Re: Footnote problem with 1.20

2002-05-09 Thread Herbert Voss

Max Bian wrote:

> The problem is fixed. After reviewing the changes you made in the files, 
> I guess it was a problem with the citation references in the footnote.
> It is quite surprising because I have put references in foot in other 
> articles (1.16fix4 and earlier versions) and I don't remember any case I 
> need to use "\protect...".

depends to document-class.

in General you can't have footnotes in moving arguments

like titles, floats,... You have to use \markfootnote.



Re: Footnote problem with 1.20

2002-05-09 Thread Max Bian

The problem is fixed. After reviewing the changes you made in the files, 
I guess it was a problem with the citation references in the footnote.

It is quite surprising because I have put references in foot in other 
articles (1.16fix4 and earlier versions) and I don't remember any case I 
need to use "\protect...".

Thank you for the help!


Herbert Voss wrote:
> Max Bian wrote:
>> The attached files contain one lyx file showing a footnote problem.  
>> The .tex file is the exported latex.
>> I noticed that some codes are inserted:
>> %% LyX specific LaTeX commands.
>> \providecommand{\LyX}{L\kern-.1667em\lower.25em\hbox{Y}\kern-.125emX\@}
>> %% Special footnote code from the package 'stblftnt.sty'
>> %% Author: Robin Fairbairns -- Last revised Dec 13 1996
>> \let\SF@@footnote\footnote
>> \def\footnote{\ifx\protect\@typeset@protect
>> \expandafter\SF@@footnote
>>   \else
>> \expandafter\SF@gobble@opt
>>   \fi
>> }
>> \expandafter\def\csname SF@gobble@opt \endcsname{\@ifnextchar[%]
>>   \SF@gobble@twobracket
>>   \@gobble
>> }
>> \edef\SF@gobble@opt{\noexpand\protect
>>   \expandafter\noexpand\csname SF@gobble@opt \endcsname}
>> \def\SF@gobble@twobracket[#1]#2{}
>> %% User specified LaTeX commands.
>> This code (from lyx_sty.C) seems causing problem.  Five error boxes 
>> popup regarding this code.
> what happens with the attached file?
> Herbert

Re: Footnote problem with 1.20

2002-05-09 Thread Herbert Voss

Max Bian wrote:

> The attached files contain one lyx file showing a footnote problem.  The 
> .tex file is the exported latex.
> I noticed that some codes are inserted:
> %% LyX specific LaTeX commands.
> \providecommand{\LyX}{L\kern-.1667em\lower.25em\hbox{Y}\kern-.125emX\@}
> %% Special footnote code from the package 'stblftnt.sty'
> %% Author: Robin Fairbairns -- Last revised Dec 13 1996
> \let\SF@@footnote\footnote
> \def\footnote{\ifx\protect\@typeset@protect
> \expandafter\SF@@footnote
>   \else
> \expandafter\SF@gobble@opt
>   \fi
> }
> \expandafter\def\csname SF@gobble@opt \endcsname{\@ifnextchar[%]
>   \SF@gobble@twobracket
>   \@gobble
> }
> \edef\SF@gobble@opt{\noexpand\protect
>   \expandafter\noexpand\csname SF@gobble@opt \endcsname}
> \def\SF@gobble@twobracket[#1]#2{}
> %% User specified LaTeX commands.
> This code (from lyx_sty.C) seems causing problem.  Five error boxes 
> popup regarding this code.

what happens with the attached file?



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\begin_inset ERT
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\layout Chapter

The new technology What is the problem?
\layout Subsection

What is the problem? 
\begin_inset ERT
status Collapsed

\layout Standard


\layout Standard

\begin_inset ERT
status Collapsed

\layout Standard

cite{Polymer_elp} and 

Dielectric constant (
\begin_inset Formula $\kappa $

) is one of the electrical properties of.
\layout Standard

\begin_inset ERT
status Collapsed

\layout Standard




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