
2000-04-28 Thread Klaus Blaschek

I've just finished my thesis - 'Back contact silicon solar cells' - and
printed two copies for my profs and the presentation copy for the
library :-). 
Special thanks goes to the LyX user list which helped me a lot in using
this fantastic program and to create a nice looking thesis.

Thanks again,


Klaus Blaschek
LS Bucher - Universitaet Konstanz
Jacob-Burckhard-Str. 25  - 78464 Konstanz
Tel: +49 07531 / 882088 - Fax: 883895

Re: Various problems with lyx

2000-03-20 Thread Klaus Blaschek

Hi again!

> for the introduction use the chapter* style or any other one, wich does
> not apper in the toc and add
> \addcontentsline{toc}{section}{Introduction}
This works great, but I have another problem, too. I use the default fancy
style for my headings and get 'Table of Contents' as heading (and not
'Introduction') in my Introduction. Any hints?

> Add 'titlepage' as in the 'extra options' field of Layout->Document.
I've tried this, but it adds a horizontal line at the top of the page and
the page number '1' at the bottom :-(.

> maybe you can do it easier:
> Start your document with \frontmatter .
Unfortunately I get an error (sorry, I don't know the exact error message
anymore) as I inserted the Latex command at the beginning of the document
(before the toc).

Thanks in advance for your help,


Klaus Blaschek
LS Bucher - Universitaet Konstanz
Jacob-Burckhard-Str. 25  - 78464 Konstanz
Tel: +49 07531 / 882088 - Fax: 883895

Re: Various problems with lyx

2000-03-18 Thread Klaus Blaschek

Thanks for your really fast and useful help!

Regards, Klaus

Various problems with lyx

2000-03-17 Thread Klaus Blaschek

Hi everybody,

actually I'm writing my thesis. Only 2 weeks to go ;-)! Therefore I'd be
glad if you could help out me with some problems:

- My title page and an empty sheet should appear before the TOC. (yeah, I
know I could print them out separately, but I have to transform the ps into
a pdf file for releasing the thesis on the web.)
- There will be an introduction after the TOC before starting with the first
chapter. The problem is, that I have to use the chapter style because I want
the introduction to be in the TOC. But then the first chapter is now the
second chapter and so on ... .
- I have to append a thanks at the end of the document, that means after the
bibliography. My problem is that lyx thinks that I want to add another
citation entry if I try to write something at the end of the document.

Thanks in advance for your help!

Regards, Klaus

Klaus Blaschek
LS Bucher - Universitaet Konstanz
Jacob-Burckhard-Str. 25  - 78464 Konstanz
Tel: +49 07531 / 882088 - Fax: 883895

Re: Small greek letters in roman style?

2000-02-10 Thread Klaus Blaschek

> it's a LaTeX-convention that the small greek letters are only possible
> in mathmode and this means italic. Only capital greek letters are in
> roman.
Is there perhaps a workaround? Imho physicists can't hardly live without a
small greek \mu in roman style ;-).


Small greek letters in roman style?

2000-02-10 Thread Klaus Blaschek


does anybody know how to get small greek letters in roman style in LyX? I
especially need the small \mu in order to use for units, e.g. 10 mikrometer
(physical units are written in roman style, not in italic style like

Thanks in advance,


How do I use \usepackage{ngerman}?

2000-02-03 Thread Klaus Blaschek


I'm pretty new to LyX and would like to know how to use
\usepackage{ngerman} in the LyX environment? Is it set automatically
when I check 'german' in the 'layout - document - language' box. I'm
asking this because I had to insert the TeX Command \setlanguage{german}
at the beginning of my LyX document in order to get the german words for
chapter, bibliography etc. in my .ps file.

Thanks in advance,


Klaus Blaschek
LS Bucher - Universitaet Konstanz
Jacob-Burckhard-Str. 25  - 78464 Konstanz
Tel: +49 07531 / 882088 - Fax: 883895