Re: BibTeX references and several bibfiles

2003-11-20 Thread Oscar Lpez
Wolfgang Engelmann wrote:
I use several .bib-files in the BibTeX references at the end of my document. 
They are all quite large (beyond 1000 entries each). Some references are 
listed in two or more of the bibfiles and have the same marks (e.g. AMC+99). 

Does somebody know, how a particular reference is searched for if it is found 
in let's say bib1.bib and bib2.bib and bib5.bib? According to the sequence in 
the  BibTeX data bank (which is, let's say 1,2,3,4,5)? 

What is the best way to extract the cited references only and put them in a 
new .bib- file which can be read by pybliographic? 

Sorry that this is slightly off topic, but I was encouraged by recent requests 
re bibliography.
I am using Lyx version 1.3.2
I don't know if somebody mentioned it, but what about bibtool? I've used 
it and I found it extremely useful,

more particularly
Best wishes
User hostile.

Re: BibTeX references and several bibfiles

2003-11-20 Thread Oscar Lpez
Wolfgang Engelmann wrote:
I use several .bib-files in the BibTeX references at the end of my document. 
They are all quite large (beyond 1000 entries each). Some references are 
listed in two or more of the bibfiles and have the same marks (e.g. AMC+99). 

Does somebody know, how a particular reference is searched for if it is found 
in let's say bib1.bib and bib2.bib and bib5.bib? According to the sequence in 
the  BibTeX data bank (which is, let's say 1,2,3,4,5)? 

What is the best way to extract the cited references only and put them in a 
new .bib- file which can be read by pybliographic? 

Sorry that this is slightly off topic, but I was encouraged by recent requests 
re bibliography.
I am using Lyx version 1.3.2
I don't know if somebody mentioned it, but what about bibtool? I've used 
it and I found it extremely useful,

more particularly
Best wishes
User hostile.

Could be gloss package supported ?

2003-06-23 Thread Oscar Lpez
Hello lyxers

IIRC few days ago someone asked for a glossary support. I quickly 
checked the archives and it seemed to me that nobody hasn't point out a 
gloss based solution. Sorry if someone did it.

As far as my knowledge is concerned one of the most useful packages 
regarding glossaries is gloss. This package uses bibtex to generate the 
entries in the same way that a bibliography does.

Attached to this message you can find an example of a lyx file using 
gloss, glossary.lyx, and gloss-bibtex-like database of symbols, 
example_gloss. The sequence of commands to obtain the glossary is:

lyx --export latex glossary.lyx
latex glossary
bibtex glossary % to generate the bibliography
bibtex glossary.gls % to generate the glossary
latex glossary
I'd like to take advantage of this message to ask developers for a 
proper support of this package. IMHO it is only needed a menu entry 
completely analogous to Insert-List and TOC - BibTeX Reference ...
but with GlossTeX, some latex commands to the preamble and that lyx 
takes care of the execution of bibtex $1.gls when a GlossTeX Reference 
is inserted. I always thought that this can not be very difficult 
however I could be completely wrong, so sorry if this is not the case.

Hope at least someone could benefit of the advantages of gloss.
Best wishes
Make me look like LINDA RONSTADT again!!
#LyX 1.3 created this file. For more info see
\lyxformat 221
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% This file was created by ./math2bib
% (c) 1999 by Jose Luis Dias and Javier Bezos.
% All Rights Reserved.
% This file is part of the gloss distribution release 1.4
% ---
@string{alphasort   = 01}
@string{betasort= 02}
@string{gammasort   = 03}
@string{deltasort   = 04}
@string{epsilonsort = 05}
@string{zetasort= 06}
@string{etasort = 07}
@string{thetasort   = 08}
@string{iotasort= 09}
@string{kappasort   = 10}
@string{lambdasort  = 11}
@string{musort  = 12}
@string{nusort  = 13}
@string{xisort  = 14}
@string{omicronsort = 15}
@string{pisort  = 16}
@string{rhosort = 17}
@string{sigmasort   = 18}
@string{tausort = 19}
@string{upsilonsort = 20}
@string{phisort = 21}
@string{chisort = 22}
@string{psisort = 23}
@string{omegasort   = 24}

% ---
% Subscripts group=B
% ---
  word= $ an $ ,

  word= $ \alpha $ ,
  definition={Aging rate},

  word= $ d $ ,

  word= $ i $ ,

  word= $ m $ ,

  word= $ p $ ,

  word= $ r $ ,

  word= $ s $ ,
  definition={Saturation conditions},

% ---
% Superscripts group=C
% ---

  word= $ e $ ,
  definition={Element quantity},

% ---
% Symbols group=S
% ---

  definition={ Ahnysteretic magnetization shape parameter },

  definition={ Domain interaction parameter },

  definition={ Cross section },

  definition={ Stress },


Could be gloss package supported ?

2003-06-23 Thread Oscar Lpez
Hello lyxers

IIRC few days ago someone asked for a glossary support. I quickly 
checked the archives and it seemed to me that nobody hasn't point out a 
gloss based solution. Sorry if someone did it.

As far as my knowledge is concerned one of the most useful packages 
regarding glossaries is gloss. This package uses bibtex to generate the 
entries in the same way that a bibliography does.

Attached to this message you can find an example of a lyx file using 
gloss, glossary.lyx, and gloss-bibtex-like database of symbols, 
example_gloss. The sequence of commands to obtain the glossary is:

lyx --export latex glossary.lyx
latex glossary
bibtex glossary % to generate the bibliography
bibtex glossary.gls % to generate the glossary
latex glossary
I'd like to take advantage of this message to ask developers for a 
proper support of this package. IMHO it is only needed a menu entry 
completely analogous to Insert-List and TOC - BibTeX Reference ...
but with GlossTeX, some latex commands to the preamble and that lyx 
takes care of the execution of bibtex $1.gls when a GlossTeX Reference 
is inserted. I always thought that this can not be very difficult 
however I could be completely wrong, so sorry if this is not the case.

Hope at least someone could benefit of the advantages of gloss.
Best wishes
Make me look like LINDA RONSTADT again!!
#LyX 1.3 created this file. For more info see
\lyxformat 221
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\language english
\inputencoding iso88595
\fontscheme times
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\float_placement !htpb
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\use_amsmath 1
\use_natbib 0
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\paperorientation portrait
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% This file was created by ./math2bib
% (c) 1999 by Jose Luis Dias and Javier Bezos.
% All Rights Reserved.
% This file is part of the gloss distribution release 1.4
% ---
@string{alphasort   = 01}
@string{betasort= 02}
@string{gammasort   = 03}
@string{deltasort   = 04}
@string{epsilonsort = 05}
@string{zetasort= 06}
@string{etasort = 07}
@string{thetasort   = 08}
@string{iotasort= 09}
@string{kappasort   = 10}
@string{lambdasort  = 11}
@string{musort  = 12}
@string{nusort  = 13}
@string{xisort  = 14}
@string{omicronsort = 15}
@string{pisort  = 16}
@string{rhosort = 17}
@string{sigmasort   = 18}
@string{tausort = 19}
@string{upsilonsort = 20}
@string{phisort = 21}
@string{chisort = 22}
@string{psisort = 23}
@string{omegasort   = 24}

% ---
% Subscripts group=B
% ---
  word= $ an $ ,

  word= $ \alpha $ ,
  definition={Aging rate},

  word= $ d $ ,

  word= $ i $ ,

  word= $ m $ ,

  word= $ p $ ,

  word= $ r $ ,

  word= $ s $ ,
  definition={Saturation conditions},

% ---
% Superscripts group=C
% ---

  word= $ e $ ,
  definition={Element quantity},

% ---
% Symbols group=S
% ---

  definition={ Ahnysteretic magnetization shape parameter },

  definition={ Domain interaction parameter },

  definition={ Cross section },

  definition={ Stress },


Re: problem with metapost files

2003-01-21 Thread Oscar Lpez
Matej Cepl wrote:

Well, \lambda is OK on my computer, because I have configured
properly GhostScript (see pdf file on Unpack the attached
tarball (of course, I assume that you are with real operating
system which supports links not M$ crap), and then set up an
environment variable GS_LIB to point to that directory (in
~/.profile, ~/.bash_profile, ~/.zshenv, /etc/profile, etc. --
check with set | less, that it is really set). Then open your
file with

   gs 21 | tee foo.log

in xterm and you should see messages of ghostscript loading
appropriate fonts. If there is anything wrong, send me foo.log.

Now it seems to work properly!!! Several questions, though:

1. The definition of GS_LIB does not conflict with the default GS_LIB 
just in the case that it existe before?

2. The links are pointing to files that actually exists in my 
distribution why they weren't found by latex/dvips? I suppose that the 
point is in the definition of $GS_LIB

3 Several messages complaingin of dvips are:

This is dvips(k) 5.86e Copyright 2001 Radical Eye Software 
' TeX output 2003.01.21:1843' -
dvips: Font cmr10 used in file /home/oscar/tmp/mp/fnflm_p.0 is not in 
the mapping file.
dvips: Font cmmi10 used in file /home/oscar/tmp/mp/fnflm_p.0 is not in 
the mapping file.
dvips: Font cmmi7 used in file /home/oscar/tmp/mp/fnflm_p.0 is not in 
the mapping file.
dvips: Font cmsy10 used in file /home/oscar/tmp/mp/fnflm_p.0 is not in 
the mapping file. [1/home/oscar/tmp/mp/fnflm_p.0]

Are they important?

4. This means that I must generate every metapost file to be included in 
lyx by menas of:

mpost '\prologues :=1; input' in order to ensure that they have 
a prologues :=1; line mustn't I?

Finally I would like to thank you all your help.

   Have a nice day,

  Matej Cepl

It's NO USE ... I've gone to CLUB MED!!

Re: problem with metapost files

2003-01-21 Thread Oscar Lpez
Matej Cepl wrote:

Well, \lambda is OK on my computer, because I have configured
properly GhostScript (see pdf file on Unpack the attached
tarball (of course, I assume that you are with real operating
system which supports links not M$ crap), and then set up an
environment variable GS_LIB to point to that directory (in
~/.profile, ~/.bash_profile, ~/.zshenv, /etc/profile, etc. --
check with set | less, that it is really set). Then open your
file with

   gs 21 | tee foo.log

in xterm and you should see messages of ghostscript loading
appropriate fonts. If there is anything wrong, send me foo.log.

Now it seems to work properly!!! Several questions, though:

1. The definition of GS_LIB does not conflict with the default GS_LIB 
just in the case that it existe before?

2. The links are pointing to files that actually exists in my 
distribution why they weren't found by latex/dvips? I suppose that the 
point is in the definition of $GS_LIB

3 Several messages complaingin of dvips are:

This is dvips(k) 5.86e Copyright 2001 Radical Eye Software 
' TeX output 2003.01.21:1843' -
dvips: Font cmr10 used in file /home/oscar/tmp/mp/fnflm_p.0 is not in 
the mapping file.
dvips: Font cmmi10 used in file /home/oscar/tmp/mp/fnflm_p.0 is not in 
the mapping file.
dvips: Font cmmi7 used in file /home/oscar/tmp/mp/fnflm_p.0 is not in 
the mapping file.
dvips: Font cmsy10 used in file /home/oscar/tmp/mp/fnflm_p.0 is not in 
the mapping file. [1/home/oscar/tmp/mp/fnflm_p.0]

Are they important?

4. This means that I must generate every metapost file to be included in 
lyx by menas of:

mpost '\prologues :=1; input' in order to ensure that they have 
a prologues :=1; line mustn't I?

Finally I would like to thank you all your help.

   Have a nice day,

  Matej Cepl

It's NO USE ... I've gone to CLUB MED!!

problem with metapost files

2003-01-20 Thread Oscar Lpez
Hello lyxers

I have recently upgraded to lyx-1.2.3 from lyx -1.1.6fix4 and I am 
experiencing some problems with the inclusion of graphic files. I am 
trying to include the output of metapost files, let's say fnflm.0 and 
when I try to view the postscript lyx says that:

No information for converting from 0 to eps

which is annoying because the fnflm.0 is and almost ready eps file, 
there is no need to convert from 0 to eps because includegraphics is 
able to read *.0 files. In fact old version of lyx were able to do that.
BTW with the new version, am i obliged to especify every graphic 
conversion to eps format?

Then an error occur, saying something like:

Latex file fnflm not found
could not locate the files with any of these extensions .eps,, 
.eps.gz, .ps.gz, eps.Z

it seems that lyx skipped the 0 extension, Why?

The funniest thing is that if I export the file to latex and run latex 
on it the result is correct. Moreover the 0 extension is not deleted by 
lyx.and therefore latex can find the metapost file.

What can i do? Am i missing something important?

Thank you for all your help
Best wishes
Roman Polanski makes his own blood.  He's smart -- that's why his 
movies work.
-- A brilliant director at Frank's Place

problem with metapost files

2003-01-20 Thread Oscar Lpez
Hello lyxers

I have recently upgraded to lyx-1.2.3 from lyx -1.1.6fix4 and I am 
experiencing some problems with the inclusion of graphic files. I am 
trying to include the output of metapost files, let's say fnflm.0 and 
when I try to view the postscript lyx says that:

No information for converting from 0 to eps

which is annoying because the fnflm.0 is and almost ready eps file, 
there is no need to convert from 0 to eps because includegraphics is 
able to read *.0 files. In fact old version of lyx were able to do that.
BTW with the new version, am i obliged to especify every graphic 
conversion to eps format?

Then an error occur, saying something like:

Latex file fnflm not found
could not locate the files with any of these extensions .eps,, 
.eps.gz, .ps.gz, eps.Z

it seems that lyx skipped the 0 extension, Why?

The funniest thing is that if I export the file to latex and run latex 
on it the result is correct. Moreover the 0 extension is not deleted by 
lyx.and therefore latex can find the metapost file.

What can i do? Am i missing something important?

Thank you for all your help
Best wishes
Roman Polanski makes his own blood.  He's smart -- that's why his 
movies work.
-- A brilliant director at Frank's Place

Re: \include file with tex2pdf

2003-01-13 Thread Oscar Lpez
Dipl.-Ing. Peßenhofer Werner wrote:

When I use View-pdftex (tex2pdf) (I changed the convert command in the 
preferences), then I get only the original data of the master document 
without the included contents.

It seems a tex2pdf problem, did you try to export the master document 
from lyx to latex and then run tex2pdf on the master document?

There exists a tex2pdf list, please could you sent this to 

specifying tex2pdf version and if it is possible a minimal example 
showing this behavior

AFAIK tex2pdf handles properly included documents, so we need more 
information in order to solve your problem.

Hope it helps
Best wishes
Theorem: a cat has nine tails.
	No cat has eight tails. A cat has one tail more than no cat.
	Therefore, a cat has nine tails.

Re: \include file with tex2pdf

2003-01-13 Thread Oscar Lpez
Dipl.-Ing. Peßenhofer Werner wrote:

When I use View-pdftex (tex2pdf) (I changed the convert command in the 
preferences), then I get only the original data of the master document 
without the included contents.

It seems a tex2pdf problem, did you try to export the master document 
from lyx to latex and then run tex2pdf on the master document?

There exists a tex2pdf list, please could you sent this to 

specifying tex2pdf version and if it is possible a minimal example 
showing this behavior

AFAIK tex2pdf handles properly included documents, so we need more 
information in order to solve your problem.

Hope it helps
Best wishes
Theorem: a cat has nine tails.
	No cat has eight tails. A cat has one tail more than no cat.
	Therefore, a cat has nine tails.