noweb book chapter include problem. How about external material strategy?

2008-03-19 Thread Paul Johnson
I've asked before, but have new enthusiasm because I just learned
about the ExternalMaterial handling in lyx-1.5.4.

I succeed using NoWeb strategy in LyX to interact with the statistics
program R.  There has been some posting about that in here lately by
other people doing it too and I see Gregor has updated the Wiki:

Now I'm writing a book and want to include some of those Noweb
articles as chapters.  I create the book master document and try to
include the lyx files, but when I view the book in lyx, the included
documents are not put through the Noweb processor.  They just appear
in the output as they are in the lyx file.  They don't get sent
through the Lyx- LaTeX (via noweb) step. I've tried many variations
on this theme.

Now I'm thinking that the LyX  Insert-File-Lyx Document was the
wrong approach from the start.  Instead, I think what I need is
Insert-file-external material where the external material is
customized for this type of document.  But I need help in making it

Here's why I think it might work. I noticed a neat thing LyX does that
I did not know about before.

An Xfig drawing can be included in 2 ways into LyX.

1. Insert- graphics

Choose the fig file, then LyX will process the fig file and it will
show as a graphic.  The processing lyx does to the fig file translates
it to postscript, I think.  It just treats the fig file as a picture.

2. Insert-File-External Material.

This does something different.  It will decipher LaTeX markup in text
in the fig file. (I think it is doing the 2 parts export to EPS
format, if you know what i mean).   If you put LaTeX text in your
file, and you marked it with the special attribute, then LyX will
process that xfig file to convert the LaTeX markup and fit it into
the graphic.  So in the xfig file, you can put in text like $\alpha$
and in the output, you see the Greek alpha.  Note this is different
from the Insert-graphics approach, where the literal string
$\alpha$ appears.

Seeing this external handling made me wonder, why doesn't one of the
smart guys who knows LyX inside and out design a Noweb handler for
External Material.  The converter specified in LyX preferences to go
from he noweb format Sweave to LaTeX is

.R CMD Sweave $$i

So, If I want to include a lyx file, I need some way to tell Lyx it
needs that post processing, and that's  why the external material
thing seems just right.

If one of you would do it for me, it would be great.  More likely, you
will tell me what manual to read about writing external material
handlers in LyX.  That would be good too, but requiring more work :)


Paul E. Johnson
Professor, Political Science
1541 Lilac Lane, Room 504
University of Kansas

noweb book chapter include problem. How about external material strategy?

2008-03-19 Thread Paul Johnson
I've asked before, but have new enthusiasm because I just learned
about the ExternalMaterial handling in lyx-1.5.4.

I succeed using NoWeb strategy in LyX to interact with the statistics
program R.  There has been some posting about that in here lately by
other people doing it too and I see Gregor has updated the Wiki:

Now I'm writing a book and want to include some of those Noweb
articles as chapters.  I create the book master document and try to
include the lyx files, but when I view the book in lyx, the included
documents are not put through the Noweb processor.  They just appear
in the output as they are in the lyx file.  They don't get sent
through the Lyx- LaTeX (via noweb) step. I've tried many variations
on this theme.

Now I'm thinking that the LyX  Insert-File-Lyx Document was the
wrong approach from the start.  Instead, I think what I need is
Insert-file-external material where the external material is
customized for this type of document.  But I need help in making it

Here's why I think it might work. I noticed a neat thing LyX does that
I did not know about before.

An Xfig drawing can be included in 2 ways into LyX.

1. Insert- graphics

Choose the fig file, then LyX will process the fig file and it will
show as a graphic.  The processing lyx does to the fig file translates
it to postscript, I think.  It just treats the fig file as a picture.

2. Insert-File-External Material.

This does something different.  It will decipher LaTeX markup in text
in the fig file. (I think it is doing the 2 parts export to EPS
format, if you know what i mean).   If you put LaTeX text in your
file, and you marked it with the special attribute, then LyX will
process that xfig file to convert the LaTeX markup and fit it into
the graphic.  So in the xfig file, you can put in text like $\alpha$
and in the output, you see the Greek alpha.  Note this is different
from the Insert-graphics approach, where the literal string
$\alpha$ appears.

Seeing this external handling made me wonder, why doesn't one of the
smart guys who knows LyX inside and out design a Noweb handler for
External Material.  The converter specified in LyX preferences to go
from he noweb format Sweave to LaTeX is

.R CMD Sweave $$i

So, If I want to include a lyx file, I need some way to tell Lyx it
needs that post processing, and that's  why the external material
thing seems just right.

If one of you would do it for me, it would be great.  More likely, you
will tell me what manual to read about writing external material
handlers in LyX.  That would be good too, but requiring more work :)


Paul E. Johnson
Professor, Political Science
1541 Lilac Lane, Room 504
University of Kansas

noweb book chapter include problem. How about "external material" strategy?

2008-03-19 Thread Paul Johnson
I've asked before, but have new enthusiasm because I just learned
about the ExternalMaterial handling in lyx-1.5.4.

I succeed using NoWeb strategy in LyX to interact with the statistics
program R.  There has been some posting about that in here lately by
other people doing it too and I see Gregor has updated the Wiki:

Now I'm writing a book and want to include some of those Noweb
articles as chapters.  I create the book master document and try to
include the lyx files, but when I view the book in lyx, the included
documents are not put through the Noweb processor.  They just appear
in the output as they are in the lyx file.  They don't get sent
through the Lyx-> LaTeX (via noweb) step. I've tried many variations
on this theme.

Now I'm thinking that the LyX  Insert->File->Lyx Document was the
wrong approach from the start.  Instead, I think what I need is
Insert->file->external material where the external material is
customized for this type of document.  But I need help in making it

Here's why I think it might work. I noticed a neat thing LyX does that
I did not know about before.

An Xfig drawing can be included in 2 ways into LyX.

1. Insert-> graphics

Choose the fig file, then LyX will process the fig file and it will
show as a graphic.  The processing lyx does to the fig file translates
it to postscript, I think.  It just treats the fig file as a picture.

2. Insert->File->External Material.

This does something different.  It will decipher LaTeX markup in text
in the fig file. (I think it is doing the 2 parts export to EPS
format, if you know what i mean).   If you put LaTeX text in your
file, and you marked it with the "special" attribute, then LyX will
"process" that xfig file to convert the LaTeX markup and fit it into
the graphic.  So in the xfig file, you can put in text like $\alpha$
and in the output, you see the Greek alpha.  Note this is different
from the Insert->graphics approach, where the literal string
"$\alpha$" appears.

Seeing this external handling made me wonder, why doesn't one of the
smart guys who knows LyX inside and out design a "Noweb" handler for
External Material.  The converter specified in LyX preferences to go
from he noweb format "Sweave" to LaTeX is

.R CMD Sweave $$i

So, If I want to include a lyx file, I need some way to tell Lyx it
needs that post processing, and that's  why the external material
thing seems just right.

If one of you would do it for me, it would be great.  More likely, you
will tell me what manual to read about writing external material
handlers in LyX.  That would be good too, but requiring more work :)


Paul E. Johnson
Professor, Political Science
1541 Lilac Lane, Room 504
University of Kansas