Lyx et les traitements de texte

2017-12-31 Thread Christian Bernard

Ayant installé depuis peu Lyx  (maintenant v.2.2.3) sous Linux, sa 
philosophie me plaît et j'aimerais l'adopter à la place de l"usine à 
gaz" LibreOffice Writer.
Mais par défaut Lyx ne connaît apparemment que son propre format, ce qui 
est plutôt surprenant, les pbs de conversion étant fréquents (notamment 
pour échanger avec les utilisateurs d'autres logiciels).
Les informations éparses que j'ai grappillées donnent l'impression que 
la conversion de ou vers les documents LibreOffice ou Word (ou autres) 
est traités de façon désordonnées, compliquée et/ou avec des outils 
anciens (pas forcément compatible avec la v. 2.2.3 ?).
Plutôt que me livrer à des essais compliqués (et avec des surprises 
ultérieures ?), quelqu'un pourrait-il m'indiquer la manière la plus 
simple (si elle existe dans les 4 cas) d'incorporer dans cette version 
de Lyx les conversions <-> .odt et .doc (une version quelconque, sinon 
.rtf à la place).

Ou encore les convertisseurs séparés sinon.
Sachant que je ne connais pas  Latex, mais s'il y a une manœuvre 
initiale claire l'utilisant ce sera une occasion de m'instruire.

Merci. C.B.

Version control

2017-12-31 Thread Rich Shepard

  When checking in using git and the within-lyx function I do not need to
add the quotation marks surrounding the message in the text entry widget.
LyX adds them for me. Correct?


Re: Indexing concepts

2017-12-31 Thread Rich Shepard

On Sun, 31 Dec 2017, Richard Heck wrote:

6.6.1: These should all be entered as "compliance with!full bladder", etc.
The exclamation point marks grouping levels.


  So even if the word 'compliance' is not in the text I can pick a location
without marked text and enter it that way. Yes, now I can see that works.



Re: Indexing concepts

2017-12-31 Thread Richard Heck
On 12/31/2017 11:01 AM, Rich Shepard wrote:
>   I've read the index sections in the User Guide and did not see how
> to add
> a concept to the index. Here's a contrived example.
>   A handbook for long distance truckers does not have a section on
> 'compliance' but the indexer knows that readers will look for
> 'compliance'
> or 'complying' in the index. The index should have a main heading and
> subentries something like this:
> compliance with
>     full bladder
>     rest periods
>     speed limits
>     trip log
>     weigh stations
>     weight limits
>   Each subentry has a reference indicator which is found in the text
> and can
> be marked using Insert -> Index. How can the conceptual term be
> entered as a
> header?

6.6.1: These should all be entered as "compliance with!full bladder",
etc. The
exclamation point marks grouping levels.


Indexing concepts

2017-12-31 Thread Rich Shepard

  I've read the index sections in the User Guide and did not see how to add
a concept to the index. Here's a contrived example.

  A handbook for long distance truckers does not have a section on
'compliance' but the indexer knows that readers will look for 'compliance'
or 'complying' in the index. The index should have a main heading and
subentries something like this:
compliance with
full bladder
rest periods
speed limits
trip log
weigh stations
weight limits

  Each subentry has a reference indicator which is found in the text and can
be marked using Insert -> Index. How can the conceptual term be entered as a


Re: Line breaks in long URL address [WORKING]

2017-12-31 Thread Rich Shepard

On Sun, 31 Dec 2017, Charlie wrote:

Just for completeness, this is how it looks for me, using Okular. It might
be ugly in red, but it does declare itself?


  Here, the pdf view makes no difference because the file is the same.
Differences in splitting might be an artifact of the TeX/LaTeX installation.
I am running texlive-2017.171108. Shrug.

Happy New Year,
