Re: Adding exteranally-created index

2023-07-24 Thread Herbert Voss

Am 24.07.23 um 14:47 schrieb Rich Shepard:

On Mon, 24 Jul 2023, Herbert Voss wrote:

Rich you can use a tabular in the title but LyX doesn't take the
surrounding fontsize into account. Only a problem for the LyX view.

I did not use a table, but the multicol packae to create two columns.

I meant a tabular for the chapter title eith a subtitle in smaller fontsize


I'll remove that effort and go through each main and sub heading 

the index command for each one. For concepts that are not specific words,
I'll find a word on that page to mark, then change the text to the 

rather than the word.

I suppose there are too few books created using LyX to justify 
time for incorporating an externally-created index as a professional 

would do. These professionals use any one of three proprietary indexing
tools that are very expensive but provide publishers with an index to 
add to

non-fiction books.



lyx-users mailing list

Re: Adding exteranally-created index

2023-07-24 Thread Rich Shepard

On Mon, 24 Jul 2023, Herbert Voss wrote:

Rich you can use a tabular in the title but LyX doesn't take the
surrounding fontsize into account. Only a problem for the LyX view.


I did not use a table, but the multicol packae to create two columns.

I'll remove that effort and go through each main and sub heading inserting
the index command for each one. For concepts that are not specific words,
I'll find a word on that page to mark, then change the text to the concept
rather than the word.

I suppose there are too few books created using LyX to justify development
time for incorporating an externally-created index as a professional indexer
would do. These professionals use any one of three proprietary indexing
tools that are very expensive but provide publishers with an index to add to
non-fiction books.


lyx-users mailing list

Re: Adding exteranally-created index

2023-07-23 Thread Herbert Voss

Am 22.07.23 um 17:18 schrieb Rich Shepard:

On Fri, 21 Jul 2023, Rich Shepard wrote:

I've created an index externally and it has abbreviations and terms not
necessarily in the text body but could be what a reader seeks to 
find. Is
there a way for me to add the index? Perhaps by manually adding a 

unnumbered chapter after the bibliography?

I made an unnumbered chapter (Index) after the bibliography and use two
small spaces (Ctrl-spacebar) to inset subheadings. But, continuation 
are not inset and I would like your advice on how to make a 


Rich you can use a tabular in the title but LyX doesn't take
the surrounding fontsize into account. Only a problem for
the LyX view.

lyx-users mailing list

Re: Adding exteranally-created index

2023-07-22 Thread Rich Shepard

On Fri, 21 Jul 2023, Rich Shepard wrote:

I've created an index externally and it has abbreviations and terms not
necessarily in the text body but could be what a reader seeks to find. Is
there a way for me to add the index? Perhaps by manually adding a 2-column
unnumbered chapter after the bibliography?

I made an unnumbered chapter (Index) after the bibliography and use two
small spaces (Ctrl-spacebar) to inset subheadings. But, continuation lines
are not inset and I would like your advice on how to make a cleaner-looking

A MWE (.lyx and .pdf) are attached.


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\begin_layout Chapter*

\begin_layout Standard
\begin_inset ERT
status open

\begin_layout Plain Layout




\begin_layout Standard
anthropogenic, 1--3, 5, 60

\begin_layout Standard
aquatic biota

\begin_layout Standard
\begin_inset space ~

\begin_inset space ~

to set, xxii

\begin_layout Standard
aquatic life

\begin_layout Standard
\begin_inset space ~

\begin_inset space ~

to set xxii, 2;

\begin_layout Standard
beneficial uses, xxii, 5, 10-11, 61

\begin_layout Standard
benthic macroinvertebrates, 6, 8

\begin_layout Standard
biotic indices, xxi, 7, 9--10

\begin_layout Standard
Biotic Integrity Index, (see biotic indices)

\begin_layout Standard
biplots, 75--76

\begin_layout Standard
Burns Creek, 20, 31, 33--34, 49

\begin_layout Standard
regression model, 111--114

\begin_layout Standard
summary statistics, 86

\begin_layout Standard
California Creek, 20, 43

\begin_layout Standard
CoDA (compsitional data analysis), 62, 70--72

\begin_layout Standard
diversity indicies, xxi, 7, 9--10

\begin_layout Standard

\begin_layout Standard
\begin_inset space ~

\begin_inset space ~

complexity, 1

\begin_layout Standard
\begin_inset space ~

\begin_inset space ~

functions, 8--9

\begin_layout Standard
\begin_inset space ~

\begin_inset space ~

structure, 9--11, 63

\begin_layout Standard
energy flow (see ecosystem functions)

\begin_layout Standard
explanatory variables, 6, 61 

Adding exteranally-created index

2023-07-21 Thread Rich Shepard

A book index can contain more than words found in the body; for example,
concepts that are not single words but might well be what a reader seeks
from the index.

I've created an index externally and it has abbreviations and terms not
necessarily in the text body but could be what a reader seeks to find. Is
there a way for me to add the index? Perhaps by manually adding a 2-column
unnumbered chapter after the bibliography?


lyx-users mailing list