[M100] Telnet BBS

2016-05-09 Thread John Martin
Back in 1985 to 1995. I used my TRS 80 Model 100 to call up local BBS here in 
Colorado Springs, CO. But most of these BBS in my city no longer exist. Since 
1995. I do not know how to call TELNET or any BBS outside the 80906 zip code. I 
wish there was a FREE toll free 800 or 888 number. So I can use my home 
telephone land line to call a existing BBS connected to my TRS 80 Model 100.

Being 51 years old. I still live in the technology of the 1980's and 1990's.

John M.

Date: Sun, 8 May 2016 18:45:40 -0400
From: Jeff Gonzales 
To: Model 100 Discussion 
Subject: Re: [M100] telnet bbs

Content-Type: text/plain; charset="utf-8"

What software are they running?
On May 8, 2016 13:24, "Peter Vollan"  wrote:

> FYI a retro BBS called the Anarchy Underground BBS is up on
> anarchyunderground.zapto.org or just aubbs.zapto.org. They allow
> telnet connections and apparently do not allow secure shell. They seem
> to emphasize connecting with classic systems.

[M100] M100 list question

2016-05-08 Thread John Martin
I have a TRS 80 Model 100. Usually I use the BASIC application build in on the 
Model 100 to type BASIC programs and then save them on the Model 100.

There are many files in .BA at Rick Hanson's Club100 website. But I have a 
toshiba laptop running Windows 10. I download the .BA files to my laptop. The 
question I have to ask. How can I convert the .BA file saved in my download 
folder in Windows 10 to be transferred to the Model 100?

I do not want to type the .BA program in Microsoft Word and save it as a .doc 
file. I do have a cable with null modem adapter. But I do not have the 
expertise or any instructions on how to do this. I just want to know how to 
transfer a Model 100 .BA file from Windows 10 to the Model 100.

John Martin

[M100] TDock one step closer

2015-12-23 Thread John Martin
Good Job, Ken..
I can not wait till this TDock project is done and working on the M100,
M102 and TANDY 200.

John M

Ken says:
The goals of TDock:

  1.  Provide an HDMI LCD video interface for Model T (a DVI replacement).
  2.  It should work with M100, T102, T200 and PC8201.
  3.  Provide a TPDD client to USB Thumb drives or SD cards (NADSBox
  4.  Provide an interface capable of supporting networking.
  5.  Provide an interface for printing to modern printers.
  6.  While not a goal, it also provides 13 I/O pins (well 11 I/O and 2
  input only) on the pass-thru LPT port when not connected to a printer.

  The implementation in the picture is a daughter card for the Raspberry Pi
  2 B (a "Pi Hat").  It connects with the Model T parallel port for primary
  communication of video data, but also has an RS-232 port (and a BCR port).
  It also has a "pass-through" LPT connector where your old LPT printer can
  be connected.  Making TDock a Pi Hat was the simplest and cheapest
  approach, though it is not very portable and has the requirement of
  / shutting down Linux.

  My other ideas involved simple microcontrollers or FPGAs to provide HDMI /
  VGA.  They would have been more portable, but also more expensive.  The
  general theme on this list always seems to be "cheap" (though I prefer the
  word "inexpensive"), so I decided to give up portablily in favor of lower


[M100] Anyone interested in a Tandy 200?

2015-12-22 Thread John Martin
I have a Tandy 200 that use to work. I do not know what is wrong with it.
This is what it is doing. The T200 turns ON and OFF ok? The LCD screen is
OK and show the text and options. But the keyboard is not working properly.
It use to work in the past. I have not used this T200 in over 6 months.

The 4 double AA batteries leaked. But I cleaned the dry acid from the
battery posts.
I put a new internal nicad battery and it charged and holds a charge.

I would rather sell this for parts for anyone that is interested. I do not
know how to repair this and I do not want to invest any money in it. I can
email you pictures if you are interested. Make me an offer.

John M.

[M100] Tandy 200 keyboard issues

2015-12-18 Thread John Martin
Hello M100 list subscribers.

I have a Tandy 200 portable computer. It use top work fine. But after not
using it for about 6 months.
I have these problems.

1.  The batteries died and leaked acid on the battery posts.

2.  The keyboard use to work OK. But for some reason, only the left, right,
up and down arrows work and the space bar. All keys use to work before.

3.  The Tandy turns ON and OFF ok. The LCD screen is OK

4.  I did check the internal nicad battery. It is not dead.

5.  I turned OFF the memory switch on the bottom of the T200. Then turned
it back on after 1 hour later. Plugged in my AC power cord into the M100
for 2 days.

I am still having the issue with the keyboard not working properly. I check
the cable that connects from the keyboard to the mother board. It is OK and
no damage or corrosion.

I do not know what else to do. Any suggestions?

John M.

[M100] Is it possible to use USb flash drive with a Model 100

2015-11-28 Thread John Martin
I would like to have a NADSBox and REX card. But these items are expensive.

I am sure there are cheaper alternatives. If you can buy a Raspberry Pi
ranging from $5 to $35. That is very CHEAP for what it can do.


John M

 > If it made financial sense, I might consider making another run of
 > NADSBoxes, but it just doesn't.  With all the setup costs with
 > machining the enclosures, PCB fab NRE, etc., plus component costs, my
 > up-front cash expenditure the last time was $12,000, and that was
 > before selling a single NADSBox.  Sadly, while there is demand for
 > additional NADSBoxes, there doesn't seem to be *enough* demand to
 > even cover the expense of building them.

That's a real shame, Ken.  The NADSBox is amazing, and I use it all the

I recently got a REX card from Stephen Adolph and that, in combination
with the NADSbox, make my T102 a truly useful everyday tool.

I think a REX card in combination with the DeskLink TPDD emulator
running on your Window

[M100] Is it possible to use USb flash drive with a Model 100

2015-11-26 Thread John Martin

Please keep me posted. I did find mu old Radio Shack CCR-82 cassette player
/ recorder and it cables to plug into the M100. But I have to look for
documentation on how to save and load files to and from cassette player /
recorder that is plugged into my TRS 80 Mode M100.

It would be nice if some one can invent a SD card reader / writer that can
be used with the Model 100. SD cards arr cheap now days and so are the
readers / writers.

I have not used this cassette unit since the early 1990's

John M

Message: 5
Date: Thu, 26 Nov 2015 10:33:47 -0600
From: Hiraghm 
To: m100@lists.bitchin100.com
Subject: Re: [M100] Is it possible to use a USB flash drive with a
Model 100
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="utf-8"; format=flowed

I'm still working on getting my Android devices to talk to my M100 via
the BlueM module.
They talk, but I'm working on creating a service and a broadcaster which
would allow one to use the M100 as a keyboard for the Android device.

I want to learn to implement the TPDD protocol, but it doesn't look
easy. Once I do that, my ambition is still to be able to connect to your
phone via the BlueM and use it for storage w/o even taking the phone out
of your pocket (a variation on "cloud" computing...)

I'm also hoping to allow Android devices to "share" their internet
connection with the M100 as a kind of filtering proxy.
I'd love to use my M100 for twitter messages (which are limited to 140
chars, anyway). An idea I thought would be cool would be if, when
viewing a tweet with an attached image, the text would appear on the
M100s screen, and the image on the Android device's screen. Or a link
would take you to a website on the Android device while still
reading/writing tweets on the M100.

I've also got SMAUG MUD sitting on my desktop. I've been toying with the
idea of running a SMAUG-based MUD, maybe writing a custom mud client for
the M100, and maybe a graphical mud client for DOS/Win/Android/etc
Dunno if possible, but it'd be nice to be able to flow seamlessly from
using one device to using another.
The M100 client could even be semi-graphical, I think.

I still wonder what could be done with the M100 via the expansion port.
I read somewhere recently that the expansion port allows for direct
access to memory. It made me wonder if someone clever could come up with
a memory management device (small, of course) plugged into the expansion
port, allowing it to semi-automatically bank-switch the memory in a
Quad, effectively expanding the "ram" of the M100 to 128k. Or,
theoretically, using a swap file system like DOS, have virtual ram as
large as your storage allows. I confess I've almost no technical
expertise, so this could be a laughable idea. To be backwards
compatible, it'd have to be able to, on the fly, change the absolute
addressing into some kind of relative addressing and back again. Of
course, then, with DMA, it could serve not just as a MMU, but
math-coprocessor, GPU, etc, since almost any such device would be
faster/more powerful than the M100's 8085...

It's interesting, I always thought the slow screen refresh would be the
most frustrating limitation on my M100, but I'm finding that it's the
limited RAM that's more frustrating.

[M100] Is it possible to use a USB flash drive with a Model 100

2015-11-21 Thread John Martin
I was thinking if someone can use a NADSBOX or Iomega zip drive with a
Model 100 for storing files. Is it possible to use a USB 2 GB flash drive
with a USB to SERIAL adapter to plug into any M100 compatible port?

I am not a technical person, engineer or computer programmer. But I am sure
there are more and cheaper options to save files using other kinds of
hardware media.

I have website pages that show the Model 100 being used for many things.
For example: M100 using Raspberri Pi, M100 using blue tooth to control a
robot on YouTube.

Re: [M100] You have 1 new fax, document 00000864986 (Russell Flowers)

2015-11-18 Thread John Martin
I would like the m100 moderator to stop sending JUNK or SPAM that is not
related to M100. I joined M100 list. But I did not expect to get this send
to my email address.

John M.

> At 02:46 AM 11/18/2015, you wrote:
>> Any way I can unsubscribe from this list ?
>> Greetings from the TyRannoSaurus
>> Jan-80 "
>> @ work( @ @ )
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>> To: m...@list.30below.com
>> Subject: Re: You have 1 new fax, document 0864986
>> To: m...@list.30below.com
>> Subject: You have 1 new fax, document 0864986
>> From: "Interfax" 
>> 'Any way anyone can block this idiocy?
>> At 01:30 PM 11/17/2015, you wrote:
>> >You have received a new fax.
>> >
>> >Please download attached fax document.
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>> >Scan time:   47 seconds
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> Russ Oechslin, ink
> Post Office Box 676, Okoboji, Iowa 51355-0676
> 712-260-9283

[M100] Thank You M100 owners and m100 list

2015-11-16 Thread John Martin
I just wanted to say THANK YOU to all the people who contribute to the M100
list. It is nice to know that the M100, M102 and Tandy 200 are still being
used at this time. I think the M100 came out in 1985. That was 30 years ago.

John Martin

On 29/08/15 16:31, Clinton Reddekop wrote:

  Hello everyone,

  I've just put a project into the Club100 Member Upload area that I hope
  will interest some of you.  It is a z-code interpreter for playing
  version-3 Infocom games on the Model 100 + REX.  I've been playing ZORK I
  quite a bit over the last 3 weeks with no problems.

  It is here:


[M100] A z-code interpreter for the model 100

2015-11-15 Thread John Martin
Thank You for creating something that will run on a M102. I do not see to
many people now days that create programs that run on the M100, M102 or
Tandy 200.

Thank You.
John Martin

Hello everyone,
> I've just put a project into the Club100 Member Upload area that I
> hope will interest some of you.  It is a z-code interpreter for
> playing version-3 Infocom games on the Model 100 + REX.  I've been
> playing ZORK I quite a bit over the last 3 weeks with no problems.
> It is here:
> Some notes:
> * PLEASE keep your RAM backed up in REX just in case of bugs.  I'm not
> aware of any but there could be one or two or several lurking in there.
> * works with version-3 z-code files only (this covers /most/ Infocom
> games)
> * you will probably need at least 24K RAM installed in your machine
> * save files can only be written to/read from the RAM file system
> * it doesn't support non-ASCII characters yet
> * if a game fails to start, or if saving a game fails, you probably
> don't have enough free RAM
> * As-built it works with REX v4.8, and the packaging program
> z100pkg.exe is a Windows executable.  See build.txt for instructions
> to build it on Windows; modify if your needs are different.
> Thanks,
> Clint

[M100] What is the difference between the M100 and M102

2015-11-12 Thread John Martin
I have a Model 100. I wanted to know what the difference is between the
M100 and M102. Are some of the internal parts interchangeable with each
other ?

Re: [M100] Conversion of Tandy Model T characters after PC file transfer...

2015-11-10 Thread John Martin
Maybe the website owner can change Bitchin to something more appropriate.
Having the word bitch as part of a website name is lack of taste. Maybe
some ISP do not or will not access this website page. I do not know. Just
my opinion only.

From: John Gardner 
To: Model 100 Discussion 

"bitchin" was not an acceptable usage in polite society in the UK /

Commonwealth when I was a young man - Which was a long time

ago, sad to say...  :)   Mind you, I'm not complaining, but apparently

someone is, or was...

[M100] Thank You for all the people that helped me out on transfering do file to Model 100

2015-07-17 Thread John Martin
I want to Thank Fred Whitaker, Steven Ranft and Vanden Bossche Jan for
helping me out.

It is good to know that some people are willing to help others.

Thank You Again.

John M.

Today's Topics:

   1. How to convert TREK.DOC file in WORD to .BA to my TRS 80
  Model 100 (John Martin)
   2. Re: How to convert TREK.DOC file in WORD to .BA to my TRS 80
  Model 100 (Frederick Whitaker)
   3. Re: Purchase a REX module? (Steven Ranft)
   4. Re: How to convert TREK.DOC file in WORD to .BA to my TRS 80

[M100] How to convert TREK.DOC file in WORD to .BA to my TRS 80 Model 100

2015-07-16 Thread John Martin
I purchased a used TRS 80 Model 100 awhile back. I did get a BASIC language
game called TREK. But the file in WORD format with .DOC extention.

How can I change the .DOC to .BA file so I can run this on my TRS 80 Model

I am just a person trying to learn on the Model 100. I need help.

John M.

[M100] Not much activity going on with M100 list

2015-06-28 Thread John Martin
I have noticed that I am not getting the M100 list lately. Is it still
going strong?

I usually get the M100 list every few days. But Lately, it has been over 7

I hate to see the M100 list not active anymore.

John M

[M100] TRS 80 & Sharp pocket computer for SALE on EBAY

2015-06-11 Thread John Martin
TRS 80 and Sharp pocket computers for SALE on EBAY
TRS 80 Pocket Computer 4 with printer and manuals

Sharp Pocket Computer 1250A with printer

Sharp Pocket Computer 1500 with printer - Runs on 4 - double AA batteries


[M100] Selling some TRS 80 Pocket Computers on EBAY

2015-06-11 Thread John Martin
  Views / WatchersBidsPriceTime leftActions*TRS 80 Pocket Computer 4 with
printer and manuals**Buy it now*
[image: Item picture]

TRS 80 Pocket Computer 4 with printer and manuals

Shipping cost: $10.00




[image: Buy it Now and Best Offer]

+ $10.00


2d 17h
Sell similar
*Sharp Pocket Computer 1250A with printer**Buy it now*
[image: Item picture]

Sharp Pocket Computer 1250A with printer

Shipping cost: $15.00




[image: Buy it Now and Best Offer]

+ $15.00


2d 18h
Sell similar
*Sharp Pocket Computer 1500 with printer - Runs on 4 - doube AA batteries
(RARE)**Buy it now*
[image: Item picture]

Sharp Pocket Computer 1500 with printer - Runs on 4 - dou...

Shipping cost: $10.00




[image: Buy it Now and Best Offer]

+ $10.00


[M100] TRS 80 Model 100 sample running programs and other info

2015-06-06 Thread John Martin
USA Anthem performed by TRS-80 Model 100 machine

Season greetings on TRS-80 Model 100

TRS-80 Model 200 VirtualT Emulator (Windows 7)

The NEC PC-8201a (and TRS-80 Model 100)  and other computer collection


[M100] Portal of Light game for TRS-80 Model 100

2015-06-06 Thread John Martin
Portal of Light game for TRS-80 Model 100


[M100] TRS 80 Model 100 using Raspberry pi

2015-05-25 Thread John Martin
Another YOUTUBE video showing a TRS 80 Model 100 connected to Raspberry Pi


John M.

[M100] TRS 80 Model 100 connected to the internet

2015-05-25 Thread John Martin
While doing some internet searching. I found this YOUTUBE video.

It shows TRS 80 Model 100 connecting to the internet.


I am wondering if anyone else has an idea or suggestions to do this another

John M.

[M100] Can you use a Raspi with a bluetooth module board on a TRS 80 Model 100?

2015-05-22 Thread John Martin
I am HAPPY that someone is trying to do this for the TRS 80 Model 100?
I am sure it can be done. Just have to see what happens next.

John M

John, we're both on the same wavelength! I'm researching that right now!!
I'll let you know which way I go; I'm suppose to receive my Raspi tomorrow!
Sounds like a slick way to go!


[M100] Can you Raspi with a bluetooth module board on a M100

2015-05-21 Thread John Martin
I was wondering if you could use Raspi with a Bluetooth module shown in a
YOUTUBE video that showed a Model 100 controlling a WALL-E robot?

John M.

On May 20, 2015, at 10:47 AM, David Flippo  wrote:
> Being new to this forum, I'll add my 1.5 cents to the TDock discussion.
It seems, the most straight forward approach, both hardware, and software,
would be a serial to USB interface to a Raspi; the Raspi being the
emulator. The Raspi would offer all of the hardware add-ons WiFi, HDMI/
Composite display, SD, etc capability. The 100/102/200, would need a simple
serial interface program, developed to communicate through the serial
interface, to the Raspi. In effect the 100/102/200, is acting as a dump
terminal. The software for the Raspi emulator would, or might be the only
software challenge. This approach would provide a more simple portability
interface, both hardware wise, and wouldn't be limited to physical
portability also.
> Dave
I an not a technical kind of person. I do not have any engineering or
programming experience. I use to sold parts smt parts on to PC boards in
the 1990's thru 2000. Then my eyesight got bad and I wear glasses now. As I
got older, I had more health problems and can not do the things I use in
the 90's & 2000's.

It would be nice if a bunch of people could work on a project using Raspi,
Bluetooth module board and USB to work with a TRS 80 Model 100.

Here is the YOUTUBE video showing bluetooth module inside a TRS 80 Model
controlling a WALL-E with M100 keyboard. Click below to see video.


John M.

On May 20, 2015, at 9:49 AM, Ken Pettit  wrote:

Hey Mike,
I suppose you could use serial port + Bluetooth to drive an 80x25
character display.  But I wonder how slow it would be to do scrolling,
etc.  I was already worried about how slow a parallel port implementation
would be relative to a true system bus connection.  And I think the tricky
part about what you said is the word "internal" as it relates to
Bluetooth.  Most people don't want to take their machines apart and take a
soldering iron to them, myself included and I even have the skills to do it
(or at least I tell myself I do ;)

As far as the how, the SysROM has multiple RST 7 hooks for sending
characters to the LCD.  And it uses RAM variables to record the current
screen dimensions (which are initialized to 40x8).  Redirecting to anything
other than the internal LCD (i.e. DVI system bus, parallel port, serial
port, etc.) requires installing a relatively small .CO program and RST7
hooks to intercept the data going to the LCD.  And BASIC has a WIDTH
command for setting the width to either 40 or 80.  But the WIDTH command
will fail unless you have actually installed a RST7 hook to handle it.


[M100] TDock with M100

2015-05-20 Thread John Martin
When I was accessing YOUTUBE. I saw a person use TTL BLUETOOTH module
connected to a TRS 80 Model 100 controlling a WALL-E robot with M100
keyboard.  Click the below link to see what I am talking about.


John Martin

On May 20, 2015, at 9:49 AM, Ken Pettit  wrote:

Hey Mike,

I suppose you could use serial port + Bluetooth to drive an 80x25
character display.  But I wonder how slow it would be to do scrolling,
etc.  I was already worried about how slow a parallel port implementation
would be relative to a true system bus connection.  And I think the tricky
part about what you said is the word "internal" as it relates to
Bluetooth.  Most people don't want to take their machines apart and take a
soldering iron to them, myself included and I even have the skills to do it
(or at least I tell myself I do ;)

As far as the how, the SysROM has multiple RST 7 hooks for sending
characters to the LCD.  And it uses RAM variables to record the current
screen dimensions (which are initialized to 40x8).  Redirecting to anything
other than the internal LCD (i.e. DVI system bus, parallel port, serial
port, etc.) requires installing a relatively small .CO program and RST7
hooks to intercept the data going to the LCD.  And BASIC has a WIDTH
command for setting the width to either 40 or 80.  But the WIDTH command
will fail unless you have actually installed a RST7 hook to handle it.


[M100] TDock for M100

2015-05-20 Thread John Martin
I am new to this forum too. I have a TRS 80 Model 100. I use to type in
BASIC code from the Portable 100 magazines from the late 1980's to 1990's.

I love using it. But I would like it to connect to a Analog TV or Flat
screen, have wifi access to send and receive email. Also have access to
connect to a printer to print out TEXT docs and print out .BAS or .DOC
files. Then top it off with a SD card port to access and to save files onto
a standard SD card.

Is this possible or am I just dreaming knowing that this can not be done?

John Martin

On May 20, 2015, at 10:47 AM, David Flippo  wrote:
> Being new to this forum, I'll add my 1.5 cents to the TDock discussion.
It seems, the most straight forward approach, both hardware, and software,
would be a serial to USB interface to a Raspi; the Raspi being the
emulator. The Raspi would offer all of the hardware add-ons WiFi, HDMI/
Composite display, SD, etc capability. The 100/102/200, would need a simple
serial interface program, developed to communicate through the serial
interface, to the Raspi. In effect the 100/102/200, is acting as a dump
terminal. The software for the Raspi emulator would, or might be the only
software challenge. This approach would provide a more simple portability
interface, both hardware wise, and wouldn't be limited to physical
portability also.
> Dave

[M100] T Dock

2015-05-20 Thread John Martin
I would like to see a M100 connect to some kind of dock with access to wifi
or internet. Have a SD card for saving file and installing files onto the
M100. Then have a connection where you can connect a flat screen TV or
vintage analog tv for a monitor. Is this what TDock is suppose to do?

John Martin

Date: Wed, 20 May 2015 09:36:50 +
To: Model 100 Discussion 
Subject: Re: [M100] TDock

Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii"

I know, I'm replying to myself (well that's one way of getting a lot of
e-mail, isn't it? ;-)

As you can see, in 2013, J.R.Hogerhuis got a RasPi working with a TPDD

There, I already mentioned to use the other hardware I/O of the RasPi to
further emulate a DVI.

With the RasPi, you already have removable storage, connectivity and video
out in hardware.

Now you still need a connection to emulate the DVI, allowing the RasPi to
be a monitor for the Model T
- Hardware: cable from the Model 100 towards the RasPi I/O ports - and a
different one for the Model 102
- Software: The RasPi emulating the DVI, sending out video to it's HDMI or
CVBS output. Sad, no VGA :-(
- Software: maybe both on the RasPi as on the Model T: network connectivity
over the ethernet port.

I have the impression that most of the work would be software.

[M100] Raspberry Pi & LaddieAlpha working ?

2015-05-20 Thread John Martin
Do you have a website link that I can access to read more about this.

John Martin

Sent: zondag 21 juli 2013 02:39
To: Model 100 Discussion
Subject: [M100] Raspberry Pi & LaddieAlpha working!

Picked up Raspberry Pi Model B from Microcenter this morning. This is
a $40 computer, it has Composite, HDMI, sound outputs. It has 2 usb
host ports. It has an Ethernet port. It has an SD card that it boots
its operating system from and can use as storage. It gets power via a
mini usb cable.

I had every expectation that this thing would run LaddieAlpha.EXE
as-is under mono since it runs on x86 based Linux boxes. But I needed
to prove it...

Installed the Raspbian image on a SD card
Booted the Raspi with a USB keyboard and my old Magnavox "Computer
Monitor 80" green-screen I used long ago with my Color Computer 3. I
love the composite output on this gadget!
Used the raspi-config utility to change the keyboard mapping to US and
expand the image to fill the disk.
Plugged in a pl2303 based USB-Serial adapter, and a keyboard
Connected to network via ethernet
Installed mono-complete
Used wget to pull down LaddieAlpha.EXE from bitchin100.com

mono ./LaddieAlpha.EXE /dev/ttyUSB0 6

Attached a Laplink full null crossover cable, plugged to Model 100
with a gender changer shim... verified saving and loading files,
creating and changing directories with no issues.

There you have it... a working Raspberry Pi based TPDD server :-)

Note that LaddieAlpha.EXE is written in C# and compiled on Windows,
yet ran with no changes whatsover on the ARM-based Pi. Is that cool or

-- John.

[M100] What is TDock ?

2015-05-19 Thread John Martin
What is TDock ?

Date: Tue, 19 May 2015 10:50:34 -0700
From: petti...@gmail.com
To: m100@lists.bitchin100.com
Subject: [M100] TDock

Hey gang,
Bob asked about the status of TDock the other day and it made me think
about it with the very ew background cycles of spare though time that I
have.  But it made me wonder, what should be the focus of such a device?
Long battery life with WiFi and SD card access capability (along with
VGA)?  An added HDMI output and USB Host port with shorter battery life?
Added support for generic digital and /or analog I/O (DACs, ADCs, etc.)?

[M100] What printer can I use with my TRS 80 Model 100?

2015-05-19 Thread John Martin

I have no printer cable cord for the TRS 80 Model 100 what so ever.

Do you have the printer cable to go with the computer?
On Tue, May 19, 2015 at 11:35 AM, Joe Grubbs  wrote:

Any printer with a parallel (centronics) interface should suffice. Forget
getting anything new.

[M100] $350 3-D printer for making a T200 replacement battery cover

2015-05-19 Thread John Martin

Keep us posted when you have tried your new 3-D  printer.

I am not a very technical or computer programmer. I am more old school. I
fist learn BASIC back in 1983 using a Apple II computer in the high school
computer lab. Only had 2 Apple computer with green letters on monitor. 1
dot matrix printer. Before this. We had a teletype machine using to type
BASIC code and print it out on the teletype machine.

Any, keep us posted.

John Martin

Message: 6
Date: Mon, 18 May 2015 17:04:48 -0700
From: Jeff Gonzales 
To: Model 100 Discussion 
Cc: "johnjessemar...@gmail.com" 
Subject: Re: [M100] 3-D printer for $500 to make a Tandy 200 battery

Content-Type: text/plain; charset="iso-8859-1"

same company makes a $349.99 model


i just bought it and plan to try it out this week.

[M100] Any printers that I can use with my TRS 80 Model 100?

2015-05-19 Thread John Martin
I have a TRS 80 Model 100. I would like to use a printer with it. Does
anyone know what kind of printer I can use. Or id there is any compatible
printer for the TRS 80 Model 100? I am nor sure if there are printers that
will work with the M100 anymore. Any suggestions?

I am looking for a CHEAP printer not over $50. Maybe pay more if I have too.

John Martin

[M100] 3-D printer for $500 to make a Tandy 200 battery cover

2015-05-18 Thread John Martin
I was searching the internet to fond cheap 3-D printers.

This is what I found.


[M100] Can we make a new TRS 80 Model 100 and call it the TRS 80 Model 2000

2015-05-18 Thread John Martin
Hello, I am new. I was wondering if anyone has tried a Nintendo DS. it has
a touch screen, touch screen keyboard, up, down, left, right buttons, start
and menu button. It also has an SD card slot. This would be nice if someone
could put an TRS 80 Model 100 emulator or make use of this device. Just a

Click the below link to read about the Nintendo DS handhelds.


John Martin

From: M100 [mailto:m100-boun...@lists.bitchin100.com] On Behalf Of Marko
Sent: vrijdag 15 mei 2015 19:20
To: Model 100 Discussion
Subject: Re: [M100] $9 Computer

Has anyone looked the M100/102 from an IP (patent) viewpoint? Most of those
may have expired, if not all.

Just wondering how much would a 1:1 re-creation cost today. A group of
Russians(?) reverse-engineered a Nintendo GBA, so anything is possible.

The M100 keyboard and the display might be very difficult and expensive to
get manufactured today.

Maybe there is some hardware on EBAY or on the internet to build a modern
TRS 80 Model 100, but call it the TRS 80 Model 2000. This would be a good
project if it is possible to do. I am no programmer or engineer. But I love
TANDY computer and especially the Model 100, Model 102 and Model 200 which
run on 4 double AA batteries. These portable computer were ahead of their

John Martin

From: Ken Pettit 
To: Model 100 Discussion 
Subject: Re: [M100] $9 Computer

Content-Type: text/plain; charset="utf-8"

I'm pretty sure those 240x64 LCDs are only like 4-5" wide and about 1.5"
tall.  I was looking into using some to replace a client's 4 line x 20
character non-graphic display of approximately the same size.


On Mon, May 18, 2015 at 1:29 AM, VANDEN BOSSCHE JAN <
jan.vandenboss...@vivaqua.be> wrote:

> I think re-building the Model T might turn out to be more expensive than
> re-creating it with off-the-shelf components.
> (but who am I? never having build anything myself)
> As for screen, I quote myself.
> --
> Apparently, the type of display of the Model T 240x64 is still made.
> Eg. from the page
> http://www.alibaba.com/showroom/240x64-graphic-lcd-display-module.html
> ... take your pick!
> The following stands out (size, price, colour, ...)