can i just upgrade from 2.3.7 to 2.3.8 without any loss of data/files and etc...?

2024-05-24 Thread matan guedj
I have the  2.3.7 with many files with specific configurations (like
Hebrew, special colors, special macros, shortcuts, packages, etc...) if I
just download the newer version will it be a seamless transition? or is it
more involved than that?
I also wonder if it's worth it at all as the changes seem very minor, and
not something I've used.
lyx-users mailing list

preview of ert environment inside a table cell has weird bounds

2024-05-08 Thread matan guedj
In using the latest version of LyX (2.3.7) when I insert an ERT environment
inside a preview, and all of that inside a table cell the output on the lyx
file takes a huge part of the page-length preview of the ERT inside LyX file
 (I can't fit it all in the screen)

the code inside ERT environment 

but the compiled file actually handles it correctly as you can see in the
pic here the compiled output 

is there a way to ensure that the preview inside the lyx document itself
will also be bounded to a certain size. just for ease of readability inside
the LyX document itself.

thanks in advance.
lyx-users mailing list

centering all ert environments in document

2024-05-04 Thread matan guedj
I have multiple ert environments in a lyx document I also put each inside a
preview environment so that the rendered output is aligned to the left, I
want to have it such that all the ert (inside preview) are aligned to the
center, I imagine it's doable with some commands in the preamble but I
couldn't find out how.
thanks in advance for the help.
lyx-users mailing list

how to add this shortcut?

2024-05-04 Thread matan guedj
I want to add a shortcut that will open a preview environment and inside it
opens an ert environment and "insert-preview insert-ert" and
"\insert-preview \insert-ert" aren't working, so I don't know if it's a
syntax error or something more fundamental here.
thanks in advance!
lyx-users mailing list

Questions about an Idea for a feature in LyX

2024-05-02 Thread matan guedj
I don't really know how the mail listing works, new to the concept.
I've had a few questions revolving around an idea recently trying to teach
myself pgfplots.
I'm fairly new to LyX and LaTeX in general (started using both in January)
and I'm also no programmer but I wanted to add a new feature to LyX of a
plotting tool.
What I'm thinking of is on the math bar or some other bar, add a plot icon
that will open a window with all the parameters for the mostly used plots
(2D/3D, Cartesian/polar/spherical..., scatter/bars/pie..., parametric
curves or surfaces, implicit functions, vector fields, and more).
I'm still learning pgfplots but it follows a fairly simple and well defined
formula for most of the plots so it most likely can be automated.
And now it opens some questions:

1. Is there a way I can start work on it as a personal project (I
specifically want it to be a personal thing, to see if I'm capable of this,
and also it can't look bad on the resume), and when I believe it's done and
an acceptable feature, present it to the developers and implement it for
the next version?

2. I also thought that the output on the LyX document itself would be a new
environment (like the math environment) that can render those plots
directly into LyX document without the need to compile the document to
check if the plot is what you really wanted, so how do I create such an

P.s. I'm probably coming of as an over enthusiastic guy with a goal beyond
it's current reach but I want to see to it, with no deadlines and anything
just the joy of creating a good feature.

Thanks in advance for the help!
I hope this finds the right people haha
lyx-users mailing list