Re: LyX 1.4.1 is released

2006-04-13 Thread K. Elo

since 1.4.0 I have a problem with LyX on my SuSE 10.0-OSS (i386) with
KDE 3.5.x: I can't use find/replace. There are no menu entries for this
function and hitting ctrl+f results in unknown function. I seems not
to depend on the localisation (I have tried severeal languages, no
help). Upgrading to 1.4.1 did not solve this problem.

I have downloaded the rpm from Guru's ftp-server
because there are no x86-rpms for SuSE 10.0 (only x86_64) on the
LyX-server. The odd thing is, there are NO problems on a SuSE
10.0-OSS-64bit computer, the find/replace works as expected.

Any ideas?

Happy Easter!

some problems with 1.4.1 for windows

2006-04-13 Thread Olivier Ripoll

Hi all,

I haven't use LyX for windows for years (5 or 6) because I was using
Linux vesrion, but I decided to try the new 1.4.1. I used the file found 
on the ftp, at the address given in the announcement.

I installed MikTex, imagemagick, and minGW as suggested by the installer 
(I already had python and gs).

Here are the first problems I have seen.

1- math font are not ok. googling for this, I downloaded and installed
the math ttf fonts. It now works, but the installer should probably
allow to download them or give the instructions.

2- pdf viewing is screwed. If I change the preferences for the pdf
viewer so that acrobat is used, and it works when I apply it, but this 
does not work anymore after I close and reopen LyX. The preference file 
seems to be saved fine, but LyX complains about not finding the program, 
because there is a space in the path to acrobat (it cannot find the file 
C:\program). I have entered the path within double quotes. spaces in 
filenames and paths are 100% legitimate in linux and windows and very 
common on Windows. I have not yet found a proper solution, so if 
somenone has one ... (*)

I suggested to a former colleague who will start soon to write his 
thesis to use LyX, and since I cannot make him install linux, I wanted 
to check the state of the windows port.

Best regards,


(*) I see a solution, but it looks ugly: adding the path for acrobat to 
the PATH variable, and just using the file name without path.

crash inserting citation with lyx-gtk 1.4.1

2006-04-13 Thread John Pye
Hi all

I have a reproducible crash in LyX 1.4.1 (Ling Li's lyx-gtk RPM on FC5).
I have a document with some graphics and formulae. I have a master
document with about 10 Input boxes to include the various chapters.
Only the master document contains the Bibtex box at the end -- the
chapters do not.

I opened my chapter 4 document from the recent documents menu of lyx-gtk
(Ling Li's RPM for FC5).
Then I opened my master document, also from the recent documents menu.
Then I clicked on the chapter 4 input and clicked load to jump to
that document.
Then I scrolled down and just after a citation element and just before a
figure float, I selected insert citation.
Then I scrolled down the list of references and double clicked the
bibtex key that I wanted.
Then I clicked OK.

LyX crashed with this message:
 [EMAIL PROTECTED] Thesis]$ ControlCitation::initialiseParams
 citation LatexCommand \cite{}

 LyX: Attempting to save document /home/john/dsg-docs/Thesis/04 -
 Absorber Pipe Flow Model.lyx
   /home/john/dsg-docs/Thesis/04 - Absorber Pipe Flow Model.lyx.emergency
   Save seems successful. Phew.
 LyX: Attempting to save document /home/john/dsg-docs/Thesis/Thesis.lyx
   Save seems successful. Phew.

 lyx: SIGSEGV signal caught
 Sorry, you have found a bug in LyX. Please read the bug-reporting
 instructions in Help-Introduction and send us a bug report, if
 necessary. Thanks !
Since the feedback page says to mail you
I haven't filed a bug.

I can send the source documents to someone who wants to investigate, if


John Pye
School of Mechanical and Manufacturing Engineering
The University of New South Wales
Sydney  NSW 2052  Australia
t +61 2 9385 5127
f +61 2 9663 1222

Re: crash inserting citation with lyx-gtk 1.4.1

2006-04-13 Thread John Pye
Just checked this -- it's a GTK-only bug. Ling Li's lyx-qt package
doesn't have the same crash.


John Pye wrote:
 Hi all

 I have a reproducible crash in LyX 1.4.1 (Ling Li's lyx-gtk RPM on FC5).
 I have a document with some graphics and formulae. I have a master
 document with about 10 Input boxes to include the various chapters.
 Only the master document contains the Bibtex box at the end -- the
 chapters do not.

 I opened my chapter 4 document from the recent documents menu of lyx-gtk
 (Ling Li's RPM for FC5).
 Then I opened my master document, also from the recent documents menu.
 Then I clicked on the chapter 4 input and clicked load to jump to
 that document.
 Then I scrolled down and just after a citation element and just before a
 figure float, I selected insert citation.
 Then I scrolled down the list of references and double clicked the
 bibtex key that I wanted.
 Then I clicked OK.

 LyX crashed with this message:
 [EMAIL PROTECTED] Thesis]$ ControlCitation::initialiseParams
 citation LatexCommand \cite{}

 LyX: Attempting to save document /home/john/dsg-docs/Thesis/04 -
 Absorber Pipe Flow Model.lyx
   /home/john/dsg-docs/Thesis/04 - Absorber Pipe Flow Model.lyx.emergency
   Save seems successful. Phew.
 LyX: Attempting to save document /home/john/dsg-docs/Thesis/Thesis.lyx
   Save seems successful. Phew.

 lyx: SIGSEGV signal caught
 Sorry, you have found a bug in LyX. Please read the bug-reporting
 instructions in Help-Introduction and send us a bug report, if
 necessary. Thanks !
 Since the feedback page says to mail you
 I haven't filed a bug.

 I can send the source documents to someone who wants to investigate, if



John Pye
School of Mechanical and Manufacturing Engineering
The University of New South Wales
Sydney  NSW 2052  Australia
t +61 2 9385 5127
f +61 2 9663 1222

Re: crash inserting citation with lyx-gtk 1.4.1

2006-04-13 Thread Georg Baum
John Pye wrote:

 Hi all
 I have a reproducible crash in LyX 1.4.1 (Ling Li's lyx-gtk RPM on FC5).

Crashes in lyx-gtk are expected due to some unimplemented dialogs. It is
experimental and not ready for serious work yet.


Re: LyX 1.4.1 is released

2006-04-13 Thread Jean-Marc Lasgouttes
 K == K Elo [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

K Hi, since 1.4.0 I have a problem with LyX on my SuSE 10.0-OSS
K (i386) with KDE 3.5.x: I can't use find/replace. There are no menu
K entries for this function and hitting ctrl+f results in unknown
K function. I seems not to depend on the localisation (I have tried
K severeal languages, no help). Upgrading to 1.4.1 did not solve this
K problem.

Do you have your own bindings (resp ui files) in ~/.lyx/bind 
(resp ~/.lyx/ui)?


Re: LyX 1.4.1 is released [SOLVED]

2006-04-13 Thread K. Elo

2006-04-13 10:00 +0200, Jean-Marc Lasgouttes:
  K == K Elo [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
 K Hi, since 1.4.0 I have a problem with LyX on my SuSE 10.0-OSS
 K (i386) with KDE 3.5.x: I can't use find/replace. There are no menu
 K entries for this function and hitting ctrl+f results in unknown
 K function. I seems not to depend on the localisation (I have tried
 K severeal languages, no help). Upgrading to 1.4.1 did not solve this
 K problem.
 Do you have your own bindings (resp ui files) in ~/.lyx/bind 
 (resp ~/.lyx/ui)?

Yes, and the problem was the default-file customised for 1.3.x hanging
around in ~/.lyx/ui. After removing this file everything is fine again!

Thanks for your help!

Re: LyX 1.4.1 is released

2006-04-13 Thread Jean-Marc Lasgouttes
 Richard == Richard Kleeman [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

Richard Georg and Jean-Marc, I uploaded ubuntu breezy packages for
Richard 1.4.1 to pub/incoming plus a README file.

Thanks, it is on the ftp site now.


Re: fancy userdefined

2006-04-13 Thread tceglare
Do you mean just the String Name? Then there appears in the left and
right head the String Name. But I want to appear e.g. the name of the
chapter in the left. Now it works for me:

\renewcommand{\sectionmark}[1]{\markright{\thesection.\ #1}}
\lhead{\sc \leftmark}
\lfoot{\sc T. Ceglarek, Juli 2006}
\rfoot{\sc \thepage}

(In the left foot my name and a date appears and in the right the page

If you want to have a head on not numbered chapters, you have to put an
ERT: \markboth{nameofchapter}{} below the title of this chapter (where
nameofchapter must be the name of the chapter).



 Can you prove with lhead{Name} and rhead{Name}. That work fine in

 [EMAIL PROTECTED] escribió:

 i wanna define my pagestyle with fancy. so i have made following entry
 the preamble:

 \lfoot{My Name, Juli 2006}

 it works. but i don't know how to insert the name of the section in left
 head. or the name of the chapter in the left head and the name of the
 section in the right. something like this ...

 i have tried lhead{\thesection} but then there is just the number of
 section visible.

 can anybody help?



Re: LyX 1.4.1 is released

2006-04-13 Thread Declan O'Byrne
On the Ubuntu version:

Any simple way to make this work on Dapper?

It'd be great in fact if there was either a klik version of lyx (which would
be pretty gigantic, but it'd be very nice), or if there could be additional
lyx repositories for ubuntu (or debian), as they have for scribus, so that
the whole thing could be managed directly from apt-get.
Alas, I haven't the first idea how to do any of these things I can't
even install something from source


Declan (the untechnical, and therefore somewhat disadvantaged lyx user).

Re: Section headings, unnumbered and flush left

2006-04-13 Thread Jean-Marc Lasgouttes
 Mack == Mack Kuo [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

Mack Hello, I am using Lyx for my thesis (report document class) and
Mack need the section headings unnumbered and aligned flush left.
Mack However, section headings must still appear in the Table of
Mack Contents. I used the following command in the preamble to get
Mack rid of the numbers preceding the section headings.

In DocumentSettings, set section numbering depth to the minimum.


Re: some problems with 1.4.1 for windows

2006-04-13 Thread Jean-Marc Lasgouttes
 Georg == Georg Baum [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

Georg Olivier Ripoll wrote:
 1- math font are not ok. googling for this, I downloaded and
 installed the math ttf fonts. It now works, but the installer
 should probably allow to download them or give the instructions.

Georg Uwe Stöhr is working on a full installer that will install
Georg everything, but you are right, the other one should provide a
Georg link to the fonts.

 2- pdf viewing is screwed. If I change the preferences for the pdf
 viewer so that acrobat is used, and it works when I apply it, but
 this does not work anymore after I close and reopen LyX. The
 preference file seems to be saved fine, but LyX complains about not
 finding the program, because there is a space in the path to
 acrobat (it cannot find the file C:\program). I have entered the
 path within double quotes. spaces in filenames and paths are 100%
 legitimate in linux and windows and very common on Windows. I have
 not yet found a proper solution, so if somenone has one ... (*)

Georg Known bug:

You could try to use start as a viewer. I believe it will call the
viewer associated to the file type.


Re: crash inserting citation with lyx-gtk 1.4.1

2006-04-13 Thread Jean-Marc Lasgouttes
 John == John Pye [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

John I understand that. I do really like the look of the GTK
John interface though -- really nice, so I wanted to report this in
John case it was unknown. At what point will we be able to assume
John that the developers *don't* know about crashes in the GTK
John interface?

In particular, lyx-gtk reprots should go to lyx-devel. I am not sure
the lyx-gtk developers read lyx-users.


Re: LyX 1.4.1 is released

2006-04-13 Thread Jean-Marc Lasgouttes
 Declan == Declan O'Byrne [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

Declan On the Ubuntu version: Any simple way to make this work on
Declan Dapper?

Don't know.

Declan It'd be great in fact if there was either a klik version of
Declan lyx (which would be pretty gigantic, but it'd be very nice),
Declan or if there could be additional lyx repositories for ubuntu
Declan (or debian), as they have for scribus, so that the whole thing
Declan could be managed directly from apt-get. 

It would be nice indeed, and we could do that if we had dedicated
ubuntu maintainers. I for one do not have ubuntu at hand.


Re: LyX 1.4.1 is released

2006-04-13 Thread Georg Baum
Jean-Marc Lasgouttes wrote:

 Declan == Declan O'Byrne
 Declan On the Ubuntu version: Any simple way to make this work on
 Declan Dapper?

If installing the existing packages does not work you need to recompile as
described in the wiki.

 Declan It'd be great in fact if there was either a klik version of
 Declan lyx (which would be pretty gigantic, but it'd be very nice),
 Declan or if there could be additional lyx repositories for ubuntu
 Declan (or debian), as they have for scribus, so that the whole thing
 Declan could be managed directly from apt-get.
 It would be nice indeed, and we could do that if we had dedicated
 ubuntu maintainers. I for one do not have ubuntu at hand.

Setting up an apt repository (for debian, ubuntu, whatever) is easy, and you
don't even need to have any ubuntu, you only need the .deb files and a
small utility to create some index files.
That said, it is still some work to do. I might have a look when I am
bored :-)


Re: LyX 1.4.1 is released

2006-04-13 Thread Richard Kleeman

Ubuntu is popular with lyx users. A user has spotted an error in my 
README file already! I uploaded a corrected version to pub/incoming


Jean-Marc Lasgouttes wrote:

Richard == Richard Kleeman [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

Richard Georg and Jean-Marc, I uploaded ubuntu breezy packages for
Richard 1.4.1 to pub/incoming plus a README file.

Thanks, it is on the ftp site now.


Windows port: 1.3.7: document classes not available

2006-04-13 Thread Koen Verbeke
Hi there,

I'm very sorry if there is an obvious answer to this one. I didn't find
anything useful through Google or the Lyx site. Except for package bug
reports on MacOS and linux.

Which Lyx: 
I just installed the windows port of Lyx (1.3.7) with the installer
behind the link: LyX installer for Windows that comes with all needed
third party programs  and
then project page
(download the stable installer version 1.1)

The problem: 
All document classes are prefixed with Unavailable:. So, as I
understand it, no output will be created.

The question:
How do I fix this? Where can I get the classes from?

Many thanks in advance and apologies once more if there's an obvious
solution. I can use Lyx for what I need (text writing) but the internals
are Chinese to me.


Re: some problems with 1.4.1 for windows

2006-04-13 Thread Olivier Ripoll

Jean-Marc Lasgouttes wrote:

Georg == Georg Baum [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

Georg Olivier Ripoll wrote:

2- pdf viewing is screwed. If I change the preferences for the pdf
viewer so that acrobat is used, and it works when I apply it, but
this does not work anymore after I close and reopen LyX. The
preference file seems to be saved fine, but LyX complains about not
finding the program, because there is a space in the path to
acrobat (it cannot find the file C:\program). I have entered the
path within double quotes. spaces in filenames and paths are 100%
legitimate in linux and windows and very common on Windows. I have
not yet found a proper solution, so if somenone has one ... (*)

Georg Known bug:

You could try to use start as a viewer. I believe it will call the
viewer associated to the file type.


It does not work for me, unfortunately. It just opens a console window.

I tried combinations of '  and \ in the preferences file for the 
command string without success either.

Well, I'll tell my friend to wait for the 1.4.2 before he first try the 
windows port. As I said, for me, it is less of a problem, I use linux.

Best regards,


Re: Aspell 6 for Lyx 1.3.7?

2006-04-13 Thread Olivier Ripoll

Peter Bowyer wrote:


I've installed Aspell6 for Windows from but cannot get anything to happen 
when I click the spellchecker link on the Edit menu, dying with the 

No word lists can be found for the language en.

I've followed the instructions on the wiki page, but I'm wondering if 
something is missed out as I don't have any executables in C:\Aspell?  
Like Aspell itself ;)


Well, exactly same symptoms for me, no aspell executable after install ;)

Best regards,


Re: some problems with 1.4.1 for windows

2006-04-13 Thread Olivier Ripoll

Georg Baum wrote:

Olivier Ripoll wrote:

1- math font are not ok. googling for this, I downloaded and installed
the math ttf fonts. It now works, but the installer should probably
allow to download them or give the instructions.

Uwe Stöhr is working on a full installer that will install everything, but
you are right, the other one should provide a link to the fonts.

I will tell my friend to wait for this installer is available

2- pdf viewing is screwed. If I change the preferences for the pdf
viewer so that acrobat is used, and it works when I apply it, but this
does not work anymore after I close and reopen LyX. The preference file
seems to be saved fine, but LyX complains about not finding the program,
because there is a space in the path to acrobat (it cannot find the file
C:\program). I have entered the path within double quotes. spaces in
filenames and paths are 100% legitimate in linux and windows and very
common on Windows. I have not yet found a proper solution, so if
somenone has one ... (*)

Known bug:

indeed :)

(*) I see a solution, but it looks ugly: adding the path for acrobat to
the PATH variable, and just using the file name without path.

You can also do this from within LyX so that you don't need to set it
systemwide. There is a setting Path Prefix (or similar, forgot the exact
wording) somewhere in the preferences (only on windows).

In the preference files, there is a \path_prefix sting which looks like 
it. After adding the adobe reader directory to it, I can view my pdfs.


Best regards,


Re: Aspell 6 for Lyx 1.3.7?

2006-04-13 Thread Jean-Pierre Chretien

From: Olivier Ripoll [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Re: Aspell 6 for Lyx 1.3.7?
Date: Thu, 13 Apr 2006 18:14:34 +0200

Peter Bowyer wrote:
 I've installed Aspell6 for Windows from but cannot get anything to happen 
 when I click the spellchecker link on the Edit menu, dying with the 
 No word lists can be found for the language en.
 I've followed the instructions on the wiki page, but I'm wondering if 
 something is missed out as I don't have any executables in C:\Aspell?  
 Like Aspell itself ;)
Well, exactly same symptoms for me, no aspell executable after install ;)

Did you install the dictionaries ?
That would be surprising as Uwe's installer offers the link after aspell 
but it is an explanation of the symptoms.
No problem here on Win2000 after installing English and French dictionaries.


Re: Aspell 6 for Lyx 1.3.7?

2006-04-13 Thread Peter Bowyer

At 17:22 13/04/2006, Jean-Pierre Chretien wrote:

Did you install the dictionaries ?
That would be surprising as Uwe's installer offers the link after 
aspell install,

but it is an explanation of the symptoms.

I installed:

I take it there's some other file?


Re: Aspell 6 for Lyx 1.3.7?

2006-04-13 Thread Jean-Pierre Chretien

Date: Thu, 13 Apr 2006 18:13:19 +0100
To: Jean-Pierre Chretien [EMAIL PROTECTED],
From: Peter Bowyer [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Re: Aspell 6 for Lyx 1.3.7?
X-Virus-Scanner: CLEAN - This message does not contain a known virus.

At 17:22 13/04/2006, Jean-Pierre Chretien wrote:
Did you install the dictionaries ?
That would be surprising as Uwe's installer offers the link after 
aspell install,
but it is an explanation of the symptoms.

I installed:

I take it there's some other file?

I checked on the Win machine, I did not install anything else than 
and the french dictionary.

Should work now for na English document ?


Re: Aspell 6 for Lyx 1.3.7?

2006-04-13 Thread Peter Bowyer

At 18:40 13/04/2006, Jean-Pierre Chretien wrote:
I checked on the Win machine, I did not install anything else than 

and the french dictionary.

Should work now for na English document ?

No.  I've looked at the Spellchecker item in the Preferences window.
Spell checker program is set to ispell, and is greyed out so I cannot 
change it.

All the other fields are blank.

Aspell is installed at c:\aspell - do I need to add it to my PATH prefix?


Re: Aspell 6 for Lyx 1.3.7?

2006-04-13 Thread Stephen Harris

Peter Bowyer wrote:

At 17:22 13/04/2006, Jean-Pierre Chretien wrote:

Did you install the dictionaries ?
That would be surprising as Uwe's installer offers the link after 
aspell install,

but it is an explanation of the symptoms.

I installed:

I take it there's some other file?


Did the AspellData and dictionary (126 files) get installed to

C:\Aspell\lib\aspell-0.60 ?

Maybe your installation path is different?

Re: Windows port: 1.3.7: document classes not available

2006-04-13 Thread Paul A. Rubin

Koen Verbeke wrote:

Which Lyx: 
I just installed the windows port of Lyx (1.3.7) with the installer

behind the link: LyX installer for Windows that comes with all needed
third party programs  and
then project page
(download the stable installer version 1.1)

The problem: 
All document classes are prefixed with Unavailable:. So, as I

understand it, no output will be created.

The question:
How do I fix this? Where can I get the classes from?

They're part of your LaTeX installation (which I assume is MiKTeX).

The first question is whether MiKTeX installed properly.  So

1.  Open a DOS command window and type 'path' at the prompt.  See if the 
MiKTeX bin directory is on the path.  If not, you'll want to add it 
there.  On Windows XP, you can click Start, right click My Computer, 
click Properties, select the Advanced tab, click Environment Variables, 
select PATH (in the upper window if you want to make MiKTeX accessible 
just to you, in the lower window if you want all users to have it), 
click Edit, and add the path to the MiKTeX bin directory to the string 
(separated from its neighbors by semicolons).

2.  If the MiKTeX bin directory is on the path, type 'kpsewhich 
article.cls' at the command prompt.  It should spit up a fully qualified 
path to the article class file.  If not, MiKTeX is not properly installed.

3.  If the previous step works, start LyX, run Edit-Reconfigure, close 
LyX when it is done, restart LyX, and see if you get the basic document 


Many thanks in advance and apologies once more if there's an obvious
solution. I can use Lyx for what I need (text writing) but the internals
are Chinese to me.


Re: Aspell 6 for Lyx 1.3.7?

2006-04-13 Thread Peter Bowyer

At 19:41 13/04/2006, Stephen Harris wrote:

Did the AspellData and dictionary (126 files) get installed to

Yes, all that side is fine.  I just can't find Aspell itself.  Also 
my Spellchecker preferences are stuck on ispell - which perhaps is the problem?


Re: Aspell 6 for Lyx 1.3.7?

2006-04-13 Thread Paul A. Rubin

Peter Bowyer wrote:

At 19:41 13/04/2006, Stephen Harris wrote:

Did the AspellData and dictionary (126 files) get installed to

Yes, all that side is fine.  I just can't find Aspell itself.  Also my 
Spellchecker preferences are stuck on ispell - which perhaps is the 


No.  The Windows version is hard-coded to use Aspell.  In the 
preferences menu, the option to specify a spell-checker is disabled (and 
shows ispell for some odd reason), but what it says is irrelevant -- 
Aspell will be used.  The path (C:\Aspell) is also hard-coded.

I'm pretty sure the AspellData archive contains just the files necessary 
to update an existing installation of Aspell so that the newest release 
of 1.3.7, and the releases of 1.4.x, can use it.  Did you have Aspell 
installed before you installed the two archives you downloaded from the 
wiki upload area?  If not, grab the version 0.50 installer from and install that.  (They apparently 
don't have a Windows installer for 0.60 yet.)


Re: some problems with 1.4.1 for windows

2006-04-13 Thread Andre Poenitz
On Thu, Apr 13, 2006 at 09:40:04AM +0200, Olivier Ripoll wrote:
 I have entered the path within double quotes. spaces in 
 filenames and paths are 100% legitimate in linux and windows and very 
 common on Windows.

They are 100% pain in the ***, on both Linux and Windows, because
some programs cannot handle them and they have a tendency to screw up
badly written scripts.

On Windows, the problem for 'native' batch scripts is the limited
ability to quote stuff properly, so although Windows started with
big-scale use of spaces in file names, it is at the same time the
OS that handles them worst in batch files.

 I have not yet found a proper solution, so if 
 somenone has one ... (*)
 (*) I see a solution, but it looks ugly: adding the path for acrobat to 
 the PATH variable, and just using the file name without path.

That's one.

Another one would be to install acrobat reader in a place without



2006-04-13 Thread Jaime Díaz-Deus Fernández
Hi list

When I instal a new font, e.g American Typewriter (pat from Adobe), that
don't appears the spanish caracters like Ñ or the accents in letters
like ó, etc. Thanks for your help.

BibTeX/NatBib citations in text issue

2006-04-13 Thread Maria Gouskova

Dear LyX users,

I am having an issue with NatBib in n LyX 1.3.7. When I cite more  
than one author at once using the InsertCitation option, the in-text  
author list breaks across lines in the final document. For example,  
if I select (Jones1986, Jones 1998, Jones 2000, Smith2003,  
Johnson1976, Black1995, White1984) in the bibliography insert dialog,  
they will appear as

...   blah blah blah (Jones 1986,
2000 Smith 2003, Johnson 1976, Black 1995, White 1984) in the PDF.

This persists regardless of the .bst file I use; normally, I use a  
custom-made file (made in custom-bib), but the same issue arises even  
when I use the plainnat style that LyX ships with. The only  
workaround is to insert each author-year entry as an individual  
citation, but that defeats the purpose of using BibTeX. Any suggestions?


Re: Aspell 6 for Lyx 1.3.7?

2006-04-13 Thread Stephen Harris

Peter Bowyer wrote:

At 19:41 13/04/2006, Stephen Harris wrote:

Did the AspellData and dictionary (126 files) get installed to

Yes, all that side is fine.  I just can't find Aspell itself.  Also my 
Spellchecker preferences are stuck on ispell - which perhaps is the 


Make a short list of misspelled words, misspelled.txt and put it
in C:\Aspell. From the dos-like command prompt type at C:\Aspell
aspell -c misspelled.txt

This should activate Aspell. The purpose of this is to find out
if aspell is not working or if the LyX connection is not working.

If Aspell doesn't work at the command prompt as outlined above,
then it is not installed correctly (and LyX is not at fault).

If Aspell does work at the command line, then try this;
Run in LyX1.3.7-Edit-Reconfigure

This should not have to be done. But it takes little time
and is easy, so I think it should be tried. You might have
reinstalled something after the LyX initial installation.


RE: Windows port: 1.3.7: document classes not available

2006-04-13 Thread Koen Verbeke
Hi Paul,

It works! I installed MikTeX after Lyx...

Many thanks, you have no idea how much you helped me.


-Original Message-
From: news [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Paul A. Rubin
Sent: donderdag 13 april 2006 20:54
Subject: Re: Windows port: 1.3.7: document classes not available

Koen Verbeke wrote:
 Which Lyx:
 I just installed the windows port of Lyx (1.3.7) with the installer
 behind the link: LyX installer for Windows that comes with all needed
 third party programs 
 then project page
 (download the stable installer version 1.1)
 The problem:
 All document classes are prefixed with Unavailable:. So, as I
 understand it, no output will be created.
 The question:
 How do I fix this? Where can I get the classes from?

They're part of your LaTeX installation (which I assume is MiKTeX).

The first question is whether MiKTeX installed properly.  So

1.  Open a DOS command window and type 'path' at the prompt.  See if the

MiKTeX bin directory is on the path.  If not, you'll want to add it 
there.  On Windows XP, you can click Start, right click My Computer, 
click Properties, select the Advanced tab, click Environment Variables, 
select PATH (in the upper window if you want to make MiKTeX accessible 
just to you, in the lower window if you want all users to have it), 
click Edit, and add the path to the MiKTeX bin directory to the string 
(separated from its neighbors by semicolons).

2.  If the MiKTeX bin directory is on the path, type 'kpsewhich 
article.cls' at the command prompt.  It should spit up a fully qualified

path to the article class file.  If not, MiKTeX is not properly

3.  If the previous step works, start LyX, run Edit-Reconfigure, close 
LyX when it is done, restart LyX, and see if you get the basic document 


 Many thanks in advance and apologies once more if there's an obvious 
 solution. I can use Lyx for what I need (text writing) but the 
 internals are Chinese to me.

Re: LyX 1.4.1 is released

2006-04-13 Thread K. Elo

since 1.4.0 I have a problem with LyX on my SuSE 10.0-OSS (i386) with
KDE 3.5.x: I can't use find/replace. There are no menu entries for this
function and hitting ctrl+f results in unknown function. I seems not
to depend on the localisation (I have tried severeal languages, no
help). Upgrading to 1.4.1 did not solve this problem.

I have downloaded the rpm from Guru's ftp-server
because there are no x86-rpms for SuSE 10.0 (only x86_64) on the
LyX-server. The odd thing is, there are NO problems on a SuSE
10.0-OSS-64bit computer, the find/replace works as expected.

Any ideas?

Happy Easter!

some problems with 1.4.1 for windows

2006-04-13 Thread Olivier Ripoll

Hi all,

I haven't use LyX for windows for years (5 or 6) because I was using
Linux vesrion, but I decided to try the new 1.4.1. I used the file found 
on the ftp, at the address given in the announcement.

I installed MikTex, imagemagick, and minGW as suggested by the installer 
(I already had python and gs).

Here are the first problems I have seen.

1- math font are not ok. googling for this, I downloaded and installed
the math ttf fonts. It now works, but the installer should probably
allow to download them or give the instructions.

2- pdf viewing is screwed. If I change the preferences for the pdf
viewer so that acrobat is used, and it works when I apply it, but this 
does not work anymore after I close and reopen LyX. The preference file 
seems to be saved fine, but LyX complains about not finding the program, 
because there is a space in the path to acrobat (it cannot find the file 
C:\program). I have entered the path within double quotes. spaces in 
filenames and paths are 100% legitimate in linux and windows and very 
common on Windows. I have not yet found a proper solution, so if 
somenone has one ... (*)

I suggested to a former colleague who will start soon to write his 
thesis to use LyX, and since I cannot make him install linux, I wanted 
to check the state of the windows port.

Best regards,


(*) I see a solution, but it looks ugly: adding the path for acrobat to 
the PATH variable, and just using the file name without path.

crash inserting citation with lyx-gtk 1.4.1

2006-04-13 Thread John Pye
Hi all

I have a reproducible crash in LyX 1.4.1 (Ling Li's lyx-gtk RPM on FC5).
I have a document with some graphics and formulae. I have a master
document with about 10 Input boxes to include the various chapters.
Only the master document contains the Bibtex box at the end -- the
chapters do not.

I opened my chapter 4 document from the recent documents menu of lyx-gtk
(Ling Li's RPM for FC5).
Then I opened my master document, also from the recent documents menu.
Then I clicked on the chapter 4 input and clicked load to jump to
that document.
Then I scrolled down and just after a citation element and just before a
figure float, I selected insert citation.
Then I scrolled down the list of references and double clicked the
bibtex key that I wanted.
Then I clicked OK.

LyX crashed with this message:
 [EMAIL PROTECTED] Thesis]$ ControlCitation::initialiseParams
 citation LatexCommand \cite{}

 LyX: Attempting to save document /home/john/dsg-docs/Thesis/04 -
 Absorber Pipe Flow Model.lyx
   /home/john/dsg-docs/Thesis/04 - Absorber Pipe Flow Model.lyx.emergency
   Save seems successful. Phew.
 LyX: Attempting to save document /home/john/dsg-docs/Thesis/Thesis.lyx
   Save seems successful. Phew.

 lyx: SIGSEGV signal caught
 Sorry, you have found a bug in LyX. Please read the bug-reporting
 instructions in Help-Introduction and send us a bug report, if
 necessary. Thanks !
Since the feedback page says to mail you
I haven't filed a bug.

I can send the source documents to someone who wants to investigate, if


John Pye
School of Mechanical and Manufacturing Engineering
The University of New South Wales
Sydney  NSW 2052  Australia
t +61 2 9385 5127
f +61 2 9663 1222

Re: crash inserting citation with lyx-gtk 1.4.1

2006-04-13 Thread John Pye
Just checked this -- it's a GTK-only bug. Ling Li's lyx-qt package
doesn't have the same crash.


John Pye wrote:
 Hi all

 I have a reproducible crash in LyX 1.4.1 (Ling Li's lyx-gtk RPM on FC5).
 I have a document with some graphics and formulae. I have a master
 document with about 10 Input boxes to include the various chapters.
 Only the master document contains the Bibtex box at the end -- the
 chapters do not.

 I opened my chapter 4 document from the recent documents menu of lyx-gtk
 (Ling Li's RPM for FC5).
 Then I opened my master document, also from the recent documents menu.
 Then I clicked on the chapter 4 input and clicked load to jump to
 that document.
 Then I scrolled down and just after a citation element and just before a
 figure float, I selected insert citation.
 Then I scrolled down the list of references and double clicked the
 bibtex key that I wanted.
 Then I clicked OK.

 LyX crashed with this message:
 [EMAIL PROTECTED] Thesis]$ ControlCitation::initialiseParams
 citation LatexCommand \cite{}

 LyX: Attempting to save document /home/john/dsg-docs/Thesis/04 -
 Absorber Pipe Flow Model.lyx
   /home/john/dsg-docs/Thesis/04 - Absorber Pipe Flow Model.lyx.emergency
   Save seems successful. Phew.
 LyX: Attempting to save document /home/john/dsg-docs/Thesis/Thesis.lyx
   Save seems successful. Phew.

 lyx: SIGSEGV signal caught
 Sorry, you have found a bug in LyX. Please read the bug-reporting
 instructions in Help-Introduction and send us a bug report, if
 necessary. Thanks !
 Since the feedback page says to mail you
 I haven't filed a bug.

 I can send the source documents to someone who wants to investigate, if



John Pye
School of Mechanical and Manufacturing Engineering
The University of New South Wales
Sydney  NSW 2052  Australia
t +61 2 9385 5127
f +61 2 9663 1222

Re: crash inserting citation with lyx-gtk 1.4.1

2006-04-13 Thread Georg Baum
John Pye wrote:

 Hi all
 I have a reproducible crash in LyX 1.4.1 (Ling Li's lyx-gtk RPM on FC5).

Crashes in lyx-gtk are expected due to some unimplemented dialogs. It is
experimental and not ready for serious work yet.


Re: LyX 1.4.1 is released

2006-04-13 Thread Jean-Marc Lasgouttes
 K == K Elo [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

K Hi, since 1.4.0 I have a problem with LyX on my SuSE 10.0-OSS
K (i386) with KDE 3.5.x: I can't use find/replace. There are no menu
K entries for this function and hitting ctrl+f results in unknown
K function. I seems not to depend on the localisation (I have tried
K severeal languages, no help). Upgrading to 1.4.1 did not solve this
K problem.

Do you have your own bindings (resp ui files) in ~/.lyx/bind 
(resp ~/.lyx/ui)?


Re: LyX 1.4.1 is released [SOLVED]

2006-04-13 Thread K. Elo

2006-04-13 10:00 +0200, Jean-Marc Lasgouttes:
  K == K Elo [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
 K Hi, since 1.4.0 I have a problem with LyX on my SuSE 10.0-OSS
 K (i386) with KDE 3.5.x: I can't use find/replace. There are no menu
 K entries for this function and hitting ctrl+f results in unknown
 K function. I seems not to depend on the localisation (I have tried
 K severeal languages, no help). Upgrading to 1.4.1 did not solve this
 K problem.
 Do you have your own bindings (resp ui files) in ~/.lyx/bind 
 (resp ~/.lyx/ui)?

Yes, and the problem was the default-file customised for 1.3.x hanging
around in ~/.lyx/ui. After removing this file everything is fine again!

Thanks for your help!

Re: LyX 1.4.1 is released

2006-04-13 Thread Jean-Marc Lasgouttes
 Richard == Richard Kleeman [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

Richard Georg and Jean-Marc, I uploaded ubuntu breezy packages for
Richard 1.4.1 to pub/incoming plus a README file.

Thanks, it is on the ftp site now.


Re: fancy userdefined

2006-04-13 Thread tceglare
Do you mean just the String Name? Then there appears in the left and
right head the String Name. But I want to appear e.g. the name of the
chapter in the left. Now it works for me:

\renewcommand{\sectionmark}[1]{\markright{\thesection.\ #1}}
\lhead{\sc \leftmark}
\lfoot{\sc T. Ceglarek, Juli 2006}
\rfoot{\sc \thepage}

(In the left foot my name and a date appears and in the right the page

If you want to have a head on not numbered chapters, you have to put an
ERT: \markboth{nameofchapter}{} below the title of this chapter (where
nameofchapter must be the name of the chapter).



 Can you prove with lhead{Name} and rhead{Name}. That work fine in

 [EMAIL PROTECTED] escribió:

 i wanna define my pagestyle with fancy. so i have made following entry
 the preamble:

 \lfoot{My Name, Juli 2006}

 it works. but i don't know how to insert the name of the section in left
 head. or the name of the chapter in the left head and the name of the
 section in the right. something like this ...

 i have tried lhead{\thesection} but then there is just the number of
 section visible.

 can anybody help?



Re: LyX 1.4.1 is released

2006-04-13 Thread Declan O'Byrne
On the Ubuntu version:

Any simple way to make this work on Dapper?

It'd be great in fact if there was either a klik version of lyx (which would
be pretty gigantic, but it'd be very nice), or if there could be additional
lyx repositories for ubuntu (or debian), as they have for scribus, so that
the whole thing could be managed directly from apt-get.
Alas, I haven't the first idea how to do any of these things I can't
even install something from source


Declan (the untechnical, and therefore somewhat disadvantaged lyx user).

Re: Section headings, unnumbered and flush left

2006-04-13 Thread Jean-Marc Lasgouttes
 Mack == Mack Kuo [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

Mack Hello, I am using Lyx for my thesis (report document class) and
Mack need the section headings unnumbered and aligned flush left.
Mack However, section headings must still appear in the Table of
Mack Contents. I used the following command in the preamble to get
Mack rid of the numbers preceding the section headings.

In DocumentSettings, set section numbering depth to the minimum.


Re: some problems with 1.4.1 for windows

2006-04-13 Thread Jean-Marc Lasgouttes
 Georg == Georg Baum [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

Georg Olivier Ripoll wrote:
 1- math font are not ok. googling for this, I downloaded and
 installed the math ttf fonts. It now works, but the installer
 should probably allow to download them or give the instructions.

Georg Uwe Stöhr is working on a full installer that will install
Georg everything, but you are right, the other one should provide a
Georg link to the fonts.

 2- pdf viewing is screwed. If I change the preferences for the pdf
 viewer so that acrobat is used, and it works when I apply it, but
 this does not work anymore after I close and reopen LyX. The
 preference file seems to be saved fine, but LyX complains about not
 finding the program, because there is a space in the path to
 acrobat (it cannot find the file C:\program). I have entered the
 path within double quotes. spaces in filenames and paths are 100%
 legitimate in linux and windows and very common on Windows. I have
 not yet found a proper solution, so if somenone has one ... (*)

Georg Known bug:

You could try to use start as a viewer. I believe it will call the
viewer associated to the file type.


Re: crash inserting citation with lyx-gtk 1.4.1

2006-04-13 Thread Jean-Marc Lasgouttes
 John == John Pye [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

John I understand that. I do really like the look of the GTK
John interface though -- really nice, so I wanted to report this in
John case it was unknown. At what point will we be able to assume
John that the developers *don't* know about crashes in the GTK
John interface?

In particular, lyx-gtk reprots should go to lyx-devel. I am not sure
the lyx-gtk developers read lyx-users.


Re: LyX 1.4.1 is released

2006-04-13 Thread Jean-Marc Lasgouttes
 Declan == Declan O'Byrne [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

Declan On the Ubuntu version: Any simple way to make this work on
Declan Dapper?

Don't know.

Declan It'd be great in fact if there was either a klik version of
Declan lyx (which would be pretty gigantic, but it'd be very nice),
Declan or if there could be additional lyx repositories for ubuntu
Declan (or debian), as they have for scribus, so that the whole thing
Declan could be managed directly from apt-get. 

It would be nice indeed, and we could do that if we had dedicated
ubuntu maintainers. I for one do not have ubuntu at hand.


Re: LyX 1.4.1 is released

2006-04-13 Thread Georg Baum
Jean-Marc Lasgouttes wrote:

 Declan == Declan O'Byrne
 Declan On the Ubuntu version: Any simple way to make this work on
 Declan Dapper?

If installing the existing packages does not work you need to recompile as
described in the wiki.

 Declan It'd be great in fact if there was either a klik version of
 Declan lyx (which would be pretty gigantic, but it'd be very nice),
 Declan or if there could be additional lyx repositories for ubuntu
 Declan (or debian), as they have for scribus, so that the whole thing
 Declan could be managed directly from apt-get.
 It would be nice indeed, and we could do that if we had dedicated
 ubuntu maintainers. I for one do not have ubuntu at hand.

Setting up an apt repository (for debian, ubuntu, whatever) is easy, and you
don't even need to have any ubuntu, you only need the .deb files and a
small utility to create some index files.
That said, it is still some work to do. I might have a look when I am
bored :-)


Re: LyX 1.4.1 is released

2006-04-13 Thread Richard Kleeman

Ubuntu is popular with lyx users. A user has spotted an error in my 
README file already! I uploaded a corrected version to pub/incoming


Jean-Marc Lasgouttes wrote:

Richard == Richard Kleeman [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

Richard Georg and Jean-Marc, I uploaded ubuntu breezy packages for
Richard 1.4.1 to pub/incoming plus a README file.

Thanks, it is on the ftp site now.


Windows port: 1.3.7: document classes not available

2006-04-13 Thread Koen Verbeke
Hi there,

I'm very sorry if there is an obvious answer to this one. I didn't find
anything useful through Google or the Lyx site. Except for package bug
reports on MacOS and linux.

Which Lyx: 
I just installed the windows port of Lyx (1.3.7) with the installer
behind the link: LyX installer for Windows that comes with all needed
third party programs  and
then project page
(download the stable installer version 1.1)

The problem: 
All document classes are prefixed with Unavailable:. So, as I
understand it, no output will be created.

The question:
How do I fix this? Where can I get the classes from?

Many thanks in advance and apologies once more if there's an obvious
solution. I can use Lyx for what I need (text writing) but the internals
are Chinese to me.


Re: some problems with 1.4.1 for windows

2006-04-13 Thread Olivier Ripoll

Jean-Marc Lasgouttes wrote:

Georg == Georg Baum [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

Georg Olivier Ripoll wrote:

2- pdf viewing is screwed. If I change the preferences for the pdf
viewer so that acrobat is used, and it works when I apply it, but
this does not work anymore after I close and reopen LyX. The
preference file seems to be saved fine, but LyX complains about not
finding the program, because there is a space in the path to
acrobat (it cannot find the file C:\program). I have entered the
path within double quotes. spaces in filenames and paths are 100%
legitimate in linux and windows and very common on Windows. I have
not yet found a proper solution, so if somenone has one ... (*)

Georg Known bug:

You could try to use start as a viewer. I believe it will call the
viewer associated to the file type.


It does not work for me, unfortunately. It just opens a console window.

I tried combinations of '  and \ in the preferences file for the 
command string without success either.

Well, I'll tell my friend to wait for the 1.4.2 before he first try the 
windows port. As I said, for me, it is less of a problem, I use linux.

Best regards,


Re: Aspell 6 for Lyx 1.3.7?

2006-04-13 Thread Olivier Ripoll

Peter Bowyer wrote:


I've installed Aspell6 for Windows from but cannot get anything to happen 
when I click the spellchecker link on the Edit menu, dying with the 

No word lists can be found for the language en.

I've followed the instructions on the wiki page, but I'm wondering if 
something is missed out as I don't have any executables in C:\Aspell?  
Like Aspell itself ;)


Well, exactly same symptoms for me, no aspell executable after install ;)

Best regards,


Re: some problems with 1.4.1 for windows

2006-04-13 Thread Olivier Ripoll

Georg Baum wrote:

Olivier Ripoll wrote:

1- math font are not ok. googling for this, I downloaded and installed
the math ttf fonts. It now works, but the installer should probably
allow to download them or give the instructions.

Uwe Stöhr is working on a full installer that will install everything, but
you are right, the other one should provide a link to the fonts.

I will tell my friend to wait for this installer is available

2- pdf viewing is screwed. If I change the preferences for the pdf
viewer so that acrobat is used, and it works when I apply it, but this
does not work anymore after I close and reopen LyX. The preference file
seems to be saved fine, but LyX complains about not finding the program,
because there is a space in the path to acrobat (it cannot find the file
C:\program). I have entered the path within double quotes. spaces in
filenames and paths are 100% legitimate in linux and windows and very
common on Windows. I have not yet found a proper solution, so if
somenone has one ... (*)

Known bug:

indeed :)

(*) I see a solution, but it looks ugly: adding the path for acrobat to
the PATH variable, and just using the file name without path.

You can also do this from within LyX so that you don't need to set it
systemwide. There is a setting Path Prefix (or similar, forgot the exact
wording) somewhere in the preferences (only on windows).

In the preference files, there is a \path_prefix sting which looks like 
it. After adding the adobe reader directory to it, I can view my pdfs.


Best regards,


Re: Aspell 6 for Lyx 1.3.7?

2006-04-13 Thread Jean-Pierre Chretien

From: Olivier Ripoll [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Re: Aspell 6 for Lyx 1.3.7?
Date: Thu, 13 Apr 2006 18:14:34 +0200

Peter Bowyer wrote:
 I've installed Aspell6 for Windows from but cannot get anything to happen 
 when I click the spellchecker link on the Edit menu, dying with the 
 No word lists can be found for the language en.
 I've followed the instructions on the wiki page, but I'm wondering if 
 something is missed out as I don't have any executables in C:\Aspell?  
 Like Aspell itself ;)
Well, exactly same symptoms for me, no aspell executable after install ;)

Did you install the dictionaries ?
That would be surprising as Uwe's installer offers the link after aspell 
but it is an explanation of the symptoms.
No problem here on Win2000 after installing English and French dictionaries.


Re: Aspell 6 for Lyx 1.3.7?

2006-04-13 Thread Peter Bowyer

At 17:22 13/04/2006, Jean-Pierre Chretien wrote:

Did you install the dictionaries ?
That would be surprising as Uwe's installer offers the link after 
aspell install,

but it is an explanation of the symptoms.

I installed:

I take it there's some other file?


Re: Aspell 6 for Lyx 1.3.7?

2006-04-13 Thread Jean-Pierre Chretien

Date: Thu, 13 Apr 2006 18:13:19 +0100
To: Jean-Pierre Chretien [EMAIL PROTECTED],
From: Peter Bowyer [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Re: Aspell 6 for Lyx 1.3.7?
X-Virus-Scanner: CLEAN - This message does not contain a known virus.

At 17:22 13/04/2006, Jean-Pierre Chretien wrote:
Did you install the dictionaries ?
That would be surprising as Uwe's installer offers the link after 
aspell install,
but it is an explanation of the symptoms.

I installed:

I take it there's some other file?

I checked on the Win machine, I did not install anything else than 
and the french dictionary.

Should work now for na English document ?


Re: Aspell 6 for Lyx 1.3.7?

2006-04-13 Thread Peter Bowyer

At 18:40 13/04/2006, Jean-Pierre Chretien wrote:
I checked on the Win machine, I did not install anything else than 

and the french dictionary.

Should work now for na English document ?

No.  I've looked at the Spellchecker item in the Preferences window.
Spell checker program is set to ispell, and is greyed out so I cannot 
change it.

All the other fields are blank.

Aspell is installed at c:\aspell - do I need to add it to my PATH prefix?


Re: Aspell 6 for Lyx 1.3.7?

2006-04-13 Thread Stephen Harris

Peter Bowyer wrote:

At 17:22 13/04/2006, Jean-Pierre Chretien wrote:

Did you install the dictionaries ?
That would be surprising as Uwe's installer offers the link after 
aspell install,

but it is an explanation of the symptoms.

I installed:

I take it there's some other file?


Did the AspellData and dictionary (126 files) get installed to

C:\Aspell\lib\aspell-0.60 ?

Maybe your installation path is different?

Re: Windows port: 1.3.7: document classes not available

2006-04-13 Thread Paul A. Rubin

Koen Verbeke wrote:

Which Lyx: 
I just installed the windows port of Lyx (1.3.7) with the installer

behind the link: LyX installer for Windows that comes with all needed
third party programs  and
then project page
(download the stable installer version 1.1)

The problem: 
All document classes are prefixed with Unavailable:. So, as I

understand it, no output will be created.

The question:
How do I fix this? Where can I get the classes from?

They're part of your LaTeX installation (which I assume is MiKTeX).

The first question is whether MiKTeX installed properly.  So

1.  Open a DOS command window and type 'path' at the prompt.  See if the 
MiKTeX bin directory is on the path.  If not, you'll want to add it 
there.  On Windows XP, you can click Start, right click My Computer, 
click Properties, select the Advanced tab, click Environment Variables, 
select PATH (in the upper window if you want to make MiKTeX accessible 
just to you, in the lower window if you want all users to have it), 
click Edit, and add the path to the MiKTeX bin directory to the string 
(separated from its neighbors by semicolons).

2.  If the MiKTeX bin directory is on the path, type 'kpsewhich 
article.cls' at the command prompt.  It should spit up a fully qualified 
path to the article class file.  If not, MiKTeX is not properly installed.

3.  If the previous step works, start LyX, run Edit-Reconfigure, close 
LyX when it is done, restart LyX, and see if you get the basic document 


Many thanks in advance and apologies once more if there's an obvious
solution. I can use Lyx for what I need (text writing) but the internals
are Chinese to me.


Re: Aspell 6 for Lyx 1.3.7?

2006-04-13 Thread Peter Bowyer

At 19:41 13/04/2006, Stephen Harris wrote:

Did the AspellData and dictionary (126 files) get installed to

Yes, all that side is fine.  I just can't find Aspell itself.  Also 
my Spellchecker preferences are stuck on ispell - which perhaps is the problem?


Re: Aspell 6 for Lyx 1.3.7?

2006-04-13 Thread Paul A. Rubin

Peter Bowyer wrote:

At 19:41 13/04/2006, Stephen Harris wrote:

Did the AspellData and dictionary (126 files) get installed to

Yes, all that side is fine.  I just can't find Aspell itself.  Also my 
Spellchecker preferences are stuck on ispell - which perhaps is the 


No.  The Windows version is hard-coded to use Aspell.  In the 
preferences menu, the option to specify a spell-checker is disabled (and 
shows ispell for some odd reason), but what it says is irrelevant -- 
Aspell will be used.  The path (C:\Aspell) is also hard-coded.

I'm pretty sure the AspellData archive contains just the files necessary 
to update an existing installation of Aspell so that the newest release 
of 1.3.7, and the releases of 1.4.x, can use it.  Did you have Aspell 
installed before you installed the two archives you downloaded from the 
wiki upload area?  If not, grab the version 0.50 installer from and install that.  (They apparently 
don't have a Windows installer for 0.60 yet.)


Re: some problems with 1.4.1 for windows

2006-04-13 Thread Andre Poenitz
On Thu, Apr 13, 2006 at 09:40:04AM +0200, Olivier Ripoll wrote:
 I have entered the path within double quotes. spaces in 
 filenames and paths are 100% legitimate in linux and windows and very 
 common on Windows.

They are 100% pain in the ***, on both Linux and Windows, because
some programs cannot handle them and they have a tendency to screw up
badly written scripts.

On Windows, the problem for 'native' batch scripts is the limited
ability to quote stuff properly, so although Windows started with
big-scale use of spaces in file names, it is at the same time the
OS that handles them worst in batch files.

 I have not yet found a proper solution, so if 
 somenone has one ... (*)
 (*) I see a solution, but it looks ugly: adding the path for acrobat to 
 the PATH variable, and just using the file name without path.

That's one.

Another one would be to install acrobat reader in a place without



2006-04-13 Thread Jaime Díaz-Deus Fernández
Hi list

When I instal a new font, e.g American Typewriter (pat from Adobe), that
don't appears the spanish caracters like Ñ or the accents in letters
like ó, etc. Thanks for your help.

BibTeX/NatBib citations in text issue

2006-04-13 Thread Maria Gouskova

Dear LyX users,

I am having an issue with NatBib in n LyX 1.3.7. When I cite more  
than one author at once using the InsertCitation option, the in-text  
author list breaks across lines in the final document. For example,  
if I select (Jones1986, Jones 1998, Jones 2000, Smith2003,  
Johnson1976, Black1995, White1984) in the bibliography insert dialog,  
they will appear as

...   blah blah blah (Jones 1986,
2000 Smith 2003, Johnson 1976, Black 1995, White 1984) in the PDF.

This persists regardless of the .bst file I use; normally, I use a  
custom-made file (made in custom-bib), but the same issue arises even  
when I use the plainnat style that LyX ships with. The only  
workaround is to insert each author-year entry as an individual  
citation, but that defeats the purpose of using BibTeX. Any suggestions?


Re: Aspell 6 for Lyx 1.3.7?

2006-04-13 Thread Stephen Harris

Peter Bowyer wrote:

At 19:41 13/04/2006, Stephen Harris wrote:

Did the AspellData and dictionary (126 files) get installed to

Yes, all that side is fine.  I just can't find Aspell itself.  Also my 
Spellchecker preferences are stuck on ispell - which perhaps is the 


Make a short list of misspelled words, misspelled.txt and put it
in C:\Aspell. From the dos-like command prompt type at C:\Aspell
aspell -c misspelled.txt

This should activate Aspell. The purpose of this is to find out
if aspell is not working or if the LyX connection is not working.

If Aspell doesn't work at the command prompt as outlined above,
then it is not installed correctly (and LyX is not at fault).

If Aspell does work at the command line, then try this;
Run in LyX1.3.7-Edit-Reconfigure

This should not have to be done. But it takes little time
and is easy, so I think it should be tried. You might have
reinstalled something after the LyX initial installation.


RE: Windows port: 1.3.7: document classes not available

2006-04-13 Thread Koen Verbeke
Hi Paul,

It works! I installed MikTeX after Lyx...

Many thanks, you have no idea how much you helped me.


-Original Message-
From: news [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Paul A. Rubin
Sent: donderdag 13 april 2006 20:54
Subject: Re: Windows port: 1.3.7: document classes not available

Koen Verbeke wrote:
 Which Lyx:
 I just installed the windows port of Lyx (1.3.7) with the installer
 behind the link: LyX installer for Windows that comes with all needed
 third party programs 
 then project page
 (download the stable installer version 1.1)
 The problem:
 All document classes are prefixed with Unavailable:. So, as I
 understand it, no output will be created.
 The question:
 How do I fix this? Where can I get the classes from?

They're part of your LaTeX installation (which I assume is MiKTeX).

The first question is whether MiKTeX installed properly.  So

1.  Open a DOS command window and type 'path' at the prompt.  See if the

MiKTeX bin directory is on the path.  If not, you'll want to add it 
there.  On Windows XP, you can click Start, right click My Computer, 
click Properties, select the Advanced tab, click Environment Variables, 
select PATH (in the upper window if you want to make MiKTeX accessible 
just to you, in the lower window if you want all users to have it), 
click Edit, and add the path to the MiKTeX bin directory to the string 
(separated from its neighbors by semicolons).

2.  If the MiKTeX bin directory is on the path, type 'kpsewhich 
article.cls' at the command prompt.  It should spit up a fully qualified

path to the article class file.  If not, MiKTeX is not properly

3.  If the previous step works, start LyX, run Edit-Reconfigure, close 
LyX when it is done, restart LyX, and see if you get the basic document 


 Many thanks in advance and apologies once more if there's an obvious 
 solution. I can use Lyx for what I need (text writing) but the 
 internals are Chinese to me.

Re: LyX 1.4.1 is released

2006-04-13 Thread K. Elo

since 1.4.0 I have a problem with LyX on my SuSE 10.0-OSS (i386) with
KDE 3.5.x: I can't use find/replace. There are no menu entries for this
function and hitting ctrl+f results in "unknown function". I seems not
to depend on the localisation (I have tried severeal languages, no
help). Upgrading to 1.4.1 did not solve this problem.

I have downloaded the rpm from Guru's ftp-server
because there are no x86-rpms for SuSE 10.0 (only x86_64) on the
LyX-server. The odd thing is, there are NO problems on a SuSE
10.0-OSS-64bit computer, the find/replace works as expected.

Any ideas?

Happy Easter!

some problems with 1.4.1 for windows

2006-04-13 Thread Olivier Ripoll

Hi all,

I haven't use LyX for windows for years (5 or 6) because I was using
Linux vesrion, but I decided to try the new 1.4.1. I used the file found 
on the ftp, at the address given in the announcement.

I installed MikTex, imagemagick, and minGW as suggested by the installer 
(I already had python and gs).

Here are the first problems I have seen.

1- math font are not ok. googling for this, I downloaded and installed
the math ttf fonts. It now works, but the installer should probably
allow to download them or give the instructions.

2- pdf viewing is screwed. If I change the preferences for the pdf
viewer so that acrobat is used, and it works when I apply it, but this 
does not work anymore after I close and reopen LyX. The preference file 
seems to be saved fine, but LyX complains about not finding the program, 
because there is a space in the path to acrobat (it cannot find the file 
"C:\program"). I have entered the path within double quotes. spaces in 
filenames and paths are 100% legitimate in linux and windows and very 
common on Windows. I have not yet found a proper solution, so if 
somenone has one ... (*)

I suggested to a former colleague who will start soon to write his 
thesis to use LyX, and since I cannot make him install linux, I wanted 
to check the state of the windows port.

Best regards,


(*) I see a solution, but it looks ugly: adding the path for acrobat to 
the PATH variable, and just using the file name without path.

crash inserting citation with lyx-gtk 1.4.1

2006-04-13 Thread John Pye
Hi all

I have a reproducible crash in LyX 1.4.1 (Ling Li's lyx-gtk RPM on FC5).
I have a document with some graphics and formulae. I have a master
document with about 10 "Input" boxes to include the various chapters.
Only the master document contains the "Bibtex" box at the end -- the
chapters do not.

I opened my chapter 4 document from the recent documents menu of lyx-gtk
(Ling Li's RPM for FC5).
Then I opened my master document, also from the recent documents menu.
Then I clicked on the chapter 4 "input" and clicked "load" to jump to
that document.
Then I scrolled down and just after a citation element and just before a
figure float, I selected insert citation.
Then I scrolled down the list of references and double clicked the
bibtex key that I wanted.
Then I clicked OK.

LyX crashed with this message:
> [EMAIL PROTECTED] Thesis]$ ControlCitation::initialiseParams
> citation LatexCommand \cite{}
> \end_inset
> LyX: Attempting to save document /home/john/dsg-docs/Thesis/04 -
> Absorber Pipe Flow Model.lyx
>   /home/john/dsg-docs/Thesis/04 - Absorber Pipe Flow Model.lyx.emergency
>   Save seems successful. Phew.
> LyX: Attempting to save document /home/john/dsg-docs/Thesis/Thesis.lyx
>   /home/john/dsg-docs/Thesis/Thesis.lyx.emergency
>   Save seems successful. Phew.
> lyx: SIGSEGV signal caught
> Sorry, you have found a bug in LyX. Please read the bug-reporting
> instructions in Help->Introduction and send us a bug report, if
> necessary. Thanks !
Since the feedback page says to mail you
I haven't filed a bug.

I can send the source documents to someone who wants to investigate, if


John Pye
School of Mechanical and Manufacturing Engineering
The University of New South Wales
Sydney  NSW 2052  Australia
t +61 2 9385 5127
f +61 2 9663 1222

Re: crash inserting citation with lyx-gtk 1.4.1

2006-04-13 Thread John Pye
Just checked this -- it's a GTK-only bug. Ling Li's lyx-qt package
doesn't have the same crash.


John Pye wrote:
> Hi all
> I have a reproducible crash in LyX 1.4.1 (Ling Li's lyx-gtk RPM on FC5).
> I have a document with some graphics and formulae. I have a master
> document with about 10 "Input" boxes to include the various chapters.
> Only the master document contains the "Bibtex" box at the end -- the
> chapters do not.
> I opened my chapter 4 document from the recent documents menu of lyx-gtk
> (Ling Li's RPM for FC5).
> Then I opened my master document, also from the recent documents menu.
> Then I clicked on the chapter 4 "input" and clicked "load" to jump to
> that document.
> Then I scrolled down and just after a citation element and just before a
> figure float, I selected insert citation.
> Then I scrolled down the list of references and double clicked the
> bibtex key that I wanted.
> Then I clicked OK.
> LyX crashed with this message:
>> [EMAIL PROTECTED] Thesis]$ ControlCitation::initialiseParams
>> citation LatexCommand \cite{}
>> \end_inset
>> LyX: Attempting to save document /home/john/dsg-docs/Thesis/04 -
>> Absorber Pipe Flow Model.lyx
>>   /home/john/dsg-docs/Thesis/04 - Absorber Pipe Flow Model.lyx.emergency
>>   Save seems successful. Phew.
>> LyX: Attempting to save document /home/john/dsg-docs/Thesis/Thesis.lyx
>>   /home/john/dsg-docs/Thesis/Thesis.lyx.emergency
>>   Save seems successful. Phew.
>> lyx: SIGSEGV signal caught
>> Sorry, you have found a bug in LyX. Please read the bug-reporting
>> instructions in Help->Introduction and send us a bug report, if
>> necessary. Thanks !
> Since the feedback page says to mail you
> I haven't filed a bug.
> I can send the source documents to someone who wants to investigate, if
> desired.
> Cheers
> JP

John Pye
School of Mechanical and Manufacturing Engineering
The University of New South Wales
Sydney  NSW 2052  Australia
t +61 2 9385 5127
f +61 2 9663 1222

Re: crash inserting citation with lyx-gtk 1.4.1

2006-04-13 Thread Georg Baum
John Pye wrote:

> Hi all
> I have a reproducible crash in LyX 1.4.1 (Ling Li's lyx-gtk RPM on FC5).

Crashes in lyx-gtk are expected due to some unimplemented dialogs. It is
experimental and not ready for serious work yet.


Re: LyX 1.4.1 is released

2006-04-13 Thread Jean-Marc Lasgouttes
> "K" == K Elo <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

K> Hi, since 1.4.0 I have a problem with LyX on my SuSE 10.0-OSS
K> (i386) with KDE 3.5.x: I can't use find/replace. There are no menu
K> entries for this function and hitting ctrl+f results in "unknown
K> function". I seems not to depend on the localisation (I have tried
K> severeal languages, no help). Upgrading to 1.4.1 did not solve this
K> problem.

Do you have your own bindings (resp ui files) in ~/.lyx/bind 
(resp ~/.lyx/ui)?


Re: LyX 1.4.1 is released [SOLVED]

2006-04-13 Thread K. Elo

2006-04-13 10:00 +0200, Jean-Marc Lasgouttes:
> > "K" == K Elo <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> K> Hi, since 1.4.0 I have a problem with LyX on my SuSE 10.0-OSS
> K> (i386) with KDE 3.5.x: I can't use find/replace. There are no menu
> K> entries for this function and hitting ctrl+f results in "unknown
> K> function". I seems not to depend on the localisation (I have tried
> K> severeal languages, no help). Upgrading to 1.4.1 did not solve this
> K> problem.
> Do you have your own bindings (resp ui files) in ~/.lyx/bind 
> (resp ~/.lyx/ui)?

Yes, and the problem was the "default"-file customised for 1.3.x hanging
around in ~/.lyx/ui. After removing this file everything is fine again!

Thanks for your help!

Re: LyX 1.4.1 is released

2006-04-13 Thread Jean-Marc Lasgouttes
> "Richard" == Richard Kleeman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

Richard> Georg and Jean-Marc, I uploaded ubuntu breezy packages for
Richard> 1.4.1 to pub/incoming plus a README file.

Thanks, it is on the ftp site now.


Re: fancy userdefined

2006-04-13 Thread tceglare
Do you mean just the String "Name"? Then there appears in the left and
right head the String "Name". But I want to appear e.g. the name of the
chapter in the left. Now it works for me:

\renewcommand{\sectionmark}[1]{\markright{\thesection.\ #1}}
\lhead{\sc \leftmark}
\lfoot{\sc T. Ceglarek, Juli 2006}
\rfoot{\sc \thepage}

(In the left foot my name and a date appears and in the right the page

If you want to have a head on not numbered chapters, you have to put an
ERT: "\markboth{nameofchapter}{}" below the title of this chapter (where
"nameofchapter" must be the name of the chapter).



> Hi
> Can you prove with lhead{Name} and rhead{Name}. That work fine in
> lyx-1.3.7
> Regards
> [EMAIL PROTECTED] escribió:
>> hello,
>> i wanna define my pagestyle with fancy. so i have made following entry
>> in
>> the preamble:
>> \lhead{}
>> \chead{}
>> \rhead{}
>> \lfoot{My Name, Juli 2006}
>> \cfoot{}
>> \rfoot{\thepage}
>> \renewcommand{\headrulewidth}{0.1pt}
>> \renewcommand{\footrulewidth}{0.1pt}
>> it works. but i don't know how to insert the name of the section in left
>> head. or the name of the chapter in the left head and the name of the
>> section in the right. something like this ...
>> i have tried "lhead{\thesection}" but then there is just the number of
>> the
>> section visible.
>> can anybody help?
>> regards,
>> tc

Re: LyX 1.4.1 is released

2006-04-13 Thread Declan O'Byrne
On the Ubuntu version:

Any simple way to make this work on Dapper?

It'd be great in fact if there was either a klik version of lyx (which would
be pretty gigantic, but it'd be very nice), or if there could be additional
lyx repositories for ubuntu (or debian), as they have for scribus, so that
the whole thing could be managed directly from apt-get.
Alas, I haven't the first idea how to do any of these things I can't
even install something from source


Declan (the untechnical, and therefore somewhat disadvantaged lyx user).

Re: Section headings, unnumbered and flush left

2006-04-13 Thread Jean-Marc Lasgouttes
> "Mack" == Mack Kuo <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

Mack> Hello, I am using Lyx for my thesis (report document class) and
Mack> need the section headings unnumbered and aligned flush left.
Mack> However, section headings must still appear in the Table of
Mack> Contents. I used the following command in the preamble to get
Mack> rid of the numbers preceding the section headings.

In Document>Settings, set section numbering depth to the minimum.


Re: some problems with 1.4.1 for windows

2006-04-13 Thread Jean-Marc Lasgouttes
> "Georg" == Georg Baum <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

Georg> Olivier Ripoll wrote:
>> 1- math font are not ok. googling for this, I downloaded and
>> installed the math ttf fonts. It now works, but the installer
>> should probably allow to download them or give the instructions.

Georg> Uwe Stöhr is working on a full installer that will install
Georg> everything, but you are right, the other one should provide a
Georg> link to the fonts.

>> 2- pdf viewing is screwed. If I change the preferences for the pdf
>> viewer so that acrobat is used, and it works when I apply it, but
>> this does not work anymore after I close and reopen LyX. The
>> preference file seems to be saved fine, but LyX complains about not
>> finding the program, because there is a space in the path to
>> acrobat (it cannot find the file "C:\program"). I have entered the
>> path within double quotes. spaces in filenames and paths are 100%
>> legitimate in linux and windows and very common on Windows. I have
>> not yet found a proper solution, so if somenone has one ... (*)

Georg> Known bug:

You could try to use "start" as a viewer. I believe it will call the
viewer associated to the file type.


Re: crash inserting citation with lyx-gtk 1.4.1

2006-04-13 Thread Jean-Marc Lasgouttes
> "John" == John Pye <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

John> I understand that. I do really like the look of the GTK
John> interface though -- really nice, so I wanted to report this in
John> case it was unknown. At what point will we be able to assume
John> that the developers *don't* know about crashes in the GTK
John> interface?

In particular, lyx-gtk reprots should go to lyx-devel. I am not sure
the lyx-gtk developers read lyx-users.


Re: LyX 1.4.1 is released

2006-04-13 Thread Jean-Marc Lasgouttes
> "Declan" == Declan O'Byrne <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

Declan> On the Ubuntu version: Any simple way to make this work on
Declan> Dapper?

Don't know.

Declan> It'd be great in fact if there was either a klik version of
Declan> lyx (which would be pretty gigantic, but it'd be very nice),
Declan> or if there could be additional lyx repositories for ubuntu
Declan> (or debian), as they have for scribus, so that the whole thing
Declan> could be managed directly from apt-get. 

It would be nice indeed, and we could do that if we had dedicated
ubuntu maintainers. I for one do not have ubuntu at hand.


Re: LyX 1.4.1 is released

2006-04-13 Thread Georg Baum
Jean-Marc Lasgouttes wrote:

>> "Declan" == Declan O'Byrne
>> writes:
> Declan> On the Ubuntu version: Any simple way to make this work on
> Declan> Dapper?

If installing the existing packages does not work you need to recompile as
described in the wiki.

> Declan> It'd be great in fact if there was either a klik version of
> Declan> lyx (which would be pretty gigantic, but it'd be very nice),
> Declan> or if there could be additional lyx repositories for ubuntu
> Declan> (or debian), as they have for scribus, so that the whole thing
> Declan> could be managed directly from apt-get.
> It would be nice indeed, and we could do that if we had dedicated
> ubuntu maintainers. I for one do not have ubuntu at hand.

Setting up an apt repository (for debian, ubuntu, whatever) is easy, and you
don't even need to have any ubuntu, you only need the .deb files and a
small utility to create some index files.
That said, it is still some work to do. I might have a look when I am
bored :-)


Re: LyX 1.4.1 is released

2006-04-13 Thread Richard Kleeman

Ubuntu is popular with lyx users. A user has spotted an error in my 
README file already! I uploaded a corrected version to pub/incoming


Jean-Marc Lasgouttes wrote:

"Richard" == Richard Kleeman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

Richard> Georg and Jean-Marc, I uploaded ubuntu breezy packages for
Richard> 1.4.1 to pub/incoming plus a README file.

Thanks, it is on the ftp site now.


Windows port: 1.3.7: document classes not available

2006-04-13 Thread Koen Verbeke
Hi there,

I'm very sorry if there is an obvious answer to this one. I didn't find
anything useful through Google or the Lyx site. Except for package bug
reports on MacOS and linux.

Which Lyx: 
I just installed the windows port of Lyx (1.3.7) with the installer
behind the link: "LyX installer for Windows that comes with all needed
third party programs  " and
then "project page 
(download the stable installer version 1.1)"

The problem: 
All document classes are prefixed with "Unavailable:". So, as I
understand it, no output will be created.

The question:
How do I fix this? Where can I get the classes from?

Many thanks in advance and apologies once more if there's an obvious
solution. I can use Lyx for what I need (text writing) but the internals
are Chinese to me.


Re: some problems with 1.4.1 for windows

2006-04-13 Thread Olivier Ripoll

Jean-Marc Lasgouttes wrote:

"Georg" == Georg Baum <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

Georg> Olivier Ripoll wrote:

2- pdf viewing is screwed. If I change the preferences for the pdf
viewer so that acrobat is used, and it works when I apply it, but
this does not work anymore after I close and reopen LyX. The
preference file seems to be saved fine, but LyX complains about not
finding the program, because there is a space in the path to
acrobat (it cannot find the file "C:\program"). I have entered the
path within double quotes. spaces in filenames and paths are 100%
legitimate in linux and windows and very common on Windows. I have
not yet found a proper solution, so if somenone has one ... (*)

Georg> Known bug:

You could try to use "start" as a viewer. I believe it will call the
viewer associated to the file type.


It does not work for me, unfortunately. It just opens a console window.

I tried combinations of ' " and \ in the preferences file for the 
command string without success either.

Well, I'll tell my friend to wait for the 1.4.2 before he first try the 
windows port. As I said, for me, it is less of a problem, I use linux.

Best regards,


Re: Aspell 6 for Lyx 1.3.7?

2006-04-13 Thread Olivier Ripoll

Peter Bowyer wrote:


I've installed Aspell6 for Windows from but cannot get anything to happen 
when I click the spellchecker link on the "Edit" menu, dying with the 

"No word lists can be found for the language "en"."

I've followed the instructions on the wiki page, but I'm wondering if 
something is missed out as I don't have any executables in C:\Aspell?  
Like Aspell itself ;)


Well, exactly same symptoms for me, no aspell executable after install ;)

Best regards,


Re: some problems with 1.4.1 for windows

2006-04-13 Thread Olivier Ripoll

Georg Baum wrote:

Olivier Ripoll wrote:

1- math font are not ok. googling for this, I downloaded and installed
the math ttf fonts. It now works, but the installer should probably
allow to download them or give the instructions.

Uwe Stöhr is working on a full installer that will install everything, but
you are right, the other one should provide a link to the fonts.

I will tell my friend to wait for this installer is available

2- pdf viewing is screwed. If I change the preferences for the pdf
viewer so that acrobat is used, and it works when I apply it, but this
does not work anymore after I close and reopen LyX. The preference file
seems to be saved fine, but LyX complains about not finding the program,
because there is a space in the path to acrobat (it cannot find the file
"C:\program"). I have entered the path within double quotes. spaces in
filenames and paths are 100% legitimate in linux and windows and very
common on Windows. I have not yet found a proper solution, so if
somenone has one ... (*)

Known bug:

indeed :)

(*) I see a solution, but it looks ugly: adding the path for acrobat to
the PATH variable, and just using the file name without path.

You can also do this from within LyX so that you don't need to set it
systemwide. There is a setting Path Prefix (or similar, forgot the exact
wording) somewhere in the preferences (only on windows).

In the preference files, there is a \path_prefix sting which looks like 
it. After adding the adobe reader directory to it, I can view my pdfs.


Best regards,


Re: Aspell 6 for Lyx 1.3.7?

2006-04-13 Thread Jean-Pierre Chretien

>>From: Olivier Ripoll <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>>Subject: Re: Aspell 6 for Lyx 1.3.7?
>>Date: Thu, 13 Apr 2006 18:14:34 +0200
>>Peter Bowyer wrote:
>>> Hi,
>>> I've installed Aspell6 for Windows from 
>>> but cannot get anything to happen 
>>> when I click the spellchecker link on the "Edit" menu, dying with the 
>>> message:
>>> "No word lists can be found for the language "en"."
>>> I've followed the instructions on the wiki page, but I'm wondering if 
>>> something is missed out as I don't have any executables in C:\Aspell?  
>>> Like Aspell itself ;)
>>> Cheers,
>>> Peter
>>Well, exactly same symptoms for me, no aspell executable after install ;)

Did you install the dictionaries ?
That would be surprising as Uwe's installer offers the link after aspell 
but it is an explanation of the symptoms.
No problem here on Win2000 after installing English and French dictionaries.


Re: Aspell 6 for Lyx 1.3.7?

2006-04-13 Thread Peter Bowyer

At 17:22 13/04/2006, Jean-Pierre Chretien wrote:

Did you install the dictionaries ?
That would be surprising as Uwe's installer offers the link after 
aspell install,

but it is an explanation of the symptoms.

I installed:

I take it there's some other file?


Re: Aspell 6 for Lyx 1.3.7?

2006-04-13 Thread Jean-Pierre Chretien

>>Date: Thu, 13 Apr 2006 18:13:19 +0100
>>To: Jean-Pierre Chretien <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
>>From: Peter Bowyer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>>Subject: Re: Aspell 6 for Lyx 1.3.7?
>>X-Virus-Scanner: CLEAN - This message does not contain a known virus.
>>At 17:22 13/04/2006, Jean-Pierre Chretien wrote:
>>>Did you install the dictionaries ?
>>>That would be surprising as Uwe's installer offers the link after 
>>>aspell install,
>>>but it is an explanation of the symptoms.
>>I installed:
>>I take it there's some other file?

I checked on the Win machine, I did not install anything else than 
and the french dictionary.

Should work now for na English document ?


Re: Aspell 6 for Lyx 1.3.7?

2006-04-13 Thread Peter Bowyer

At 18:40 13/04/2006, Jean-Pierre Chretien wrote:
I checked on the Win machine, I did not install anything else than 

and the french dictionary.

Should work now for na English document ?

No.  I've looked at the Spellchecker item in the Preferences window.
Spell checker program is set to ispell, and is greyed out so I cannot 
change it.

All the other fields are blank.

Aspell is installed at c:\aspell - do I need to add it to my PATH prefix?


Re: Aspell 6 for Lyx 1.3.7?

2006-04-13 Thread Stephen Harris

Peter Bowyer wrote:

At 17:22 13/04/2006, Jean-Pierre Chretien wrote:

Did you install the dictionaries ?
That would be surprising as Uwe's installer offers the link after 
aspell install,

but it is an explanation of the symptoms.

I installed:

I take it there's some other file?


Did the AspellData and dictionary (126 files) get installed to

C:\Aspell\lib\aspell-0.60 ?

Maybe your installation path is different?

Re: Windows port: 1.3.7: document classes not available

2006-04-13 Thread Paul A. Rubin

Koen Verbeke wrote:

Which Lyx: 
I just installed the windows port of Lyx (1.3.7) with the installer

behind the link: "LyX installer for Windows that comes with all needed
third party programs  " and
then "project page 
(download the stable installer version 1.1)"

The problem: 
All document classes are prefixed with "Unavailable:". So, as I

understand it, no output will be created.

The question:
How do I fix this? Where can I get the classes from?

They're part of your LaTeX installation (which I assume is MiKTeX).

The first question is whether MiKTeX installed properly.  So

1.  Open a DOS command window and type 'path' at the prompt.  See if the 
MiKTeX bin directory is on the path.  If not, you'll want to add it 
there.  On Windows XP, you can click Start, right click My Computer, 
click Properties, select the Advanced tab, click Environment Variables, 
select PATH (in the upper window if you want to make MiKTeX accessible 
just to you, in the lower window if you want all users to have it), 
click Edit, and add the path to the MiKTeX bin directory to the string 
(separated from its neighbors by semicolons).

2.  If the MiKTeX bin directory is on the path, type 'kpsewhich 
article.cls' at the command prompt.  It should spit up a fully qualified 
path to the article class file.  If not, MiKTeX is not properly installed.

3.  If the previous step works, start LyX, run Edit->Reconfigure, close 
LyX when it is done, restart LyX, and see if you get the basic document 


Many thanks in advance and apologies once more if there's an obvious
solution. I can use Lyx for what I need (text writing) but the internals
are Chinese to me.


Re: Aspell 6 for Lyx 1.3.7?

2006-04-13 Thread Peter Bowyer

At 19:41 13/04/2006, Stephen Harris wrote:

Did the AspellData and dictionary (126 files) get installed to

Yes, all that side is fine.  I just can't find Aspell itself.  Also 
my Spellchecker preferences are stuck on ispell - which perhaps is the problem?


Re: Aspell 6 for Lyx 1.3.7?

2006-04-13 Thread Paul A. Rubin

Peter Bowyer wrote:

At 19:41 13/04/2006, Stephen Harris wrote:

Did the AspellData and dictionary (126 files) get installed to

Yes, all that side is fine.  I just can't find Aspell itself.  Also my 
Spellchecker preferences are stuck on ispell - which perhaps is the 


No.  The Windows version is hard-coded to use Aspell.  In the 
preferences menu, the option to specify a spell-checker is disabled (and 
shows ispell for some odd reason), but what it says is irrelevant -- 
Aspell will be used.  The path (C:\Aspell) is also hard-coded.

I'm pretty sure the AspellData archive contains just the files necessary 
to update an existing installation of Aspell so that the newest release 
of 1.3.7, and the releases of 1.4.x, can use it.  Did you have Aspell 
installed before you installed the two archives you downloaded from the 
wiki upload area?  If not, grab the version 0.50 installer from and install that.  (They apparently 
don't have a Windows installer for 0.60 yet.)


Re: some problems with 1.4.1 for windows

2006-04-13 Thread Andre Poenitz
On Thu, Apr 13, 2006 at 09:40:04AM +0200, Olivier Ripoll wrote:
> I have entered the path within double quotes. spaces in 
> filenames and paths are 100% legitimate in linux and windows and very 
> common on Windows.

They are 100% pain in the ***, on both Linux and Windows, because
some programs cannot handle them and they have a tendency to screw up
badly written scripts.

On Windows, the problem for 'native' batch scripts is the limited
ability to quote stuff properly, so although Windows started with
big-scale use of spaces in file names, it is at the same time the
OS that handles them worst in batch files.

> I have not yet found a proper solution, so if 
> somenone has one ... (*)
> (*) I see a solution, but it looks ugly: adding the path for acrobat to 
> the PATH variable, and just using the file name without path.

That's one.

Another one would be to install acrobat reader in a place without



2006-04-13 Thread Jaime Díaz-Deus Fernández
Hi list

When I instal a new font, e.g American Typewriter (pat from Adobe), that
don't appears the spanish caracters like Ñ or the accents in letters
like ó, etc. Thanks for your help.

BibTeX/NatBib citations in text issue

2006-04-13 Thread Maria Gouskova

Dear LyX users,

I am having an issue with NatBib in n LyX 1.3.7. When I cite more  
than one author at once using the Insert>Citation option, the in-text  
author list breaks across lines in the final document. For example,  
if I select (Jones1986, Jones 1998, Jones 2000, Smith2003,  
Johnson1976, Black1995, White1984) in the bibliography insert dialog,  
they will appear as

...   blah blah blah (Jones 1986,
2000 Smith 2003, Johnson 1976, Black 1995, White 1984) in the PDF.

This persists regardless of the .bst file I use; normally, I use a  
custom-made file (made in custom-bib), but the same issue arises even  
when I use the plainnat style that LyX ships with. The only  
workaround is to insert each author-year entry as an individual  
citation, but that defeats the purpose of using BibTeX. Any suggestions?


Re: Aspell 6 for Lyx 1.3.7?

2006-04-13 Thread Stephen Harris

Peter Bowyer wrote:

At 19:41 13/04/2006, Stephen Harris wrote:

Did the AspellData and dictionary (126 files) get installed to

Yes, all that side is fine.  I just can't find Aspell itself.  Also my 
Spellchecker preferences are stuck on ispell - which perhaps is the 


Make a short list of misspelled words, misspelled.txt and put it
in C:\Aspell. From the dos-like command prompt type at C:\Aspell>
aspell -c misspelled.txt

This should activate Aspell. The purpose of this is to find out
if aspell is not working or if the LyX connection is not working.

If Aspell doesn't work at the command prompt as outlined above,
then it is not installed correctly (and LyX is not at fault).

If Aspell does work at the command line, then try this;
Run in LyX1.3.7->Edit->Reconfigure

This "should" not have to be done. But it takes little time
and is easy, so I think it should be tried. You might have
reinstalled something after the LyX initial installation.


RE: Windows port: 1.3.7: document classes not available

2006-04-13 Thread Koen Verbeke
Hi Paul,

It works! I installed MikTeX after Lyx...

Many thanks, you have no idea how much you helped me.


-Original Message-
From: news [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Paul A. Rubin
Sent: donderdag 13 april 2006 20:54
Subject: Re: Windows port: 1.3.7: document classes not available

Koen Verbeke wrote:
> Which Lyx:
> I just installed the windows port of Lyx (1.3.7) with the installer
> behind the link: "LyX installer for Windows that comes with all needed
> third party programs  "
> then "project page

> (download the stable installer version 1.1)"
> The problem:
> All document classes are prefixed with "Unavailable:". So, as I
> understand it, no output will be created.
> The question:
> How do I fix this? Where can I get the classes from?

They're part of your LaTeX installation (which I assume is MiKTeX).

The first question is whether MiKTeX installed properly.  So

1.  Open a DOS command window and type 'path' at the prompt.  See if the

MiKTeX bin directory is on the path.  If not, you'll want to add it 
there.  On Windows XP, you can click Start, right click My Computer, 
click Properties, select the Advanced tab, click Environment Variables, 
select PATH (in the upper window if you want to make MiKTeX accessible 
just to you, in the lower window if you want all users to have it), 
click Edit, and add the path to the MiKTeX bin directory to the string 
(separated from its neighbors by semicolons).

2.  If the MiKTeX bin directory is on the path, type 'kpsewhich 
article.cls' at the command prompt.  It should spit up a fully qualified

path to the article class file.  If not, MiKTeX is not properly

3.  If the previous step works, start LyX, run Edit->Reconfigure, close 
LyX when it is done, restart LyX, and see if you get the basic document 


> Many thanks in advance and apologies once more if there's an obvious 
> solution. I can use Lyx for what I need (text writing) but the 
> internals are Chinese to me.
> Cheers,
> Koen