nd Street | Troutdale, OR 97060-1247 | U.S.A.
 + 1 503-667-4517 (voice) | + 1 503-667-8863 (fax) | rshepard#64;

Re: Centering a figure in a float

2003-09-11 Thread Owen Lucas
highlight the image then go layout paragraph then select center.

I belive you can automaticly centre all images but putting something in 
the preamble but cant remember what it is now. Have a bit of a look in 
the past postings

Rich Shepard wrote:
  I have inserted figures in a book by first inserting a figure-float then
placing the graphic inside this. In both cases (so far only two figures
inserted), I have the scale set at 50% for each, but they show up in the
pdflatex output along the left side of the body area of the page. The
caption is centered along the bottom.
  How do I center the graphic, too?



Dr. Richard B. Shepard, President

   Applied Ecosystem Services, Inc. (TM)
2404 SW 22nd Street | Troutdale, OR 97060-1247 | U.S.A.
 + 1 503-667-4517 (voice) | + 1 503-667-8863 (fax) | rshepard#64;

Re: Centering a figure in a float

2003-09-11 Thread Rich Shepard
On Fri, 12 Sep 2003, Owen Lucas wrote:

 highlight the image then go layout paragraph then select center.

  Thanks, Owen. I received a private reply with the same solution. As I had
not needed to do this before I never went rummaging through the menus.



Dr. Richard B. Shepard, President

   Applied Ecosystem Services, Inc. (TM)
2404 SW 22nd Street | Troutdale, OR 97060-1247 | U.S.A.
 + 1 503-667-4517 (voice) | + 1 503-667-8863 (fax) | rshepard#64;

Re: Centering a figure in a float

2003-09-11 Thread Lars Gullik Bjønnes
Rich Shepard [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

| On Fri, 12 Sep 2003, Owen Lucas wrote:

 highlight the image then go layout paragraph then select center.

|   Thanks, Owen. I received a private reply with the same solution. As I had
| not needed to do this before I never went rummaging through the
| menus.

In some earlier verision of LyX centering of graphics was done
automatically, however we (or was it I) changed this since this is not
the default in LaTeX.


Re: Centering a figure in a float

2003-09-11 Thread Rich Shepard
On Fri, 12 Sep 2003, Lars Gullik Bjønnes wrote:

 In some earlier verision of LyX centering of graphics was done
 automatically, however we (or was it I) changed this since this is not
 the default in LaTeX.


  Any way it's done is fine with me, as long as I can get what I want from
it. I had no problems with the old interface as the program worked, but I
sure have come to like the Qt interface better.

  I'm seriously into a book (written with LyX and Xfig) and these tools are
making it quick and easy. Well, sort of easy. :-) I take a lot of time
looking at the users guide and advanced guide to figure out how to do what I
need, but I'm learning more than I had needed in all my previous use.

  Come to think of it, ... I did some articles with figures and they were
automatically centered. Guess that's why it didn't occur to me to look for a
command/menu choice to do this now.



Dr. Richard B. Shepard, President

   Applied Ecosystem Services, Inc. (TM)
2404 SW 22nd Street | Troutdale, OR 97060-1247 | U.S.A.
 + 1 503-667-4517 (voice) | + 1 503-667-8863 (fax) | rshepard#64;

Equations in book class

2003-09-11 Thread Rich Shepard
  Writing in book class, do I need to do more than invoke math mode to have
the equations properly formatted on screen as well as on paper? I use the
\sub, \textperiodcentered and \sup within math mode (invoking TeX mode, of
course), but all I see is the text run together, not the symbols.

  On a related issue, if want to put spaces in the equation, pressing the
space bar moves the cursor out the right side. I don't know what I've missed



Dr. Richard B. Shepard, President

   Applied Ecosystem Services, Inc. (TM)
2404 SW 22nd Street | Troutdale, OR 97060-1247 | U.S.A.
 + 1 503-667-4517 (voice) | + 1 503-667-8863 (fax) | rshepard#64;

Re: Image conversion and Lyx qt 1.3.2 win

2003-09-11 Thread jorgen johansson
Hello Ben,

I am not sure if I can help you with this.

I tested with and witout specifying a converter.
Below are 2 snippets.
In either case I don't get any message about ghostscript being called as 
you get..? (Does this depend on the debug setting? I start lyx with -dbg 

When I specify (in the prefs):
\converter eps ppm convert $$i $$o 
I get the following debug message when an eps figure is converted:


Attempting to convert image file: F:/chapters/fig/exp/rose.eps
with displayed filename: F:/chapters/fig/exp/rose.eps
Recognised Fileformat: eps
The file contains eps format data.
Unable to convert from eps to bmp
Unable to convert from eps to pbm
Unable to convert from eps to pgm
Unable to convert from eps to png
Converting it to ppm format.
Converter c-tor:
from_file:  F:/chapters/fig/exp/rose.eps
to_file_base: C:/cygwin/tmp/lyx_tmpdir2468a02816/rose2468a02816
from_format:  eps
build_script ... ready!
Conversion script:
convert ${infile} ${outfile} ||
'rm' -f ${outfile}
exit 1
if [ ! -f ${outfile} ]; then
if [ -f ${outfile}.0 ]; then
'mv' -f ${outfile}.0 ${outfile}
'rm' -f ${outfile}.?
exit 1
'mv' -f ${fromfile} ${tofile} ||
'cp' -f ${fromfile} ${tofile} ||
exit 1
'rm' -f ${fromfile}
Image conversion succeeded.
Loading image.
just Loaded.
pixmap isNull 0 xformed_pixmap_ isNull 0
Image loading succeeded.
params.scale   : 100
width  : 107
height : 133
pixmap isNull 0 xformed_pixmap_ isNull 0
-- end snip--

If I don't specify a converter I get:

-- snip 2 --
Attempting to convert image file: F:/chapters/fig/exp/rose.eps
with displayed filename: F:/chapters/fig/exp/rose.eps
Recognised Fileformat: eps
The file contains eps format data.
Unable to convert from eps to bmp
Unable to convert from eps to pbm
Unable to convert from eps to pgm
Unable to convert from eps to png
Unable to convert from eps to ppm
Unable to convert from eps to xbm
Unable to convert from eps to xpm
Converting it to ppm format.
Converter c-tor:
from_file:  F:/chapters/fig/exp/rose.eps
to_file_base: C:/cygwin/tmp/lyx_tmpdir2468a02816/rose2468a02816
from_format:  eps
build_script ... ready (edgepath.empty())
No converter defined! I use
sh C:/lyx/share/lyx/scripts/ 
se.eps ppm:C:/cygwin/tmp/lyx_tmpdir2468a02816/rose2468a02816.ppm
Image conversion failed.
Unable to find converted file!

-- end snip2 --


Re: Image conversion and Lyx qt 1.3.2 win

2003-09-11 Thread jorgen johansson

If execute the line which gives me the error in the lyx debug

sh C:/lyx/share/lyx/scripts/ 

in a command window the figure is converted correctly. Strange?


Re: Centering a figure in a float

2003-09-11 Thread Herbert Voß
Owen Lucas schrieb:
highlight the image then go layout paragraph then select center.
this is the wrong way, because you'll get some more
vertical space between image and caption which does
not look fine. This space comes from the environment
Use instead as first line in the float
in TeX mode.
I belive you can automaticly centre all images but putting something in 
the preamble but cant remember what it is now. Have a bit of a look in 
the past postings


Re: Figure numbers

2003-09-11 Thread Herbert Voß
Rich Shepard schrieb:
  I've searched both the users guide and advanced features guide for 1.3.2
without finding the answer to this question: how do I number figures
consecutively in a book class?
search the mail archive

  The default (when I place the figure in a figure float) is to number them
by chapter; for example, 2.1, 3.1, 3.2 and so on. What do I need to do if I
want them numbered 1, 2, 3, etc.?



Re: Marginal notes

2003-09-11 Thread Herbert Voß
Michael Chabon schrieb:
I have been using Lyx for about five days and am up and running okay.

I am trying to produce a long manuscript that incorporates many, many 
marginal notes, many of them very long (i.e., more than a page).  Right 
now I'm using Word and its text boxes to do this, and it's a pain in the 

Here is what I would like to do with Lyx

1) have marginal notes that extend across page breaks
not possible with LaTeX, you can try the parallel.sty

Re: Equations in book class

2003-09-11 Thread Herbert Voß
Rich Shepard schrieb:
  Writing in book class, do I need to do more than invoke math mode to have
the equations properly formatted on screen as well as on paper? I use the
\sub, \textperiodcentered and \sup within math mode (invoking TeX mode, of
course), but all I see is the text run together, not the symbols.
example file.
There is no need for an explicit TeX mode. Invoke the math
mode with Insert-Math

Re: Equations in book class

2003-09-11 Thread Jeannette Meyer

   On a related issue, if want to put spaces in the equation, pressing the
 space bar moves the cursor out the right side. I don't know what I've
 missed here.

I think you have to use the Insert Space Buttom from the Math Panel. You can 
chose from thin, medium and thick spaces, etc. Or just press Strg-C-Space to 
insert a protected blank.


Re: Centering a figure in a float

2003-09-11 Thread Herbert Voß
Lars Gullik Bjønnes schrieb:
Rich Shepard [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

| On Fri, 12 Sep 2003, Owen Lucas wrote:

highlight the image then go layout paragraph then select center.

|   Thanks, Owen. I received a private reply with the same solution. As I had
| not needed to do this before I never went rummaging through the
| menus.
In some earlier verision of LyX centering of graphics was done
automatically, however we (or was it I) changed this since this is not
the default in LaTeX.
the default is a centered caption and in 99,9% the
user centers the image, too. So the question is,
what is user friendly ...
and by the way: LyX has tons of stuff which is against
the LaTeX default 

Re: Equations in book class

2003-09-11 Thread Herbert Voß
Rich Shepard schrieb:
  Writing in book class, do I need to do more than invoke math mode to have
the equations properly formatted on screen as well as on paper? I use the
\sub, \textperiodcentered and \sup within math mode (invoking TeX mode, of
course), but all I see is the text run together, not the symbols.
example file.
There is no need for an explicit TeX mode. Invoke the math
mode with Insert-Math

Re: image conversion tools

2003-09-11 Thread jorgen johansson
I'd love to be able to do that but I am so far not a C++ programmer. 
Mainly using fortran 95 for my research. I'm familiar with C syntax and 
know a little bit about object oriented languageas, but I have no 
experience in developing for large projects. I guess downloading Lyx 
sources and start learning from that is one way get started.

I'd thought I send in my observations on using the qt version because it 
 would be useful for other users and possibly for someone who can 
patch. I'd be glad to help in some testing, when time allows.


Angus Leeming wrote:
jorgen johansson wrote:

Hello again,

Sorry to bother you all. I conversion works both with windows native or
cygwin Imagemagick. I had to add an explicit converter in the
preferences, either to use the cygwin or the windows Imagemagick.
If not the qt 1.3.2 lyx was looking for the
/usr/local/share/lyx/scripts/ (which is cygwin
installation of lyx 1.3.1) directory. I would have guessed that the
native version of cygwin should have looke for C:\lyx\share\lyx\scripts\
since I installed the qt version in C:\lyx\. Why didn't it?

Because none of the developers uses Windows. If you want to step aboard and 
provide a patch, then you will be made most welcome.

lyx win32 hebrew R2L problem

2003-09-11 Thread Marossy Attila
I try to use LyX with hebrew support on Win2k english (as described at
It works well, but the Right-to-left support doesn't work. It does
displays hebrew letters, and the WORDS are displayed
correctly (right-to-left), but the letters inside the words appear in
reverse order. For example instead of FED CBA it
types DEF ABC, so the words are in the correct order, but the letters
inside the words are confused.
But after translating (dvi of pdf) everything is in the right place.
Maybe this is a bug in the windows port. I'm not sure.
Could anyone help me?

Image conversion and Lyx qt 1.3.2 win

2003-09-11 Thread Ben Liesfeld
Hello to all,

 Sorry to bother you all. I conversion works both with windows native or
 cygwin Imagemagick. I had to add an explicit converter in the 
 preferences, either to use the cygwin or the windows Imagemagick.
 If not the qt 1.3.2 lyx was looking for the 
 /usr/local/share/lyx/scripts/ (which is cygwin 
 installation of lyx 1.3.1) directory. I would have guessed that the 
 native version of cygwin should have looke for C:\lyx\share\lyx\scripts\
 since I installed the qt version in C:\lyx\. Why didn't it?
  I still don't get it. I have both the qt version and Henschel's
  cygwin version installed. I read in a few older posts in this
  mailing list that other people had similar problems.

  I started lyx qt 1.3.2 with -dbg graphics in a command line, opened
  a file and tried to display the eps file approxseries1.eps (which is
  a perfect eps file and can be displayed by gsview):


Setting debug level to graphics
Debugging `graphics' (Graphics conversion and loading)
Recognised Fileformat: ppm
Attempting to convert image file: C:/lyx/share/lyx/images/banner.ppm
with displayed filename: C:/lyx/share/lyx/images/banner.ppm
Recognised Fileformat: ppm

The file contains ppm format data.

The image loader can load the following directly:

Of these, LyX recognises the following formats:
bmp, pbm, pgm, png, ppm, xbm, xpm

No conversion needed (from == to)!
Loading image.
just Loaded.
pixmap isNull 0 xformed_pixmap_ isNull 0
Image loading succeeded.
params.scale   : 100
width  : 425
height : 290
pixmap isNull 0 xformed_pixmap_ isNull 0
Token: 'filename'
Token: 'width'
Token: '\end_inset'
Token: 'filename'
Token: 'width'
Token: '\end_inset'
Token: 'filename'
Token: 'width'
Token: '\end_inset'
Token: 'filename'
Token: 'width'
Token: '\end_inset'
Token: 'filename'
Token: 'width'
Token: '\end_inset'
Token: 'filename'
Token: 'width'
Token: '\end_inset'
Token: 'filename'
Token: 'width'
Token: '\end_inset'
Token: 'filename'
Token: 'width'
Token: '\end_inset'
Recognised Fileformat: eps
Attempting to convert image file: W:/Documents/umichpaper/comment-refere
with displayed filename: W:/Documents/umichpaper/comment-referee/approxs
Recognised Fileformat: eps

The file contains eps format data.
Unable to convert from eps to bmp
Unable to convert from eps to pbm
Unable to convert from eps to pgm
Unable to convert from eps to png
Unable to convert from eps to ppm
Unable to convert from eps to xbm
Unable to convert from eps to xpm
Converting it to ppm format.
Converter c-tor:
from_file:  W:/Documents/umichpaper/comment-referee/approxseries1.ep
to_file_base: C:/temp/lyx_tmpdir1956a04060/approxseries11956a04060
from_format:  eps
build_script ... ready (edgepath.empty())
No converter defined! I use
sh C:/lyx/share/lyx/scripts/ eps:W:/Documents/umichpape
r/comment-referee/approxseries1.eps ppm:C:/temp/lyx_tmpdir1956a04060/approxserie
AFPL Ghostscript 8.11 (2003-08-16)
Copyright (C) 2003 artofcode LLC, Benicia, CA.  All rights reserved.
This software comes with NO WARRANTY: see the file PUBLIC for details.
Error: /undefinedfilename in (files\\gs\\gs8.11\\bin\\gswin32c.exe)
Operand stack:

Execution stack:
   %interp_exit   .runexec2   --nostringval--   --nostringval--   --nostringval-
-   2   %stopped_push   --nostringval--   --nostringval--   --nostringval--   fa
lse   1   %stopped_push
Dictionary stack:
   --dict:1104/1123(ro)(G)--   --dict:0/20(G)--   --dict:69/200(L)--
Current allocation mode is local
Last OS error: No such file or directory
AFPL Ghostscript 8.11: Unrecoverable error, exit code 1
AFPL Ghostscript 8.11 (2003-08-16)
Copyright (C) 2003 artofcode LLC, Benicia, CA.  All rights reserved.
This software comes with NO WARRANTY: see the file PUBLIC for details.
Error: /undefinedfilename in (files\\gs\\gs8.11\\bin\\gswin32c.exe)
Operand stack:

Execution stack:
   %interp_exit   .runexec2   --nostringval--   --nostringval--   --nostringval-
-   2   %stopped_push   --nostringval--   --nostringval--   --nostringval--   fa
lse   1   %stopped_push
Dictionary stack:
   --dict:1104/1123(ro)(G)--   --dict:0/20(G)--   --dict:69/200(L)--
Current allocation mode is local
Last OS error: No such file or directory
AFPL Ghostscript 8.11: Unrecoverable error, exit code 1
c:\program files\imagemagick-5.5.7-q16\convert.exe: DPS library is not available
Image conversion succeeded.
Unable to find converted file!

  This log apparently shows that ImageMagick's convert.exe is invoked
  correctly and that convert.exe 

Re: Image conversion and Lyx qt 1.3.2 win

2003-09-11 Thread jorgen johansson

I am not sure if this is what you are looking for. It seems to me if Lyx 
does not find a defined converters for a certain image format it tries 
to use the For me this causes windows xp to pop up a 
dialog to specify the program to execute the shell script. To avoid 
using the script I added the following lines to the prefrences.
(located in system at D:\Documents and 

\converter eps ppm convert $$i $$o 
\converter jpg eps convert $$i $$o 
\converter png eps convert $$i $$o 
(I added them by using th lyx preferences dialog.)

The first line solves the problem of viewing eps figures inside lyx.
The others are necessary for viewing in lyx and converting from jpg and 
png figures to eps which is used by Latex to create the dvi file.

Now I have no problem with the qt version under win XP. ( Off Topic, 
except for some strange error related to reconfiguring from inside lyx 
since my system is on the D: but I put lyx on C:. Running the configure 
script from the command line solves the problem though.)

Hope the three lines above solves your problem.


Ben Liesfeld wrote:

Hello to all,

Sorry to bother you all. I conversion works both with windows native or
cygwin Imagemagick. I had to add an explicit converter in the 
preferences, either to use the cygwin or the windows Imagemagick.
If not the qt 1.3.2 lyx was looking for the 
/usr/local/share/lyx/scripts/ (which is cygwin 
installation of lyx 1.3.1) directory. I would have guessed that the 
native version of cygwin should have looke for C:\lyx\share\lyx\scripts\
since I installed the qt version in C:\lyx\. Why didn't it?
  I still don't get it. I have both the qt version and Henschel's
  cygwin version installed. I read in a few older posts in this
  mailing list that other people had similar problems.
  I started lyx qt 1.3.2 with -dbg graphics in a command line, opened
  a file and tried to display the eps file approxseries1.eps (which is
  a perfect eps file and can be displayed by gsview):

Setting debug level to graphics
Debugging `graphics' (Graphics conversion and loading)
Recognised Fileformat: ppm
Attempting to convert image file: C:/lyx/share/lyx/images/banner.ppm
with displayed filename: C:/lyx/share/lyx/images/banner.ppm
Recognised Fileformat: ppm
The file contains ppm format data.

The image loader can load the following directly:
Of these, LyX recognises the following formats:
bmp, pbm, pgm, png, ppm, xbm, xpm
No conversion needed (from == to)!
Loading image.
just Loaded.
pixmap isNull 0 xformed_pixmap_ isNull 0
Image loading succeeded.
params.scale   : 100
width  : 425
height : 290
pixmap isNull 0 xformed_pixmap_ isNull 0
Token: 'filename'
Token: 'width'
Token: '\end_inset'
Token: 'filename'
Token: 'width'
Token: '\end_inset'
Token: 'filename'
Token: 'width'
Token: '\end_inset'
Token: 'filename'
Token: 'width'
Token: '\end_inset'
Token: 'filename'
Token: 'width'
Token: '\end_inset'
Token: 'filename'
Token: 'width'
Token: '\end_inset'
Token: 'filename'
Token: 'width'
Token: '\end_inset'
Token: 'filename'
Token: 'width'
Token: '\end_inset'
Recognised Fileformat: eps
Attempting to convert image file: W:/Documents/umichpaper/comment-refere
with displayed filename: W:/Documents/umichpaper/comment-referee/approxs
Recognised Fileformat: eps
The file contains eps format data.
Unable to convert from eps to bmp
Unable to convert from eps to pbm
Unable to convert from eps to pgm
Unable to convert from eps to png
Unable to convert from eps to ppm
Unable to convert from eps to xbm
Unable to convert from eps to xpm
Converting it to ppm format.
Converter c-tor:
from_file:  W:/Documents/umichpaper/comment-referee/approxseries1.ep
to_file_base: C:/temp/lyx_tmpdir1956a04060/approxseries11956a04060
from_format:  eps
build_script ... ready (edgepath.empty())
No converter defined! I use
sh C:/lyx/share/lyx/scripts/ eps:W:/Documents/umichpape
r/comment-referee/approxseries1.eps ppm:C:/temp/lyx_tmpdir1956a04060/approxserie
AFPL Ghostscript 8.11 (2003-08-16)
Copyright (C) 2003 artofcode LLC, Benicia, CA.  All rights reserved.
This software comes with NO WARRANTY: see the file PUBLIC for details.
Error: /undefinedfilename in (files\\gs\\gs8.11\\bin\\gswin32c.exe)
Operand stack:
Execution stack:
   %interp_exit   .runexec2   --nostringval--   --nostringval--   --nostringval-
-   2   %stopped_push   --nostringval--   --nostringval--   --nostringval--   fa
lse   1   %stopped_push
Dictionary stack:

Math symbol question

2003-09-11 Thread Cláudio Geraldo Schön
Sorry to make this silly question, but I'm writing a paper containing
crystallographic notations using LyX and I need the symbol for parallel
planes or directions (//, i.e. two slash bars, but spaced closer than
normal), I already looked at the AMS-LaTeX documentation, but couldn't
find this symbol in the list of the million and one amsfont provide. Do
somebody know how to write this symbol in LyX?

Thanks in advance,
Cláudio Schön

PS. Two slash bars side-by-side don't look good.
Cláudio Geraldo Schön
Comp. Mat. Sci. Lab.
Dept. Metallurgical and Materials Engineering
Escola Politécnica da Universidade de São Paulo
Av. Prof. Mello Moraes, 2463
CEP 05508-900 São Paulo-SP Brazil

Tel.: +55-11-3091-5726 (new number!)
Fax : +55-11-3091-5243

Re: Image conversion and Lyx qt 1.3.2 win

2003-09-11 Thread Ben Liesfeld
Hi jorgen,

 I am not sure if this is what you are looking for. It seems to me if Lyx
 does not find a defined converters for a certain image format it tries
 to use the For me this causes windows xp to pop up a
 dialog to specify the program to execute the shell script. To avoid 
 using the script I added the following lines to the prefrences.
 (located in system at D:\Documents and 
 Settings\Administrator\.lyx\preferences) is apparently called in my setup. At least that's
what I think looking at the log. There's no pop up window asking me to
specify any program. It's executed (?) and calls convert.exe which calls
gswin32c.exe as it should be.
I cannot execute the command
convert test.eps test.ppm on the command line (same error as lyx
shows), that's why I thought it must be an ImageMagick problem.

 \converter eps ppm convert $$i $$o 
 \converter jpg eps convert $$i $$o 
 \converter png eps convert $$i $$o 

Adding these three lines doesn't solve the problem. The error message
remains the same. Again, convert.exe from ImageMagick is executed
which can't correctly cooperate with gswin32c.exe.

The lyx -dbg graphics command again shows


Setting debug level to graphics
Recognised Fileformat: eps
Attempting to convert image file: W:/Documents/umichpaper/comment-refere
with displayed filename: W:/Documents/umichpaper/comment-referee/approxs
Recognised Fileformat: eps

The file contains eps format data.
Unable to convert from eps to bmp
Unable to convert from eps to pbm
Unable to convert from eps to pgm
Unable to convert from eps to png
Converting it to ppm format.
Converter c-tor:
from_file:  W:/Documents/umichpaper/comment-referee/approxseries1.ep
to_file_base: C:/temp/lyx_tmpdir3596a04016/approxseries13596a04016
from_format:  eps
build_script ... ready!
Conversion script:

convert ${infile} ${outfile} ||
'rm' -f ${outfile}
exit 1

if [ ! -f ${outfile} ]; then
if [ -f ${outfile}.0 ]; then
'mv' -f ${outfile}.0 ${outfile}
'rm' -f ${outfile}.?
exit 1


'mv' -f ${fromfile} ${tofile} ||
'cp' -f ${fromfile} ${tofile} ||
exit 1
'rm' -f ${fromfile}

AFPL Ghostscript 8.11 (2003-08-16)
Copyright (C) 2003 artofcode LLC, Benicia, CA.  All rights reserved.
This software comes with NO WARRANTY: see the file PUBLIC for details.
Error: /undefinedfilename in (files\\gs\\gs8.11\\bin\\gswin32c.exe)
Operand stack:

Execution stack:
   %interp_exit   .runexec2   --nostringval--   --nostringval--   --nostringval-
-   2   %stopped_push   --nostringval--   --nostringval--   --nostringval--   fa
lse   1   %stopped_push
Dictionary stack:
   --dict:1104/1123(ro)(G)--   --dict:0/20(G)--   --dict:69/200(L)--
Current allocation mode is local
Last OS error: No such file or directory
AFPL Ghostscript 8.11: Unrecoverable error, exit code 1
AFPL Ghostscript 8.11 (2003-08-16)
Copyright (C) 2003 artofcode LLC, Benicia, CA.  All rights reserved.
This software comes with NO WARRANTY: see the file PUBLIC for details.
Error: /undefinedfilename in (files\\gs\\gs8.11\\bin\\gswin32c.exe)
Operand stack:

Execution stack:
   %interp_exit   .runexec2   --nostringval--   --nostringval--   --nostringval-
-   2   %stopped_push   --nostringval--   --nostringval--   --nostringval--   fa
lse   1   %stopped_push
Dictionary stack:
   --dict:1104/1123(ro)(G)--   --dict:0/20(G)--   --dict:69/200(L)--
Current allocation mode is local
Last OS error: No such file or directory
AFPL Ghostscript 8.11: Unrecoverable error, exit code 1
c:\program files\imagemagick-5.5.7-q16\convert.exe: DPS library is not available
Image conversion failed.
Unable to find converted file!


What I am puzzled about is that - even though I added the /converter
lines to preferences in C:\Documents and
Settings\[username]\.lyx\preferences - some shell script is invoked
(build_script ... ready!...).
A shell script can't be run under WinXP. But that can't explain why
ghostscript fails (only that some files are not copied to the right

 The first line solves the problem of viewing eps figures inside lyx.
 The others are necessary for viewing in lyx and converting from jpg and
 png figures to eps which is used by Latex to create the dvi file.
Never tried to use jpg and others. I just 

Re: Math symbol question

2003-09-11 Thread Christian Ridderström
On Thu, 11 Sep 2003, Cláudio Geraldo Schön wrote:

 Sorry to make this silly question, but I'm writing a paper containing
 crystallographic notations using LyX and I need the symbol for parallel
 planes or directions (//, i.e. two slash bars, but spaced closer than
 normal), I already looked at the AMS-LaTeX documentation, but couldn't
 find this symbol in the list of the million and one amsfont provide. Do
 somebody know how to write this symbol in LyX?

How about two slashes with 'negative space' between them in math-mode?
Or in text mode, two slashes with \hspace{-0.5em} in ERT in between them.


Christian Ridderström

Re: Math symbol question

2003-09-11 Thread Dekel Tsur
On Thu, Sep 11, 2003 at 03:02:24PM -0300, Cl?udio Geraldo Sch?n wrote:
 Sorry to make this silly question, but I'm writing a paper containing
 crystallographic notations using LyX and I need the symbol for parallel
 planes or directions (//, i.e. two slash bars, but spaced closer than
 normal), I already looked at the AMS-LaTeX documentation, but couldn't
 find this symbol in the list of the million and one amsfont provide. Do
 somebody know how to write this symbol in LyX?

Look at

Re: language and references

2003-09-11 Thread Dekel Tsur
On Thu, Sep 04, 2003 at 07:42:25PM +0200, David Jutier wrote:
 Is it possible to configure the language for the cross references from
 english to french, to have, as an exemple, figure 2.1 page suivante
 instead of figure 2.1 on the following page in the resulting document

This is done automatically if you you select French as the document language
If the languages list contains French and French (GUTenberg), select
the latter.

Re: Lyx only runs latex once

2003-09-11 Thread Dekel Tsur
On Fri, Sep 05, 2003 at 11:50:38AM +0100, Gareth Jenkins wrote:
 I having a problem generating my bibliography and tables of contents 
 from lyx 1.3.2 qt (on SuSE 8.2) as latex only appears to be called once.
 Eg. when I viewdvi, I get no bibliography file generated, just the tex 
 and aux files. If I then run bibtex manually and then latex twice, 
 everything works fine. Instead of running latex manually, I can also do 
 it from lyx but I still have to do it twice (viewdvi).

What is the output of lyx -e dvi -dbg depend yourfile.lyx ?

custom page size crops content

2003-09-11 Thread Jeremy C. Reed
In the past, I have used a book document class with a custom page size of
9  X 5.5.

But lately, when viewed with gv the document is cropped. (The right side
is missing a couple inches of text.)

I saw some postings at[EMAIL PROTECTED]/msg05891.html
from 1999, that seem to be related. But I am not sure.

I am using lyx 1.3.2 (QT3 libs). But I was also using an old lyx from over
a year ago with same results. (This is on NetBSD.)

I am guessing my issue is gs related.

I tried to see what dvi showed but when I use lyx to export to dvi, it
appears that the dvi document is letter size (and not my custom size).

I have gv-3.5.8nb3 (installed via NetBSD pkgsrc). gs is

Any ideas on how to fix this (or troubleshoot)?

Thank you,

   Jeremy C. Reed

Centering a figure in a float

2003-09-11 Thread Rich Shepard
  I have inserted figures in a book by first inserting a figure-float then
placing the graphic inside this. In both cases (so far only two figures
inserted), I have the scale set at 50% for each, but they show up in the
pdflatex output along the left side of the body area of the page. The
caption is centered along the bottom.

  How do I center the graphic, too?



Dr. Richard B. Shepard, President

   Applied Ecosystem Services, Inc. (TM)
2404 SW 22nd Street | Troutdale, OR 97060-1247 | U.S.A.
 + 1 503-667-4517 (voice) | + 1 503-667-8863 (fax) | rshepard#64;

Re: Centering a figure in a float

2003-09-11 Thread Owen Lucas
highlight the image then go layout paragraph then select center.

I belive you can automaticly centre all images but putting something in 
the preamble but cant remember what it is now. Have a bit of a look in 
the past postings

Rich Shepard wrote:
  I have inserted figures in a book by first inserting a figure-float then
placing the graphic inside this. In both cases (so far only two figures
inserted), I have the scale set at 50% for each, but they show up in the
pdflatex output along the left side of the body area of the page. The
caption is centered along the bottom.
  How do I center the graphic, too?



Dr. Richard B. Shepard, President

   Applied Ecosystem Services, Inc. (TM)
2404 SW 22nd Street | Troutdale, OR 97060-1247 | U.S.A.
 + 1 503-667-4517 (voice) | + 1 503-667-8863 (fax) | rshepard#64;

Re: Centering a figure in a float

2003-09-11 Thread Rich Shepard
On Fri, 12 Sep 2003, Owen Lucas wrote:

 highlight the image then go layout paragraph then select center.

  Thanks, Owen. I received a private reply with the same solution. As I had
not needed to do this before I never went rummaging through the menus.



Dr. Richard B. Shepard, President

   Applied Ecosystem Services, Inc. (TM)
2404 SW 22nd Street | Troutdale, OR 97060-1247 | U.S.A.
 + 1 503-667-4517 (voice) | + 1 503-667-8863 (fax) | rshepard#64;

Re: Centering a figure in a float

2003-09-11 Thread Lars Gullik Bjønnes
Rich Shepard [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

| On Fri, 12 Sep 2003, Owen Lucas wrote:

 highlight the image then go layout paragraph then select center.

|   Thanks, Owen. I received a private reply with the same solution. As I had
| not needed to do this before I never went rummaging through the
| menus.

In some earlier verision of LyX centering of graphics was done
automatically, however we (or was it I) changed this since this is not
the default in LaTeX.


Re: Centering a figure in a float

2003-09-11 Thread Rich Shepard
On Fri, 12 Sep 2003, Lars Gullik Bjønnes wrote:

 In some earlier verision of LyX centering of graphics was done
 automatically, however we (or was it I) changed this since this is not
 the default in LaTeX.


  Any way it's done is fine with me, as long as I can get what I want from
it. I had no problems with the old interface as the program worked, but I
sure have come to like the Qt interface better.

  I'm seriously into a book (written with LyX and Xfig) and these tools are
making it quick and easy. Well, sort of easy. :-) I take a lot of time
looking at the users guide and advanced guide to figure out how to do what I
need, but I'm learning more than I had needed in all my previous use.

  Come to think of it, ... I did some articles with figures and they were
automatically centered. Guess that's why it didn't occur to me to look for a
command/menu choice to do this now.



Dr. Richard B. Shepard, President

   Applied Ecosystem Services, Inc. (TM)
2404 SW 22nd Street | Troutdale, OR 97060-1247 | U.S.A.
 + 1 503-667-4517 (voice) | + 1 503-667-8863 (fax) | rshepard#64;

Equations in book class

2003-09-11 Thread Rich Shepard
  Writing in book class, do I need to do more than invoke math mode to have
the equations properly formatted on screen as well as on paper? I use the
\sub, \textperiodcentered and \sup within math mode (invoking TeX mode, of
course), but all I see is the text run together, not the symbols.

  On a related issue, if want to put spaces in the equation, pressing the
space bar moves the cursor out the right side. I don't know what I've missed



Dr. Richard B. Shepard, President

   Applied Ecosystem Services, Inc. (TM)
2404 SW 22nd Street | Troutdale, OR 97060-1247 | U.S.A.
 + 1 503-667-4517 (voice) | + 1 503-667-8863 (fax) | rshepard#64;

Re: Image conversion and Lyx qt 1.3.2 win

2003-09-11 Thread jorgen johansson
Hello Ben,

I am not sure if I can help you with this.

I tested with and witout specifying a converter.
Below are 2 snippets.
In either case I don't get any message about ghostscript being called as 
you get..? (Does this depend on the debug setting? I start lyx with -dbg 

When I specify (in the prefs):
\converter eps ppm convert $$i $$o 
I get the following debug message when an eps figure is converted:


Attempting to convert image file: F:/chapters/fig/exp/rose.eps
with displayed filename: F:/chapters/fig/exp/rose.eps
Recognised Fileformat: eps
The file contains eps format data.
Unable to convert from eps to bmp
Unable to convert from eps to pbm
Unable to convert from eps to pgm
Unable to convert from eps to png
Converting it to ppm format.
Converter c-tor:
from_file:  F:/chapters/fig/exp/rose.eps
to_file_base: C:/cygwin/tmp/lyx_tmpdir2468a02816/rose2468a02816
from_format:  eps
build_script ... ready!
Conversion script:
convert ${infile} ${outfile} ||
'rm' -f ${outfile}
exit 1
if [ ! -f ${outfile} ]; then
if [ -f ${outfile}.0 ]; then
'mv' -f ${outfile}.0 ${outfile}
'rm' -f ${outfile}.?
exit 1
'mv' -f ${fromfile} ${tofile} ||
'cp' -f ${fromfile} ${tofile} ||
exit 1
'rm' -f ${fromfile}
Image conversion succeeded.
Loading image.
just Loaded.
pixmap isNull 0 xformed_pixmap_ isNull 0
Image loading succeeded.
params.scale   : 100
width  : 107
height : 133
pixmap isNull 0 xformed_pixmap_ isNull 0
-- end snip--

If I don't specify a converter I get:

-- snip 2 --
Attempting to convert image file: F:/chapters/fig/exp/rose.eps
with displayed filename: F:/chapters/fig/exp/rose.eps
Recognised Fileformat: eps
The file contains eps format data.
Unable to convert from eps to bmp
Unable to convert from eps to pbm
Unable to convert from eps to pgm
Unable to convert from eps to png
Unable to convert from eps to ppm
Unable to convert from eps to xbm
Unable to convert from eps to xpm
Converting it to ppm format.
Converter c-tor:
from_file:  F:/chapters/fig/exp/rose.eps
to_file_base: C:/cygwin/tmp/lyx_tmpdir2468a02816/rose2468a02816
from_format:  eps
build_script ... ready (edgepath.empty())
No converter defined! I use
sh C:/lyx/share/lyx/scripts/ 
se.eps ppm:C:/cygwin/tmp/lyx_tmpdir2468a02816/rose2468a02816.ppm
Image conversion failed.
Unable to find converted file!

-- end snip2 --


Re: Image conversion and Lyx qt 1.3.2 win

2003-09-11 Thread jorgen johansson

If execute the line which gives me the error in the lyx debug

sh C:/lyx/share/lyx/scripts/ 

in a command window the figure is converted correctly. Strange?


Re: Centering a figure in a float

2003-09-11 Thread Herbert Voß
Owen Lucas schrieb:
highlight the image then go layout paragraph then select center.
this is the wrong way, because you'll get some more
vertical space between image and caption which does
not look fine. This space comes from the environment
Use instead as first line in the float
in TeX mode.
I belive you can automaticly centre all images but putting something in 
the preamble but cant remember what it is now. Have a bit of a look in 
the past postings


Re: Figure numbers

2003-09-11 Thread Herbert Voß
Rich Shepard schrieb:
  I've searched both the users guide and advanced features guide for 1.3.2
without finding the answer to this question: how do I number figures
consecutively in a book class?
search the mail archive

  The default (when I place the figure in a figure float) is to number them
by chapter; for example, 2.1, 3.1, 3.2 and so on. What do I need to do if I
want them numbered 1, 2, 3, etc.?



Re: Marginal notes

2003-09-11 Thread Herbert Voß
Michael Chabon schrieb:
I have been using Lyx for about five days and am up and running okay.

I am trying to produce a long manuscript that incorporates many, many 
marginal notes, many of them very long (i.e., more than a page).  Right 
now I'm using Word and its text boxes to do this, and it's a pain in the 

Here is what I would like to do with Lyx

1) have marginal notes that extend across page breaks
not possible with LaTeX, you can try the parallel.sty

Re: Equations in book class

2003-09-11 Thread Herbert Voß
Rich Shepard schrieb:
  Writing in book class, do I need to do more than invoke math mode to have
the equations properly formatted on screen as well as on paper? I use the
\sub, \textperiodcentered and \sup within math mode (invoking TeX mode, of
course), but all I see is the text run together, not the symbols.
example file.
There is no need for an explicit TeX mode. Invoke the math
mode with Insert-Math

Re: Equations in book class

2003-09-11 Thread Jeannette Meyer

   On a related issue, if want to put spaces in the equation, pressing the
 space bar moves the cursor out the right side. I don't know what I've
 missed here.

I think you have to use the Insert Space Buttom from the Math Panel. You can 
chose from thin, medium and thick spaces, etc. Or just press Strg-C-Space to 
insert a protected blank.


Re: Centering a figure in a float

2003-09-11 Thread Herbert Voß
Lars Gullik Bjønnes schrieb:
Rich Shepard [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

| On Fri, 12 Sep 2003, Owen Lucas wrote:

highlight the image then go layout paragraph then select center.

|   Thanks, Owen. I received a private reply with the same solution. As I had
| not needed to do this before I never went rummaging through the
| menus.
In some earlier verision of LyX centering of graphics was done
automatically, however we (or was it I) changed this since this is not
the default in LaTeX.
the default is a centered caption and in 99,9% the
user centers the image, too. So the question is,
what is user friendly ...
and by the way: LyX has tons of stuff which is against
the LaTeX default 

Re: Equations in book class

2003-09-11 Thread Herbert Voß
Rich Shepard schrieb:
  Writing in book class, do I need to do more than invoke math mode to have
the equations properly formatted on screen as well as on paper? I use the
\sub, \textperiodcentered and \sup within math mode (invoking TeX mode, of
course), but all I see is the text run together, not the symbols.
example file.
There is no need for an explicit TeX mode. Invoke the math
mode with Insert-Math

Re: image conversion tools

2003-09-11 Thread jorgen johansson
I'd love to be able to do that but I am so far not a C++ programmer. 
Mainly using fortran 95 for my research. I'm familiar with C syntax and 
know a little bit about object oriented languageas, but I have no 
experience in developing for large projects. I guess downloading Lyx 
sources and start learning from that is one way get started.

I'd thought I send in my observations on using the qt version because it 
 would be useful for other users and possibly for someone who can 
patch. I'd be glad to help in some testing, when time allows.


Angus Leeming wrote:
jorgen johansson wrote:

Hello again,

Sorry to bother you all. I conversion works both with windows native or
cygwin Imagemagick. I had to add an explicit converter in the
preferences, either to use the cygwin or the windows Imagemagick.
If not the qt 1.3.2 lyx was looking for the
/usr/local/share/lyx/scripts/ (which is cygwin
installation of lyx 1.3.1) directory. I would have guessed that the
native version of cygwin should have looke for C:\lyx\share\lyx\scripts\
since I installed the qt version in C:\lyx\. Why didn't it?

Because none of the developers uses Windows. If you want to step aboard and 
provide a patch, then you will be made most welcome.

lyx win32 hebrew R2L problem

2003-09-11 Thread Marossy Attila
I try to use LyX with hebrew support on Win2k english (as described at
It works well, but the Right-to-left support doesn't work. It does
displays hebrew letters, and the WORDS are displayed
correctly (right-to-left), but the letters inside the words appear in
reverse order. For example instead of "FED CBA" it
types "DEF ABC", so the words are in the correct order, but the letters
inside the words are confused.
But after translating (dvi of pdf) everything is in the right place.
Maybe this is a bug in the windows port. I'm not sure.
Could anyone help me?

Image conversion and Lyx qt 1.3.2 win

2003-09-11 Thread Ben Liesfeld
Hello to all,

> Sorry to bother you all. I conversion works both with windows native or
> cygwin Imagemagick. I had to add an explicit converter in the 
> preferences, either to use the cygwin or the windows Imagemagick.
> If not the qt 1.3.2 lyx was looking for the 
> /usr/local/share/lyx/scripts/ (which is cygwin 
> installation of lyx 1.3.1) directory. I would have guessed that the 
> native version of cygwin should have looke for C:\lyx\share\lyx\scripts\
> since I installed the qt version in C:\lyx\. Why didn't it?
  I still don't get it. I have both the qt version and Henschel's
  cygwin version installed. I read in a few older posts in this
  mailing list that other people had similar problems.

  I started lyx qt 1.3.2 with -dbg graphics in a command line, opened
  a file and tried to display the eps file approxseries1.eps (which is
  a perfect eps file and can be displayed by gsview):


Setting debug level to graphics
Debugging `graphics' (Graphics conversion and loading)
Recognised Fileformat: ppm
Attempting to convert image file: C:/lyx/share/lyx/images/banner.ppm
with displayed filename: C:/lyx/share/lyx/images/banner.ppm
Recognised Fileformat: ppm

The file contains ppm format data.

The image loader can load the following directly:

Of these, LyX recognises the following formats:
bmp, pbm, pgm, png, ppm, xbm, xpm

No conversion needed (from == to)!
Loading image.
just Loaded.
pixmap isNull 0 xformed_pixmap_ isNull 0
Image loading succeeded.
params.scale   : 100
width  : 425
height : 290
pixmap isNull 0 xformed_pixmap_ isNull 0
Token: 'filename'
Token: 'width'
Token: '\end_inset'
Token: 'filename'
Token: 'width'
Token: '\end_inset'
Token: 'filename'
Token: 'width'
Token: '\end_inset'
Token: 'filename'
Token: 'width'
Token: '\end_inset'
Token: 'filename'
Token: 'width'
Token: '\end_inset'
Token: 'filename'
Token: 'width'
Token: '\end_inset'
Token: 'filename'
Token: 'width'
Token: '\end_inset'
Token: 'filename'
Token: 'width'
Token: '\end_inset'
Recognised Fileformat: eps
Attempting to convert image file: W:/Documents/umichpaper/comment-refere
with displayed filename: W:/Documents/umichpaper/comment-referee/approxs
Recognised Fileformat: eps

The file contains eps format data.
Unable to convert from eps to bmp
Unable to convert from eps to pbm
Unable to convert from eps to pgm
Unable to convert from eps to png
Unable to convert from eps to ppm
Unable to convert from eps to xbm
Unable to convert from eps to xpm
Converting it to ppm format.
Converter c-tor:
from_file:  W:/Documents/umichpaper/comment-referee/approxseries1.ep
to_file_base: C:/temp/lyx_tmpdir1956a04060/approxseries11956a04060
from_format:  eps
build_script ... ready (edgepath.empty())
No converter defined! I use
sh C:/lyx/share/lyx/scripts/ eps:W:/Documents/umichpape
r/comment-referee/approxseries1.eps ppm:C:/temp/lyx_tmpdir1956a04060/approxserie
AFPL Ghostscript 8.11 (2003-08-16)
Copyright (C) 2003 artofcode LLC, Benicia, CA.  All rights reserved.
This software comes with NO WARRANTY: see the file PUBLIC for details.
Error: /undefinedfilename in (files\\gs\\gs8.11\\bin\\gswin32c.exe)
Operand stack:

Execution stack:
   %interp_exit   .runexec2   --nostringval--   --nostringval--   --nostringval-
-   2   %stopped_push   --nostringval--   --nostringval--   --nostringval--   fa
lse   1   %stopped_push
Dictionary stack:
   --dict:1104/1123(ro)(G)--   --dict:0/20(G)--   --dict:69/200(L)--
Current allocation mode is local
Last OS error: No such file or directory
AFPL Ghostscript 8.11: Unrecoverable error, exit code 1
AFPL Ghostscript 8.11 (2003-08-16)
Copyright (C) 2003 artofcode LLC, Benicia, CA.  All rights reserved.
This software comes with NO WARRANTY: see the file PUBLIC for details.
Error: /undefinedfilename in (files\\gs\\gs8.11\\bin\\gswin32c.exe)
Operand stack:

Execution stack:
   %interp_exit   .runexec2   --nostringval--   --nostringval--   --nostringval-
-   2   %stopped_push   --nostringval--   --nostringval--   --nostringval--   fa
lse   1   %stopped_push
Dictionary stack:
   --dict:1104/1123(ro)(G)--   --dict:0/20(G)--   --dict:69/200(L)--
Current allocation mode is local
Last OS error: No such file or directory
AFPL Ghostscript 8.11: Unrecoverable error, exit code 1
c:\program files\imagemagick-5.5.7-q16\convert.exe: DPS library is not available
Image conversion succeeded.
Unable to find converted file!

  This log apparently shows that ImageMagick's convert.exe is invoked
  correctly and that 

Re: Image conversion and Lyx qt 1.3.2 win

2003-09-11 Thread jorgen johansson

I am not sure if this is what you are looking for. It seems to me if Lyx 
does not find a defined converters for a certain image format it tries 
to use the For me this causes windows xp to pop up a 
dialog to specify the program to execute the shell script. To avoid 
using the script I added the following lines to the prefrences.
(located in system at D:\Documents and 

\converter "eps" "ppm" "convert $$i $$o" ""
\converter "jpg" "eps" "convert $$i $$o" ""
\converter "png" "eps" "convert $$i $$o" ""
(I added them by using th lyx preferences dialog.)

The first line solves the problem of viewing eps figures inside lyx.
The others are necessary for viewing in lyx and converting from jpg and 
png figures to eps which is used by Latex to create the dvi file.

Now I have no problem with the qt version under win XP. ( Off Topic, 
except for some strange error related to reconfiguring from inside lyx 
since my system is on the D: but I put lyx on C:. Running the configure 
script from the command line solves the problem though.)

Hope the three lines above solves your problem.


Ben Liesfeld wrote:

Hello to all,

Sorry to bother you all. I conversion works both with windows native or
cygwin Imagemagick. I had to add an explicit converter in the 
preferences, either to use the cygwin or the windows Imagemagick.
If not the qt 1.3.2 lyx was looking for the 
/usr/local/share/lyx/scripts/ (which is cygwin 
installation of lyx 1.3.1) directory. I would have guessed that the 
native version of cygwin should have looke for C:\lyx\share\lyx\scripts\
since I installed the qt version in C:\lyx\. Why didn't it?
  I still don't get it. I have both the qt version and Henschel's
  cygwin version installed. I read in a few older posts in this
  mailing list that other people had similar problems.
  I started lyx qt 1.3.2 with -dbg graphics in a command line, opened
  a file and tried to display the eps file approxseries1.eps (which is
  a perfect eps file and can be displayed by gsview):

Setting debug level to graphics
Debugging `graphics' (Graphics conversion and loading)
Recognised Fileformat: ppm
Attempting to convert image file: C:/lyx/share/lyx/images/banner.ppm
with displayed filename: C:/lyx/share/lyx/images/banner.ppm
Recognised Fileformat: ppm
The file contains ppm format data.

The image loader can load the following directly:
Of these, LyX recognises the following formats:
bmp, pbm, pgm, png, ppm, xbm, xpm
No conversion needed (from == to)!
Loading image.
just Loaded.
pixmap isNull 0 xformed_pixmap_ isNull 0
Image loading succeeded.
params.scale   : 100
width  : 425
height : 290
pixmap isNull 0 xformed_pixmap_ isNull 0
Token: 'filename'
Token: 'width'
Token: '\end_inset'
Token: 'filename'
Token: 'width'
Token: '\end_inset'
Token: 'filename'
Token: 'width'
Token: '\end_inset'
Token: 'filename'
Token: 'width'
Token: '\end_inset'
Token: 'filename'
Token: 'width'
Token: '\end_inset'
Token: 'filename'
Token: 'width'
Token: '\end_inset'
Token: 'filename'
Token: 'width'
Token: '\end_inset'
Token: 'filename'
Token: 'width'
Token: '\end_inset'
Recognised Fileformat: eps
Attempting to convert image file: W:/Documents/umichpaper/comment-refere
with displayed filename: W:/Documents/umichpaper/comment-referee/approxs
Recognised Fileformat: eps
The file contains eps format data.
Unable to convert from eps to bmp
Unable to convert from eps to pbm
Unable to convert from eps to pgm
Unable to convert from eps to png
Unable to convert from eps to ppm
Unable to convert from eps to xbm
Unable to convert from eps to xpm
Converting it to ppm format.
Converter c-tor:
from_file:  W:/Documents/umichpaper/comment-referee/approxseries1.ep
to_file_base: C:/temp/lyx_tmpdir1956a04060/approxseries11956a04060
from_format:  eps
build_script ... ready (edgepath.empty())
No converter defined! I use
sh C:/lyx/share/lyx/scripts/ eps:W:/Documents/umichpape
r/comment-referee/approxseries1.eps ppm:C:/temp/lyx_tmpdir1956a04060/approxserie
AFPL Ghostscript 8.11 (2003-08-16)
Copyright (C) 2003 artofcode LLC, Benicia, CA.  All rights reserved.
This software comes with NO WARRANTY: see the file PUBLIC for details.
Error: /undefinedfilename in (files\\gs\\gs8.11\\bin\\gswin32c.exe)
Operand stack:
Execution stack:
   %interp_exit   .runexec2   --nostringval--   --nostringval--   --nostringval-
-   2   %stopped_push   --nostringval--   --nostringval--   --nostringval--   fa
lse   1   %stopped_push
Dictionary stack:

Math symbol question

2003-09-11 Thread Cláudio Geraldo Schön
Sorry to make this silly question, but I'm writing a paper containing
crystallographic notations using LyX and I need the symbol for parallel
planes or directions ("//", i.e. two slash bars, but spaced closer than
normal), I already looked at the AMS-LaTeX documentation, but couldn't
find this symbol in the list of the million and one amsfont provide. Do
somebody know how to write this symbol in LyX?

Thanks in advance,
Cláudio Schön

PS. Two slash bars side-by-side don't look good.
Cláudio Geraldo Schön
Comp. Mat. Sci. Lab.
Dept. Metallurgical and Materials Engineering
Escola Politécnica da Universidade de São Paulo
Av. Prof. Mello Moraes, 2463
CEP 05508-900 São Paulo-SP Brazil

Tel.: +55-11-3091-5726 (new number!)
Fax : +55-11-3091-5243

Re: Image conversion and Lyx qt 1.3.2 win

2003-09-11 Thread Ben Liesfeld
Hi jorgen,

> I am not sure if this is what you are looking for. It seems to me if Lyx
> does not find a defined converters for a certain image format it tries
> to use the For me this causes windows xp to pop up a
> dialog to specify the program to execute the shell script. To avoid 
> using the script I added the following lines to the prefrences.
> (located in system at D:\Documents and 
> Settings\Administrator\.lyx\preferences) is apparently called in my setup. At least that's
what I think looking at the log. There's no pop up window asking me to
specify any program. It's executed (?) and calls convert.exe which calls
gswin32c.exe as it should be.
I cannot execute the command
"convert test.eps test.ppm" on the command line (same error as lyx
shows), that's why I thought it must be an ImageMagick problem.

> \converter "eps" "ppm" "convert $$i $$o" ""
> \converter "jpg" "eps" "convert $$i $$o" ""
> \converter "png" "eps" "convert $$i $$o" ""

Adding these three lines doesn't solve the problem. The error message
remains the same. Again, convert.exe from ImageMagick is executed
which can't correctly cooperate with gswin32c.exe.

The "lyx -dbg graphics" command again shows


Setting debug level to graphics
Recognised Fileformat: eps
Attempting to convert image file: W:/Documents/umichpaper/comment-refere
with displayed filename: W:/Documents/umichpaper/comment-referee/approxs
Recognised Fileformat: eps

The file contains eps format data.
Unable to convert from eps to bmp
Unable to convert from eps to pbm
Unable to convert from eps to pgm
Unable to convert from eps to png
Converting it to ppm format.
Converter c-tor:
from_file:  W:/Documents/umichpaper/comment-referee/approxseries1.ep
to_file_base: C:/temp/lyx_tmpdir3596a04016/approxseries13596a04016
from_format:  eps
build_script ... ready!
Conversion script:

convert ${infile} ${outfile} ||
'rm' -f ${outfile}
exit 1

if [ ! -f ${outfile} ]; then
if [ -f ${outfile}.0 ]; then
'mv' -f ${outfile}.0 ${outfile}
'rm' -f ${outfile}.?
exit 1


'mv' -f ${fromfile} ${tofile} ||
'cp' -f ${fromfile} ${tofile} ||
exit 1
'rm' -f ${fromfile}

AFPL Ghostscript 8.11 (2003-08-16)
Copyright (C) 2003 artofcode LLC, Benicia, CA.  All rights reserved.
This software comes with NO WARRANTY: see the file PUBLIC for details.
Error: /undefinedfilename in (files\\gs\\gs8.11\\bin\\gswin32c.exe)
Operand stack:

Execution stack:
   %interp_exit   .runexec2   --nostringval--   --nostringval--   --nostringval-
-   2   %stopped_push   --nostringval--   --nostringval--   --nostringval--   fa
lse   1   %stopped_push
Dictionary stack:
   --dict:1104/1123(ro)(G)--   --dict:0/20(G)--   --dict:69/200(L)--
Current allocation mode is local
Last OS error: No such file or directory
AFPL Ghostscript 8.11: Unrecoverable error, exit code 1
AFPL Ghostscript 8.11 (2003-08-16)
Copyright (C) 2003 artofcode LLC, Benicia, CA.  All rights reserved.
This software comes with NO WARRANTY: see the file PUBLIC for details.
Error: /undefinedfilename in (files\\gs\\gs8.11\\bin\\gswin32c.exe)
Operand stack:

Execution stack:
   %interp_exit   .runexec2   --nostringval--   --nostringval--   --nostringval-
-   2   %stopped_push   --nostringval--   --nostringval--   --nostringval--   fa
lse   1   %stopped_push
Dictionary stack:
   --dict:1104/1123(ro)(G)--   --dict:0/20(G)--   --dict:69/200(L)--
Current allocation mode is local
Last OS error: No such file or directory
AFPL Ghostscript 8.11: Unrecoverable error, exit code 1
c:\program files\imagemagick-5.5.7-q16\convert.exe: DPS library is not available
Image conversion failed.
Unable to find converted file!


What I am puzzled about is that - even though I added the /converter
lines to preferences in "C:\Documents and
Settings\[username]\.lyx\preferences" - some shell script is invoked
("build_script ... ready!...").
A shell script can't be run under WinXP. But that can't explain why
ghostscript fails (only that some files are not copied to the right

> The first line solves the problem of viewing eps figures inside lyx.
> The others are necessary for viewing in lyx and converting from jpg and
> png figures to eps which is used by Latex to create the 

Re: Math symbol question

2003-09-11 Thread Christian Ridderström
On Thu, 11 Sep 2003, Cláudio Geraldo Schön wrote:

> Sorry to make this silly question, but I'm writing a paper containing
> crystallographic notations using LyX and I need the symbol for parallel
> planes or directions ("//", i.e. two slash bars, but spaced closer than
> normal), I already looked at the AMS-LaTeX documentation, but couldn't
> find this symbol in the list of the million and one amsfont provide. Do
> somebody know how to write this symbol in LyX?

How about two slashes with 'negative space' between them in math-mode?
Or in text mode, two slashes with \hspace{-0.5em} in ERT in between them.


Christian Ridderström

Re: Math symbol question

2003-09-11 Thread Dekel Tsur
On Thu, Sep 11, 2003 at 03:02:24PM -0300, Cl?udio Geraldo Sch?n wrote:
> Sorry to make this silly question, but I'm writing a paper containing
> crystallographic notations using LyX and I need the symbol for parallel
> planes or directions ("//", i.e. two slash bars, but spaced closer than
> normal), I already looked at the AMS-LaTeX documentation, but couldn't
> find this symbol in the list of the million and one amsfont provide. Do
> somebody know how to write this symbol in LyX?

Look at

Re: language and references

2003-09-11 Thread Dekel Tsur
On Thu, Sep 04, 2003 at 07:42:25PM +0200, David Jutier wrote:
> Is it possible to configure the language for the cross references from
> english to french, to have, as an exemple, "figure 2.1 page suivante"
> instead of "figure 2.1 on the following page" in the resulting document
> ?

This is done automatically if you you select French as the document language
If the languages list contains "French" and "French (GUTenberg)", select
the latter.

Re: Lyx only runs latex once

2003-09-11 Thread Dekel Tsur
On Fri, Sep 05, 2003 at 11:50:38AM +0100, Gareth Jenkins wrote:
> Hi
> I having a problem generating my bibliography and tables of contents 
> from lyx 1.3.2 qt (on SuSE 8.2) as latex only appears to be called once.
> Eg. when I view>dvi, I get no bibliography file generated, just the tex 
> and aux files. If I then run bibtex manually and then latex twice, 
> everything works fine. Instead of running latex manually, I can also do 
> it from lyx but I still have to do it twice (view>dvi).

What is the output of "lyx -e dvi -dbg depend yourfile.lyx" ?

custom page size crops content

2003-09-11 Thread Jeremy C. Reed
In the past, I have used a book document class with a custom page size of
9"  X 5.5".

But lately, when viewed with gv the document is cropped. (The right side
is missing a couple inches of text.)

I saw some postings at[EMAIL PROTECTED]/msg05891.html
from 1999, that seem to be related. But I am not sure.

I am using lyx 1.3.2 (QT3 libs). But I was also using an old lyx from over
a year ago with same results. (This is on NetBSD.)

I am guessing my issue is gs related.

I tried to see what dvi showed but when I use lyx to export to dvi, it
appears that the dvi document is letter size (and not my custom size).

I have gv-3.5.8nb3 (installed via NetBSD pkgsrc). gs is

Any ideas on how to fix this (or troubleshoot)?

Thank you,

   Jeremy C. Reed

Centering a figure in a float

2003-09-11 Thread Rich Shepard
  I have inserted figures in a book by first inserting a figure-float then
placing the graphic inside this. In both cases (so far only two figures
inserted), I have the scale set at 50% for each, but they show up in the
pdflatex output along the left side of the body area of the page. The
caption is centered along the bottom.

  How do I center the graphic, too?



Dr. Richard B. Shepard, President

   Applied Ecosystem Services, Inc. (TM)
2404 SW 22nd Street | Troutdale, OR 97060-1247 | U.S.A.
 + 1 503-667-4517 (voice) | + 1 503-667-8863 (fax) |

Re: Centering a figure in a float

2003-09-11 Thread Owen Lucas
highlight the image then go layout paragraph then select center.

I belive you can automaticly centre all images but putting something in 
the preamble but cant remember what it is now. Have a bit of a look in 
the past postings

Rich Shepard wrote:
  I have inserted figures in a book by first inserting a figure-float then
placing the graphic inside this. In both cases (so far only two figures
inserted), I have the scale set at 50% for each, but they show up in the
pdflatex output along the left side of the body area of the page. The
caption is centered along the bottom.
  How do I center the graphic, too?



Dr. Richard B. Shepard, President

   Applied Ecosystem Services, Inc. (TM)
2404 SW 22nd Street | Troutdale, OR 97060-1247 | U.S.A.
 + 1 503-667-4517 (voice) | + 1 503-667-8863 (fax) |

Re: Centering a figure in a float

2003-09-11 Thread Rich Shepard
On Fri, 12 Sep 2003, Owen Lucas wrote:

> highlight the image then go layout paragraph then select center.

  Thanks, Owen. I received a private reply with the same solution. As I had
not needed to do this before I never went rummaging through the menus.



Dr. Richard B. Shepard, President

   Applied Ecosystem Services, Inc. (TM)
2404 SW 22nd Street | Troutdale, OR 97060-1247 | U.S.A.
 + 1 503-667-4517 (voice) | + 1 503-667-8863 (fax) |

Re: Centering a figure in a float

2003-09-11 Thread Lars Gullik Bjønnes
Rich Shepard <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

| On Fri, 12 Sep 2003, Owen Lucas wrote:
>> highlight the image then go layout paragraph then select center.
|   Thanks, Owen. I received a private reply with the same solution. As I had
| not needed to do this before I never went rummaging through the
| menus.

In some earlier verision of LyX centering of graphics was done
automatically, however we (or was it I) changed this since this is not
the default in LaTeX.


Re: Centering a figure in a float

2003-09-11 Thread Rich Shepard
On Fri, 12 Sep 2003, Lars Gullik Bjønnes wrote:

> In some earlier verision of LyX centering of graphics was done
> automatically, however we (or was it I) changed this since this is not
> the default in LaTeX.


  Any way it's done is fine with me, as long as I can get what I want from
it. I had no problems with the old interface as the program worked, but I
sure have come to like the Qt interface better.

  I'm seriously into a book (written with LyX and Xfig) and these tools are
making it quick and easy. Well, sort of easy. :-) I take a lot of time
looking at the users guide and advanced guide to figure out how to do what I
need, but I'm learning more than I had needed in all my previous use.

  Come to think of it, ... I did some articles with figures and they were
automatically centered. Guess that's why it didn't occur to me to look for a
command/menu choice to do this now.



Dr. Richard B. Shepard, President

   Applied Ecosystem Services, Inc. (TM)
2404 SW 22nd Street | Troutdale, OR 97060-1247 | U.S.A.
 + 1 503-667-4517 (voice) | + 1 503-667-8863 (fax) |

Equations in book class

2003-09-11 Thread Rich Shepard
  Writing in book class, do I need to do more than invoke math mode to have
the equations properly formatted on screen as well as on paper? I use the
\sub, \textperiodcentered and \sup within math mode (invoking TeX mode, of
course), but all I see is the text run together, not the symbols.

  On a related issue, if want to put spaces in the equation, pressing the
space bar moves the cursor out the right side. I don't know what I've missed



Dr. Richard B. Shepard, President

   Applied Ecosystem Services, Inc. (TM)
2404 SW 22nd Street | Troutdale, OR 97060-1247 | U.S.A.
 + 1 503-667-4517 (voice) | + 1 503-667-8863 (fax) |

Re: Image conversion and Lyx qt 1.3.2 win

2003-09-11 Thread jorgen johansson
Hello Ben,

I am not sure if I can help you with this.

I tested with and witout specifying a converter.
Below are 2 snippets.
In either case I don't get any message about ghostscript being called as 
you get..? (Does this depend on the debug setting? I start lyx with -dbg 

When I specify (in the prefs):
\converter "eps" "ppm" "convert $$i $$o" ""
I get the following debug message when an eps figure is converted:


Attempting to convert image file: F:/chapters/fig/exp/rose.eps
with displayed filename: F:/chapters/fig/exp/rose.eps
Recognised Fileformat: eps
The file contains eps format data.
Unable to convert from eps to bmp
Unable to convert from eps to pbm
Unable to convert from eps to pgm
Unable to convert from eps to png
Converting it to ppm format.
Converter c-tor:
from_file:  F:/chapters/fig/exp/rose.eps
to_file_base: C:/cygwin/tmp/lyx_tmpdir2468a02816/rose2468a02816
from_format:  eps
build_script ... ready!
Conversion script:
convert ${infile} ${outfile} ||
'rm' -f ${outfile}
exit 1
if [ ! -f ${outfile} ]; then
if [ -f ${outfile}.0 ]; then
'mv' -f ${outfile}.0 ${outfile}
'rm' -f ${outfile}.?
exit 1
'mv' -f ${fromfile} ${tofile} ||
'cp' -f ${fromfile} ${tofile} ||
exit 1
'rm' -f ${fromfile}
Image conversion succeeded.
Loading image.
just Loaded.
pixmap isNull 0 xformed_pixmap_ isNull 0
Image loading succeeded.
params.scale   : 100
width  : 107
height : 133
pixmap isNull 0 xformed_pixmap_ isNull 0
-- end snip--

If I don't specify a converter I get:

-- snip 2 --
Attempting to convert image file: F:/chapters/fig/exp/rose.eps
with displayed filename: F:/chapters/fig/exp/rose.eps
Recognised Fileformat: eps
The file contains eps format data.
Unable to convert from eps to bmp
Unable to convert from eps to pbm
Unable to convert from eps to pgm
Unable to convert from eps to png
Unable to convert from eps to ppm
Unable to convert from eps to xbm
Unable to convert from eps to xpm
Converting it to ppm format.
Converter c-tor:
from_file:  F:/chapters/fig/exp/rose.eps
to_file_base: C:/cygwin/tmp/lyx_tmpdir2468a02816/rose2468a02816
from_format:  eps
build_script ... ready (edgepath.empty())
No converter defined! I use
sh C:/lyx/share/lyx/scripts/ 
se.eps ppm:C:/cygwin/tmp/lyx_tmpdir2468a02816/rose2468a02816.ppm
Image conversion failed.
Unable to find converted file!

-- end snip2 --


Re: Image conversion and Lyx qt 1.3.2 win

2003-09-11 Thread jorgen johansson

If execute the line which gives me the error in the lyx debug

sh C:/lyx/share/lyx/scripts/ 

in a command window the figure is converted correctly. Strange?


Re: Centering a figure in a float

2003-09-11 Thread Herbert Voß
Owen Lucas schrieb:
highlight the image then go layout paragraph then select center.
this is the wrong way, because you'll get some more
vertical space between image and caption which does
not look fine. This space comes from the environment
Use instead as first line in the float
in TeX mode.
I belive you can automaticly centre all images but putting something in 
the preamble but cant remember what it is now. Have a bit of a look in 
the past postings


Re: Figure numbers

2003-09-11 Thread Herbert Voß
Rich Shepard schrieb:
  I've searched both the users guide and advanced features guide for 1.3.2
without finding the answer to this question: how do I number figures
consecutively in a book class?
search the mail archive

  The default (when I place the figure in a figure float) is to number them
by chapter; for example, 2.1, 3.1, 3.2 and so on. What do I need to do if I
want them numbered 1, 2, 3, etc.?



Re: Marginal notes

2003-09-11 Thread Herbert Voß
Michael Chabon schrieb:
I have been using Lyx for about five days and am up and running okay.

I am trying to produce a long manuscript that incorporates many, many 
marginal notes, many of them very long (i.e., more than a page).  Right 
now I'm using Word and its text boxes to do this, and it's a pain in the 

Here is what I would like to do with Lyx

1) have marginal notes that extend across page breaks
not possible with LaTeX, you can try the parallel.sty

Re: Equations in book class

2003-09-11 Thread Herbert Voß
Rich Shepard schrieb:
  Writing in book class, do I need to do more than invoke math mode to have
the equations properly formatted on screen as well as on paper? I use the
\sub, \textperiodcentered and \sup within math mode (invoking TeX mode, of
course), but all I see is the text run together, not the symbols.
example file.
There is no need for an explicit TeX mode. Invoke the math
mode with Insert->Math

Re: Equations in book class

2003-09-11 Thread Jeannette Meyer

>   On a related issue, if want to put spaces in the equation, pressing the
> space bar moves the cursor out the right side. I don't know what I've
> missed here.

I think you have to use the Insert Space Buttom from the Math Panel. You can 
chose from thin, medium and thick spaces, etc. Or just press Strg-C-Space to 
insert a protected blank.


Re: Centering a figure in a float

2003-09-11 Thread Herbert Voß
Lars Gullik Bjønnes schrieb:
Rich Shepard <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

| On Fri, 12 Sep 2003, Owen Lucas wrote:

highlight the image then go layout paragraph then select center.

|   Thanks, Owen. I received a private reply with the same solution. As I had
| not needed to do this before I never went rummaging through the
| menus.
In some earlier verision of LyX centering of graphics was done
automatically, however we (or was it I) changed this since this is not
the default in LaTeX.
the default is a centered caption and in 99,9% the
user centers the image, too. So the question is,
what is user friendly ...
and by the way: LyX has tons of stuff which is against
the LaTeX default 

Re: Equations in book class

2003-09-11 Thread Herbert Voß
Rich Shepard schrieb:
  Writing in book class, do I need to do more than invoke math mode to have
the equations properly formatted on screen as well as on paper? I use the
\sub, \textperiodcentered and \sup within math mode (invoking TeX mode, of
course), but all I see is the text run together, not the symbols.
example file.
There is no need for an explicit TeX mode. Invoke the math
mode with Insert->Math