back to LyX1.5.6, and debug

2009-05-10 Thread Wolfgang Engelmann
Dear list

sorry for a lengthy letter, I have marked the important parts with ##:

after having spent in vain days to export my document to a pdf file using 
1.6.2 I would like to use 1.5.6 (1.5.5 gave no problems, but does not take 
## the 1.5.X lyx-export of 1.6.X). I remember there is a way to install it in 
addition to 1.6.X, but forgot how to do this.

I am using 1.6.3svn (and 1.6.1 /2 before) and Debian Lenny, koma script book 
and Jabref for creating the bib-files and inserting the references. 

I have several times described the problems 
(pdfendlink ended up in different nesting level than \pd) 
and got various proposals, but haven't managed to get it done. 

There was one proposal to use a more recent ghostscript (I had 8.62), but by 
upgrading Debian Lenny (which does not offer 8.64) to Squeeze I got troubles 
and reinstalled Lenny. 
##Question: is anybody using LyX1.6.X successfully under Debian using gs8.62?

I still do not know why I can't get the pdf output. As a result of all my 
trials I assumed that it has to do with some of the references, but it might 
perhaps be a more basic problem.
##Question: Where are the background files to be found and is it possible that 
the storage space is not sufficient? >

I had as a last trial used a master and 20 child inputs (for each chapter one) 
and I noticed that after removing some offending references they were all 
working separately, but not if run from the master. 

I then started to add one after the other to the master and ran only this one 
file. It worked until I added chapter 12 (that was about 300 pages, and 220 
figures, and about 600 references). Some references gave errors, and if I 
removed them, I got new errors of references which were alright before -even 
at places in earlier chapters. I then used chapter 12 as a starter and added 
the next chapters (altogether again about 300 pages and 160 figures) and got 
it to work. But when I fused the two large parts I got again reference 
errors, and now at the begin of the large document where there used to be no 
problems before. 

All this took a lot of time, because if I found the reference and removed it, 
the error would still be there (probably because the old aux file is used) 
and I had to finish LyX and restart it again. 
As a question to the LyX developers: Could one include a way to kill the aux 
file after a LyX run?

I was asked to give a minimal example, but I am afraid there is no way of 
doing it. It has probably to do with the large document, since I had never 
problems with smaller books (around 200 to 300 pages each, 200 to 300 
references, 100 to 200 figures). 

##Question: Is there a way to check the (in my case 1500) citations in the bib 
file for uncorrect (coding?) characters independent of LyX?

## I have not been able to figure out how the debug works.
 The description in the extended help file was not precise enough for me. 
Could somebody give me a detailed description? If I use, as proposed, 
lyx -dbg all (or font or any) nothing happens. ddd/gdb debugger: are those 
two debuggers or do they work together? It says, one should start at the 
place in question (an aktueller Position) in program command shift+⁺v and add 
edit>preferences>helpers> echo... send it to the lyx pipe
and so on. I am confused and don't know what to do. 
Once I have understood it I am willing and glad to try to describe it in a way 
that underdeveloped (and over-aged) people like me will know what to do in 
order to debug a LyX session.



index question(s)

2009-05-10 Thread John White

I use lyx 1.6.2 on a slackware 12.0 system.

When I finish a brief (article class), lyx makes a beautiful table of 
contents.  It also makes an index.  To make the index, I use the index 
machine, highlighting the cases cited in the brief.  Then I fool around 
to make the second index, which is of statutes cited and then usually a 
third index of "other authorities".  It (the index) is supposed to then 
be printed on the Table of Cases page, following the Table of Contents.  
If I fool and fool with the index entries I can usually get it right.  
However, indexing is the last thing done to a brief, as cases and 
statutes etc are often changed.  And the index prints out in two 
columns.  There ought to be an easier way.  Due to time considerations, 
I usually don't have time to fool with the index page enough.  So I 
index everything using just the index machine and, right before the 
brief is filed, I print it to text, open with Open Office, and then 
manually move the index entries to the required place. This often 
requires that I add a page following the index just so the page 
references are accurate when I later insert the Open Office index. 
Though I much prefer doing the brief in lyx, in part as it is so easy to 
navigate and in part because I can't figure out how to turn off all the 
complicated "help" in Open Office, I don't like this last (indexing) step.

I would like to do the whole brief, including index, in lyx. Does anyone 
have some ideas on how a user not familiar with evil red text 1) I can 
get lyx to print the index to a single column (normal) page and b) how, 
other than going through a time consuming process of adding exclamation 
marks within the index and putting hard blanks at the beginning of some 
of them, I can fairly automatically and simply get three indexes,  
printed out one after the other, i.e. first the cases, then the statutes 
and finally the "other authorities"?  I have seen other references to 
this situation but yet no good, easy answer.

Thanks for taking the time to read through this.  It has been a problem 
for a long time.


Re: frozen lyx are more frequents

2009-05-10 Thread Marcelo Acuña

> > with lyx 1.6.2 I get frozen lyx more frequent than
> previous version.
> >  Only 1 hour of work and get a frozen (without lost of
> data).
> >  I can´t get reproduce it, but I suspect that the
> trigger of frozen is the
> > event of an automatic backup while I typing quickly. 
> What do you mean by "frozen lyx"? The application
> does not respond anymore? 
> Could you elaborate a bit more?
> > Plus, I have a sudden
> > disappearance of lyx when I press ctrl + home.
> Similar crashes have been reported. However, a reproducable
> testcase or a 
> backtrace would certainly help fixing this.
> Jürgen

 With "frozen lyx" I mean that lyx not respond anymore except for F2 key for 
save the document.
 With 1.6.1 I encountered this bug after 3 or 4 hours of work.
 Now, I have this problem in 1 hour (but, with 1.6.2 I changed Linux from 
opensuse 11.1 to debian lenny 5.0. I don´t konw if maybe a difference)
 In addition, with 1.6.2, I have stranges behaviour.
 1) Sometimes, when I make a change in preferences, when I click in save, 
suddenly view source or outline are open by itself.
 2) Sometimes, when I have several files open, when I close it by clicking in 
tag and choose close, outline is closed by itself. (icon of outline is far of 


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Lyx+Miktex+Windows7RC (Works!)

2009-05-10 Thread Murat Yildizoglu
Just to continue my previous post on my experiments with W7RC,
installing it under VirtualPC and doing first a complete Miktex
install have allowed me to run LyX under WIndows 7 RC. I have not
played a lot with it but it seems to work and to compile my documents.
Good news!

Has anybody had any time to look at the Maple compatibility problem
that I have submitted to you (have you received the sample latex file
I have attached to mu last mail about this topic?)?




Prof. Murat Yildizoglu
Université Paul Cézanne (Aix-Marseille 3)
Centre de la Vieille Charité
2, rue de la Charité
13236 Marseille cedex 02

Bureau 320
Tel : +33 4 91 14 07 27 (standard)
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Fax : +33 4 91 90 02 27

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Re: Sectioned bibliographies

2009-05-10 Thread Jürgen Spitzmüller
E.Kaplan wrote:
> What I am discovering is, perhaps, some problem with my (original,
> large) bibtex file, which is several mb.  When I use the small test.lyx
> file it works fine with the test.bib file (once I removed the \putbib
> etc.).  The large bibtex file, however, does not work, even though it
> now produces no error messages, and it works perfectly (and did for
> years) with normal, non-sectioned bibliographies.  I have never tried it
> before with sectioned bibliographies, and there must be something in it
> which the bibtopic package gags on.
> I shall continue to explore it.  If worse comes to worse, I can make
> small bibtex files for each section, or break up the main article into
> two parts, and compile them separately, which will work for sure.
> Thanks for your help, Jurgen.

There might be helpful error messages if you run LyX from a console.
