Question re bib file

2022-07-07 Thread Wolfgang Engelmann

I have a larger bib file for a book, for which a lyx file run spits this 

[7580]> ERROR - BibTeX subsystem: 
/tmp/biber_tmp_SWLO/d7dc170ec507816e85d64326c042e07e_4336.utf8, line 
7118, syntax error: found ",", expected one of: number, name (entry 
type, key, field, or macro name), end of entry ("}" or ")") or quoted 
string ({...} or "...")

even if I reduce the lyx file to just one reference and using the large 
bib file. There is no Bibliography output in the pdf and the citation is 
not as expected, but a bold author name.

If I, however, use a minimal bib file with just this one citation, it 
works fine.

For me this looks like lyx goes through the (large) bib file, finds 
something which it does not like and does not build a correct pdf 
output, although it could if it would use from the (large) bib file only 
this one reference.

Is this correct? And could it be changed so that one is not forced to 
check the whole bib file for possible errors before submitting it to the 
lyx file?

I use Debian bullseye and
lyx Version 2.4.0dev (not released yet)
Built from git commit hash 53ed3dc0
Qt Version (run-time): 5.15.2 on platform xcb
Qt Version (compile-time): 5.15.2
Python detected: python3 -tt

lyx-users mailing list

Re: Packages: actuarialsymbol, actuarialangle

2022-07-07 Thread Daniel

On 07/07/2022 02:19, William Szuch wrote:


I am new to LaTex/MiKTeX and Lyx.

I have loaded MiKTeX and LyX 2.3.61

I have also installed the packages:



in MiKTeX to create actuarial symbols.

How do I use these packages in LyX?

eg: \actsymbol{A}{x}


*_Bill _*

Hi Bill,

If you want to use a package that is not internally supported by LyX, 
you have to add it manually in the preamble and put the desired command 
into a TeX Code inset (aka ERT).

Add the package to the preamble:
1. Select "Settings" in the "Document" menu which opens the "Document 
Settings" dialog.

2. In the dialog, select "LaTeX Preamble" on the left side and put


3. Press "OK" in the dialog.

Put the command into a TeX Code inset:
1. Put the cursor where you want to add the command in your document.
2. Insert "TeX Code" from the "Insert" menu (there is also a shortcut 
indicated next to the menu which allows you to do this quicker).

3. In TeX Code inset (red box) add your command, e.g. \actsymbol{A}{x}.


lyx-users mailing list

Re: Adding footnote to table cell

2022-07-07 Thread Herbert Voss

Am 07.07.22 um 09:02 schrieb Daniel:

On 06/07/2022 20:42, Rich Shepard wrote:

When I add a footnote to a table cell the compiled page has the footnote
number in the cell, but the text is not at the bottom of the page.

Placing the footnote at the end of the subsection heading immediately 

the 2-cell table also doesn't work as intended.

Is there a work-around for either position of a footnote?

Works for me (attached). If I misunderstood you, could you explain how?

for section a.o. you should use the "shorttitle" option and place the
footnote only in the "longtitle". Otherwise you'll get _two_ footnotes
if you use a table of contents.

lyx-users mailing list

Re: Question re bib file

2022-07-07 Thread Herbert Voss

Am 07.07.22 um 09:55 schrieb Wolfgang Engelmann:

I have a larger bib file for a book, for which a lyx file run spits 
this warning

[7580]> ERROR - BibTeX subsystem: 
/tmp/biber_tmp_SWLO/d7dc170ec507816e85d64326c042e07e_4336.utf8, line 
7118, syntax error: found ",", expected one of: number, name (entry 
type, key, field, or macro name), end of entry ("}" or ")") or quoted 
string ({...} or "...")


your bib datafile has a syntax error which is detected at line 7118 by biber
It looks like something as

foo = ,


lyx-users mailing list

Re: Adding footnote to table cell

2022-07-07 Thread Daniel

On 06/07/2022 20:42, Rich Shepard wrote:

When I add a footnote to a table cell the compiled page has the footnote
number in the cell, but the text is not at the bottom of the page.

Placing the footnote at the end of the subsection heading immediately above
the 2-cell table also doesn't work as intended.

Is there a work-around for either position of a footnote?



Hi Rich,

Works for me (attached). If I misunderstood you, could you explain how?


Description: application/lyx
lyx-users mailing list

Re: Question re bib file

2022-07-07 Thread Wolfgang Engelmann

Am 07.07.22 um 18:17 schrieb Herbert Voss:

Am 07.07.22 um 18:06 schrieb Wolfgang Engelmann:

Am 07.07.22 um 10:12 schrieb Herbert Voss:

I have in the meantime started to check the bib file (I am using 
jabref) thoroughly and collect the references used in my document in a 
separate lyx file which has almost no text, and I set it to 'all 
references'. Frequent runs (e.g. after having checked all references 
with A..., then B...) of the pdf output show me whether 
errors/warnings are given. I know that I can in Jabref use 
Quality>check_integrity, but that did not disclose critical errors.

run in a terminal

|biber --tool -V .bib|


cool! Did not know that.
I used
biber --tool -V my.bib > mybib.txt

I must now try to learn more about this tool

lyx-users mailing list

Re: Adding footnote to table cell

2022-07-07 Thread Rich Shepard

On Thu, 7 Jul 2022, Herbert Voss wrote:

works only for tabulars _not_ inside an floating environment table


Interesting: it added the footnote but changed the format of the table from
horizontal to vertical (and removed two border lines). And, pdflatex
complained about the date on the first page, an ERT box with \today inside.

Two attached figures:
1. The table in LyX.
2. The table in the compiled .pdf

I do want to learn how to add a tabular cell footnote without borking the
PDF output.



lyx-users mailing list

Re: Adding footnote to table cell

2022-07-07 Thread Daniel

On 07/07/2022 10:42, Herbert Voss wrote:

Am 07.07.22 um 09:02 schrieb Daniel:

On 06/07/2022 20:42, Rich Shepard wrote:

When I add a footnote to a table cell the compiled page has the footnote
number in the cell, but the text is not at the bottom of the page.

Placing the footnote at the end of the subsection heading immediately 

the 2-cell table also doesn't work as intended.

Is there a work-around for either position of a footnote?

Works for me (attached). If I misunderstood you, could you explain how?

for section a.o. you should use the "shorttitle" option and place the
footnote only in the "longtitle". Otherwise you'll get _two_ footnotes
if you use a table of contents.


It is still unclear to me what the OP's problem was.


lyx-users mailing list

Re: Question re bib file

2022-07-07 Thread Herbert Voss

Am 07.07.22 um 18:06 schrieb Wolfgang Engelmann:

Am 07.07.22 um 10:12 schrieb Herbert Voss:

I have in the meantime started to check the bib file (I am using 
jabref) thoroughly and collect the references used in my document in a 
separate lyx file which has almost no text, and I set it to 'all 
references'. Frequent runs (e.g. after having checked all references 
with A..., then B...) of the pdf output show me whether 
errors/warnings are given. I know that I can in Jabref use 
Quality>check_integrity, but that did not disclose critical errors.

run in a terminal

|biber --tool -V .bib|

lyx-users mailing list

Re: Question re bib file

2022-07-07 Thread Wolfgang Engelmann

Am 07.07.22 um 10:12 schrieb Herbert Voss:

Am 07.07.22 um 09:55 schrieb Wolfgang Engelmann:

I have a larger bib file for a book, for which a lyx file run spits 
this warning

[7580]> ERROR - BibTeX subsystem: 
/tmp/biber_tmp_SWLO/d7dc170ec507816e85d64326c042e07e_4336.utf8, line 
7118, syntax error: found ",", expected one of: number, name (entry 
type, key, field, or macro name), end of entry ("}" or ")") or quoted 
string ({...} or "...")


your bib datafile has a syntax error which is detected at line 7118 by 

It looks like something as

foo = ,


Thanks, Herbert,

yes, I could change that, but there are probably still many more errors 
left after that.

Therefore my question.

I have in the meantime started to check the bib file (I am using jabref) 
thoroughly and collect the references used in my document in a separate 
lyx file which has almost no text, and I set it to 'all references'. 
Frequent runs (e.g. after having checked all references with A..., then 
B...) of the pdf output show me whether errors/warnings are given. I 
know that I can in Jabref use Quality>check_integrity, but that did not 
disclose critical errors.

lyx-users mailing list

Extend the visible area of the text

2022-07-07 Thread tush via lyx-users
Is it possible to extend to the bottom of the visible area where one types the 
At least, a bit lower than just to the bottom of the text (LyX's default)?

To clarify my question, here is in image with an explanation. 
lyx-users mailing list

Re: Adding footnote to table cell [RESOLVED]

2022-07-07 Thread Rich Shepard

On Thu, 7 Jul 2022, Rich Shepard wrote:

Well, huh! That works. When I added it to the preamble I wondered if the
order of \usepackage{} was important, but had no idea whether it was. This
module is locaton-sensitive for some reason.

Paul, Herbert, et al.:

Changing the sequence of the \usepackage{} commands allowed the document to
compile without error. But ... while the pdflatex output showed footnote 7
in the table cell the footnote's contents were not printed at the bottom of
the page below footnote 6.

So, rather than continuing to beat on this issue I moved the footnote from
the cell to the subsbusection title end. Now it compiles without error and
the footnote content is printed.

Thanks all,

lyx-users mailing list

Re: Adding footnote to table cell

2022-07-07 Thread Paul A. Rubin

On 7/7/22 15:36, Rich Shepard wrote:

On Wed, 6 Jul 2022, Rich Shepard wrote:

When I add a footnote to a table cell the compiled page has the footnote
number in the cell, but the text is not at the bottom of the page.

Now the problem is an error in the ERT \today just under the title.

A MWE is attached.


Try moving \usepackage{ftnxtra} to the very top of the preamble. I found 
something about it conflicting with the array package, and loading 
ftnxtra first apparently solved that.


lyx-users mailing list

Re: Adding footnote to table cell [RESOLVED]

2022-07-07 Thread Rich Shepard

On Thu, 7 Jul 2022, Paul A. Rubin wrote:

Try moving \usepackage{ftnxtra} to the very top of the preamble. I found
something about it conflicting with the array package, and loading ftnxtra
first apparently solved that.


Well, huh! That works. When I added it to the preamble I wondered if the
order of \usepackage{} was important, but had no idea whether it was. This
module is locaton-sensitive for some reason.

Next time I hit strange results after adding a package to a preamble I'll
try moving its position in the list before asking for help.

Thank you very much,

lyx-users mailing list

Re: Adding footnote to table cell

2022-07-07 Thread Rich Shepard

On Wed, 6 Jul 2022, Rich Shepard wrote:

When I add a footnote to a table cell the compiled page has the footnote
number in the cell, but the text is not at the bottom of the page.

Now the problem is an error in the ERT \today just under the title.

A MWE is attached.

Rich#LyX 2.3 created this file. For more info see
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\begin_layout Title

\begin_layout Date
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\begin_layout Plain Layout




\begin_layout Subsubsection*
 Is the project located within designated/proposed bull trout or Pacific
 salmon critical habitat?

\begin_layout Standard
\align center
\begin_inset Tabular

\begin_inset Text

\begin_layout Plain Layout


\begin_inset Text

\begin_layout Plain Layout
\begin_inset ERT
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\begin_layout Plain Layout



\begin_inset Foot
status collapsed

\begin_layout Plain Layout
See section 
\begin_inset CommandInset ref
LatexCommand ref
reference "subsec  species Introduction"
plural "false"
caps "false"
noprefix "false"






\begin_inset Text

\begin_layout Plain Layout


\begin_inset Text

\begin_layout Plain Layout





\begin_layout Subsubsection*


lyx-users mailing list

An equivalent to microsot word "Show/Hide"

2022-07-07 Thread tush via lyx-users
MS Word has a useful tool called "Show/Hide". According to the documentation 
(link at the bottom),

"The Show/Hide ¶ button turns hidden characters like spaces, paragraph markers, 
or tab marks on and off."

I am looking for a similar tool or feature in LyX. Can any one point it out for 
me? I couldn't find it. 
lyx-users mailing list

Re: Adding footnote to table cell

2022-07-07 Thread Rich Shepard

On Thu, 7 Jul 2022, Daniel wrote:

Works for me (attached). If I misunderstood you, could you explain how?


When I look at the preamble for fn.lyx I see nothing; it's all blank which
makes comparison with my file difficult.


lyx-users mailing list

Re: Adding footnote to table cell

2022-07-07 Thread Daniel

On 07/07/2022 20:54, Rich Shepard wrote:

On Thu, 7 Jul 2022, Daniel wrote:

Works for me (attached). If I misunderstood you, could you explain how?


When I look at the preamble for fn.lyx I see nothing; it's all blank which
makes comparison with my file difficult.




The strange thing is that I don't see any file attached in your original 
post. Hence, I did not know what you were after. But you did attach one, 
right? I am not sure what is going on. Maybe Thunderbird is bugging.


lyx-users mailing list

Re: Adding footnote to table cell

2022-07-07 Thread Herbert Voss

Am 06.07.22 um 20:42 schrieb Rich Shepard:

When I add a footnote to a table cell the compiled page has the footnote
number in the cell, but the text is not at the bottom of the page.

Placing the footnote at the end of the subsection heading immediately 

the 2-cell table also doesn't work as intended.

Is there a work-around for either position of a footnote?


works only for tabulars _not_ inside an floating environment table

lyx-users mailing list