Re: navigation trouble with 'include' documents

2018-11-19 Thread Majzoub, Eric
I wasn't able to reproduce it by reconstructing new documents, so I started
removing things from the broken document. It turned out that removing the
bibliography at the end of the master document and re-inserting a new one
solved the problem. I have copied the tail end of the before and after files
to see the small difference. I will post these to the bug 11381 I created.
Here is the diff.

$ diff before.txt after.txt 
< options "bibtotoc,plain"
> options "unsrt"


On Mon, 2018-11-19 at 11:30 -0500, Richard Kimberly Heck wrote:
> On 11/18/18 10:47 PM, Majzoub, Eric wrote:
> > Hello,
> > 
> > I'm not sure if this is a LyX bug or if I'm not using 'include' documents
> > correctly. I have attached a screen shot. The document has about 10
> > sections.
> > Two of the sections are stand alone .lyx files that I have 'included' in
> > the
> > master document. The first stand alone section has its own reference
> > section
> > in a branch that I have turned off (so it doesn't conflict with the master
> > document reference section). When I go to navigate it shows only the first
> > section heading, and then the branch that is deactivated. When mousing
> > over
> > the deactivated branch it shows the rest of the navigation headings. Have
> > I
> > done something wrong, or is this a bug?
> It looks like a bug. Do you think you could produce a small set of test
> files that show this problem, create a bug report at,
> and attach those files?
> Riki

Re: build particular release version from git

2018-10-20 Thread Majzoub, Eric
Thank you for the information. I will continue to build from the 2.3.x
branch. -Eric

On Fri, 2018-10-19 at 23:48 -0400, Richard Kimberly Heck wrote:
> On 10/19/18 6:57 PM, Majzoub, Eric wrote:
> > Hello,
> > 
> > Two questions:
> > 
> > 1. I have been building Lyx from the git repository and choosing a
> > particular branch, (e.g. git checkout 2.3.x). But when a release is
> > made I would like to build the released version from git, and not
> > the
> > new commits that have been made to the branch. How do I check out a
> > particular release version to build from?
> The releases are always tagged with the version number. (Use "git
> tag"
> to see all the tags.) You can check these out the same way you would
> check out a branch, e.g., "git checkout 2.3.1".
> For what it's worth, I always use 2.3.x (or whatever stable currently
> is) for actual work. Then I get the latest bug fixes (though on the
> other side also any regressions that may have been introduced). Of
> course, that's partly because I'm a developer, but it's VERY helpful
> to
> us if people use (and so test) 2.3.x.
> > 2. What are the "staging" branches? e.g. 2.3.1-staging,  2.3.2-
> > staging, 
> > etc.
> They were branches used to collect commits intended for e.g. 2.3.1
> before 2.3.0 was released. I should delete them.
> Riki

build particular release version from git

2018-10-19 Thread Majzoub, Eric

Two questions:

1. I have been building Lyx from the git repository and choosing a
particular branch, (e.g. git checkout 2.3.x). But when a release is
made I would like to build the released version from git, and not the
new commits that have been made to the branch. How do I check out a
particular release version to build from?

2. What are the "staging" branches? e.g. 2.3.1-staging,  2.3.2-staging, 

Many thanks for any advice.