"Hi all,

I'll relate this to you, because it might happen to you...

I use scripts to personalize and compile my eBooks for each order. I
upgraded from Ubuntu 11.10 to Xubuntu 12.10, and one of my books broke.
A little investigation showed that it got to .dvi OK, but then things
went south. Eventually I narrowed it down to a failure in makeindex.

It turns out that now texmf changed so that it defaults to openout_any =
p, which precludes running makeindex on an absolute filename. If you
look around the net, you'll see people suggesting changing openout_any
in texmf.conf, but that's a bad idea for security reasons. Security is
the reason they've adopted the new default.

I finally found the right way to do it. Just before the call to
makeindex, I added these two lines:


In hindsight, an even better way might have been:

TEXMFOUTPUT=/absolute/path/to/temp/files   makeindex

So, if your scripts start breaking and you suspect they're failing on
makeindex, and you get an error message saying something about
"openout_any is p", try what I did and it just might fix it.


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