Re: serious syllabling problem using italian

2001-12-10 Thread Giovanni Tummarello

> did latex loads italien correct??

Hi and thanks for your quick reply. By looking at the log i noticed that Latex 
did not load italian correctly although i specified it in the miktex 
I have printed my thesys anyway ... they'll have to live with wrong hypenation 
i guess.

if you know how to convince miktek to behave, let me know :)

thanks again
Giovanni Tummarello 

serious syllabling problem using italian

2001-12-10 Thread Giovanni Tummarello

Hello , i have just printed my master thesis and noticed that all the 
hiphentations are plain wrong. The problem is the syllabling which causes words 
to be split in the wrong way.

the document languge IS set as "italian" .. anything i can do to avoid this?

if there is a solution i relaly need it quick :( thanks

Giovanni Tummarello 

how to show bitmaps properly?

2001-12-07 Thread Giovanni Tummarello

Hello i have use the insert "raster image" function.. 
once i state the png file i want to include the only way i could have it show 
of reasonable dimension was using the 

-geometry XXX

parameter where XXX is usually something like 300 or 400

although the dimensions are fine, the resolution on paper is extremely bad, 
even though the images do have a good original resolution.
I believe i need to tell him not to downsample the image but just to output at 
the right DPI

Any idea?

Giovanni Tummarello 

big problem 1 - clipboard is dead

2001-12-04 Thread Giovanni Tummarello

Hi people in 5 days i'll have to turn in my thesis i am working on it when i 
finally realize that for some reason

I CANT PASTE TO or copy from lyx anymore.

Of course i havent changed anything. 

I am using lyx under windows 2000, using x-win 32  and the clipboard option 
seems allright.

Anybody heard of such problem before? i copy to the window's clipboard and then 
try to paste using the center button (wheel button ) or the "paste comamnd" in 
the menu but with no result whatsoever.

Giovanni Tummarello 

my page numbering has gone away.. this is not nice

2001-11-09 Thread Giovanni Tummarello

Hello people :) for some reason beyond my immediate understanding the "page 
numbering" of my outcoming .PS or .DVI documents has gone away. 
now i cant know how long my master thesys is nor can reach page "56" without 
going 1 by 1.

Any help or suggestion really appreciated.

Giovanni Tummarello

image ends on top of other text!

2001-09-22 Thread Giovanni Tummarello

Hello people, i have already spent quite some time on this but with no 
acceptable solution
I have a graph on EXCEL that i want to include in my lyx document.
Excel doennt directly export as eps (as some other do) so i procede by 
printing the file via the adobe reference PS printer (free from adobe) by 
selecting "EPS" as a output type .

Unfortunately this doesnt really work when imported in lyx as the resulting 
graph is actally laid on top of other text (shifted 2 inches up say..) .
GSview shows the same problem (the image appairs with a large offset to the EPS 
clipping rectangle).

To be noticed that the original excel graph is printed on  a "landscape" page.
and i am starting to believe this has something to do with the whole problem.
The only possible solution at the momney seems to be using vertical layout (not 
the landscape one) then opening GSview.. doing a PS to EPS (although its EPS 
already) this creates a correctly clipped EPS.
Since i really wanted the overall look of the graph to have a "landscape" feel 
i do one more step into this.. by copypasting the graph to a word document and 
printing that page.

I know i havent been very clear but you probably can get the sense of this 
problem. Can anyone suggest software, procedures or whatever on how to easily 
craete graphs in windows applicaitons and having them rightly imported in to 

Giovanni Tummarello

no wrap using LyxCode?

2001-09-10 Thread Giovanni Tummarello

Hi.. i have some lyxcode on my thesis and.. its not word wrapping! the long 
lines go all trough the border of the page. Its not going to look very nice 
once printed really.
Is this "normal" ?

same thing happens to 1 long url i have pasted somewhere (not lyxcode)

Thanks for any suggestion and advice.
Giovanni Tummarello

Unfortunately i think i am giving up :( Was : ReCoping and pasting tables from SPSS

2001-09-04 Thread Giovanni Tummarello

On 4 Sep 01, at 19:43, Renaud MICHEL wrote:

> Le Mardi 4 Septembre 2001 19:37, vous avez écrit :
> > No you don't need, as I understand you can output a text file where lines are
> > separated by line break and column by tabs, so if you have something that can
> > do advanced replacement (like regular expression, don't what is avaible with
> > windows 2000) you can use it to convert you tab-delimited table to a LaTeX
> > table. The replacement you need to do are - replace the tab by a & wich is the
> > character that delimit two cells in a LaTeX tabular - add \\ at the end of

Hi.. fortunately i had a linux machine handy so after some search and some long
and twisted installation i was able to convert my HTML to Tex and then Import
that into latex..

unfortunately some1 (i dont know weather its the Lyx import of the html2latex)
didnt quite appreciate the nice SPSS tables which make u se of some non basica
formatting. The result in lyx looks and feels completely awkward .. its HUGE
and there is no easy way to make it smaller ( i have tried setting the column
width but ended up in nasty word wrappings and yet a lot of unwanted blank
spaces all over.. and ended up with some error message (missing fullpage.sty ?)
yet another file not found :( i should have downloaded the 300 mb installation
of miktex i guess..)

I tried to copy paste to fix the table (whose colums are completely wrong..)
but with little or no results (if you copy some values off a table and try to
paste them outside a table you get.. nothing :)

For how sad it seems i think i am back with word 2000 which works seamlessly in
doing this kind of operations..

This opens up a question: if you leave alone the fact that lyx is free.. and
that the underlying latex is supposely bug free. why features does lyx offer
that word doesnt? (the contrary isnt really to be asked :) ) . I mean.. all the
manual is boasting about has (internal references, footnotes etc etc.. ) are
all things that have existed for at least 5 years in Word, and the equation
editor its the same (if not plain better) than the one offered in Lyx.

Really this is not meant to be polemic or anything.. but i would be rather
happy if someone offered me a good reason why does it stil lmake sense to use
it under a windows environment.

Giovanni Tummarello

Coping and pasting tables from SPSS

2001-09-04 Thread Giovanni Tummarello

Hello people, i am a student in engeneering trying to use lyx to write my 
master thesis.
Although entusiast at the beginning of the journey (leaving "Word" behind 
seemed so attractive) i am now loosing entusiasm over the inability to import 
objects (tables, graphs etc..) from other applications as well as the apparent 
impossibility to really decide where things should go.

Needless to say i am working on a windows 2000 environment.

Example.. i am using SPSS (very advanced statistical program) and it produces 
graphs and tables. Graphs i can export to EPS and therefore have them in my lyx 
document, no problems about that. but what about tables?? tables dont offer the 
"export to eps" option and there seem to be no way to include them in lyx 
without COMPLETELY REWRITING THEM (which is not an option since i have several 
tables filled with values). Of course if i open Word .. all i have to do is a 
copy/paste sequence and the table appairs in that environmanent as well. .ready 
to be nicely included. 

I have tried alternative approaches.. SPSS offers me to save the table in "text 
mode" which is simply a ASCII formatted table assuming font is NON 
proportional. Needless to say LYX's "no double space, no tab, no double enter" 
basic rule is preventing this to work in any way. I have tried to use "LYX 
CODE" style which i understood as being more liberal about this but the results 
are still awkward.

printing the table to a fake postcript printer and then importing it might do 
the trick. but then i have serious problem "cutting" the resulting eps file 
which always has the dimensions of a damn a4 file and therefore the table shows 
an enourmous and (to my knowledge) unavoidable blank space. (Since , of course, 
there is no "crop" option in lyx. 

Should I abandon and go back to Word? 

hoping not, i ask for your advice.

P.S what about that !H in the float placement dialog that doesent really work??
if i say i REALLY mean it (using the ! )i would expect the whole thing to work 
so that if i write In this table :
I can se that etc.. it would work.
Then why need a float since i want it RIGHT THERE? easy.. a float seem to be 
the only way to number a table so that i can later refer to it as table X. 

Giovanni Tummarello