Re: Need KOMA-Script scrbook help

2023-06-21 Thread Daniel

On 2023-06-16 22:08, Rich Shepard wrote:

On Fri, 16 Jun 2023, Herbert Voss wrote:

Your mainmatter is inside  the paragraph layout for quotation. Use
standard and everything will be fine.

I am suitably embarrassed for not seeing this; I assumed it was in a
standard environment and didn't check. Mea culpa!

Hopefully, such problems will be avoided in a future version of LyX. 
Alas not in 2.4.



lyx-users mailing list

Re: Need KOMA-Script scrbook help

2023-06-16 Thread Rich Shepard

On Fri, 16 Jun 2023, Rich Shepard wrote:

I am suitably embarrassed for not seeing this; I assumed it was in a
standard environment and didn't check. Mea culpa!


There are still chapter header and ToC issues (no chapter numbers in the
header or ToC). I'll wait until I finish reformatting the book before
addressing layout issues.

Carpe weekend,

lyx-users mailing list

Re: Need KOMA-Script scrbook help

2023-06-16 Thread Rich Shepard

On Fri, 16 Jun 2023, Herbert Voss wrote:

your first \addcontensline in ERT is superflous, The preface is in the TOC
by default as long as it is a numbered chapter.


I thought so, but didn't see it in the ToC

Your mainmatter is inside  the paragraph layout for quotation. Use
standard and everything will be fine.

I am suitably embarrassed for not seeing this; I assumed it was in a
standard environment and didn't check. Mea culpa!

Many thanks,


lyx-users mailing list

Re: Need KOMA-Script scrbook help

2023-06-16 Thread Herbert Voss

Am 16.06.23 um 21:20 schrieb Rich Shepard:

Environment: lyx-, TL2023.

I've been using KOMA-Script report, article, and letter2 classes for 

and all work flawlessly.

After examining available LaTeX frameworks for a book I'm converting 
from a

monograph I've settled on the KOMA-Script book class; and I've read the
scrguideen.pdf Part I. But, it's not working as expected. If there's a 

appropriate source for KOMA-Script help please point me to it.

The minimal (non)working example .lyx and .tex files are attached.

Problem 1: \mainmatter is enclosed in \begin{quote} and \end{quote}. I 

see why. \frontmatter isn't and \backmatter in the book itself aren't so


your first \addcontensline in ERT is superflous, The preface is in the 
TOC by default
as long as it is a numbered chapter.  Your mainmatter is inside  the 
paragraph layout for

quotation. Use standard and everything will be fine.

Problem 2: When I try to compile the mwe.lyx using pdflatex it fails 
with an
error involving 'data' which is not present. The book from which the 
mwe was

extracted has no problems producing a PDF using pdflatex.

I have no problem with your example. LyX 2.4.0 Beta2 which should be no
difference to


lyx-users mailing list

Need KOMA-Script scrbook help

2023-06-16 Thread Rich Shepard

Environment: lyx-, TL2023.

I've been using KOMA-Script report, article, and letter2 classes for years
and all work flawlessly.

After examining available LaTeX frameworks for a book I'm converting from a
monograph I've settled on the KOMA-Script book class; and I've read the
scrguideen.pdf Part I. But, it's not working as expected. If there's a more
appropriate source for KOMA-Script help please point me to it.

The minimal (non)working example .lyx and .tex files are attached.

Problem 1: \mainmatter is enclosed in \begin{quote} and \end{quote}. I don't
see why. \frontmatter isn't and \backmatter in the book itself aren't so

Problem 2: When I try to compile the mwe.lyx using pdflatex it fails with an
error involving 'data' which is not present. The book from which the mwe was
extracted has no problems producing a PDF using pdflatex.


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lyx-users mailing list