Definitely good to be back. :-) As to Jeff's question below... I've been
pondering the M100's usability for ham stuff, myself.  Besides the really
cool log program that brought me back here in the first place I've also
seen some guys around the web doing some pretty cool stuff.

This guy over at the retrobattlestations subreddit hooked up an M100 to a
Kantronics TNC and used it as a terminal for packet stuff:

I'm mainly interested right now in getting up and running on PSK31.  Seems
to be a lot of traffic around there.  I don't know of any way you could use
a Model T for that, though, although if there are options out there I'm
definitely open to the possibility.  I'm also interested in RTTY and I
think there might be ways to do that natively with a Model T, I just
haven't gotten to do the research yet.  I know the C64 could do it and it
didn't even have the built in telecom features the M100 has.

As to why I'd be interested in hauling my M100 out and about for logging,
other than 'because I can,' there's the battery life angle and the fact
that my laptop would be dead within an hour in the field with no AC.  There
are phone apps but I really don't like touchscreen typing.  I'm wanting to
get into low-power CW (morse code) stuff, so the actual radio and antenna
won't take up much space.

I ordered the null modem cable from Monoprice that someone listed the other
day on the M100 FaceBook group and as soon as that comes I'm going to start
transferring some of the awesome stuff from the archives onto mine to see
how it holds up.

Roger / KM4WVE

PS - Sorry for not replying back sooner; I accidentally subscribed to the
digest version of the list and just got that switched so I'll actually see
messages as they come through.

On 1/11/17 11:03 AM, Jeff Gonzales wrote:
>* anyone doing any digital stuff?  what's all the rage these days?  what
*>* about managing to still incorporate an m100?*

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