Re: Best reference manger

2022-03-25 Thread Baris Erkus via lyx-users

On 25-Mar-22 6:50 AM, Lou via lyx-users wrote:

Is jabref the best way to find and cite bibliography references in 
Lyx? Is there a better, easier way?


That is the easiest and powerful way handling bibtex and biblatex 
citations to my experience. There are other tools of course, such as you 
editing the text files by yourself.

LyX uses .bib files, and does not need JabRef. JabRef is just handling 
the text-based bib files. Maybe you are confused?

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Re: dictionary

2022-01-28 Thread Baris Erkus via lyx-users

On 28-Jan-22 4:48 PM, Daniel via lyx-users wrote:

On 28/01/2022 11:08, Daniel via lyx-users wrote:

On 28/01/2022 10:42, Baris Erkus via lyx-users wrote:

On 28-Jan-22 12:34 PM, Patrick Dupre via lyx-users wrote:


Where his my own dictionary (that one that I use when I make "add") ?

It is the pwl_x.dict file, where x is the language, under 
the LyX user directory. You can find the user directory on the About 
LyX window under help.

E.g. pwl_english.dict

pwl means personal word list, btw.

There is no such (or similar) file on Windows 10 in my user directory...

Okay, after adding a word to the personal dictionary *and* closing 
LyX, there is the file in the user directory!

Everybody calm down. Just a false alarm... Ha ha ha : )

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Re: dictionary

2022-01-28 Thread Baris Erkus via lyx-users

On 28-Jan-22 1:08 PM, Daniel via lyx-users wrote:

On 28/01/2022 10:42, Baris Erkus via lyx-users wrote:

On 28-Jan-22 12:34 PM, Patrick Dupre via lyx-users wrote:


Where his my own dictionary (that one that I use when I make "add") ?

It is the pwl_x.dict file, where x is the language, under the 
LyX user directory. You can find the user directory on the About LyX 
window under help.

E.g. pwl_english.dict

pwl means personal word list, btw.

There is no such (or similar) file on Windows 10 in my user directory...

Funny. The folder that I have is :


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Re: dictionary

2022-01-28 Thread Baris Erkus via lyx-users

On 28-Jan-22 12:34 PM, Patrick Dupre via lyx-users wrote:


Where his my own dictionary (that one that I use when I make "add") ?

It is the pwl_x.dict file, where x is the language, under the 
LyX user directory. You can find the user directory on the About LyX 
window under help.

E.g. pwl_english.dict

pwl means personal word list, btw.


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Re: How would LyX perform?

2021-12-27 Thread Baris Erkus via lyx-users

On 27-Dec-21 1:39 PM, Wolfgang Engelmann via lyx-users wrote:
Ich habe nur mal ein bisschen hineingelesen und sehe keinen Grund, 
mich näher damit zu befassen:

* Es wird nur die Leistung bei kurzen Texten ### only short texts - 
tex strong in larger papers ### verglichen.

Die Stärken von TeX liegen aber bei umfangreichen Arbeiten.
Man hätte z.B. die Aufgabe stellen können, Änderungen in einer 
Dissertation vorzunehmen: Abschnitte verschieben, systematische 
Änderungen der Formatierung, Register erstellen...
Wenn man die Expertise im Umgang mit einem Programm nicht nur in 
Stunden gemessen hätte, sondern auch den sinnvollen Einsatz der 
Möglichkeiten, hätten sich evtl. auch noch andere Gruppierungen 
ergeben – auch erfahrene Word-Benutzer verwenden z.B. selten 
konsequent Stilvorlagen.
### style importance### Zeichenstile für Hervorhebungen (wie sie z.B. 
in InDesign üblich sin d und in TeX als Makros) gibt es gar nicht...
Es ist aber sehr leicht, Aufgaben zu konstruieren, die das eine oder 
andere System bevorzugen. Bei TeX kommt es auch noch auf den Editor an 
und wie mensch ihn auszunutzen weiß.

* Das Paper ist schon von 2014. ### old paper!  Lualatex ###
Seitdem haben sich wohl auch die meisten LaTeX-Benutzer an LuaTeX mit 
Unicode und OpenType gewöhnt, so dass viele Codierungsprobleme 
entfallen (die hier allerdings keine große Rolle gespielt haben dürften).

* Es wäre interessant gewesen, auch LibreOffice und ConTeXt 
einzubeziehen. Vielleicht auch noch Layoutprogramme wie InDesign, 
Affinity Publisher, Scribus...
(Ist LibreOffice bei umfangreichen Arbeiten immer noch stabiler als 


%95 of Peer-reviewed scientific papers are junk or misleading in this 
case. On the other hand, there would not be the 5%, if there is no 95%.

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LyX-LaTeX to Web

2021-12-22 Thread Baris Erkus via lyx-users
I wonder if LyX or any other LaTeX based tool can be used to generate 
web site of a book as in the following example:

Any direction would be appreciated.

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Re: Forest beyond basics

2021-12-20 Thread Baris Erkus via lyx-users

On 19-Dec-21 8:20 PM, Maria Gouskova via lyx-users wrote:

Dear LyX users,

(Actually, I suspect this is a question for Jürgen S., but on the off 
chance that someone else knows the answer...)

I need to produce a diagram with the structure shown here. It was 
produced using the obsolete xyling package (see the attached 
xyling_test files):

All the nodes will have a lot of linguist-specific bells and whistles, 
like IPA fonts and small caps and other stuff. XYling has not been 
updated in 15 years; I barely got the doc to compile. So, xyling is no 
good for what I need.

In the process of trying to work out how to make that tree happen in 
forest, the package that LyX's linguistics module directly supports, I 
concluded that I will need to use the "draw" functionality. But I 
can't work out how to make the \draw commands work inside the tree 
insets. I tried to follow an example from the forest manual (number 
(21) on p. 9 of this,, 
and realized that there is no obvious way to pass options in the 
\begin{forest}  ... \end{forest} space beyond those that pertain to 
nodes (i.e., appear inside the [ ] brackets). The options just get 
ignored, or else prevent the PDF from being compiled.

Things I've tried:

1) Declaring forest overtly in the preamble and passing the whole 
\begin{forest} ...\end{forest} block as ERT. That throws errors.

2) Using the native LyX forest support, and passing options as ERT 
inside the Tree inset. I noticed in the code preview pane that the 
\draw backslash is replaced with \textbackslash. I tried replacing the 
$s$ stuff with ERT, too. The code pane preview looks correct, but the 
file does not compile, throwing a bunch of errors along the lines of 
"Package pgfkeys Error:", etc. (I assume people can reproduce these...)

Oh, also, I tried the example from the manual in TeXMaker to verify it 
wasn't some oddity of my TeX installation, and it compiled okay 
(except for the "background tree" option). It looked a lot more like 
what's in the manual than anything LyX produced (attached).

So, yeah, I have a workaround in case it can't work--I could produce 
the doc in LyX, then export to TeX and finish the lattice thing there. 
I was just hoping there was an easier way.

Linux Mint 19.1
texlive ~2017



I think you should do this in TikZ. You would not regret.

Attached is a simple setup for you get started. Compile the LaTeX file 
Fig01.tex and get the PDF of your figure first. Then, you can insert the 
PDF into your LyX file. If you want to change your figure, just compile 
the file again and LyX will do the job automatically for you.

My recommendation is: do not insert your code for figures (whether TikZ 
or not) into LyX as ERT box. Compile them separately and generate the 
figure PDF first. Then, insert the figure PDF into LyX. This will help 
you find errors and change the figures more easily without compiling 
whole LyX file. Also, it would be easier for LyX to compile the document.


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Description: Adobe PDF document



\begin{tikzpicture}[line join=round]

  (0,0) node (a) {a}
  (1,0) node (b) {b}
  (0,-1) node (c) {c}
  (1,-1) node (d) {d};
\node (e) at (1,-2) {e};
\node (f) at (1,-3) {f};
\draw (a) -- (c);
\draw (a.south) -- (d.north);
\draw (c.north) -- (b.south);
\draw (b) -- (d);
\draw (d) -- (e);
\draw (e) -- (f);


\usepackage{titling, graphicx}

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