On 21/04/18 09:29, fairbanks-john wrote:
I'm finally continuing my work on building a new gui and switching this in progress work from linuxcnc to machinekit. I'm using my ACRA milling machine as a test bed which I do need to be able to use normally while this work progresses. It runs on linuxcnc 2.8pre with gmoccapy.

The interface board between the machine is a Mesa 7i80hd board with a custom pre-reloaded and stored bit file file. Linuxcnc has no problem reading the internal programming of the Mesa board and runs mill just fine. Machine kit on the other hand appears to be a little confused as to handle the programming of the board.  This to me is strange since the driver that was developed for this board is known to very reliable. So I suspect that machine kit may read and write to this card in a slightly different manner.

There does appear to be some differences in the hm_eth driver  files used by machinekit and linuxcnc which could be causing a incompatibility issue. As I recall coping the hm_eth driver .c and .h files and recompiling causes a make to fail.

There are major differences between the hm2_eth files in Linuxcnc and those in Machinekit

At the most trivial basic level, it uses rtapi_xxx types which are just redefinitions of standard types, but sufficient to prevent compilation.
Getting past those, there are major incompatibilities.

Just a glance at hm2_eth.h, shows that there is a big hm2_eth_t struct that did not exist before.
The hm2_eth.c file is 70% larger, partly as a consequence.

Errors indicate that hm2_lowlevel_io_t has changed markedly too and within this and elsewhere, there are other functions used which only exist in Linuxcnc,
such as need_soft_reboot(), rtapi_spawn_as_root().

If your 7i80 with its custom config works with Linuxcnc, I would use use that.

Other people may be using 7i80s and be able to see why the existing driver does not like your bitfile, I don't own one, so cannot test anything.

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