In the recent past I have made similar inquiries, but they received no response. After I was very nicely pointed out by your colleagues what I could improve on my questions to you - thank you very much! - I would like to make my request again. My request today completely replaces my older requests!
I have now made two MWEs by radically deleting the text in the LYX file and emptying the preamble as much as possible.
Both MWEs contain the same text and only differ in terms of the index processor.
There are sections A, B and a footnote (F) in the document. The three keywords should have the lowercase letter a, b or f after the page number in the subject index, depending on which of the three sections (A, B, F) they are placed in.
  • MWE1 uses the index processor texindy. The associated PDF file shows that a German DUDEN order according to DIN5007-1 can be created in the subject register, just as I would like it to be. The three keywords appear, but without a page number. This is not surprising, since the macros in the preamble were also tailored for the index processor Makeindex (but not by me - I am not familiar with it).
  • MWE2 uses the Makeindex index processor in the following way:
    • Document > Settings > Index: Standard
    • Preamble:
      \ usepackage [makeidx]
      \ makeindex [-g]

      The subject index is completely missing in the associated PDF file.
Now to my concern:
  • The subject index should be classified according to DIN5007-1 and
  • some specially marked keywords should have a lower case letter after the page number.
As long as that is achieved, it doesn't matter which index processor I use.
Some data about my work environment:
  • OS
    Edition: Windows 10 Home
    Version: 21H1
    Installed on: 11.‎03.‎2021
    OS build: 19043.1237
    Services: Windows Feature Experience Pack 120.2212.3530.0
  • LYX
    LyX (2020-12-29)
    CMake Build

    System directory: C:\Program Files\LyX 2.3\Resources\
    User directory: ~\AppData\Roaming\LyX2.3\
    Qt-Version (Laufzeit): 5.15.2
    Qt-Version (bei Erstellung): 5.15.2

Attachment: MWE1.lyx
Description: application/lyx

Attachment: MWE1.pdf
Description: Adobe PDF document

Attachment: MWE2.lyx
Description: application/lyx

Attachment: MWE2.pdf
Description: Adobe PDF document

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